Friday, July 08, 2016

Tragedy, Farce and the Goddamned Kali Yuga.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Well, it's official, Obama and his cabal of criminals are set upon creating race war in America and the migrant situation is a part of that, as is the shooting of black men around the country and now the killing of Dallas policemen in the worst example of the kind in 116 years. Expect much more of the same to follow. The self styled elite know more about what they are up against than is generally known by the general public. They know that their time grows short, so nothing short of global chaos will satisfy them in the performance of their doom, in the short hours before the changing of the guard.

What needs to be understood about Satanists is that they come in several types. The dedicated upper tier, committed psychopaths, fully believe that they will reign in Hell, according to their contributions to the will of their dark master. Their master is rendered dark by their perception of him as the Prince of Darkness. In fact he is both sides of the coin at all times. He is the one who both snares and liberates accordingly. This upper tier are conscious supplicants of evil and believe they will be rewarded to the extent that they have served. This is so but... when dealing with 'the father of lies', all bets are off in consideration of what actually comes to pass.

There are other tiers that are less aware of the spiritual angle and they are composed of the self serving, the materialistically committed, the aggressive atheists, the fundamentalist religion junkies, the professional liars and the political correctness agents; pretty much all of those deluded by one fiction or another, which permits them the license to oppress their fellows and anyone who gets in their way. There are the consciously willing and then there are those who assist in the process because the process provides venal opportunity for them. There are also those who are motivated by fear. Fear makes it possible to accomplish all manner of crimes.

There is a great megaload of bad shit going down at the moment. Chilpotles decided not to serve GMO farmed products in their menu and so Monsanto and fellow travelers poisoned their restaurant and also have launched a smear campaign against them, where characters come out of the woodwork, claiming to have been poisoned when there is no evidence of it. I can't prove this, so I had better say that but... I'm pretty damn certain this is what is happening.

Hillary Clinton has been absolved of proven wrong doing (over and over) through the machinations of a corrupt head of the FBI who has been both a lobbyist and an executive for Lockheed. Assisting in this callous disregard for justice is Loretta Lynch, the corrupt Attorney General of the US, who met with Bill Clinton very shortly before the whitewash took place. She ought to be prosecuted for this but it is near impossible to prosecute the prosecutors.

I don't know if Obama is being blackmailed for his earlier associations with Rahm Emmanuel in that Chicago gay bathhouse or if there is no need to blackmail him because he willingly engages in all manner of evil for the sheer joy of it. One could say that his present efforts at assisting in the orchestration of race and culture war might provide the opportunity for his suspending The Constitution and declaring martial law, which would derail the election and keep him in office. Of course, electing Hillary would in no way hamper the horrors that those pulling the strings in the backroom intend for us all.

One of the hardest tasks for the human mind to carry out is to become capable of seeing the whole of the drama of life as a movie that is being directed toward a particular end and to see the entire as a purpose of demonstration effort, with the intent of teaching a lasting lesson for the benefit of all. Everything is under control, no matter how it looks. Manifest life is a theater in which the same results repeat themselves in every evolving variations on a theme. Shakespeare illustrated this in myriad ways, as tragedy and farce. The events and conditions that recycle here over and over, are all filtered through the lens of a given age. Kali Yuga, is the time of payback and resolution. It is the time of the ascendancy of all the worst in the human psyche. It is a test of our inclination and ability to resist the trends of depravity and ignorance that are sweeping the planet like some kind of plague.

I hardly know what to say on these matters, except to say what I already said and then to say it yet one more way, as if the countless ways it has already been said have not been enough. This is a world of appearances and appearances are a lie. If we submit to the implications of appearances, we are caught in a web of delusion and then the powers that seem to be, turn into the powers we believe them to be and begin to wield whatever power we have conferred upon them against us. They don't have any real power except what we give them but... when the majority of the world is caught in the thrall, it puts us up against it. The fact is that unless you are linked up with the source of all power, you are prey to the sources of the perversions of that power.

Why is it permitted that allocated power can be expressed in perversions? One might as well ask why the divine permits evil to flourish. I refer you to the phrase in The Lord's Prayer; “lead us not into temptation.” Why would the almighty lead us into temptation? I submit that the world is also a composition of the collective desires and appetites of the world's population. This could well account as a reason for a great many of the conditions and events that take place every day, as well as the general direction of life in these times. We ALL play a part in what takes place here. It has been said that the avatar can do little, unless we rise to the necessaries of the message he brings. Without our cooperation the avatar will fail and this is not just me saying this but it is present in statements made by teachers and mystics over a long stretch of time. It really is the sum total of all of us and all an avatar is is an expression of the highest possibilities of the human experience. We can live up to it because it is already a part of us, if only potentially.

I've been engaged in a crisis of faith for a little while now. It seems that, depending on the wine that the grand vintner wants to make, upon that depends the amount of pressing force he puts upon the grape cluster under consideration. When we don't know who we are, we don't know why what is is what is and sometimes we are not allowed to know who we are for the purpose of the tale being told. Sometimes the mystery is a part of the key to the revelation. All of us are exceedingly unique in our own way but it it is a rare thing when we live up to the potential. However, when we seek to live up to that potential we put ourselves in a tornado of change; a spinning, whirling, transforming and transporting wind of personal devastation and renewal. One only changes in a dramatic and lasting fashion when one is capable of dying in every moment and being reborn in the next. The ancient mythos of The Phoenix, Prometheus and sundry tell the story of it all. When the scorpion becomes the eagle, we are at the gate.

It has been said in many ways, in many times ...and in many places that the higher one ascends up the mountain of awareness, the greater are the winds that buffet one. If you are insincere you can appear to be on that switchback mountain road but you have already been thrown down. As one passes into the realms of those locations where the veils close forever behind you, you see the real as opposed to the unreal and yet you still don't know and you never shall ...because the road goes on forever and it would be pointless for there to be an end to the process, as the realms of light are literally endless and so defined by the consciousness of the one experiencing the progression. There are no limits placed upon us except for the one's we place. The appearance of limits placed on us by higher forces are for the purpose of the performance of the drama we are engaged in. They aren't real limits. They are directorial limits to the end of the temporary tale of that segment of our passage. It's all increments but they express themselves in exponential fashion and when you start to get into dimensional progression, it ceases to be something you can sort out mathematically, logically or within the capacity of any mortal reasoning. Some would say that reason is among one of the highest arts that the mind can perform. Let us keep in mind that there is mortal consciousness and immortal consciousness. Only God can see God and that means one must become God in order to see God and that means... well, ...something to do with mirrors and what they reflect. You can't say certain things directly. They can only be inferred. I think you get it.

Someone once said, “these are the times that try men's souls.” I would have to agree with that but push the timeline up to the present. As chaotic as the world outside may seem at present, it is the chaos within that defines us and which is also the greatest enemy we have. Nothing outside of us has the force of influence of what is inside us. “Greater is that which is within you than that which is in the world.” “If God is for me, who can be against me?” I think that will do for the moment.

End Transmission.......


Oliver said...

I am God

torus said...

A city that is famous for a political assassination calls it's hockey team the "Dallas Snipers"...grimace. The "I AM" movement which rose to fame in the US in the 1930's published a little tract called "Washington's Vision", which I read when I was about fifteen years old. An angel allegedly appeared to George with a foreboding vision of America's future. One of those Visions being a race war.

Anonymous said...

Hello Visible,

Thank you for the timely post...i just wanted to chime in that i got the same feeling about the whole chipotle saga. Like you, I can't prove it either, but when the whole thing began, i got this flash of insight that it was an orchestrated act of corporate sabotage trying to bring Chipotle down... the latest news about the cocaine bust of the chipotle executive in ny and your latest post just confirmed my suspicion.

other than that, your post had many timely reminders for me, so thank you for that.

much love


torus said...

For a comprehensive overview of extensive and under-reported black on white crime; one might want to check out Colin Flaherty via youtube, "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry", and "White Girl Bleed Alot".

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

In line with more things in heaven and no earth than are dreamt of, or these days, secretively studied in deep underground military bases..
In a room full of phase conjugate mirrors, cue Casablanca, here's looking at me, kid, and in a time backwards sort of way. Meaningful? probably not, amazing , yes it is..

and those Boanian pyramids might be fake, J B Wells fell for it (I don't know).

and my current book is Engdahls. Seeds of Destruction, Monsanto (My Satan) , Rockefellers, and all their dastardly deeds, kicking off 1923 funding Nazi Eugenics.

It doesn't go all their way over these millenia, that is the mystery and the hope and that is certainly not due to care, diligence or prudence on their part. (or knowledge and organisation on ours), which leaves the Divine I suppose.

Ray B. said...

Vis: "I've been engaged in a crisis of faith for a little while now."

Blessings, and let us know how/if we can help. Progression is a lonely thing, but sometimes it helps to just sit in front of a fireplace with like-minded others...
Vis: "It seems that, depending on the wine that the grand vintner wants to make, upon that depends the amount of pressing force he puts upon the grape cluster under consideration."

I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. When I was attending a session with one of my greatest teachers, one newbie person stood up and said he/she (can't remember) wanted to become enlightened. The teacher then responded that he would strip-away anything that stood in the way of his/her enlightenment. The person just smiled gratefully, but oldies in the audience let out a collective, audible gasp. They knew just what that meant...
Vis: "I submit that the world is also a composition of the collective desires and appetites of the world's population."

This is true, but the world is not only of human composition. And, the world interacts with many other realms, off-planet and other-dimension. Until just-over a decade ago, many of the very non-human residents of this fair planet were divided by species and easily manipulated by higher-ups. At that time, there was an 'intervention' by a being (both of and not-of this world) who explained how they were being manipulated. Since then, these species have banded-together and looked-out for each other. Magnificent. A lot of the unease and acting-out of the baddie-elites is because they know a sea-change has occurred. Humans are neither the top of the heap nor the most-numerous population on this beautiful planet...
Vis: "It has been said that the avatar can do little, unless we rise to the necessaries of the message he brings."

True. However, see the above paragraph. The avatar comes not-only for humans. And, the Others have listened (and done the necessaries)...
Vis: "It really is the sum total of all of us and all an avatar is is an expression of the highest possibilities of the human experience. We can live up to it because it is already a part of us, if only potentially."

I think that this avatar was sent for the living beings on planet Earth (Terra). Not just humans. In fact, I suspect that humans are a minor part of the equation, mainly being a prey species in this Age. As the non-human beings around them change (in process), the easily-influenced (telepathically and empathically) humans will just come along for the ride. Rising tides and all that. Still asleep, but at a higher, more-beneficial level. (The above concerns asleep humans. Who knows how-far awakening humans can ride this wave?)

All in all, exciting times!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Jenny said...

Alooo Vis & all friends around the world!
Oh Ray B.- you have said it so well. The avatar- for me, the bees & all types of insect life, even the spiders I feared most as a child.... they are our allies. I am often pleased to see the desire to preserve all life in more & more folks these days. Exciting times indeed! Love to y'all-Jen

Anonymous said...

Aggressive truth said
You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Just getting to know the truth, we can understand errors or next generation start from the beginning.

Katy said...

“these are the times that try men’s souls.”
As chaotic as the world outside may seem at present, it is the chaos within that [ seems to] defines us and which is also the greatest enemy we have. Nothing outside of us has the force of influence of what is inside us. “Greater is that which is within you than that which is in the world.” “If God is for me, who can be against me?”

Well, there it is.

The peace beyond all understanding... Why does it come and go?
WE move from Mary to Martha...
simply sitting, grateful and adoring, in love...
Working and fretting, like a busy hostess too encumbered to enjoy her guest.

Yes, everything is being crushed.

The relentless will of I AM comes.
Soon, all who love will find heaven and those filled with pride will find it hell.

Always good to surface and find the words from you all here.
Blessings to you; (move under the Mother's mantle of sweet protection. The most blessed woman through whom Light entered the world veiled in flesh is the humble refuge of sinners. All is not as it seems, indeed. kt)

Anonymous said...

(Please do not post/ delete if image link doesn't work?

Anonymous said...

Dear Oliver you are not god!,,because as we all know I am that I am. You dear are a demon Web programmer that is attempting to steAl the light via the invasion of the sun code 306 dated 2014. Radiation poisoning and emancipation followeth. Kali awaits jail sentence Oliver. Now how about your name there fake imposter? Nope. Dearly beloved many will come in my name, be warned. Edward a boy aged 11 actually sent to protect me hack jack. Transmission over. Abundant hope Christ L publishing. Go look at my real my head did hurt as you sought to be me. Deary imposter half brother that father neglected....not the real father either.

Lesson, the light has won. We are in multiverse ascension, and you work for me. Remember that. Only driven a ka for a year. Deary me .....cyber fake ...... now Oliver let's get my son out of you. He was after all sent to me. And me is me not any other. Still....Paul is in Alcyone11. Not Oliver. Never argue with cm. Fake boss. X....Kali jail time paedophile....yikes it's Satan and his kin...ouch....

You head vow...kadoish et Al. Any questions ...? Oh and ra is a computer and if you remember I beat your computer game with weather predictions. I am gof and you Oliver are working for Satan. .hacker of metatron jail time for demon Archos that splice and dice.

Ashtar and Thomas your mum says get out of him 9.

Multiverse . Alcyone11. Infallible you just haven't understood how God work ethical. How could you. You aren't god.

Cm nebdonia busy with choosing ascending sons of paradise. .....


Anonymous said...

Oliver is just Web wanna be god with a do..g...that kali book did that Katy Nike. a crime.

Anonymous said...

Dear Oliver you are not god!,,because as we all know I am that I am. You dear are a demon Web programmer that is attempting to steAl the light via the invasion of the sun code 306 dated 2014. Radiation poisoning and emancipation followeth. Kali awaits jail sentence Oliver. Now how about your name there fake imposter? Nope. Dearly beloved many will come in my name, be warned. Edward a boy aged 11 actually sent to protect me hack jack. Transmission over. Abundant hope Christ L publishing. Go look at my real my head did hurt as you sought to be me. Deary imposter half brother that father neglected....not the real father either.

Lesson, the light has won. We are in multiverse ascension, and you work for me. Remember that. Only driven a ka for a year. Deary me .....cyber fake ...... now Oliver let's get my son out of you. He was after all sent to me. And me is me not any other. Still....Paul is in Alcyone11. Not Oliver. Never argue with cm. Fake boss. X....Kali jail time paedophile....yikes it's Satan and his kin...ouch....

You head vow...kadoish et Al. Any questions ...? Oh and ra is a computer and if you remember I beat your computer game with weather predictions. I am gof and you Oliver are working for Satan. .hacker of metatron jail time for demon Archos that splice and dice.

Ashtar and Thomas your mum says get out of him 9.

Multiverse . Alcyone11. Infallible you just haven't understood how God work ethical. How could you. You aren't god.

Cm nebdonia busy with choosing ascending sons of paradise. .....


Anonymous said...

Alcyone11 11 11.....

Anyhow I had to take Michael out of you Oliver . Interim management an all.

8 works for me as interim...yawn orion wars....

Anonymous said...

And the war escalates of the cell....Nokia. ...Sony Ericsson. ..I phone...Samsung. ...any others.? What about moi being threatened by cameras watching my every move? And one last statement to hack jack Oliver. Hunting me...Remember by the true power of Christ I smashed the you watched, now enough Edward you are only a little boy of my own sent to protect me, identity theft and soul invasion.

Battle of those that are guilty..still that's the ex for you. Ex....ex and ex....

McDonald's. Put it back ...else mike will?....hacking someone's dna is a crime and brain damage too.,,

Courts of nebdonia in session. Only way. Justice

Anonymous said...

Stealing my 8 entity is a crime. Off you darn well go. The real 8 speaks tell that ex to get to fuck.....

Nokia v Sony Ericsson and I stripped you of your powers. X...

How's the fake breastfeeding cancer ? Mike did your seed canicer kali, cap seeds, non creator, fake fake and fake.

8.4 thus null and void. A hideous crime.

Anonymous said...

Also as Christ Michael I shall need to start publishing now. The web and ex need to know hacking into my Id...stealing me....stealing edwArd hack jack. ..didn't you kill 8? Nike ...gardener.

New. nope it's a farce....999.

Police time again.

Rape. Fraud. Abuse.

Motorbikes yawn. Bye. Satan.,,,

Theother4thElf said...

Testing, testing....

There are two Petri Dish Posts titled "Tragedy, Farce and-goddamned-kali-yuga".

Perhaps we should start charging.

Here is one

and here is

the other.

Same article, but each with a different thread of comments. It's like a Chinese puzzle.

The 3rd Elf said...

At risk of causing more (or less) confusion, the comments below were published on a duplicate essay (the duplicate essay page is now deleted)

Anonymous said...

Such a succinct overview with much depth and possibility implied between the words........

Yet again you impress with a feel that delineates without defining to subtly remind (or not) that 'there is always a way', and that a favourite saying of mine to self, but I might be biased. Picking a path through the current crescendo of events can be a touch challenging and no doubt unique to each and then we have unifying words of depth. Thank you.


Friday, July 08, 2016 10:40:00 PM


Ray Hilchey said...

Dear Les
Thanks again Les, you never fail to cheer me up. I seem to spend my thoughts holding back my own vile temper and justifying myself. You help me focus on the eternal while dealing with life's challenges, that is your strength.

Ray H

Friday, July 08, 2016 11:44:00 PM


Visible said...

For some reason the comments are not registering; more Zio-Ogre work I suppose. Please resubmit or wait for the elf to come to the rescue.

Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:49:00 AM


Anonymous said...

In dark night live those
For whom the world without alone is real;
In night darker still, for whom the world within
Alone is real. The first leads to a life
Of action, the second of meditation.
But those who combine action with meditation
Go across the sea of death through action
And enter into immortality
Through the practice of meditation.
So have we heard from the wise.

In dark night live those for whom the Lord
Is transcendent only; in night darker still,
For whom he is immanent only.
But those for whom he is transcendent
And immanent cross the sea of death
With the immanent and enter into
Immortality with the transcendent.
So have we heard from the wise.

Look at things in context Les. I know certain upadhis you have that won't help you let go. They are being transgress for now. I am sorry about that.

Saturday, July 09, 2016 9:51:00 AM


TheFourthElf said...


Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:33:00 PM

The 3rd Elf said...


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Marching in the Unconscious Ranks of Cellular Intoxication

Saturday, July 09, 2016 5:37:00 PM


Curtis Matthew Ellsworth said...

How very, very quintessentially true that the satanists' various, compartmentalized groups of who calls shots and who carries out orders are losing the plot rather mutually; what I'm seeing anyways. The left hand of some raunchy, literally satanic beast doesn't know of the existence of the right hand anymore. They, and me too in my own way, have been given tons and tons of rope to hang ourselves high over that which we truly believe is worth fighting and dying for. Whether the highly dissociated, highly compartmentalized groups, both shot callers and minions, know it or not, they all do have souls, and they do get fight, die and move on into the next reincarnation with all of their dirty deeds firmly attached to souls they probably don't even believe that they even have. I get a strong sense of fear of impending doom amongst the "special" shot callers, not that they'll let the minions know, and not that the dumb dumb minions will even ask if anything is going sideways; Oh, the "awesome career choice making skills" of all the rotten-ass motherfuckers! Ha ha ha! The idiots of the media will, rather obviously and evi-damn-dently, implicate themselves too until "the news" gets to find out, through some poignant experiences, the actual news about being held responsible for their compartmentalized, nincompoop part they're still dutifully playing; their deal with the Devil, and I more than slightly surmise that they have no clue of what's to come; "good for them". What an infernal-ass circle jerk; been saying that for awhile about all implicated parties...

Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:21:00 AM

Visible said...

Well said Curtis! It might not be a complete bullseye but it is all in the black (grin), the whole clip.

Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:01:00 AM

Visible said...

Oh well... if it is madness, and it is, it is either madness streaming out of its own hands or it is simply more of that calculated agenda that we are seeing a great deal of around here of late. I mean no insult here because I myself am mad. I am just noticing yet another series of attacks from the peripheral right or left. Hopefully we will all get well; sooner rather than later (grin).

Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:27:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Get the book, "the power of I am" and read the parts you enjoy the most whenever you feel any kind of faith crisis. "I am full of faith." I believe this deep in my heart even though, at first, it may appear on the surface that I do not. I am strong, I am capable, I am able. I am loved by the divine. I am protected by the divine. I am guided by the divine. I am optimistic. I will make it through this, no matter what. Help is on the way. Help is on the way. I say it like I mean it... and it will come.

Sunday, July 10, 2016 10:06:00 PM

Ray B. said...

Good to know:

Top 15 foods that are so dangerous they’ve been banned from entering other countries, but are served in the U.S.

Monday, July 11, 2016 2:55:00 AM

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Speaking of Kali yuga..
A little medicine, for the wounds.

Anonymous said...

LV! Just stopping by to see if you are still around. Those poseur pages don't have your links anymore thus proving they are false disinfo.
The satanic shit golems are in high gear because Nibiru is coming.
Satan will laugh his ass off as he roasts them as human kebabs on a spit.
Went back to Shangri-La mountain in the spring and I am hoping to escape there before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.
Too many people know about it now so maybe it isn't the bolthole hide out it is cracked up to be.
It is basically a most beautiful place chock full of phony assgoblins who are full of self-doubt and hate while wallowing in hivemind groupthink agitprop.
They haven't had an original thought in their lives and would recoil in fear if they did have an original thought.
While chatting with some airhead bimbette from there she gasped "what kind of person doesn't have a sailfawn (cellphone)!" Bwahahah! It was a good laugh after revealing to her that a sailfawn will not be something that I will ever own.
If things get too rough I always remember the shit golems and everything being for the purpose of demonstration. Carry on.

torus said...

Well, by choice, I've had one meal today. I went to an "all you can eat" lunch buffet at my favourite Indian restaurant. The whole palette is satisfied with the diverse consumption of sweet, salty, astringent, etc. I simply cannot cook like the master chef there.
Hot damn! It's like a drug. A small reward for myself. Recorded sitar and tabla wafted through the air. The compound time signatures in classical Indian music displaces the sense of time as "one" can be tricky to find. I enjoy doing this alone. No chatter or even a need for conversation, which adds to the "mindfulness" of the experience. No cell phone. No "boom-chik! boom-chik! boom-chik! booka-booka-boom-chik!" coming from the street. I felt pretty lucky to just do this.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

The Continuing Dissolution of all that is Fine and Honorable Within Us.

David Fiske said...

"Someone once said, “these are the times that try men's souls.” I would have to agree with that but push the timeline up to the present. As chaotic as the world outside may seem at present, it is the chaos within that defines us and which is also the greatest enemy we have. Nothing outside of us has the force of influence of what is inside us. “Greater is that which is within you than that which is in the world.” “If God is for me, who can be against me?” I think that will do for the moment. "
Very true Vis.
I am not a patient person. I think ones basic personality stays the same even as one grows spiritually.
So I often 'dam' and so on
But I find now that most of the day I feel I'm not really here any more. If I stop what I'm doing I feel I've disappeared. Just Empty Silence. Being active in the garden, picking my peas and so on I keep busy but I can well imagine doing simply nothing and feeling very content, no fulfilled.
The world is full of nonsense. I watch it on the news and read it on line but more by force of habit than keen interest.
I haven't bought a paper for many many years, realising it was addictive and I was reading all sort of stuff that was interesting but not necessary.
Both Clintons are just awful and pursue wealth and power and seldom truth or kindness. She has a hard face. I agree with your assessment.
I read Calvin and Hobbes having treated myself for Father's day with the 4 volume Complete Edition. I smile every time I pick a volume up, in anticipation. That's lovely.
My engagement in the world is mainly with what happens around me.
Even now my head is full of Silence. Can Silence go anywhere? Wish for anything.
And yet my life goes one.
It is a mystery.
Keep well dear one.

torus said...

"Silence is our real nature. Silence is free from beginning and end. Silence is holy. It is healing. Silence is the home ground of all activity. Silence is the word. Silence is meditation. Silence precedes speech, poetry, music, and all art. It was before the beginning of all things. It is causeless. It's greatness lies lies in the fact that it simply is. Silence is truth."
-Jean Klein, On Silence, The Book of Listening

David said...

Torus thanks or the the Klein quote and reference. I'll probably buy it, reading a free chapter now. Hugs,

torus said...

Cosmic hugs to David. One sometimes has to dig for the gems in Klein's writing, but the gems are there. "We dig-dig-dig-dig, dig-dig-dig 'til all the work is through..."



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