Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Most Incredibly Long and Winding Road.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Someone wondered if it was me these days at the blogs or some kind of stand in. You know, I often ask myself the very same question (grin). As far as I know it is me. It is not the me of a year ago or five years before that but... in truth, neither of those were me but simply a personality in transition from one point to another until all the points are joined.

Am I the Indian head nickel guy?

Am I Marty Feldman doing his “An Evening with Jacob Boheme” at some rich Italian's House in Tuscany?

Am I that guy from better times?

Seriously, I don't know if it's me or not and sometimes I am quite sure it is not but that is a positive. As I mentioned in earlier times when it was probably more of a factor, I have a wide range of personalities. This is the result of a great many blows to the head and body shots in earlier times. As it so happens these personalities have come much closer together in recent days and so... it is much less of a factor. There is a small of contingent of souls out there who desperately want me to fail and it incenses them that it hasn't happened yet and I think it further incenses them that I remain cheerful through all of my adversities and... against all odds, seem to be improving as a person despite the difficulties of present times. I'm afraid they are going to have to live with that and I suspect it is going to get worse for them because despite what anyone may think, I am absolutely committed to my spiritual evolution and whatever changes and conditions I am put through it's going to have to be okay with me because there are no possibilities otherwise. I think there is a pretty significant body of visitors who will read this during the day and say to themselves, “Yes... I feel the same way.” We owe it to each other to feel this way. We keep each other inspired and we keep each other strong. Life is a group effort. We don't make it on our own. We need each other and that is one of the things the ineffable looks very closely at. The ineffable looks at the way we treat each other and to what extent we care for one another and how fully we embrace the concept of Brotherhood.

Because we are caught up in our own affairs and our own ideas about our relevance and value we are seldom aware of the scrutiny that the ineffable puts on us or the situations that the ineffable puts us in to measure our humanity. Most people think of the ineffable as being far off. That is an unfortunate perspective to possess, or be possessed by. The truth of the matter and THIS IS the truth is that the ineffable is closer to us than anything could be. The ineffable is our self, our real self and all these mortal personalities that we dance out of one life and into another with are just suits of clothes. We would literally have no life in us were it not that the ineffable lives his life or her life in ours. One of the reasons that I am not of an opinion concerning people's sexual attractions is because we all possess a male and female nature and the secret and sacred job of existence is to harmonize them and that is why there is a bridal chamber in a certain location of the brain and the esoteric and etheric planes in that area that overlays the brain. Most people's eyes glaze over if you mention something like this, or they are immediately distracted by the things of the world and that is the job of the mind and the world to do that. If there is a devil and in some fashion a force of that nature does exist, it would be the mind and the world is the playground of the mind. The mind forms attachments with the world and this isolates us away, behind veils, from the glory and splendor of the ineffable.

I hear negative things occasionally from people who rail at me for encouraging people to put their faith in some unreal being, or they give me static about my invisible friends. The truth of that is that just because they don't have relationships of this order that means I couldn't possibly have either. We all have relationships of this sort but we don't all acknowledge them or pursue them. That is their fault. I have mentioned more than once that I never had the contact I have today until less than ten years ago. Yes, I have had contacts of this sort for decades but only via the medium of psychedelics or at odd moments but... I persisted and persisted and I suffered and got knocked about by life's hammer. I never gave up seeking, no matter what I was put through and this is one of the payoffs of a consistency of purpose. The greatest love affair of all time is the one that takes place between the ineffable and our soul. There is nothing like it and all of our earthly romances are poor copies of this and only successful insofar as they go if we are able to see the presence of the ineffable in them.

I don't much care if people believe or don't believe in my relationships on another plane. It is only I who must be convinced. What they think doesn't factor into it at all. Why should it? I have put the time in and eventually it comes true, just as it comes true for many another in respect of whatever it is they have invested enough time and energy in. The real question is whether they are happy with what they got. There is no lasting satisfaction apart from the ineffable and however many lifetimes it takes you to figure this out, you will figure it out. The suffering and emptiness eventually becomes too much to bear; however many lives it takes. Why suffer for such a terrible long time, over and over and over? This is a mystery to me but not a mystery. I can see it and it's a fresh start every time, though sometimes it is a horror story too. Someone has to play all those pimps and hookers; slaves and serial killer victims, war casualties of every shape, birth defects, alcoholics and crack addicts and the terribly impoverished in the Bangladesh's of the world. Why do they do this? Many of them were careless about the way they treated each other and worse, much worse. Cave Dei Videt- Beware, god is watching.

People want to know why things have to be the way they are. Why is there so much hate and violence in the world? Why do so many terrible things happen. They happen because this one did that to this one and then came back for it to happen to them. It happens because it is Kali Yuga and these things get settled here in this time zone.

In The Way to the Kingdom, the author talks about a time long long ago when some very terrible things happened on this planet; far worse than anything we are seeing today and that the Earth was very deeply affected by it and the remnants of what happened still permeate the planet. Some of this is being resolved in these times as well. These are very significant times. You don't get all these billions and billions of people for no reason. There is a very good reason.

It is important to keep in mind how special this time is and the sort of quantum leap in consciousness and being that is possible for those determined to strive for it, to be open to it, to aspire after it, to hunger for it. I'm not just fantasizing here. This is real. How I know this is real is not important because why I believe something is not relevant to why another may disbelieve or believe. We all arrive at our conclusions by our own unique line of progress. Life is an opportunity and this segment of it is a great opportunity. One should take full advantage of this.

End Transmission.......


Kazz said...

Vis - 'The suffering and emptiness eventually becomes too much to bear.'

My greatest realisation of this statement occurred every Christmas Day, because the stark reality of materialism seemed to smack me in the gob. I always felt a huge spiritual void.

Vis - 'I have put the time in and eventually it comes true..'

I have put the time in also and I no longer feel the emptiness, I now feel like my vessel/body/temple has been filled with spirit, and it is the most marvellous feeling. I still get pissed off and have my moments but spirit seems to be getting more and more capable of harmonising me to keep me in a better place. Even in chaos I find peace.

Vis - 'People want to know why things have to be the way they are. Why is there so much hate and violence in the world? Why do so many terrible things happen.'

If people dug more deeply into their self they would know the answer to this. Humanity collectively makes this world what it is, and then we try to blame it on something outside of our self, like God or religion. Although God is us, all of us, we each choose the path we wish to travel, which is what the free will experience of being co-creators in this dimension is really about. This life, and all the other lives that led up to this life, are indicative of where your soul is at, or whether you still have a one!!

Jesus tells us "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12).

Vis - 'They happen because this one did that to this one and then came back for it to happen to them. It happens because it is Kali Yuga and these things get settled here in this time zone.'

All those people out there who think they are so perfect that they can judge others and play God, by deciding who deserves to live and who deserves to die, you are doing something that I would not dare do, which is why Jesus advised us to '[e]nter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matthew 7:13-14).

Vis - 'Life is an opportunity and this segment of it is a great opportunity. One should take full advantage of this.'

Right on brother ;o).

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

pls allow me to plug Gilad Atzmons new book.

some examples

Bar Mitzvah – the moment when the male Jew accepts that his foreskin is not going to grow back

Canaan – the land of milking money

Catch 22 – free ham

Humus – a traditional Jewish Polish vegetarian dish brought to the Middle East by Zionist pioneers. Not to be confused with Hamas

Jewish mother – Just like a Jewish father but with balls

Water – is vital for all known forms of life except Palestinians

Ray B. said...

Vis: "As it so happens, these personalities have come much closer together in recent days..."

Happiness. It would be interesting to know how much was due to healing from simple passing of time, and how much was beneficial 'intervention' from higher levels (your-line or others).
Vis: "There is a small of contingent of souls out there who desperately want me to fail..."

Also interesting, because that could be treading on karmically-shakey ground.
Vis: "We keep each other inspired and we keep each other strong. Life is a group effort."

Very nice. And deep, if you think about it...
Vis: "The ineffable looks at the way we treat each other and to what extent we care for one another and how fully we embrace the concept of Brotherhood."

Ahh, the growth of Empathy...
Vis: "...there is a bridal chamber in a certain location of the brain and the esoteric and etheric planes in that area that overlays the brain."

Vis, could you please expound on that? I can think of two areas: The corpus callosum (a thick band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right sides of the brain, allowing for communication between the hemispheres) could be seen as uniting the "male & female" sides of the brain. (It has been noted by consciousness-researchers that a good connection between the hemispheres was necessary before veteran-meditators dropped into 'deep states'.)

There is also the 'soft spot' (fontanel) of babyhood in the top of the skull. This is seen by some mystics as the connection between heaven & earth, so to speak. Perhaps others...
Vis: "Someone has to play all those pimps and hookers; slaves and serial killer victims, war casualties of every shape, birth defects, alcoholics and crack addicts and the terribly impoverished..."

I have a theory around that:

If a person originally-came-in (first lifetime) and was-slotted a 'good' life experience, that would lead to a beneficial 'mindset' on Reality. If a person originally-came-in (first lifetime) and was-slotted a 'bad' life experience, that would lead to a baleful 'mindset' on Reality. (First-comers have few emotional defenses.) This would be reinforced if you had two-or-three of the same kind in a row.

If all of the 'stuff' from those lifetimes was not felt-through before death, it could lead to a repeating-pattern. This resultant 'inclination' to future lifetimes could explain certain things: Why, when you run into a certain person, you 'know' he/her has been a baddie for a looong time. Why, when you run into a certain person, you 'know' he/her has been a goodie for a looong time.

Those folks who had 'alternating' good-and-bad early-lives would be of the glass-half-full or glass-half-empty mindset. (Most are 'mixed'.)

(Each of the above 'types' has implicit strengths and weaknesses.)

The above could be why Higher Self has been so-insistent on going all the way back to first-lifetimes in it's Cleaning program...
Vis: "We all have relationships of this sort [invisible friends] but we don't all acknowledge them or pursue them. That is their fault."

One big thing - which I mentioned long ago - is that 'communication' with increasingly-capable beings invariably leads-on to the factuality of telepathy. For those with repressed 'stuff' or agendas which they know to be dishonorable, this possibility causes a knee-jerk reaction. Invisible friends -> Telepathy. No invisible friends -> No telepathy. Safety. (Until you die, when the telepathic-channels cannot be ignored...)

Good column, Vis!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

Sometimes I am such a dumb ass that it is amazing I can tie my own shoes. I just realized that all it took to post the radio show is to go to any already posted show and get the link and then stick the latest suffix in. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the Latest Radio Broadcast.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...That is me you are commenting on and thanks for that because it was out of concern I inquired. Never for the reason to see you fail. By the way in each picture your face looks the same and by that I mean when a person is honest, very rarely does their face morf into something else. We can change appearances if we're acting. And that face of your's is something that i love for it is most interesting and expressive. I had commented before that I had painted many portraits (hundreds) in a 30 year career and can see depths in those expressions. Ok, so this(in writings) must be crotchety old man personality coming out now HeHe! I say that in jest.Indeed,
Paper 92
The later Evolution of Religion
Religion is the most rigid and unyielding of all human institutions, but it does tardily adjust to changing society. Eventually, evolutionary religion does reflect the changing more, which in turn may have been affected by revealed religion. Slowly, surely, but grudgingly, does religion (worship) follow in the wake of wisdom-knowledge directed by experiential reason and illuminated by divine revelation.
I like this. It makes sense to me. I've been studying comparative religions for long time. I looked into a lot of them. I have the "Sacred Text Archive" on my bookmarks. Great website and features most books, complete, on all the worlds
religions. The Hindu Religion may be the closest remnant of the divine revelations post Adamic races. But it has gotten bogged down by complex repetitive prayers, chants and mantras to cur Gods Favor. For me I tend to look at the evolution of religion as an Historical, anthropological view. And so I can keep evolving. It has given me a good understanding to some of these questions on "Good and Evil" so From "The Sojourn at Rome" Christ say's to Mardus-
My Brother, good and evil are merely words symbolizing relative levels of human comprehension of the observable universe.If you are ethically lazy and socially indifferent, you can take as your standard of good the current social usages.If you are spiritually indolent and morally unprogressive, you may take as your standards of good the religious practices and traditions of your contemporaries. But the soul that survives time and emerges into eternity must make a living and personal choice between good and evil as they are determined by the true values of the spiritual standards established by the divine spirit which the Father in Heaven sent to dwell within the heart of man. This indwelling spirit is the standard of personality survival.
And there is more, to long to type. Ok, so yes things are happening, clearly for demonstration and if the world crumble around us why should we fear when our hearts mind and will toward Gods love and our Love for him.

Visible said...

Yes... I sensed it was not malicious and thank you for caring at all.

Anonymous said...

I used to feel an extremely deep connection to the writing posted here...and felt a connection to the writer from this (whether desired by the writer or not). However, things have changed. The writing the past few weeks has taken quite a turn, and the message has changed with it.

All the posting about Jesus and various other prophets and such, has been a ruse to draw folks into this theosophy satanic garbage. This is a Rosicrucian/theosophical con job. A lot of the things posted here are a mix of British agent Paramahansa Yogananda and Aleister Crowley. Hey that's fine...but why try and coax people who are not looking for that philosophy into believing you are presenting something else. You can't just steal Jesus words out of the bible and make them mean whatever you want. You can't just make up his life and claim he lived in the mountains of India and smoked weed with yogis (as these liars suggest).

The Old Testament is there for a reason to be matched with the New. Without it you have nothing...a false fragmented doctrine. Ironically, the only people/culture on earth that uses the complete teachings and book is Islam/Muslims (not wahabbi). Christians seem as hypocrites and other negative terms, because they have also chosen a part of the book..Jews likewise. Jesus never cursed the Old Testament and told beleivers to follow the law of Moses. Jesus was a Hebrew.

Vis, I hold no ill will towards you, although you have purposely tried to lead me away from Jahovia (God) and towards satan. I think in your heart you still want the best for me..even though you don't understand what that is for me, or for yourself.

I hope you find your eternal peace, because I suspect someone has tried to take it from you, and only God, the true and living Yahuah can save you.

With love friend.

Visible said...

hahahahaha British agent Yogananda and now we have Jahovia and Yauah. I imagine one of two things here. You are spoofing or this is one of those insidious efforts that comes in from oblique angles.

Well... we'll let the readers decide for themselves.

Anonymous said...


your tenor sounds more invigorated by the youthful sounds
that emerge from your gut feelings about your progress,
even if some myopic pilgrim feels otherwise relying on several
misunderstandings and dubious deducements, based on
false assumptions and verifiable FALSE WITNESSes...

nonetheless, you covered the main topic real well, again.

don't read : Something Happened by Heller, or invest much
emotional capital in the hair suite named Donald, but if
you didn't happen to listen to David Duke mop the floor
with ALEX "The Jew" JONES...there are a few TEE HEE good
laughs, there....if you know what I mean

stay young, and thirsty....Matt. 13:39-43...!



Anonymous said...

I thought Jesus said the Law of Man was a bandaid, due to hard hearts.
I thought Jesus only had what passes for human genetics on the Mother's side, for to fulfill certain things that are in motion.

I thought what passes for Man these days is just some shiny homonid revealing some damned gold plates, or such.

Very self selective. Of course, the sense of abandonment can lead to questions. Probably best to keep to that station that lets those who are trying to surf through do so without explaination.

Losing pride and fixing what can be. Yeah. Your species had one job.

Unknown said...

Hi, Mr. Visible;

Cave, Deus videt; or Cave Dei Vident. (Subject and verb have to agree in Latin.) I've been reading your posts for years and you have inspired, chided, motivated, and humbled me over and over again. Thank you for helping me become a better human being (at least in review of my own life). Take care and may the ineffable bless!!


Unknown said...

Hello, Mr. Visible;

Either Cave, deus videt or Cave dei Vident. The subject and verb must agree in Latin. I have been reading you for a number of years now and I want to thank you for the inspiration, chiding, motivation, humbling, exhortation, and challenge for improving myself to become a better human being. I have both listened to you with attention, and read as much as I can about and from those great authors and persons you have cited and introduced me to over the years and have adapted as much from their and your own examples into my own life. I wish you well, and may the Ineffable bless!!


Visible said...

Uh huh. As it so happens Cave dei videt is what was inscribed on that portion of stone above the door at the entrance to houses of worship in Medieval times . I have seen this personally and though the language may have been adjusted for whatever the reasons were over time, this is what it said at the time and so I used it. Hope this explains at least where I was coming from. Of course I researched the phrase on the internet long before I chose to use what I used and I am familiar that it would be wrong in the eyes of some but I did it anyway cause that is a part of my nature to gravitate to the eclectic and routes less traveled. Of course, I saw this inscription in occult drawings and alchemical renderings from books of that period. Those were my sources.

Kazz said...

Dear Anonymous,

'The Old Testament is there for a reason to be matched with the New. Without it you have nothing...a false fragmented doctrine. Ironically, the only people/culture on earth that uses the complete teachings and book is Islam/Muslims (not wahabbi). Christians seem as hypocrites and other negative terms, because they have also chosen a part of the book..Jews likewise. Jesus never cursed the Old Testament and told beleivers to follow the law of Moses. Jesus was a Hebrew.'

Perhaps you can tell me my learned friend why it is that the story of Noah is actually a Hebrew recreation of the story of Atrahasis, King of Babylon, the same Babylon that used a debt slavery system to rob the people through a system of usury, which was outlawed in the Old Testament?

Since the law of Moses directly conflicts with the usury system of the Babylonian's, that Noahide law reinstated after the flood, perhaps you could enlighten this hypocritical Christian as to how that could be?

Cheers Kazz

Anonymous said...

pierre said (second helpings)

On corpuss colosum (sic)
I just heard last night on either Rense or John B Wells Caravan to Midnight show that oceanic mammals, whales dolphins, dungogs perhaps, go to sleep with one half of the brain in noddy land, whilst the other is awake. That would be the modern equivalent of the male/female alternative shift workers for the necessary dual incomes these days.
Quite a few terrestial mammals seem to be able to walk with both sides but in a dream. Open the Ipod Ebay doors HAL.

@ anon 6:39 thanks for that sacred text link, looks terrifically like the public Alexandrian library online edition ought to be.

Anonymous said...

For some people, there is a need to look smart and be heard and sometimes it's more important to be heard than it is to say anything meaningful. No one is improved by tossing about a lot of associations where the person putting out the information is more important than the information. One of the best things that Visible does here is he never makes himself more important than the information, nor does he use it as a vehicle to inflate his importance. The majority of the readers here are good that way too. Let's keep it free of posturing and pretense. What do you say?

Kazz said...

Dear Anonymous,

I hardly think establishing where Noahide law originates is posturing or pretentious.

I agree Vis is a wonderful communicator, while I pretty well suck, but I am not going to let a little thing like that get in my way :op.

Jesus said, 'Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.…' (Matthew 5:17-18)

Jesus definitely told us to abide by the law, the question is which law, the law of Moses or the law of Noah??

Jesus said, "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. (Matthew 23:13)

If the Jewish scribes and Pharisees are God's people than why are they shut off from the kingdom of heaven?

Wouldn't you say that bowing to Man and Man's law, instead of adhering to God's commandments would be a breach of God's commandment that 'You shall have no other gods before Me'?

I can't help but notice you completely dodged the issue which was WHAT IS THE TRUE ORIGIN OF NOAHIDE LAW??

Cheers Kazz

Smyrna said...

Jumpin' Jahovias! Let's all wish Vis a happy birthday.

Visible said...

heh heh. It is tomorrow. Thank you Smyma!

Anonymous said...

Law, schmaw. Just love one another. That's all the law and the prophets. Simple, ain't it? No hurting, no stealing. Help each other, give, heal.

Great post, Vis. And Karen Norman, thank you too. We all are a crazy good family here.


Ray B. said...

Thanks, Smyrna, for the reminder...

Happy Birth Day, Vis! And thanks for all you do/are!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Enjoy the anniversary of your first day of daylight.

Of course, with my 'tude, I consider it a celebration of the stupidest day of my life these days so I no longer celebrate mine. And whilst we are at it, when I depart, can we please have me cremated and flushed down the toilet of the vilest gas station in Detroit?

Thank you.

maya seri said...


Happy birthday and thank you for all you do. You are truly amazing.
May the ineffable bless you abundantly.


Anonymous said...

♫ ♪ ...Happy Birthday to you.... ♫ ♩


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Visible!!

Anonymous said...

Indian head nickel guy? I would say you look more like Jacques Cousteau.

Frog said...

Happy birthday Visible :)

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

There is Only One Power that Makes and Permits all Things.

Visible said...

Good afternoon, here is today's radio broadcast.

User Maat Re said...

We are fortunate this time to be here now to see it. It had been suggested before, but we were younger then. And it was not this time yet. Once seen, some things can never be unseen. Both dark and light. The contrast has been raised to 11. Still wanna watch?



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