Friday, July 07, 2017

Gimmie that Old time Holocaust that Makes the Cash Register Ring.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You got to hand it to these guys, when it comes to total bullshit and the hubris to defend it, as if they had any right, they just don't quit. Even though there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, until '49 when they stuck one in for cosmetic defense of their outrageous and indefensible Hollowcost lies, they did have a swimming pool, theater groups, a brothel and their own currency and the resident Tribe ran the place. Of course you won't be interested in this unless the truth matters to you. Most people get intimidated by the screeching and howling of those using this fabrication to extort billions of dollars from any nation they can make vulnerable enough.

Once again, though I hate repeating myself, I will post the Red Cross document from the camps. This is getting harder and harder to find and now most all of the pages that come up are fatuous arguments about how the Red Cross documents don't apply. I wonder how they are going to spin the numbers of their own almanac that shows the Jewish population increased during the war years? What isn't known to most people, besides their efforts to create 6 million victims in World War 1 AND playing the victim card for centuries, is that this fabrication is very important as a cover for the tens of millions of Russians that they killed during the reign of Stalin when the Cheka was two thirds Jewish. There are many many links concerning this greatest holocaust in all of history.

I'm glad I'm not a sniveling coward. I'm glad I am not a boot-licking opportunist or a genuflecting sycophant. I'm glad I'm not a brain washed minion. I'm glad I'm not a flunky, or a vassal or a stooge or a toady. I”m glad I can see what I see.

How can anyone be more Satanic than Abe Foxman? What is brutally ironic is what the Anti Defamation League was founded on. Tribe member Leo Frank raped and strangled a 13 year old girl. Once again, it is now much harder to find unbiased reporting on the matter, link after link is exoneration of Leo Frank and putting the blame instead on a black man, Jim Conley. How outrageous is it that this powerful organization was put together on the back of a brutal murder committed by one of their own? Then there is the Southern Poverty Law Center that now focuses on making lists of Hate Groups. There's plenty of links about what odious characters they be; most especially Morris Dees. Once again, it's a Tribe operation.

I bring these things up because their control of American intelligence services, the State Department and the White House, among many another agency and branch of government, most especially both houses of Congress... is near total. When you throw in control of the media and all of the entertainment and information portals, not to mention the Federal Reserve banks and other international banking houses well... do the math. This is what comes of being Satan's little helpers.

Of course, if you point out certain 'irrefutable' truths, you are labeled an anti-Semitic and this is because the truth is anti-Semitic (a term we coined here a decade ago or so). As George Orwell so brilliantly stated, “in times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Now when you try to find what the founding father's (and so many others) said about them it's been scrubbed. I guess you're going to have to use Yandex. It is remarkable how quickly so many resources of information have suddenly disappeared from the search engines. Interestingly, their culpability for 9/11 is still very much available.

As I have said many times here, my commentaries in this area DO NOT include the whole of the Jewish people. They are directed at a segment of them who have been responsible for more evil in this world than any other group of people and make up the smallest population at the same time. I have often stated that when the time comes that I get noted for my position in this regard, my defense will come from members of the Jewish race as well as others. I've had enduring friendships with people of this persuasion throughout the whole of my life but one must be, by turns, blind, a fool and a coward not to see what is prominently visible. Israel was created to give the power of a national sovereignty to a criminal cabal and their actions since it's inception provide more than enough proof of this, with the inclusion also of mass murder and genocide.

I'm going to point out a certain truth and the positions for various types change as is happening for people of color at this very time. Each color has a destiny in given times and all races have been enslaved; all of them. As far as the Jews are concerned, being born a Jew means being given the keys to the candy store, due to a total and comprehensive awareness of the mercantile realm. Each Jew is given an opportunity to express in various ways and it is a given that the greater the power of Materialism, the more likely they are to behave in ways that others may find less than attractive. This is a simple matter of inclination as it is influenced by the state of the times. They may go in any direction but the wind is steady out of and toward a particular direction. History records what has happened for centuries in nearly every country in the world. You might say, though it would be greatly lacking in depth and clarification that... they are always... potentially ...a principal cause of the destruction or salvation of the world. A great deal of responsibility rests on their shoulders and they have, for the most part, failed miserably at meeting that challenge. The exceptions remain.

I always find it amusing that most of my heroes are people of color and often Jews, though... in entirety, they are drawn from every color and kind. Many of my closest friends are people of color and Jews. The irony is relentlessly ticklish. In prison I was saved and protected by black men with nothing asked in return except for the friendship given. On the street I was often saved by Jews. I can hardly avoid seeing the truth of this and have no disposition not to see it.

Regular readers here are well aware of how I feel about having to say what I say, when it comes at such a cost to me professionally and personally and how very dangerous it could be, were it not for the ineffable. Still... there is that choice I have been faced with all my life, either I call them as I see them, or I don't. So... there really is no choice because the other option is to turn away from the ineffable and that is not an option. I am stunned these days at how well conditions are going for me and I am told that will continue and manifest beyond any and all expectations. I am told that the world as I have known it is going to change beyond what most anyone imagines. An apocalypse is a time of utter unpredictability and this is a really big one, as far as apocalypses go.

The bottom line comes down to whom you have befriended. It comes down to the direction given to your heart and mind. It comes down to your intentions as they are expressed in your thoughts, words and deeds. Basically, it 'comes down'- metaphorically speaking (grin). Unless you are fearless you cannot serve the ineffable effectively because you will be incapable of possessing the necessary amount of Love. It also implies a lack of faith and you HAVE TO HAVE FAITH because of the conundrum of the visible and invisible worlds. It is a given that appearances are a lie and so you have to believe in what you cannot see because, “Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things unseen!” If you possess the requisite fearlessness, Love and Faith then the ineffable can reside in you and express through you. The ineffable can transform you with his presence. You can be changed and how quickly that occurs, well... there is a mystery to that because of the importance of Grace and Grace is truly a mystery.

Some things just have to be said. Otherwise lies can block out the sun; not really of course but... in many cases, yes. You are a 'spiritual being having a material experience'. You must proceed in life as if you were an eternal spirit in temporary clothing which makes it possible for you to see and be seen here. You must live with the Love of and for the ineffable being greater than any other force or motivation in your life. There is a reason that this is called, 'the greatest commandment'. This should be the primary motivation of everyone but it is not and their lives reflect this. When the Love for the ineffable is greater than any other condition in your existence, the most remarkable events will become commonplace. The ineffable is the cornucopia. The ineffable is the light and the life. The ineffable is salvation and eternity. The ineffable is the wellspring of Love and the source of every good thing. Our minds deceive us so it is all important that we are properly informed. Where is that supposed to come from?

I apologize for the redundancy of this post and for the extreme nature of the contents but seeing the article in that first link kept me awake into the previous night and I cannot let pernicious fantasies rule my day. A new day is coming and they know it too. Nothing can stand in the way of the approaching light and every destiny will be sorted according to the nature of its quest. We will all find what we seek but we will not all be pleased with the result.

End Transmission.......

One last time. If you haven't gone by here and given me a vote and a comment I would appreciate the effort as there are very good reasons for it. I thank you in advance should you find yourself so inclined.


Ginnie said...

Was Leo Frank related to " The Diary of Ann Frank" writer? The ball point pen forgery?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I gotta admit it is hard to get into the right mood when you are beyond completely fed up with the whole scene. Oh well. I volunteered for this despite having been told I have a bad track record and I didn't have to come here.

Some of us have got to piss on that electric fence every time we find one. We are compelled, like a heroin junkie in the wrong kind o' lab. And despite the fact we KNOW we're gonna have issues, we do it anyway. It's like we programmed ourselves to be incredibly dumb. We're on a set course, and nothing is gonna get us off. The best I can do is stay in my 'cave' for as much as possible and avoid the human race, though over the last three days, three different people (Well, one person and two honourary noses.) saved my arse when I had car trouble.

The time of the complete upheaval of what is draws near. I'm also convinced my stupid contract on my stupid sojourn here will end before the healing of the Earth begins. Good riddance, for no matter how good things are here; THEY WILL NEVER BE EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT IS ON THE OTHERSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh. To manifest a tail, a nose hair coat, walk around with an archaeopteryx on my shoulder, a pet quagga, and a snuggly, wuggly smilodon. . .

I can hardly wait.

Unknown said...

Just....thank you

beejaygee said...

A different Frank.. related who knows !!!

Greg Bacon said...

Why were/are so many lies used to start and then prop up the holocaust? The one that had Jew ashes/fat used to make soap? A lie. The one that had Jew skin use to make lampshades? A lie. The one that had giant electrical mats used to electrocute Jews? A lie. The one that said Bergen-Belsen had homicidal gas chambers? Another lie. The one that had the shrunken Jew heads? Another lie. The one that said steam chambers were used to kill Jews? A lie. The one about conveyor belts used to move Juden onto electrical mats for frying? Another lie. The one that said electrified water vats were used at Belzec? Another lie. The one that said Auschwitz Jews were vaporized? Another Lie. The one that said 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz? Turned out to be a lie, since that number dropped to a little over one million, and that included non-Jews, add in the bogus numbers at Madjanek and yet we keep hearing about the sacred 'six million.'

I've posted FACTS about the most sacred and Holy Holocau$t™ and for that, the 'Chosen' have called me names, cussed me, claimed I was into bestiality and incest and made threats against my life, but NEVER do they try and refute what I said.

Why is that?

torus said...

Greetings.Let's do irony...

Auschwitz should never be politicized or used as a platform for giving personal views,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt

Greenblatt just maintained the overt and sanctimonious political "correctness" that surrounds the sword and shield of Israel. It's a "personal" view as much as it is the expressed will of the collective. I'm sure Gilad Atzmon could articulate this much better than myself. They must have found 400,000 more survivors as the expressed death toll in the first link states approximately 1.1 million died in Auschwitz.

As Douglas Christie said in his closing arguments during the now famous "Zundel trial" on Toronto;

"Let freedom solve the problem of any hatred or intolerance, else by suppression the human spirit, which seeks truth and seeks the ultimate truth of God, will become crippled by its fears to speak it's deepest feelings. Only by our meeting face to face, by our being as we really are with all our personal prejudices and suspicions, can we accept our faults, and by airing our views without fear, learn to love each other with a true and deeper love than if we never disagreed in the first place."
-Douglas Christie, February 25, 1985

Voltman said...

Hi Les,

I submitted a couple of comments at the Dark Website in your support and defense Les, but it looks like the comment section hasn't been updated with fresh comments in a long while. I was wondering if there was another moderator at this site who covers for you when you're "off-duty"..?

Anyway... That was a very impressive article you wrote there!!!


I hope this takes off and I hope the links I sometimes supply are acceptable to you.

I came across a regular commenter at Mami's Shit; he calls himself ExposingZionistEvil at

The poor guy got trounced by Voltman (your truly) in your support and defense.
I also went to bat for Ken O'Keefe; there is apparently some controversy around him.

Ken O'Keefe on ISIS 2017.06.17

Usury: A Cancer to the World - The First battle for Ken O'Keefe and Les Visible

Ken O'Keefe On RT CrossTalk 2017 (An Homage To Lindsey LOL)
The Exposer gets slapped around silly by Voltman!!

Lets Talk Live - With Martin Farrell 2017.07.06
The exposer gets knocked out by Voltman! Check Mate! He is electrified, electro-schocked and nearly electrocuted... [smiles]

I didn't have a chance to listen to Martin Farrell yet... I was having too much fun in the war on bullshit!

Bring 'em on!!
Bring 'em' on board!

In solutions we are reveling
The r-evolution is revving
The playing field is leveling
Into the saucer pod we go hovering

Daniel Major, alias Wiley Wutnot from Walnut Valley

O'Kanabec, Land of the free

P.S.: You Want It Darker

SD said...

"You are a 'spiritual being having a material experience'. You must proceed in life as if you were an eternal spirit in temporary clothing which makes it possible for you to see and be seen here."

C.S. Lewis said it as, "You ARE a soul. You HAVE a body."

Thank you for sharing, I have again been so blessed, refocused, challenged by Him-through-you. May blessings be scattered across your path like flowers. The darker it's getting, the brighter it's getting. :) SD

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

We are the Beatable Foe to Subdue and Live the Possible Dream.

LostJEB said...

The exodus and purim stories are as fabricated as the more modern variations. Identities get crafted, both their's and ours, it's the foundations of their entire world.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Hypocrisy is Riding Shotgun with Insanity in the Ford Pinto to Nowhere.



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