Wednesday, October 02, 2019

There was a Fairy Tale and the Goddess brought me Ale.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It is open warfare now. I look ahead into the Event Horizon and the impression I get is that the world we will be inhabiting at this time next year (if it is still here) is going to be a very, very different environment than the one we are presently in. I won't even attempt to predict what we might see. There are many seers and experts out there whose job it is to get things like this wrong. It is not my job.

I wrote a posting at Origami a couple of days ago in which I tried to clarify the meaning implied by my working motto; “I don't know”. I don't think I could have been more clear. Today... another anonymous pundit showed up to tell me how wrong I was and why one had to know. The entire commentary about one proclaiming their general ignorance and keeping one's mind empty and open so that the divine persona could cause a true knowing to arise, simply went by the board. I am convinced now that there are people who are so incredibly, intellectually dense that they would lose an argument with a fence post. The other possibility is that we are experiencing troll behavior. It didn't seen that way though. It seemed that the person was indeed, beyond the reach of all reason and logic. In these times as result of Materialism, we are faced with a massive portion of the population that cannot be reached in any way... WHATSOEVER... other than TRAUMA or CATASTROPHE.

The greater mass of this population includes, cellphone zombies, the sexually obsessed and dysfunctional, the politically hysterical, the chemically addled, the terminally angry, the superficially addicted via everything from Instagram and other social media, to the many varieties of glamour that have become literal churches attended by millions. As materialism intensifies, these pathological fixations will also intensify and the road kill fallout from these unhealthy associations is going to verge on the astronomical. Here are some seriously deranged members of Antifa, screaming at an elderly lady, using a walker to cross the street in Ontario.

This is astonishing. Even more astonishing are the collection of cellphone camera crazies filming it ...and in full sociopath mode, indifferent to the plight of this lady. Has all manhood fled into the flaming crypt of effeminacy and masturbating Dodo birds?

In Maryland, 4 black thugs crept up on an elderly white man and knocked him out.

Then they spit on him. The result was they killed him. A few hours later he had been designated as a white supremacist by one of the thug parents; that apple did not fall far from the poisoned tree. Events of this sort are going on all round the country. Christians gathering in peaceful protest over abortion or some issue, are being assaulted by masked Antifa thugs. You can find various occurrences via a simple search.

Anyone subjecting these events to reasonable analysis, can presume that there are going to be greater and greater outbreaks of the same. It seems that many thousands of helicopter parents have raised several generations of listless, purposeless and dysfunctional youth, who cannot hold jobs or take care of themselves and they are being recruited by The Dark Side at colleges, where they have been sent by these helicopter parents, or they were approached on social media, or under sundry conditions and... being purposeless and incapable of objective thought, they are now members of masked gangs of Jacobin Maoists and similar disorganized organizations, dedicated to the spread of anarchistic chaos.

By now, any rational and thinking person, knows that these cultural trends are being financed by deep pocket Satanists, who are at war with all forms of order and normality. War in the streets is not just on the way. It is here. This sounds ominous, doesn't it? Being one who looks closely and deeply into what is taking place and what appears to be on the horizon, it looks like... it looks like relentlessly savage behavior is on the menu. While... at the same time, there is a Joker in the deck. The other Joker is dealing the cards so... it looks like there is a competitive duality taking place but it's the same Joker differently aspected, proving you can be in two places at once (or more) if you are The Divine, who generated the deck and the table and the floor the table is resting upon, while being all of these at the same time.

You might ask, “what is a person to do?”

As for all of these impeachable offenses, 'it could be', 'it could be' that Trump set it all up from the beginning, knowing they would come after him and leaving a trail of Hansel und Gretel crumbs, in order to snare the weasels into exposing themselves. Knowing he was going after real Satanists, he knew what he had to do. I have both heard and seen the evidence that he is a Zionist shill but where would he have gotten if he had come out in opposition to the Synagogue of Satan? In the context of 'keep your enemies closer', this is as possible as anything else. A final note on this matter; God can and does wake up in anyone he pleases to, WHEN he wishes to, for the purpose of accomplishing his ends. I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. I am NOT saying this particular waking up is true.

I DO NOT KNOW what is true about President Trump. What I do know is, “by their works ye shall know them.” I'm not concerned about ANYTHING in this world because I am in contact with the author of creation and whether anything that is be the genuine expression, or a perversity, it is defined by the mind which conceived it. On the one hand, you have the sincere expression and on the other hand you have some variation of travesty. The power to manifest anything, good, bad, or indifferent, came from the same source. Of course there is a mystery here. Of course it does and does not make sense. Your job is to resolve the mystery. It's another way of saying; 'see the light' and... once again, of course... there is the false light and the true light. ANYONE can have this contact. You simply have to want it MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.

Let me now segue back to the deeper implications of, “I don't know.” When one empties their mind, REALLY empties their mind, what remains is the author of the mind itself. There is ONLY one mind and it is the misfortune of the separated mind not to know this and to delude itself into thinking it is apart. This makes whoever does this (nearly all of us) an antagonist of THE UNITY. Thus is Free Will defined. You have the freedom to oppose the divine plan, OR to be an active player within it; ♫devil or angel, I can't make up my mind♫ Love being the final arbiter of anything and everything. Love reveals the true nature of anything it comes into contact with. We are talking about Real Love here because otherwise, it illuminates the object of desire, in false light and clothes it in glamour.

When you hear anything, when you see anything, when you read anything, when you think anything, there are ALWAYS several options on impact. You can hear, or see, or read and it can have the meaning you put on it as THE NAMER OF THINGS. Elsewise you realize any of it in the context of how it fits into your separated interpretation. You could be close, or far away from the essential meaning OR you can experience Revelation and it is possible to have this happen in an unbroken continuity of awareness, when you get to the place where the mind is completely empty, except for the author of the mind. At that point, when YOU don't know, you will be immediately informed by the one who does because he is right there in that moment with you, as close to you as you are to yourself, in fact it is yourself but an eternal, everlasting self that has been there all the time, while you were busy doing other, personal things, at the behest of your illusory personal self.

This brings us to the power of Faith and why you should be after the acquisition of Faith, Certitude and Determination, as if they were more precious than anything in this world... because they are. FAITH IS the SUBSTANCE of THINGS... UNSEEN. IF you are absolutely certain, in the unshakable conviction of “how firm a foundation' Faith... you have only to truly believe and it will manifest... guaranteed. There are those concealed among us who can 'precipitate' anything into being, near instantaneously. PLEASE read again, Chapter 43 from Autobiography of a Yogi. This is possible for every single one of us. You just have to want it more than anything else; seek ye first The Kingdom and all else will be in the trunk when you arrive.

Success is speedy for the energetic.”

We are coming up on transforming change, the like of which we have not seen before. Every plane is going to be energized and part of an ascension dynamic, IF you are among the willing; “two will be standing in a field”. Objects in the universal mirror are closer than they appear.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is-

As ever and ever anon, we have Pocketnet.

If you have not read The Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda yet, here it is. This has (so far) profoundly affected my life. This has, truly, been one of the great spiritual gifts that I have received.

Also, it has come to my attention that some of you may be in need of an upgraded computer. I am going to post here several pages where you can find fine Small Form Factor computers for very little money, with SSDs and plenty of RAM. I have no financial relationship with any of these companies; just trying to be helpful.

Empty the mind and what remains is God- Choose revelation over realization in respect of the precipitation of the object of faith. (Do it today!!!) (grin)


Rob Kettenburg said...


Are you aware that this post is a duplicate of yesterday's Smoking Mirror post with a different title?

Anonymous said...

This posting is so good it is worth reading twice :)

Rob Kettenburg said...


Are you aware that this is a duplicate of yesterday's Smoking Mirrors post with a different title?

Visible said...

Yes... I am aware. Facebook censured me so I put it up under another title... (grin)

Anonymous said...

lots of chatter about a false flag in seattle on november 03 that kicks off wwIII, pop culture predictive programming type stuff. i wonder what the stars are up to on that day? Do You Believe in Magick?

Anonymous said...

here we go again, back down the rabbit hole...the emerald city is in play.

Rob Kettenburg said...

I rarely visit Facebook as it's owned & operated by the CIA. Les, since I have your attention, PLEASE read the following article I posted up onto The Best of the Net back in 2003. It will answer a lot of your unanswered questions that you've been bashing yourself over the head with lately.

Your Friend,

Rob Kettenburg

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-   

Sorry about no hotlink ran out of time today (grin)

Seymour Photonous said...

Les said. "It is open warfare now. I look ahead into the Event Horizon and the impression I get is that the world we will be inhabiting at this time next year (if it is still here) is going to be a very, very different environment than the one we are presently in. " end quote.

Hard to say, but I have an odd story to tell.

Six numbers came to me forty years ago, which oddly enough was of a time stamp, which I was able to check when I came to a phone booth at the end of my journey. It turned out to be the time stamp from the talking clock as at the time of my checking.

This completely blew my mind and shattered the glass of my self image and world model, with regards time and events and my role in this world.

I came to wonder it these numbers are somehow a clairvoyant date stamp that somehow represented either the date of my death or the end of the world?(?), and so over the ensuring decades tried to find the way to add or subtract these numbers to reveal the date.

Over the years a couple of dates have come and gone without incident. Only just recently a new date has came together in mind, (which turns out to be a very simple addition of the parts which somehow escaped being noticed before,) where now it seems to all line up with heat, pressure and possible bursting points.

I now have the hour glass turned and are counting down the days, as it is just under a year away from now.

So this is the last year of this event line we are on, is it? hmmm, hard to say and odd, but it would be the most interesting.

The date I have is 02 10 2020. (Read as an Australian date, ie the second of October 2020.) The way it is looking at the moment, the next 12 months without doubt is going to be rather tumultuous and could very well be the final events for this sorry event line.

May the Lord awaken and end his grisly nightmare.



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