Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"They Bloom Through the Infinities of Heaven Where Time has no Reference Points."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

All that we know is like nothing at all, compared to what we do not know. All that we think we know is even less, because until we have found the source of all things, nothing we think is so, is as we think it is. There is one thing worth more than everything else combined and that CANNOT be known unless it is done by the one knowing it within us. Find at all costs that which is beyond price and all your searching will be at an end.

What a terrible misfortune it is TO NOT BE DRIVEN beyond reason to the source of sources. Ah... that is at the core of all tragedy that perpetually follows after, when one is drawn unresistant to beautiful mirages across the desert of life. Life is a desert. It is empty unless God is present. Nothing has any meaning otherwise. Yet, once again, let me include that sage commentary; "These three are difficult to obtain in this world and depend on the mercy of the gods- the human birth, the desire for salvation and the company of the great-souled ones."

That is a little different outcome than what comes to the Hollywood diet wizards, who eschew eating the wings off of buffaloes, now that their ancestors have exterminated them. Here's a classic example of someone whose dietary scheme is somewhat confused, AND... not to be outdone across the pond in the opposite direction, here is another classic example of the sense of humanity that is NOT epidemic on the planet at the moment. I ROUTINELY come across multiple paradigm exemplars of this order EVERY DAY. Damn! It's great to be alive, eh?

The rich and the homeless in the richest state in America got together at Union Station-LA a couple of days ago, to put a festive ring on the awarding of honors to the worst possible upchuck from the film industries. I TRIED to watch “Nomadland” a couple of months ago. It took about 15 to 20 minutes (although I already knew 5 minutes in) for me to grasp that it lacked the necessary presence of Mad Max; not to mention Hannibal Lecter, who would have REALLY spruced up this useless piece of excrement, and made it more realistic. Was I rash in shutting it down? I'll never know. What infuriates me (not at all) is that there was no transgender epic in the best film's category. There were also no black lesbians and zero differently-abled Morlock sagas either.

Myself... I have been working on a film also that, likely, will never hit the big screen. I have a movie theater in my head where I screen my own content. At night, I lay in my bed and visualize fields of flowers... acres of roses, hibiscus, bougainvillea, lilies, poppies, and many another genus. They rise in accelerated time-lapse, full-grown in mere seconds, and upon each bloom, a human face appears, and each of them begins to sing in perfect harmony about the Glory of God. The flowers with faces sing and musical notes appear from their mouths, changing into angels in flight, and many another curious spiritual phenomena. I am supposing that the music originates from the rubbing of passing planets and the light from stars twinkling in space. In order to get sound from light, you merely alter the rate of vibration.

I keep having Edvard Munch's “Scream” come into in my mind and am also reminded of Kurtz from The Heart of Darkness, extolling; “The Horror! The Horror!” The times of King Leopold of Belgium was a noteworthy chapter in the civilizing of The Congo. More recent colonizers have continued the noble work of that European regent for the benefit of the cellphone and computer industries. I've seen pictures of workers from the mines. They carry these heavy baskets of minerals that they have mined from the ground with old coffee cans, or even just their hands. They carry these baskets with a rope that is brought to their forehead for the purpose of transportation. Those who have been at it for awhile have permanent indentations in their foreheads that are as much as (if not more than) a quarter of an inch deep. True story, and... I don't lie.

Not lying has been a BIG inconvenience to me. It renders you an outcast from polite society, which I would have made myself into, had they not done it for me. Seems to me that either Jim Carey or Eddie Murphy (or both) did films about this. Life itself makes films of both Truth-tellers and Liars. Our eyes are the cameras, and all the production details are taken care of by those invisible agents who handle that end of the construction.

People can begin to hate you pretty quickly if you don't lie. Diplomacy is the art of lying with Grace and I am still trying to learn how to do that, BUT... I run into a deal of resistance from within. It's kind of like a porn flick with Cassandra and Pinocchio and I don't have the necessary ID to get into the theaters.

In an apocalypse, the truth comes out, despite every effort to suppress it. Yes... certain big and firmly entrenched lies have yet to be addressed, like what really happened in World War 2 that they were unable to bring to fruition in the First World War. Then there is the matter of the 9/11 attacks that... although some number of us know who the culprits were, don't have enough juice to get the ignorant to pay attention to it.

They DON'T want to know. Meanwhile... the culture keeps providing us with role models like this tabloid heartbreaker. Isn't that special? The cosmic short bus will be pulling up to ITS door, one of these days, to take IT to the place where broken toys go to die. It seems the music this creature makes is causing health concerns out in the provinces.

One might think the whole world was flushing down some planetary toilet, BUT... that is not entirely true. It is only that part of the population that wants to swim in the underground septic darkness. Don't knock it till you've tried it! That's what I heard some metrosexual wag say before the gurgles made him incoherent. The whole world is NOT going down the tubes. We are in the prelude to a reconstruction effort, similar to what followed The Civil War. No doubt there will be carpetbaggers aplenty and here and there a Bloody Bill Anderson. Well... this is what the opportunists think. They insist on being ahead of the curve when it comes to reaping the rewards or... the whirlwind. They'd be wrong this time, BUT... I don't want to give away the plot; at least until I know what it is.

I used to wonder, when I knew more than I know now; why did people stay around in the locations they were in when The Four Horsemen started to gallop? I used to wonder why some people did what they did with the risks being what they are. I used to wonder about all kinds of things, BUT... I don't know nearly as much now as I once thought I did. Thankfully, these days, I know next to nothing, BUT... I did find someone who does know all that I shall ever need to know, and who is not shy about informing me when circumstances call for it, and... even when they don't.

I suspect I am going to spend more and more time in that vast meadow of flowers, dancing to the sound of their singing, and metaphorically gathering those rose petals while I may, though I've been told there is not much chance of running out of petals, since they bloom through the infinities of Heaven where time has no reference points, BUT... that's just me, or maybe not. I suspect maybe not, once The Awakening finds its groove. Yes there is a renaissance coming to beat the band. It's coming round the mountain. It's running through the streams, over hill, over dale; soon to be running in every direction at once, while stationary in a timeless moment of the eternal present, kind of like a Shiva-Shakti dance, which we have had all along but it will be coming to the surface now.

It's not going to happen to, or for, everyone, BUT... that is a matter of personal choice. Not everyone wants a Golden Age. Not everyone wants an Awakening; anything but. Not everyone wants the same thing, and so there are planes and states of being that reflect that, and the nature of your desires will determine your place of arrival. Step right up! Step right up! You know the drill.

All the important things I wish I could say are not possible to say. They can ONLY be hinted at in a “maybe you will find it yonder” way, although it is more likely that you will definitely find it yonder, but you can certainly find it here as well, AND... if you don't find it HERE first, ♫ chances are ♫ you will not find it yonder. Like we are fond of saying here, 'heaven begins where your feet touch the Earth'. If you don't find that to be the case then you had better work on seeing it so now, cause IT IS THERE!

If I were free to action, and you were free to stay, we'd climb some lofty mountain and blow The World away.

End Transmission.......


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Indeed. As for why I don't run from the four horseman, there's nothing to run from. I know what I am. A spiritual being, having a nose experience. I also can't wait to transcend this cesspit, so why postpone the transition?

I also know there is no time, and you can access any period in illusory time on the Otherside. I've done it during my NDE. Makes me think every step we take is destined, and the only change is the attitude of who or whatever is occupying that body. I have a theory of when on the Otherside, you just pick the life you wanna live; and there you have it. You can reincarnate in past, future, quasipresent. You can experience the life of Cleopatra, Alex of Macedonia, or some obscure entity of your choice. Hey, if every nanosecond is eternal. . .

So much of this post verified stuff to what I think I know. Happens all the time. Gods, I wish you lived next door.

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'flowery' post. Thanks!

Vis: "There is one thing worth more than everything else combined and that CANNOT be known unless it is done by the one knowing it within us."

One thing that has been made clear to me, over and over, is that all-God knows more than me (and has more 'options' than me). Surprise, surprise. So, I am constantly repeating the phrase, "Best and Highest." This is kind of a variation of Vis' "I don't know." It allows for all the variations which all-God can bring-to-bear on a subject. Sometimes the result is subtle, and sometimes it is wild-and-woolly (and 'instructive' to boot).
Vis: "At night, I lay in my bed and visualize fields of flowers... acres of roses, hibiscus, bougainvillea, lilies, poppies, and many another genus."

I am a frustrated gardener. In another lifetime, I would have acres of trees and flowers in a naturalistic setting. I suspect I must have been an oriental gardener in some past lifetime(s). This lifetime, too much has been going-on for that to occur. Once the Awakening has occurred, maybe that will be an option, somewhere...
Vis: "Diplomacy is the art of lying with Grace..."

Part of the Awakening will be our telepathy/empathy/intuition coming-forward with gusto. We will be much harder to deceive when we can 'automatically' look beneath surface appearances. There will be lots of embarrassment (and hopefully, lots of forgiveness) when this aspect of us kicks-in. I am looking forward to a world with telepathy/empathy/intuition as a given...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

robert said...

Visible One,

All that we know is like nothing at all, compared to what we do not know. All that we think we know is even less, because until we have found the source of all things, nothing we think is so, is as we think it is. There is one thing worth more than everything else combined and that CANNOT be known unless it is done by the one knowing it within us

A Zen Koan, more elegant than a Rubik's cube, containing more facets in a semantic tesseract!

Bursting with love to serve the Impossible Dreamer who makes all things possible through our created being...

What a terrible misfortune it is TO NOT BE DRIVEN beyond reason to the source of sources. Ah... that is at the core of all tragedy that perpetually follows after, when one is drawn unresistant to beautiful mirages across the desert of life. Life is a desert. It is empty unless God is present

What is there to know when we go out of our minds, by a deliberate will to know and be known?
It is love, only beyond human limits imposed.

Our minds see desert only when our hearts have spent too much time in mental prisons drying our eyes out.
We close our eyes and reality bubbles through our blinkered vision.
We pause in our emotional roller coaster ride and a wave of feeling overwhelms us out of nowhere

Myself... I have been working on a film also that, likely, will never hit the big screen. I have a movie theater in my head where I screen my own content

Until someone we trust talks us down from our branch, telling us we cannot fly.
No movie, no sensual distraction could compare to who was at play in our imaginarium, misnamed because it is a portal to Real.
Then the breeding imperative comes like a train wreck and fuels our foolishness for a spell!
Always hard to fathom the fascination people found in the plodding pace of human miscreation.
Creative work comes closer to being interesting, even at its relatively glacial pace.

All the important things I wish I could say are not possible to say

We all wave our hands to summon the meaning from outside our sense of the real.
Others may tune in on the common sense channel and experience directly from Source, in their own way.
Every return to Source feels like going home another time

We are converging on each other
We are through the extruder now healing whole again
We are being approached by peace of mind
We are One

Samarkand said...

You have been divinely inspired for some time. Recently you have topped that and become a legend with no peer in your field of operations. I thought it needed to be said.

Anonymous said...

What is a nose experience, and why the obsession with nostrils?

Anonymous said...

imagine the smell...

Thomas said...

Huh! How about those examples you provide! Imagine (or don't) being so callous as that australian driver! And that podcaster... ye gods... shame and embarrasment!

And that limp cuck of a singer... I think it's true that some few people actually experience male and female in like measure - but my, what perverse expressions it takes...

Looks like you were right about those winds of insanity, captain! Seems we're in the thick o' 'em - yet I guess we better keep our eyes peeled for even more. When the figureheads start going crazy in public, it's going to get wild.

... excellent post! That you manage to pack both such ugliness and such beauty into one thread is quite the writing feat!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.

Anonymous said...

"imagine the smell..."

lol. no I can't.. nor do I really want to. but I know for a fact that our tongues can literally tastes itself on a 24/7 basis and it tastes just like raw meat, but we are thankfully so desensitized to this that most of us won't ever have the awful privilege of knowing this.

Thomas said...

Hey, anyone familiar with Townes van Zandt? To my mind, he is the greatest country singer America has produced. A passionate, melancholy, and very lovable man he seems to have been. *Outstanding* poet and musician. He intensely studied Shakespeare for years before he started writing. He is not widely known, I think.

Some samples of his poetry/music:

"Waiting 'Round to Die"

"Big Country Blues"

He was also the author of the haunting masterpiece "Pancho and Lefty", which has been sung by several bigger names in country music:

He has made many, many beautiful pieces. It's hard to choose which samples to give, but these three are not the worst.

@Anonymous 12:23 - hehe! :)

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


I don't know if my first attempt at reply made it through, but I belong to a joke cult called 'The Holey Order of the Septum'. To an ideal member, the nose is The All in everything. It's a lot of fun, really.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"The Moonless Night is Not Racist. Ebony and Dalbergia Melanoxylon are not Racist."



Joseph Brenner

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