Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
I've learned so much from my mistakes, I’m thinking of making a few more.
It’s pretty amazing what happens when corporations gain personhood. The transition from person to beast doesn't take very long. Of course... they were beasts to begin with. It appears that they either truly do want to destroy the Earth, or... reduce whatever population remains to a drone status, or... they are certifiably insane AND incompetent so things like this happen as routine extension of their business day-
A brilliant article; to be expected from this particular source.
All over the world, the truly certifiable insane are acting out; Mr. Apocalypse has been hitting them in the ass with a cosmic taser. The complexity of evil in the process of self destruction takes longer than we might have hoped for. For years, we have stated here, unequivocally that the gangsters and monolithic liars and historical revisionists who wanted the establishment of the country of Israel upon the lands already occupied by The Palestinians, wanted that country for one reason only and that was in order to have a sovereign state to legitimize international criminal activity. This has been proven over time to be an indisputable truth and every time an Israeli criminal gets caught engaging in criminal behavior, they flee to Israel to hide. Meanwhile, in Israel, the business of the Israelis is clear. I post these things apropos of nothing; it just has to be pointed out. Since the International Criminal Court is, like everything else, under the control of the Banker Crime Syndicate, what I like to call The Marinara Massacre has been white washed and it now more along the lines of a Fettuccine Alfredo.
Legitimate Business enterprises in a country where the rule of law is, more or less honest, are efforts that can often succeed, providing the businessman is not a moron but... in a country where the rule of law has been completely corrupted by illegal enterprise, under the command of criminal cabals, legitimate endeavors have little chance of succeeding, especially if they are small businesses. Such is the case in America today. The criminal cabal I speak of is a conspiracy between Wall Street and the Central Banks. Here is only the latest to come to light via the efforts of Mr. Apocalypse.
If you build a building wrong, it will eventually fall away sooner than later. If termites, which are parasites, are permitted to riddle the building, it will lose its integrity. Corruption is like garbage being generated at a level where it cannot be dealt with. If the people in charge of managing the removal and disposal of garbage are criminals, a host of maladies might result. The world situation has passed far beyond this. Corporations with the approval of Central Banks; everything MUST have the approval of Central Banks, are sterilizing women in Africa and India and we would presume something like that is happening in China as well.
One might be forgiven for thinking that the worst they can imagine is on the doorstep. The malicious monsters who are behind the lion’s share of the world’s problems are not the sort of creatures who are prone to taking a step or two back, even when cosmic forces, ever less gently prodded by Mr. Apocalypse, let them know their hour has come nigh. The building is not sound and it is riddled with vermin and parasites. The power being gained by these parasites is now at work in many countries. Israeli intelligence is all over Mexico, doing their worst. At Yale University, 30 % of the students are Tribe members. While the country falls into massive disorder, they are insinuating themselves in every area of critical operation; in government, in business, wherever there is money to be made off of the backs and at the expense of others, they are there.
I’m going to make some predictions that are absolutely going to come to pass; unless something from the following paragraph comes to pass. I am not, one of the precognitively vibrating nose hairs of Nostrildamus but... simple logic and intellectual projection can be very accurate here when drawing from the ‘in your face’ appearances everywhere. America is going to fall apart. In some places it is going to be very, very bad. Most of you have never seen what can happen when the thin veneer of civilization falls away and reveals the visage of the beast.
Note; there’s always a possibility that ships might come out of the sky; or Shambhala materializes out of the concealment of The Mist; or ancient civilizations inside the Earth might suddenly become visible on the surface but the odds are long for that. Given that none of these things happen, what follows is all too likely. There is that third possibility that some representative of the highest levels of being might materialize but... my sense of that, for this age and circumstances, is that if that is going to happen it will manifest in a simultaneous awakening in the hearts of humanity. This is ALWAYS a possibility. One can hope.
In some places it will go on in more or less of a normal fashion, though some things will be harder or impossible to get after awhile. In certain other countries conditions will be better although they might seem to be less so at the moment. Roving bands of desperate men will become a norm. Outrages against women and children will become a daily affair. They already are in some countries. Religious insanity is really going to go around the bend. People that believe in nothing will be overwhelmed by compulsions to consume and engage in just about anything. For those who have read about war time conditions, you will know what I am talking about.
Everything will be for sale. It already is, isn't it? But this will be different. Survival will depend on it. It may not be apparent to most at this time but your own survival and the conditions that it takes place in will have a great deal to do with who you are; what you have made yourself into and what you rely on. Is it real and lasting? You will be too. Is it transitory and perishable? You will be too.
For me, the most disappointing thing, besides the visible degeneration of the masses, in terms of their interests and level of intelligence, is the slow pace of my own progress. I have come to understand that when something can’t be anything else, then it has to be whatever you are left with and what I am left with is that sometimes one is not allowed to evolve beyond a certain point for reasons that might be sharp and clear in the more rarefied atmospheres but relentlessly opaque down here.
What do you do? I guess you can just accept it for what it is and remain in a holding pattern but you can’t even remain in a holding pattern unless fuel is burning and circles are continuing to be made so... even to stay at the level you are at, you have to keep going. Gravity can be a harsh mistress. It’s important to maintain your confidence. Once you lose your confidence you are in trouble. It comes at me. It comes and wakes me in the early morning and sometimes in the day, when I wonder at my pending migration and how I will manage, after all this time, in a location where a great deal has changed socially and politically and certainly economically ...but as I look back over my tumultuous existence, I note that there have been many times when I had no idea how I would get beyond various present and looming circumstances and somehow... there I was on the other side of them after the process of passing through. Crises come and go. Somehow we are still there... somewhere. Every one of us has been through similar things to some degree. Nothing was ever made better through apprehension and worry.
I know for you and me, it is not that we create this apprehension, uncertainty and fear as a natural expression of our being. I believe such emotions are generated into the mix by forces bent on taking our confidence. They operate in subtle ways and we have to remind ourselves that this is not us; this is something foreign seeking to make us vulnerable to a negative mindset. It is in the atmosphere and we have to recognize it as part of the game plan of the enemy. Otherwise we blame ourselves as if it were a matter of personal weakness rather than an assault on our well being. You have to stand guard at the gateway of the mind. You just have to.
End Transmission.......
Book recommendation; "The Circle" by Eggars. If you like well done and gripping novels; this is something along the lines of some of Crichton's works. It's very plausible and definitely speaks to human nature.
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well said laddie
{one might consider the relationship GRAVITY has with TIME}
con mucho gusto
I consider Time to be another form of Gravity, especially in the relative sense. It has differing weight depending of the mind and place. Gravity is suppose to be constant though and Time is not.
Oh, that title! Did you come up with that just for us? After all, my flat mate is also a Nosehair, as opposed to a nose hair, but close enough.
Ya know, I'm surprised this cuntry and a few others have lasted this long. Well, if you can say being well along the road to perdition can be called 'lasting'.
Never have I been more grateful for my 'tude regarding present circumstances.
I knew, of course, that I would hear from you on that matter.
#4 Yes, the founder of Illumisnotti also laughed at your response. . .adding that this is all 'too cool fer school'.
We ain't quite in the midst of it, but we're close enough for the worst. We might be able to make a run for it, but we won't. Why fight to be in miserable circumstances? Might as well get the worst over with ASAP. Everyone here is on their own when TSHTF. We're not set up for a massive defence. Also, 5 of us are cats. We'll all meet up on the Otherside, with at least 3 other felines waiting for us, along with a couple of my flat mate's ancestors. I don't wanna see mine again.
Coming down to the Ole Babylonian crunch time.
We really should draw out and discuss each specific idea, one-by-one from the following paragraph. But we won't; and it's too bad. Nonetheless, this is worth reading again:
Vis wrote, "I know for you and me, it is not that we create this apprehension, uncertainty and fear as a natural expression of our being. I believe such emotions are generated into the mix by forces bent on taking our confidence. They operate in subtle ways and we have to remind ourselves that this is not us; this is something foreign seeking to make us vulnerable to a negative mindset. It is in the atmosphere and we have to recognize it as part of the game plan of the enemy. Otherwise we blame ourselves as if it were a matter of personal weakness rather than an assault on our well being. You have to stand guard at the gateway of the mind. You just have to."
Say what you want about ole' Jonestown, but he, too, was right from the start: 'There really is a war on for your mind.'
Thanks Vis, I am reading the celestine prophecy now and coincidence brings many signs. Thanks for being the spiritual guide you have pursued. Peace. David
Flecker's Magick beat me to the punch with Vis' last paragraph. What Vis talked about is true on so many levels. Not only are the programmings coming through the population's guided 'pressures' on each other, but there are unseen-to-most influences at work. What to do?
Fortunately, there are also 'good guys' hovering around that just need permission to help. (Bad guys just barge in; most good guys respect boundaries when they can.)
Ironically, although the case in the physical is becoming desperate, the higher levels are 'cleaner' than they have been in any recent past. Vis talks about this as the descent of Mr. Apocalypse down through the astral planes. In my universe, there was A Lot of one-on-one 'combat' (courtesy of diverse good-guy beings) from higher levels on down toward our physicality. Same rough picture.
The end result of all of this is that there is now much more of a chance of 'calling in' good-guy help - and actually having it be a good-guy - than any time recently. Before, there was a much-greater chance that a supposed good-guy was a bad-guy in disguise. Now, the bad-guys are 'on the run' (or Turned) in the unseen, and true good-guys are more likely to 'answer'. As always, use your intuition and inner wisdom in this regard.
So, to paraphrase an old line, the situation is desperate but not serious...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Vis, these lyrics sung by hendrix --Purple haze all in my brain Lately things just don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss the sky
Purple haze all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?"
pretty much compliment what we have been going through given the volume of chaos in the empire and how the reverberations can shake the very ground we walk on -whether our head is in the sand or we walk upon it the wind and water pretty much cleans the slate after we pass .
The challenge is, as you state," Once you lose your confidence you are in trouble." - whether we meet the challenge or resist it the risk is the same.
"I see men’s judgments are
A parcel of their fortunes, and things outward
Do draw the inward quality after them,
To suffer all alike."
--Enobarbus, Act III, scene xiii
much love live long
I was sitting here earlier when my inner voice gave me a clear picture of a Christmas Album I am supposed to record. This does not make me a Christian (grin) but I will compose as one. It became remarkably clear to me in many facets. I was led to u understand that the music would very much mirror that of the other Christmas hymns and song to enhance the Christmas Spirit.
This isn't something I would have chosen on my own, nor can I go into all the conversation that took place.
I have just completed one song, yet to be edited. Of course it is simplistic and may even seem trite but songs are like that. Once it is dressed in music the words can dance
The son of man
is coming back on that you may depend
to be reborn in every waiting heart
He is not coming down from the sky
but he is coming down from on high within
Into every waiting heart
In Bethlehem it came to pass or so the scriptures say
That Jesus Christ the son of God was born on Christmas Day
Born in humble circumstance
to illustrate the true romance
Of spirit with the human soul
the greatest story never told
The priesthood needs must have a lie
To build their coffers up so high
the ignorant do not ask why
but the truth will live forever
The truth will never die
Now 2000 years have gone or so the records say
but the records they are often false and continue to this day
The businessmen have bought his church and twisted his fine words
So it is that Jesus wept and his kingdom not occurred.
In Jerusalem it came to pass that Jesus rode in on an ass
a symbol of the ignorance that prospers in this world
along with death and darkness which the master brought to heel
He taught us what is true of love. He taught us how to feel
He taught us that the greatest love will seek the highest good
that after love for god the greatest love is brotherhood
He showed us how we all could be
He came to Earth to set us free
Earth is in torment to this day
That torment soon will pass away.
If you, my friend, are true of heart
The Christ within will not depart.
All of this has been foretold
In stories from the days of old
Still fear and lies they rule the day.
Yet all of these will pass away
in this apocalypse
Believe it or believe it not
what is is what will be
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day
To tell the truth. He said it all, there's nothing more to say.
and that day can be any day that Christ appears in you
Pursue this course above all else
and love the one and true
Eternal life was promised by the one who cannot lie
Now death it has no meaning and you have no death to die
The glory and the power before the kingdom throne
Is singular and tailor made for everyone alone
Feast upon this day
Feast within your heart
Make the master one with you
and you will never part
Jesus Christ the son of man was born on Christmas Day
Jesus Christ the son of God was born on Christmas Day
He came to Earth to speak the truth
there's nothing more to say
There's nothing more to say.
Me thinks the Master will delight in these words, their value and potential and the change they can make. Let it be. Let it be.
Well, the songs are pouring out. I'll feel better about them once the festive Chrismasy music is applied.
I had to leave my Roland keyboard behind. Hopefully I will be in a position to land a used Korg Kronos or at least a Krome. Then I can loose the orchestra. God will provide
Ring out the old world and ring in the new
Jesus Christ the son of god has a message for you
It came upon a perfect night his star appeared inside the sky
His light was born to shine within
for those that he made free of sin
Kingdom come is now in reach
of every heart that comes in peace.
Come ye all and sing his greetings
Come ye all and sing his songs
glady and with open heart
on this day when he is born
And let it be on every day
his love shall swell your heart
let him come alive in you
and let your new life start.
He came out of the darkness
from the womb of Lady Nature
He precipitated into life
to become our savior
He said he was the way
the life and the truth
from the kingdom of forever
where one gains eternal youth
Christmas is the season that we celebrate his birth
How the light was born out of the darkness of the Earth
How the light of god came to shine as if the sun
were brighter by ten thousand times and there for everyone
Joy to the seeking heart
joy to the prisoned mind
This is what he told us to
Seek and ye shall find.
Joy to the suffering
in every place of want and need
Joy to the friends of god
and death to fear and greed
Our liberator now has come
and paid the price for everyone
How truly great and measureless
this love that never dies
Seasons greetings to you all
here on Christmas Day
celebrate the birth of light
and let it have its way.
Christmas is the season that we celebrate his birth
How the light was born out of the darkness of the Earth
How the light of god came to shine as if the sun
suddenly appeared within the heart of god's own son
Ring out the old world and ring in the new
Jesus Christ the son of god has a message for you
It came upon a perfect night his star appeared inside the sky
The light was born to shine within
for those that he made free of sin
Kingdom come is now in reach
of every heart that comes in peace.
Come ye all and sing his greetings
Come ye all and sing his songs
gladly and with open heart
on this day when he is born
And let it be on every day
his love shall swell your heart
let him come alive in you
and let your true life start.
I think I'll keep the rest of them private until I get the music done.
Oh... what the heck... one more
seasons greetings one and all
come into our home
the hearth is warm and comforting
There's food and cheer for everyone
and let the spirit fill your heart
glad tidings are the living truth
of what the season brings
and those who love the lord our god
hear how their soft hearts sing
We dance and sing the merry way
of christ's love in our hearts today
our cup is filled to overflow
and still there's more, how? we don't know.
The blessings of the son of god
are singular and truly fine
the higher love is in our hearts
the shining light is in our minds.
HOw did we come to now possess
the full extent of measureless
capacity of love and grace
that travels with us every place
The trancendental innocense
of that which is without pretense
that is the power and the glory
birthed in true humility
Greater the undying love
that dies for those they truly love
and cannot die and cannot die
this grace comes from above
seasons greetings one and all
come into our home
the hearth is warm and comforting
There's food and cheer for everyone
and let the spirit fill your heart
glad tidings are the living truth
of what the season brings
and those who love the lord our god
hear how their soft heart sings
Come ye on this special day
when grace has made a perfect way
for you to now experience divine
the source of prescience
And all the angels sing his praise
across the endless span of days
He rules forever infinite
and we are all a part of it
and we are all a part of it
How deeply dark the ignorance
that cannot see, it makes no sense
how free and clear the beautiful
that shines out of the heart of you
We come to what we emulate
There is a love that is so great
mind cannot know, tongue cannot tell
Make it yours and use it well
seasons greetings one and all
come into our home
the hearth is warm and comforting
There's food and cheer for everyone
and let the spirit fill your heart
glad tidings are the living truth
of what the season brings
and those who love the lord our god
hear how their soft heart sings
Three of these in the short space of a portion of the evening, I should have the whole album in a brief period if it keeps pumping like this. Next week we'l, try to use the guitar for composing. The piano is always a lot easier for that.
Bedtime for me and I'm headed for the bunkhouse, see you at Origami tomorrow.
Speaking of Christmas songs, imagine Mel Torme doin' this:
Children roasting on an open fire.
Noozhlers nyipping at your nose.
Carthage carols being sung by a fire,
And folks dressed up in picnic clothes.
Everybody knows a rug rat. An alarming woe
That keeps one awake all night. (Once.)
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
Basted with garlic butter lite.
They know that the cook's on his way.
He's loaded lots of poi. The Polynesian sway
Is the course to go, and you all know why.
Experience here for quite a good stir fry.
So I'm sitting here in a pleasant daze.
On kids from one to ten and two
I have quite well fed many times, many ways.
Happy feasting, happy feasting, happy feasting to you.
Ayuh, Bob Rivers already covered that; BUT I LIKE CHIPMUNKS! NOT on a plate. Not that I could have any around. Too many cats.
For those who haven't heard:
Gods, I HATE this tune.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Bypassing the Planet of the Curmudgeons.
No more time to waste! We need to educate ourselves in the most efficient ways possible by learning from the highly qualified experts among us. I humbly suggest a subscription to Jeff Rense radio network and listening to his nightly guests-especially Dr Bill Deagle, Tim Rifat, Yoichi Shimatsu and Dana Durnford, Gerald Celente, Jim Kirwan, and Dr. Alan Miller for starters-If we know the realities facing us,¨the game plan of the enemy,¨ and understand the possibilities of solutions that these amazing people offer, we may be in a better position to save ourselves, and whatever matters most to us, during the process of the ´falling away of the veneer of civilization.´ We might even be able to be part of the 2-3 % some say could turn things around for the better. Thanks Vis, for being a big part of my waking-up process for the last four years. Kayanna
Vis, your post
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
Bobbing Nodwells and the Singing Sirens of Sensation.
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