Sunday, November 22, 2020

"As the Evidence of Electoral Fraud becomes OVERWHELMING, is another 9-11 Caper in the Event Horizon?"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I was not going to write a post today, focusing instead on the First Church of the Presence of God discourse, BUT... something has begun to trouble me and it won't go away. I am going with the idea that when you say something, it won't happen. Sometimes speaking out about a potential incident on The Event Horizon serves, in some mysterious and magical fashion to derail it.

There is now SO MUCH EVIDENCE of election fraud that when the president's lawyers get to the Supreme Court it will be a slam dunk. The corruption of the Democrat machine and most especially, the Satanic worker bees; George Soros (employee of the Rothschild Cartel). Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, and others is as deep and depraved as ANYTHING I have ever seen. They will STOP at NOTHING to have their way. What this means is that another 9/11 style distraction disaster is ON THE MENU. I can FEEL it in the invisible as it vibrates across the ether.

I am calling attention to this in the hopes that doing so, might... militate against it happening. I realize that I am only a tiny particle of life force in a great sea of humanity. I am not even an Ant-Man, I am a mite or even less. This is not an attempt to present myself as humble. I already know that I am humble because of the brief glimmers I have captured of the splendor and majesty of God. I am simply putting it in perspective. In the ordinary sense, I would... if you do the math, amount to just a little more than nothing. HOWEVER... the power of prayer is beyond remarkable and when joined in tandem with LIVING Faith and Certitude, it can cast mountains into the sea. I KNOW this to be true AND... when joined in conscious union with others who share my faith and certitude, tell me; what can we not accomplish.

I mention that BECAUSE... if we have a collective concern about the matter and bring it to the attention of the angel messenger(s) that transmit prayers to the Throne of God AND we offer it with sincere conviction, God WILL hear it. The same applies to our prayers for this nation and its defense against enemies FOREIGN AND... DOMESTIC.

God is WELL AWARE of everything presently taking place. He KNOWS what every one of the players are up to. He KNOWS about the plots and contrivances, presently at work in the minds of the conspirators, who are seeking to hijack the presidency.

The array of armies of darkness is breathtaking. It is near Armageddon-like. What the armies of darkness do not know, because they can never know it, is the nature and power of the Lord of Light. At the mere approach of him, the darkness fades to nothing, which is what, in fact, the darkness is composed of= NOTHING. Shadows have NO POWER except what we give them. The power that we give them is generated by our fear. Fear is the offspring of doubt. Everything is connected in respect to the actions of any one part. Love manifests union because it is the ultimate attractive force. Alternatively, where Love is absent, Fear generates separation. It divides us against ourselves.

They will be looking for a 9/11 type event to cover themselves. President Trump is not going along with the plans of The Globalists. He is withdrawing the troops from Afghanistan and this is one of the main sources of income for the Globalist cabal. They want the war in Afghanistan to continue because MAJOR MONEY INTERESTS are deeply involved in the poppy business. You have seen the photos of American soldiers protecting the poppy fields. What did the Taliban do when they came into power? They shut down the opium trade.

Attempted assassination is also a possibility, whether it be the Commander in Chief OR his lawyers.

The globalists want to control and PERVERT US without limit. What is happening in present time is nothing less than an Orwellian and Kafkaesque drama whose objective is genocide and enslavement of the world. In EVERY country, there are forces at work to erase the idea of Freedom from the human mind. They intend to enslave us with Draconian laws and by legitimizing depravity in every form you can imagine and some you cannot. This enslaves us from without and within. God help us!!!

Once again, let me state that the evidence of election fraud is OVERWHELMING. A most curious event took place a few days ago, as justices were reshuffled following the death of Baader-Meinhof Ginsburg, and here is the result of that. NOW... 'conservative justices hold emergency jurisdiction over 4 of the 5 states key to President Trump’s victory.' That means that when this OVERWHELMING evidence is presented to them, the president will be continued in office.

This is intolerable for the opposition, many of which are going to be facing serious jail time. Now we know why the president left Gina Haspel and Christopher Wray in charge of their respective agencies. It is all a Mr. Apocalypse end run to expose the traitors in the midst. You can be sure, as desperation leads to panic that they HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. YOU MUST READ THIS ARTICLE!!!

I'm going to sign off now. I've done what I intended. PLEASE READ THAT ARTICLE~!!!

My love to you one and all!

End Transmission.......

TODAY... I WILL record the next discourse from the First Church of the Presence of God... heh heh. At least I hope so. Here is the the last one.

Here is the link to Visible's Music Site.

Here is the GAB link.

Here is the Parler link and...

Here is the Pocketnet link.

les visible at pocketnet


Ray B. said...

I agree that every kind of False Flag or step-up in the use of force is possible during this time. I also agree that becoming consciously-aware of these possibilities and then 'alerting' all-God and his/her/its Messengers that we do not particularly want these possibilities ("Best and Highest" aside) is important. Otherwise, it is only the Bad Guys 'talking' to all-God and other of his/her/its Messengers. This is one reason that the Bad Guys have been doing their damnedest (word chosen carefully) to convince the population that there is nothing beyond earth-plane...

Speaking of earth-plane, this cancelling of the Open Skies Treaty with Russia is not provocative in the least. It definitely would not put the other country in a 'launch at first inkling' stance at all.

"Initiated in 1992 and then ratified in 2002, it allowed the 35 member states that eventually joined it to conduct short-notice, unarmed observation flights to monitor other countries' military operations in mutual verification of arms-control agreements."

Combined with other treaty cancellations, it almost seems that certain Negative Powers want the US and Russia to take each other out...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

Speak it and freak the shadows right the f#$% out!
Create the ever expanding ring of fire water airing out the earth.

"the power of prayer is beyond remarkable and when joined in tandem with LIVING Faith and Certitude, it can cast mountains into the sea. I KNOW this to be true AND... when joined in conscious union with others who share my faith and certitude, tell me; what can we not accomplish"

Speaking truth is shining the light on the darkness, which shrinks away at the speed of light, Nothing can resist the idea whose time has come; the idea is the transparency of freedom.
Nothing can resist the Will of the One for any significant time in cosmic terms
We see One coming

"Shadows have NO POWER except what we give them. The power that we give them is generated by our fear. Fear is the offspring of doubt. Everything is connected in respect to the actions of any one part. Love manifests union because it is the ultimate attractive force. Alternatively, where Love is absent, Fear generates separation. It divides us against ourselves"

Take one discipline over the mind, all day long:
Snort out any and all doubting thoughts before they become fear fuel for the shadow slaves

The will to continue this will be tested and prove that our creativity MUST be fearless FIRST, then all power accumulates to our words of faith based upon certainty that we will not cancel our creative casting prematurely!

Sukh said...

President Trump’s legal team put out a press release clarifying that Sidney Powell was not an official member of the team and that she worked independently (and for free I might add, just like President Trump works for free).

Sidney Powell concurred with this announcement, but she had to do so indirectly (via Gen. Flynn) because Twitter suspended her account for 12 hours so she couldn’t clarify matters directly, giving time to “conservative” traitors to (try to) sideline her.

One of these people was Paul Joseph Watson who tweeted “Looks like Tucker was right to be wary.” Watson's close affiliation with Alex Jones was always a little suspicious.

Another was Ian Miles Cheong who said “I'm on team Tucker Carlson and not team Shitshow.”

A significant patriotic player constantly suspended by twitter who therefore tweets under continually new pseudonyms, explained Tucker Carlson’s (treacherous) behavior like this:

“Fake news desperate for evidence and are trying to shame @SidneyPowell1 for not giving it. They have no idea what's coming but desperately need to coordinate their 4am drops to get ahead of it. That's why Faux News forced @TuckerCarlson to try squeeze it out of her. #PanicInDC”

The turncoats are being made to turn publicly.

Anonymous said...

Visible, I have read almost all of your blog posts since 2006 and I am so grateful for your service to us and to God.
I am truly indebted to you for helping me all these years.
I must be honest with you and tell you that Trump is doing what he is told and is playing his role in this theatre just like Biden, Hillary and the rest. He is beholden to the Tribe and Satan and I really don’t understand how you and others can possibly be taken in by all this obvious absurdity.
You and I agree on almost everything and if you knew who this was writing you, I think you would not dismiss me as an idiot. I am definitely not and neither are you.
I would love it if Trump was on our side but that is not the case.
By the way, that article to which you linked is saying Alex Jones is a patriot and other nonsense.

Anyway, I love you dearly. Continue to believe what you want regarding Trump (who is with his tranny wife to boot).

One day we’ll sit back and laugh about all this. We can even start now.

Always your friend. Love.

Visible said...

Anonymous-Unknown; this is speculation on your part. Yes... he has links with The Tribe. IF YOU HAVE BEEN reading these blogs since 2006 then SURELY... SURELY you have seen my DETAILED explanations of WHY I have been discussing the president and his opposition. As CLEAR as I have been, there are some who refuse to see it and I am compelled to explain it OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again.

My concern is that the election was stolen and the intention of those who THINK they have stolen it to institute COMMUNIST policies and Draconian laws and elsewise. I DO NOT want to live under such a regime. I love my country. I realize that is not a popular position in some circles but I can't help it. I love my country.

I look at works, only works, not what somebody said, not how I imagine they feel, ONLY what they have done. Since NO ONE IS PERFECT, we all make mistakes. I prefer to choose the LESSER OF TWO EVILS but for some reason... for some reason unknown to me (but, yeah... I KNOW) people think I am running around with a Trump beanie and waving a flag and chanting USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

This is tiresome for me to have to do this OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again and again and again and again and again and again, so I'm not going to do it anymore. All explanations are in detail at all recent posts. That SHOULD SUFFICE, if not, oh well. I hope I made this clear. I doubt it, I really do but this is the best I can do. Once this matter is decided it will be off to other aspects of the world as a backdrop for talking about God, which is all I really care about.

The latest Discourse from The First Church of the Presence of God is now up.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Sounds like it's time for one of my rituals. One more voice for ALL THAT IS.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"This Byzantine and Labyrinthine Maze is a Sad Testimony to These Times of Material Darkness."

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Les - ignore the anonymous *I know you are* :) I have been following you too - but on and then off for LONG periods of each  -

But your inner gyroscope was always spinning in the right direction, and now 'every day' seems to be a perfectly good Interval for a Les Viz Column to appear, at these accelerated times.

Your dear and LOYAL friend, it has to be said - that is to say, Mr. Apocalypse - was always tuned in on the subject of accelerated times, wasn't he? :)



Joseph Brenner

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The Sacred and The Profane

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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