Dog Poet Transmitting........
May your noses always be cold and wet.
To paraphrase L. Cohen; “first we take Provincetown and then we take Palm Springs”. To see where more and more of the cultural mainstream is at, one must read the comments at this article and keep in mind that the article had nothing to do with the comments. Then, further make yourself aware of the site these comments are posted on.
The Zio-Ukrainian govt has cut off the drinking water to Crimea. There is no mention of this in the Crass Media. Imagine what's going on behind the scenes, just imagine. Those who have enslaved humanity through their economic hocus pocus and who presently make war against all religions; who promote atheism and political correctness (because it gives them something to hide behind), who hate all that is good and noble and true in the human spirit; in those rare life forms where is still resides and where it has not been morphed into frightening travesties of itself, through bombastic patriotism and manufactured senses of duty through charitable works that wind up serving no one... are... are well aware of what's on the menu for them.
For centuries, the populations of many lands have had to deal with these predators and they've gone to considerable trouble to make themselves untouchable... or so they think. When you have Satan in his top hat and tails whispering in your ear, you're likely to believe almost anything but... hey, you're a cosmic lesson for the purpose of demonstration. You booked the tour. You said, “hang the expense” you partied till the sun came shining through Doomsday's Gate.
You made sure your bloodlines stayed consistent over the centuries and long ago you stole what you could get your hands on concerning the ancient mysteries that contained the secrets of personal magic and social control. You put your people on every side of every equation and it just doesn't seem possible at this stage of the game that anyone could mount any kind of effective defense against your intention to wipe out a significant portion of the human race and turn the remainder into a permanent servant class. Satan is good at what he does. In a job description of that sort, you need to be high end capable or someone else is going to get the gig.
They've shanghaied the laws and the lawmaking processes to create an aura of invulnerability around themselves. They like strange and they like the attention it brings. Most people go down for things because they couldn't keep their mouths shut. It is amazing to watch people brag about the kinds of things that will eventually put them behind bards or under the boot-heels of an outraged populace. It fascinates me to watch all of the different destinies dovetailing toward predictable ends. When it happens it is not going to be pretty and the intensity of it will be powered by their resistance to it.
Humanity amazes me. They've got no fur or fangs and comparatively they are so weak next to all of the other life forms. There's not much atavistic juice to speak of these days, unless you're in the South Seas islands or perambulating with Big Foot. None of these limitations bother some people. Give them the right set of clothes and circumstances and they are easily convinced of their exceptional state.
Personally, I've had it with all of this self deception and artful fantasizing, what it looks like is that life hurts. People are fixated on the Horizontal Hula and they never tumble to the fact that all those precious body fluids are just variations on the compounds used to create Krazy Glue. There's hardly a pretty flower of any metaphorical bent that doesn't come decked with some form of hidden thorns or poisonous under leaves.
People drink themselves silly in the hopes that they'll get to do the Horizontal Hula over and over again. Shakespeare had a few words on how effective that combination is. Beset with the mindset of personal inadequacy, people pursue wealth and power, fully believing that the people who wouldn't fuck them without it, will now gladly fuck them since they are in the possession of it. Do they not see what this says about them and whomever it is they wanted to bounce up and down on, or simply lie still as the grave beneath? Do they care? Of course not. That would spoil the whole construct. Truth in vision is not a desirable state to have to live in. Who cares if they only love me for my money or my status? At least they love me right? Right?
I was in Woodstock years ago and at the time I had a friend named Michael. He also had a yogi name. He went the way of so many acquaintances that suited whoever I thought I was at the time. He went out of town for a week once and he left me with his antique Mercedes stretch sedan. I remember pulling into the Esso station one day. Apropos of nothing, it was owned by Lee Marvin's brother (who also lived there). I remember getting out of the car. I was going to get some gas and while I was pumping the gas, I saw this car pull in and this VERY attractive young lady got out. She saw me and she gave me this brilliant smile. I nearly turned around to see if someone was standing behind me. It really looked like she knew me and the energy of her attraction for me was palpable. I couldn't put it together and then I got it. Right! It was the car. I cracked up. Lee's brother came out to where I was and collected the money and I got in the car and drove away.
Being able to have anything you want, whenever you want it, is a special kind of Hell. Being so content with yourself that everything else is incidental to it is the key to an immortal serenity. There isn't much that doesn't show up at some point, either as a reward or some kind of test ...and most of the things we thought we wanted- as life proves out in most cases- is not what we wanted and worse... the source of enduring distress; either due to the things we did to get our hands on it, or the fact that, once stripped of its original glamor, we find it to have been all allure and not much else.
Maybe it's just me and that's how it has worked out in my case, as the result of the peculiar aggregation of molecules and mysteries that compose me but... I tend to think otherwise given the looks I see on people's faces as I make the rounds. Quite some number of people look like they bit into a lemon, or are carrying quite a bit of ill concealed and toxic violence around with them. Most of this, I observe at a wide distance. It's somewhat different around here; not to say there isn't some amount of that, especially in the young. I was driving with my friend yesterday to purchase more insulation, backing paper and what not and as we slipped through the different small towns that make up most of the area here, he pointed out something to me that I had already noticed and that was the number of men going in and out of various convenience stores, returning emptied beer bottles and departing with a couple more. He told me there was a great deal of that around here; people drinking all day long. That's another terrible Hell.
People form their ideas of right and wrong based on the temporary glimpse of life in a single expression. They see people with certain predilections and practices, in certain situations and conditions and they moan about how unfair it all is and how we all have the right to be anything we want to be, once again confusing liberty with license. What they don't take into account is that other lives led them into this life and this life leads to yet more. Why does that insufferable asshole get to be a rock star? Why is that talentless slut a film star; pursued in the sticky and oleaginous wet dreams of horn dogs the world over? Why does that nasty creep have all that money and why does the local sheriff let him have his way with every youth he sets his eyes on in the neighbourhood, before or after the sheriff himself gets done with them? This is all part and parcel of lifetimes bleeding into lifetimes bleeding into lifetimes; the same as the planets move in their relentless and inflexible courses to set the state for all the actual justices that will inevitably take place. Seasons come and go, civilizations rise and fall, nothing ever changes, it just looks like it does and of course, with every new life you get new eyes to be newly deceived, in whatever way that belief in what the formerly old eyes told you, led to.
Those people living the high life and milking the karmic cow, paid whatever price there was to get to where they could prance about and act however it is that they act, while the meter is running. Sometimes they are singled out as life lessons. One might say all of them are, one way or another.
What can anyone do to come to terms with all of this in the most effective and most positively transformational way? Sages... teachers, holy oracles of wisdom... have all said pretty much the same thing; throw yourself on the mercy of the court. Take all your dreams and ambitions, your hopes and regrets, your fears and apprehensions... all of it and pitch them into the ocean. Ask for help and guidance. Ask to be led out of ignorance and into the light. Ask to be led out of the bondage of darkness and into the Broad Daylight Awareness of seeing things as they are.
This is too much for so many people who still think that when they get their hands on whatever it is that they think they want that it will be exactly what they thought it would be ...if not more. Once you are 'capable' of realizing that things are not what they seem ...because you are not who you are and because of that cannot see things as they are... you are in a position to accept and to embrace your state of fundamental unknowingness and can then rely upon the greater wisdom of the higher mind to anticipate every barriers and blockade before you and troubleshoot your way around them; effectively leading you out of Egypt. You are only what you are and only what you think you are, based on where you've been; even though you can't even remember where or what that was, it is written into the code that motivates you and arranges the scenery around you... for SO LONG AS IT IS NECESSARY... until realization comes. In whose hands does realization lie? Who dispenses it? That is whom you must seek out. If you are looking for soft ice cream, some brand of carbonated drink, or or a temporary sexual easement from the cosmic tantric, zoning committee well... you have to direct your footsteps toward another dispenser. Those would be the dispensers with the (in many cases) big line around them.
I understand that at Disneyland and Disney World there are huge lines in front of all of the rides. I've never been. I also understand that the rich have found ways to pay to have themselves listed as disabled or similar in order to get the the head of the lines in every case. The power and intoxication of things like Disney-thrall is immense. What is the point of getting so many people, after winning a competition or however they got on the stage, once asked what they would do now, they always say, “I'm going to Disneyland!” This is actually a reincarnation thing. Look at all those people lined up for these rides to nowhere; whether it is in Disneyland, Wall Street, some singles' bar or wherever they go that is directly or indirectly connected to what they think they want. When you get into one of those secret bowers where wisdom, realization or similar graces are gifted, one of the things you notice is how very alone you are. How it is ...and ergo, why it is that it keeps on keeping on as it does. It will surely always do so. You, on the other hand, do not have to.
End Transmission.......
Last Sunday's radio broadcast is up for download or streaming.
'Gone Baby Gone' is track no. 6 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine
- 'A Novel of the Unnatural and Supernatural...'
Paperback: $27.00 | |
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How come I never see you at What Really Happened? It has been months.
Hmmmm... well, Michael objected to my defense of Putin and his law that he set into place to defend children against predatory sexual programming. He refused to post my article because he said that he did not agree with my position.
You might say there were two reasons for my ceasing to be linked there anymore. One of them is that I find it impossible to understand why one could object to such a law, which directly implies that one supports the rights of vested interests to lobby the attention of minors toward sexual propaganda. I don't see how it can be interpreted any other way.
The other reason is; I do not choose to be linked by a webmaster who only posts the opinions he is in agreement with. That seems to go contrary to everything he purports to stand for. It was already difficult for me since I had to control the amount of spiritual content in my posts because he objects to spiritual ideas being linked at his site.
I hope this explains why I have chosen to go my separate way. Something is deeply wrong about this. I'm not sure what but I'm better off being my own man.
Wow.. . "The Zio-Ukrainian govt has cut off the drinking water to Crimea." How very 'Palestinian', whatever next? Sewage flushed down the streets into their homes....for shame.
Though you do seem to be getting posted by Jeff Rense again. Though I can't see why people need to be prodded by a political site that posts you to go to your posts. WHY CAN'T THOSE PEOPLE JUST KEY IN 'LES VISIBLE', or 'DOG POET' or 'SMOKING MIRRORS' or WHAT EVER without being reminded? Why if they read you before, do you lose readership just because this or that owner of this or that site doesn't carry you anymore?
The stupidity of people would amaze me if I didn't know better. And the selective stupidity of myself blows me away when I reflect on some of the things I did or didn't do in my past. I'm still paying for a couple of those things today, and I will for the rest of my life; but oh well. Life isn't here for anyone's convenience, is it? We knew what we were in for before we got here, and we chose to do it anyway.
On the other hand, looking at statistics; I have nothing to complain about. Alexander and Cebes didn't have it so good as I do in the here and now, though I must admit it's a short term thing; and I know there is no long term, so it works for me. Of course I do complain anyway, considering a get perverse pleasure from it; but I am as paradoxical as my life, so hey.
Different topic, but April was a doozy for things getting set up. I wonder when the 'game' really starts, if you know what I mean. When will that Gavrilo Princip moment hit the fan?!
Now off to the neti pot. . .NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(How many of us are wondering what inspired you to write neti neti the other day, I do wonder? Are you gonna tell us, or am I gonna lose sleep wondering for the next 6 months, which I doubt I have?)
Mike Rivero is on the bad guys' payroll. You can examine this notion from any angle, and it always boils down to the same conclusion. He once worked for NASA; he derides anybody who claims the Apollo moon landings were a hoax (which they undoubtedly were). NASA is involved in a whole lot evil shit and the rocket sideshow is just that - a sideshow, bread and circus for the masses, where they "ooh" and "ah" at every bogus rocket that takes off, like drones watching fireworks. Meanwhile, down in the basement, they are programming little children using horrific mind-control techniques. Mike used to work in Hollywood; this might explain why he didn't like the anti-pedophilia/anti-sexual-programming angle that Visible was working, in that post that he just referenced, to which Rivero didn't link. Rivero doesn't believe that Satanism is real - or so he professes. He was a hugely vocal believer in the innocence of the West Memphis Three, who were eventually set free via the backing of Hollywood Satanists (once again, for the galactically brain-dead, Mike Rivero used to work in Hollywood). The West Memphis Three were guilty as hell, and there is ample evidence of that fact. I sent Rivero a library's worth of evidence by email on the subject, after he had written a blurb about what a shame it was that the West Memphis Three had been "railroaded", and he wrote me back a couple of minutes later and exclaimed, "That's all been disproven." Wow. In addition to being an all-around genius, the guy's a speedreader, too (sarcasm). I can't put any stock in an individual who quotes himself on his own website. I remember back in the day, about 10 years ago, when I used to email him about the NWO (New World Order). He used to poo-poo the notion on his site that there was a cadre of evil men who wanted to take over the world, murder most of us, and put the rest in cages. He refused to give any credence to the notion, and never linked to articles that dealt with that subject. A few years ago he must have gotten the green light from his handlers to start letting that topic bleed through on his site, and then it did. The guy's a gatekeeping disinfo artist. His job is to applaud all the "truther articles" that have been green-lighted by the intelligence community, and deride anybody who actually starts talking about anything that is significantly true. Mike's site should be renamed "What Didn't Really Happen But We Want You to Believe That It Did"...
A new Siamese Mirrors just went up:
Hearts in Bloom by Jarno.
" is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
We are the lucky ones.
With regard to WRH and your defence of Putin, it turns out that he is much more controversial than I'd thought:
Some real surprises...
my buddy @ USAICS in 96C said when asked about what INTERROGATORS actually do ...
"oh we just promise them a trip to disneyland"....{04JUL79}
this was before the Israeli NEOCON terrorist torturers started transforming the military interrogators into Zionist operatives....
anywho...Mikey can avoid the burning bush all day tomorrow, too...
say isn't the Anti-Semite Convocation in Brussels in need of some riparian entertainement ?
selling "JEW" poo is gittin' harder to do...
eckspeschully for the itty bitty "Jew"...
it's true.
I saw this video linked in a story in an israeli paper the other day, and because the comments posted were so angry and bitter, i knew it would be good, and was not disappointed. Now i see that Gilad Atzmon has also posted it... well worth five minutes if you haven't seen this, haven't see anything so over the top funny in a long time:
Evil uses lies to defend itself. It uses lies mixed with truth for attack.
wrt anon. @2:02 If not for the 'did they/didn't they?' argument Apollo would be all but forgotten about.
Superb writing today, Vis. Am attempting to digest it all.
Anon, the "Holocaust Visit" video is fire in our hands, burnin' out lies and shaming the liars. This is a woman worth studying with. And after her performance, when she was just being herself, she showed her vulnerability, showed how much courage she had to summon within herself to deliver such a compelling piece. Love protect her.
And. . . . . . . . It's May Day!! Kiss someone on the cheek, anyone.
cedar point
I'm smelling some fine ingredients being sauteed here in preparation for another wicked rack of a you tube video assisted by sous-chef Patrick Willis' brilliant if spot on interpretation through that impeccably distinguished voice.
It's often, often occurred to me that "this isn't our first rodeo/lifetime", and it goads me into trying to be more conscientious than the types that love to take these "wonderful times" and how "stable" they are for granted and en masse. I see that too as a reason why people get into certain circles of thought, surrounded by like-minded, like-souled types and honestly, sincerely tell themselves what they want and, on a goofy, hive-like spiritual level, need to hear, always comporting itself back to some official tripe of fake inferences that those types "know" to be hard, cold facts; never the point of using some to any degree of "that damned", deductive, intuitive reasoning in being able to read between the lines and see poopy propaganda so as such. It's their discerning and subsequent, ultimately, highly consequent discretion that they'll be called out on, one by one, and not as a damn, hive-minded group. So will I, and the necessity of the loneliness I've been feeling for a while's only so as such when it comes to whom I'm alienating myself from, why and how. I'm ok and then some with that, but still very much understand that I have bad karmic liabilities too, which the oncoming, cosmic side of the tale being told will take me up on the many a check I've written with my mouth that my body's willing to die for over in just how enissophobic I am about disappointing the no-nonsense, rather serious members of the Heavens, which are still laughable to the same people I'm alienating myself from that may just get disabused about both the intellectual and spiritual "initiatives" the lumps chose to choose to get into in ever having that much "principle" to laugh just to actually have to test that in actual principle; that crappy demonstration will not last long. Stay true to yourselves, be introspective and intuitive and there's little chance that you'll be "honestly" BSing yourselves like I see a lot of people "honestly" doing in the same, highly complacent groups. Yeah, I could be wrong too, and I know that, but these types regurgitate laughingly, exactly what they hear from compromised news outlets, not knowing that one too, and they simply, "seriously" love to laugh at any cosmological, metaphysical plot line in so-called, self-professed, "sane principle", which they'll all want to abandon en masse upon instantaneous contact with that which they were always "decent" enough to laugh at certain character's character about. Oh, the "irony" of always, never expecting any stripe of any vagary that they love to laugh at while The Veil(s) is/are working "wonders" on them, to be a truth or two. At any rate, the gangsters are more scared and more idiotically craven than ever, so figure that they'll all "honestly" bull shit themselves into a rather sticky wicket with that many more vectors for full-on failure cropping up daily. They'll never know what hit them when it all gets started, but will be willing to go "WHAAA" about it as their satanic plot lines unravel and the kakistocratic situation unveils itself to every being on Earth; then the thumpin' begins...Ha ha ha!
Mr. McCob: I somewhat understand your take on things, but I'm not quite certain about what you are driving at. However, I know from reading your various posts here at Visible's blogs, that you are ultimately after the truth, and only the truth. I am not totally certain about the Apollo moon landings; it sounds like you are in possession of much truth on that particular subject. So I can only say that I hope you will post what you know about it, at this venue, so we can all have a fair chance at discussing it, and figuring out what is really going on. Thank you.
Mr. Apocolypse is swinging his stick and hitting hard. Food safety experts and "food" producing industry "specialists" get knocked by poisoned food. wow...
A new Visible Origami is up now-
The Final Departure of this Fentanyl Drenched Piscean Age.
anon at 3:45
I am only a common citizen with no outstanding aptitudes. I really don't know anything except that which is axiomatic. I urge everybody to examine the record and make their minds up for themselves if they are interested.
My remark about the truth and lies I got from 'The Exocist'.
As far as Apollo goes I really don't know what happened. I suspect it's a flim-flam. My reasons are that there are multiple new and complex technologies that needed to be tested in an exotic environment before any engineers could endorse the safety of the mission. At every stage there was a chance something could go wrong. But everything worked more or less perfectly. If every time I roll a pair of dice it comes up 7 I begin to wonder if the dice aren't loaded.
(Comments sections on blogs like this or youtube lack the scope for any meaningful engineering analysis.)
Thank you for reading and responding to my post. I always get a rush of dopamine when someone takes the time to comment on my remarks.
In the summer of 2004 it dawned upon me that the government's explanation of the 911 attacks were sophistic and lacked any meaningful detail. If the government is lying, and I suspect they are, the implications are grotesquely horrific and diabolical. Hence, my obsession.
Be well!
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
The Lap Dancing Prostitutes from the Sarajevo Redux Bardo.
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