Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
These are strange times. There's no getting around that and within the atmosphere of the greater strange is the smaller strange, which is our life, lived in that atmosphere. Evil has ramped up its intensity. By that I mean all the avenues of application that are evil by definition in respect of their impact on other life forms. Although evil may have a central source, or point of entry into the manifest, via the human organism, it is not an organized effort in its totality. It is a collection of various organized groups and individual entrepreneurs, who are often at odds with one another, just as they are at odds with their own essential being, save where that feature has booked and left nothing but an animatron to be driven wild by whatever now occupies it.
I don't know that my own life is anything with which I can draw comparisons to a larger scheme. What I do know is that my life has not been so uncertain as it is in a very long time. Finding a new location and troubleshooting my form from here to whatever way station I am likely to occupy, until something opens up for me, possesses a much higher degree of difficulty than I was expecting. Of course, it's not insurmountable, given the application of a focused will; hopefully reflecting the intent of that more mysterious all pervading impetus that none of us can define or understand. What will be will be. We've all heard some version of that. Just how much of what we do has to do with what comes to pass anyway, well... people have been arguing about that for a long time.
There is no question we have entered a greater degree of pervasive intensity. This means the level of general uncertainty has risen. I can feel it. I can see it around me but I do not see that there is anything like a common awareness of it going on. People may feel a bit more nervous. There may be a shared uneasiness running around from mind to mind but the reason for it, I suspect, is not making itself known to the generic mind. Obviously the Powers that Mess with Us have accelerated events to a new Defcon. Whatever they think they know they know. They got a time table and they want to get to wherever it is they want to get before conditions change and it might get harder to get there. It's like the Russia question, the madmen manipulating Howdy Doody and all the other politicos, put into office to do their bidding, have been told that the balance of power lists heavily to the potential profit of the Zio-Satanic Alliance. In their minds, nuclear war is winnable. They believe there is a good chance that they can wipe out a significant portion of Russia and China and still keep on rocking in the no longer free world.
Maybe they know things the rest of us don't know, about Fukushima, or things that haven't even been subjects of commentary and discussion. Maybe there's something going on with alien infiltration or, well, I couldn't begin to speculate. Maybe the bean counters have crunched the numbers and... no matter what... it always comes up the same and the only sane course that they see, given that they are completely insane, is to wipe out a significant portion of the world, keeping a certain percentage of the underclass around to see to their needs. For all I know, that's what all those kids across the border is really about.
I'm not evil, so far as I know, nor am I illuminated to the degree that I can know what evil knows simply by turning my attention in that direction. I've no idea what they are really up to and there's a good argument that could be made that neither do they. I don't know how much autonomy actually exists. Maybe there's wide latitude and maybe there is very little.
Outside my window of the moment, the thunder is crashing as if it showed up as punctuation points of some kind. I'm wondering if I'm picking up on all kinds of things or simply a temporary captive of a kind of group think. I'm used to being alone and not alone but by myself in the sense that there aren't other people around. Now, I'm in something resembling a large hotel and they're all as like unto each other as I am unlike them. It's hard to be completely independent of the hive mind impact when it surrounds you on all sides, especially when you've been brutalized into a state of temporary submission and made dependent on a closed system. Sometimes you just have to pass through something; keeping in mind, in many cases, that the intestines are the last ports of call prior to your exit (grin).
I am as aware of the planets whirling through space as I am aware of them interfacing within me. Their combined rubbing up against one another through smaller and larger orbits, across closer or further distances, sets the stage for all the multiplicity of events which take place moving from one intricate configuration to another. It's to be assumed that we all handle it differently. It presses on us in different ways. It motivates us to different ends and... of course... we've all got different objectives in play. Sometimes the planets will favor you and sometimes not.
There are many distressing trends afoot these days. One of the worst of them is the combined docility and depravity of the gen pop. The force of materialism is overwhelming the force of idealism on most fronts. A few decades back, so much of what is taking place would generate a collective outrage across the board. Now it generates a listless apathy. Perhaps that is why it is happening today. Not all that long ago, many of the trends being promoted by the scoundrels in power and their media would not have been tolerated. Something happened to the public will. Something has occupied the public mind and areas of that organism have been rendered non operational. Also, these days, even when the public will comes out in opposition to to something, the bought and paid for judiciary overrules the public will.
When the truth is made known, such as Hamas not being responsible for killing 3 members of the master race, or when it is made known that Ukrainian jets were shadowing the Malaysian airline that got shot down, it doesn't seem to make any difference. So what? It's not likely to get mentioned in the Crass Media and... once again, so what if it is? So what? I can hardly think of anything more dangerous and depressing than that. All manner of evil is now performed with impunity. I keep expecting newscasters and TV/film personalities to suddenly rise to their feet in the middle of their professional activities and say, “This is all lies and bullshit, I can't take it any more.” It doesn't happen.
How far can this all progress before it no longer has any momentum at all, or before something comes about that throws the totality of existence into doubt of its continuance?
I'm just a tiny molecule in a vast sea of countless molecules. All of these other molecules are moving in directions I cannot justify to myself and so I cannot move in those directions. I can strive to become an ignited molecule that instigates a chain reaction but the possibility of having any significant impact on some greater number of molecules is not great. Perhaps it is all wrapped up in the mystery of time and space and possibly, depending on the degree of integrity in any specific molecule, should it come to a particular level of effect, it might well affect the whole of the molecules. I'd like to believe that. I'd like to believe that there is time for that.
I cannot submit to what appearances tell me. I cannot accept that what should be is what is, or that what appears to be is what is. Despite the strong power of appearances and the crushing weight of materialism in all directions, I cannot submit. I am not alone in this. There are many of us who cannot submit, who will not submit; who have already submitted to something else. We shall see what proves stronger in the long run.
Something keeps telling me it is all individual; that destiny and circumstance all materialize from individual actions and individual perspectives. Something tell me that simply because ten million or a hundred million souls have decided to crawl down into a well of darkness that it is not required that others among us must do the same. Something tells me we are all being watched to see what we will do and that that is the purpose of the whole affair and it will all be settled individually, no matter how collective it might appear.
End Transmission.......
'Prevail' is track no. 6 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
Paperback: $25.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
Total resonance with this post! Hope you'll feel better soon! Thanks for your continued efforts to keep us few on the sane side.
Sir Les, The strength inside can be seen through thoughts expressed in words. Herculean effort on your part. Thanks Brother. David
Vis: "...depending on the degree of integrity in any specific molecule, should it come to a particular level of effect, it might well affect the whole of the molecules."
At the very least, we are affecting the morphogenetic fields of Rupert Sheldrake fame. He observed that new, not-in-nature crystals were initially almost impossible to grow. Then, after someone finally succeeded, it became easier and easier to grow them - even in laboratories half a planet away. That crystal type's morphogenetic field first had to be established, and then 'embedded' by repetition.
I see the same thing happening with 'spiritual growth' or awareness. What we 'plant' will establish the morphogenetic field for those to come. Many repetitions later, 'newbies' will wonder why 'founders' always complained it was so hard... (ironic grin)
Vis: "...[The Powers that Mess with Us] got a time table and they want to get to wherever it is they want to get before conditions change and it might get harder to get there."
I believe that they know they have already 'lost' the upper levels, and that their time 'down here' is limited. Kind of a 'take as many as we can with us' type of stance...
Vis: "In their minds, nuclear war is winnable."
IMHO, I do not believe their higher-ups care about 'winning'. I believe what we are seeing is a vestige of the just-gone 'order'. Higher-ups of that order got some kind of 'sustenance' out of human pain. It was nurtured, modulated, and sent 'upstairs' somehow. The originator of that order has been 'talked to' and is now off that system. Higher underlings have also been 'turned'. Only the earth-plane servants are still in that order. 'That' is where they are coming from. Sooner or later, someone will be coming for them...
Vis: "Something tells me we are all being watched to see what we will do and that that is the purpose of the whole affair and it will all be settled individually, no matter how collective it might appear."
I will be so pissed if all this is is a "Matrix"-like 'stress test'! (pats baseball bat...)
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
I'm just passing through. We all are. In the end after we are no longer here, wearing this mortal flotsam 'suit' that we shed life after life, what will we think of this? Another game of chess won or lost?
I'm not nervous. I'm flatlined in so many regards, and I'll just take it as it comes and probably be shot or something because if cornered, I WILL NOT COOPERATE. But that's fine. I know this is temporary, I'm disgusted by it, hey! I just see the remainder of my time as fulfilling the stupid contract I signed for the job.
And from what I see of the collective us, I'm surprised the Annunaki have anything to do with us. Other than something for the stew pot, that is. And with our current diets, most of us might as well be a Chicken McNugget, if you get my drift. Toxic garbage that has no right to be called food, so in reality we're not even good for that.
Nobody flinch nobody move
The skitsofrenic America is on the move
One wrong step and your dead
No we are all dead
What a bunch of manic deppresive souls
They can not get what they want
So the have a tissy fit
And freten to blow up the world
What a bunch of anything and everything wits
Its quite obvious they are having an episode
So they cause problems for anyone they come in contact with.
As for the american man on the street they are as tough and twice as brave as the next man.Oh what a waste.There politicians make them look but not see listen but not hear speak but say anything.Oh what a waste.
Why don't they just go home stay home and sought out the mess they have got them selves into like adults.
The world will understand and will probably be simpothetic towards them for realizing that they are sick.Its ok to be sick but you must no you are sick before you can seek help or accept it.
God save America.
As for the Isrealies they need to be put into a sycopath ward with straight jackets and sedated.
Those who call themselves "israelies" are NOT semitic, NOT judaic, and NOT hebrew. They are descended from proselyte Khazars.
They have clearly identified themselves as the synagogue of Satan by their killing of Palestinian women and children, after stealing their land.
How I loath the tribe.
Evil gets what evil deserves - burning forever in a lake of fire.
Regarding evil, as in all, there seems built in a certain amount of randomness. Especially so the more 'human' fiends try to 'plan' it.
I really do pity them, they actually think for whatever reason they can avoid judgement. For no amount of transitory things, money, drugs, sex, amount...would I trade with them.
There will be an accounting.
I don't think the public is as docile as they appear. Not just a 'bought and paid for judiciary' but also scam and stolen elections. And protests do not often arise spontaneously, but must be encouraged with sweat and money. When the world was multipolar, during the sixties for instance, there was 'outside' assistance.
And the French helped in our our own little to-do with King George.
The outrage is there, just needs a little flint and steel to light the tinder.
I leave you for now with these words from our 14th century English sister
Julian of whom in ecstatic visions much was revealed, including...
"For failing of love on our part, therefore is all our travail."
"All shall be well, all manner of thing shall be well."
Your friend,
- ye olde beggar
Dear Vis,
Tremendous resonance with this last as well as tremendous resonance with the comments.
The Divine, I believe, acts within His own laws and will make His move when the perpetrators of evil have built a waterproof case against themselves.
Jesus warned the Pharisees and Scribes that "against this generation [the ending of one age and the age that Jesus was introducing] would be weighed all the murders from Able to Zecharia [A to Z].
I believe, but don't know, that we are again in such a time. All the crimes against man committed by other men are being weighed in the scales of the Divine.
I hope and believe that Justice is imminent; I suspect (but don't know) that judgement is already being handed out, but in such a subtle manner that most of us cannot see it.
I do know that the plans of the neocons lately just have not panned out as they envisioned - Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, etc... it is as if "something" is continually thwarting their agenda - and yet the neocon khazars and their sabbath goys keep trying and trying, despite the handwriting on the wall that they have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
In the meantime I watch and pray and try to keep the Divine uppermost in my thoughts and actions.
I join the narrative of destiny here, not expecting THE power made manifest around The Discerning, to be the Worlds' salvation. No. Unless Ego would put Its' body on The line once and for all this nightmare goes on to service the sick dreams and angst of the Lowlife Voluntary Corp{se}s. The observer can hardly endure the painfull rotting and the slow crawl to oblivion of the heirs of the Lost.
via Homer..
Srila Prabhupada - If individuality refers to the empirical universe, then there is no need of teaching by the Lord. The plurality of the individual soul and the Lord is an eternal fact, and it is confirmed by the Vedas.
(BG 5.16) Partial Purport
One has to learn the distinction between God and the living entity. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa therefore stated in the Second Chapter (2.12) that every living being is individual and that the Lord also is individual. They were all individuals in the past, they are individuals at present, and they will continue to be individuals in the future, even after liberation.
At night we see everything as one in the darkness, but in day, when the sun is up, we see everything in its real identity. Identity with individuality in spiritual life is real knowledge.
what is it that these large centers of mossad, cia, kgb, mi6 do? ... spy on emails/texts of johnny asking susie to go to the park? ... there is no planned armed armageddon against jews ... the only people they need to spy on is themselves
$1 billion a year is spent on alternative hasbara ... not all of it goes to alex jones ... hundreds of blogs and thousands of commenters are hasbara ... they will try to grab you with one ideology just to sell conflict with another
on pro-america sites, they will slander putin/russia
on pro-russia sites, they will slander west/america
on white sites, they will slander blacks and arabs
on politically correct sties, they will slander whites
on religion sites, they will slander antireligion
on antireligion sites, they will slander religion
anyone selling a gentile v gentile conflict, is sayanim ... regardless of the type of war they are selling
it is not worthwhile to out these people, since they hurt zionism more than help it ... let them continue ... also, sometimes they are good people ignorantly passing information from sites they dont know are hasbara, so it serves no purpose to alienate these people (or anyone really) ... however, any time a gentile v gentile conflict is being sold, bring it to light ... and give the author a chance to backtrack or expose themselves ... after they are exposed, no need to step on them, as intelligent minds can see what they are
1. learn to spot a jew
2. never kill a gentile ... let jews do the killing themselves this time, it will be easier to spot the bad ones
In a recent blog you mentioned the potential for a game- changer...... Ebola?
The news coming out of Africa(such as we're being told) is not comforting.
"I'm wondering if I'm picking up on all kinds of things or simply a temporary captive of a kind of group think."
Vis, you do not fit into the category of people easily coerced into a hive mind, otherwise you'd likely not be writing at all. However, if you are sensitive enough it is not difficult to empathetically channel those around you. Stress, fear, and other generally undesirable emotions are the easiest to detect as they are the also the most contagious to anyone lacking enough sense of self to know the difference between internally and externally generated emotions.
"Something tells me we are all being watched to see what we will do and that that is the purpose of the whole affair and it will all be settled individually, no matter how collective it might appear."
True enough, except that I think the 'collective' will have a role to play even if it is not aware of what that role will be at the present time.
In the meantime I'll keep sending healing energy in the general direction of East, get well.
"Something tell me that simply because ten million or a hundred million souls have decided to crawl down into a well of darkness that it is not required that others among us must do the same."
As my Mom used to say, "Hey, if Joe Shithead jumped off a bridge are you going to jump too?"
(Listless and apathetic) is likely due to what's in the air, water and food and it also likely due to a kind of severe concussion that's been repeated over the past decade,
at least, but we could look back much further than that. A kind of brain damage has been inflicted upon the human species without much chance to recover from it, leaving the damaged brain in a fugue state and easy to succumb to it's fate, and it isn't clear to such a mind.
Or, what might appear to be listlessness, might actually be hunkering down in anticipation of a fight for survival individually. I don't know what the actual numbers of those individuals who are aware enough, but not free enough to go about their daily struggle without conforming to the systems they were born into, to do anything about it, but would do something if it came down to the wire, as compared to those that never wondered why; that is where the fight is. It seems the whole world is becoming some kind of Stalinist, Maoist (whathaveyou) Nazi bolshevik circus. with a few new twists.
round and round she goes...
Imagine that physical groups of say, 100 brain-damaged people, only 1 of those knew of the fullest threat to survival and all it's attending predicaments because that one individual is locked in the orbit of the other 99 and he is a kook by their standards, making it very difficult for him to connect with another group that has maybe 25 in a much further out orbit. But thank god for the internet, at least he can say something about it to the other "kooks" and maybe even reach some of the brain damaged hive mind bolshevik proles and finally the story gets told, whether anyone wants to hear it or not. i suppose if it makes a difference, only the ineffable will decide.
flyingcossack, July 28, 2014 6:01:00 PM
"what is it that these large centers of mossad, cia, kgb, mi6 do? ... spy on emails/texts of johnny asking susie to go to the park? ..."
Actually, what I have read is that all the stuff of 'sheeple' is just collected, processed, and stored in monstrous archives. No human ever sees it. Boring.
When somebody starts waking up, though, the baddies have an instant X-year-long 'trail' of the person's likes, dislikes, friends, phone & email conversations, etc. An all-inclusive 'web' is machine-extracted from the readily-available data. No hunting and searching. In ten minutes, they can probably tell what brand of toothpaste you switched from/to, five years ago...
If we were in an enlightened culture, this would be a treasure-trove for those writing historical tomes. In our times, it is a 'clear and present danger'.
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
von Viz,
Thank you. Outstanding! Super writing, magical vocabulary use.
Moving is a bitch. It's in the top three of heart attack events along with death in the family and divorce. Take it easy. That's an order. My last place, I had to pack a bag and hit the ground running. I applied for government subsidized housing and they dropped me into a lovely apartment with a rose garden in the hip downtown section. Most of the other tenants are double digit IQ'ed but they're friendly and don't break my windows. They're almost all Christianish albeit some JW's. Some are very high spiritually. Wonder if your locals have housing help. BTW that locale assigns grief re disbelief in fantasy.
We are so screwed. Very dangerous. All lies and bullshit, can't take it any more. But I must, grrrr rant. MORE BEER! (No wait, they use tap water to make beer.) It may be that we are all toast as Jeff believes is probable. The other molecules are not on the journey with us and we are not their leaders. They are in thrall. Men from the boys.
Strive and stand before the Father in Paradise. Thank you, Patrick.
I will not comply.
Hi Les,
Sorry about your fall...
Les said:
How far can this all progress before it no longer has any momentum at all, or before something comes about that throws the totality of existence into doubt of its continuance?
“Something HAS come about”… about 3 and a half years ago.
Fukushima Daiichi
Another act of war by the Neoconderthal Whore Lords?
Yoichi Shimatsu & Bill Deagle go along with Jim Stone…
But not Jeff Rense…
I often wonder about that…
Les said:
“I keep expecting newscasters and TV/film personalities to suddenly rise to their feet in the middle of their professional activities and say, “This is all lies and bullshit, I can't take it anymore.” It doesn't happen.”
The Lords of the Lies and their pathological stable of professional liars are always screaming their insane heads off, blaming and falsely accusing others, such as Vlad The Inhaler, of doing what they themselves are doing in spades, and clubs and diamonds…
Daniel Major in Ottawa
P.S.: Just for your infotainment:
The Nobel Peace Prize 2013
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
"for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2012
European Union (EU)
"for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2009
Barack H. Obama
"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2007
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.
"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"
The Nobel Peace Prize 2005
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Mohamed ElBaradei
The Nobel Peace Prize 2001
United Nations (U.N.) and Kofi Annan "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world"
"for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way"
The Nobel Peace Prize 1988
United Nations Peacekeeping Forces
The Nobel Peace Prize 1986
Elie Wiesel
The Nobel Peace Prize 1973
Henry A. Kissinger and Le Duc Tho
The Nobel Peace Prize 1972
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money for 1972 was allocated to the Main Fund.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1967
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1966
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1956
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1955
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.
I hope for your rapid healing or at least a quick path for health management purposes.
Your molecule analogy is spot on but it's hoped that it'll turn kinetic to create the heat needed to enlighten those who have chosen blindness over truth. It is important to understand how one molecule will have an effect on those other molecules in their immediate vicinity, and then they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on (like the old hair commercial).
You're much more than a single molecule as you have a much greater molecular audience, a verifiable cluster that's expanded into many different areas. For this we are all grateful.
It has been a struggle for the last six years with the additional angst of being that molecule that don't quite fit in.
There is hope as others who scorned, laughed and ridiculed are now seriously asking about the comments that originally created their scorn and ridicule.
For six years there are two small mountains that have helped my path of difficulties and solitude due to the exertion of climbing them while enjoying the ability to appreciate the almighty. There is now one other who accompanies these hikes and on occasion we expand to different mountain ranges. There is hope that others will eventually follow. It is good to follow a righteous path with similarly minded folks. If only there was certainty that the path is a righteous one.
As Patrick Willis appreciatively quoted some of your album "God in Country':
"Strive..., Strive..., Strive..."
Just thought those words, actions and sentiments were highly appropriate to your blog and to the others being fortunate enough to have read it.
Joe no pass litmus test:
in quantum physics
one 'thing' can effect another,
over any distance
something to think about
Excellent phenomenological analysis. Your metaphysical underpinnings are duly sensitive to the antivalence of forces involved, colloquially comprehended under the terms "Good or evil".
When the "and" of "Good and evil" is rent completely in two, to become a defunct or lost to a time forgotten by Eternity, then the "Apocalypsis Individuationis" can proceed, per individuum.
Not all that long ago, many of the trends being promoted by the scoundrels in power and their media would not have been tolerated. Something happened to the public will. Something has occupied the public mind and areas of that organism have been rendered non operational.
Enforced MULTI-CULTURISM divided resonance in and between communities. AKA DIVIDE AND CONQUER
A.N. - "Watcha talking bout Willis"?
Runaga XXXand erldhopA.N. - "Watcha talking bout Willis"?
via Homer..
"We are creating our own karma. Therefore any sane man will see that "I have served so long, so much, our desires, but I am not happy. I am not happy, neither the desire is happy." The desire is never satiated that "You have killed so many animals. Now you don't..." No, he will go on, go on killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing. He is never satisfied, "Now I have killed so many. No more, stop." No, there is no stoppage. That will go on. Kāmādīnāṁ kati na katidhā. The injunction is "Thou shalt not kill," but he will kill and kill and kill and kill, and still, he want to be satisfied. Just see. The Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill," and they are simply engaged in killing business, and still they want to be happy. Just see the fun.
Therefore Kṛṣṇa says, "Yes, you will be killed. You have created this situation. You must be killed. You may be American or Englishman or German or this or that. You may be very proud of your nationality. But you must be killed." This is the position. Īśvarasya viceṣṭitam. "You have killed so many animals. Now wholesale killing, one bomb. One atom bomb. Be killed."
"So you are suffering. You are maintaining so many slaughterhouses, and when it will be mature, there will be war, the wholesale murder. Finished. One atom bomb—finished. You'll have to suffer. Don't think that "Innocent animals, they cannot protest. Let us kill and eat." No. You'll be also punished. Wait for accumulation of your sinful activities, and there will be war, and the America will drop the atom bomb, and Russia will be finished. Both will be finished."
Prabhupāda: Well, anyway, they must be used. There is no doubt about it. Therefore we can say there will be war. It is no astrology. It is natural conclusion.
I am learning that everything is not always as it appears. Consider:
He was born with a humpback and his presumed grotesque appearance caused people to turn away from him. On a journey to Hamburg he spied a woman so wonderful and beautiful he fell madly in love. Like all others she could not even bring herself to look at his deformity.
As he prepared to leave, he climbed the steps and tried to talk with her though she avoided looking at him.
"Do you believe marriages are made in heaven?" he asked tentatively.
"Yes," she replied, "And do you?"
"Yes I do," he said. "In heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry. When I was born, my future bride was pointed out to me. Then the Lord added, "But your wife will be humpbacked."
"Right then and there I called out, "O Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful.'"
The woman looked into his eyes for the first time and tentatively reached out and placed her hand in his. Much later, she became his spouse.
perhaps of interest :
The Pali Dhammapada
The following English translations are from Müller (1881). The Pali
text is from the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project (SLTP) edition.[23]
Ch. I. Twin Verses (Yamaka-vaggo)[edit]
1.All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded
on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or
acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the
foot of the ox that draws the carriage..
2.All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded
on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or
acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that
never leaves him.
5.For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by
love, this is an eternal rule.
Ch. X. Punishment (Daṇḍa-vaggo)[edit]
131.He who seeking his own happiness punishes or kills beings who also
long for happiness, will not find happiness after death.
132.He who seeking his own happiness does not punish or kill beings
who also long for happiness, will find happiness after
133.Do not speak harshly to anybody; those who are spoken to will
answer thee in the same way. Angry speech is painful, blows for blows
will touch thee.
Ch. XII: Self (Atta-vaggo)[edit]
157.If a man hold himself dear, let him watch himself carefully;
during one at least out of the three watches a wise man should be
158.Let each man direct himself first to what is proper, then let him
teach others; thus a wise man will not suffer.
159.If a man make himself as he teaches others to be, then, being
himself well subdued, he may subdue (others); one's own self is indeed
difficult to subdue.
160.One is one's own refuge, what other refuge can there be?? With
self well subdued, a man finds a refuge such as few can find.
161.The evil done by oneself, self-begotten, self-bred, crushes the
foolish, as a diamond breaks a precious stone.
162.He whose wickedness is very great brings himself down to that
state where his enemy wishes him to be, as a creeper does with the
tree which it surrounds.
163.Bad deeds, and deeds hurtful to ourselves, are easy to do; what is
beneficial and good, that is very difficult to do.
164.The foolish man who scorns the rule of the venerable (Arahat), of
the elect (Ariya), of the virtuous, and follows false doctrine, he
bears fruit to his own destruction, like the fruits of the Katthaka
165.By oneself the evil is done, by oneself one suffers; by oneself
evil is left undone, by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity
belong to oneself, no one can purify another.
166.Let no one forget his own duty for the sake of another's, however
great; let a man, after he has discerned his own duty, be always
attentive to his duty.
Ch. XIII: World[edit]
167.Rouse yourself, be diligent, in Dhamma faring well. Who dwells in
Dhamma’s happy in this birth and the next.
Ch. XIV: The Buddha (The Awakened) (Buddha-vaggo)[edit]
183.Not to commit any sin, to do good, and governance of one's mind,
that is the teaching of (all) the Awakened..
Ch. XX: The Way (Magga-vaggo)[edit]
276.You yourself must make an effort. The Tathagatas (Buddhas) are
only preachers. The thoughtful who enter the way are freed from the
bondage of Mara.
277.'All created things perish,' he who knows and sees this becomes
passive in pain; this is the way to purity.
278.'All created things are grief and pain,' he who knows and sees
this becomes passive in pain; this is the way that leads to
279.'All forms are unreal,' he who knows and sees this becomes passive
in pain; this is the way that leads to purity.
Ch. XXIV: Thirst (Taṇhā-vaggo)[edit]
343.Men, driven on by thirst, run about like a snared hare; let
therefore the mendicant drive out thirst, by striving after
passionlessness for himself.
350.If a man delights in quieting doubts, and, always reflecting,
dwells on what is not delightful (the impurity of the body, etc...), he
certainly will remove, nay, he will cut the fetter of Mara.
Are you walking by yourself yet les
If not
I have an idea.
Sit with your back towards the sun and ask your shadow to give you a hand up.
You may be surprised.
I was.
via Homer..
"Having $50 billion of assets under potential seizure is enough to make anyone whince. However, despite a quickly worded statement on the Yukos award, Vladimir Putin seems less than anxious to find a resolution. We think we know why, and it's very concerning."
"One person close to Mr Putin said the Yukos ruling was insignificant in light of the bigger geopolitical stand-off over Ukraine."
“There is a war coming in Europe,” he said. “Do you really think this matters?”
Sean, I like that, not just for its physical benefit but also as metaphor. Seems we don't much explore the shadow anymore. I remember it being validated in the early eighties: "Embrace your dark side." "Love your shadow." I don't think it had much to do with malevolence, but rather with weaknesses, shortcomings. Perhaps those who advanced it had in mind the shedding of guilt. Not sure, but I found that I was always a little suspicious of those who studied it/resonated with it. Often they came with a smile that was covering an abrasive personality. I learned to avoid them. Yes, I've had times when my shadow acted out but I was never not embarrassed by that. I remember Don Juan saying that it's not so much about becoming good as it is about becoming free. That's something I could ponder for a lot of years. Well, just some of the stirrings your post took me to. And here's a few tips I just got from my mother-in-law:
Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.
Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.
The second mouse gets the cheese.
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. (grin)
i often asked myself why do the mega ritch (i refrain from using the word elite) seek to ever increase their wealth even when having enough to live for 1000's of years in pure luxury.
I read just the other day that 85 individuals are worth as much as half of the people on the planet - 3.5 billion. So i asked myself the same question again. My higher self that would be :)
(As an aside, many people don't believe that such evil long term plans are actually made. They think, what would be the point. 'I mean they won't be around in 50 or 100 years or whenever their long term plans are fullfilled - so whats the point')
Well this is what my higher self told me: We actually return to this life/this planet as our grandchildrens grandchildren. We are on a repeat cycle.
So what ever is accumulated and kept strictly in the family secures ongoing prosperity - and security.
In the begining this cosmic plan was generally used for good. It meant that people would always take good care of their familys and offspring knowing that they that they would repeatedly occupy all of the positions over and over. It also made good sense to take care of the enviornment and to conserve what ever resources required through living this part of the cycle. So being kind, loving and caring for our loved ones and the planet as a whole was the only way to go.
Of course this was corrupted to what we see today and what the result will be i do not know. In fact i forgot to ask. I also do not know what happens to those who do not have children. Maybe that is simply a natural process of moving on. Again i didn't ask.
Anyhow, as we can all see the system is broken and needs to be fixed. As always a few bad apples .................
A new Visible Origami up now-
The Humidity of Mortality on Pinball Planet.
Dear Les, as you like to say, this is being done "for the purposes of demonstration".
Broadly, there are three types of people in the world: The Awake, the Asleep and Satan's little helpers. As, you have observed, the evil is being ramped up but little is being done.
Basically, God wants to accentuate the difference between good and evil. He allows evil to take hold for this purpose.
Those that already too far given over to depravity are finished. Those who are on the edge of finding Christ, hopefully they'll recognise what's happening. Those who are already redeemed will be more mindful not to return to wickedness:
Romans 1:28
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be do
Something tells me you are right!
You are getting better in more ways than one :)
Love, Lori
A new smoking Mirrors is up now-
The Walking Wounded Victims of Each Other.
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