Dog Poet Transmitting.......
(I saw on the clock that it was approaching 11:00 AM. I thought to myself, it's too bad the game is starting then, because otherwise I would be inclined to write a post. I put on Jim Reeves singing, "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You" as I went to put the game on and could not find it).
My friend said, "It's probably on later." I said, "but all week I have seen it coming on at 1:00 Eastern." Somehow I was wrong. This is why, even when I am absolutely certain, I never insist. I've learned the lesson in that regard. So... let's write a post (grin). By the way (I'm not sure I should even mention this. I heard a voice come into my head last evening and it said, "You should do a meditation for Tom Brady tomorrow." To put it lightly, I was stunned. That sort of thing never happens.
I went ahead and did it anyway and... I did one last night too, heh heh. Now if it doesn't play out I suspect I will look the fool. This is a position I am not unfamiliar with. Perhaps, then, I should not even have mentioned it but... I did for the purpose of demonstration, though I do not know what this will demonstrate since I was only responding to an unusual request.
I'll close this intro with a tale about my learning never to insist that I am right. I had a girlfriend once named Svargo, oh... about 30 years ago. It was during the most desperate period of my life and she was -and is- an angel who remains one of the finest people I have ever met. Aside from the wreckage that was my life and my torturous battle with myself and the world, she protected and sheltered me and was ♫ Right Thru My Heart ♫ proof that god loves me.
On one occasion I was at her house and we were talking about a song. I can no longer remember the title but I was absolutely certain it was done by a particular artist. I insisted I was right. I was wrong. I was stunned. Six weeks later, the same thing happened with a different subject. This time I was absolutely-absolutely certain I was right. I was wrong. Yikes. I was super stunned because I was ever so much more certain this time. It did not happen again. I did not insist again; point taken. Oh... dear lord... the lessons I have learned, especially of late. My gratitude cannot be voiced or measured but I will try to. Onward and upward!)
Welcome to our latest blood moon eclipse, taking place some time this evening, or so I am told. It is going to last around 4 hours, or so I am told. It's in Leo (well... I'm a Leo with my opposite rising; full moon's usually take place in the sign that is the opposite of the sign it appears in.) Maybe it will have some significance for me personally. None of the rest of them have but... It is in a square with Uranus, the planet of upheaval and transformation; interestingly 'liberation' as well as... revolution. It is considered to be the higher octave of Mercury (one might gain some amount of insight considering what that means; the higher octave of Mercury. ALSO... it is the ruler of Aquarius- the sign we are supposed to be in. Uranus is ALSO associated with 'rebirth'. Aquarius begins on the 21st on January. This is the 20th. So... this is a cusp moon passing into Aquarius right while it is happening. Whoa Nellie.It's also called a 'wolf moon'. I don't exactly know why but you can look into it if you wish... ahrooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
People don't associate me with Astrology, however... I have put a good deal of time into Esoteric Astrology, in tandem with my Tarot and other arcane studies. I might add, I am very much into Phrenology and I doubt that is known much outside my own head. It is now in the realm of common knowledge (grin). I studied Chiromancy in some detail too but... as with Clinical and applied Astrology, I did/do not possess the gene for it. You'd be surprised how certain information can prove valuable in a tangential way, regardless of one's overall expertise. Right off, I notice that in this planetary configuration, Trump and others might consider the possibilities. In some countries, at a further reach, heads might roll in following days. It seems to have all the earmarks for it. I imagine some astrologers might disagree with some of my statements but... argument is a given when it comes to that 'science' since perspective plays, to a great degree, in the application and formation of one's POV; one of the reasons I ALWAYS prefer to 'look in' before I even think about 'looking out'.
For reasons I won't go into, I am going to be in a meditative state during this eclipse. I've gone into similar behavior for similar events, including 12/12, the Sacrifice of the Harmonica Virgins and the last eclipse. Nada is what I got. This time I expect more because it has personal implications. I'm trying to play down the personal these days because I'm looking for ease of passage when I take the big journey (if I do in the usual manner... I don't HAVE TO; none of us do but that's not up to us).
My final word on this eclipse; the big picture has to do with Mr. Apocalypse. Consider the qualities of Uranus mentioned in the fourth paragraph. Do these not all have context concerning Mr. Apocalypse? I am hearing that much of what I was told in Italy a few years ago is now going to go into action; the things Mr. Apocalypse told me he was going to be getting up to, should this be true- and I am betting it is- indicates that there is going to be ♫a whole lotta shaking going on♫
The force of Uranus is considerable. One might well 'expect the unexpected'. The planets are both inside and outside of us. Their interplay is the source of the soundtrack of our lives. One could also say they set the environment we act out in. The relationship between our interior schematic and the macrocosmic side, determines the nature of our 'events'. There are a number of ways for one to look at the natal (and progressed) map of their present existence. I tend to view is as, the wise man or woman rules the stars. We have interior impulses that act on us and those who move in an unconscious manner are prisoners of fate. On the other hand; much like T'ai Chi' and similar dances of harmonization, one can intuit the necessary footwork, given that one is moving in a conscious manner.
The essential behavior of manifest life is change. In the highest sense, the configuration we were born with provides the conditions for the working out of our Karma. We can operate like a pinball, or we can work the table. I used to (when I was a pinball wizard in my youth) put the front legs of the pinball machine on the toes of my shoes; not my own toes. I made the necessary protective adjustment. This gave me a more even playing field. Yeah, I was cheating but perhaps, so was the designer of the machine. I think of that sometimes in terms of life as well. It is clearly evident that those who schemed their ways into the corridors of temporal power, in all the larger fields, adjust the playing surface to their advantage. You need to know this going in, or you need to learn it earlier on because otherwise you can find yourself where you would rather not be, like performing as cannon fodder in a Banker War for Banker Profit, or economically disadvantaged because of the way the system operates.
If one has striven for a wider sense of awareness and has sought to associate themselves with that consciousness, which possesses the widest and most enduring awareness that there is; interesting developments appear. You might struggle and sometimes get battered from pillar to post but in the end, having proven worthy or, in any case, having endured and never given up... then VERY interesting developments WILL come into play. I speak from personal experience ALWAYS and when it is something I have not yet experienced, or- praise God!- did not have to experience, it is always something that I have accepted as true based on the integrity and wisdom of the one whose thoughts I have unequivocally embraced, or a telling and unfortunate lesson that someone else kindly experienced on my behalf (thank you very much).
The result of my life up to this point has been that I consider the ineffable, the divine being, to be the primary objective in life and there is no second choice. This is because, despite the epic suffering that my choice of path and relentless ignorance of earlier times put me through, the mindset I presently enjoy cannot be compared in value to any other ever, at any time anywhere. Surely it can and will improve measurably for all of us that share in this pursuit but 'the thing itself' is beyond compare, is the essence and body of joy and bliss, of wonder and beauty beyond description. It is priceless and unique unto itself and is... is... is...
I think you get my point. It is beyond the reach of any superlative. It is real beyond the furthest stretch of any hyperbole ever; the word does not apply.
It is my constant prayer that some portion of this will find its way to you. I know in cases I am familiar with that it already has and you share with me the singular view of what will always be beyond us, while being more intimately a part of us than anything else can ever be.
Okay, dear friends, I got to go. I have an appointment shortly so... “may the good lord bless and keep you till we meet again!”
End Transmission.......
Just returned from third trip to try to view lunar eclipse. Evening has been very overcast. Moon was visible on the first trip through a break in the clouds, about a third covered. Not so on subsequent trips. Sigh.
I was tempted to do a meditation during this time, as various posters have noted that some baddies like to initiate negative 'processes' at times like these. Got a strong "No." So, I will leave it to others who got a Yes.
Vis: "We have interior impulses that act on us and those who move in an unconscious manner are prisoners of fate. On the other hand; much like T'ai Chi' and similar dances of harmonization, one can intuit the necessary footwork, given that one is moving in a conscious manner."
Once, I had a very enlightened teacher explain it in a way that worked for me. It was as kind of a gathering of forces. A probability on the way to actualization. Whether coming from astrological influences or the path one is walking, kind of a 'tension' builds up. In quantum physics terms, the waveform wants more and more to collapse. In magickal terms, the 'working' wants to manifest. Same basic principle.
This teacher said that one could become 'familiar' with how the future felt. How close Something was to materializing. One could even feel whether it was a future one would like or dislike (pleasurable or painful). Based on those feelings, one could reinforce that future, or work to un-manifest it. All of the above could be likened to a T'ai Chi dance with the future...
(There is an additional level: When one gets familiar with Higher Self [or whatever name you wish to use], one gets guidance on whether to step into a certain 'sensed' future. This may even be a future to which the intellect says "No way." Here is where the intellect must make a decision to follow a HS path or a human-directed path. It short-term sucks to Consciously walk into something that you have 'sensed' will be painful/unpleasant, knowing that HS is directing you there for some good reason. Oh, and do check whether it is really your HS or some third-party messing with you...)
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Speaking of the Moon, the glorious esoteric Moon; we sure didn't hear anything about this from Walter Cronkite.
Demigods live on the Moon
(2nd try-no captcha challenge)
Thank you Visible!
Soul satisfying literary creation right on stage!
The Benihana restaurant experience on the internet, cooking up fresh perspectives right before our inner eyes! (grin)
I had a useful insight yesterday which I found both simple and profoundly useful so I share here out of duty to the community of the One.
I was meditating on:
A visual analogy appeared in my always on imagination, of the surface of a pond into which a stone is dropped, sending the fractally interleaved ripples out over the surface. You know the image, as it has become ubiquitous.
I recalled when we used to, as children, agitate a small swimming pool, wearing our inflated inner tubes as tutus, synchronizing our bobbing to reinforce the waves.
When the wave action peaked and began to dump water out of the pool, at THAT POINT, we could not see out of the pool, only the tall standing waves which surrounded us!
Our little bubbles of mind reside on the surface of an infinite bubble, whose curvature is infinitesimal yet there nonetheless!
When we allow ourselves to get emotionally agitated, the still surface of our reflecting pool of the mind becomes rippled and if we allow it, the peaks and valleys of our mind stuff become so large that OUR VISION IS BLOCKED by the stuff of our little minds in an overwhelming self-made seizure!
Our perception, inner and outer, is narrowed and blindered to the point of despair, simply because our emotional energy has been permitted by us to pitch a fit for attention, which closes down our vision to a tunnel!
Well, as advocates of the Spirit who owns our avatars, our duty is to calm the f&$# down and give our beings the full attention requested by entering into meditation!
Still the mind, see beyond ourselves; still the mind flat enough for long enough, see the entire creation from the comfy perspective of being safely perched on the outward facing surface of the Mind of the One.
A still mind (which requires the willing cooperation of the physical body and emotional body) lets us see forever, from the timeless smooth vision of the One.
Get whipsawed into a tizzy? Watch as our perspective from the death valley bottom of the deep wave becomes limited to our personal, human-made hell.
Use faith, certitude and determination to “Be Still” and we can again know and rest upon the beatitudes of heaven.
The choice is always ours to make!
Examine carefully ANY PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCE which seeks to drive us anywhere by the overriding of our sovereign will. The One NEVER violates the precious nascent God-consciousness given freely and speaks when we are most quiet and receptive.
This humanimal fervently hopes this will be of practical use in taming the shrew of our inner bitch, devil-advocating mental habits!
Onespeed to all seekers willing to be here now!
They were both there, Robert. Although one of them said the 22nd and the other said the 23rd. Sometimes I am sleeping and sometimes I am out. That can happen and so the comments might not go up for a few hours,
Anonymous comments and especially those which identify the commenter as one whose ad hominem reveals an incredible lack of historical and cultural awareness do not get published. I've said this often but it doesn't seem to get through. If you can't even put your name, it indicates various things besides cowardice but all of them undesirable.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
For Those who Believe, Some Direct Evidence of what Lies Beyond and Within.
Dear Vis:
I'm apologize I shit talk you the other night. This is my penance. I guess I get frustrated and drunk. I had children I had to raise. I had to work far as I knew. No one taught me different. I guess I resented the freedom you have.
I lived scared as shit. I was attacked, thrown into a locked dungeon like you. I had a retarded sister. My dad hated her and he would get drunk and come home and try to attack her. My mother called me to protect but I was a 10 year old boy and not a match for a grown man but I fought all the same.
It's always been the hard way for me. The story I told you is the easy part. I know that I know the way out and I don't want it to be complicated. It has to be easy for people like us so don't complicate things please. People need help. It's not an elite club.
You can call me collect at 780 983 3450> would love to talk to you. Thankyou. By the Phone number you will know I'm legit.
Sincerely Jesus Jones
At the risk of upsetting you but wanting you to know that I read your comment and unfortunately must respond as I do to EVERYONE who wants to speak to me on the phone and say that I don't use the phone unless I am compelled to in an emergency and which is the only reason I have one and which sits in a particular location over the weeks and months and so on, unused by charged occasionally when it occurs to me to do this.
I mostly respond to emails but not always even then. A few weeks ago two people sent me what appeared to be blog postings. One had on and another had two. One of them was part of a mass mailing and I don't answer those at all in any case. The other was a single piece and the person was thanking me for inspiring them to do this. For whatever the reason and honestly, I don't know what the reason is, I did not answer. I've thought about it several times since but it just goes by. Possibly I upset both of them. I would rather not have. I suppose in one way, the reason I didn't answer was because they were just postings with no personal element, except the one fellow thanking me at the end. I've never really taken to answering anything that isn't a personal missive.
I very seldom click on links anyone sends me. One reason is that I'm not interested in whatever it is. People have a weird assumption that if something interests them it will interest me or, no doubt, someone else. Sometimes they get angry with me for not taking the time to watch some half hour or full hour or hour and a half on and on about something. There is this other fellow who writes and asks and sometimes tells me to write about some issue or another and of course I don't. Since comments can only be so long and I don't want to have to cut and paste, I will continue in the following comment.
Continued; I have very little interest in much of anything anyone except for the divine and performing or practicing the presence of the divine. I don't like small talk and I've little interest in people's lives and very little in my own. I spend my days with an empty mind and am doing as I was told to do, which is to wait and be prepared for an event that is coming in the not distant future, which will still be 'now' anyway. Day by day I find myself slipping into a private silence. I know that I write about temporal matters. I go to certain news sites to see what is being lied about or fabricated on different days and then I include them in whatever I am writing about but which is always directly or indirectly related to the ineffable. I hardly ever travel to these places later in the same day. I don't keep in touch with anyone. Close friends will visit occasionally and unlike in the past, I discourage, or, more honestly, just don't allow people I don't know to come and see me and I've good reasons for this.
What is coming for me is, from what I have been told in various ways, without much detail, going to be dramatically life changing. I don't know where I am going to be following that. I do know I won't be the same person as before, while still retaining certain elements of my former being. It's been pending for a long time and now, as with anything else, it is much closer than before and as a result I am hearing about it more and more. My internal conversations dominate my existence. Everything else is very secondary. It wasn't like this even last year and last year was dramatically different than the year before. I wish I could explain how it is with me and that my not wanting to do certain things is not a personal thing. For whatever the reason there are a lot of people who want to talk to me and that just can't happen because of what has happened many times over previous decades. I have discovered that I HAVE TO BE a private and secluded person. It is best for me and sometimes better for others too, given the metaphysical events that have become more and more commonplace as time goes by. This, in no way confers importance on me, or makes me any more valuable than anyone else. This I have been convinced of. Sometimes many days can go by when I speak to no one except my friend here and my invisible friends. That's just the way it has turned out. Maybe it will change. I don't know. I've got a number of people upset with me because I won't talk to them but I have had to do this. I'm sorry if you are put out about this. It is nothing personal. Of course it isn't. I don't know you at all. I've had to say this same thing several times already this year to other people.
I follow moon cycles - with a home grown derivative of kalachackra tantra. Most people who also do this
would consider the goddess Kali, her lolling tounge and wonderful Seagoat-ness to be the presiding shakti.
In retrospect the eclipse was certainly powerful - and a game changer.
Truth be told - I march to the beat of a different drummer. Kurukulla and her bow and arrow - was my theme for the month. I had spied the full moon to the north east the previous day and made the effort as I do each month - to learn more. I opened my copy of the practice manual for the Noble Tara Kurukulla - hoping to at least skim through it - I never did.
Your post and a local news story were the only proddings that alerted me to this event.
I had a feeling something was up - it was on the tip of my tounge - but I couldn't quite place it.
The official event started around 7:22 pm my time - It wasn't until almost 8 that I got out from under my
nice warm blanket, put my shoes on and headed out into the cold, dark night. I was immediately enthralled .
The final crescent of sunlight shone brightly, arching over the top of the moon. A bright bow directed- straight up! So unusual to see the moon in this way! A lovely polka-dot gum ball suspended in space..
I foraged for my glasses and frustrated myself trying to take a picture with my mini scrying mirror. While fumbling with the focus and the zoom - I was completely aware of the ridiculousness of trying to capture this moment with such a device.
Next, being the practical type - I had decided a half hour before to combine the most amazing lunar eclipse - ever - with a trip to the grocery store. I set off in the dark and damp - through my sketchy gentrified neighbourhood - Flashlight/baton in hand.
Past apartments , over busy streets - stopping to take another photo this time through a bare tree. Which aided the focusing and worked out quite well.
At the store the employees were hanging out near the windows. People were talking to each other and smiling taking photos - the now dark moon hovering over them. I got buns, cheese and fruit - and soup mix. I flipped through a magazine in the checkout line. I made it home - and hauled my old plastic telescope out to get a better look - but gave up in the dark.
That was the eclipse for me -
Amongst all sorts of strangeness that occurred over the next few days an altruistic project came into focus - one that I have wanted to bring to fruition for years. The creative insights came fast and strong - easily 10x more than normal . I spent the week in a highly creative mode sussing the next steps - reconsidering - and sussing some more.
At the end of it - I felt like a bow that had been pulled taut and I knew what my aim was.
Now that I've recovered - cleared the dishes, opened the mail and bathed - thought I'd come and share.
Dog bless all.
I follow moon cycles with a home grown derivative of Kalachakra tantra. Most people who do this would consider Kali to be the presiding goddess. In retrospect the eclipse was quite powerful - and a game changer.
Truth be told - I march to the beat of a different drummer. Kurukulla and her bow and arrow - was my theme for the month. I spied the full moon to the north east the previous day and made the effort as I do each month - to learn more. I opened my copy of the practice manual for the Noble Tara Kurukulla - hoping to skim through it at least - I never did.
Only, your post and a local news story alerted me to this event. I had a feeling something interesting was happening - it was on the tip of my tounge - but I couldn't quite explain it.
The official event started around 7:22 pm my time - It wasn't until a quarter to 8 that I got out from under my nice warm blanket, put my shoes on and headed out into the cold, dark night.
I was immediately enthralled .The final crescent of reflected sunlight shone brightly, arching over the top of the moon. A bright archers bow directed straight up! How unusual to see the moon in this way! A lovely polka-dotted gum ball suspended in space..
I foraged for my glasses and frustrated myself trying to take a picture with my mini scrying mirror. While fumbling with the focus and the zoom, all the while, completely aware of the ridiculousness of trying to capture this moment with such a device.
Next, being the practical type - I had decided a half hour before to combine the most amazing lunar eclipse - ever - with a trip to the grocery store. I set off in the dark and damp - through my sketchy gentrified neighbourhood - Flashlight/baton in hand past apartments, over busy streets - stopping to take another photo this time through a bare tree. Which aided the focusing and worked out quite well.
At the store the employees were hanging out near the windows. People were talking to each other, smiling and taking photos - the now dark moon hovering over them. I got buns, cheese, fruit and soup mix. I flipped through a magazine in the checkout line. I made it home, hauled my old plastic telescope out to get a better look - but gave up in the dark.
That was the eclipse for me.
Amongst all sorts of strangeness that occurred over the next few days an altruistic project came into focus - one that I’ve wanted to bring to fruition for years. The creative insights came fast and strong - easily 10x more than normal . I spent the week in a highly creative and productive mode sussing the next steps - reconsidering - and sussing some more.
At the end of it - I felt like my bow had been pulled taut and I knew what my aim was.
Now that I've cleared the dishes, opened the mail and bathed - thought I'd come and share.
Dog bless all.
Can you delete my older comment Please - Thanks
I have no idea what comment you are talking about. You've given me no indication of who you are and anonymous posts here more than any other individual. You're not going to out me as a man of hidden power with this mechanism (maybe grin, maybe not).
concerning the longish post about the viewing of the eclipse and the trip to the grocery store and back. I felt definite and positive changes, during and following the eclipse, whereas this had not happened with any previous event of the kind and all sort of changes and projects have come into operation since.
Hi Les Visible, Last Night I was so happy to find the information about the 120 yr old books by the enlightened writer- they are on the way!!! One of your posts mentioned Fiery hieroglyphic letters, could I ask you what that means? I should probably have looked it up, and will because maybe this comment will become lost and I don't want to bother you because I know you are busy with your new book which I really am looking forward to!!!
There is a fiery writing written into every object which is the singular code that holds it together as that particular form.
Thank You for telling me, a while ago I had a beautiful dream with copper colored unusual letters that were in flames and remember wondering what they meant and when I saw you mention them it made me think of it again. I read halfway through your newest post last night! and decided to save the second half until this morning, only somehow it is the afternoon now ! Thank You!
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