Friday, July 21, 2017

These Times are Shit Brushed with Rainbows in the Ghost Light of a Neon Nightmare.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I've been in a kind of isolated and confused state; not isolated from what I care about and not confused about anything that has any lasting meaning to me, just isolated from the world around me and confused at what I see taking place. As is usually the case in my life, I get leadings that I may not recognize as such until I've taken the necessary steps and am involved in what I got led into and the reason for it surfaces. Sometimes I think that I came up with something on my own, or there was some kind of accidental serendipity that came to pass when I know there are no accidents but the mind is a funny thing and it serves a dual purpose so long as we are divided against ourselves for whatever the reason may be and sometimes the reason is divinely scripted for the results that are yet to come to pass so... sometimes we are limited and in situations we would not have put ourselves in because we didn't put ourselves in that situation. We got put in that situation because of what is meant to come out of it and because we will always be limited by comparison with what is leading us... depending on what is leading us. If it is the ineffable then... yeah. If it is not then we are in trouble sooner or later.

So... I've been watching the world go by and seeing the level of ignorance and depravity, sycophancy, celebrity worship... bad movies, bad music, so many features of the present manifest world that have degenerated to such a degree that I am stunned and amazed that it is still holding together Stage 4 of course but the sense of limbo has gone on for so long now, I had no idea that the fall could go on and on and on like it has and simply hover over the abyss as if it were waiting for some command to drop out of sight... Right... of course.

That leading led me to Manly Palmer Hall's “The Secret Teachings of All Ages.” I've read portions over the years but never read the book comprehensively. It's a big book and it is extremely dense. I picked it and opened it to around Page 173 and a lot of it comprised some of the denser portions of the book but I just kept on reading and got to Page 205 (was it 205?) and the chapter on Pythagoras and his theories on Music and Color. The profundity of Pythagoras never dawned on me before. I knew about him but he was labeled and filed in my mind with 'the music of the spheres'. I hadn't known what a giant he was in the minds of all the deep thinkers who came after. I hadn't known so many details and incidents in his teachings and his life.

I learned that the music and movies of the times are no accident and I learned how deeply the state and composition of the music of the times affects the minds and behavior of the people who occupy it. I learned that architecture is crystallized music as Goethe once said. I see the world formed out of the affecting elements of the culture. I can see this so clearly now and not being able to see it is what was responsible for isolating and confusing me. I'm still isolated by choice but I am no longer confused. The amusing thing is that I already knew these things but not from a workable perspective. I knew them but yet I did not.

So many truths and perspectives flowed into my mind out of the images that were born out of this leading. What I learned about the ancient cultures in just a few days is astounding to me. We are really in a dark age and that might come across as depressing but I suspect it is not. It is in times of darkness that the light appears and that is what I thirst after more than anything else. It is horribly depressing for those who are so caught up in the thralls of the Satanic press for dominance but there is yet the possibility of light for all who will avail themselves of it.

I hesitate to attempt to write about what Pythagoras and his imitators and interpreters have said. The beauty and complexity of it is so great that I am quite sure I would fall short, certainly at this moment without a further absorption and distillation of what I have read so far and not even read yet.

For years I studied in the occult and metaphysical fields, actually it has been decades. It used to be my whole world. When I fell into the realms of matter because I made a few bad life choices, much of what I lived by and pursued with a tremendous passion, fell by the wayside. It dropped out of view. I still had these following along with me in the back seat but they were no longer riding shotgun. I've blamed myself for a long time for certain departures in thought and behavior, never realizing it was all set up to happen for good reason; reasons I wasn't privy to because I wouldn't have suffered as I did or learned what I needed to learn. I would have skated on the knowledge that I was covered all along and that what I was passing through was not orchestrated by me but is all part of the story that is roadmap left in the passage, just as is the case with each of us. The only difference in my case is that years ago someone took responsibility for me. I don't know the details and I have yet to put a name to the persona, except that it was most assuredly an expression of divinity. As good as that may be in an eternal and cosmic sense, it came with a lifetime of suffering to a calculated end. Be careful what you ask for.

It is perhaps the most difficult thing I have ever attempted; what I am attempting now; to explain something without further confusing the issue because certain things are becoming crystal clear to me and they were already clear and that is what makes it so difficult. I could say it was only a simple adjustment in perspective and that would be correct but it is much more than that.

A couple of weeks ago the ineffable came into my mind, or it was an agent of the ineffable? It doesn't matter, a clear channel is a direct line. The ineffable said, “I want to tell you ahead of time that I am going to be coming more fully into you and that is going to mean a lot of change and I want you to be aware of this ahead of time.” I thought this was wonderful because it has been the single condition I have after all my life. There have been any number of things wrong with me. My unpredictable behavior comes to mind as does my massive intake of comestibles to create circumstances of contact that I hadn't yet earned and which I would only get a temporary taste of anyway but I am a junkie in that regard, even a taste for me is like water in the desert. This may be hard for many to understand but it made perfect sense to me. When a thirst for God is awakened in the human heart it becomes unquenchable. It becomes a fire that consumes everything until nothing but the flame is left. I should have been more disciplined but something tells me certain features of my undisciplined behavior are appreciated if not approved at the highest level.

In the time that followed my being told what was going to happen, a sense of great unease descended upon me. Everything in my heart and mind went sideways. I could not believe how difficult the simple act of every day life could become. I went through it. This was all internal shit. Nothing was happening in my outer life. That is important to say. For whatever the reason, probably divine interference, I didn't go to the ineffable about it. I just went through it. Then the ineffable came to me yesterday and said, “How is it that my telling you I was moving in more fully meant that everything was now going to start coming up roses for you? If I am moving in then things that have been long in residence must be evicted or consumed. Even things you wish were not in residence or seemingly a part of you will cause pain on their departure because of attachment. Your life gets turned upside down. Yes, after this has happened, everything gets better than it has ever been but there is no easy way on the way.” Since this happened, the looming dread has gone away. I can't communicate how scary and uncertain this had made things and I don't usually experience fear. I went through so many stages of paranoia that it's pointless for me to go into it now. In the past, most of my unease and discomfort has come from the world outside me. Within it's been mostly good because of the constant reassurance within. During the transition period that got removed and I suppose that is the point that was being made.

I'm not sure why I'm even telling you any of this except that human lives bear remarkable similarities in makeup and experience but differ widely in the way they respond to them. I learn from my own experiences, hopefully and from the experiences of others.

We're still astounded at what we are learning about ancient cultures and how advanced some of the souls of that period were. The technologies they came up with are fascinating. I can see now the impact of the Satanic on everything going on these days. It's in the infrastructure everywhere and the populations are enthralled by it. It's all shit brushed with rainbows in the ghost light of a neon nightmare.

It is easy to be dismayed and depressed in these times and to be led into despair, which is the intention of those who have the appearance of power in these times. We MUST REMEMBER this is all a play. This is God's Lila. This is a movie with ONE DIRECTOR. This director controls the plot and the actors and even their re-act-ions. You might say this steps on Free Will but... free will involves limited choices and all of those are programmed and even when the unpredictable occurs, one situation follows another and inexorably leads right back into the original intention. It's all under control. Take heart and faith from that and put yourself in the way of the one and the one will make your way.

End Transmission.......


torus said...

Greetings, Les

Leo, for the week of July 20, 2017. From, "Free Will Astrology"

Leo (July 23-August 22)
"Spain's most revered mystic poet was St. John of the Cross, who lived from 1542 to 1591. He went through a hard time at age 35, when he was kidnapped by a rival religious sect and imprisoned in a cramped cell. Now and then he was provided with scraps of bread and dried fish, but he almost starved to death. After ten months, he managed to escape and make his way to a convent that gave him sanctuary. For his first meal, the nuns served him warm pears with cinnamon. I reckon that you'll soon be celebrating your own version of a jailbreak, Leo. It'll be less drastic and more metaphorical than St. John's, but still a notable accomplishment. To celebrate, I invite you to enjoy a ritual meal of warm pears with cinnamon."

Voltman said...

Good post! Thanks again Les!

A couple of my favorite paragraphs:

"There have been any number of things wrong with me. My unpredictable behavior comes to mind as does my massive intake of comestibles to create circumstances of contact
that I hadn't yet earned and which I would only get a temporary taste of anyway but I am a junkie in that regard, even a taste for me is like water in the desert.

This may be hard for many to understand but it made perfect sense to me. When a thirst for God is awakened in the human heart it becomes unquenchable. It becomes a fire that consumes everything until nothing but the flame is left. I should have been more disciplined but something tells me certain features of my undisciplined behavior are appreciated if not approved at the highest level."

Saturn: Discipline, order, karma, materialism, integrity, practicality, maturity, durability.

The dark side of Saturn: authoritarianism, austerity, greed, chaos, scandal, manipulation, hindrance, delay.

As a bullfighter in the Eternal War on BS, I am proud to announce the latest update related to Insane McCain who is our featured evildoer on this week's "Profiles in Evil":
Inside Insane McCain's Brain - by the Insider

I sent that letter to CNN executives and a few others. Mike King has a nice poem dedicated to McCain the Insane: just scroll down a bit

The play must go on. [smiles]

Daniel Major
O'Kanabec, Land of the free

Kazz said...

I hear you Vis, especially the first part of your post. You have to live into the answers.

'I get leadings that I may not recognize as such until I've taken the necessary steps and am involved in what I got led into and the reason for it surfaces.' I have experienced this big time. This is why faith is instrumental in our journey.

'We got put in that situation because of what is meant to come out of it...' No pain no gain brother.

'..I had no idea that the fall could go on and on and on like it has ...' The Divine has let me know this world runs according to Divine time, so things happen over centuries not years, which is why patience is such a virtue.

'I learned that the music and movies of the times are no accident...' How true your words are. My awareness was acute in regard to this to such a degree that all music and films I watch are screened so they don't offend my consciousness, because that which is of very low resonation is offensive to my senses.

'I see the world formed out of the affecting elements of the culture.' This is why the global satanic elite have gone to such great lengths to control media, music and education, so they can sociologically steer the public on the course of their choice. Then they have the audacity to blame these young souls for the state this world is in, but as distasteful as this is it appears to be a necessary part of our conscious evolution. One is exposed to the dark to draw them out, then one suffers, but through that suffering one learns, and that is what we are all here to do, learn. This journey of pain and suffering is what teaches us about the dark side of Creation so we can better learn to navigate through such treacherous waters to become more responsible co-creators.

'The amusing thing is that I already knew these things but not from a workable perspective. I knew them but yet I did not.' I so get you on this point. I knew things I had read were truth but it was not until I was put through the ringer that those truths became part of who I AM. In other words the truth more deeply penetrated my being to provide me with a greater clarity so that truth could surface and evolve, somewhat akin to the process where a bud flowers into a beautiful rose.

'It is in times of darkness that the light appears...' I have no fear of the Valley of the Shadow of Death because the Divine light that shines within me lights my path so well. The dark actually appears to aid this process, because it makes my inner light more luminous, so it actually helps to define my path better.

'I fell into the realms of matter...' I have never really been entrenched in the world of matter and ego. I never really had the opportunity, perhaps because it was never part of my path. The Divine has been with me from my earliest beginnings, so I have never felt the need for that much outside stimulus. I am profoundly happy with the simple things that life provides because that is where the true wealth of experience is to be found. I would rather have one really good friend than a thousand acquaintances.

(Part 1)

Kazz said...

(Part 2)

'...years ago someone took responsibility for was most assuredly an expression of came with a lifetime of suffering to a calculated end.' I would say that an outside source has taken responsibility for me too because I have been Divinely protected on numerous occasions, had I not I would not be here today. One occasion that comes to mind was when I was drugged in Portugal, but managed to elude the person who drugged me. Another time was when I was grabbed in the Spice Markets in Istanbul and was forcefully being dragged into a shop. As difficult as it may be for people to believe I have had to conclude that an angelic presence saved me that day, because no other explanation explains what transpired. When I ponder over what could have happened to me in this life, which didn't, I can see the protective hand of God has been on me the whole time. Living outside the box and enjoying that living on the edge experience has placed me in harms way quite a few times, so I feel blessed that the Divine has been so protective. I don't push the envelope though because I know it would be wrong to test God's patience. Even though the Divine has not kept me a stranger to heartache and suffering I don't mind, because I kind of always knew that suffering was a necessary part of my journey to shape me into who I needed to be. 'For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises everyone He receives as a son.” (Hebrews 12:6). I love God so much Vis. He/she is my cosmic father and mother. I know I AM much loved, as we all are. It is awesome to be aware of how blessed we are to have the opportunity to undertake this journey we are all on :o).

'...certain things are becoming crystal clear to me and they were already clear and that is what makes it so difficult.' I liken this experience to a sponge soaking up water, because that is how the Divine provides knowledge to me. It kind of saturates one's being until there is no doubt of God's intention.

I would not change one thing about my journey or where I am at. I am just so stoked to be on this marvellous treasure hunt for truth, justice, peace and love, because as it unfolds I see that everything I really need is provided. The hard times suck a bit, but God always has a reason for putting me through the ringer, so blessedly with faith and love I somehow mange to persevere to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Love you brother. Ditto to everyone else out there in SM land too. Know that the hard times we experience are simply there to emphasise the profound benefits that are provided when we get to the other end of whatever that trial was there to teach us.

Praise be to God for the mercy, love, care and protection provided to each of us because without it none of us could exist.

Luv Kazz

Ginnie said...

It's almost funny how we who have read you and observed your life for all these years...watching and hearing how your have been carving out a space for the ineffable in your being. Now the ineffable is moving into the space which you have carved. Apparently you have a done a great job! Interior design at its zenith. Self eviction is the hardest part.
Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.
You have been one of the greatest examples of my life!
The things you can't explain are the most understandable of all!
I totally relate.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps we empty out, rather than carve out, a space. The space for the ineffable exists within each of us. We must clear out the clutter and the useless debris of the material world which we cling to for no real reason. The ineffable waits for us to do this 'spring cleaning'.

We must get out of our own way and accept the indwelling of the ineffable with certitude.


robert said...

Dear Visible,

We hear you and are blessed to hear your hearth side sharings. Feel our love in return.

Detaching from deeply held attachments is the most painful inner work as it involves excising parts of what we consider to be our identity but actually is but an internalized false identity usurping our power to love and create.

The funny/ironic aspect of the Humanimal/Ineffable love story is that, when finally seen in the cool light of the deepest passion, ALL of our attachments are to LIMITATION, in some form or another!

Limitedness, the last frontier! (grin)

We cling to reasons to be less than we are!

We fight to remain dead to the larger life which is our true inheritance, should we reason our way our of delusion long enough to see and feel it!

We prefer the pain of all our known death spirals to the possible joy beyond the pains of birth!

We fear to trade our known personal bubble which we, in delusion, think we can control, for the ride on the tiger, which we know we cannot control. Only a larger, wiser, more creative version of ourselves may learn to straddle the unlimited life long enough to know better for all time.

In other words the truth more deeply penetrated my being to provide me with a greater clarity so that truth could surface and evolve, somewhat akin to the process where a bud flowers into a beautiful rose.

Beautifully stated Kazz! Thank you for your heart-felt sharing, which sooths with the voice of the Mother.

At least all here gathered are tuned into the fact that our primary purpose is to fine tune our own awareness, every minute, every precious moment, until we can see through Creation to the intentions of the One.

No more wasting time pondering the shifting forms of the dark clouds, looking for the crack of dawn, when the Light must break through our inner, unexamined dark places and we must participate in embracing all our resistance to our power to create, before the outer storm will pass.

Onespeed! Wait no more for who we are!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. I like coming here but every so often a particular personality type shows up and starts doing these long winded dances of self celebration under the cover of promoting something else. It's obvious when vanity has replaced real spiritual humility. Last time the person finally went away and it's been nice here for a long time. Now all the comments sections are becoming peacock showcases for the same forgettable bi polar outbreaks. Of course there are those who will disagree with me. For some reason they egg this kind of thing on. They probably love the drama but there are many more of us who just don't like it and it needs to be said.

Anonymous said...


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Of Quantum Leaps and Wheels of Fire in a World of Temporary Gain.

Anonymous said...

Great piece, viz. Ton(ne)s of good stuff. Very intricate weave, and so finely woven. You tweaked my curiosity and i will now be heading off for a look-see at that Manly P. writing about Pythagoras.

Most certainly is dark enough for even the slightest light to get in and make a difference.

Great to have you writing like this again.

And remember, good people, don't feed the trolls^^see above^^...

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Don Quixote and the Lamb of God Walk into a Bar....



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