Wednesday, April 07, 2021

"And Then You get a Kind of Dumb and Dumber, Wrestling in the Mosh Pit of Cosmic Stupid."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Every day now... seemingly random shootings. Sometimes there are 2 and even 4 incidents, or many more, in a day. Police are leaving Portland in large numbers. All across the country, organized gangs of thugs, financed by George Soros and others, are using time-honored tactics to bring down the empire already in free fall. What you are seeing is not the result of a few week's effort. Long-term insurgents, bent on the destruction of America have been at it for some time. It was only necessary for the collective corruption to come to an appreciable level and you get The Mask of the Red Death rocking your world.

We have reached an acme of stupidity recently. It's some kind of high watermark. Someone who is recognized for being out of touch AND Stupid, says something stupid, and then a bunch of people who are too stupid to use entire words in a sentence, react to the stupidity with something even stupider, and then you get a kind of Dumb and Dumber wrestling in the Mosh Pit of Cosmic Stupid; the recent White Savior behavior from Cher certainly makes the grade. She still doesn't have a wrinkle on her surgically enhanced visage, nor any kind of mark upon the area beneath the surface of her narcissistic perspective, because that is a wasteland of spiritual emptiness.

You see what fame and fortune does for a person? Yes, it depends on the person but MOST OF THE TIME you get someone like Cher. You get a reconstituted product with an ingredients list that looks like it was all taken from the German language, incomprehensible, and forget spelling them. If you need an example, next time you are in the supermarket, pick up a Sarah Lee cake or pie and read the ingredients. If you are at all intelligent it WILL put you off your feed for a while.

It's like looking into the mirror and no one is there. You see something but it either is, or is not what is there, or... not there? Because... that which is casting the image is not present. It's like the funhouse mirrors in real-time and which show you how twisted and distorted you are. Everyone's different! Everyone's a winner. Step up! Step right up!!! Bargains galore! 50% off all left-handed skyhooks while supplies last!

They have been working on the end result for a LONG TIME. They seized all of the critical industries; education... entertainment... the currency that drives world economy; the presses that print it, and though they are the greatest materialists the world has ever seen, their real intention is to serve the needs of everyone, just ask them.

Didn't they come up with Communism so that we could all be equal? Communism appears and has appeared in various locations, with varying levels of failure. Some of the failures have been EPIC and cost tens of millions their lives. Some have been puerile and less successful and have only caused a few million, or hundreds of thousands of lives. ALL OF THEM have resulted in mass murder, terrible confinements, and assorted torture and mayhem, and there has been only one place where a similar expression has profited organizers with free labor and that is the Israeli kibbutz. I think that was the origin of 'something for nothing' and getting things, 'cheaper than stolen'.

Free labor is what you get in places where forced labor is frowned on, so you have to do some variation on Tom Sawyer and the whitewashed fence. You might not be able to find that these days. Isn't Tom Sawyer a banned book? Don't worry, it will be. In other words, you have to deceive people into believing that whatever they are doing is of value to them as much as it is to you, even if it has no real value for you, so long as you are convinced of it, by them, that's all it takes. It's just your routine smoke and mirrors and it's been going on for a long, long, long time. Pay no attention to the man behind the mirror who is pleasuring himself while watching you.

They are trying every new wrinkle they can manage in the COVID-SCAM. In the background and out of view are the ones who are calling the tune on the programmed Jump Scares. The saddest reality of the whole affair is how deeply ignorant such a large portion of the public is. You can't wake up the sleeping dead and you can't re-humanize a zombie. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear but you can convince a lot of suckers and shills that you did it; more smoke and mirrors.

Look! I don't have to keep bringing these things up. They are SELF-EVIDENT. You can see it everywhere in the world around you. Appetite is king here! It is past obvious that fast food leads to a slow and lingering death. It is past obvious that liquor and drugs can kill you. They kill thousands every day. It is past obvious that sexual license leads to the degeneration of Higher Nature. You have to feed something. You are either feeding the beast or you are feeding the angels. Something is eating everything. If I have a choice, and I do, I want to wind up on God's dinner table. For myself, I want to live on the crumbs that fall from Heaven's table.

When I meditate or think of The Divine and my heart swells with Love, I tell myself that I am feeding the angels. God is a CONSUMING FIRE. I seek with all my strength to become tasty to God. Something IS GOING TO EAT YOU! This very moment you are being consumed by something and the meter is ticking. You live a certain way here. You go certain places. You engage in certain activities, and it creates the texture and atmosphere of your life.

When you leave this body there are different ports of exit and depending on which of them you patronized in life, that is how you will go. Each of these exits from the top of your head to your voiding ports leads into a continuum, where everything is in sequence and all the parts and places familiar (they should be). However THE EXTREMES are discretely and distinctively sharp and clear.

In the soporific, rockabye baby land of sensory delusion, they expect, nay... demand that you come and go quietly, lest you disturb the residents in their pods. They are, of course, permitted to wail and scream and flail about in restless dreams, in search of nightmare, without regard for YOUR peace of mind. Beware the Lilliputians, my son. At least with the Jabberwock, you are only dealing with a single entity. Yeah... a solitary hunger can turn you to cinders all on its lonesome. On the other hand, many competing hungers can accomplish the same result.

It surprises and often delights me, how literal certain legends, allegories, and cosmic puns turn out to be. Just like a banana, sometimes an allegory is just an allegory. Other times it is in your face real. You can call this world an illusion as it pleases you. This does not make the ground less hard when you hit it. It reminds me of people who close their eyes when danger is coming. “If I can't see it it's not there.” It isn't there... really... but let me rework that thought. It is IN YOUR MIND that any and every aspect of life becomes real and Yes! There are people who can walk through walls and appear, by the power of thought in far distant locations at the speed of thought, BUT... what has that got to do with you?

I seek to emulate my spiritual betters. They left their road-maps for me by what they said and did here and I want to BE LIKE THEM! This IS a Vale of Suffering, as long as you want anything your senses continue to tell you is desirable. None of it is. The proof is right there in that area of your heart where disappointment and regret have their condos. If this is not troubling to you now, just wait until you get closer to departure. “IF YOU DON'T SEARCH FOR GOD IN THE SPRINGTIME OF YOUR LIFE, HE WON'T BE THERE IN THE WINTER!”

However hard you try to push that rock up the slippery slope, it is a repeating lesson of futility. You don't push anything in the first place unless... SOMETHING IS PUSHING YOU. Either you drive or you are driven. YOU SEE IT EVERYWHERE!!! You read about it and you hear about the circumstances and outcomes of stupid behavior. Hey! I'm not, I mean I shouldn't be haranguing you. I have made so many mistakes. I am in awe of my own stupidity and cupidity concerning past episodes of stupid. It is simply the profound and measureless grace of the almighty who has pulled me out of the ditch at the side of the road with his chariot and team of shining steeds. Oh, that has happened times past remembering and YET... and yet I persisted in my folly.

I asked God why I had to suffer so much when I knew better but still didn't know and I was told it was all for The Purpose of Demonstration. All of it is and all of us are. I was told that nothing could be done until the time was right and then... far past the reach of what I would have called an acceptable time frame... it finally arrived. I have to stop thinking... WHY? I know I deserve nothing like what I have received, but that is the mercy and compassion of God which passes all understanding.

I think about my life. I don't think ANYONE has any idea of how much I think about my life and life itself. I struggle the livelong day to be righteous and true but all my efforts are a folly. God is the architect and primary motivating force- the dynamic animating principle. I hope someday to be a perfectly broken vase, each fragment replaced and fixed with the golden light of God's eternal and infinite love. This poem reminds me of what might apply as a reason for my being blessed as I am. Perhaps it is true;

“Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)

Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,

And saw, within the moonlight in his room,

Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,

An angel writing in a book of gold:—

Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,

And to the presence in the room he said,

"What writest thou?"—The vision raised its head,

And with a look made of all sweet accord,

Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord."

"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"

Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,

But cheerly still; and said, "I pray thee, then,

Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night

It came again with a great wakening light,

And showed the names whom love of God had blest,

And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.”

End Transmission.......


Thomas said...

Wow, Visible. This, too, is really good. I'm thinking that you must be doing something right - it seems to show in your postings :)

I thought about communism recently, that the reason that it could 'take' so well in christian countries was because it basically made a distorted mirror image of some basic christian truths - especially: 1. the first christians after Jesus lived in small communes, sharing everything, which is basically what the communists say they want - and 2. the promise of a paradise to come (after the worldwide Revolution - yikes!)

So basically I think it speaks to some deep longing in people, but the lens of materialism (and the intense hatred of Marx, cursed be his name) turns it into a corruption.

I'm currently trying to give a verbal beating to a neo-nazi Hitler-devotee over at - there are some dangerously deluded people in the 'resistance movement' - they are basically blood-and-soil occultists, a variant of nihilism and satanism/black magic, sometimes Odinism/Wotanism, which the way many of them practice it is a mirror image of Yahweism ("our God is the true God, and we are the chosen people!") - and they wear the mantle of righteousness. I feel certain that the Illuminati are behind them.

But God Almighty is good and true! No harm will come to the soul - and metaphysical evil is countered by metaphysical goodness.

Ever will the Light be strongest!

p.s. nice poem! :)

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Tellin' it like it is, as always.

Jabberwocky. Wouldn't it be hilarious if a teacher told a 4th grade class to write an essay of what it means? Methinks a lot of 4th graders might not be fully aware that it's just a word salad. Am I cruel, or am I cruel?

Wonder when the kill off becomes obvious in earnest.

robert said...

Dear Visible,

May we beware the illusions of persistent self
They cover up the real persisting illusion of time.

What? We believe in time enough to shove way all soul desires to play our lives as video games, written for the terminally bored.
Why not in boundless time which demands we play a different game than hide and seek?
When we see that all limits are merely arbitrary comforts to justify living like the condemned and killing our time with the least possible effort.

The majesty of Life's possibilities too much for short sighted fireflies so we agree to a pretend world that zombies feel at home in.

In the soporific, rockabye baby land of sensory delusion, they expect, nay... demand that you come and go quietly, lest you disturb the residents in their pods

Funny how people believe that they are thinking when really only processing their preferences, sorting their subjective scenery, bouncing around multiple choices provided by media injection.

Whatever permits staying in a trance of sleepwalking and pitching fits below the strike zone if anyone is more awake which means more intelligent, by definition

Habit is king and media training of bad habits is the only science that the venal believe in!
The slippery slope is to lose consciousness to avoid the pain of separation from soul. All othe bribes to the senses are to serve the distraction which serves the manipulators who reap the excess emotional waste like candy.

Now so used to swallowing lies whole that there is no irony when minors are not permitted to drive, vote or sign contracts but no one blinks when they are suggested into being a lifelong medical dependent, after "deciding" that the body they grew was a mistake requiring irreversible medical mutilation to "correct"!

I seek to emulate my spiritual betters. They left their road-maps for me by what they said and did here and I want to BE LIKE THEM!

Yes, the mantra that matters is "I want to be You" when addressing the Omnipresent One.
Not "like" you, lower case indicating the mini-me version of the One.
Not poor analogs of being but Being all the way here now!
The way of existence, not the one we think we know but the life outside our mental shack, a tent village where we pitch our fits and call it quits!

You don't push anything in the first place unless... SOMETHING IS PUSHING YOU. Either you drive or you are driven

We may be driven to utter truths which shame us in the telling.
Getting out of the way is no reason to take pride with us!

Our suffering serves to cement a wall of pain to prevent us from ever turning back to the way of the dead! If we suffer in ways that guide us away from stupidity, step by step, we begin to believe there is more to us than puppetude in perpetuity!

Over and over we are saved from fatal choices that our psychological ruts confine us to, by an awareness immense to our tiny point of view.
We gradually find that the only fun that lasts is learning to see more, learning to be more, not on the demented linear scale used by the sensationalists:
On a scale of volumetric expansion only possible when we train our brains to perceive the whole and only play our part along with the vision without limit.

Awakening is a geometric transformation
We take our focus off the partial pain
Place it with all our love on Unity
Singing us all awake as long as we live!

Anonymous said...

"Wonder when the kill off becomes obvious in earnest."

Never, haha. In 6 months when a shitload of people start dying (people who took the vaccine)(and already a shitload of people have died, but the media is ignoring it. I read that a minimum of 200,000 people have already died from the vaccines, even tho the official number of vaccine deaths is only like 2000 or so), it will be blamed on people who didn't take the vaccine, and non-vaccine people will be hunted like animals.

I mean that's obviously the situation the elite are aiming for. The elite aren't even bothering with trying to be subtle anymore. Whether God allows it, well we'll wait and see.

Anonymous said...

China is basically the new America. China has effectively attained and surpassed the wealth and living standards we had back in the 90s in America. It's actually a very nice country. So if someone is looking for a nice material life, China is the place to be. The govt forces companies to pay people a living wage which is why China has such a massive rich and upper middle class now. Also affordable healthcare, college, and so on.

Or if you're looking for spiritual life, I'd suggest Vrindavan, India. Pretty much all of the various gurus like Vivekananda, Yogananda Parihamsa, Ramakrishna, all have temples there and spoke of very deep experiences there. Come and join God's eternal dance of love

Chinese Sneakers said...

Reading through your stuff over these many years, eye have often found myself wondering whether you are more of a Platonist (idealist) or more of an empiricist.

Eye found the following paragraph particularly interesting in regard to this on-going analysis of mine:

"It surprises and often delights me, how literal certain legends, allegories, and cosmic puns turn out to be. Just like a banana, sometimes an allegory is just an allegory. Other times it is in your face real. You can call this world an illusion as it pleases you. This does not make the ground less hard when you hit it. It reminds me of people who close their eyes when danger is coming. 'If I can't see it it's not there.” It isn't there... really... but let me rework that thought. It is IN YOUR MIND that any and every aspect of life becomes real and Yes! There are people who can walk through walls and appear, by the power of thought in far distant locations at the speed of thought, BUT... what has that got to do with you"

Notice the very interesting turn from empiricism to Platonism which you expressed in this way: "....but let me rework that thought."

Reckon you're like me, and we're both, not unlike colours being both light and pigment.

Also worth mentioning that materialism holds no interest at all for either of us.

Much appreciation for all you continue to do around here.


Visible said...

Chinese Sneakers;

You don't comment often, but when you do it always makes an impact, leaves me thinking for a bit.

Chinese Sneakers said...

Usually just trying to take-in what you've put on offer, 'cause eye know when eye7m in the presence of something special.

Have learned more from you than anyone, bar none.

And you have always remained true to what you are--which is saying a lot in this age.

Must confess to feeling a tinge of guilt now and then about not giving you more compensation for all your efforts. Then again, eye think we both know that you would not be better off for it in the end.

Alright then, that's enough of the fan-boy stuff.

Thanks, again; and eye7m looking forward to your next piece

Visible said...

Money isn't even on my radar. Thanks for the good words, although I feel about praise as I do about money. I also know where I came from and what I came out of. So... I've trained myself to direct all praise and nice words to the one deserving of it. I'm just glad to be in the room.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the jewish messiah has appeared

The false Avatara

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "food" ingredients I've just found out Pepsi and a number of other things I never touch, contain aborted fetal cells. They're apparently "flavour enhancers."!!!!

On the self-evident, that's all I say now to the deliberately stupid,as regards the covid BS,ie
pandemics are self-evident.They don't need 24/7 propaganda to make you believe.

"I seek to emulate my spiritual betters". Me too ,though I'm still a bit rubbish at it but your
efforts strengthen my resolve in this regards ,so again, thank-you

In grade 6 we had to memorize hundreds of lines of poetry and recite it to the teacher. Abou Ben Adhem and "If" were the only two I willingly chose.


Anonymous said...

Sorry,I should have included this link about "food" additives:


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Re: #9

I know what you mean. We are nothing in our own right, though we have powerful friends who do work for us if we're in sync with All That Is. And unlike the dark side, our relationships with our allies do not have an expiration date.

Anonymous said...

"Looks like the jewish messiah has appeared"
Gosh, and here I thought it was gonna be the golden boy Radhanath Swami (aka) Richie Slavin..

Anonymous said...

Radhanath Swami, I doubt he is a nath of Radha but who knows. Anyway an energy and chakra healer claims the vaccine cuts your connection with your soul.

Makes sense I guess. The illuminati are really desperate to prevent spiritual awakening.

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Re: Thomas - yes, Communism has its bearded Prophets, Iconography , Holy Writ *Das Kapital/Communist Manifesto*, its Trinity of Marx, Lenin, Engels. And lots of idolatry - preserved corpses and Uncle Joe.

Obviously there is something in it that appeals to something deep in the Chinese psyche too.

Everybody a bit famous in the West, from Cooks to Fashion Designers and, of course, Popular Music Entertainers, is referred to as Iconic.

David Bowie seemed determined to make a point right to the very end, culminating in Lazarus/Black Star.

The retrospective misery of all those Rock Concerts I attended back in the day that were joyless exercises in pseudo-Religious Ritual.

Thomas said...


Yes. Good observations. "Iconic"... huh? ;P

@Anonymous 9:37 AM

thanks for sharing. He looks harmless enough, but... those are some deluded jews, it looks like. Genuine Torah jews are good people. The rest... well... some of the secular jews are allright, too, a few are even good. Most are egotistic and delusional. And then there is the satanic element.

Youtube link if someone wants to see. Video is 4,5 minutes. Worth watching, I found.

@Anonymous 5:51 PM

He is wrong. The very life in the body comes from the soul, and severing the connection, if it was even possible, would kill the body, not the soul.

Anonymous said...

To the Radhanath poster and anyone else interested, you might want to check out the devotional songs of Hit Harivansh, the level of bhakti he showers, well he's pretty much considered the greatest saint by all of the vrajavasis

Anonymous said...

Sorry I should have included a link, as it's kind of difficult to find English translations of his songs

Anonymous said...

It seems the country has lost its collective mind and now its losing its collective soul. People seem to be under a mind control.
Its like being in that old movie with Donal Sutherland. Invasion of the body snatchers. I swear I feel like the demons are taking over peoples minds. Zombies. Keep writing Vis , some of us are paying attention and praying we dont fall ill with the real virus, the one that is taking away our humanity and our souls.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"In an Utter Darkness, Composed of the Absence of Love, the Bound and Trapped Flail Endlessly."



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