Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Devil is what we Thought was Real, When we Forgot that God is all that was Real.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Recently I have been hearing people talking about their Bucket List. It's some kind of a trendy-generation whatever it is called this time, Generation X, Millennial's..? Are we still on Millennial's? kind of thing, meaning it's weirder than two shotgun weddings at a Mormon funeral, with blind snake handlers for the after party. Also meaning they are awfully young to be having a correlative list of things to do before they die and I guess 'live' is not included for some reason.

Apropos of that I have come up with my own list, the Fuck-it List! It's way overdue. That means when it does arrive it won't have to go into the incubator. Inevitably that leads to a Fuck-em List because I need to put these people on a list so I don't have to hear about their bucket list any more. You want flies with that? Hollywood is calling! You go Gir..er.. erl! ...or what would you be really? In the XYZ--LGBTQTIPPI TIPPI through the tulips? The vanguard of a new faith? With tongue studs! And you do a warm Jello mud wrestle in the kiddie pool, so the folks at home won't have to concern themselves with their kids watching Mr. Rodgers or Sesame Street, cause you will be filling in.

Yeah.. The Fuck-it List! It hasn't even launched and I already have a spin off, which changes the tone from Bucket List to Fuck-it List, synonymous- like so we might not want to spin off at all. Let them do the spinning off the cliff of existence... ten buffalo's wide of a circumcised chicken salad sandwich. “I will take flies with that!” (keep in mind this is Petri Dish)

Time marches on. So, it could be said that that March Hare might have “cover(ed) that girl with chocolate syrup and ma(k)de her do the nasty on the White House lawn (cue Frank Zappa)” and that got Alice in Wonderland by the short and curlies, ridden hard and put away wet; probably the work of the Mad Hatter. “Has anyone seen my leather trenchcoat? Grab me some French-dip and an aged and smoked bologna salami and some duct tape. I have to get within 100 feet of the Marilyn Manson, Elementary School, over in Whoopee Sie, Daisy Heights; bottoms up, Buttercup; put your arms round my shoulders, your legs round my waist. I think you're gonna live, cause you ain't seen my face. Bottoms up! Buttercup...”

First they came for the mayonnaise cheerleaders, then they came for the Wonder Bread. Then they came around the corner on six white horses with table napkins and a bridle and bit, I have the video and the graphics. We'll do lunch (air kiss to follow). We'll do Little Anthony and the Imperial's, 9 ways from Sunday and make your heart disappear. “Can I have the envelope, Please?”. Some Velvet Morning when I Wake (hopefully sooner) we're going to be in business as the people who might have been... yadda yadda... “Hi, my name is Dave and I...” “Dude! Dave's not here anymore.! I was. But I am here and it is probably going to be ugly but I was Born to Be Ugly and hit every branch on the Stupid tree and nobody knows where the wind blows, or even who, but it is an ill wind that blows no one.

Hatchi! Hatchi!... put a little more Wasabi on that. Yeah, there is a concerted effort against human nature. It's divisive. It doesn't make people happy either way; temporary fantasies and the costs aside.

Lord! Where is that beach? Presently I am on what would qualify as a beach but there is no ocean but there are pools, just as there are amarynthine jewels in your eyes that I fall into like a human honey that you have turned me into by looking into them. I am in awe of the wonder of you Lord- Nothing ever, anywhere can match the exquisite, perfect, beautiful and brilliant love that you thunder upon me and fill me overflowing, until all I can do is dance and sing and spin in a glorious ecstasy of your presence. There will be no darkness of slumbering seas. I get Stevie Wonder being blind. I get Sam Cooke bringing it on home to me.

Life is good and it should be for you as well. Engage every thought and emotion with unassailable and unshakable conviction.

The devil is afoot and I know this first hand. Details? Not at the moment. For, what should be, obvious reasons. He's down in Coachella CA at the moment. If that is where it is, I've never been. But he's also in New Yawk City. If dumb and stupid raped each other, he's the poster boy. The devil, like God can be in multiple places and he's got some friends coming DOWN. Whatever the case may be it has now come to the point where a pedestrian singer's biggest impact was based on her being able to have a hundred dancers and a marching band, riding on the heads of the real heroes like Malcolm X. She should really be a float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The devil is in 6j9. I decline and it keeps happening.

When will they ever learn? “Come gather round people wherever you roam and admit that the waters around have grown.” Or something to that effect. I was sitting here in telepathic conversation a moment ago with John Malkovik and Vince Vaughan. Maybe they are going to do something about that. Maybe I am a moron. What else is gnu? You want Gabon viper saliva and a little hot- pepper with that? Just don't do it sideways and all, or you will wind up breaking the windshield. It's all about atmosphere and ambiance, as she uses her Brazilian pubic rip to, it's best wide angle display in The Counselor film. I'm not a robot and I don't live in Detroit and she is right there on the windshield wearing no underpants. It's times like these you just want to get up and walk away but you can't... cause everything is under control.

People! It's kind of like Passover, pass under it for Christ's sake. There are bumps in the road, sometimes they are big bumps in the road. Speedbumps? Potholes? And as ever, assholes. Comes with the territory in the too high and three airlines' seats wide and handsome. You, not me. I haven't been handsome since Dick Cheney was going out with Janneet (Vegas) Reeeknow and I do not know what I am talking about. Oh Squeegee mop the floor with me then I can do the rubber chicken circuit.

I don't want to be pornographic but I live in a pornographic world. Could be.. pornography is in the eye of the beholder. Does this posting seem about as bizarre as anything I have ever come up with? I don't know where all this stuff comes from. My preference is to write about the ineffable as often as I can and remind myself (and you) that it is all there is. Everything else is a hallucination but it's been going on since the moment you were born and what happens is that it gets constant and we forget because we forgot the moment we got here and remembering what we are unable to remember is job one. We have to remind ourselves that what we don't remember is far more important that what we falsified as memory concerning things that didn't happen but which we have told ourselves did happen but not in the same way that we told ourselves it did. God is the beloved. God is what and who we love, in everything and everyone we have told ourselves we love but it is only god who is the essence in every reflection. God is the sunlight that makes moonlight possible and if we think the moon is what is shining then that is our biggest problem. The whole world is moonlight, which is not the source of the light we think we see.

So... my friends... I know this post is a disjointed... running around all over the place kind of thing but it is one of those things that has to happen every now and again so it doesn't happen more than it should. You know by now that the ineffable (and you) are the most important things in my life. You know that I am not sane (thank god) and every now and then I have to recycle all the garbage that collects in my head and this is one of those times, so please forgive me for this. I tried to write this post about ten different ways and it has kept coming out like this and that is why it is taking nearly 3 weeks to get this done. So I'll just do this and then Visible Origami will jump right out, once this has been bagged and toe tagged.

Now Bah Bah Black Bush is done pulling the wool over our eyes and everyone is saying all these great things about her. Then you get the usual followups. Somewhere Georgie W is saying what a profound influence she was on his life and I don't think I have to explain the irony there. I don't want to speak ill of the dead but suffice to say that she was not one of my favorite people. It never fails to amaze me how all the world class degenerates will get together every time one of them takes the elevator down. You know the big limos come out for that. Soon Henry Kissinger and George Soros are going to take the River Styx, Cruise Line of Darkness trip- sooner than they thought. Within the next few years a whole passel of these reprobates from the evil empire are going to be moving on and that is going to change the world at least appearance wise. We are going to change too but we need to have that image before our minds eye that represents what we emulate; imitation being the sincerest form of flattery. We all need someone to emulate or we will be given someone, according to our works by which we are known. It is less important how well we do it than it is that we try to do it. The day will come when we will see how important it was that we did or did not do it.

I am amazed at the spiritual quality of the readers and friends that come around here. This tells me that regardless of how well I did what I did that... even my half hearted efforts speak to a real sense of accomplishment. Our friends are living proof of what we are. The same is true of those who consider themselves as our enemies. It won't matter afterwards what you owned, how much money you had, how important you thought you were. In most cases people can measure their achievements by this image; stick your finger into a glass of water and when you take it out that is the impression you made. Give it everything you got. Don't let your life be one more sad example of wasted time. If God is alive in you then God will swallow the personal self and be a lasting statement of your cosmic possibilities fulfilled. If the devil is alive in you then the personal self will be inflated into a ridiculous embarrassment. This is the likely result in times of material darkness, or God will live as a light filled refutation of the otherwise indwelling darkness that is a reflection of the greater surrounding darkness; 'when darkness falls on the eyes that can't see, the light of our love will shine on the gates of endless peace and we will go on and on, we will have it all ...and darkness will turn, turn into light, when darkness falls. Yes darkness will turn, turn into light when darkness falls.'

End Transmission.......


Jenny said...

Wonderful wording vis! Jen

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Technically, River Acheron; but hey.

I found this to be a very amusing read and have to admit even I do not have the imagination to come up with something of this sort. Then again, we're all transducers, and I suppose I can say I've worked for 'lesser (demi)gods', lower in the hierarchy, but still on the right side of Source in the past, and they had me go in other directions. I have long since declared mine self retired from the arts in every form, no longer considering this realm worth my time or effort beyond what I absolutely MUST do to get to where I'm going. In fact, I'm at the point where I have nothing but contempt for this prison planet, but you must know that from mine past posties. At least I'm happiest when miserable, so I guess it's all good.

Well, what ever. Nostrils up, and I send you a couple of virtual nose pets and virtual nose snorfles.

Ray B. said...

Vis: "We have to remind ourselves that what we don't remember is far more important that what we falsified as memory concerning things that didn't happen but which we have told ourselves did happen but not in the same way that we told ourselves it did." (Wow!)

On that note, a (Positive) movie review: I turned on the TV during a time when only D-quality SF movies are normally shown. Surprise! A little gem of a movie: 'Alien Visitor'. This movie (Australian, 1995) revolves around a marooned alien (female) - who has an amazing 'skillset' - meeting an Aussie loner (male) in the Outback. Imagine stirring-together 'The Last Mimzy', 'My Dinner with Andrei', 'The Gods Must Be Crazy', '3rd Rock from the Sun' (TV series), and perhaps 'Sleepless in Seattle' for the romantic side.

The writers/directors have an obvious love of the Australian Outback, and it shows. Plus, the time-lapse photography is beautiful! And the actors toe the fine line between casual and crazy just perfectly.

Without blowing the plot, adjectives that come to mind are: enchanting & gracious, gentle & quixotic, happy & sad, and above-all wise. (To be clear, there are a couple of violent - not against humans - and tragic moments, but they are intrinsic to the plot and not gratuitous.) Prepare to have your mind and your feelings go on a couple of days of Walkabout after viewing this, and your heart & soul grow a bit. A mini-treasure.

(Got the DVD from the local library and have seen it three times now, and more to go. A little slow in the first ten minutes, so hang in there...)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

stef64 said...

Dear visible, thanks for your messages. In some ways they always make me reflect and give me a sense of hope, and in this period of my life it is very important. Thanks again
Greetings from Stef

Missing munich said...

Couldn't have been said any better:
"God is the sunlight that makes moonlight possible and if we think the moon is what is shining then that is our biggest problem. The whole world is moonlight, which is not the source of the light we think we see."
Onwards we push, into the sunlight!

Anonymous said...

Aggressive truth
I do not even know how to determine it. Simply, mankind is not human. I found myself in an oracle comrades, a lot of people earned money. trump walks in my shoes, the Russians use my knowledge, the Chinese spy on me, obama made conferences in Paris, etc. I was left alone without a child, the woman who beat my heart turned out to be a feminist stealing children, governments are satanists, and an idiot in the vatican says he's my deputy, I'm hunted by a lot of repo men, etc. It's a waste of time for you. It would be more human to kill me, I regret that I am a human being. I wish you good luck. I want to die, it's all that's expected of you, I'm just a pilgrim. And you are not worth your life. That's all I have to say to you. Five years the whole world could not tame one person, you cowards. During the second war, you easily murdered 60,000,000. Idiots. Sorry les people is worth nothing.

Anonymous said...

I do not even know how to determine it. Simply, mankind is not human. I found myself in an oracle comrades, a lot of people earned money. trump walks in my shoes, the Russians use my knowledge, the Chinese spy on me, obama made conferences in Paris, etc. I was left alone without a child, the woman who beat my heart turned out to be a feminist stealing children, governments are satanists, and an idiot in the vatican says he's my deputy, I'm hunted by a lot of repo men, etc. It's a waste of time for you. It would be more human to kill me, I regret that I am a human being. I wish you good luck. I want to die, it's all that's expected of you, I'm just a pilgrim. And you are not worth your life. That's all I have to say to you. Five years the whole world could not tame one person, you cowards. During the second war, you easily murdered 60,000,000. Idiots

Anonymous said...

I do not even know how to determine it. Simply, mankind is not human. I found myself in an oracle comrades, a lot of people earned money. trump walks in my shoes, the Russians use my knowledge, the Chinese spy on me, obama made conferences in Paris, etc. I was left alone without a child, the woman who beat my heart turned out to be a feminist stealing children, governments are satanists, and an idiot in the vatican says he's my deputy, I'm hunted by a lot of repo men, etc. It's a waste of time for you. It would be more human to kill me, I regret that I am a human being. I wish you good luck. I want to die, it's all that's expected of you, I'm just a pilgrim. And you are not worth your life. That's all I have to say to you. Five years the whole world could not tame one person, you cowards. During the second war, you easily murdered 60,000,000. Idiots

Visible said...

A.T. You are wrong and looking at it from the wrong perspective. Go on the other side of the street and view it from that angle. Your point is not even worth argument. I KNOW you are wrong. If you insist on weaving this down direction spiel you will wind up in a down direction. It is simple math. I am not in argument and not angry with you. Change your mind and your world will change. I offer my soul should what I say not be true. It is as real as the sun in the sky and the sun in my heart. Nothing will change for the better or has changed for the better for you, until you change your heart and mind. Let the sun of God's love shine forth from your heart. If you believe in God you KNOW this is so. 60,000,000 dead. That is a small number by comparison and it is Karma of some sort. I am not justifying it. This is Kali Yuga where debts are settled, period. This is something you have fixated on in your mind. What good does that do? Can you change it? No! God is love. Let God's love shine in your heart and you can heal the world. By getting out of the way and surrendering all your excuses for not living a joyful life and letting all of your fabrications go, the ineffable can enter in and live his life through you. Do it today.



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Off topic, Vis. You're back on the shared pages of whatreallyhappened, thanks to a poster who goes as 'boulderdash'. 2nd day in a row. I have no idea how many other sites you're on, but hey! Your audience should widen.

Visible said...

boulderdash is a fine man and a good friend. I am surprised to hear this. I knew nothing about it.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Interesting synchronicity.

Or not.

Anonymous said...

The Movie that Ray recommended is on youtube

Anonymous said...

'when darkness falls on the eyes that can't see, the light of our love will shine on the gates of endless peace and we will go on and on, we will have it all ...and darkness will turn, turn into light, when darkness falls. Yes darkness will turn, turn into light when darkness falls.'

'If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. And if Satan is divided and rises against himself, he cannot stand; his end has come.…' (Mark 3:24-26)

Visible said...

I'll call that river whatever I want to call it. reference; 'poetic license'(grin).

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

There's Nothing here that Matters. It Matters not at All...

Ray B. said...

Anonymous, thanks for the 4min clip of "Alien Visitor". It does give the 'discovery moment' of the movie, so I am of mixed feelings about people watching it. Kind of spoils the discovery process. Better to go to IMDB or Wikipedia and skim for info...

Apparently, this movie was originally released in Australia with the title "Epsilon". So, it might also be tracked-down under that name. Enchanting and gracious...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Bitches and Ho's and Glow Mop Floes with Smiley Face, Polar Bears.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to surrender to the kundalini, she wants me to sing for an hour a day and do an hour of selfless service every day; but she stopped me from singing and held my mouth shut during this activity; She told me once, its ok if you resist so long as you are doing what is right. I wish I knew how to surrender to her better, and not feel like I'm being directed by the devil. It seems she changes the channel spontaneously without any of my input what-so-ever. Where there is life, there is hope. Love you all so much, and grateful to call you a friend Visible, in fact something much greater than that.



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