Friday, September 15, 2017

The Grand Guignol has the Wind at it's Back and the Precipice before It.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Well... it's one of those days for the self righteous to stand up and be counted. Here is a beaut, a truly revealing expression of deep and abiding caring from a real Nimrod. He says (and I quote) “Relatives and friends of those who died were just as desperate for clarity.

Kenny Nova, who was briefly married in the late 1960s to one of the deceased residents, Gail Nova, said he was consumed with anger when he learned of his ex-wife's death.

"I can't come to any reasonable idea of how this happened, how people could be that careless and that cold," he said.

Nova had not spoken to his ex-wife in about 10 years, but knew she was living in a nursing home.

"She had no way to take care of herself," said Nova, 73. "When you're dependent on somebody, people have got to step up. You can't just walk away."

I love the fact that he hasn't spoken to her in ten years but at least he knew she was in care. He had been briefly married to her in the 60s and he is consumed in anger now; sounds like my kind of guy- NOT.

Oh it is a festive day these days, as Mr. Apocalypse is ringing the bell at Notre Dame ...with the hunchback's head. They're doing it in broad daylight folks. Jeff Bezos, being the sweet and generous tax paying patriot that he is, is also loyal to that group of people he gets together with every now and again, when they don black and red robes and kick back to the one who leads them, in ceremonies held in the basement of a French chateau or somewhere in Colorado. You probably think they're dilettantes in the non traditional worship of the horned goat of Mendes ...but it's no mean feat to recite the Lord's Prayer backwards, while plunging a dagger into a gender fluid six year old. I mean, they're probably not half bad at chewing gum and patting their stomachs either.

It's not all that laborious for the self entitled to pull off their machinations given the mental level of our showbiz luminaries. I want to add an aside here... there's more to the Kardashians than is publicly reported and they're pretty high up in the black and red robe contingent. Given the rank idiocy of the Jen-Laws, it should come as no surprise that this dimwit, who appeared on Dr. Phil a little while ago when she was 13 and got famous for saying “cash me ouside”; meaning, “catch me outside where I will pound the crap out of you. As I have said over and over again, it stuns me what a large block of the population is keen on.

Meanwhile the anti life cotillion is gearing up for their debutante ball. I put this out there because- even though, supernaturally I seem to move untouched through the ferns and tangles, on down the hate laced boulevards of Agendaville, I can see where the headline of the last Smoking Mirrors may at some point come to the attention of the ones who are generating all the growing public outrage at their doing what they are being accused of doing in the first place. So... if one day you don't see me here, you will see me somewhere else. 'They seek him here, they seek him there, in the Emperor's new woven underwear. He is the Scarlet Infidel' It's a little like wack a mole.

The world is like an Escher construct of multi dimensional highways, weaving upon overpasses and underpasses. Each soul is like a slot car, with a programmed route and destination. These roads appear and disappear without warning, as these souls matriculate to planes of existence that can't be seen from other planes and the total of which contain all of the realms exhibited in the Tibetan Wheel of Life.

One can stand by the side of any of these highways and scream through a bullhorn, hold up a sign, dance naked in fluorescent body paint, glimmering under the mercury vapor streetlights but remain unseen and unheard in the main. The reasons anyone is on 'most' of these highways is because they are committed to the route. They are like a racehorse with blinders. They cannot both continue as they are and absorb input that is contradictory to what they have convinced themselves they can expect at the end of the line. It's not called, 'the end of the line' by accident.

I like to think that I am standing by the side of these highways on a course, which is also a highway of sorts ...and that I am trying to be heard and I am comforted by the fact that I am heard, if only much later on as a kind of echo. I don't know that what I have to say is all that important. It is important to the ones it is important to and meaningless to others. Still... one has to do something. I have chosen this. The ineffable made a telling and lasting impact on me and it increases by the day. The effect of it has eliminated the consideration of anything else from both my heart and mind. I have no choice. I am not what I will be when I become what I am. None of us are what we are, as we really are, in the moment we become what we are. That is the guaranteed result of consistent and conscientious house cleaning. One doesn't know the moment it will occur. It is something like critical mass and it varies from person to person, according to a form of mysterious mathematics. We know it will happen. We just don't know when. It's like the big 'Kali'fornia quake. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. In the meantime, everyone thinks it will happen when they are not there. Of course you could be preoccupied with thinking about it and get hit by a bus, while texting in a crosswalk. The crosshairs are invisibly on us all. They only light up in the moment before the backfire you don't hear, turns out not to have been caused by a car. The Sword of Damocles hangs over every head.

My friends, some of us will never meet but we have met and we will meet again on the day and in the moment that we become ourselves. We are only not ourselves for the purpose of demonstration in the dreamworks that are built up and torn down all around us as we go. None of the changing landscape serves any purpose beyond distraction. There is only one important consideration and that is the ineffable and what it means to us. It is said that the ineffable knows us better than we will ever know ourselves. The time will come though, ...when we know ...and see ourselves, through the eyes of the ineffable because the ineffable resides within us, unrecognized if we choose and incrementally more and more recognized as he sees himself through our eyes, as our eyes clear on the way, we acquire the eye of the eagle and the scorpion is no more.

They talk about red and green lions in alchemy, variations of immature and mature forces, as well as dragons and all manner of chimerical and real creatures, who symbolize the more powerful and enduring qualities asleep within us. The ineffable can awaken them all. We only have to give way to the influence of the will of the ineffable upon us. We must no longer wrestle with the eternal verity within.

When we see the clown like behavior of our celebrities of the moment and the shake n bake creations that are forced upon us, it should be a guide to the alternatives in our own lives. When one becomes incapable of embarrassment, their cluelessness has reached an apex and there is only one direction it can go in.

In the Shakespearean atmosphere we have the two masks. Our real face is somewhere between these and we only alternate between the two, while caught in the thrall of the world around us. Truly, the world is of no importance. It reflects us in a distorted mirror. There we are as one and there we are as the other, rotating back and forth in turmoil maintenance. There is a peace that comes when one is finally committed. It is the restless agony of indecision that crucifies us on the cross of fiction. Why do we bother? We are born and according to The Bard, “we strut and fret in our brief hour upon the stage” and then we die. How is it that we do not see the eternal presence of the ineffable, always there to be celebrated and adored? It is our real self and our own eternity to possess and be possessed by ...yet... we continue in the disorder of perpetual ruin. Eventually we are ruined instead of illuminated. It is the difference between regenerated innocence and senility. It is a great difference and I wish with all my heart that the former will come to you.

Take heart my friends. Let the evidence of seemingly gross injustice and ridiculous facade, convince you that you are on the right track. The ineffable sees everything. Nothing is missed. Nothing. Those who are celebrated publicly are rewarded publicly and that is the end of that. Those who come to the ineffable privately are rewarded privately and sometimes publicly as well. The ineffable is to be taken seriously, more seriously than breath itself. Confront yourself with the truth of this and live it. Live it with every breath.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

Your eloquence is what is supernatural. It is eerie for me to read these word dances and see the force of something that is not terrestrial. It is so obvious that I am surprised more people do not see it.

Have you nothing to say about the dissension going on here? A word from you might help.

Visible said...

Hmmm... well, thank you for the kind words. About what goes on in the comments, I don't know what to think. Matt sent in a comment yesterday and I published it and it didn't appear. Then another comment that I never saw published itself. I'm a tad mystified.

I don't feel like it is my place to say anything. I feel like if I do say something all sorts of conclusions could be made and not be accurate as far as what I mean to have said and often am not successful at. I feel for Karen and wish events took a different path but what happens, happens and I have long known that it is beyond my control. Everything is beyond my control. The only time I am in control is when I conform to or align with what is always in control. As time passes, more and more I see that I am just a cog in a cosmic watch mechanism that turns because of other cogs and wheels that turn and I just want to do my part without appearing to be apart (grin). I spend so much time in reflection these days that except for the postings I have nothing to say. I wait on the change I know is coming and maybe then I will have something to say or perhaps even less.

Anonymous said...

curiously at the end of the day the truth is still the truth

used to be there was no statute of limitations on murder
but since waco seems like justice delayed pardons the real
terrorists who hate truth and justice, while they are printing
the currency and subsidizing a terrorist state in Palestine
thanks to the braindeadgoy US CITIZENS...who pay TAXES

whatever highway or byway we find ourselves on we are either
headed in one direction or the other

merci beaucoup mon frere



Kazz said...

Thanks Vis but I am in a really good place. I speak the truth as I see it. If I am shown to be incorrect I alter my paradigm accordingly. No one has actually done that though :o). With everything going on in this world I must say I am rather amused anyone can find the time to get annoyed with me simply for expressing my truth.

I don't get why people are so upset, after all who here isn't aware that the Vatican is the antiChrist and leading the charge against humanity? If Christ was willing to die for humanity than surely the least I can do is love humanity too.

I went to the Vatican in 1985 and the Holy Spirit would not let me set foot on Vatican soil. I was told I would be tainted if I even touched one toe to Vatican soil. It took 15 years for me to find out what the Holy Spirit was talking about. Truthfully, I am on the most amazing journey of my life. I could never have imagined life could be so inspirational, exciting, and interesting.

'If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.' (John 15:19)

I know the ineffable loves me and the ineffable's opinion is the only one I am interested in. If the world didn't hate me I would be concerned, because the world hates that which God loves, and loves that which God hates :o).

I couldn't be in a better place. At the end of the day I AM the only one who has to live with the choices I make, and I AM very happy that I have chosen the Divine's love over the popularity of those who are lost in the wilderness.

I think your pretty awesome too Vis. Don't worry about me, you have no idea how well the Divine takes care of me. I feel like one of the most blessed people on this planet, so please reserve your sympathy for those who need it brother.

Luv Kazz

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Tibetan Wheel of Life. Seeing that makes me again wonder, why those who see Samsara as something to be escaped, breed. The question that has me banging my head against the wall.

I am soooo fed up with what is. I wonder how much longer it's gonna last. A few alternative news stories think October is gonna be a financial disaster, but we shall see. I read various gubment benefits are gonna be cut on the first of October, and I don't think the ones whose benefits are being cut are just going to roll over and die.

Lots of people think the astronomical alignment of September 23 of this year might mean something, but haven't we had enough of Y2K, the 2012 Solstice, and the world coming to an end in 1976 (Old JW prediction. I can't believe my 'incubator' hooked me up to that cult when I was around 9 or so. Ye gods, what nutters.) and all that?

As for that calipornia quake, I am like so hoping the fault down the road does a 14.6 or something and does me in like that foot coming down on the Monty Python series. That or being instantly vapourised by a nuke, preferably before 2018.

Excellent post, of course.

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible,

There is only one guy who can write that post. A writer said he couldn't quit writing if he wanted to. It seems that you have it too, for these are priceless pieces again and again and again and again.

Hi Kazz I like your input a lot, I liked Ray B's too and here's a shout for him to return, and for you to keep on. Here's also a wagging finger for anyone who might team up against and bully anyone here or anywhere- it's weak to form a half assed posse in such a way. Enough from me.


Visible said...

Hi Matt;

I keep getting the eerie feeling that I offended Ray somehow. I don't recall doing it but that doesn't mean anything (grin). The thing is that I have this telepathic thing which has always been strong in me since the kundalini awakening and lately it's been getting stronger and stronger. So... I get this feeling (well I suppose that is empath stuff but I have that too- sounds like medical complications heh heh but not as bad as heart disease and diabetes) and I sense that I displeased him somehow and it's me that is at the bottom of it but I've got that Memento kind of amnesia... and I'm also not making a lot of sense. Good to see you anyway and let's hope everything resolves itself somehow. Of course it will.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Visible,

Yeah Ray B was an asset I feel certain. I reread the column and as always something hit me between the eyes- confront yourself with the fact that the ineffable is real and bear it in mind forever- sorry, paraphrasing due to this phone. I am reminded of how Stevie Nicks quit smoking, by lecturing herself in the mirror. I have tried it concerning several of my character flaws and it's pretty powerful... we have to confront ourselves don't we, or pure objectivity/honesty is impossible, and then if we constantly forget that we live in the mind?/ creation of the ineffable and imagine we are in charge- who knows what chickenshit thoughts and behavior slip by? Dumb sentence, I blame my phone, not an expert thumb humper.

I'm grateful to come read here Vis.


Visible said...

Well... I'm glad to see you in Mr. Visible's Neighborhood. What has been working for me is to try to remember to tell the ineffable how much I love him as often as I can. I'm going to bed after I write this and I plan on saying it until I fall asleep. Sometimes I don't fall asleep[ but that's okay because it always feels like I have eternity at my disposal. The other thing I try to remember as often as possible is to be grateful and lately that just comes over me anyway because I have so much to be grateful for. The blessings remind me. There are so many of them. When I take the time to think about them the list is impressive. I'm in a kind of transitory shock where I find myself thinking, "Wow! There are just so many of them." and then it occurs to me that I am missing a great many of them still. It seems like it doesn't matter which of these a person focuses on or if there are other features different from the ones I mentioned. The key is that you are communing with the ineffable and no matter what the circumstances that brought it about might be. It is the relationship, the interplay that is the important thing. This is one of the reasons that I am always asking for the qualities of God because there is no more priceless array of gifts that the human imagination can consider and the possession of any of them leads one to further consideration of the source of them and there you are, right back in the everlasting arms. Good night all.

Neko Kinoshita said...

It is always good to read what shows up here.

Visible showing his placards, and shouting into the wind. Although some are hearing, the majority cannot due to their own larger purpose in providing object lessons.

Sometimes, it seems as though there are a few who would rather attack another guest here at "che Visible" than target the real source of the problems, I may not always agree with everything Kazz (or Ray B. when he is here) have to say, but going all ad hominem on them is not the way to make your point.

If Kazz points out that violence is not the answer, she is telling you something you should pay attention to. Perhaps the point is that the ineffable is much better at targeting an appropriate violence (hence angels of wrath) that we mere deluded mortals.

Or perhaps I have no idea what I'm babelling about.


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Do Not Let the World Distract You from the Possibility of Your Endless Peace Within.

Innokentiy said...

Thank you Les,you are fireing on all 12 lately.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Unshakable Assurance; one of The Greatest Gifts Anyone can Possess.



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