Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet (if you are a dog).
♫Darkness, darkness, be my pillow♫ That's playing on up out of the subconscious of Metaphor Inferno. I'm giving it an 86, cause it's got a good beat and you can kill to it. Of course, as has ever been the case, ♫the knee bone is connected to the foot on the neck bone♫ You see the knee bone here and you see the foot on the neck bone here. It doesn't matter what direction you come out of, you will traverse some variation of darkness being the pillow of the evil dreamers. Then again, if, like myself you are a patterns type but not a seamstress, you are not unable to draw relationships to what has been already linked here ...and to origin focal points like this. If you are the sort that does not see patterns, you are caught up in the changing colors, spinning off of those big fabric mill rollers... endlessly spinning ...the colors are irrelevant to the cause and condition. You got to go up into the think tank cabals if you want to find out why blood crimson is the prevailing hue.
The, in your face, spectacle of ridiculous nonsense, has no limits. Certainly, you're going to hear about fantasy gas chambers, already convincingly proven to have not existed. It has been 70 years since the Hollywood concentration camp resorts got closed down. This means if you were ten years old at the time of the closing, you would be 80 now. If you were 10 years old back in their earlier time zone, you would be closer to 90 years old What is easily as magical as the 'official' fabricated death count, is the present day, hundreds of thousands, some say millions, of hollogramcaust survivors still pogo sticking up and down on that victim industry trampoline, doing back flips, front flips and even splits for those with the geriatric, pornographic, gymnastic fetish. Meanwhile, the descendants of the architects of the Holodomor, recreational mass murder spree. which is many, many, many times larger than the whole of the WW-2 concentration camp numbers, at least according to the official Red Cross numbers are still at it. The same people also were behind the Soviet mass murders which were many times larger than the Holodomor. Did I just mention this yesterday? Yeah... I did.
Inescapable facts are inescapable facts but they are meaningless if you don't give a shit one way or another. If you are being 'groomed' to get your news from Max Headroom and your history from Professors Beavis and Butthead, you're a naturalized citizen of Idiocracy. You're drinking Big Gulp's of Brawndo and you're a survivor, just like those survivors already mentioned, of the Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505, except it seems to have happened much earlier. Yes, the great garbage avalanche happened in the past, not in the future or maybe... maybe it has happened in both locations of that same river you can't step into twice. It makes me think of that short story at the back of Magister Ludi, where the guy goes to mediate on the bank of a river.
The level (that's a palindrome by the way and... ironic too?) of garbage is utterly amazing and tens of millions accept it as their daily ration, individually portioned and segmented into their little sections on the TV dinner tray. It's all the same garbage, differently colorized. Denial is a trolley car that carries them from one oasis of illusion to another. If you call attention to yourself as someone who does not see, out of the window of the car, what is being streamed for the purpose of deception, but instead see what is actually there, your bus pass gets revoked and your microphone is turned off. That's how it is at the moment. Big Time Change is before the parole board. He's coming out of the prison system. Mr Apocalypse hot-rodded his case through the appeals court and he's about to hit the street. In order for Big Change to get his walking around free card, levers had to be pulled and buttons had to be pushed in the underground factory from whence springs all manifestation, same as foliage comes up out of the ground; same process, different format.
The same old same old goes on for so long as the same blueprints get ferried from wherever the blueprints come from, down to the underground factory, via those pneumatic tubes. Nothing has come down those tubes in a long time that wasn't some permutation of same old same old. This is because every age of more or less 2200 years (and all of them are) is like a cassette stuck into a tape player or a CD stuck in a CD player. They are programmed but they are multidimensionally programmed. This means there is not just sound on the cassette or CD but also colors and shapes and people in outfits that move along the lines of progressive fashion accidents, in sequence with the particular technologies allocated for the period. You get stone age. You get bronze age and on and on, badly recorded of course but they run on up until a kind of near instantaneous is reached. Everything starts going too fast to get out of the way of it and Materialism flows like molasses, sticky and viscous but muy rapido. Night comes and darkness floods the land of cookie cutter forms, congealing into whatever the morrow brings. The sun comes up and everything is shining and glistening with the dew of the newly manifested. Comes the evening and it is all become shabby but... there's something about the way the lights hit the surfaces and it don't look all that bad through the atmosphere of glittering, narcotic dream smoke.
What the same old same old is composed of is not so much the rising and falling of replicating environments... moving to more and more lightweight synthetic compounds out of which the scenery is constructed. It's consciousness and the shared collective awareness of what is defined as real by the mass mind that wouldn't know real from a dead Elvis flash mob and that accounts for the slot car, on rails, penitentiary planet we presently inhabit where Ignorance is royalty, swanning about like gangbangers in Eight Ball jackets, pimp rolling through the apocalypse, as it were. Dumbass wears a crown. Dumbass is the emperor. You might think that that isn't Dumbass up their on the dais. Dumbass is the crowd genuflecting around Dumbass and... you could be right. Dumbass is the crowd and the emperor is whoever is the most corrupt and compromised by the puppeteers that own the currency presses. So... what you actually got is mostly Dumbass and completely Dumbass and then you got the ones that bought up Power and Light. They built the malls and the condos and the golf courses. They closed down the domestic manufacturing zones because they couldn't squeeze enough profit and they recreated the industrial base in third world countries where life and labor are cheap and the products are unsafe and creations of expedited obsolescence. When you print the money you can do anything you want and when money is your god, you cannot have too much.
Of course, your focus then becomes riveted on the high end returns and that means munitions, advanced weaponry, perpetual war ...and all the other things that used to be crimes and still are if you are not a member of the syndicate; for the privileged elite there are no punishable offenses. Disorder is the rule and disorder is a timed explosive. It doesn't have a fuse. It has an elastic wire and it follows the 'repent of the pull rule'. It's like critical mass.
All of those ages we were talking about, they got certain periods in them, sometimes it's a renaissance and sometimes it's the 60's or The Yellow Nineties. Sometimes it's a Thirty Years war or a world war. Sometimes it's an industrial revolution and sometimes... sometimes, it's an apocalypse. Every one of these has got their own rules that come embedded with the cassette. Still, they have a relative similarity and regardless of how liberal it might be in one zone, there is an intensity of the opposite somewhere else. However, with an apocalypse, everything is very different. It might start out slow but, Whoa! It will get up to speed and... when it is a Grand Apocalypse... anything can happen.
It's a blur out there. The confusion is intense. The noise of the flash bang grenades of sensation is stupefying and I'm guessing that is where Stupid comes from. You can't expect Stupid to eat right or do much of anything right. For some reason, Stupid is still around but not for long. Stupid has a poor shelf life. So does Clever, when you are in an apocalypse.
We are where we are until we are somewhere else. The latter depends of the former;
End Transmission........
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Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
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A couple of engaging articles by The Saker, the first of which is almost like a Vis 'rant', and the second of which is insights into Orthodox Christianity. Both with an interesting perspective...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
I had a thought I wanted to share with you, perhaps it might be useful for you. It's a title for an article I'd like to write myself, but I don't really have the knowledge to do so. The title would be "A day in the life of a righteous man."
The idea would be to see how a righteous man experiences and processes the kind of everyday situations and inputs that we all see in our daily lives. If this strikes you as something you might enjoy taking on as a topic for one of your essays, I know that I would greatly enjoy reading it, and would hopefully even learn some useful things. If this isn't useful to you, then thank you for reading this and thank you for your wonderful articles, I look forward to reading them every time you post a new one.
Best regards,
Vis,the free ride on the yellow stops when some of us "call attention to yourself as someone who does not see, out of the window of the car, what is being streamed for the purpose of deception, but instead see what is actually there, your bus pass gets revoked and your microphone is turned off. That's how it is at the moment. "
What we are witnessing is " that in the advanced stages of stupidity, a lack of ideas is compensated for by an excess of ideologies."
(CARLOS RUIZ ZAFON, The Angel's Game)
The proposition that "Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education.
or "Sometimes a man wants to be stupid if it lets him do a thing his cleverness forbids."(JOHN STEINBECK), diverts attention from the reality that apart from all the rolodex names of "elect" representatives' "artful' attitudes and official proclamations and stupefying hubris that insults our imagination is the question posed in the movie "Edge of darkness"
Thomas Craven: You had better decide whether you're hangin' on the cross... Or bangin' in the nails.
live long
The conundrum with that is that no really righteous man would think of himself as being one.
Two things.
First, while I don't believe in (the traditional) heaven and hell, it occurs to me that upon death, a righteous man, given a choice, would elect hell, so as to comfort those poor souls there condemned, and therefore, all souls would go to hell and heaven would be empty.
Second, I believe I read somewhere that any Jew who survived the war, anywhere in German-occupied territory, is considered a "holocaust survivor." IF that is true, that could account for the large number...
Liked this piece a lot.
It's got plenty of that ole' piss-n-vinegar mixed with a nice high quality.
Still say you're at your best, as a writer, when you're spittin' nails and spoilin' for a night flight to the hills,
To hell with the numbskulls; Let's keep rollin' ON.
Have at 'er and stay wise, bro.
Appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
Cheers with a glass half full.
Everybody can read your writing but only few can feel it.
Interesting what you said about the word 'level'. That's how you test a level. You turn it around and if it doesn't say the same thing; it's wrong. It's a lying level, which is a contradiction in terms. Our ancestors hid some meanings in the words. I'd be interested to know what the word for 'level' is in other languages.
Some good news:
Isaiah 3:19
'The shew of their countenance doth witness against them, and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves.'
"Why is that good news?", you ask. Because there's a higher hidden hand at work in it all, Like Elvee always says. They're emboldened to boast of their perversions, when they see that the pre-selected Oprah audience has their backs. They're safe in the cowardly mob, they think. At the heart of every fool is a coward.
... the secrets will be shouted from the rooftops. Without their own witness against themselves, there would be no witnesses. They took the bait.
The Shadow Factory by James Bamford (2009)
(additions in brackets are mine for clarity)
"Closer to home, America's two major telecom companies, AT&T and Verizon, have outsourced the bugging of their entire networks - carrying billions of American communications every day - to two mysterious companies [Narus and Verint] with very troubling foreign connections."
"While such tools as DCS-1000 [ex-Carnivore] and CIPAV are used on a small number of select targets, Verint and Narus are superintrusive - conducting mass surveillance on both international and domestic communications 24/7. What is especially troubling, but little known, is that both companies have extensive ties to a foreign country, Israel, as well as links to that country's intelligence service - a service with a long history of aggressive spying against the U.S." Then, "Although there has long been Congressional oversight of the telecom industry, there is virtually no oversight of the companies hired to do the bugging."
"Thus, by 2004, a large percentage of America's - and the world's - voice and data communications were passing through wiretaps built, installed, and maintained by a small, secretive Israeli company [Verint] run by former Israeli military and intelligence officers. Even more unnerving is the fact that Verint can automatically access the mega-terabytes of stored and real-time data secretly and remotely from anywhere, including Israel."
"PerSay [an 'advanced voice mining' Verint spinoff] is an example of how close and interconnected these companies are with Israel's intelligence community - a factor of great concern considering how much of their bugging equipment is now secretly hardwired into the American telecommunications system."
"The large Israeli firm NICE, like Verint and Narus, is also a major eavesdropper in the U.S., and like the other two, it keeps its government and commercial client list very secret. A key member of the Wiretappers' Ball, it was formed in 1986 by seven veterans of Unit 8200 [Israel's version of the NSA]."
"Thus, virtually the entire American telecommunications system is bugged by two Israeli-formed companies with possible ties to Israel's eavesdropping agency - with no oversight by Congress."
"This concern over the cozy relationship between the [FBI] bureau and Verint greatly increased following disclosure of the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping operations. At the same time that the tappers and the agents have grown uncomfortably close, the previous checks and balances, such as the need for a FISA [court] warrant, have been eliminated."
"But with the [2008] elections coming up and Democrats worried about being labeled weak on national security, the Bush administration largely got its way on July 9 when the Senate went along with the House and passed the FISA Amendments Act. The new law provides what amounts to legal immunity to the telecoms, weakens the authority of the FISA court, and gives freer range to NSA in targeting suspected terrorists abroad."
"Even without the warrantless powers granted by President Bush, obtaining personal information has become much easier with the passage of the Patriot Act and the frequent use of 'national security letters', which do not require probable cause or court approval." Then, "The revised CALEA not only makes it a crime for any company, such as Microsoft, to refuse to cooperate, it also makes it a crime for company officials to disclose such cooperation."
"There is now the capacity to make tyranny total in America. Only law ensures that we never fall into that abyss - the abyss from which there is no return."
Eduardo Galeano whimsically captures the essence of contemporary “democracies:”:
“The other day, I heard about a cook who organized a meeting of birds - chickens, geese, turkeys, peasants, and ducks. And I heard what the cook told them. The cook asked them with what sauce they would like to be cooked.
One of the birds, I think it was a humble chicken, said, ‘We don’t want to be cooked in whichever way.’
And the cook explained, ‘This topic was not on the agenda.’
It seems to me interesting, that meeting, for it is a metaphor for the world. The world is organized in such a way that we have the right to choose the sauce in which we shall be eaten.”
People. Please. What you are reading here from Les' pen is Ezra Pound and Jack Kerouac and the Watcher on the Wall all combined and advanced and suited to the times. Take it from the beggar, who is old enough to have known 'beats 'and angels.
This ol' boy Les, he ain't perfect, but he has got something going, a live wire, a crystal set to 'Big Change'.
How Les posts these things, time and again, I've no idea. Of course he sometimes misses the ball, but other times he hits it right out of the park.
The ages come and go, sometimes 30 years or more of war and Soros, sometimes it is an age of enlightenment and joy, jubilee. So it is.
Beware...don't be on the wrong side, the side of materialism and death. Be happy, my hearties...
Say hello to Mr. Big Change. "The Kingdom of God is at hand". Close enough to touch.
-The beggar man
A new Petri Dish is up now-
The Dawning of the Sun of Reality in the Age of Brotherhood.
Visible's (late, late) Sunday radio show is finally up...
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
The Departments of Fantasy and Aberrant Fiction.
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