Tuesday, October 13, 2020

"A Golden Age is Coming for Those with Hearts that Love has made Golden."


Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Who manufactures the COVID tests? What if the COVID tests report that EVERYONE has it who takes the test; given that the whole virus scam was created TO GET RID OF THE PRESIDENT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Is it any wonder that NOW they are setting new records for COVID infections, 'here, there and everywhere'? Just in time for the election? What a surprise. How is it that people can be this stupid, regimented, and afraid? That is a wonder.

Of course, there are people who take the test and it shows negative but that would HAVE TO BE THE CASE to give some semblance of authenticity. It is all a gigantic fraud!!! It used to be that only the chronically frightened went around in their masks and now I can enter a supermarket and RARELY see anyone like me. What many DO NOT KNOW is that they CAN'T make you wear a mask. They can refuse you entrance to begin with but what I HAVE FOUND is that you can pull it down and forget about it once you are in, which I have demonstrated most places I go. If they can do this to you, what else can they do? It will not be hard to move the majority through the paddocks to the Killing Floor.

How is it that the White House does not know that this is happening? They MUST KNOW but they aren't saying so... there must be something else going on.

Surely you are noticing the imaginary powerful and elite losing their minds? Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic governors, the psycho-dummies in the streets? What is one to do? Do? Do nothing. In a feeding frenzy, you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys because THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS the moment they jump in. REMEMBER THIS! Evil destroys itself. It devours itself. That is THE NATURE of Evil. All you have to do is do nothing. Gee, Visible, isn't that Fatalism? Let's see what Lao Tzu had to say about that;

“Be utterly humble
And you shall hold to the foundation of peace.
Be at one with all these living things which, having arisen and flourished,
Return to the quiet whence they came,
Like a healthy growth of vegetation
Falling back upon the root.
Acceptance of this return to the root has been called 'quietism,'

Acceptance of quietism has been condemned as 'fatalism.'
But fatalism is acceptance of destiny
And to accept destiny is to face life with open eyes,
Whereas not to accept destiny is to face death blindfold.
He who is open-eyed is open-minded-
He who is open-minded is open-hearted,
He who is open-hearted is kingly,
He who is kingly is godly,
He who is godly is useful,
He who is useful is infinite,
He who is infinite is immune,
He who is immune is immortal.”

Amen to that!!!

We imagine that by contending in this world that we can CARVE out a space for ourselves, even accumulate a great many HOSTAGES TO FORTUNE. That should leave us with worry and dread all through that VAIN exhibition. There is ONLY one power. There is ONLY one source of power and if you are not in accord with it... if you are not resonant with it, if you are not utterly reliant on it, you ARE CONTENDING with it, and the end result is that it will wear you down and burn you out from the inside, instead of lighting you up in the most marvelous and transcendent fashion. I KNOW whereof I speak here and EVERYONE else will know it too, sooner or later, one way or the other, and it CAN and probably WILL hurt all the way there.

Why is it as it is, here in this battleground of appetites? It is because, in the illusionary world of temporary things, HUNGER is KING! Would you be free? This IS NOT something you can accomplish on your own. This is WHY so many are bound, no matter how hard or ingeniously they struggle; no matter how smart, or how rich, or how seemingly powerful. One MUST impress Heaven and Heaven watches. Heaven is always watching. The first thing one must gain to impress Heaven is Humility and following that... Integrity, but supreme among all of them is LOVE because LOVE contains all of these qualities. If you have Pure Love, you also have The Qualities of God, and those who exhibit the same, impress Heaven. A light radiates from such a one and angels are drawn to Earth to observe and assist them.

Angels circle the globe EVERY DAY, in search of that light. First, you attract the angels, then you attract The Divine. The greatest success stories here are not about individual achievements, or temporal treasures and powers and station. All of those are the fuel for The Purpose of Demonstration. Impressing the world lasts only so long and brings with it the certain ignominy of history. It can take some time to undo it all and a great deal of attendant suffering. WHY... OH WHY... do people not get this? There is a primer for how to handle life and it has NEVER been said better and that is in this specific translation of The Way of Life.

Yes... I KNOW that seekers have found the answer in The Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the Dhammapada, in the Bhagavad Gita, and other scriptures. I have added ONLY the ones I am familiar with and that would include decades of inquiry into Hermetic and other occult systems BUT... when it comes to a primer on how to conduct yourself in EVERY situation, I have NEVER found a better than the 81 Sutras of Lao Tzu. I've mentioned that I used to take psychedelics and read it OVER and OVER and OVER, to imprint it upon the subconscious. I am not recommending that it is just what I did.

I am nobody important and I realize that. At one point recently, I decided to simply forget all of the mistakes I made and all of the good things I did. Perhaps they cancel each other out? We don't get anywhere without making mistakes and God help those who will not act for fear of making a mistake. Of course, prudence, discrimination, and judgment should always be your fellow travelers BUT... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I seek to bring the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness to Earth. It is an insane ambition but it is what I seek. Each day, I ask for it to descend... into the hearts and minds of those WILLING to host it. Any one of us who accomplishes the possession of it can become a contagion that infects the hearts and minds of everyone they encounter. It is like playing tag. It is like, 'pass it on'. It is like radiating outward that Heavenly resonance which brings every heart into accord.

Pray that The Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness will descend upon you, so that you may share it with everyone, the same way The Sun does what it does and never thinks about the Good and the Bad it shines on. It just shines. It just shines. The Sun and every other of the countless stars in the sky were once someone like you and I. They aspired as far as it would take them and then they met that emissary of The One, who took them the rest of the way. You ONLY have to want it MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. That is the solitary requirement and this is why Faith, Certitude, and Determination are so important. You won't get far without them.

In this world of endlessly fading dreams, that rise and fall like waves on the sea, none of them are remembered for long. I am staggered sometimes, when I reflect on the futility of effort that is the general lot. I move through a world of meaningless, appetite driven, madness. All the hungry ghosts are dancing in the ballroom of The Overlook Hotel. ♫ Where or When ♫ is on the playlist, so is ♫ I'll be Seeing You ♫ and most certainly, ♫ As Time Goes By ♫ The walls of the crumbling infrastructure are stuccoed with poignancy and regret. See how it crumbles and fades. The rising and falling edifices of dreams, green leaves for a season, and then... dead leaves swirling in the November wind and gone, gone to compost the Earth for each new edifice that comes and goes and comes and goes. Is that all there is?!?

That IS NOT all there is and you can prove this to yourself if you will. A Golden Age is coming for those with Hearts that Love has made Golden. Gold for hearts and Silver for minds. It's all alchemy in a world of ignorant chemists. They solve et coagula results in reductio ad absurdum. Turning Lead into Gold is no more than changing Tamas into Sattva. Cultivate your mind gardens. The power of imagination is immeasurable. AND ALL OF IT is made possible by attracting angels. All of the elementals as well are willing to be friends with those who have the favor of The Lady. They know when that is present, I assure you. Luther Burbank and other rare souls have proven it again and again. Why spend your time in futile contention with others for a mess of pottage when you can walk into the secret paths of Nature? For the sincere and determined, The Book of Nature will open. Now THAT... is a fine ambition.

End Transmission.......

Well... apparently, I was right.

We've got a new location! We shall see how it goes.

And, of course, there's Pocketnet They don't want me in the Pocketnet email notifications cause I get too many positive votes. You can see who the favored are in Top Posts but to me, it just means I must be doing something right if they so studiously avoid me. None the less, I am grateful that they give me any space at all.

les visible at pocketnet


Thomas said...

Good one, Vis. There's a fine, mellow and meandering quality to it.

Some distance between utter humility and the ambition to make the Kingdom of Heaven descend to Earth, eh! Hehe, I am half joking here - I think it is a good ambition - and I once heard that:

who shoots for the Sun might hit the Moon
who shoots for the Moon hits jack shit

Reality itself is a paradox, isn't it - so why can't we be? For anything to exist but One God, there must be contradiction/duality, no? - and how was it otherwise, too, that Jesus could at once be so meek, and so... overwhelming?

I read some very interesting observations from some seems-to-me-genuine present-day shamans yesterday - about the relationship between schizophrenia and shamanism - and it made a lot of sense to me. I was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic years ago (never took it seriously), and found these explanations to make a lot of sense. The one, Malidoma Somé, says that what happens when people become psychotic (which I did some times) is that there are two incompatible energies that are trying to merge and harmonize (and that it may be a very good thing, if the "other" energy is a good one, and can be successfully integrated) - that it is in fact a sign of good fortune in his culture when mental illness sets in - as it is seen as a sign of the spirit world wanting to come in contact with "our" world. That's the first link, for the curious:


It's like learning to know Reality, more and more of it, as time passes, and as we grow... And to be able to calmly hold a bigger and bigger piece of it, in stillness - just being, and letting things be. Sort of like what Lao Tzu is saying there.

The wise say it is ALL ONE - who knows? I guess we'll find out when we get there! :)

God is good - that much I can say.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

A long time ago I have come to the conclusion that nothing here really matters in the Cosmic Scheme of things. I haven't lived for this place in forever. In fact, I haven't liked this place in forever. The restrictions, limitations of innate abilities, lies, illusions, lack of full Akashic Access, lack of nose hair coat factories, dealing with psychopaths, the willfully ignorant, hot weather, high population density, acne, intestines, bladders, past days o' bein' on the rag which are thankfully over, living in the wrong cuntry, and being a prisoner of time. Of course the list is at east 50 times as long, but you get my drift. So amazing it is that so many including self are so addicted to this realm of perpetual inconvenience.


So I conclude this on Pocketnet, where I say:

Visible said...

I was diagnosed with chronic, incurable schizophrenia so I can concur with what you say. It was/is definitely the spirit world getting in touch.

SD said...

Appreciate your thoughts, and smiled at how one bit dovetailed with something I've been pondering recently. You said, "It's all alchemy in a world of ignorant chemists. Their solve et coagula results in reductio ad absurdum."

Of course I could be completely off-base (I often am), but it surely seems to me that some/many have become so obsessed with their "solve" that they never even consider "coagula." Maybe that helps explain why they are eating each other? I.e., what you have said before about how the end result of Materialism is insanity...

Thank you for the chewy mental food-for-thought!

Thomas said...

The psychiatrists definitely do not know what they are talking about - even though many of them mean well. To apply the materialist paradigm to mental, emotional and spiritual matters is bound to result in grave errors of judgement.

What it all means I couldn't say! But God is good - that is the most important :)

Ray B. said...

Vis, an 'alchemical' column. Thanks!

Vis: "I seek to bring the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness to Earth. It is an insane ambition but it is what I seek."

My version of that is to try (with higher help) to re-elevate Earth and its occupants to the "Kingdom of Heaven." Everything I have 'collected' from different higher entities points to Us once having been much higher in consciousness (and even body). We were 'eased down' to what we are today through a combination of desire, naïveté, and the actions of whom/what I call Bad Guys. I am hoping that a 'reversal' of those three (some through gained-experience and some through Cleaning) will cause Us to in effect 'float' back to our previous position - older and wiser.
On the "schizophrenia" angle, there was much talk and publishing back in the 60s on how a spiritual awakening (aka kundalini rising) could produce 'symptoms' in an unprepared body and consciousness. Psychologists/psychiatrists/doctors who were themselves in an 'unawakened' state could and would diagnose the symptoms within their limited paradigm. Who knows how many awakening individuals were 'sedated' with lithium and other mind-numbing drugs, rather than having access to enlightened individuals who could 'guide' them through the sometimes-hard experience...

Which brings up another aspect: Those who are shut-down really believe in a finite universe and planet. One person's gain is another person's loss; a zero-sum game. So much of the 'behavior' we see on Earth today is the result of such a limited mindset. Conflict is inevitable.

To get out of that mode-of-being, there will have to be some kind of universal Awakening. I look forward to that (hopefully, in our lifetimes), although most of the population will have to go through a kind of 'kundalini rising' experience...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...


"...addicted to this realm of perpetual inconvenience..."

That's as cogent an explanation as any of this mess of a material plane that we find ourselves returning to again and again. We'll figure it out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"The Maya on the Mind is Breaking Up and Light is Streaming through the Cracks."

Visible said...

There is a new extemporaneous transmission from The First Church of the Presence of God and you can find it at this location.



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