Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Donald Trump Acts Presidential while Social Justice Warriors run Amuck.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Finally Trump did something courageously presidential; something that went contrary to all the efforts of the deep state forces that are trying to paint everyone that disagrees with the ever increasing pressure of the historical revisionists, the sexually dysfunctional, the color coding Nazis, the gender bending lunatics and the aggregate tiny splinter of population, whose needs triumph over those of the much greater majority ...because the Satanist say that they should because they represent the destruction of the family unit and all of the core values of a functioning society that stands in the way of bat shit crazy and howling chaos.

He said that both sides represented at Charlottesville were equally wrong and that they were equally responsible for the violence that ensured and oh! Oh the faux, staged and fabricated outrage!!! The self righteous wringing of hands and sanctimonious holier than thou, offended parties, who are Hell Bent on tearing away the underpinning of society that holds us together! It may not have been the best we could collectively come up with but it is nowhere near as bad as those seeking to destroy it say it is, or intend to replace it with.

I'm guessing they are really going to come after him now. I'm guessing he has to have something up his sleeve as well, if he had the stones to come out and say what he did. At the moment, all reasonable voices are silenced. The shrill screeching of the sold out loons and talking heads is deafening. The posturing politicians are working like fevered baboons to outdo one another in their genuflections before the twerking ass of the infernal one. They line up to kiss it every one and there is not a shred of dignity, honor or integrity among them. Little Chuckie Schumer is Lizard King of the Left. There is page after page of him here. I'm guessing you can read to your hearts discontent. Looking at and into the man's face, I see such extremes of depravity that I can only imagine what I would rather not imagine.

The corruptions stream down from the places of power. They slip into the legislations and the nine preening vultures, perched on the dead branches at the highest court, cackle among themselves as they rubber stamp the death certificate for The Constitution. The government has been hijacked and is sailing for the rocks. The media trumpets and cheerleads for the degradation of humanity. Sanity has completely left the building. What is around the corner? What is around the corner? Where I live there is no sign of the madness I hear about. At any moment a mass awakening may come, or not. It presently slumbers in the hearts of everyone.

Beneath the surface of the earth an incipient trembling shudders in uneasy dreams. The Earth is not pleased with its share of the reverie that comes to it from its contact with the forms that walk upon it. The Earth is a living thing. It knows. The eyes of the residents are fixed upon insubstantial hallucinations and cannot see the invisible forms that have come to feed on their hunger and to inflame it to impossible levels and to hollow them out from within. The fruits of these hungers are rage and despair. The anger goes inward and then the anger comes out. People feel like they have been cheated and old enmities and distorted myths from the past emerge to enrage them. They have been cheated. They thought there was some satisfaction to be gained from certain pursuits but there is none to be had. Guilt is rampant. How did I get in here? How do I get out?

I tell myself that it is all a movie and there have surely been more desperate times. I have read in some detail about the horrors of war and the proliferation of rats among the carrion. The rats always come. During the Iraq-Iranian War the rats grew to be 26 pounds, more or less. Our country was neck deep in that one, as it has been in so many conflicts abroad. The sheer scale of death and torment in any one of them, much less the totality, is beyond the comprehension of any one of us to imagine it. There's no way to explain war to anyone who hasn't seen it. Some people are able to compartmentalize the experience. Many cannot. The idea that men in suits, with fountain pens in their hands, orchestrate these conflicts for the purpose of profit is also a difficult image to grasp. How is it possible that they can be like this? What terrible darkness lives in their souls that makes it possible for them to do these things? It is a mystery.

They are not our problem, you and I. Our problem is ourselves. We need to have the faith and certitude to walk through these times, come what may and not sacrifice the important parts that make us human and capable of more than that. What we carry within us is our passport to the worlds beyond. One must understand what this world is, especially in the time that we find ourselves in. It has not always been as it is but what it was is irrelevant unless we are in a position to return it to its former beauty. We've had our share of visionaries, Utopians and social reformers who have tried their hand at it and more people have died at the hands of social reformers than just about anyone else.

Too many people are trying to change the world while also seeking to make it in their own image. The problem with that is that they don't even know who they are in the first place, so the image is, well... rather blurred. This is what we have at the present, a rowdy mob of unbalanced individuals who have no comprehension of the meaning of the word. They lumber about with clubs and swords too heavy to wield, screaming at one another and everyone else about how unfair the world is. They're not wrong about that... unless fairness means we should all be reduced to the level of incompetent morons; a feat they are determined to pull off and presently appearing, against all reason and rhyme to be on the verge of accomplishing. It's not going to happen but they are nonetheless inspired by small victories of a certain timely tyranny over everything that is sane and sensible. It makes you wonder at what has made the whole process possible. Enter the ineffable. If you can see the whole of it as something of a joke, it makes it easier to digest. Otherwise it is just horror piled upon horror and makes no sense. However, if you see it as a form of amusement for the ineffable, it begins to make a great deal of sense because it doesn't make sense in any other way that I have encountered and anyway, that's what I have been told is happening so I have to go with it.

I've been told more than that and it isn't going to be amusing for some/many, only for those of us who are going to witness it and who aren't a part of it. That doesn't make us altogether innocent. It just means that one can only get the humor at a certain distance from the spectacle. Up close it's not funny at all. So... for whatever the reason that you are at the proper distance it should be worth the experience of seeing it.

Yes... we've got some real entertainment on the menu and it is not to be confused with the fare we've been subjected to for far too long. It's also real street theater coming to a sidewalk near you soon. It's already playing in the more dense urban locations and the hijinks are coming at a relentless pace in the cloistered sections, where the high and mighty engage in their special couplings with what... well, the less we know the better. Here is where tragedy and comedy meet in a special dance of resolution, also called, on occasion, the purpose of demonstration.

It is my wish that you learn to take it all lightly. What possible good will it do to become fearful or depressed, much less angry and hostile? Believe me, at one time or another I have entertained them all to no great advantage or good result. They are no longer welcome where I am. I've evicted them all. They were bad house guests is the truth of it. My recommendation is to not let them in.

We're up for a time of it my friends. The best I can say is that we must let the best of us out and trust that that will be sufficient to the needs of the moment, whatever those needs may be. Surely, the chance of a positive outcome is more likely when the best of us is being expressed than the worst. We've only to look around to see what that accomplishes.

Way to go, Donald Trump!!! Gee... I guess the dual nationals and that great big Middle Eastern Crime Syndicate are not going to be happy. I'm guessing the Golda Meir Library in Milwaukee will continue to be named after a mass murderer. It was supposed to be named after the USS Liberty, which Israel sunk, in hopes that it would cause the US to attack Egypt, or just because they could, or some reason even worse. I'm guessing that with no right wing, except in revolutionary settings, back in some rural hill community, where they huddle out of sight from insidious, prying eyes, mention of God will still be made and patriots will speak about a nation they once knew. There are no left wing patriots; only communists and atheists. It's going be hard for the nation to fly very far in any direction with only one wing. Informed scientific minds tell me it will be flying in circles.

The right wingers won't be deep in the hills. They will still be able to hear the sounds of the month long, interstate Gay Pride Bacchanal, as it marches from Washington D.C. To LA. There's talk of a Mathew Perry statue to replace the one of General Lee but there's also a strong and vocal lobby for John Wayne Gayce, a misunderstood, social justice, trailblazer. I've heard that some have suggested a sculpture of Gacy and Jeffrey Dalmer with their arms round one another, symbolizing true social justice warriorhood. Some have said that a group sculpture of them with Randy Kraft (check out the intro just below the title!!!) and Dean Corll with musical instruments and the inscribed tag, “getting the band back together in Hell” would be nice too.

Well... now you know who is running things, as if there was ever a doubt. First look into who is funding the political arms of all these alternative lifestyles and race war efforts. I'm surprised they have the time, what with the War on Christmas and the Christian religion and the Palestinian Genocide; not to mention all those other banker engineered and financed wars everywhere else. The Avatar is coming. Sooner or later, what we could not accomplish for ourselves will be taken care of by one who takes care of such things. In the meantime, live right and keep your inner eye open, there are limits to what the devil's own can accomplish. Everyone needs permission. You might not think so, given how some stomp around the place with seeming impunity but everyone needs permission, which is something they find out if they mess around where they shouldn't mess around. “Greater is that which is in you than that which is in the world.” “If God is for me then who can be against me?”

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Absolutely fucking brilliant!!! You got another promotion, holy shit! How is that even possible? You are living proof there is an ineffable. No one and I mean no one writes at your level. It is a criminal thing that you are not more widely available! The sheer genius of humor, insight, intelligence and compassion weaving together like threads on a thangka is off the planetary charts. Mark my words- you will be read for centuries to come! You pull love out of me the way Kim Kardashian can suck a golf ball through a garden hose {sorry, hah! I could nor resist). I didn't want to get too serious in the praise. I know first hand that you don't like it. Rave on McVisible! I will see you one day in the illuminated planes.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The more I read, the more I think I'm a total nutter for volunteering for this stint, and the less I identify with humanity. Well, being a member of The Holey Order of the Septum making me a nose, it's not that I could identify with humanity before, but the extreme disassociation has chasmed to just short of eternity.

Oh well. At least this is my last round, I'm shure. Like gag me off the planet, already. I could like use some more like, tubular digs; mon!

Jenny said...

Spot on vis! I love it....jen

Kazz said...

I have to agree with everything Patrick said Vis.

This post is truly outstanding.

When you speak of the Divine I know you are old friends because you know God so well. I see this because we are best buds too :o). I get where you are coming from in relation to God's sense of humour, I have been the butt of the Divine's sense of humour on a regular basis. I have to say God is really, really, really funny. I couldn't count the times God has actually caused me to literally fall down laughing, mostly at myself.

As far as Trump goes, for me it is God all the way. People look toward their fellow man for their salvation but that is not where it is to be found. Following Man is what gets us lost in the wilderness. As for the people working for the elite, well I think they are people just like you and me Vis, but they have got lost. I don't see these people as evil, I see them as deluded, frightened, greedy, lusty, selfish and many other things at different times, but I have been all those things in my life too, so I dare not judge them for fear I will be judged. I watched an outstanding movie called 'Brennan' last night. God wanted me to watch it. I am glad I did.

Too often I forget who and what I AM, and this movie was a great reminder. I AM a sinner who falls short way too often, but I AM also a saint who reaches unimaginable heights when the Divine chooses to use my vehicle to shine a little light for others. My ego is a monster I have to keep chained or it runs amok. It often escapes to reek carnage, and all I can do is put it back on its leash and try and clean up the trail of debris. I think many of us might be like that, which is why it is so important to love each other, irrespective of our faults and failures.

When I watched the movie last night I knew that I had filled many of its roles. The funny thing was that the role which most upset me was the one where I was the judgemental Christian, not the one where I was the unconscious drunk rolling around on the ground in my own vomit. I try really hard not to judge others and only discern, but this holier than though thing starts to take over and at some point I realise that I AM looking down on others. I get truly disgusted with myself when I see that I am doing this, because I AM no one to be looking down on or judging others. One of the hardest things about this gig is how easy it is for me to see that speck in my brothers eye, all the while missing the plank in my own. I try to be a really good person, but I usually fail miserably. I know that we are simply here to be observers Vis, otherwise we end up getting drawn into the drama, but sometimes it is so hard.

Satan's latest attack on my family left my daughter without a body part she badly needed, which should not have been removed. Heaven help anyone who has to undergo surgery these days. All attempts to prove this injustice are being covered up at every level. My husband says we should feel privileged, but to be honest it took all my strength not to hit him over the head with something really, really heavy. Luckily, my baby girl is a tough nut, so she is keeping herself afloat. The anguish I feel in relation to what has been done to my baby is more painful than anything that has every happened to me. I want to go and find the people who did this and do to them what they have done to my baby, but I will not, because my baby needs me and I am no good to her in jail or dead.

Being a child of God is definitely a fine art, one that I am still mastering as you can see, but I will master it and I know the rest of us will too, because God can't be wrong. God sees the value and worth in Man and so do I. I believe the challenge for us all is to find that spark of divinity in each other, which is more easily said than done, and why we are all still here, is my guess.

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Good stuff Visible prabhu!
Fine humour if ever I've laughed at such a thing..
I believe there are lotsa Avatars, Big and small.

flyingcossack said...

isn't morally degrading a society and then laughing at it from a distance, an example of spiritual sickness?

now if you helped society - made healthy choices just as accessible as unhealthy ones - and it chose to be morally degraded, then that might be funny ... but helping through forked tongues, doublespeak, poisoning, and economic blackmail, isn't helping at all ... isn't spiritually sane at all ... stink tanks for sure ... i wonder what happens to them in the next life? ... their souls know, even if their minds convince themselves otherwise ... o well, to each their own

Greg Bacon said...

Who hired a Beverly Hills company called “Crowds on Demand” to supply paid thugs to the Charlottesville Unite Right march?

And why is the AntiFa flag a mirror opposite of the 1933 Germany Communist Party flag?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is an Epstein-Israeli-CIA owned pedophile, but sure, lets all join the "bash the left' brigade. How pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Actually Israel did NOT sink the USS Liberty, thanks to the skill and heroism of it's crew, and no thanks to the cowardice of those who forbade the Sixth Fleet from coming to the assistance of the Liberty.


Anonymous said...

Les Visible, your writings fill me with love and joy. You straighten out my path when it becomes mired in the mud. May The Ineffable be with us always, and may we witness the return of our true selves.

Anonymous said...

I saw the entire press conference and with no reservations at all, I can safely say that Trump very clearly DENOUNCED naziism and white supremacists. In fact, he said it so many times it became annoying to hear it repeated so much. And then the next day, what does the media do?

They tell the world that Donald Trump supports nazi'ism and white supremacists.

What a bunch of utter fucking shitheads!

And did you hear the way they spoke to him? The hatred was palpable! Constantly trying to talk over him as he answered them. Never was obama treated in such a way.

I agree, Visable, he has got to do something about the media or it's over for him. He may already be too late. The media in this country is an absolute existential threat to everyone, not just Trump supporters. Former Navy Seal, Craig Sawyer (who incidentally has been involved in the apprehension of over a thousand child sex traffickers this past year) has bluntly said that the shooting starts when Trump is removed.

Not to mention the fact that, after Charlottesville, every Trump supporter and every right wing rally are now considered white supremacists all and are worthy of extinction, thanks to all the media propaganda. They have placed our side on "Wanted Dead" posters all throughout the country. You may want to act accordingly...

I trust you when you say "They must have permission..." but we've decided to be armed and ready because if the lefty hoards bust through the front door we're going to fight them, lest I get tied to a chair and am forced to watch them do unspeakable things to my wife. I too believe that God runs the show, but I also see nothing wrong with being prepared to defend my own should such a thing actually happen.

Funny, I never really believed all those predictions of civil war is coming. Though, I don't think anyone predicted it to come about in the way it is shaping up. Looks like Euphonious Wrathsmelter just might get his way on this one, for a time.

Many thanks, Vis, for that gentle poke to remind us who is really in charge!


Anaughty Mouser said...


Every sentance was a basehit or better.

Final score 100-0.

You are an avatar with a pen!

Bless you great Sir.

Keep on doing God's work.

Your humble friend

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Vis

Once again, stellar work; and I'm happy to see that your comments section seems to have been made right again. It's been a long time since I've been able to pass on my (possibly redundant) movie recommendations.

But re the war on Christianity: If you've never seen it, check out a little gem (an alleged comedy) from 2001 called "Wet Hot American Summer" and prepare for your jaw to drop when it maneuvers to its third act: "the talent show." (Nuff said.)

Better fare: a really good indie from a British film maker--and co-starring the bewitching granddaughter of Elvis: American Honey.

Best wishes, son!

Anonymous said...

Visible, I wonder if you meant Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, as opposed to Richard Dalmer. I am not familiar with the latter, so I suspect you were referring to Dahmer, who was every bit as gruesome in his depravity as was Gacy.

Visible said...

Shit! That's what I get for not paying attention. I knew something was wrong but the moment passed. I will fix it now.

Stan Del Carlo said...

"See the white light flashing as I split the night, if god is on the left I'm stick'in to the right, ringing hells bells."

Anonymous said...

Shit! That's what I get for not paying attention. I knew something was wrong but the moment passed. I will fix it now
Aggressive truth
In not paying attention. I be 5 time arested plus 2 time want close me in psychiatric ward i have broken skull and i lost all teeth. 2 times i be homless 2 time hiting me when i sleep 1 time police kidnaping me from bed when i sleep you stolen God knowledge for profi. I Lost my doughter family and happines in just 7 years your sin VIS is double stronger how you thing and how you fix this? Now i go live on wildnes in forest with out people i hate people becouse all what i say is truth and i fuck you all my father what is in heven a mother what is earth He alltogheter care about me i dont need you and you need me. Now try fix this after 4 years when i write to you. I know all ancient technology and in one years we have chance to change this word. Free will my is live all far far away from materialist word. See you. Now you thing what you do

Visible said...

the last comment by anonymous is an example of fabricated nonsense created by paid operatives in order to diminish this site because the truth is a horror for them and they want to create whatever unpleasantness they can manage. No more comments like this will be allowed to appear. Someone just showed up at the latest Radio Show broadcast, named Kyle Kendall; a very likely pseudonym. It appears he is pushing the flat Earth syndrome though it is hard to tell. The exchanges are here I don't have time at the moment to hotlink it. I can't tell what this person is trying to do because at first he wants to know if the people I am referring to are primitive cultures that believe in flat Earth and then in the next comment he appears to be saying the Earth is flat. All of his sentences are crafted in a way where he doesn't actually say anything. I am being polite (not stupid) because that is how I am now. It might not be a good idea but it is how I am. Once the truth of intent is revealed, then I can handle the routing and appearance of the individual.

None of this, probably, is important to any of you but this is just to say that the troll faction, that masses at various locations where what is really happening gets revealed, are trying to suck me in to a certain kind of interaction that just isn't going to take place, or looking to leave bizarre jabber like what is close above this comment. That's now handled and won't appear again and each expression will be dealt with. As soon as Herr Kendall clarifies his position on the Earth, I will know whether to let him continue commenting or remove his presence altogether. I will move forward with restraint and manners till such point as I see what is required and soon enough there will be none of these things manifesting here. Be well all.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Existence is a Nightmare or a Wonder Formed from the Daydreams of God.



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