Monday, May 31, 2021

"The Sun is Merely One of His Ornaments, Shining in the Sky, and Giving Witness of His Being."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It's all quiet on the Vaccine Front; not a word, not a peep today. Outside of the public eye, but not entirely so, there is another revolutionary storm building. Legislators and concerned citizens are beating the bushes in their respective states and uncovering authenticated fraud in the past election. At some point, these legal briefs will find their way to court. How quickly that happens depends on the world situation and how bad the trouble gets in the streets. It could then be that the election results are overturned in critical states, and once the ball starts rolling... well, I don't know, do I? No... I don't.

What I can say with a degree of certitude, is that we are in for an electrical storm field of thought instability around the world. This is a result of the pressing insanity of runaway Materialism. A disconnect is appearing in vulnerable minds. If you are not rooted in something real, the winds of change can blow you right out of your socks, whether you wear any or not.

At present, The World is being intimidated by specters. These are large shadow shapes born from manipulated imaginations. They loom over the populace. One is a virus, several are social and political forces. Fear adds substance and dimension to their form. Negative emotions are POWERFUL and when guided by stronger minds of ill intent they can be fatal. Just because they are insubstantial wraiths, does not mean they cannot become corporate in appearance for the weak and timid.

A film producer was fired in England over ANONYMOUS emails that accused him of sexual intimidation, grooming, all the lesser offenses when they don't have much to begin with. A number of women, (or maybe even only one person who isn't female) who were promised stardom didn't get it and Hell hath no fury, etc. Then, the main actor, who was in a series called “Afterlife” Ricky Gervais said, with manufactured shock, “I didn't know!” He was Shocked and Appalled; why... I never. He said the proper authorities had it in hand and they would take care of it. Then he washed his hands entirely of the fellow. Oh brave and stalwart heart, Ricky!

I don't know that this guy was not a sleaze. Given the business he is in, he's probably culpable, of... from what I can see, being a sleaze. Isn't that one of the costs of admission? You give up your integrity and honor for sham and pretense? I thought that was understood. This is not the critical issue. The critical issue is that they are anonymous. It could be anyone who made the complaint about events some years in the past.

This is what happened during the witch hysteria and in The French Revolution. If you wanted what someone had, or you were jealous of them, or they had offended you in the past, you accused them under the panic of the times. Then they were hanged, or burned, or lost their heads. This also happened during The Inquisition. We are watching the germination of the same mindsets of those times. Political Correctness is an offspring of Bolshevism.

All of the nonsenses of Gender, and color, and religions, and political positions, devoid of thought, as all of them are, are perspectives that are groomed into the human psyche by those who get enjoyment from doing so. They also get wealth and power. They get whatever it is that they want from the display cases of life. The Usual Suspects are at it again. Their ambitions have been long in the planning stages and now they are full bore into the application of them. Their foolishness makes me laugh, though their works do not. ALL POWER is borrowed from The Divine. So they think to lead an assault on The Sun? The Divine is many, many magnitudes of power greater than The Sun, which is merely one of his ornaments shining in the sky and giving witness of his being.

The absolute absurdity of material aspirations continues to astound me. I'm guessing when you don't get it, you don't get it. Much of the time, they do not want to get it because that puts an end to all of their vain imaginings.

I see events every day that leave me in awe of the ignorance it took to bring them off, and then the backstory which attends them, mocks them, and leaves them stripped of all justification to follow. People are celebrated for a day, a week, a month, a few years, until their sell-by date appears. This is followed by the agony of trying to appear relevant, especially when you were not relevant in the first place. Sooner or later, it is supermarket openings and appearances at Off-Broadway charity functions as a keynote speaker. It's one thing to be an alcoholic or a junkie. It is another thing entirely to be a power addict. The utter futility takes my breath away.

It changes your world when you begin to discover how The Ineffable penetrates and contains everything; is the life current itself in every temporary, ambient form. To KNOW that God is consciously resident everywhere... well; what can you say about it? There is another futility for you, with a more positive aspect.

They are systematically, like locusts and mind vermin, devouring the landscape. They are tearing at the foundations of all the principles that make sanity and stability possible. Heh heh... little do they understand that they are only a wrecking crew for appearances. They are a mere demolition crew. Once they have finished, the heavy equipment comes with the builders of the new foundations of the Ageless Principals.

Crazy people are destroyed by their own madness, just as the divinely inspired are nurtured by theirs. God is a secret spring in the human heart. One is fed by it. One listens for it within. After a time you can hear it flowing. With time and patience, you will find your way to The Water.

I should tell you that Immortality and many other curious metaphysical phenomena MOST DEFINITELY exist. One can come into the possession of this, and many other curious metaphysical phenomena without even looking for it, should you be looking for something else that comes with it. The ways of the hidden cosmos are Byzantine, labyrinthine, and confusing to those who have made themselves unwelcome. You don't get past the door wardens without a pass. In many cases, your pass will let you into certain places but not to others. The nature and appearance of your pass, changes as you change. After a time, your pass is woven into your being. You have become self-evident.

Something is brewing. Something is ALWAYS brewing, in Heaven, and all points South. The plots vary extremely, depending on the objective of the plot. Most plots make Heaven laugh because they are so self-serving. It is far better to embrace a plot already tested by time and circumstance.

And so... we have yet more to do here, but we will leave off with what I have to say and include some Bhagavad Gita and a few links.

Today I celebrate the fallen who served with honor in The Spiritual War that continues to this day.

End Transmission.......

Here are some links that have come my way;

The REAL History Channel:
Heads up, Satan. Incoming!

Well... it is The Petri Dish.

Here is a portion from Bhagavad Gita;

As fire reduces wood to ash,

In the same way, O Arjuna,

The fire of knowledge does reduce

To ashes all karma–know this.

Whose undertakings are devoid

Of plan and desire for results,

Whose actions are burnt in the fire

Of knowledge–him the wise call wise.

Released from desire and anger,

With thoughts restrained, those ascetics

Who know the Self, find very near

The bliss of Brahma-nirvana.

With intellect set in patience,

With the mind fastened on the self,

He gains quietude by degrees:

Let him not think of any thing.

Whenever the unsteady mind,

Moving here and there, wanders off,

He should subdue and hold it back–

Direct it to the Self’s control.

Controlling sense, mind, intellect;

With moksha as the supreme goal;

Freed from desire, fear, and anger:

Such a sage is for ever free.

He, disciplined by yoga, sees

The Self present in all beings,

And all beings within the Self.

He sees the same Self at all times.

Those who direct their thoughts to Me,

Worshipping Me with steadfast mind,

For them I secure what they lack

And preserve that which they possess.

Of them, the wise man, e’er steadfast,

Devoted to the One, excels;

Supremely dear am I to him,

And he is dear to Me, as well.

At the end of his many births

The wise man takes refuge in Me.

He knows: “All is Vasudeva.”

How very rare is that great soul!

When he completely casts away

All the desires of the mind,

His self satisfied by the self,

He is called “of steady wisdom.”

He who abandons all desires

Attains peace, acts free from longing,

Indifferent to possessions

And free from all egotism.

He who agitates not the world,

And whom the world agitates not,

Who is freed from joy, envy, fear,

And worry–he is dear to Me.

The same in honor and disgrace,

The same to friend and enemy,

Renouncing all undertakings–

He has gone beyond the Gunas.

He who is content in the Self,

Who is satisfied in the Self,

Who is pleased only in the self:

For him there is no need to act.

He has nothing to gain by acts;

Nothing to gain by inaction;

And no need of any being

For any purpose soever.

Content with what comes unbidden,

Beyond duality, envy,

The same in success or failure,

E’en though acting, he is not bound.

Pronounced as four syllables.

The hearts of all beings, causing

Them by His Maya to revolve

As if mounted on a machine.

O Bharata, with all your heart

Take refuge in Him; and you shall

Surely attain unto supreme

Peace and the eternal abode.

He, Who seated in Arjun’s car,

Spoke the Gospel to Arjuna

And removed his distress, may that

Embodiment of Grace save us!

Om Tat sat.”


robert said...

Visible One,

Your creative sharing needs no embellishment but inevitably generates inspiration to weave more fabric around the conducting wires.

Your succinct summary of the historical patterns of mass manipulation is sublime!

The continuing ritual enactments of those dedicated to the control of material effects evoke laughter from those who know the cause.

Seeing the tragic efforts, including mindless exploitation of others, to gather material sheaves into their barns, while being blind to the higher dimensional creative source of all material things, causes pain from compassion, then hilarity comes along to release the pain in joy!

...The World is being intimidated by specters. These are large shadow shapes born from manipulated imaginations. They loom over the populace...Fear adds substance and dimension to their form. Negative emotions are POWERFUL and when guided by stronger minds of ill intent they can be fatal. Just because they are insubstantial wraiths, does not mean they cannot become corporate in appearance for the weak and timid

The fear propagated by the dark hole worshippers actually exploits the chain of creation, hijacking one level above materiality to broadcast on the astral plane.

Any mind unconnected to true source neutral can me moved off center by waves of the downward spiralling energy.

HOWEVER, abusing the order of creation to enslave is about to backfire big league!

The moment that human consciousness contains a mass conception of how the higher dimensions precipitate reality and intuitively grasps how human existence has been warped by willful misuse of the mechanism, a lightbulb, Eureka, hallelujah, laser pointer event will occur.

Game over for any plan which requires the enforced slumber to extrude its way from the alimentary canal....

They are systematically, like locusts and mind vermin, devouring the landscape. They are tearing at the foundations of all the principles that make sanity and stability possible. Heh heh... little do they understand that they are only a wrecking crew for appearances. They are a mere demolition crew.

Taking self-destruction to its outer limits, is what the self-spiralers do, acting out the rotten fruits for an earth shaking demonstration, never again to be buried in false history!

Something is brewing. Something is ALWAYS brewing, in Heaven, and all points South. The plots vary extremely, depending on the objective of the plot. Most plots make Heaven laugh because they are so self-serving. It is far better to embrace a plot already tested by time and circumstance

Laugh at the absurdity or be further depressed by taking it deadly seriously.
The choices are coming fast and hard to test our habits of mind: do they guide back to center or away from home?

The Gita quotation is most appropriate for this day.

Gracias for sharing again from the boundless well.

Thomas said...

Brilliant post! For pure writing chops, I think this is one of your very best.

That Gita is amazing. What translation is that again?

Vampire facials?! And what happened to aging gracefully?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Materialism seems to have been the religion of the Puritans. They messed us up in a lot of other ways, too. Oh well. I hear at least they made good furniture.

Thank you for another great post.

Visible said...

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"It says Right Here in The Book that the Begetters, Bugattied the Eschaton. Why Would they Lie?

Anonymous said...

'Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.'
(H.L. Mencken)



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