Tuesday, May 18, 2021

"Very Simple People have Found God, and Rained down Love and Beauty on Everyone They Met."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Everything... EVERYTHING in this life, in or out of this life, hinges on one inflexible dynamic. There is NO OTHER. You are either resistant to or serving God. That is the be-all and end-all of EVERYTHING and the whole of the story of your life; what has been, what could have been, are based on this, and how effective or ineffective you have been at it; how consistently or inconsistently you have applied yourself.

If you are ignorant of God, that is, apparently, no excuse (grin). The whole of this and every life you have and lose... is ALL about how you handled this. There is ONE component that you must possess and without which you are lame, halt, and blind. That is Love. Love is quite a bit more than an emotion you express to indicate affection. Love holds everything in the universe in its proper place. It is the primary and supreme attractor. It also dissolves everything accordingly. All the dissolving is about the melting away of the temporary, to reveal the eternal, concealed behind appearances.

These are mere words here. Something other than words can be found in them, but Understanding is required. On the Tree of Life, at the very pinnacle, is the Sephiroth, Kether. Kether is the manifest location of God Almighty and is the pure consciousness of The Divine. God, of course, is also beyond this and exists in concentrations of ever more luminous light called Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur. One can talk about these but... contemplation with the intention of Realization is the best method.

Just below Kether (The Crown), are the other two points of the first, and superior triad. They are Chokmah and Binah, which are Wisdom and Understanding. Back when we first began to talk about needing Understanding, well... this Supernal triangle shows how important it is. Wisdom and Understanding are the Father and Mother God of it all. They emerge from the incomprehensible singularity of Kether.

It is not my intention to provide blueprints of the Kabbalah, especially since the exoteric aspect, and some portion of the esoteric, has been hijacked by scoundrels. You have to find a system that appeals to you and CONTINUES to appeal to you. This is ONLY one of them. This is important because if you do not Love it, if it does not inspire you, you can expect little in the way of Understanding. Also... unless you have a tutor, a guide, you cannot understand the deeper implications. It is said that the doors of arcane wisdom are permanently shut against the Profane. Much as it may seem an arduous task to acquire it, you MUST have Purity. If you do not have Purity there are specific entities in the invisible that will assure you of a whole lot of bad highway when you meet them, as you SURELY will if you persist.

Will is a very important component of the whole, and if you have no more than a pedestrian Will, you are in for a Season in Hell. Here I should point out, as has been the case here many times, all will is borrowed from God. When it is purely channeled there is NOTHING that cannot be accomplished. When it is perverted to personal ends, it WILL conclude in tragedy.

In the book, “Zanoni”, there is a character, a painter who aspires to occult knowledge. His name is, Glyndon. Zanoni is an immortal. He has an associate that he has known for centuries whose name is, Mejnour. Please forgive me if I am not entirely precise here. It has been a while since I read it last. I usually don't recommend it to people because of the floral language that is present, most especially in the first 60 pages or so. It is a dense read to get through because it takes some time to get to the point. Most people would not be 'attracted' enough to slough through it. It is not as bad as, The Pilgrims Progress, but I know many people who never finished it and that is a shame because of what the story brings forth in a profound and beautiful way. It is one of the finest expressions of Real Love to be imagined.

The book was written by Bulwer Lytton and there is even a Bulwer Lytton Award that is given out each year for bad writing, excessive purple prose, and the like. It's kind of like The Raspberry Awards for films. I am not affected by that, myself, because I know what the intention is. At the beginning of the book, in the author's introduction, he states that the manuscript was put into his hands by a Mysterious Stranger; an implied Rosicrucian, who wrote Zanoni, and Lytton agreed to put it in order for publication; so the story goes. It is a love story of a higher-order AND... I've gone well past the point I had in mind (grin). Let me say it is a cautionary tale and that is where Glyndon surfaces as an example. As I remember, he first approached Zanoni, who wanted no part in taking him on. Perhaps he saw more deeply into the young man and noted the dangers that attended him in the form of an unstable character.

For whatever reason, Mejnour did take him on as a student. Perhaps it was Karma. I don't know, because Mejnour was a great deal more serious about the pursuit of Knowledge than was Zanoni. Love was the more compelling attraction for Zanoni. In any case, Glyndon got to fooling around one day in the laboratory, while Mejnour was away, and had a truly unfortunate experience among the beakers and clay jars. If one does read this book, one SHOULD... absolutely take into consideration what happened to Glyndon, and... what it was in Mejnour's and Zanoni's power to do in the aftermath. A VERY SERIOUS point is made. NO ONE should enter into such studies who is lacking in character and PURITY.

There is a great deal of arcane truth in the book if you can abide all the flowers crawling up the walls and place your attention on the stones of the building over which the flowers grow; perhaps even make your way inside the building itself. On the matter of higher and more profound truths, you DO NOT discover them on your own, and the PERSONAL force that drives you to do so is no friend to you. They are REVEALED to you. It DOES NOT happen any other way, not in any complete sense. Purities boon companion, and without whom Purity does not travel, is Humility. Volumes could be written on this matter, and I am neither skilled nor informed enough to do so. I can infer and suggest. I can be indirect. We treat with Cliff Notes Spirituality here, and as simply as I am inspired to present it, it is within Safe Parameters.

Let us come full circle. You EITHER serve or oppose God. There is nothing more to it. Some will say, “I don't oppose God.” Ah... but you do. Nearly all of us do until we do not. We are Rocks in the Stream that the water of God's love eventually wears away. It wears away the false self of the Personality, to reveal the Individuality, over vast reaches of time, or very quickly if you are ENERGETIC. The main problem is a lack of Determination and Consistency, which is why you MUST Love doing it. It really is hopeless otherwise.

Think of it... every situation and condition in your life is the offspring of serving or resisting God. The real Irony and true Tragedy of it all is that EVERYTHING we want is accessible through loving and serving God. Otherwise, you get The Bitter End. Nothing tastes right. The Joy takes wings and goes looking for a more suitable residence. All that is meaningful leaves, a bit at a time, and... occasionally all at once.

The World is a Hard Knocks school of learning. The blows are softer or miss entirely if you roll with the punches that turn to nudges and hunches. Once you are set, irrevocably on the right course, the ministrations of the invisible become more and more tender. Loving God is Good Judgment, whatever little you may Understand about it. Very simple people, people who could not read or write, found God and rained down beauty on all they met. Knowledge and Intelligence can be fierce obstacles to UNION with The Divine. Being told that we must become as a little child, SHOULD tell us ALL we need to know on the matter.

The purpose of these writings is to nudge and hint when it is not simple and direct. We do not go into exhaustive detail here, generally, because it is... exhaustive. Some like to chart vast cosmologies filled with intricate complexities. I see no useful purpose in this. Love God and everything will take care of itself. Any number of times, Heaven has told me, “Visible, it is not your job to fill in the blanks and handle all those peripheral matters. That is MY JOB. I take care of the details. Your job is to pay attention and direct your attention to me. Your job is to grow and spiritually evolve, as I tend you in my garden."

You either go along with the Divine Program or you have your own program. Good luck with that, and with the Purpose of Demonstration that you will INEVITABLY experience. There are Positive and Negative expressions of the Purpose of Demonstration. Do you really want to be an object lesson on what not to do?

EVERYTHING that you turn over to God, God WILL handle. Everything you claim for your own will be left for you to handle; good luck with that also. Seek to employ UTTER RELIANCE upon The Divine. You have been told this so many times by so many bonafide sources who have come and gone across the centuries. Why is it so hard to get it? This is because you have an enemy within. This enemy is potentially... your best friend. I am speaking of The Mind, that mind you consider to be a separate entity and it certainly is not. You can make it seem so, nearly everyone does, and that is how you get all these inmates who are confined in the Penitentiary of the Mind. You could, just as well- OR EVEN BETTER, be in a glorious amusement park, with a single attraction that is infinitely diversified, ever new, ever more wonderful, and forever beyond the reach of words to describe or explain.

One can talk about doing something, as most everyone does. It is often more convenient and less arduous to chatter like magpies. You don't get anywhere, but you do have plenty of company. Conversely, you can do it and not cease doing it, and you will have less time to talk about it. Leaving good footprints and being a good example speaks more loudly and with greater certitude than mere words ever could.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

I love a good challenge especially with a recommendation from Visible which says: "It is one of the finest expressions of Real Love to be imagined." Now, how can you not want to read this book?

Beautiful, inspirational post. I'll be back for seconds and to check out the comments which has taken on a life of its own.

Visible said...

Do remember what I said about it being flowery and long in the beginning and the language is from an archaic time, compared to now. He really takes his time. IF you can get into it, it's worth it for the splendor of the ideas and also for the wealth of legitimate occult teachings and lore. You REALLY get the sense that he is talking about people who actually exist on this planet, however shrouded or veiled they may be. I've met some, though I didn't know it at the time. That is what I mean by shrouded and veiled.

Yes... this place is always more entertaining when others join in and it is clear to see that many gifted and intelligent people have wound up here. That's all God's doing. I'm incidental to it all.

Visible said...

FYI... here is evidence that very bad people are doing very bad things= https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/breaking-news-urgent-connecticut-publishes-moderna-covid-vax-ingredients-deadly-poison-sm-102-not-for-human-or-veterinary-use

Meanwhile, they are threatening everyone with job loss, forbidding school attendance, along with all kinds of other threats for not conspiring with the predators to end their lives in several very painful ways.

Aggressive Truth said...

Aggressive truth
Think of it... every situation and condition in your life is the offspring of serving or resisting God. The real Irony and true Tragedy of it all is And here's the catch. God made you in his image. My goal is to give my whole life to him to die for his glory. Enoch was taken prematurely, Elijah on cherubs was taken, and Jesus was taken in the prime of life. The righteous live forever for time and time. Death for me is my salvation, why should I live among you. I am young and this is not the end of my pilgrimage. You'll die someday anyway, so why kill? You kill others just for fun, and by how you call it a higher IQ. The only way to earth is to be born, and you may leave when you die and take nothing with you except your deeds. What can a man do to me? Fear the Lord. I am 37 years old and I will tell you personally. Did you just kill innocent people? ruining the earth for your greed I only bring you a message, your life is your sandbox, and you will not avoid this truth. You will die 100%, and when you die, you will hear the same words for you or against yourself. Think for yourself, you're pretty smart. I do not exist in your world. Wiped me out for pedophiles and each of you is guilty. How for me Les I can go away now and I try do everything be someone make it and no Chang. They keeps me in windows cage how kip what have golden eggs. I can say just fuck to him and you con this is boom

robert said...

Visible One,

Thank you

We show faith, our proof of the unseen dimensions, in these times, just by walking in balance along the way before us.

We walk not alone but in balance with our brothers and sisters in varied states of awareness.

We thank our One Love when we remember we are loved to have life, no matter how painful WE have made our walk.

Everything... EVERYTHING in this life, in or out of this life, hinges on one inflexible dynamic. There is NO OTHER. You are either resistant to or serving God. That is the be-all and end-all of EVERYTHING and the whole of the story of your life; what has been, what could have been, are based on this, and how effective or ineffective you have been at it; how consistently or inconsistently you have applied yourself

If resistance to the BORG is futile, how much more futile it is to resist the One!
How stupid do we have to make ourselves to fall to the level of perception where existence on the rim of the dark hole is the highest imaginable?

The most miserable minions entreat us to join them in hell for the company, not to mention the bribery commission for every fallen soul. The perversity of the hopeless, hoping to feel better by climbing on the feelings of others crushed by cruelty!

Human beings who can still conceive of anything more than the Matrix provides, feel the gap growing between mass delusion and based reality.
But for the grace of our spirits, go all of us into the water slide into the septic tank of flushed deception.

The way of love seems hard to walk among the battlefield but what other way is there to feel One with everything, connected to everyone who ever existed?

...all will is borrowed from God. When it is purely channeled there is NOTHING that cannot be accomplished. When it is perverted to personal ends, it WILL conclude in tragedy

We fool ourselves with our will to self-destruct, automatically clearing the way for anyone with more will to live than in our possession.

Unless we borrow or put on the will of the One, we lose whatever will we have.
Perhaps a layer of the esoteric meaning of that mysterious translation of Matthew 13:12 ?

Notice how it goes with ordinary human confidence? It grows like a falling snowball, undeterred by external events, up to a point.
If we begin to lose it, what remains dribbles out more rapidly than it grew.
Reminiscent of ignorant coitus habits...

If we attempt to stand up and be in the example of the One on our own store of momentum, we are doomed to meet our limits, eventually.

In contrast, those who learn to borrow the vestment of the Will of the One, however that is done, have tapped into an unlimited flow that continues unimpaired as long as we pay our interest, not stooping to the temporary enticements of events.

A fascinating game, to dance with the Creator, instead of dancing to the tune of shots fired at our feet by the anti-creator for grim amusement!

What value do we place on a game that never ends, that anyone can play and never ceases to provide growing pains along the way?

You either go along with the Divine Program or you have your own program

How long are we satisfied with amusing ourselves, with masturbation, with fruitless fantasies?

We KNOW there is more to life than the enslaved experience!
We dared as children to dream big, though in retrospect, those big dreams were tiny snowglobes. We tasted the flow and wanted more then got diverted into fire-dancing with our own life force fountain. As our fountain falters, we realize that we had rubbed ourselves the wrong way all along.

Finally, we are ready to learn again how to be, how to be One and not a divided version of ourselves.
Every step we take in reliance on the One empowers our brothers and sisters to lighten their load and follow Love and never fear again.

Our everpresent reward is the simple feeling that we are loving more than we are fearing.
That balance can be tipped all the way over to Love by the will of the One who brung us!

Visible said...

Aggressive Truth;

I'm guessing you are half right in your choice of screen name. You need to get better translation software because of how it is understood by people who speak the language. Since you have been at this for years, it often seems to me that you are playing a game here and some of us see right through it and have for a long time. Certain things don't add up in your comments. Sometimes it's far more clear than at others and no way after ten years do you still talk like this. I know that there are a lot of people out there who think they are clever and that everyone else is stupid, but... I ASSURE YOU this is NOT THE CASE. There are some VERY smart people around who don't make it a point of grandstanding it. Really smart people know how to let those people who are grandstanding just go their way to the Purpose of Demonstration. Personally, I would tell them, if it was possible to, but they refuse to hear.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...



Haven't read the book, but I assume Glyndon had a 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' moment. I might read it. I've got 3 days a week to do so.

Anonymous said...

"EVEN BETTER, be in a glorious amusement park"

was walking in Vrindavan at night, and there were those candles floating in the river, and lights all around, and i felt like the way i felt at Disney World as a child. Such a heaven

Chinese Sneakers said...

The following paragraph was fascinating, as it explicitly raised the phenomenon of the 'The Enemy-Mind Within', for what has to be one of, if not the first time in all of your writings (at least as far as eye can recollect).

Pretty Platonic if eye may say.

And eye reckon this E.M.W. is best dealt with by using that life-changing breathing technique eye learned from you, the one where we can exhale forcefully any sort of unwelcome notion entering into the mind:

"EVERYTHING that you turn over to God, God WILL handle. Everything you claim for your own will be left for you to handle; good luck with that also. Seek to employ UTTER RELIANCE upon The Divine. You have been told this so many times by so many bonafide sources who have come and gone across the centuries. Why is it so hard to get it? This is because you have an enemy within. This enemy is potentially... your best friend. I am speaking of The Mind, that mind you consider to be a separate entity and it certainly is not. You can make it seem so, nearly everyone does, and that is how you get all these inmates who are confined in the Penitentiary of the Mind. You could, just as well- OR EVEN BETTER, be in a glorious amusement park, with a single attraction that is infinitely diversified, ever new, ever more wonderful, and forever beyond the reach of words to describe or explain"

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
Practically everywhere on the net the third person aural is used, they, without necessarily entering into who they are, these third person plurals, no need in my perception.....
More actively useful would be the first person plural, WE, as a focus of attention... even on the level of immune response, it is the 'we' for the immune cells that brings about the responses necessary for the well-being and vitality of the whole. It is the confusion between the we and they , that brings about the auto-immune states, even for those who due to empathy suffer from this confusion in the emotional world.
On the occasions that Presence of Ineffable is a direct experience in awareness of one's self, Presence of Divine Mother/Father, to try to make Ineffable, effable, the sense of WE, aun by no means even close to equals, whether nurturing as with Her presence, or sense of security with His presence, or sense of Home with presence of Both, even whilst in this five-sense construct, there is sense of WE..... an infant 'suckling' at the nutrition of Divine Mother, or infant 'carried' in Divine Father's 'hands', still, sense of WE... far from plenitude of Home, none-the-less, temporal and temporary oasis of i, alone, here, now....
Often tears flow freely, more so when the cries of others in their states of 'alone and pained' are heard.... yet, WE, is... and some part of Heart expands, grows, matures.
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug

Thomas said...

I liked Zanoni, and even found the flowery language somewhat pleasing, since it was laid on top of a solid fundation. It's a sage tale, and the ending is genuinely beautiful, I found.

The post reminded me of one George Muller of Bristol. He lived in the 19th century, and built 5 large orphanages, as well as doing other good deeds. For *ALL* his needs, he prayed to God. Even if he had just lost his keys, he prayed to God to lead him to them. His is a grand story! Through his life, he handled nearly 1,5 million pounds (a LOT in those days), and left life with only 160 pounds to his name. Everything else he had spent for the orphanages and his mission. If there was not food for the children in the morning, he would pray for it, and it would miraculously arrive later in the day. If there was no money for rent, he would pray for it, and receive it. For 68 years he kept this up! Amazing!

He is mentioned in William James' "Varieties of Religious Experience" (in this chapter: https://www.psywww.com/psyrelig/james/james14.htm - search for "George Muller of Bristol"). Here is also something about him (but the other one is better): https://www.georgemuller.org/devotional/building-for-god-and-orphans

To he who has faith... !

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"It Has To be REALLY Complex, So that the Priests and Politicians can EXPLAIN it to You."

Anonymous said...

Become like a child, or a 12 year old female resident of Vrindavan, who wanders out like a crazy person when the rasa lila comes. The material concept of self related to this body doesn't exist anymore at that point



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