Wednesday, March 17, 2021

"The World is a Venus Flytrap Plant and Sexual Fluid is a Stronger Bonding Agent than Gorilla Glue."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

For the second time in a week, I near finished a post but had to put it aside. It was about Sex. After reading it, I realized that no one, pretty much, wants to hear this stuff. It interferes with the things we've already made our minds up about. I don't mean to disparage the readers because if anywhere I were to find kindred spirits, it is here. However... some subjects are probably better left on the shelf for another time. It is VERY difficult to discuss the pivotal role in human karma that is played by Sex. It plays into nearly everything and when one pursues most anything else, Sex is nearly always in there as one of the primary motivators. Much of our technology is based on it. Life and The World are a product of the Sex Act and if you want to mess up a nation or a culture, all you have to do is pervert their sexual understanding.

If you want to believe there are powerful men and women in the shadows that are controlling everything, if that merges with your world view then you will be able to find evidence of it. If you believe these men and women are themselves under the control of something greater, you'll find plenty of evidence of that. If you want to believe the world is filled with devils in human form, you can find plenty evidence of that as well. If you want to believe in angels and heavenly forces, and a dedicated fraternity of ascended souls, you can find evidence of this as well. If you believe that EVERYTHING you contemplate and experience is a projection of your mind based on a perspective it has taken, this also has ample evidentiary support. If further than this, you prefer to believe that mysterious alien forces are behind everything because you read books written by someone who said it is so, then you will also be able to find evidence BECAUSE The Mind WILL locate it for you. Anything you want to believe, The Mind WILL accommodate...

The Mind is more powerful than you can possibly guess, mainly because there is ONLY ONE MIND and it created all that you see or ever will. It is capable of a divinity beyond imagination and a diabolism as well, depending on the purpose it is put to. Of course, it is only capable of divinity when it is in complete surrender to it. It is hard for me, sometimes, to understand why it is so hard for so many people to see God as a living reality that permeates their lives. It is clear and simple to me and also to others but it requires a state of mind that goes contrary to conventional wisdom.

When I look at The World I do not see it in any normal light. I look at the medical profession and the legal profession. I look at all the professions that have the word, 'professional' in it and I can see that they have arranged their industries solely for PROFIT and DEFENSE of PROFIT. The Medical Industry does not make enormous profits when people are healthy, so they promote lifestyles that encourage disease and put the highest treatment costs on in the areas where profit is maximized, like Cancer Centers of America does. Then, in the legal profession, they need regular opportunities to grow, like the cancer they are so they need more laws and more laws and more laws. Right and wrong no longer enter into the picture. The entertainment business, which, from the beginning has been an arm of Satan and Sons has worked their way from having standards to having no standards at all. It comes back to Sex again, of course, someone is always getting screwed. Sex is the big all-fired mystery because it is no mystery at all.

So I look at these 'professionals' and they are as present in the political theater as they are in the religious theater and it is ALL theater, self-serving theater. See... if you are serving humanity, as politicians profess they do, or serving God, as religious figures profess to do the only way to accomplish that to God's satisfaction is to be anonymous and avoid fanfare of any kind. I'm guessing the same would apply to politics, BUT... how is that possible when their whole persona is whoring themselves to the right financial interests?

Lao Tzu put it as succinctly as I ever heard;

“A leader is best When people barely know that he exists, Not so good when people obey and acclaim him, Worst when they despise him. 'Fail to honor people, They fail to honor you;' But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will all say, 'We did this ourselves.'”

I believe that to be as true as anything can be, here where appearances veil the truth.

When one sees the world as a state of bondage entered into willingly for personal gain, one sees that all those who present themselves as free of restrictions, due to great wealth or status, are actually indentured servants to a harsh master. This is how it is in reality. They would rather you did not think so and go to great lengths to give an impression otherwise, still... this is so. Many things are so but people refuse to believe them because they conflict with what they want to believe is true. Eventually, life shows them otherwise. The World is a Venus Flytrap Plant and so is Sex. Sexual fluid is a stronger bonding agent than Gorilla Glue.

The trouble with truth, and knowing the truth, is that practically no one wants to hear it. They NEVER have, except in the halcyon days when we were more etheric than we now are. People get their beliefs in a number of ways. Some of them are inherited. Some of them are programmed, and ALWAYS, Karma provides the atmosphere and environment AND events. It takes a feat of great will to release ALL of your beliefs and present yourself as a tabula rasa to Heaven, so that it may write what is true upon you, or uncover where it was written in the beginning. It takes an act of faith to walk into the unknown and discover the objective of the search was yourself. You are the unknown.

God doesn't ask much, but he does ask it all. Make sense? Not to many people does it make sense to say that. It does to me. Compared to what God gives, he is not asking for much. God is a true lover and requires the same. There's no halfway with God. In a strange and impossible to describe way, God is yourself and all the other roles you are playing and have been playing from incarnation to incarnation are ALL false selves. Your true self cannot die and is impervious to injury. Your true self is master of all things. How will you ever advance to a useful place if you don't take the advice of the one who knows the way?

Because I have some small glimmer of the light and have been able to assess how priceless it is, I wish to share it wide and far. One of my prayers is to ask God for the Kingdom of Heaven to come to Earth and into me and that I be allowed to share it without reserve. To me, that seems to be the most wonderful position a person could find themselves in. I can't imagine anything better than that. I remember dancing down the streets in this small town I lived in, in Germany, and singing, ♫ give yourself away, each and every day ♫ There were other lyrics but the point was that you either bind yourself or free yourself, depending on whether you opt for Self Service or Selfless Service. Upon this single issue hangs your destiny and fate.

What is said here does not conflict with the essentials teachings of Christianity; the teachings of The Christ, not the teachings of The Church. It does not conflict with the teachings of Krishna, or Buddha, or many another because ALL of them are based on Ageless Wisdom and that does not change. What most people don't get about spiritual masters is that the same consciousness is present in ALL realized masters. The SAME CONSCIOUSNESS. Imagine when they run into each other (grin).

I am not a master. I prefer to be a servant. Even if I were a master, I would still prefer to be a servant, or, even more... a friend. What did Jesus say? “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” That sounds about right to me.

We're all playing dress-up at the carnival. We want to be this and we want to do that and we get to be and do all of them, sooner or later to our distress. Eventually, utterly broken-hearted and disappointed, we come to The Rubicon or find ourselves on The Road to Damascus, if we are fortunate. The World is a fiery cauldron of torment, where all your hopes and dreams of material joy or satiation come to NAUGHT. You come and you go and depending on what you got up to last time the shoe will likely be on the other foot. That is the good news and the bad news.

I only know what I've seen, based on the viewpoint I was given. What I have seen is a rolling kaleidoscope of rising and falling forms. They come and they go. They come and they go. There is no safe haven in the world, but there is safe haven to be found.

I guess I wound up talking about Sex after all.

End Transmission.......


Graham Hook said...

“You come and you go and depending on what you got up to last time the shoe will likely be on the other foot” Wonder what the multi-talented CardiB will experience next time around...

Thomas said...

A fine post.

From a certain perspective, it *is* all about sex.

It makes sense to me to conceptualize it like this:

First, God is one - then It splits in two - light and dark, male and female - pristine and divine.

From there, a mighty embrace, selfless and pure. Revolving around itself, in endless love and play.

In human nature, and in animals, this embrace, this duality coming together, shows itself as sex - and as the sperm entering the egg, and merging with it, to create one cell - that then splits in 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and onwards, upwards to billions, branches into nerves, veins, organs, a whole organism. The whole process of creation mirrored in this tiny, tiny little life, nourished by the mothers own blood - as her body itself supplies the raw material. Incredible!

Above it all, the One Spirit, ever aloof, yet mysteriously, intimately present in Everything. Incredible!

Visible said...

It won't be occurring in the area of her foot. Her and her WAP Partner Thee Stallion were thanking God at the Grammies for all his help with their career.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Until the hormones go away. Got an agape (platonic) relation with my nose-poo, and it's been that way for most of our lives together, which is since August 17, 1994. We're best friends, never had a fight in our lives, and we work together for the common good. Sex was never a big part of our relationship even when we had it. And I suppose I shouldn't talk about that $40.00 Regina Upright that I short circuited in the 1980s. Gods, I missed that machine for a few years in my past; though I'm long over it. Best lo. . .

Oh, never mind.

robert said...


Your flow of inspired words continues like a perpetual flame.

Bringing Lao-Tzu back into human attention is always a win!

How funny we all appear must appear to a purely spiritual Being!
How we get so stuck in the illusion of solidity where there is only flow of phenomena.
How we totally miss the truly solid reality generating the movie screen existence we pretend not to notice is too flat to live in!

How ages of Spirit observing all the dead ends, all the short squeezes, all the rotting fruit of human labor turns right around and motivates exemplary lives showing how free is the spirit and how spiritual freedom is the way out of the mental maze.

How the spirit of love hovers around the slightest consciousness that there is more to life than blindness cares to see, and makes way for continuity to survive until sleep gives way to life.

"Sex is the big all-fired mystery because it is no mystery at all"

Funny how we take down any mystery with our blase, mundane, consumer mindset toward the force behind the sex drive.
Simple flow of energy interrupted by damming up the natural circulation with damning thoughts and cell warrior habits: We make a big deal about it then degrade it to mere chemistry then wonder why we have no fun anymore!

"It takes a feat of great will to release ALL of your beliefs and present yourself as a tabla rasa to Heaven, so that it may write what is true upon you, or uncover where it was written in the beginning. It takes an act of faith to walk into the unknown and discover the objective of the search was yourself. You are the unknown"

The unknown desiring to be known by the Knower, though we know it not in such simplicity. Why is the known misery of limitation more compelling than the lure of unknown, unlimited experience?
The robot mind fears destruction, caused by the robot mind in automatic reaction!

"God is yourself and all the other roles you are playing and have been playing from incarnation to incarnation are ALL false selves"

Straight shots with no chaser!
Would we be puppets forever or make peace with the puppet master by acting more like creators than destroyers? At least, we can learn which way is up, which ways create joy and which ways destroy creation. We can learn to tell truth which lasts from lies that dry out our lives in short order.

"What most people don't get about spiritual masters is that the same consciousness is present in ALL realized masters. The SAME CONSCIOUSNESS. Imagine when they run into each other (grin)"

One consciousness, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Sounds familiar, though the in-laws are trying to wipe it from human history.
Finding our common center brings responsibility to heavy for fragile egos.
How powerful an insight that basic integrity lives behind the screen, that one whole Being connects every feeling, thought and law of being.

Too simple to deceive with though, taking away the profit motive and the pretentious airs which seem to attend the complexity conners, aka the mess makers who steal to regain what they lost in the beginning.

Light-hearted is the only way to transit the heavy grief of losing all comforting illusions, as the pedovores running the carnival side show show are exposed to public scrutiny and are driven to stoop ever lower to cover their asses.

Try to see from a higher, deeper view every day and help your neighbors with their burdens, when they ask.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Okay, now to post one not dependent on the title, and AFTER I read your post as opposed to before it. This post explains why I wouldn't want to be anybody else besides myself. What I'v e learnt, and I've become (Everything I wanted to be when I was a teenager.) is more valuable than the fortunes of gates, bezos, suckerberg, etc. . . .combined. After all, I don't live for here. I live for what's next, considering that living for here is pretty braindead.

I've done what I came here to do, and I guess all I'm doing is waiting to see the final fall of all that is of the last era; and I hope then my contract will be up, and I'll be able to retire from this cesspit which I begged to be in due to ego. I swear, if I could; I'd steamroll that damn ego, before burning it at the stake.

Oh well. The shoite we gotta go through to get to where we're a'goin', huh?

Nostrils up!

Guy Reid-Brown said...

That sounds about right to me, too.

All of it.

God bless you, Mr. Visible.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"If God is Watching you All the Time, is that not an Opportunity to Perform before God?"

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Les for your profound words and message.

Ray B. said...

Best one-liner I've seen in a long time:
"It comes back to Sex again, of course, someone is always getting screwed."
Tah dah boom! Thanks, Vis.

Lao Tzu quote, too. True...

One of your best columns. Appreciated!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Very funny!




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