Sunday, June 06, 2021

"Mr. Apocalypse Uncovers it and then Truth Reveals its Essential Character."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I am less and less inclined to talk about The World, but I have no choice. It is an intimate and critical part of the whole affair of existence. What I find gratifying, since I don't have a choice (grin) is that I can look for the connections between The Material and The Spiritual and... seek to provide a better perspective to see The World through. If I only accomplish this for myself, it is still a win, because one is made capable of demonstrating it and validating it. Everything receives the Imprimatur of Heaven, IF they are operating under the aegis of Heaven. That should sound like one of those 'duh' statements, kind of like stating the obvious. However... as obvious as it may be, it is given little attention in the Common Mind. In a partial defense of the Common Mind, we can say... the Common Mind has a lot on its plate at the moment.

We are in a full-pitched battle for the human soul and the well-being of its corporate form also. I wish to call your attention to an article that comes by way of Lasha Darkmoon and The Truthseeker. For the informed, it is mostly old news, but the man being interviewed has a clear and methodical way of advancing his claims. You get the gut instinct that he knows what he is talking about and that he is telling the truth.

I linked this because, as I was reading it, I kept flashing to Mr. Apocalypse and his associates. The deep ground is being churned, and one thing I can tell you about Mr. Apocalypse is that he dots all the i's and crosses all the t's. He is relentless and he is ingenious beyond human intelligence. He literally SEES The Big Board, The Big Picture, the comprehensive, panoramic totality of The All in One. He is a boon companion of Truth, who works in tandem with him. He uncovers it, and Truth reveals its essential character. Truth is also a living being. There is a lot of networking going on in Heaven these days. There always is, but this is one of those times (an apocalypse) where the mind of Heaven is turned more directly upon the affairs of Earth.

I should point out that this is an enormous universe. I am certain it is bigger than you think it is because none of us can think that big. The Lord God Almighty handles the whole of it, in collective and individual fashion. Earth is just one of the locations in this vast universe. However... just as when you have a cut on your finger, a boil on your hindquarters, or an itch in your nethers, it gets more attention than the other parts of your body that are not calling out for your attention as dramatically. Certain groups of people know the profit of crying out in distress, whether there is any distress or not. What do they say; “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”?

This particular methodology of making the loudest noise, to garner the greatest amount of attention is another pandemic. We now have several multiples of dueling pandemics. Of course, there is the incredible hoax of COVID. Body-Count was so important to the fabricators of the hoax that nearly everyone who died last year, did so through the agency of COVID. You need a considerable body count to close down a whole country. The regular flus have vanished. They are all COVID now. It wasn't enough to do what they did. They now threaten us with endless variants coming. As cell phone addiction proves, you can be fixed on one thing and walk right into another. Fear would be your biggest problem, I think, along with inattention.

I am astounded by the number of people who have bought into the mask hysteria, especially since it has been scientifically proven to be useless as a defense. The good news is that you were protecting yourself from something that was only a problem if you are quite old or have a compromised immune system. In that case, you are already vulnerable to all sorts of opportunistic threats. Conveniently, all of these threats became COVID.

From what I have seen so far, the predators have seriously upped the intensity of their assaults on humanity. They can feel the approach of The Light and they don't like it. It is making them reckless and inattentive to their own well-being. Sometimes when you go full attack, you forget about defense. I learned early to fight a defensive style. All attackers over-extend. Sooner or later they let their balance go and they are already in trouble if they are angry or afraid; witness Dr. Falsie in his hot-seat dilemma of the moment. Attacking people's credulous nature turns into a real detriment when the truth of your actions is revealed. Once again, Mr. Apocalypse is on the set.

There is no way to get around Mr. Apocalypse. He is the advance force for The Avatar. It has been clearly stated by a previous avatar what an avatar does;

"Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to me."

That is as clear as it needs to be for me. Others may be less sanguine. I am FULLY on board.

I am going to TRY to share something with you now. It happened this morning. I have been taking a few moments, now and then through the day, to go outside and commune with The Sun. This morning, while I was sitting there, it came into my mind, with a visceral impact, that what I was contemplating was one of the GREATEST teachers of humanity, and ALL of our avatars come here from The Sun. I realized I was in the presence of an Immortal being, a fully conscious and aware being, whose rays are channels for messages from Heaven. I flashed on other teachers I had been in the presence of and NONE OF THEM shined with the force and majesty of The Sun.

Then I became aware that The Sun was aware of me sitting there, and in that moment, he transmitted to me a series of images that had a profound effect on me. I became aware that any time I wanted to communicate with Heaven, there was the Lord of Heaven shining in the sky before me; the LITERAL source of all manifest life here. EVERYTHING here is frozen sunlight. It is all sunlight in extension. My composition can resonate to and with the composition of The Sun, and this is the essence of The Operation of the Sun, as cryptically described by Hermes Trismegistus on his Emerald Tablet.

I cannot possibly describe how REAL this all was. The Sun is not Almighty God, but he is a residence and one of the primary hosting mechanisms of Almighty God. This thrilled me to experience it. I had already started a particular routine a few days ago. I had changed the arrangement of the physical setup in my workroom-studio. It so happened that there was a space between the piano and the synthesizer and I decided to put my other chair there because I would need it there anyway to access the instruments, instead of having to move it from its usual position whenever I needed to.

This chair is my meditation chair and the place I sit while so engaged. This caused me to be sitting by the window, which The Sun shines into for about half an hour every day. I had decided to meditate in this location and discovered The Sun shining on me by accident. There are no accidents. I felt the most wonderful emotions as I sat there the first afternoon. This has evolved into the sweetest communications. I am certain of the authenticity because of the gentleness in which I am handled during the transmissions. It can't be mistaken for anything else. Well... you know when it is real, right?

These previous experiences served as a remarkable introduction to what happened this morning. Wow! There I was, seated before one of the greatest gurus of all and he is there every day. I wish I could transmit the way this impacted on me. It is almost like discovering a portal to another world.

The Sun shines on the Good and Evil without discrimination. It just shines and shines. Some fragments of the totality of it all appeared in my thoughts and it is a comfort past describing. The Sun is an aware and living creature. The Hindus call him, Lord Vivasvan. He is the present regent in Lord Surya's seat. It seems that the position is an appointed affair and the term of service is four hundred million years! Imagine that!!! Also, you can talk to him. He will hear you. The angels of The Sun are everywhere while The Sun shines. He will also answer you.

Types of communication vary depending on our capacity. Some of us hear actual statements, some get pictures and images, some get feelings. Some get all of these. This is not one of those situations where you can expect any immediate answer. It all depends on The Dress Code, and there are different sections you can go to if you have the right credentials, which in this world can mean a folded bit of currency. You also need currency in The Spiritual World. It is like the seating in one of those baroque opera houses, or a hot club where the privileged are in the VIP section. As above, so below.

The point is, if you are a regular attendee, they remember you, especially if you behave badly (grin). Once you are recognized as a regular, other customers and the in-house personnel talk to you. In some cases, the manager, or even the owner will come by to chat. You see what I am getting at here? Become a regular in the circles you desire to be in and see what happens. I can only speak from my own experience, but my experience (most certainly in present time) is very positive. There's no reason why the same should not apply to you.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

The Sun God was there during Krishna's lila too. He came as a human, as all the demigods did, and he was the father of Radha. Imagine then how radiant his daughter must be. She is the perfect divine female and even Krishna is controlled by her beauty. Even God himself.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Wonderful post to think about prior to beddy-bye.

Anonymous said...

I’m old(er)now (probably around your age Vis grin.)but the Darkmoon link brought me back in time some 35-40 years..
I had a business in NY and as time went on, I began to notice I had developed a hatred for a certain kind of people. I also noticed it was starting to consume me and it distressed me that I had that feeling in my heart. I put the business for sale as it was time anyway and moved to the rurals of NC. In time I forgot all about those people as they certainly were not coming to a town near me. I shed the hatred and felt so match better , in fact I began to recall how some of those people had actually helped me along the way in a sincere and genuine way.
Without those few I would not have been as successful as I was. So I know that of which is spoken and I agree it has merit as time as shown over and over again. However, there are some enlightened wonderful folks who are always the exception to the rule. I know you know this as well because you have mentioned that there were or are people in your life that were great exceptions. I ‘hate ‘ the actions of those who continually do works of evil for their own gain of wealth and power. In fact I think it even deeper then that. Those hateful beings that control so much of our world are after our souls. One can take that statement literally or figuratively but either way that is my intrinsic feeling. It has gone on for so long now however I feels the end is near for them. They are certainly not alone in their nefarious deeds, others have been on board as well. The GreatAwakening is upon us and Karma will be swift now. Just as it can be forgiven swiftly in these times for the sincere of heart , it can also be swift for those who refuse to see the LIght.
God Bless everyone

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"The Hardest Thing is to Just Sit Still and Await with Certitude and Conviction.

Leesa said...

The Sun, with loving light,
Makes bright for me each day
The Soul, with Spirit power,
Gives strength unto my limbs
I reverence, Oh God, the strength of Humankind
that Thou so graciously,
Hath planted in my soul
That I, with all my might,
May love to work and learn.
From Thee, streams light and strength,
To Thee, rise LOVE and THANKS.

This poem I memorised back in 1999...
Only just the other day I was sitting in the sun
And recited this.... You are spot on Vis, a magical friend
to accompany you on life's journey... I love the sun dearly



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