Thursday, June 14, 2018

My God!!! The Terrors of the Night are Dancing in The Dark Light.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I am sorry to share this bit of news with you today. It seems like I am supposed to, whether I like it or not. About 3 or four days ago I was sent to Hell for reasons I cannot fathom. God and every other entity that was a friend of mine told me that they hated me and it was not going to stop. It would back off only to return again. Voices in my head were telling to mutilate myself and kill myself as well. The pressure was excruciating. Never in my life have I seen anything like this before. No comments were coming in. I was finally able to check today. The Elf asked me if I wanted them posted. I got no emails from any reader telling me this was happening. There might have been one but no more and this is insane that no one would contact me! The brutality of the commentary directed at me was so vile I could hardly imagine it happening. Now it seems to have improved. It's been fine all day.

I went in to the hospital emergency room and they put me through Hell drawing blood and what all and the most painful that is could have been ever. They stabbed fiercely 3 or four times and kept having to go to my left arm.

The doctor told me to come in the next day for an MRI. I came in and they told me they couldn't give me an MRI and that I had to come in the next day. Once again they told me they couldn't run the test in my right arm and had to switch to the left arm. I got there around 6:30 AM and like all the other days, they drew blood and it was more painful than it had ever been; way past that. I got up and said, I'm going. They were giving me shit and were as demonic as ever they were. They were cruel about my leaving; glaring at me. As soon as I left the pain went away and has been gone since. Nothing makes any sense.

All I could think of before this was, “What did I do?” I've tried to serve at all times but that has had no impression on my tormentors. I've tried to do the right thing.

I cannot illustrate, how mean and inhuman everyone on the other side has been to me. The pain was unbearable. Somehow I bore it. It surprised me greatly. I was able to bear it.

What is going on? It really was as desperate as anything I have ever encountered. Everyone was laughing at me. I hate to put this on any of you but it seems I should at least tell where I was in these days. At the moment, I have moved on. I'm not dwelling on it at all. I hope all of you are well. I'm trying to find something to talk about so that the posting can go in another direction. Here's an interesting article. I had read that the amount spent was around thirty thousand dollars. The typical and expected is the same as it ever was. It is so in our faces these days. The beast moves among us, slavering and with bloodstained teeth. Pope John-Paul-Ringo-George are supposed to behind a speech that is to be given by an American Jesuit. The world really has gone into the crack pot.

This is the time of the breaking down of all infrastructure, as we enter into the Aquarian Age and are leaving the Piscean Age. This will mean that all those religions (with the exception of the Hindu) will be drastically altered. Maybe Buddhism will continue to. I feel this somehow but don't know why. Governments and the systems they employ are also going into the dumpster. The previously abiding interplay between men and women is being radically transformed, as are the former archetypes of male and female and this accounts for all of the gay themes and the pedophile excesses that are presently resident, here there and everywhere. The universities are hotbeds of chaos and disorder. No one is learning anything that might be considered to be of value to us.

I'm trying to make sense of it all but that appears as garbage and fast food wrappers, which blow across empty lots. It is a sad state of affairs. Graffiti is scrawled on subway cars and walls. We have turned into A Clockwork Orange. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Certainly all of our righteousness is as filthy rags. I think of the parables and aphorisms in the various books of the Bible and how relevant they are. I wonder if I am doing all that I can, to help in the evolution of thought and feeling. I would like to think that I am being useful. I don't know if I am but Hope springs eternal. I feel like I took a double load of buckshot in the stomach. I am crying out to God. I cannot help but do this, even though it seems ludicrous in the extreme. I wonder at my capacity to speak well and to feel well about the deities who have said such abusive things to me. It seems that I am something like a kicked dog. No matter how badly I am being treated, it is impossible for me to not love God. This is something I could not countenance over the short run or the long run (cue The Eagles).

I am happy for the female side of things where long standing hurts are now being massaged with the Balm of Gilead. I am happy for the men who are not rank predators and happy for everyone else that the predators and vampires are being reduced in stature, or left in their coffins with a stake through their heart. I am happy for the ancient ones among us who, through grace, can receive the attention and care that they deserve, as they do in countries like Japan and wherever the case may be. I am happy for the animals for whom it might be true that their torment is coming to an end. I love animals so dearly. They are such a comfort to so many of us; our joyous friends who want only to love us and who receive precious little for their service.

I really have no idea what I might have done to bring such terror down upon myself. As it is, I have managed that terror fairly well. It seems sometimes that I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and come to fear no evil.

For some reason God is truly real to me as I suspect God is for you as well. I suspect so many of you come here because of the shared cup of our beings. Though we may have no justification for what we are feeling, there is a place within that knows all there is to know; every important thing that there is and which lies cast off by the side of the road, something of no value; a hodge podge of detritus and cast offs. Those of us that are true to ourselves, know what is of value and what is not. Those of us who are able to love without hesitation of restraint will find ourselves forgiven of all error and welcomed into the kingdom by St. Peter and all the angels. I cannot express how devastating these last few days have been for me. The words of Kahlil Gibran echo through my soul. His feelings and the measure of his thoughts was of such a high order and I love him dearly for the length he went to to inform us of what we need to know so that we could proceed further up the road.

Once when I was about eighteen. I used to go to the library on New York Avenue in Washington DC. There I would listen to Lord Alfred Drake recite the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam until I had memorized it. I would read the Courtship of Miles Standish until I had memorized that and Kahlil Gibran who possessed such a beauty within. Father Francis once said to me. “Yes he came to visit me years ago. He was a sweet man but he drank too much wine (grin). I have probably told you that tale before.

I had been working at the Library of Congress in those times, in the Division of the Blind. Of course, most of the people I worked with were blind. So I bought a tear gas gun once and was sitting in the cafeteria with a couple of blind people and I was showing one of them how to operate it and it went off (grin). Boy! That was an unfortunate experience. Very quickly the gas spread all around and those of us at the table got up and surreptitiously we made our way out of there. For several hours after that you could see and hear guards racing about frantically, in search of the perpetrator. I decided I should turn myself in and so I did; not much happened. They were good about it. It was the GS15's in the cafeteria who were red in the face and looking for someone to punish. I have had so many difficult events in my life. Mostly they were funny more than anything else. Man... did I have a time of it. Once I was reading Nietzsche in the library when someone like Stokely Carmichael stopped by my table and gave me a ration of shit for reading The Nietz. There were some really pissed off people around in those days. I wasn't reading the Nietzsche because I was an Aryan supremacist. I read everyone in those days.

That was a wonderful time. I was learning so much. This did not put me philosophically in their camp. I was just wishing to learn. At one point I was reading Aldous Huxley and it came to me that Huxley had left good footprints for me and that is what I wanted to do, leave good footprints for others. All through my life I have seen those footprints and been grateful... so grateful.

I hope today finds each of you in a state of grace. I wish only the best for all of you. Try to remember that there are footprints there for all of us. All we have to do is to keep our eyes and hearts open and let the grace and inspiration of God descend upon us at whatever point the both of us are willing to have it occur.

End Transmission.......

"Foolish pride, we can't take back our words
Foolish pride, to give hurt for love
Foolish pride, as the wind blows empty
and the night rolls in
our love could be shining
if it hadn't been kept inside
by foolish pride..."

Foolish Pride


todd ethier said...

I hear you , my Friend....I've been feeling "under attack" for quite some time now... Spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, in EVERY way. Don't know what's up. Feels like we're tipping over the edge.

Has a little episode yesterday that very nearly had me climbing outta my pick-up, and beating the living @%#^ outta some young punk... Totally out of character for me , the rage that came over me was almost frightening. I was thinking to myself as I drove away , " Todd, what the hell was THAT all about ? That ain't like you .., that ain't you at all ! Get a grip! "
Still reading everything you post , Bud... Just don't say much , but felt I wanted to respond to this one... I appreciate all you do. t

Anon said...

Les, is it possible the voices experienced are nothing other than mental fabrications (even the voice that "you" think is "you" talking to "yourself")? How can you trully know what is the source of that which is being internally heard? Could it be just part of the same narrating mind that claims to be eternal, unchanging, and owns the body, memories, and all experience?

Anonymous said...

Hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia. The question becomes is it a mental disorder (like psychiatrists will tell you) or actual demon possession, even if for short periods of time. People who use drugs like amphetamine subject themselves to this kind of possession. Sounds like you have many invisible friends that sometimes turn on you. If these friends were of the light they wouldn't do this and what you refer to as God certainly wouldn't.
I'll let it go at that. Last time I posted here you became irritated with me and you will probably do it again.


Scarlett said...

I've stopped trying to figure out why suffering is poured on some of us and not others. It seems often that those receiving the suffering are the least deserving of it while the truly monstrous are never touched by it. I like to think that it happens because pain and suffering purifies us and those not touched by it are spared the suffering because there would be nothing left if you purified them ... But, is that really the case? Only God knows.

I'm so sorry to hear of your suffering. Just hang in there. Many of us need your voice. You are a lifeline for those of us who are also suffering from time to time.

Anonymous said...

"No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness." -Aristotle


God bless you and keep you strong in these troubling times, dear Visible.
And thank you for baring your soul.

robert said...

Dear Visible,

I posted a comment 3 times, over three days, to the first of the Smoking Mirrors post, but it never showed up. When the second SM post from you showed up in its place, with no comments, I demurred to the will of the internet gods.

The baseline to your tale: you survived!

You went through a separation from God which even the Christ had to go through, so we may conclude that you were found worthy of continuing your service!

The more we read of the suffering of past saints, the more we may dread our turn coming OR the more we withdraw and prepare our self-shrivened souls to deny the Redeemer; whichever is our choice, preordained or not!

Nothing we can say from our seats on the sidelines can mean much but that we are watching and feeling and knowing along with you brother!

Stay clear of old memories and forge new ones of the moment, as that is all we are given anyway! IOW, no looking back now, my fellow humanimals!

There is only through, no stopping, hovering or doubting in the birth canal!

FWIW, very trying energies flowing in this life as well as those I observe in proximity
We are all being shaken, if not stirred. Will our soul martinis be found acceptable to the Eternal Child of Wonder?

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion to the rock of ages school of music!

Love you my brother! Onespeed! Start slowly and continually taper down.

[captcha found me not a robot WITHOUT the picture selections, again...]

Ray B. said...

(Glad all the comments from the last Visible Origami through to here finally showed-up en masse. Curious what all that was about...)

Vis, I am sad to hear of your 'state', and am glad it has ended. I am sure you know this, but I'll say it anyway. Two possibilities for your suffering:

Good would be 'held stuff' from your past that your Higher Self (under whatever name) has forced through you. (Been there, done that.)

Bad would be some outside entity having 'fun' at your expense. And no, this is not sub-personalities. It can come in a variety of forms and intensities, and even (temporary) changes in your perception of others. (Been there, done that.)

I would really check which-it-was out, because - if it was your HS - that episode is done/finished/no-more; it goes back to your Soul for recordkeeping. But if it was a baddie or so, they may be back any time they get 'bored'. And yes, they are part of all-God; that doesn't mean you have to roll-over and accept abuse as part of loving God (in them)...

Reflect-on any baddies' style. Reflect-on how you normally feel. Learn the differences for next time. And gather any friends or defenses (or offenses) you can. You can even set some 'traps' from the other side and see what happens. These baddies can be Cleaned...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Chin up dear Viz.. sending you a virtual Hug(x) ..and a beautiful song. lotsalove Jean.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Actually, me and my nose-poo did e-mail you on your yahoo account, I think. Didn't use the Petunia Wigglebotton name, though; which is nothing but the last pseudonym you'd expect something like me to use. Of course, that's why I use it. (M & B)

Hope this escapade was just another one of those pain in the butt tests.

David Alan McBride said...

The infernal has been unrelenting towards me as well. The past 2 months have been terrible. A black hole filled with nothing but crushing pressure is what I became. Like sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Vacillating between screaming, crying and crushing emptiness. Without mercy and relent it went on and on. I now have to consume special homegrown psilocybin every 2-3 days just to feel like my normal self. But the internal sun is coming back out again. So I got that going for me.

To Tilt O'Matic and Swami I leave this: It is best to remain silent and let them think you a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn’t presume to know the truth of your situation, but there actual technologies utilized by military and deep state organizations to affect the energies surrounding locales and individuals through the grid. As things are now, i might say that the spiritual “friends” which tormented you could have been some variation of this. May be they are being made to suffer as much as we upon their planes of existence and are maddened due to their being weaponized in the immediate ozones and beyond them and the frustration is widespread. i see it in different settings, depending on how much the weather is toyed with, or whatever cosmological phenomena in conjunction are occurring along with it; with people in public and animals, whenever observable.

I know this sounds bizarre, but tampering by “Skynet”, wifi, and the voice-to-skull applications and physical symptoms allotted by directed energy weaponry toward populations and individuals, i’m almost certain, is an inescapable fact brought about by full spectrum control technocracies, of the likes with which the satanists to be winning, because so many don’t know it, or, if they do not know it, and if they will flatly deny it, and assert some (other) xplanation.

But that is only one of several aspects to it. as mentioned before, the cosomos and positioning will play a role. it’s merely that, the technocracies will use any and all means available to them, no matter how extraordinary. Of course, i’m sure you know that. But, perhaps we consider: You are a prickly prick to them and they know your trajectory; well, what weapons do you think they might employ? Well, wouldn’t turning your own God against you be one of them? Just like what most of the world is these days, i call phoney baloney! Now that’s not to say what you went through wasn’t real, it is only to say that the cause of it could have been a fabrication. That, dear visible, gives you an advantage, from that perspective. And that goes for all of us.

keep fighting the good fight!


Anonymous said...

Laura Knight-Jadczyk ( or went through this. REIKI is supposed to be what helps!

Visible said...

Thank you my friends for all your support. Tilt O matic; I know one particular voice is assuredly the ineffable because there is a nature to it that is wonderful and benign and It corroborates so many things- in the present- in the future. With such a thing it is impossible to articulate. As anyone who has heard the voice of the silence will tell you... it's real but there is no way to explain it.

All is well my friends and if you still have trouble posting your comments, simply email me. We will beard the beast in its den when the time comes.

Once again, thank you! thank you!! thank you!!!

Asil said...

In response to some of the comments, the fact is that those who have light attract attention from the dark/demonic energy. The more light the worse the attacks -- which can even be physical. At this point in time, many of us are under attack from hidden and open sources at this time.

Those who have not experienced the terror that is only hidden by a thin veil cannot accept that. Either fear or a closed mind makes it difficult or impossible for those whose sensitivity/spirituality runs on a low frequency to believe.

If it is not something the rulers in government/churches or scientists acclaim, so many people are incapable of understanding. If you have psychic reception areas, then you can experience all type of phenomena, including psychic hearing.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Whatever doesn't Kill You- Makes you Stronger than you Were Before.

Visible said...

Had to change the link at Visible Origami which is at "when the truth comes to town" Still being messed with because I had it right to start with. Oh well...

Ray B said...

(Glad all the comments from the last Visible Origami through to here finally showed-up en masse. Curious what all that was about...)

Vis, I am sad to hear of your 'state', and am glad it has ended. I am sure you know this, but I'll say it anyway. Two possibilities for your suffering:

Good would be 'held stuff' from your past that your Higher Self (under whatever name) has forced through you. (Been there, done that.)

Bad would be some outside entity having 'fun' at your expense. And no, this is not sub-personalities. It can come in a variety of forms and intensities, and even (temporary) changes in your perception of others. (Been there, done that.)

I would really check which-it-was out, because - if it was your HS - that episode is done/finished/no-more; it goes back to your Soul for recordkeeping. But if it was a baddie or so, they may be back any time they get 'bored'. And yes, they are part of all-God; that doesn't mean you have to roll-over and accept abuse as part of loving God (in them)...

Reflect-on any baddies' style. Reflect-on how you normally feel. Learn the differences for next time. And gather any friends or defenses (or offenses) you can. You can even set some 'traps' from the other side and see what happens. These baddies can be Cleaned...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope your recent trip to hell & back is the last. I strongly suspect that experience was along the lines of the master sword smith tempering the metal of his latest that you are taking fine form indeed.

Thank you for all that you have done & continue to strive to do!!! Massive love to you brother Les!!!!

Barry, South Australia

Anonymous said...

i guess it must be some html thang; some text got missed up,
so i’ll do a clarification of some of the points:

“...of your situation there are actual...”

“...which the satanists appear to be...”

“...and if they do will flatly deny...”

hate it when stuff gets missed up. hope the html tags work.


Anonymous said...

i could have written what asil wrote and saved myself a lot of words!
he, he.



Visible said...

a new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

The Burning of the Library of Alexandria, Hypatia and the Tarot

Visible said...

The first link has been fixed.

Leon Kovalyov said...

You must of been targeted because of the message that you deliver and doing the right thing creating value for people.

OneLove and deep healing hugs to you my friend.

Keep refocusing on love and breathing deep.

Healing and protection through your dreams and words.



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