Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your paws always have the right directional GPS.
Every so often we point out that a mini golden age is coming. That’s pretty logical because there are things going on in the realm of technology that are soon to shake the world; probably in a negative sense as well, given that the military industrial complex burrows like a termite and wallows like a bloated pig in anything and everything that comes up and which they can apply to the commerce of killing people who are somehow standing in the way of commerce, or are simply handy for the purpose of test kills; like Palestinian children. Israel know how to treat kids but... let’s stay on track with that golden age and not focus overly on those that we know are maliciously and satanically devoted to bringing Hell directly up on to the Planet Earth; probably so that they will feel more at home.
So... on that matter, there is this. That is only one of any number of quantum leaping breakthroughs, that are waiting restless and breathless like, in the wings for their moment to transform that portion of the world to which they apply. There are good things and bad things interacting simultaneously. The bad things, like the good things, start out as ideas and then whatever shepherd or basilisk herds that idea, sees to it that it catches the shuttle into the manifest.
There are people out there doing good things; feeding the homeless, setting a good example on various levels in various theaters of operation, working in prisons and moving through the ass end of society to minister to drunks, drug addicts and the deranged. That is certainly a minority. The majority is composed of mindless consumers and sensation junkies. Then... at the other end are the monsters of the moment, the Satanists, Zionists, Israelis and all of the leaders in all of the countries that they control through their world wide, criminal banking syndicate, masquerading as a nation. Inside their minds is a radiant black snake of evil with its tail in its mouth. It’s not like the snake of the Ancient Egyptians, symbolizing certain eternal verities. This is also a snake that is eating itself but it is an evil snake, consuming itself after another fashion, acting out the perpetuating truth that evil destroys itself. It is an intrinsic feature of evil to destroy itself and anyone stupid; reckless, corrupt, arrogant or similar, standing close enough to it when it goes into combustion.
The more I look at the situation, the more I see something like all those cloverleaf highway structures that you see around LA or any city where they are in proliferation. Lets say that each one of these highways is color coded and the people moving on each one is bathed in the light of that color as they go. Some of these highways are on an incline and some on a decline and some are just moving on the horizontal and they are all headed somewhere. Let’s say that each of these highways are composed, as everything is anyway, of vibration and depending on the identifying facets of each vibration a certain magnetic resonance is emitted and each of them exerts a pull upon every entity that resonates on that wavelength. It’s like color coded slot cars to the sewers and the stars. It is likely that in many cases, those traveling on these roads, especially the roads that are going down don’t have a clue about where they are headed, or why they were ever here in the first place. If they knew, they wouldn’t be going that way in the first place.
A lot of the time when you go wrong, it starts out as a slight, possibly near unnoticeable detour from your previous course. It could be that this continues; one slight deviation after another. Eventually you are going in a direction much different than you had been and the further out you get the wider the distance between the original course and the present course. You would think people would be made aware of what is happening to them by the simple observation of the environments they are passing through; the things that happen, the kind of people they meet but... the series of nudges and leadings that took them astray were not great enough to register. The increments were too subtle.
It takes a pretty constant focus to stay on course, if you are going the right way. It’s like dust on a mirror. Leave a mirror sitting anywhere for long enough and soon there will be sufficient dust so that no reflection can be seen. You have to attend to the mirror because 500 tons of dust falls on the Earth every day. The mind is the same way. The mind has to be kept free of the garbage clutter, the astral garbage that is everywhere in the Sargasso Sea of the Kali Yuga mind. If you don’t pay attention to the details of conscious living, eventually you won’t be conscious any more, in some way or another.
Around the whole of the Earth there is a thick invisible web and out of that web all of the things of this world are generated. Anyone whose attention gets set on any of these things causes the web to vibrate and different events can take place following this. I’ll leave that to your imagination.
You look around you at the state of the world. You see elephantine behemoths pounding each other in the panty section of some UK big box store. It could be the price or it could be the designer, Omar the Tentmaker, that draws the combatants. Freakish things come to pass, deep in the festering intestines of material darkness. People become crazed. They run berserk. They trample their offspring beneath their feet in the pursuit of Crap. You can’t enlighten them. You can’t reason with them. You can’t reach them. They’re locked in on that color coded switchback highway, headed wherever the sum of their intentions has provided as a place for them. Look on the bright side. Even if your only contribution here is as compost, you are contributing. Everything serves the whole, one way or another.
Meanwhile, a golden age of boundless energy and formerly undiscovered resources loom on the horizon, coalescing in the invisible atmosphere, precipitating down into form, like mist solidifying. It applies where it applies. Some portion of everything presently familiar has to go. Out with the old and in with the new. The bankrupt systems and Hollywood House infrastructure of institutions and rules of engagement, which presently exist only for the benefit of the people who own the slaughterhouse, are crumbling into ruin.
The most significant feature of the moment is the crypto Zionist, Saudi oil war. Dialectic ‘materialist’, Karl Marx once said that all wars are wars of commerce. He didn’t say it exactly like that but that is what... what he said meant. A war of commerce is being waged against those whose politics don’t mesh with central banker plans. That war is being waged against those countries that rely on the profits generated by their own energy trading. The Saudi rulers are a truly vile aggregate of psychopaths. There are no limits to the kind of inhuman cruelty they will engage in to further their ends. This kind of thing is a walk in the park by comparison.
Those consumed by evil do not see what is coming after them. Their whole focus is on whatever nasty plots they are trying to carry out. It’s like people with some degree of offensive skill in fighting. They are at a disadvantage with an alert defense that waits on it. It’s like that old reference about not starting fights, only finishing them.
The strutting, preening, ego raging, bombastic and insufferable stone cold cowards who are killing on a wholesale level, to counter the bone rattling fear at their core, are up against something like all that. They will never see it coming. That’s how it is when you are only thinking about yourself. Only thinking about yourself means you will never enjoy life or get anywhere near the real meaning of it. Only thinking of yourself means that Love will not come around you. You can fool yourself with clever imitations of the real thing, the same as you have fooled yourself into thinking you are real but... eventually... when it’s too late, you will be given ample time to repent at your leisure, or not. In some cases, in the blink of an eye, you are transported into an entirely different realm of existence and there’s no coming back to the former particular episode, so quickly vacated. All things in time. All things in time.
I used to love to fight. I thought it was fun and no doubt people thought I was crazy but I found sparring exhilarating. It keeps one in shape, youthful and alert. Those days slipped away without my being aware of it. Years have passed since I was so affiliated and will probably not return. Most conflicts, I now realize, can be resolved before they ever occur. They can be resolved before the potential combatant is even aware of opportunity or motive. By mysterious ways they both depart as if they never were and, in fact, they never were. I don’t know that it takes two to tango but in this instance...
Ta’i Chi is an interesting art. Most people don’t realize it is also an effective fighting art but that is something that comes into play later on as far as instruction goes. I knew a guy Lou Findley. He passed on years ago. When skeptics would try to argue with him about the gentle use of force he would cite the example of hitting a table leg with a bare toe while simply walking. One time my friend Michael Green said to him. This is all bullshit. I could punch you in the face and you couldn’t do anything about it, Lou told him to go ahead and so Michael did. As the punch approached, Lou caught the wrist with two fingers and turned the punch right back into Michael’s mouth.
One time I was at a beach party on Maui. It was one of those 1st year birthday parties for someone’s kid. That is a particular Hawaiian tradition. There were coolers of beer and in my mind the particular cooler was filled with Budweiser. Without paying a lot of attention I pulled a beer out and twisted the cap off. I took a drink and thought, “What?” It was a Steinlager... heh heh... an interesting event I’m not likely to duplicate. I’ve learned a lot of lessons in this life. Earlier on I wasn’t paying the kind of attention I should have, These days it seems like that is all I do.
End Transmission.......
Sunday’s radio broadcast is up now.
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I've only read half of the post, but I will say: A solid warning (about an incrementally changed direction), and a solid piece of advice, about near constant effort. Now it's going allright, I think, but I will remember them, and I will heed them, Inshallah. - Thanks Visible!
besides that, I've been laughing. Impressive how you can make such gruesome things into laughable absurdities, haha :)
And... Galen, I was touched by the comment you posted in the last mirrors. A well-written "lament". I don't know much of anything, but I'll ask you not to be too hard on yourself. (I am of the opinion that) There is a certain balance to be found between discipline and gentleness with oneself. If it soothes you, I know the feeling you describe, and I will tell you, it can and will pass, either through effort or through grace (for me it has most often been a combination, I think). I don't know, I just felt you there, when I read it, and so this is my maybe misunderstood advice (without the sligthest doubt, I do not have a comprehensive awareness of your situation) and a "hello, galen! :)"
Best Wishes, Everyone. May the Lord shine bright in your Hearts and your lives.
msm-hasbara sells anti-russian sentiment
alternative-hasbara sells anti-american sentiment
anti-american sentiment makes as much sense as anti-russian sentiment
the fiddlers on the roof are laughing … repackaging, renaming, their old house of lies into a new one … but if cows can see through them, why do they think they can fool god
i see a lot of fiddlers heading off on ‘vacation’ … something diabolical is being planned for the stampede
Thanks, Thomas, I appreciate the caring. Your insights and today's post by Visible are very healing and motivational.
Yeah, I'm a little vague, not so much a privacy thing as it is about being embarrassed. But I like to show how I can get in my own way. It's hardly ever anything external that trips me up. I dive into my changes like an Olympic champion making myself forget that sometimes there's no water in the pool. But like you say, I always know it will pass and so crash just long enough to explore the empty pool. You'd be surprised who's down there (grin).
Thomas, you have a steadfast heart, likely a Samwise of our time.
Love 101
There are soooooo many reasons why this short vid is beautiful and important. Too many to name, but I'll just say I sure do hope little girls will always be little girls. And the same for little boys. There's a sacredness to gender, charming and endearing.
Oops I let the cow in... 6 min:
Thomas is a fantastic person. We had a wonderful few days of visit when I was in rehab, recovering from my faked broken hip (grin).
I am finding some fantastic rentals on Craigs list; especially in and around Pahoa heh heh of course but that works for me. I'll just make sure I have enough supplies so it doesn't matter if I am cut off.
Vis: "...those cloverleaf highway structures that you see around LA or any city where they are in proliferation."
This brought up for me the UK roundabout 'scene'. First, I thought they were stupid and old-fashioned, as I traveled over them. Then, I was kind of sad, because I realized why they were (still) there. You can 'drop' a cloverleaf highway structure, and it will be out for months if not years. However, if you bomb a roundabout, you can just bring out a bulldozer and be functional in hours...
(Nothing like what you were talking about, of course, but the realization made a major impression on me...)
Vis: "If you don’t pay attention to the details of conscious living, eventually you won’t be conscious any more, in some way or another."
I can't tell you how many times 'little things' of something somehow being 'off' have turned into major 'aha's' of someone intruding or interfering. Over the years, I have learned that it is much easier on me, the earlier I can catch the "slight deviations" resulting from psychic interference. Probably one of the root-wisdoms of "Know Thyself."
Vis: "Meanwhile, a golden age of boundless energy and formerly undiscovered resources loom on the horizon, coalescing in the invisible atmosphere, precipitating down into form, like mist solidifying."
Just a note that what I call the 'Turning' is still there and still 'moving', whatever that means. I check-in every once in a while to confirm it hasn't gone away. It hasn't...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Coruscant L'amore,
Hubby is an engineer and looked at the new water to fuel system. He concluded that it would be far too expensive. N. Tesla is the way to go I believe, which is why his name has been all but obliterated from mainstream learning.
Cheers Kazz
Karen Norman: "N. Tesla is the way to go I believe, which is why his name has been all but obliterated from mainstream learning."
I just ran into this, from "The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock, p301:
"Sidney Kirkpatrick was the first person allowed full access to the [Edgar] Cayce archives, including all the original names - and that's how we now know that Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison both had professional interaction with Edgar Cayce from 1905 to 1907. This almost certainly meant Tesla had at least one reading."
Wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall at that (those) meetings?!?
To the second half of your sentence (p.302), "ahem":
"Unfortunately, two separate fires at Cayce's photography studio destroyed all the records from Cayce's early years, including any readings he may have done for Tesla. Additional correspondence between Tesla, Thomas Edison, and Cayce was 'also later destroyed by a well-meaning but short-sighted volunteer at the Edgar Cayce archive in Virginia Beach.'"
Hmmm, almost like someone wanted this hidden...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Just came across this - had to share, though there is probably a more appropriate spot.
@ Galen
What a lovely video. i guess it is really more related to the natural order :)
If i rise early in the morning i am blessed to be able to watch so many birds and insects singing with joy as they simply gaze at the morning sun. if you look closely you can see they all have different faces - and charachters. I even have TUK KAE's (big, very powerfull lizards) that live in my roof - or near to. When they show themselfs I have seen them dance to classical music being played by my son on the piano. They will exhange a look that says 'ok, i know you don't want to hurt me and i certainly wouldnt; want to hurt you'. Even the snakes that come around here quite often mean no harm and will only attack on the defensive. (althoug one of my dogs got bit a few months back but she was trying to play and mr snake wasn't so amused:)
There are even elephants which come to feed only a few meters - sometimes as close as just a meter - from my back wall.
Seems that most of us humans have lost so much contact with the natrual world and order.
Take a look at this short video - to match yours - ha :)
@ Galen
And as if by magic. Not a very clear picture look to top left of center of the video. You will see a Mahout grazing his charge. They often come alone and need to be coaxed away by their Mahout. Must be some tasty pickings over my wall :)
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Zen and the Art of Cancer and other Living Things.
Thanks, insiam. You make me want to go outside. (grin) And I was just about to post the rescued cow vid when there it was from you. This might be a time of the cows speaking to us, yelling, you might say. I want to be around them. What a miracle you have out your door. I must now go see what is out mine. No elephants, but a stray chicken who adopted me. I think she speaks in tongues. :)
Must be the season of the cow.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
Racing Down the Highway in Stolen Cars.
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