Sunday, August 27, 2017

Madame Dufarge Rides the Jabberwocky, Naked through the Streets of Virtual Coventry.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

The faceless ones move through the gathering darkness. They twist the elements of logic and reason. They distort the mirror in which we see ourselves. Is that me? Who is that who looks back at me? The face in the mirror is speaking but I am not speaking. I am watching. In tens of millions of mirrors the face on the other side is speaking but few are watching with any awareness... drones hover in the air. Virtual reality coils out of the cellphones and holographic maidens dance in timeless writhing, as if touched by invisible flames. Their bodies shift away from the flames but there are flames unseen all around them. This is the painful inspiration of the dance.

Across the country, the very young are herded into understandings that reshape them into something Nature never intended. It is an incremental passage. The space between any two points seems reasonable, as if the place they departed from, the space they are moving through and the place they arrive at are all a logical sequence. There is nothing alarming to be seen or experienced but... when one draws back and further back, so that a multitude of points and spaces can be seen, a pattern emerges and natural order appears to be bent in unnatural ways toward some lasting perdition. The landscape becomes torturous and there is no stable place for one to stand on and view the entire from a sane perspective. The points of view that permit a sane perspective have either been roped off or transformed into pits, over the lip of which one can see nothing but walls and obstructions.

The offspring of Madame Dufarge, cavort among the burning buildings and twisted frames of blackened cars. In the land of those who once imagined themselves to be free, these offspring are lauded and praised for their courage in standing up to those having the temerity to demand the defense of free speech, which these offspring term 'hate speech' because it exposes their Khmer Rouge inspired politics where the tyranny of tiny fringe demographics are permitted to rule over the dreams and wishes of a much greater majority. Revolutions, like sausage making and law making are not pretty. We are told that they are the glorious means to a necessary end. In other countries, steps are being taken to reign in these bloodstained Bolsheviks. Is any of it real, or just a screen capture out of some mysterious sequence of problem, reaction, solution? I can hear Hegel crying out of the ruined countryside of an animated painting by Hieronymus Bosch. One more damned Marxist who camouflaged his evil intentions with airbrushed and flyblown rhetoric, rousing enough to inspire the unshakably loyally ignorant to unconsciously raise their right hands and place the palm across their hearts, while pointing with their left and screaming, 'J'accuse! J'accuse!'

The coprophagic Crass Media tells us that these ravening canaille, with their clubs and pepper spray are the fearless protectors of the life and liberty of us all. What is actually so, departs significantly from what they tell us. I pray in this moment where I am... passing into one moment following another, becoming the same moment, eternally refreshed but... like an optical illusion or elusive phantasm... there but not there, real and unreal, never the same and always the same, simultaneously... I pray for an awakening. I pray that a world wide, world shaking epiphany will tremble and shake and descend upon us one and all, before the fire and the blood join inevitably together in horrific conflagration.

Perhaps we are all deceived; the good and the noble, the evil and venal, those believing in the enduring true and eternal light and those believing nothing but what they can eat and fuck. Perhaps we are all deceived. We know about the road paved with good intentions. We can clearly see where the crowds have massed like flies on a steak taken from some grill outside of Alice Springs. The flies can completely cover the meat before it is set on the table to eat.

Perhaps we are all deceived, if only in part; some being deeply and completely deceived and some deceived by the cloud of unknowing that conceals that which cannot be seen by mortal eyes. That cloud of unknowing is our own ignorance. It is the veil of mortality, which brims with the ever changing forms of magnetized dust, a whirling kaleidoscope of colors, shaping and reshaping the ubiquitous substance, out of which all things are made and only some of which the breath of life is breathed into and wasted in the main; so many vain and futile lives. We see it only in part. We see some small portion of the whole that came out of somewhere far back in the long ago and stretches beyond the reach of even the most imaginative and prescient eyes. Within our short terms it can make no sense at all. It is only in the totality of its extension that meaning can be found. The question is; do we want to do the same thing over and over and over again? If we do... should it not be something that we truly desire to do over and over and over again?

There was a time when the newness of phenomena that emerged out of newly opened eyes and the magic of ancient understandings captivated me. I might have known little of the real meaning of any of it but it did intrigue me. It was like watching previously unseen wonders, pouring forth out of a cornucopia, filled with an endless procession of beautiful forms. I found myself saturated with a sense of being that I had not thought to be possible but there it was. It seemed to last forever and then it was gone, leaving behind only a sense of loss at its departure and I never even knew what it was. It took some time to recognize that it was love as I had never experienced it before and only love that gave a lasting meaning to anything. I discovered a love that was so far beyond my former interpretations of love that I could not identify any of it as anything... so much of what we know we know by comparison with other forms to which they bear a recognizable similarity. This was not similar to anything previously known to me. I realize now that one can explore the dimensions of love and never reach a boundary, that love exists within immeasurable parameters and that one could willingly be lost in it for all eternity and desire nothing else ever again. That suits me just fine.

Whatever it is that these enraged and twisted creatures chase after is of no interest to me. I see only a terrible conclusion awaiting them at every turn, no matter where they might turn. This is the curse of selfishness... nothing... nothing of any value can be realized out of selfishness. There is no place of safety to be found in a world created by selfish beings, in the pursuit of selfish ends, where no means are excluded so long as they reach their desired ends. These ends cannot and will not ever be reached. It is best for those who are still objective and sane to stay away from these theaters of performance, unless, for reasons inexplicable to me, they imagine they can be useful. Maybe they can. Perhaps they know something I do not know. Perhaps we each know that which is necessary for us alone. I believe we serve as we go along, whether that involves selfless service or self service. It is for each of us to make our determinations based on what is most valuable to us.

We all have voices in our heads. Some of us think these are our own voices, speaking from another part of ourselves and... in a certain sense this is true. Some of us think these voices originate elsewhere. Sometimes these voices urge us toward speech and actions that we would never consider on our own. Sometimes they urge us to higher states of expression and sometimes the opposite is true. Our judgment is colored by what we desire. Our desire can justify anything. Later, upon reflection we might well wonder how we could have possibly done what we did. The most tragic aspect of this is that there was so little joy or satisfaction to be found and all we are left with is the taste of ashes in our mouths.

There is no question that very well funded and powerful forces are at work, seeking to shape the world in ways that no good and moral heart could countenance. They are after the hearts and minds of the very young. They want a form of libertine, atheistic Marxism that is far worse even than what they accomplished in Soviet Russia. They are rewriting history and science and every textbook to justify and affirm that which is both absurd and evil in equal measure and if you don't like it, you are a hateful extremist. It reminds me of “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, or “The Day of the Triffids” or a shapeshifting evil as personified in “The Thing.” I realize that if you go according to appearances, it can seem overwhelming. Appearances are transitory and ephemeral things. The ineffable is everlasting and all powerful. It really depends on where you place your loyalty and faith. “Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is also.” One might say, 'his ass' as well.

I am not amused or frightened at this plodding Jabberwocky. We spend our lives making our bed and preparing to sleep in it. One could look at the truth of how we live our lives in the creation of the lives to follow and be ahead of the game, or otherwise nothing more than a piece that gets moved around the board. Those of us in a certain service are no less pieces to be moved than any other but we do have the assurance of the player who decides how we are moved and used and even sacrificed as well; should it come to that.

I'm thinking some number of you have a certain grasp of the situation that is coming and going around us. It is my fervent prayer and the entirety of my hopes that you have come to some arrangement with the ineffable to be taught and to serve as opportunity presents itself to us. God bless and protect you, one and all.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

My prayer is that hopefully some ministers of the "Good News" get
to read what you have written and share it in the coming days,

like maybe tomorrow...



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Poetic prose, if I ever read any.

All I want is an Akashic Library Card, a red nose hair coat, a tail, braidable nose hairs and nose whiskers.

I'd say I'm screwed, huh?

Kazz said...

(Vis) 'I realize now that one can explore the dimensions of love and never reach a boundary, that love exists within immeasurable parameters and that one could willingly be lost in it for all eternity and desire nothing else ever again. That suits me just fine.’

You and me both Vis.

(Vis) 'The ineffable is everlasting and all powerful. It really depends on where you place your loyalty and faith. “Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is also.” One might say, 'his ass' as well.’

The elite are attempting to take over God’s Creation so they can eternally enslave humanity under their maritime commercial usury system of slavery. Through deceit, lies, and corruption, satan (global elite: Ephesians 6:12) has enlisted many good hearted, well meaning and intentioned people to facilitate this, but satan will not prevail because deep down many of these people are humane beings. This will be their saving grace, because it is this aspect of them that will awaken them from their slumber. Those who do not awaken never belonged to God anyway.

The Divine confided to me yesterday that I earned the right to be here to stand against satan because I took God’s back in the original rebellion, just as I AM now. Love, justice, faith, peace and truth are my shield and choice of weapon. My heart feels as fearless as it is loving. I believe this is because a heart filled with love has no room for fear :o).

(Vis) 'It is my fervent prayer and the entirety of my hopes that you have come to some arrangement with the ineffable to be taught and to serve as opportunity presents itself to us.'

God and I have an arrangement to love each other with all our hearts. I serve God to the best of my ability, and in return God teaches me through the Holy Spirit. Boy did I get the best side of that deal :o).

I have faith that whatever unfolds will be the Will of God, and that is just fine by me, because I AM merely along for the ride on this journey that eternally flows from one moment into the next . It has been both my pleasure and honour spending some of that journey here with you Vis. God bless you, always.

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...

the sheer eloquence. the obvious influence of the more than human and you didn't have to think about it once- did you?

some people have all the luck- after they get put on the rack a dozen times- grin. like I have heard more times than I wish, if it was easy everyone would do it.

Anonymous said...

you're my prophet sir. And so I pray to god with you that your prayer will become tomorrows reality. Amen

Thomas said...

Deceived... I think you are right about that, Visible. It looks like the world leadership of Putin is the "solution" that will be offered to the "problem" of the apparently looming new world order. Later on, he'll become the new "problem" and the "solution" will be a false messiah, an ambassador of hell who looks and talks like an angel. I do not think that this will happen tomorrow, but perhaps in 10 or 15 years. That seems to be the plan, at least.

Think about it, if you were an evil mastermind, what would be your wettest dream? Would it not be to wedge yourself in between man and God, thus ruling without any obstruction whatsoever? (They are not satisfied with having wedged themselves in between man and man by taking control of the means of barter). I bet they still dream of those days of yore when no questions were allowed when it came to the catholic church. Now, that was a scam worth repeating, you'd be thinking. So how to do it? Well, you could throw up a holographic Jesus in the sky, or send in an army of GMO-humans posing as extraterrestrials who are "advanced and closer to God".

How much high technology and wealth has it not been possible to amass by now in secret bases around the world?

Well, I don't think their plan will work. Even 5-year olds know the words "mutant" and "hologram". The whole thing is going to come crashing down, I guess, resulting in very chaotic and unpredictable situations in many places. I suppose the best chance will be to live in a self-sustaining community by then.

Anyways, the good part of The Book of Reality is where it says that we are immortal and eternal souls, only here to participate in and learn from this strange drama.

All the best!

Voltman said...

It's time for...

!! The Wonky Jabberwocky Crazy Talk !!

Jive talking Jabberwocky Giberish
Tribe backing Jabostinky fishy dish
Live walking Yapperwonky Silverfish
Bribe taking hyper greedy son of bitch

You better watch out I'm telling you why!

Fire-breathing, broom-wielding Meister Apocalypse
Breath-taking, awe-inspiring dancer of calypso
Foot-stomping, tap-dancing, veritable Fred Astaire
Hearth wrenching, mind blowing Universal Avastar

Beware all Jews from Outer Space:
The Avastar is coming to town!



Les Visible said:

"There is no question that very well funded and powerful forces are at work, seeking to shape the world in ways that no good and moral heart could countenance. They are
after the hearts and minds of the very young. They want a form of libertine, atheistic Marxism that is far worse even than what they accomplished in Soviet Russia. They are rewriting history and science and every textbook to justify and affirm that which is both absurd and evil in equal measure and if you don't like it, you are a hateful extremist."

Yes sir...!!!

They're all Hippos rollin' down the river
Sometimes they can't touch the ground
Like Hippos slidin' in the water
Somehow they're stompin' around

Now you can see them lyin' down in the swamp
Any time they feel disgusted
You'll see them do the Hippo Stomp

HIPPO STOMP Steppenwolf 1970


hceepS esreveR - A discussion on Reverse Speech


Mommy, where does global warming come from?

I'd like to stay and answer all your questions but I need to go vacuuming because Mr. Apocalypse is coming!

Hasta la Rasta,


_0_ said...

Personally, I am worn out from this battle of wits a and keen eye. Every awakening i habe had has cosr me everything I had, a transference, payment. Life here is a sentence but only as moment on the other side.

As I have said on many occasions and if you read it elsewhere, it originated through me because it has been my personal experiance.

The first awkening is all about mirrors. Intimacy. In to me i see. Everyone and everything we see, all the good, the bad the ugly that we recognise is a reflecfion of what is in us in some form..

The second awakening is all about Windows. Beyond me i see.. we finally get a glimps of our role in other other peoles lives and see beyond ourselves and into a world with marvel and awwe. We see where we took what we wanted from the first awakening and dumped out what we did not. We finally get a glimpse beyond our limitations of self and serve in ways we are only begining to comprehend.. it is he we recognise the miracle we have always been wanting, we have always been.

The third awakening is doors. people, situations and experiances are doors. Those doors that no longer useful in our development close. New doors present themselves but it is upntp us, to knock and open them. Some doors see elaborate and some doors are plain. We do not judge the lessons we will learn and the opportunities we have been being groomed for in the first 2 awakenings by the doors apearance, we simply turn the handle and walk through each of them.

The 4th awakening is where we find ourselves free from a house of limitations and lessons. At the center of the cross roads.. where there is all that is before us and all that is behind us and all that is on either side of us.. we are grateful for this huge transistion/transformation and we finally choose which direction to take, not burdened by out past, present or our future selves or the dark on one side or the light on the other. It is here we are no longer burdened by the night of the soul nor hope for the golden dawn. It is here we know that duality exists but we are not bound by it.

It is in the forth awakening that we recongnize we are greater than the all the seasons. Fall is neither younger nor older than summer, spring is not anymore good or evil than winter. summer is not any more true or false than fall and that winter is neither right nor left any more than fall.. but like the seasons hold these dualities within them but are not bound by them. It is here the profound realization that our soul which is not of this world but is born into this world, embraces all things and holds all these duality's but is NOT bound by them. It is here, we emerge from our cacoon like a butterfly, We judge not our fellows in their toil, for we too were once a catipiller. What does a million catipiller lives know about flight? Absolutely nothing. Yet we do not deny outsekves our own new nature.. we simply stetch our wings and fly.

The 5th awakening, is the divine compass.

Each awakening has cost me everything and with each awakening I had an NDE that followed. The last time i flay lined for 5 min only 3 days after i got out of ICU to find a lady who had a heart attack in a parking lot flat lining, so i did cpr on her and prayed and she camr back to life. Never knew her name, didnt matter if she was a good tac paying citizen, black white or red skinned. Only tjat she was there and i knew what to do.

It is the warriors path. It is not for the week of heart and mind. If you haven't ripped your own guts out finding your way beyond yourself, you habe yet to have an awakening. This world is built to keep you.

The last one cost me someone I loved very very very much. She fled the scene and hooked up with a rich man who is buying her a house. Spirituality is not just clever ideas and metaphors and algorithms. So, she couldn't hang. I fault her not.

I don't come here to your site very often Vis. Every once and a while, just to see about the matter of things.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:58,

The greater the degree of attachment, the harder and more painful it is to rip off the duct tape that binds.


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Stupid, Vain, Celebrity-Crazed and the Rest of The Ugly Dwarfs are Gunning for Normal.



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