Saturday, August 17, 2019

"My Investments and All My Treasures are in The Bank of the Living and Eternal Lord and Master of all Things."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

For several days now... there has been this palpable tension in the air. It's a thick as an Antifa Milkshake. I approach the keyboard to write a post and then step away. This has happened many times in the last 48 hours. I find myself making small comments at Pocketnet articles; all the while... there is this subdural noise; a metaphysical raven... tap tap tapping at my mental door. It's like the sound that delivery trucks make when they back up.

Meanwhile, I scan the billboards and traffic signs on the information highway. Trends are my thing. Trends tell me of the changes pending on the wide plane of manifest existence. I am not referring to the trends of manufactured and agenda driven disinfo. I'm talking about what appears in the viewfinder of an objective observer. My visceral input is generally 100% accurate. It's not detail oriented. It is more like the coming and going of atmospheres; like a cosmic weather report. There are all those metaphorical clouds moving across the sun, the wind coming up and the wind dying down; not to overlook the voices in the wind. There is rain and unobstructed sunlight. There are the phases of the moon, that esoteric guidance system of the subconscious, as well as the tides and the emotions. There is the quiet and the storm.

Something's up. It seems as if something is up most of the time these days. Some of it we hear about and some of it we don't. Often what we hear is a spectrum of variations and none of them true. Lies are the currency of the times. Some people are getting rich off of them and some are being mislead into dangerous blind alleys and cul de sacs. There is an enormous sea of anger, tossing about with wind whipped whitecaps. There is confusion in an even greater measure. Everyone is a refugee today, from the familiar into the unknown.

Late last night I listened to this fellow.

I have not heard anyone so passionate, articulate and direct in recent memory. He has most assuredly convinced himself. I had not a shred of doubt about him as I listened; mindful of the Biblical admonitions of false prophets. Yet, he rings more true than almost anyone I have heard in a good long while. I have no stocks and bonds; no investments of any kind except... all of my resources are invested in The Bank of the Living and Eternal Lord and Master of all Things. There is no need for me to scurry about looking for new baskets in which to store my eggs.

Every day there is some new report on the barbarians inside the gates:

Europe is awash in unreported acts of violence and rife with police no go zones. Arch-Satanist, Georgie Sorrows is hard at work. His army of the demonically possessed are lathered to a frenzy, like hydrophobic locusts, gnawing away at the infrastructure of what used to be. At any moment one expects raining frogs and rivers of blood, the return of Egypt cursed; an echo of the past come back the long way round.

In constant attendance are the subterranean rumblings of the Ring of Fire. They feel it here. They feel it there. Soon they will feel it everywhere. The moment will come, preceded by an eerie silence. The whole of Nature will have gone quiet. Dogs and cats will freeze in those seconds and the hair on their bodies will crackle with static electricity. Then the ground will begin to undulate, like a gigantic bouncy castle. Minutes will pass like hours. Soon now.

As far as Epstein goes, or went... you can't do better speculation than this.

The question travels like a Slinky down the stairs; do they need him and... who is watching Ghislaine?

A short digression for the public good and the good of the members of Pocketnet and elsewise. During a mention made of Adrenochrome, someone referred to the French movie of the previous decade, called “Martyrs.” They said that mention of Adrenochrome was made in the film. I do not remember that at all. This does not mean it didn't happen. The film was so vile and riveting that I might well have missed it. To this day, I wish I had missed that film. I am a film buff and not much has gotten past me over the years. I wish that one had. As I mentioned in my comment there, “you can't unsee it. So it is my caution to you that you do not see this film. It was truly horrific and deals with the doings of a Satanic cult. I could not shake the feeling of how real it was and the impact lasted for days after. It went well beyond anything implied in “Eyes Wide Shut.”

I want to take a moment here to give sincere praise to the man who created Pocketnet and those who assist him in this work. NEVER have I discovered a web presence like Pocketnet. The quality of content and the intelligence and integrity of the contributors is without equal in my experience. I hardly go elsewhere these days for my news. This is not to say that there is not a certain contingent of airheads, commercial materialists, trolls and generally mean spirited types but they are in a distinct minority. You will note, if you get any amount of Star voting attention that there are one or more anonymous internet orcs, devoid of any creativity of their own, who are intent on lowering the ratings of others. This is an insignificant event for any of us with any degree of honor or integrity. Knowing that you have reached some amount of your peers, is all that you should rightly care about. So... there's that sorted.

Something is looming in the event horizon. Uproar and upheaval are planned or in the process of occurring across the globe. Mindless twits and violent cowards are gathering an offensive against all that is good and decent and most especially; there is a war on Normal and on Christianity and it is that tiny demographic within The Tribe, who are the engineers and orchestraters of it all; the truth is Antisemitic. Look at who sits on the boards of EVERY alt-sex org. Look who heads up the Atheist movement. Look at who are the purveyors, not to mention, creators of Communism and Socialism. It is the mass of cowards among us who refuse to see and acknowledge what is RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF THEM. It won't be me in that shameful fellowship. That ship sailed long ago. I WILL NOT be listed among them who betrayed humanity.

Here is the key point I wish to leave with you today. Our reality, individually and collectively, is the product of our minds. Our solidarity in thought MUST be greater than those pushing the false solidarity of the slogans of enslavement, those political and social movements, out of the bowels of depravity, that in the last century alone, accounted for the deaths of tens of millions upon tens of millions. There is no succor for us in these perverted systems and the screams of the torment of the victims is still heard upon the aether, a fell and undying echo of man's inhumanity to man. Fuck Communism and all of its fellow traveling blood and shitmeisters.

Our minds hold our reality together, it is our collective attention and faith that are the bonds and anchor of our sense of reality. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” “I think, therefore I am.” To name something and to identify it, is to claim it as real (in that presentation) to you. In the ultimate sense, only God is Real- everything else is a by product.

There are various reasons why evil never triumphs uber alles. One of them is that there are more of us who believe in the rightness of things than those who think contrary. There is also the inescapable truth that that spark of life within each of us, is divine and... regardless of how shrouded in darkness it may be in people like Soros and others, it will work internally against them and against every evil design and machination that might be the product of their infernal minds. The very life within them will war against their despicable intentions; of those who once were men but can no longer be considered as members of the human race.

Cardinal Woolsey's Soliloquy from Shakespeare says it all about creatures like Soros;

“So farewell to the little good you bear me.
Farewell! a long farewell, to all my greatness!
This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth
The tender leaves of hopes; to-morrow blossoms,
And bears his blushing honours thick upon him;
The third day comes a frost, a killing frost,
And, when he thinks, good easy man, full surely
His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root,
And then he falls, as I do.

I have ventured,
Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders,
This many summers in a sea of glory,
But far beyond my depth: my high-blown pride
At length broke under me and now has left me,
Weary and old with service, to the mercy
Of a rude stream, that must for ever hide me.
Vain pomp and glory of this world, I hate ye:
I feel my heart new open'd. O, how wretched
Is that poor man that hangs on princes' favours!
There is, betwixt that smile we would aspire to,
That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin,
More pangs and fears than wars or women have:
And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer,
Never to hope again.”

For so long as even a few of us share the common and eternal truths that the master spoke of in his brief sojourn here, defeat will not find us. There is a greater power in each of us than all the massed darkness and evil in this entire world. Just as a single candle will drive the darkness from a room, our light, when held in the firmness of unshakable faith, will not tremble before temporal thrones and when we are joined together in a common Faith, Certitude and Determination we cannot be brought low by mere shadows. As the master said, “Wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them!”

End Transmission.......

Today's song;

Here is something from HPB that I occasionally post and which has been an inspiration to me through all of my life;

There is a road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a road, and it leads to the very heart of the Universe. I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inward only, and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore. There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer; there is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through; there is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount. For those who win onwards there is reward past all telling - the power to bless and save humanity; for those who fail, there are other lives in which success may come.”

Here is where you go to sign up for Pocketnet.

Failing that, you can search out Keep in mind there is another site called Getpocketnet or somesuch that is often confused with it. You don't want that site. Failing that you can email them at and they will certainly help you if you are having trouble getting in due to an old system or the wrong browser. Those seem to be the main obstacles so far.


Ray B. said...

Vis, many loving truths and excellent wordsmithing! Thanks.

Vis: "There is also the inescapable truth that that spark of life within each of us, is divine and... it will work internally against them... The very life within them will war against their despicable intentions..."

Most people don't grok that the vast majority of the universe (the folks within it, seen and unseen) is telepathic. It is only in our dumbed-down, stunted state that people believe that we are 'separate'. Full or partial telepathy is the 'natural state', not mouth-speak.

Given that, think of our (earth-bound) state as being beneath a fog-bank. Above it, the air is clear. Within it, we believe being-enshrouded is the norm. Our telepathic selves are like that. All of us are telepathic, right now. The individual or planetary 'fog bank' is interfering, down here. But just above the interference, we are communing telepathically, right now. It is just 'filtered out' before we know of it, as telepathy would make short-work of the bad-guy plans.

In other words, there are good-guy 'plotters' everywhere, above the fog (including us). Communicating telepathically. As the fog gets lifted (one way or another), look for almost miraculous 'progress'. Everything was 'sorted out' on the telepathic side, long ago...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.
P.S. This quote just seemed to fit the situation:
"One must possess a larger view to understand what is going on.
One must embrace a larger view to be a part of what is going on."

Anonymous said...

God bless you Visible, though He already has. I think it's likely Epstein is still alive - the scumbags at the top still can use his demonic services. There's a rumor that a van came to the jail the morning before he died and wasn't logged in - the anonymous witness saw a man in fatigues with an assault rifle and he was loaded into his van to disappear into the morning mist.

Unknown said...

This just sprang to mind:


There’s an inner thing in every man,
Do you know this thing my friend?
It has withstood the blows of a million years,
And will do so to the end.

It was born when time did not exist,
And it grew up out of life,
It cut down evil’s strangling vines,
Like a slashing searing knife.

It lit fires when fires were not,
And burnt the mind of man,
Tempering leadened hearts to steel,
From the time that time began.

It wept by the waters of Babylon,
And when all men were a loss,
It screeched in writhing agony,
And it hung bleeding from the Cross.

It died in Rome by lion and sword,
And in defiant cruel array,
When the deathly word was ‘Spartacus’
Along the Appian Way.

It marched with Wat the Tyler’s poor,
And frightened lord and king,
And it was emblazoned in their deathly stare,
As e’er a living thing.

It smiled in holy innocence,
Before conquistadors of old,
So meek and tame and unaware,
Of the deathly power of gold.

It burst forth through pitiful Paris streets,
And stormed the old Bastille,
And marched upon the serpent’s head,
And crushed it ‘neath its heel.

It died in blood on Buffalo Plains,
And starved by moons of rain,
Its heart was buried in Wounded Knee,
But it will come to rise again.

It screamed aloud by Kerry lakes,
As it was knelt upon the ground,
And it died in great defiance,
As they coldly shot it down.

It is found in every light of hope,
It knows no bounds nor space
It has risen in red and black and white,
It is there in every race.

It lies in the hearts of heroes dead,
It screams in tyrants’ eyes,
It has reached the peak of mountains high,
It comes searing ‘cross the skies.

It lights the dark of this prison cell,
It thunders forth its might,
It is ‘the undauntable thought’, my friend,
That thought that says ‘I’m right!’ said...

I watched this and it rang a a bell!…
He was murdered.

David Fiske said...…
He was murdered

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I'll find out what happened to shlepstein when I get my Akashic Library Card. Dead or alive, as the former First Bitch said, what's the difference? Now, anyway. Another 5 Nostril post.

Martyrs! Gods, what a flick. Saw bits and pieces, and that ending is a doozy. A fate fit for lots of politicians, and those who serve them. A few CEOs, too. (All pharma companies, amazon, wal-fart. . .)

Visible said...

That was the darkest and most evil film I have ever seen. I didn't get what was up until the end or I wouldn't have watched it through. I am surprised I did anyway as that sort of film is not my thing. I imagine all sorts of people saw that film and did not know what they were in for. It was exceedingly real. I think I know a little more about the darkness in some people, given what I have run into and experienced. I've crossed paths with some real monsters; luckily I was able to move right by. Pocketnet is amazing! It has a dingbat factor but it also has info and interesting things I run into nowhere else.

Visible said...

Unknown; thanks for that brilliantly written piece. Is that the Bobby Sands who hunger striked himself into the next world?

Unknown said...

Yes. My First sentence as a two your old child was: "Bobby Sands is dead"

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

The psychic pressure is going to 11

We who know we have hearts deeper than our minds can fathom must keep watch on our energy level and keep it pinned to the humble baseline, If we try to care for all of the heart-rending dire straits people have lead themselves into, we will blow our own gaskets. So, we throw our cares upon the One, represented by the Christ within and pray as unceasingly as we are able.

I keep saying to my soul, have You ever experienced the magnitude of world-wide stress and confusion?
The answer is: nothing like this and nothing like this ever again.

Knowing that there are others who know that they have souls against the mass deception of soullessness is a comfort!

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

"Cry on Zion and Babble-on too Make Haste before Armageddon Gets You."

Visible said...

Hang in there Robert. Love WILL find a way. As long as your love goes before you, fear can have no presence. One displaces the other. Neither can exist at the same time as the other. The (necessary for existence) drink of evil is fear. It cannot operate without it. It is the oil that keeps the gears from seizing up.

Unknown... Wow! that is an image. I must say that my admiration for Sands just went through the roof. What an articulate fellow! Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention. I already thought highly of him. For years I've been one to say, "Up the IRA" and when they blew up that slime, Mountbatten and all that was left was a shoe, I danced a jig. I have had a real hatred for the occupation. Yes, I know the IRA are killers but look at what birthed them!

I remember reading "Trinity" Whoa... that book set me back a few steps into a pondering reflection. Eight hundred fucking years of uninterrupted tragedy (more now actually). Funny thing is, I'm not Irish. I'm Scotch and Austrian. The Scots were in the same dilemma. One of my favorite phrases is, "British Justice" said with a curdling sneer. One of my favorite poets was Richard Lovelace. At the time he was one of the richest men in England. He spent his whole fortune backing and fighting in wars against factions in his own country. He was a royalist so that aspect of loyalties is a bit muddy. I LOVE that poem, "To Althea from Prison" "If I have freedom in my love and in my soul am free, angels alone that soar above, enjoy such liberty" I REALLY liked that guy!!! He and I shared the same sentiments about that icon of the 'clerk mind'; Oliver Cromwell. Those were murky times.

Anonymous said...

A great recital of the poem is here:

also on-topic, these are worth a look:

Moving Hearts - "Irish Ways & Irish Laws"

Sinead O'Connor - Irish Ways (live)

Christy Moore - If They Come In the Morning



Joseph Brenner

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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