Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Anne Frank Ballpoint Pen Belieber Fraud and other Monstrous Lies from the Manufactured Past.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

There are certain features to Materialism that remain consistent as it marches toward a complete breakdown in cohesion between the players. One of the features is 'sleaze'. The more heightened is the force of Materialism in everyday life, the greater is the presence of sleaze and the sleaze is all calculated. That link pretty much says it all. A careful reading of the article reveals how classy and highbrow this program is. I especially like mention of the fecal tasting episode. This is most appropriate given that the main character is a member of the Stool Sample Totem Deity. You know about the fecal fascination of these spiritual creatures but I'm guessing you don't know just how foul and freakish it all is. In this link you get it in THEIR OWN WORDS.Is it also antisemitism to point out their own statements and descriptors? Talk about madness afoot... it's all there, as well as charming selections from the work of Alan Ginsberg and many another.

Ginsberg, whom I met (and who remains one of the nastiest characters I ever encountered), was in to all sorts of less than elevating things and also one of the founding members of NAMBLA. You can find plenty of terrible things in his own words, if you have the stomach for it.

Materialism, characterized in the persona of Mammon, is a direct expression of the general policy of Satanism, as it operates in the day to day. For decades, Satanism has been a behind the scenes operation. You might hear about trends in music and movies. You might hear about ritual killings and personalities like LaVey and Crowley but you don't hear about its influence in the highest corridors of power and the playing fields of celebrity. Now you do and characters who are obvious Satanists, like George Soros, are coming more and more into main stream awareness and their activities are more and more reported on.

The majority of Satanic efforts are indirect or cloaked under other expressions. Madison Avenue is one such enterprise. The message implicit in the advertising is that appetite and desire are everything and are to be held of greater importance than moral restraint. Scientology is another. Secular Humanism is another. Communism is another. Political Correctness is yet another and what operates under the banner of Inclusiveness and Diversity is Disharmony and Perversity. One has only to study the results of any of these agendas and the evidence is clear.

There is an all out war on Donald Trump presently taking place and there is a true strangeness going on when you consider his associations on the one hand and those who are financing and promoting the war on him. We don't need any stinking links for that because the ownership of of all the mainstream propaganda/ false news outlets is widely known. When he spoke on Holocaust remembrance day he failed to mention Jewish exceptionalism and they're howling in the hinterlands about that.

It is amazing how things like the Anne Franks, ballpoint forgery Diary is handled by those pocketing the lucre from that enterprise. The whole thing is a total fraud. One thing we are sure of though is that she would have been a Belieber. I, on the other hand, would not have been and I use a fountain pen (true).

Let's talk a little bit about Obama, given that he has just inserted himself into the mix (supreme hypocrisy) from his high minded, demagogue horseshit pulpit. In the colloquial parlance of our times Obama would be known as a real piece of work. Here is only one aspect of his existence. Let us further state, unequivocally that he is a mass murderer with his drone escapades and destruction of entire countries, such as Libya; not to mention his hand in the creation of ISIS. The stench of monstrous lies reaches to Heaven. I suppose there is little doubt that he is also a major player in Pizzagate. What a scoundrel!!!

The present administration is going right on with the murderous policies of the previous administration. It's been up so down it looks just weird to me (paraphrasing a book title from the '60's by Richard Farina). The insanity of the rhetoric these days is just beyond belief. Holy freaking Batshit, Robin!

We are looking at the pending collision of large bodies and I don't know what kind of a game Trump is playing but I do know who is less than fond of him. I am just waiting on Mr. Apocalypse and the 9/11 revelations and other issues. So much is going to be coming out. Whoa!!!

I do not know what to make of President Trump. I am one of those people who wait to see what is what but I suspect there are agendas under the surface that are intended to fundamentally change the world as we know it. I suspect it is not just Trump who is involved in this but powerful forces who intend to use these for purposes unknown to me ...but which I more than suspect are very real and on their way. I believe that the shitstorm that is blizzarding across the landscape at the moment is the result of a very real fear on the part of The Deep State and the Pizzagate Players and all of those submerged personalities that have bad ideas for the human race and I think these ideas are known to other powerful factions and that these powerful factions have aligned with one another to bring these evil creatures down. I do not believe their motives are altruistic. I think they are a combination of various concerns and we are about to see things happen that have never happened before.

I have long believed that the angels of the almighty are always watchful and fully aware of everything that is taking place and which the dark side hopes to bring into play and I am certain of the fact that the ineffable has used and intends to use their own bad intentions against them. So it is that often there are people who are used to bring about the conditions that are sought after by the ruler of all things and that often these designs and desires are unknown to the ones being employed to bring them about. Let me use the Beatles as an example. I fully believe that the members of that group were overshadowed by angels for the period of their collective creativity and when that work was done the angels withdrew or moved on to other vehicles for following stages in the history of our kind. I do not think they withdrew entirely but remained as occasional influences in the lives of these artists for portions of their solo efforts.

I think there are always those of us who are shadowed by powerful archetypal forces which are good sometimes and bad sometimes and neither on occasion. I cannot say that the terms, 'bad' and 'good' should be understood as they usually are. Let us say that in some cases the influence is evolutionary and in other cases deevolutionary.

Today I went through periods of intense feeling for the ineffable in which gratitude swelled my heart and during which I found myself saying over and over again, “I don't know how to thank you. I am so very, very grateful” and it was a marvelous experience. It was somewhat based on conditions and events of which I am aware and in some cases has to do with things of which I am unaware but still extremely grateful for. I don't know if that makes any sense. What I do know is it felt incredible. Regardless of all of the difficult situations that presently exist in the world, I cannot help but feel that something wonderful is on the way and it might be something that will affect a great many of us and it might be something that will affect only a few of us and to the degree that we are open to the impact of it. I really don't know what any of it means. All I can say is that I am feeling it very strongly.

My friends and I will be leaving our present area of residence at some time in the near future and this has all come about on its own, which is a very good thing because often, when we make plans on our own, they have the capacity to go sideways more often than not.

The news of the day is really something else. Trump fired the acting Attorney General. From what I know of those working for Obama -and she is an interim head, as we wait for Jeff Sessions to come into that post- she is yet another expression of the cynical, self righteous and sanctimonious types who like to posture and prance about talking all kinds of Kumbaya bullshit, trying to give the impression that they are walking the high road, while the new administration is doing everything wrong but I would like to point out that this is the agency that was deep into Fast and Furious and all kinds of illegal and ugly business and there is little doubt that she was fully engaged in some amount of it. Studying her picture which comes with the article speaks volumes.

Everywhere you hear members of the political leadership like Chuckie Schumer, pontificating off of their high horses, while they are as corrupt as it is possible for a person to be and you hear media and entertainment types shrieking in horror about actions taken by Trump that the past administration did the same as they at another time. The smell of hypocrisy and snake oil is near suffocating. I know only what I can see on the surface but there is no question that a real war is taking place this moment and that nefarious plans are being made to compromise or eliminate President Trump. I have to rely utterly upon the ineffable to sort it all out and that is happening simultaneously with all of the rest of it.

May your lives be sheltered beneath the wings of divine harmony as these events on their way take whatever shape they are meant to take and which I believe will not be the shape intended by those seeking to mold them to their will. Time will tell and we shall see.

End Transmission.......



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