Monday, February 15, 2016

Petri Dishing the Apocalypse.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It looks like I can write again... for the moment. I had something almost finished but it was on the other computer and the monitor I was using is no longer accessible, so later for that posting. Anyway, much has changed in the world since; in the wider world and our own personal world... we'll just start anew.

On a personal level, I thought I would stay here but that runs up against roadblocks in every direction. It is a shame because I have met some great people in the town here and there are all kinds of possibilities to make myself more financially secure but I suspect that is workable in many another place besides here, in fact I am sure of it. Life can put you through an interesting series of progressions and never make its point and when it does, it turns out to not be the point you were expecting. You just have to have faith and fortitude and not get sucked into defining conditions, when you don't really know what they are. Often, as much as not, it is later proven to you that you misjudged the whole thing. I've had my share of that in recent times... so I am keeping my thoughts clear. Life may not work out as we expected but it always works out if we do not fight the results intended by the one will. This is the single critical mistake that people make and I have had ample experience of that. .

In the wider world all sorts of dark designs are making their blueprint mosaic, in the hope of bringing about Armageddon. The Satanic leader of Turkey and his equallySatanic counterpart in Saudi Arabia are attacking within the bordersof Syria and this does not happen, except by the command of theZionists that control NATO, US and Crown countries and they have this power because they print the money and they serve the Prince of Darkness. No argument counter to this can be made anymore because the observable facts all confirm this and the research of the last couple decades that has been done by brave souls, some of whom are no longer among us, also confirm it all.

The information airwaves are awash in tales of utter bullshit, like the Flat Earth Theory that has been designed to give the sleeping populations the idea that all conspiracy theories are bullshit. This is being promoted by the various intelligence communities to shield Israel from being exposed for their complicity in 9/11 and so many other terror attacks.

The new world war that they seek to be bring about is mostly for the purpose of shielding them from public wrath over their destruction of the economic systems and their theft of the wealth of the world, in pursuit of the designs of their personal greed, which is like a runaway forest fire and which will never end until it has eaten every tree, every growing thing and every life form that lives in that forest, including the one in whose belly this fire burns. The critical theme for anyone now living is to step away from communion with the thoughts, words, actions and intentions of these monsters who presently seek to destroy civilization and the Earth as we know it. This is the greatest danger, that any one of us will be sucked into agreement with the preposterous lies and ambitions, which pump their visions into the human mind through their toxic media and all information systems and... once again, we know who owns and operates these. This is not rocket science or brain surgery but... many people cannot open a bag of potato chips these days and keep a single thought otherwise in their heads.

I am appalled at what I have seen since I began traveling around and talking to people. Seemingly intelligent people have the most ridiculous nonsense in their heads and they are passionate about it. It hasn't occurred to them that they are being lied to. How is that possible? How could massive institutions be engaged in the forms of deception and evil manipulations that they most certainly are engaged in? For some they turn to alternative media and they are lying too. Their lies are woven in with truth to make the lies more plausible.

They lie and lie and lie and do terrible things and people go along with the program. There is no mention of what is happening in The Middle East at the moment but when they ramp this up, as they will, people who may have seemed intelligent the day before, now turn into venomous apologists for the people who want to subjugate and destroy them, as well as everyone else, everywhere else. Often they just turn into canon fodder.

What seems to me to be the single most important feat possible for any of us in this moment, is to not buy into the bullshit. Somehow I sense that this is one of the single most critical imperatives we are faced with. Consonant with that is to put our faith and fealty in what is enduring and which lasts beyond all conditions in this world of appearances. History tells us that times can be grim now and again. In fact, it tells us that times are nearly always grim... somewhere. If history is for the purpose of demonstration... and it is... then it seems avoiding being the one negatively demonstrated on is the key concern.

Life is all about priorities and the relative level of the importance of each, in relation to each other. How you list and define your priorities, defines you. You are your values. You are the living expression of what you believe to be real AND important. How many times has this been said here in how many different ways? How many times has some version of this been said by someone else? Truly... just about everything else has been said more often somewhere else. This is what most people believe. Even when they believe in higher things, their information comes mostly from predators who make a living off of them or who are working in concert with the bigger predators that make it possible for them to appear on TV and get book deals and whatever it is that they want out of this world, while they preach about the world beyond. The way into the world beyond has to be accomplished here and that means in any direction.

I plan on writing these things for the rest of the time I am here- in some fashion or another. The fashion or the medium may change but the message is unlikely to. It might improve and become more refined. We hope it does. It may come from different locales, as long as there are locales in this world that will have me. This is in reply to those who have reached out in response to mistaken impressions about my future expressions... as if I was going into some kind of retirement or retreat. That isn't what is happening. Occasionally hiatus points are required. Sometimes the environment I am in lays too much pressure on me and sometimes I am in transit (too often these days). Sometimes the water just stops being a natural and unhindered flow; not often and not for long but it must be seen and respected by the water bearer, or one simply mails in uninspired redundancies.

More and more it looks like the world is going to go through some kind of collection of radical changes. For many people, as they watch it come about, it can and probably will become incredibly terrifying. For some of us who know that the maestro of all maestros is behind everything, even if only in the sense of weaving every plot together for a greater good, it is less terrifying than exciting. It is like two people, separate from one another on a state of the art roller coaster. One of them is trembling in fear and one of them is exhilarated and excited. It is the same roller coaster but there are two different perspectives. That's life... everyone is on some circus ride or another and they are all experiencing it from a personal perspective and that perspective is a manifestation of their Karma that led them to that point. Some are dreaming big dreams of triumph and accomplishment and some merely suffer but no matter where they find themselves... the meter is running.

At present, one of the biggest buffoons who has ever lived, Kanye West; who publicly pronounces that he is also the greatest artist who ever lived, has gone and invested a large portion of his income in a fashion business. He was probably thinking that he could do one of those Punk Daddy Combs things, or some Doctor Dre variation but his idea was to sell, four thousands dollar coats and all kinds of other expensive items in a down turned economy. So 'he says' he is 53 million dollars in debt, when I last heard he had 150 million dollars and now he is publicly asking for Mark Kupferberg to save him from his excesses. He's saying all kinds of dumb things. You can head off into the internet and get a load of it. I feel like I would bring down the value of this place (grin) if I link to the tale. Oh what the Hell. It is excruciatingly embarrassing this but this guy is not capable of embarrassment. The things he says.... Wow!

Anyway... in order to get to the usual length of a posting, I threw that in... more purpose of demonstration. There is going to be plenty, plenty of that... up and coming.

Be well my friends!

End Transmission.......


Kazz said...

VIS - 'That's life... everyone is on some circus ride or another and they are all experiencing it from a personal perspective and that perspective is a manifestation of their Karma that led them to that point.'

When one considers that the multiple cell organism we know as a human being is directly impacted by their environment, and how they view their environment, one realises the resultant impact of our interaction with our external world, and our view of that world, is of monumental importance. If we view the world fearfully we become diseased through increased stress levels, whereas being able to remain calm and centred as we walk through the 'valley of the shadow of death' keeps us on an even keel, which helps us to steam ahead. Knowing that our Father in Heaven has a firm grip on our hand and is guiding us through the eye of the coming storm suddenly becomes paramount to surviving what lies ahead, which is why FAITH in that which cannot be experienced with the physical senses is so important, and always has been.

I feel very blessed that my karma has brought me to where I am today and I cannot thank the Divine enough for bringing me to the perspective I currently hold. My Father in Heaven is so kind and loving that it would be impossible for me to be anything but what I AM.

Whatever happens I have my gratitude and love to hold onto in these perilous times we are transiting through. I pray others can move their perspective to a place where they find some measure of faith to get them through, if that is the Divine's plan for us.

As always,
LUV Kazz

Anonymous said...

Emmy time!

Anonymous said...

Les, I'm very glad you will stay with us. Don't ever worry, your posts are never repetitive, though they stay to the point.

Here's something that might address the day as well. Very much optimistic. Forgive the length, I think it just a bit better than Vogon poetry.
Thanks, dreaming big dreams here, boss.
-begger, without a rhyme.


Anyone who's watched a lizard knows
their awful eyes no 'window to a soul',
and any mixling test-tube made in ancient laboratory bare
with ice for blood, and lives in fetid lair, though hath both thought and speech
is death to man.

The reckless hands who craft such things are damned
who pick and chose among the strands
DNA of lizard, snake, spider, high and lowly man.
Of human beauty, mercy, grace they gave the mutant not
but only baleful things of humankind bequeathed the devil spawn,
greed and envy and libido dominande...

So came to be the vile fair-bane
in times long past, set all awry.
But now the desert sands have dimmed
the monsters eyes
and she this very night will die.

The dragon in her cave, unseemly made
no longer manuscripts illumined will profane
nor chains of metals dear disturb when crawls across the stone,
no longer gaze upon the weapons sharp and light, Starships
wrought by Elven minds, tools to bend
unyielding time, likeness's of unknown gods so rare,
every art imagined there, among the bones.

In this dark night will sever'd be
the rusty bolts that stopped our kith and kin,
(suckled upon a mother's tender breasts, and God-like made, our family)
will shattered be the lock, will fall the heavy gate
so death at last will come to enemy.

So say we now this dawn the words we dared not say before
dreams and love and Holy War.

Ray B. said...

Vis, wishing you all the best in your near-future journeys. Maybe you will get an unseen 'tap on the shoulder' as to where to go.

Also, when I am in 'pivotal' points like that, I remember what an old teacher taught me: In setting up your future 'manifestation', don't go for the 'visuals' of what a place will look like. Instead, imagine feeling great love and joy both in-and-for the place you are (in the future) occupying. This includes the people you are around. This sets-up the 'feeling tone' of your future. Looks and such don't matter as much as 'feeling tone'. This 'expectation' has worked well, for me...
Vis: "Seemingly intelligent people have the most ridiculous nonsense in their heads and they are passionate about it."

Whenever I pointed-out some lower-consciousness behavior to my then-ladyfriend, she would just shrug and say that that was just what they were used to; they didn't know any better. When I considered it that way, both she was right AND it demon-strated the importance of information control. I am old enough to remember 'Grasshopper' in the Shaolin Temple. (Those scenes thrilled me at a very deep level.) If you want to close-out certain options for growth, take away the Temple and the Teachings...
Vis: "The new world war that they seek to be bring about is mostly for the purpose of shielding them from public wrath over their destruction of the economic systems and their theft of the wealth of the world..."

Agreed. I think what I'd most like to see is enough of a consciousness-bump to the general public to be able to read minds, at least in a general fashion. Imagine standing in front of a Rothschild-, Soros-, or Cheney-type and not being able to not-know exactly 'who' they were. As the old commercial said, "Priceless."
Vis: "How you list and define your priorities, defines you."

That really struck me. Especially for the deep priorities. What we really have an emotional-charge-on also tends to manifest. It will be interesting to see how the individual and the collective 'manifests' in the days ahead...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Ray B. said...

The Saker needs a (free) lawyer. Please spread the word...

missingarib said...

Vis,as a passenger on the runaway train that is westerner liberalism ( better know as the Hasidim promised land) one can jump from the train and hope nothing gets in the way of the tumbling your gonna get or head to the back of the train -lay low- and hope the tumbling there, when the train hits the fiscal end of the rail, doesn't kill or maim everyone in the caboose.

"Life is all about priorities and the relative level of the importance of each, in relation to each other. How you list and define your priorities, defines you. You are your values."

The mean street media is selling the values driving our metaphorical train wreck. Are thoughts greater than the deed ?. When does the chicken and egg debate end and the rolling up the sleeve begin?
It isn't about where one lives but how one lives .

"For some of us who know that the maestro of all maestros is behind everything, even if only in the sense of weaving every plot together for a greater good, it is less terrifying than exciting. "
"Miracles, in the sense of phenomena we cannot explain, surround us on every hand: life itself is the miracle of miracles" but
"Without art the crudeness of(our collective) reality would make the world unbearable."
George Bernard Shaw

The art of living is the expression of divine love- are we not warned that: “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12). which appears to be the very condition we are seeing at home and in many corners of our planet.
Love is absolute and cannot be relative to anger or hate or indifference.

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
George Bernard Shaw

live long

Visible said...

My great apologies, my friends. Inexplicably all of the unpublished comments got deleted. If you can, would you please resubmit? This occurs sometimes and I don't know why or how to get them to come back.

Anonymous said...

Start your own blog, Ray B., seriously.

There are a lot of people who would read it.

Dammerung said...

I like Kanye West. He may suffer from delusions of absurd grandeur, but at least it's grandeur he has in mind. He might shoot for the stars and hilariously miss but it's better than being a piker.

Kazz said...

I think you should stay here and post Ray, and that goes for all the other conscientious posters here, because Vis has created an amazing blog that informs a large amount of people so by continuing to post here you reach a large audience, and you also get to debate and challenge your views in a well informed arena that provides good reading for Vis' audience.

What I would like to see more of here is the views of those who are destroying this world. Has it never occurred to you that the reason you must operate secretly is because what you are doing is wrong? Why is it that your masters keep you in the dark and keep everything so compartmentalised? Is it perhaps that they are misleading you? Is it the fact that if you could see beyond your own selfish desires you would realise what you are doing is not only detrimental to humanity but also to your self and those you love??

Ray - '...I remember what an old teacher taught me: In setting up your future 'manifestation', don't go for the 'visuals' of what a place will look like. Instead, imagine feeling great love and joy both in-and-for the place you are (in the future) occupying.'

Love cures all, the physical, mental, and spiritual :o).

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

Haven't heard from you in years Dammerung and you're still the same guy (grin). However, I would say that it is not the stars he is shooting for by any translation of the meaning. You are welcome to like the guy, I consider him an insufferable no talent dickhead so... I do not

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nice to have you back. Wondering if Petri dishing the Apocalypse is harder than Surfing the Apocalypse. Too bad that site is dying.
Wish I could still help the owner, but we're in the same boat as she is. . .circling the drain.

But it doesn't matter to me. I'm getting what I signed up for, and I know it. Why should I care. Ultimately we all end up in the same place, regardless of how we got there.

Nostrils up!

mike m said...

Shine on you crazy diamond

mike m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Kanye West

In his 'musical' career he has exhibited a dollop of talent in the past .
As a person he will exhibit even less class in the future.

That's about all that can be said for this specimen.


mike m said...

"What fellowship has light with darkness"

Visible said...

I can understand why people appreciate other forms of music and even things that aren't music but more like the aids virus when it does its masquerade and different books and foods and lifestyles. I spend a lot of time... or have done, watching all this. I've seen personally what certain things lead to and I am trying to stay at the high end of my possibilities. The problem is not whether people make errors because we are all going to make errors. The problem is whether we learn from them. Especially the problem is whether we evolve and evolution demands change and change is uncomfortable at a certain point. One who does not fear change is close to the answer but for many that is not the answer because it doesn't include what they fucking want whenever they want it. I'm not saying that is off color with the rainbow of all things. I'm saying that's not my way and a lot of the time all I want to do is get away when a certain kind of noise comes out of me from jacked up trucks, or movies or anywhere I run into it; usually I run.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Re: 17

Human evolution? Gods, I just got off of 'BEST GORE', and have come to the conclusion there's no such animal. Especially in Brazil!

Anonymous said...

'Dollop' is too generous a term . I'll amend that to 'meager trace'.


Visible said...

Mandocello; I will be in your town in a couple of weeks. Please don't say where it is. I shall be residing 65 miles away, for the foreseeable.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Of Kanye and Karma and the Stork of Dharma and a Few Pandavas Too.

Ray B. said...

Good Comment:

tom garrett - on February 16, 2016, at 9:27 pm UTC

Your concern [over “accidentally” eliminated] is amply justified... Three midwestern Senate candidates in a row – each a progressive Democrat favored to win – died in unexplained plane crashes. Jerry Litton (D. Missouri) was killed this way in September 1976. On October 16, 2000, Missouri governor Mel Carnahan (who won the election despite being dead) was also killed in a plane crash. Just two years later, on Oct 25, 2002. Senator Paul Wellstone, his wife, daughter, and staff, died the same way. One attempt to bomb Wellstone’s plane (in Colombia) had been thwarted a few years earlier.

Then, you had Rep. Larkin Smith of Miss., involved in investigating CIA drug running, “taken out” the same way. Commerce Sec. Ron Brown, who had reportedly been sniffing in the wrong places, dead in Croatia. Hale Boggs, back in 1972, who seems to have been overly curious about the Kennedy assassination, crashing off Alaska.

Anonymous said...


That's great!
Have a safe journey.


Kazz said...

Dear mike,

mike - "What fellowship has light with darkness"

Even at midday when the sun is high in the sky shadows are still cast.

At dawn and dusk the light and dark dance together.

Christ did not hang with those who were saved but with the sinners, because it is the sinners that need saving :o).

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up Now-

Wack City is Going up Like Basilia in the Amazon Jungle.



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