Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Shadow Cast is not what Cast It.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Watching something called “The Queen of Versailles”; unintentionally funny here and there and tragically sad elsewhere. It gives you a real insight into how people with an exclusive material focus get the way they do. For someone like myself, you cringe at the sight of it and the kind of children they produce are nightmarish in their lack of vision, personal drive, human potential and the habit patterns that being rich engenders. If you add in a complete lack of taste; along the lines of wanting to build something as kitschy as an homage to Versailles and it come with a fashion perspective that includes faux (or real) animal furs... it’s what it is. You certainly learn something about banks and mortgage companies. They got to go, with prejudice, regardless of the fact that most of their clients are as fatuous as the bankers are greedy. All the caricatures you see about bankers are understated because there really isn't a way to show the degree of spiritual depravity they have manifested in themselves.

These are truly uncertain times and there is no escaping your being aware of it, since you live in it and have costs like rent or mortgage, maintaining a car, food, clothing and whatever comes with your particular lifestyle. Like you, I am aware of the pressure; real or imagined (out of an undisciplined subconscious). I sit at the gateway to my mind and I observe the thoughts of, “How will I maintain myself once I get where I am going?” “Will the authorities take exception to my complete lack of respect for them and my knowing what corrupt clowns they are, or will my act be polished enough (grin)?” I don’t have to list all of the mental post it notes that come and go. You all have some version of this, unless you are exceptional.

Where I depart from many is that I put a boot in the ass of these thoughts when they show up. They don’t belong to me. They are generated through an atavistic channel and are part of the day to day operations of dark entities that feed off of insecurity, fear and all the attendant tasty little morsels. Yes... this is their food and when you feed them they get larger and larger, until they are larger than you; or appear to be. It is a definite example of an illusionary shadow cast by a much smaller object so as to appear to be more than it is. Whatever the seeming size, it would be irrelevant because actually it is not real. Relatively speaking, everything in your life is as real as you have made it and impacts accordingly.

When negative thought projections for the future come into my mind, I send them on their way and quite often will introduce positive replacements where they had just been, reminding myself that even in my most desperate hours I was taken care of and even when I was thrown into the shit, I came back out of it. Those times will not repeat because the person they happened to is no longer resident. The person remaining also has all kinds of skills developed over time that are negotiable in the bazaar (bizarre) of cosmic interplay. Certainly there is as much potential for the positive as the negative. In what direction do you shine the light of your attention? Meditation is a positive enterprise. Negative meditation exists as well. One form of it is worry. There are all kinds of negative meditation and people do it every day without realizing that that is what it is; negative meditation.

It is a natural extension of being an inhabitant of this time zone to be subjected to negative think. Not only is insecurity, on every level, something that the material world creates, as surely as it creates all of the items the insecurity relates to BUT... there is an enormous amount of thoughts of this nature that travel on slipstreams; that travel on currents in the air (overseen by The Prince of the Air) just like the winds and ocean currents that move upon the surface of this world. These thoughts are generated by the millions who live in desperation upon the cusp of madness. These thoughts are like fish that swim in the waters and birds that fly on the air. They are as real as anything else is; thoughts are things. Thoughts are the composition of ideas. Emotions are the blueprints and schematic of shaped manifestation. As these precipitate downward they enter ‘the formative region’ where the process of becoming physical takes place and finally it appears on the showroom floor, which can be the sidewalk, an empty lot, a maternity ward, a Wal-Mart shelf, a car accident, an argument, an inheritance and so on and so forth. If you are affected by the end result, you were a part of the genesis of its creation.

Now, ‘Argos’ is playing, courtesy of CIA tools in the entertainment business. I had been boycotting this along with “Zero Dark Thirty” and other dream shit serenades but... I’ll watch this because of knowing what it is, I can see the sophistry and propaganda as it is presented. Knowing something different than what is being shown, in respect of what is being shown, reinforces ones awareness of the lie.

If some insecurity brings itself to your attention, send it back where it came from. Does it belong to you? Responsibilities are not insecurities. Intuition is not outuition. You handle what you encounter and profit from whatever guides you. In some cases that is nothing more than experience and often experience is automatic. Your system has learned what works from past experience and repeats the formula. If I tell you that 2+2 is 4 you concur, unless you are one of those pretentious and argumentative assholes who can find exceptionalism through manipulating the laws of physics, such as adding together two chemicals of a certain volume where the combination results in less than the sum of the two parts. Yeah... this is a fact but generally and for our purposes, 2+2 is 4. Now... if you do not accept in your thinking and support in your feeling what you cannot verify on a sensory level, for some, 2+2 is no longer 4. It becomes a maybe, maybe not ...because you are ‘maybe, maybe not’ Don’t be that way. Be sure, just about anything can be proven out if... it is true to begin with AND... you have the right mental tools and acumen. Socrates once proved complicated mathematical truth through an illiterate 16 year old boy just by asking the right questions.

You look at laws of Nature and you go, “Yeah. I see that proven every day.” You look at metaphysical laws of Nature and you hesitate, even though they prove out every time as well. The only difference between the physical and the metaphysical is that the metaphysical moves beyond the bandwidth of the senses. You can’t see around a corner but... then again, in many respects you can, certainly math sees around corners AND... if you have been around that corner before, even if it was made possible by your occupying a mental state beyond what you normally possess, what you saw is still there, even if you can’t see it.

Are you here for a reason? I am. I have had it proven over and over to me and it keeps on keeping on. This means I am maintained by that reason or cause; FOR THE DURATION OF MY USEFULNESS.

As Lao Tzu said;

“Be utterly humble
And you shall hold to the foundation of peace.
Be at one with all these living things which, having arisen and flourished,
Return to the quiet whence they came,
Like a healthy growth of vegetation
Falling back upon the root.
Acceptance of this return to the root has been called 'quietism,'
Acceptance of quietism has been condemned as 'fatalism.'
But fatalism is acceptance of destiny
And to accept destiny is to face life with open eyes,
Whereas not to accept destiny is to face death blindfold.
He who is open-eyed is open-minded-
He who is open-minded is open-hearted,
He who is open-hearted is kingly,
He who is kingly is godly,
He who is godly is useful,
He who is useful is infinite,
He who is infinite is immune,
He who is immune is immortal.”

Brand that upon your consciousness. It’s a law just like all the laws you know about except it isn't in the common parlance but... there is nothing common about it. If you attempt something and you fail at it, this does not necessarily mean that you were not up to the task. There could be all kinds of reasons for it, including it being the wrong day. It could mean you weren't up to it but you should never narrow your options of perception in that way. We suffer much of what we suffer by looking only at the surface of things. We suffer much of what we suffer by refusing to change our views and ways of doing things, even when experience proves to us that we are in the wrong. We don’t learn from experience and that is why we are here in the first place; for experience or to experience.

I had a couple of dustups with people in recent times and a couple of much more serious encounters earlier in the year. I’m not going to carry any of them with me. Forgiveness is complete. On the other end that may be neither believed nor reciprocated and in some cases, forgiveness on the other side is inapplicable and irrelevant but... forgiveness is NOT acceptance nor does it require you to let the same people back into your orbit. Some might not understand that but you owe no explanation. There is no requirement for you to have to go through the same thing again. What do you do when people have expectations of you that you cannot meet? It means, at the very least, that they don’t know who you are in the first place or they wouldn't have such expectations. You can forgive people and sincerely wish them well but you DO NOT have to open the door of your life to them over and over; that’s a dysfunction on your part. Codependency is an example of that. Regardless of whatever it is they might be insistent upon, you are not so obligated.

Some people you cannot allow into your life because the very thing that attracts them to you is what they come to resent you for. Some people have done no work on themselves, are lazy and self indulgent, are used to living off of the good will of family or others who they believe are obligated to take them as they are. In some cases they are proud of their ability to use others. They think they are smarter than you are and intend to prove it by attempting to dishonor you. They haven’t earned the right to possess what they covet and they aren't going to acquire it either. Ergo... they begin to hate you because you live by what you say and they only pretend to. In this day of instant everything, people want instantly what it is not possible to get that way.

People come into your life presenting one face but you will certainly see their real face at some point. I am fully prepared to accept the face they show me as their real face until they show me their other face. I am also (these days) perfectly content to be watchful in the interim. Initially in any relationship, people are more tolerant than they later prove to be. They extend latitude, while not forgetting for one minute whatever offenses there may be on your part that they let slip by at the moment and which YOU WILL PAY FOR LATER ON by hearing about it over and over and over again. Sooner or later, feeling secure in their right to be there and trading on the familiarity, they begin making demands. They want what they want and that is not necessarily what you want. You must have your ‘No’ and you must have your ‘Yes’. When you know what these are, you are in the right place.

You can be what someone else wants you to be but it will cost you and that is different by degree for everyone, or... you can be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. People can be outrageous in their delusions. From where did they get the power to tell you how to be, when... having told them how you are, they decide they don’t like that and attack you for it? This is not only delusional but irrational and impractical as well because behaving in such a matter guarantees they will NEVER gain whatever it was they thought they wanted but... such is human nature when it is in its usual undisciplined form. People are self-centric. You can move among them and you can be around them but never forget what you are dealing with and don’t make promises that you can’t or won’t keep. People that you have never met or spoken to, do not have the right to yell at you because your philosophy doesn't include them in the fashion they demand it to.

You have an intrinsic right to be yourself. People you let into your life, seek to refashion you to their tastes. Society impacts on you constantly. Evil mechanics are employed for conditioning by those who run both the government and industry. It is understandable that you might be affected by these... But- you are always stronger than what is acting upon you, regardless of becoming convinced otherwise. If you do not, 'live free or die', you will surely die. However the road to that guaranteed result is unpleasant to say the least and if you could talk to your real self, that self would wholeheartedly concur. Being yourself is not the same as taking off all your clothes and running through the neighborhood. It doesn't mean acting impulsively or being in fear that your being yourself will result in conflict with the world. Being yourself is acting naturally, cue Ringo Star. Being yourself has power that not being yourself does not have. You have cosmic authority because you know where the power lies.

You DO NOT have to live a life of quiet desperation. You do not have to be subject to constant bouts of misfortune. You must study how your mind works and the manner in which you feel. You have to understand how things affect you and why they affect you that way. You have to have a light touch and be able to let things go. Let people think what they like because you didn't satisfy their unsatisfiable cravings for something they can’t even identify and which isn't even what they want in the first place which is why they are unsatisfiable. You can’t fill a bucket with a hole in the bottom and you can’t transport clean water in a dirty bucket. What does that mean? Heh heh.

And... of course... here is an update on The Queen of Versailles; typical, of course, for the Kali Yuga AND of course... can reality TV be far behind? See the end of the article.

End Transmission.......

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Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, 'Ash and The Whine' is a not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right - but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times...

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Anonymous said...

another giant takes a fall. Bill Cosby; 'America's Dad'. Is he a monster? Maybe.


barbarossa58 said...

A black man in a 1960's television show? Already soul (no pun intended) bought by the evil...

galen said...

Off topic, but. . . BCII, it's been buggin' me that I did not say thank you to you for a compliment you offered a few posts back. I never did do well with compliments. But anyway, to quiet the bugging... Thank you; much appreciated.

Vis, thanks for today's post. Been healing insecurity all my life. Come a long way but some residue still pops up at the most inconvenient times. I will take your directive and "...put a boot in the ass of these thoughts..." (quite an image). And with worrying thoughts, too. Some teacher once told me that to worry is to take your precious energy and put it in the garbage. MEGA WASTE! Still, I do fall prey now and then. But on we go, polishing the diamond, and no matter how tarnished, it's always there waiting to shine. There's no one I don't see it in.


Pennsylvanian said...

To Vis, a brother in Spirit, whose words have taught me much about where to look, and how to look, and how to see what the looking reveals, how to understand what is seen, and how to express that understanding...I offer only this meager gift in return...From "The Essential Rumi" (Tr. by Barks), page 109:

This being human is a guest house,
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Ray B. said...

Vis, nice Column. Some deep truths...

Vis: "...the kind of children they produce are nightmarish in their lack of vision, personal drive, human potential and the habit patterns that being rich engenders."

I believe that this is one of the 'truths' behind the King Arthur saga. Young Arthur is not raised 'in court', but by a commoner. He is not 'spoiled' with an aristocratic personality. Not only that, his apprenticeship to Merlin allows for his freedom from the shackles of materialism.
Vis: "Meditation is a positive enterprise. Negative meditation exists as well. One form of it is worry."

Well said! Not too many people 'get it'...
Vis: "It is a natural extension of being an inhabitant of this time zone to be subjected to negative think. ...there is an enormous amount of thoughts of this nature that travel on slipstreams... These thoughts are generated by the millions who live in desperation upon the cusp of madness."

Kind of a synchronicity here. I have just started reading "The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock. In it, he presents experiments done by far-thinkers that prove that everybody basically senses everything. This includes thoughts and feelings of others. It is theorized that somewhere down in our subconscious there is some form of 'filter' that edits-out the vast majority of this, so we won't be literally overwhelmed. Hypnosis and various apparatus that 'finger' body responses can get around this 'editing'. (Probably certain pharmacological substances, also... *grin*)

My thought is that "negative think" (and negative emotions) traveling this way may influence the culture far more than we realize. Perhaps it is not 'edited out' entirely, and forms an 'atmosphere' that we are wading-through and being conditioned-by. That would explain a lot of things.

(If they know this situation, I also wonder whether this 'effect' has been 'weaponized' by various bad guys...)
Vis: "If you are affected by the end result, you were a part of the genesis of its creation."

Again, well said! A deep truth. One of my teachers told us to really watch what we said and emoted. Then, when it manifested down the road, we should either thank ourselves (and all-God) for initiating it or be very careful not to fall into the unconscious habit-pattern that precipitated the unfortunate happening...

Again, good Column!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Thomas said...

Sweet Vis.

"be utterly humble ..." . trying, trying and trying. Pride is one of my issues at the moment. Well, maybe it isn't monstrous, but still, too much for my liking. God is ultimately responsible, not me. It must be like that! (They say it is - and I do believe they're right) But funnily, everytime my ego starts getting bloated, I am able to pop it, or when it builds its fantasy castles, they quickly crumble to dust, because the foundations do not hold. Hah! That's the best way, I think. I hope and pray to subdue it completely and put it to service of the All. Always, there is the Peace and Space and Silent, mild Joy underneath and around, that I interpret as a little touch of the Lord. Meditation-born, or rather discovered by, I suppose. Oh, we are far from perfect (well, you're maybe not THAT far, but that's a matter between you and God - I'm not one to know about that), but with the right attitude (persist, persist, persist!), it will end well. As the Gita says somewhere, paraphrasing, better to do the right thing badly than another thing splendidly, and better to die trying to improve than to stop trying.

Thanks Les,

with wishes of Peace and Joy, the Real Stuff, not the fickle evanescent material expressions, for you All. Hare Krishna!

Eudoxia said...

Brilliant writing Viz - as so often more than not I was heavily engaged in this topic just yesterday. Then bingo here it is on the dish.

Ray B said "Kind of a synchronicity here. I have just started reading "The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock. In it, he presents experiments done by far-thinkers that prove that everybody basically senses everything. This includes thoughts and feelings of others. It is theorized that somewhere down in our subconscious there is some form of 'filter' that edits-out the vast majority of this, so we won't be literally overwhelmed. Hypnosis and various apparatus that 'finger' body responses can get around this 'editing'. (Probably certain pharmacological substances, also... *grin*)"

I'm certainly no fan of Wilcock but I can't fault the content here. When I was on San Pedro aside from everybody and I mean EVERYBODY was on a shared consciousness. There was one guy who was walking around with a drum - a native American Indian drum and the vibration being emitted was something else. He knew exactly who to be around and what vibration/s were needed with that particular being no talking necessary. These psychoactive substances not only bridge the gap of human to human consciousness but provided a bridge to plant human consciousness as well. At one point when I was in the forest, we were walking down an old snig track and I was pulled into a certain area that had been seriously logged and was a mess. It was like the loggers had been on a rampage. The intense pain and suffering that overtook me went beyond grief. I was sobbing uncontrollably and the longer I stayed there the more intense the pain became. If you can imagine a tree version of the opening scene of Apocalypto you would be close.

I also saw Castaneds's flyers or what Don Jon Matus referred to as both the flyers and the mind parasite. I'm not sure if I've posted this here, I've posted it somewhere though! My attention was pulled to an empty space (which we all know isn't really empty) a screen appeared the size of a door showing something going on on the screen. Anyway every time one of these black slug things/flyers would splat down on the ground, a new screen would come down over the top of the previous one showing a different reality etc. This happened for about - guessing here really say 20 minutes. Then I started to laugh uncontrollably at just the pure fucking bullshit of the parasitic mind and the way it goes about it's business of producing daily mind propaganda. Everybody who has really done any work of themselves knows full well about the parasitic mind abomination - Viz snorts his out. No point analysing this shit you just have to let it go, disown it or snort it like Viz does -grin- Good advice Viz. No point in trying to explain this to anybody who has not done the work. They just look at you as if you have lost your mind, when in fact you are trying very hard to do just that!

McKenna Fan said...

This warning reminded me of a point Terence McKenna made: Whereas non-psychedelic seekers are trying their hardest to go faster, and get ahead, once you found the sacraments, you're putting on the brakes, instead.

I suppose this is the Wiki-warning version of that-

"WARNING: The Walking Dead Wiki is updated to include all information about the comic series, novels, video games, and television show, including character statuses and current storyline plot-points. If you are not caught up to the current issue, Issue 134, the current episode, "Consumed", the latest novel, Descent, or the current Video Game episode, "No Going Back", you should be VERY careful regarding what pages you visit."

Yes. The Walking Dead. A well-executed extended metaphor and contemplation of our current state of affairs.

Alan Jong said...

This blog got me to ponder why some people turn on you, and I don't speak for them, but being a reader of your blogs almost 5 years now I can speak for myself here and say that at times I've hated what I was reading, why? Because of the contradictions. I guess a kind of cognitive dissonance in that in some of your illustrative characterizations of people I was able to fall into a vacuum of dehumanizing them, but all those emotions and uncomfortable feelings arising in Me were to my benefit in that they helped me to learn about thing inherent in my nature. That which is inherent in my nature is that even the worst offenders a.k.a"Those Pigs in Kevlar Blankets at The Molotov Cocktail" or whom ever are still Human with both spiritual, and material needs, as vulnerable, as any other human being. Consciousness is a self-centered state from any perspective, because it is patterned after the galaxy in a subjective way. The stars are also patterned after galaxies with them at the center, and so consciousness makes you the center of the universe from your perspective, and it's not an illusion because the objective evidence is there across the universe. All life unto itself is the center of the universe, but not all life is self-aware, that's what makes us different, the tree the seahorse, the mouse, and the lion, they are one with the whole, and so are we, but we have individuated awareness. The self-centered state of consciousness after the image of God can play out on this material plane in the most obscene way worthy of all criticism laid upon it. It can also play out in the depths of works like yours, you have used your time to open your consciousness and that has brought you to a point where you share day after day a heart on its thrown, a soul pouring over creation the best of itself. what you write can benefit your readers to learn more about themselves by what arises in them. Life itself is full of contradictions, and so is language, art or anything Human beings do for that matter. So now when I read your blogs it's not a negative experiences. In the past some were good some were bad.

Anonymous said...

@Alan Jong

Skeletor love!

isiam said...

@Alan Jong ....

Trying to appear too clever in ones writing makes one look a little mad :)

I guess that you may undestand what you are trying to say. Then again maybe you don't!

Then again maybe it is just me and you're simply too cool for school.


Eudoxia said...

Brilliant writing Viz - as so often more than not I was heavily engaged in this topic just yesterday. Then bingo here it is on the dish.

Ray B said "Kind of a synchronicity here. I have just started reading "The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock. In it, he presents experiments done by far-thinkers that prove that everybody basically senses everything. This includes thoughts and feelings of others. It is theorized that somewhere down in our subconscious there is some form of 'filter' that edits-out the vast majority of this, so we won't be literally overwhelmed. Hypnosis and various apparatus that 'finger' body responses can get around this 'editing'. (Probably certain pharmacological substances, also... *grin*)"

I'm certainly no fan of Wilcock but I can't fault the content here. When I was on San Pedro aside from everybody and I mean EVERYBODY was on a shared consciousness. There was one guy who was walking around with a drum - a native American Indian drum and the vibration being emitted was something else. He knew exactly who to be around and what vibration/s were needed with that particular being no talking necessary. These psychoactive substances not only bridge the gap of human to human consciousness but provided a bridge to plant human consciousness as well. At one point when I was in the forest, we were walking down an old snig track and I was pulled into a certain area that had been seriously logged and was a mess. It was like the loggers had been on a rampage. The intense pain and suffering that overtook me went beyond grief. I was sobbing uncontrollably and the longer I stayed there the more intense the pain became. If you can imagine a tree version of the opening scene of Apocalypto you would be close.

I also saw Castaneds's flyers or what Don Jon Matus referred to as both the flyers and the mind parasite. I'm not sure if I've posted this here, I've posted it somewhere though! My attention was pulled to an empty space (which we all know isn't really empty) a screen appeared the size of a door showing something going on on the screen. Anyway every time one of these black slug things/flyers would splat down on the ground, a new screen would come down over the top of the previous one showing a different reality etc. This happened for about - guessing here really say 20 minutes. Then I started to laugh uncontrollably at just the pure fucking bullshit of the parasitic mind and the way it goes about it's business of producing daily mind propaganda. Everybody who has really done any work of themselves knows full well about the parasitic mind abomination - Viz snorts his out. No point analysing this shit you just have to let it go, disown it or snort it like Viz does -grin- Good advice Viz. No point in trying to explain this to anybody who has not done the work. They just look at you as if you have lost your mind, when in fact you are trying very hard to do just that!

est said...

if it can't be said

in sixteen words, or less

is it really worth saying ?

BCii said...

Visible, I can't express how 'on-message' you are with this posting. The synchronicity with what I'm passing through is off the charts.

The wasteland of egoic shadow sludge that I behold, stretching, it seems, to the horizon and beyond, is enough to justifiably make me lose faith in myself and banish all hope for redemption... but only when I believe in it, identify with it, engage it as real, become embroiled with it on its own level. Ego -- the mind -- cannot transcend itself. It can only change form.

The transformation comes about through the path of surrender.

I had another 'out-there' experience recently where I imagined/felt like my mind approached its own horizon, beyond which lay the unknown. It seemed like crossing that boundary, like the river re-entering the ocean, would have put me in touch with the collective mind on a conscious level. An explosion of identity... which my mind perceived as its own imminent death and dissolution, or, alternatively, as the final mega-inflation of self-centered narcissism. It was the latter I chose as the conscious reason for my fear. In any case, I turned from that path and deposited all that in-flooding Light into my heart, saying to Source, "I don't want it for myself, take it where it belongs for safekeeping. Let it rest there, invisible, and illuminate my being from the inside out, to whatever degree is allowed. Use and direct me as you will." My trust was incomplete; this was the best I could manage.

My shortcomings, as much grief as they cause me, will serve to keep me humble and grounded for as long as need be. I am more convinced than ever that false, limiting assumptions and beliefs about ourselves are what got us into this predicament. Those thoughts have nothing to do with who we are beyond time, the whole-being identity whose power transcends creation.

I am, once again, reminded of and compelled to return to the secret bridge connecting our world with the world of the Divine: Forgiveness. Without it, bridging that divide is an impossible task.

We are meant to walk in both worlds, to carry the Light Divine within our hearts as our personal self navigates this seeming world. The more we surrender, the less we suffer.

I am a man of extremes. I have weathered storms of sorrow and lost myself in the caves of delusion, only to surface again into the bright air of heaven for all-too-brief moments. I have crawled and soared, hosted devils and angels, writhed in hellfire and danced in heavenly effulgence. The same power is behind all of it, orchestrating the performance of the purpose of demonstration for my benefit. To what end, I can only trust it will be for the best.

galen, it was my pleasure. You bring so much, I couldn't not let you know of my appreciation. You are golden -- as are so many here, shining so preciously as individuals and as one.

My gratitude goes out also by name to Erik, whose resonating presence here has not escaped my notice. Thanks for holding those energies, and thanks for your sharing too.


galen said...

Again, thank you, BCII. I'll just crawl under the table now. Grin

But I did take a bit of poetic license with one of you beauty-packed paragraphs. I hope you don't mind a little rearranging of your words:

am a man of extremes
have weathered storms of sorrow
lost myself in caves of delusion
to surface again into
the bright air of heaven

All-too-brief moments

I have crawled
and soared
hosted devils and angels
writhed in hellfire
and danced
in heavenly effulgence

The same power
behind all of it
orchestrating the performance
purpose of demonstration
for my benefit

To what end
I can only trust
it will be for the best


How innocently a poem is born.   


Ray, mentioning Arthur you got me thinking about Lancelot, and why it is that those who stand closest to us, who love us with everything in themselves, who would defend us to the death, can sometimes turn on us and leave a wound that (much like Frodo's) will never heal. Since eleventh grade (Tennyson, Mallory, White) I have not (here comes that word again) forgiven Lancelot. I try to look at his contribution of devotion, his expertise in all things knightly, his many years of selflessness, but always, in the back of my mind, they are clouded over with what he did to the one person whose vision he shared and supposedly fully loved. 

Yeah, we got archetypal themes here, and idealism galore, but. . . Look what it stirred up, and for centuries. I like your take Ray, on how Arthur escaped trauma-based programming. Maybe that's why the legend lives. It/he was not contaminated by betrayal resulting in loss of trust and empathy and his vision remained uncompromised. And yes, legend is just that, legend, but facts or not, it's always about what we come away with. Arthur set the bar very high. And often (in terms of hierarchy/monarchy) he was the reluctant King, but really, what would any of us do if such a charge was dropped in our laps? Seems we've all had a Sword-In-The-Stone moment where rising to the occasion was the only option and something was found within ourselves that surprised us and although it came with great responsibility it also showed that we are equipped to attend to the tasks at hand. Of course, no success guaranteed, but the quest outweighed the outcome.

Okay, I'll try to forgive Lance, but that doesn't mean I won't be on-guard. A trust is a terrible thing to waste. 

And then there's the queen. . . But I would not want to be overly long and take up too much space here, owning that I could discuss All-Things-Arthur for an indefinite length of time. Might of had a past life at Camelot. Kitchen knave, no doubt. grin


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Am I the only one who thinks Jacqueline Siegel is a vomit inducing example of humanity?

Alan Jong said...

@isiam I am not really trying to appear cleaver, just trying to put a simply observation guided by deeply spiritual insight into language. The point is the consciousness endowed to you by the divine that created life, gives you the perspective of being the center of the universe. You can grow in love and understanding, and the perspective will remain centered, but you might then view what is above you as an extension of earth what you know as home. You may also see all Humankind endowed by the divine in mush the same way you are. When it comes to things like trying to subdue you own ego, that is one of the most egotistical acts, as Alan Watts said, and it can't be done.
Never to cool for school.
The day I was born I entered this world as both Student, and Teacher and those are life long roles that I understand are endowed to all Humans on the Earth. The divine has shown me that contrary to what some believe spiritual and material evolution are not separate from one another, for example an individual with extraordinary wealth will eventually come to find that what they really want they cannot buy, and if they grow in spiritual matters they will discover they have had it all along, the poor don't always have to go through that charade because what the others cannot buy the poor by nature have. The Divine has also shown me that this world is less on the brink of war than it has ever been, the effect of globally accessible communication at almost light speed puts a horizon to the end of all wars. I don't live to be clever or try for that matter, I live to always be free, in the big picture freedom is assured, for all. As I've said in the past God gave Us freedom, but today I will one further and say, God gave Us freedom as he knew it to be.

insiam said...

@Alan Jong ....

Yes, i re-read your post and it was a bit clearer. As i suggeted in my last line - 'or is it just me' .

I think it may have been a bit of both. Although more me as i had a little bit of a fuzzy head due to having been drinking from the devils cup the night before :)

Thanks for your reply.

Note to self: don't drink and type

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Dancing the Baraka to the Pulse of Shiva's Drum.

Ray B. said...

galen, that was a nice poem you created from BCII's source material. Congratulations to both on the 'collaboration'!

galen, I enjoyed your reflections on personal history via Lancelot. Ah, the slings and arrows of outrageous fate! I remember my "first love", too. That is when we all have 'beginner's mind', and so the experiences are much more 'real'. No 'overlays' of intellectual or emotional 'conditioning' from the past. That may be why we usually 'forget' everything from past lives...

For what it's worth, I am somewhat in the same position. It's a little over a year since my relationship of twenty years said it was over. Photos and knickknacks that used to bring me a subtle sense of love and joy now bring a subtle sense of sorrow. Intellectually, I know this is the in-between time. That sometime down the road they will again be seen with more appreciation. But not now...

On a more-positive note, not long ago I saw my first Robin...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Dan said...

Les, here are some relevant lyrics from the band Rush.

"Wish Them Well"

All that you can do is wish them well
All that you can do is wish them well

Spirits turned bitter by the poison of envy
Always angry and dissatisfied
Even the lost ones, the frightened and mean ones
Even the ones with a devil inside

Thank your stars you're not that way
Turn your back and walk away
Don't even pause and ask them why
Turn around and say goodbye

People who judge without a measure of mercy
All the victims who will never learn
Even the lost ones, you can only give up on
Even the ones who make you burn

The ones who've done you wrong
The ones who pretended to be so strong
The grudges you've held for so long
It's not worth singing that same sad song

Even though you're going through hell
Just keep on going
Let the demons dwell

Just wish them well

-hope you like!

and remember to:


Visible said...


That's been on the rear bumper of my Golf since I got it.

galen said...

Ray, with me, the primary relationship is in-tact; it's the two or three "best" friends over the course of many years that brought up the Lancelot Syndrome. One is left with the inevitable: "I thought we were in this together?" Well, I take it as more learning and more prompting to look at my own sins.

You sure are making the most of your "in-between time." Seems much good will come from that.

Untarnished loyalty my be a myth. Perhaps it's all about the dusting off of ourselves and beginning again. May I be open to whatever beginnings this weekend might present. Some thirst might be quenched.


galen said...

Insiam, sometimes in "The Devil's Cup," there are angels.

But you already knew that. grin


galen said...

Hey Dan, thanks for the "rush." Beautiful and oddly calming.

And okay Buttons, I just found out who Jacqueline Siegel is, and yes, I am happily willing to join the vomit-fest.




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