Saturday, July 01, 2017

To Ride the Wind over the Blinding Dust Storm of Materialism.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I watched “Platoon” today and it really shook me up. I know I had seen it before but there were only a couple of themes that I remembered and some scenes I didn't remember ever having seen but which hit me hard. It wasn't just the film. It was my state of mind about life and the forces at work in it and the level of Evil. I had so many flashes of man being bestialized and the kinds of intelligence that were behind the conflict and what their goals and intentions were. It is so hard to grasp the degrees of man's inhumanity to man.

Never before in my life have I seen things so clearly. Never before have I felt so liberated from the confinements of my own person, to where I can simply look and listen and really see and hear. Our lives are progressive. We move from one stage of being to the next and the pattern is determined by our intentions and objectives. There is little doubt that I have gone mad on occasion. The desperation of emptiness, one's life devoid of God in the fullness of his possibility within us. It is impossible for me to be unaware of the ineffable and the imaginary distance between us that is a construct of my mind but that is passing. The madness broke down the fence line of personal boundaries in my imagined, personal mind and was absolutely necessary for that to happen. As the ineffable seeps into us; as our resistance decreases, our awareness widens and widens to encompass understandings that were previously impossible but... now I see that nothing is impossible and... to the extent that we accept that as literal truth and one of the eternal realities of the divine, as the divine becomes more and more present in us, this truth and so many others become features of our own being.

Watching that film today was such an experience. I thought about how pointless and unnecessary that was... all of the wars and conflicts really. I thought about the 50,000 dead over the years of its continuance and how 50,000 died in only 3 days at Gettysburg. Then I thought about the cultural war taking place now and conditions like this and how casual they are about it. I thought about the kind of minds that can think this way. I am astonished at things like this and then how the trend just gets worse and worse. I thought about the incredible hypocrisies that exist in certain people. How can such conflicting disparities reside in the same person?

The most troubling consideration in life to me is how such a large number of people can be so accommodating to conditions that will most certainly destroy them. How can people allow particular ideas to curl up in their minds and become comfortable and familiar with them? The greatest dangers are not the mortality that attends these ideas but the spiritual cost further on. Some people believe you have only the one life, or that there is nothing beyond but... nothing, you are extinguished and that is all but this is not so. You do not have just the one life and there are most certainly states and environments beyond this one that you pass into upon passing. Observe the cyclicity of Nature. Because of our immersion through the senses in the blinding dust storm of Materialism we are losing our objective capacity. Subjectivity is now the order of the day and in response to this the twisted fiends who manipulate appearances are destroying human intelligence and the critical sense. We are told what to think and even a surface observation of this brings distressing news.

Most distressing about people being told what to think is that it leads to their minds being hijacked and their humanity exiled from their consciousness for the purpose of the commission of acts of this nature. You might not want to read the article as it contains nothing but disturbing things that are now a daily event around the world. We only hear about a small amount of these events and like The Shadow is reported to have said; “who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

Weather can come out of seemingly nowhere, although meteorologists can track the origins and even predict the occurrences with an increasing precision, as the technology to do so, continues to be refined. For those of us not so informed, tornadoes and the like can just appear. There are always reasons for it but we often don't know what they are; wildfires, floods, earthquakes and sundry are all expressions of Nature when certain conditions are right for the occasion. Civilization (if we can call it that) also has weather and for those paying no attention, events and conditions can seem to have come out of nowhere; how did that happen?

These are times of great and tumultuous change and if you want to see where certain trends are headed then look critically and analytically at what is in front of you (and to the side) and behind you. Keep in mind that anytime the general perception of the family unit and the interpretations given to the expression of sexual practices become increasingly more confusing and perverse, that society, overall, is going to enter into periods of STRANGE and stranger, with more and more appearances by the Bad Stranger. When diversity and perversity are redefined as inclusiveness and freedom of expression you are looking at certain kinds of weather seeming to come out of nowhere. Freedom is not license. Now they have all this cleverly shaped language and an endless stream of newly coined terms, backed up by credentialed experts and people with an array of initials after their names. It is no accident that representatives of these origins of strange weather are employed in the educational and political arenas. It is no accident that the entertainment and media theaters highlight certain behaviors as perfectly normal and desirable. It is also no accident as to who controls the ingress and egress to and from these fields of endeavor.

A spiritual war in in progress. It is a war for the harvesting of souls and this is something that takes place in an apocalypse. This is the essential motivation behind most of what is taking place all around us and is the source of strange weather that seems to come out of nowhere. The bottom line and unassailable truth, despite all appearances to the contrary is that the divine is completely in charge of everything and that things happen that are certainly not divine for... the purpose of demonstration. There is a reason that there are so many billions of people here. Their souls knew the reason before they arrived, even though nearly everyone forgot upon arrival.

Those paying attention will know that the time is here, according to the usual timeline, for the appearance of the latest presentation of the Avatar, clothed in the appropriate garment for the times; whatever that may prove to be. Those paying attention are also aware of how many people are presently here. Those paying attention know about the huge disparities in the control and possession of the world's resources and assets. Those paying attention are aware of what has been happening in and to the organs (literally and metaphorically) of the world's major religions. Those paying attention are aware of the world wide expansion of Satanism, militant atheism and new phenomena like Scientology where the author of this piece is listed as a 'suppressive'. Those paying attention are aware of strange murmurs from the realm of Lady Nature. Those paying attention are most assuredly aware of the incredible force being brought to bear in the area of human sexual expression. The force is so great that it bends to its will nearly everyone in a position of power and influence around the world, with a few notable exceptions. Those paying attention are paying attention, everyone else is doing whatever it is that they do.

You will notice the series of links earlier on, some of which refer to teachers engaged in certain forms of subversive, guerrilla activity of the sub rosa sort. You will notice how prominent this subject line is in the media each and every day and you will, of course, be aware of who owns the media. Though the centers for evil in this world are, obviously in an always uneasy alliance with one another toward the destruction of all that is good in this world, they are always at war with one another in some fashion and this is one of the primary reasons why evil destroys itself. I should point out at this moment, as has often been the case of late, that the ineffable is, REGARDLESS OF APPEARANCES, always in control; “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And one of them will not fall to the ground without the knowledge and consent of your Father.” Everything is under control. The question is, are we under control? Control is in the mind and... there is only one mind. Put yourself in the understanding that you are a center of that one mind and let guidance come to you at all times. Stand guard at the gateway of the mind and let no thoughts enter in that you know are not the thoughts of the ineffable.

The trials and tests to this end; to the successful performance of this state of being can be grievous but though this is the case, not at all impossible. Certainly it is impossible to accomplish on your own but not impossible with the assistance of the one who has already accomplished it many times in the souls of the willing; those capable of the dedication, quite simply for those who want it more than anything else. That is the sole feature that is absolutely necessary. Everything else is personalized according to the nature and composition of the one involved.

For some reason and though it may seem at odds with where we find ourselves in this instance, I am reminded of the words of St. Augustine, “Oh lord, grant me chastity and continence, but not yet.” Perhaps I mean to say, “Oh lord, grant me chastity and continence and do it now for I am in need of what it will make possible for me.” Maybe, here in the midst of all those conditions that we have mentioned today, I wish for that to be my answer to whatever the challenges of the times may bring my way and I wish this for all of you who share in this commitment. I can see no other direction that will make possible for me and anyone what it is that we most sincerely desire.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

"There is a reason that there are so many billions of people here. Their souls knew the reason before they arrived, even though nearly everyone forgot upon arrival."
My dear mother, who was an East Texas churchgoing and hymn-singing Lutheran, strangely enough thought often of reincarnation and considered it possible, likely even.
Peter Damien Ouspensky authored a book titled "The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin" which speaks to our quickly forgetting our past life (lives), just as Les does in this essay of his.
It's a 'must read" as they say.

"Though the centers for evil in this world are, obviously in an always uneasy alliance with one another toward the destruction of all that is good in this world, they are always at war with one another in some fashion and this is one of the primary reasons why evil destroys itself."
Spot on, Les.
Karl Marx called it 'Contradictions among he ruling classes'. Ol' Marx, like many red theorists, was a pretty smart cookie. 9 times of 10 maybe. But his fatal error was that he denied Love and God.

Which, by the way, looks so much like the terrifying 'god' Zardoz it could not be accidental.


torus said...

Regarding, "conditions like this". Essentially the CBC is the mouthpiece for the Canadian Liberal Party. My father used to refer to them as the "Canadian Bolshevik Corporation." Was he thoughtless?

Les wrote; "The most troubling consideration in life to me is how such a large number of people can be so accommodating to conditions that will most certainly destroy them. How can people allow particular ideas to curl up in their minds and become comfortable and familiar with them?"

Fluoride and television have played a huge role. Television in particular is the "enforcer" and endorser of the "unthinking inertia of credulity." And don't people just love to curl up in front of it. Witness its most memorable success within recent history. A ritual of mass murder performed live in which TWO planes literally pulverized THREE skyscrapers. Witness Grenfell Towers in England where a roaring blaze through 3/4 of the building has left the structure intact. Too bad Tower 7 didn't employ some of that so-called "faulty cladding". For despite its faults, hot damn.

I have to be careful as to how much attention I afford the thick, bloody, oily and tarry mass of the "unthinking inertia of credulity."
Lest my own credulity swallows me whole in thinking that any of this is going to change.

It's reminiscent of my final trip on LSD where I felt stuck in a swirling conscious inertia in which infinity felt horrifically claustrophobic. Yet, it DID change into a conscious field of unified sat-chit-ananda. And then that changed too.

Cheer up! :) Have you seen the MSM's recent emotional horror regarding something Trump tweeted about Mika Brzezinski? I haven't. I've only heard hearsay. Apparently their precious hearts were all a flutter. With poor Mika questioning Trump's ability to "lead."

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Re: man's inhumanity to man, ever been to That's the ULTIMATE. Or is that too much information?

Asil said...

Just to mention a bit of history on Ron L. Hubbard . . .

"In 1945 solid propellant formulated by Jack Parsons becomes widely used by the U.S. Navy with great success. Jack Parsons then becomes involved with one "Frater H" who claimed he was Naval Intelligence or FBI. Frater H is aligned with Aleister Crowley, the OTO and occult They become involved in various rituals of sex-magick and angelic invocations. Parsons now thinks he has contacted higher powers. Parson becomes a victim of some type of confidence trick and Frater H abscons with his money from a joint account he held with Parsons and ends up marrying Parson's girlfriend.

Parsons later declares himself the Antichrist and continues to descend into madness eventually blowing himself up in a failed science experiment.

Frater H the man most responsible for leading Parsons into madness, by among other things stealing his money and his girlfriend -- was none other than science fiction author and Scientology creator L. Ron Hubbard."

torus said...

July 1, 2017. It's "Canada Day" and once again torus has been into the mushrooms. Or more correctly, the mushrooms have entered into torus. Although often containing mere platitudes, who doesn't love a Chinese Fortune Cookie? Today, we're cracking ancient cookies from the compound of Wu Hsin in Hunan province. "Yuben de Wu Hsin", and what makes these cookies a "pearl of great price" is that the articulation of his experience pre-dates, by many hundreds of years, the expressions of the great Ch'an masters of the T'ang Dynasty, often considered to be the apogee of Chinese thought.


"Understand that if one flower bud opens and another does not, it is due to the preparedness of the flower and not to any partiality of the sun." Wu Hsin


"Discontent with the false necessarily impels one toward what is true." Wu Hsin


"What could be selfish about wanting to cease enriching what is false?" Wu Hsin


"Chasing after the things one yearns for is inferior to chasing after the source of the yearning." Wu Hsin

"Thoughts intrude, like unwelcome guests at a party. Ignored and unfed, they depart." Wu Hsin

Whoa...big cookie here! THUD!

"In one sense, there is an intense struggle that is ongoing within each of you here.
On the one side is the attraction to appearances. Stated another way, it is the entrancement with the world. On the other side, is the deep calling to abide as the essential Self. The victory can only go to the strongest and the strongest is determined by which of the two is better fed." Wu Hsin

"One is not born with an identity.
One's identity is acquired over time.
Take this acquisition and set it down for a short time. It can always be retrieved again. Now, spend the balance of this day without this acquired identity and notice what arises.
That is all." Wu Hsin

LostJEB said...

I always figured LaVey and his outfit were a US military/cia honeypot, for the less bright of rebelling christian kids. Not sure Golden Dawn was any better. Writing was on the wall in the 60's as more people abandoned abrahamic religions, often in favor of eastern practices if not western occult. Originally the term satan meant adversary but considering the history it's hard to see how LaVey/Satanic Bible fans are adversaries of any kind to what they're supposedly rebelling against, in a more spiritual sense they're far less of a threat(by design) than most pagans - in terms of behavior the fruit didn't fall too far from the tree's all the same old empire, though it should be obvious what energies and powers are sustaining it. Arguably many peoples' religion as practiced was poorly named after Christ, a guy who actively performed empathic and healing works. Ignorance has always been their strength over humanity and anything approaching the road to transcendence(not to mention resistance) gets hijacked by a tribe of strangely clad ..

Voltman said...

Teresa, May I suggest a visit to SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS?

Also, Mother Teresa, May I recommend a casual perusal of Mami's Shit?

Teresa, most Canadians apparently believe that Canada belongs to the Queen of England. Every time I ask who owns this huge vacant land? People from coast to coast say it's Crown Land...!!!

Look Teresa, May I suggest another name for Canada?

Here it is: O'Kanabec

My home and native land.

As a (kind of) free man on this New Found Land of O'Kanabec, I AM telling you to take your phony Queen of England, your Crown corporations and all your Citi of London banksters and shove them all the way up your stinking arse-nal.

Any questions?

Daniel Major
Land of the Free, pour toujours!!

Visible said...

This is not for everyone, you need to have a interest in things like Bit Coin and the like. If you do then you will find a lot of new information here and be ahead of the game, should you happen to play it-

There's a Blockchain Bonanza at the End of the Rainbow.

Lucy said...

√ He's your favourite man on your favourite station π
^ He'll tell you about the weather across the whole of the nation ∆
≥ Whether the weather will get better or not ≤
~ Whether the weather will get wetter or stay dry and hot °

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up-

Coming upon a Bliss Drenched Wonderland of Serendipitous Discovery.



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