Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Talmudic Tit Fruit Children of the Father of Lies.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

We are all aware of certain things. Then we figure, “Okay, got it, moving right along” and we promptly forget what had seemed memorable and important, only a short while ago. We've all been warned that Hasbara Whores and Sayanim Sociopaths, are hard at work, disseminating false information and performing inhuman acts, upon the human population, as well as pretending to be someone they're not and that involves other armies that are employed by corporations or anyone with the money to spend.. Recently, they have ratcheted up their efforts and expanded in numbers, out upon the landscape, like a swarm of mosquitoes. If you have a blog or blogs and you are someone concerned with the truth, you are automatically made an enemy of the Talmudic Children of the Father of Lies. They are the sworn and unnatural enemy of truth. Positive archetypes and the presence of finer qualities like integrity; honor, compassion and various other invaluable possessions, treasured by those who know the true value of them, cause these pit dwelling night feeders to burn in a frenzy of rage. Their teeth gnash against each other. They cry out in pain, at every and any contact that occurs between them and the forces and serving agents of light. They live to do harm. Accept this, see them for what they are and you will be informed and protected in ways that you may not be now.

They are coming after you and I now. With money stolen from other countries, extorted monies, counterfeit monies and many another, deceptively acquired monies. They have hired legions of programmed vermin, to attack any and all websites, where any opinion, counter to their own lying propagandas may appear. Here's an example of what I am talking about that's generic, meaning it doesn't directly relate to any of the many, many offenses against humanity that are carried out each day by Israelis, or their agents ...but which has to do with policies set in place by them.

How fucked up is the not so human race? Here's a clear example. Here is a psychopathic mass murderer being celebrated for killing people in wars, orchestrated by Israel, in reaction to the 9/11 attacks that were orchestrated, engineered and carried out by Israel. Gaze upon the wise and compassionate face of this testosterone, overloaded steer, this reject from Jersey Shore, this self satisfied, smug asshole, who is too stupid to beat his kids and chew gum at the same time. He and thousands like him, on their way to beer gut heaven, crowd bar stools and pork rind diners, talking about their Glory Days. Forgive me, I'm not where I should be yet. I'm not beyond certain human, all to human reactions to certain things and... I have to say, it would please me. It would please me greatly to see this thug, this tub of contracted lard, with a big red hole in the center of his forehead. No... it's worse than that. I'd like to see him strapped down somewhere where no one speaks English and they interrogate him in an unknown tongue, about things he knows nothing about, until he agrees to everything and anything that is asked of him, whether he understands it or not. Goddamn you to Hell, Brandon Webb. Goddamn you to Hell, Bill Briggs. Goddamn you to Hell, NBC.com. Goddamn you to Hell, nation of Israel. Goddamn all and everyone of you ...who turn the warm heart cold and terrorize the soul.

I know I should be all new age and warm fuzzy, loving them, one and all. I used to have a girlfriend, who wasn't a very nice person and... she could talk a good game of that, while being a flaming hypocrite about many another thing. I see me an army of Eckhart Tolle clones, who talk a good slumber inducing game of that kind of thing, as they go out the door with saddlebags full of cash. I get people coming by here who can look right at the avaricious behavior of these kinds of people and explain it all away, cause they got some kind of an investment in the person, or are just waiting for their chance to do the same thing. No one has ever plumbed the heights and depths of the human heart. We are beautiful beyond comprehension and potentially, equally as vile, in the opposite direction.

We've heard plenty about the NSA and their insane intention to vacuum up every communication and stray bit of information thought, spoken or read, anywhere in the world at any time (I may be exaggerating only a little). Here's what this kind of ignorant and impossible agendas results in. Then I get the unflagging and ubiquitous 'anonymous', showing up and letting me know, through poorly drafted sarcasm, supported by zero facts but plenty of wide-eyed, frothing at the mouth conjectures, that the original Children of the Devil, are actually employees of The Catholic Church. I am pretty confident that he read all about this on some deep purple website, with pink text, that he found at the ass end of the internet.

I have put enough time and attention into studying what seems to be going on behind the scenes, through the employment of both deductive and inductive reasoning that... had I attended various institutions of higher learning, I would have long ago gotten my doctorate. There are quite a few like me out there and... some of us are... 'out there'. My personal preference is to be at the diametrically opposite position as that of Sherlock Holmes, though I use both the deductive and the inductive. That should tell you (immediately in some cases-grin), which reasoning technique I prefer. I have yet to see any new information, in years, that goes 'provably' counter to what my research and ruminations have presented me with. I DID NOT set out already convinced of something and then arrange the facts following to confirm my projections (irony alert). I went where my inquiries and the facts led me. As I have stated in these blogs many, many times, there is no conceivable profit for me to hold the opinions that I do. They are career destroying and pariah making in the extreme but... what do I do? Do I tell the truth to go fuck itself because it didn't make things all wonderfully acceptable to the masses? Do I deny to myself what my Lying Eyes are telling me? I have to live with myself. I have to live with myself and... so do you ...so do you.

You aren't hearing a word about this on the Crass Media. Is it true, untrue, or mere speculation? This deserves to be seen again, especially by those who didn't see it the first time. It tells you, as so many things do, these days, what sort of monsters walk among us. Is this true, untrue or mere speculation? I'll tell you this, when I see things like this, I let off with a war whoop of appreciation and gut level support. I'm no fan of the Taliban's perspective on how life ought to be lived but... that's none of my business. That's how they do it over there, unless they're otherwise occupied as the sodomized targets of the Zionist military, industrial complex. When I see things like this, I let out a war whoop, until it occurs to me that he probably set the whole thing up to collect on the insurance (read the article, sounds like an inside job) and whatever he got kicked back from those he employed to do it. When I see things like this, I got to admit, I'm impressed (but no war whoop) and... since the governments are only the most powerful, organized criminal syndicate, I look at their responses to other criminals, as simply an attempt to eliminate the competition and crack down on entrepreneurship. Nothing is more convincing proof of the criminal nature of ZATO and the governments of the nations that compose it than this. Before the Israeli attack on the Twin Towers, Pentagon and empty Pennsylvania pastureland, which were performed to legitimize gratuitous (for profit) assaults on various nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Syria and sundry, the opium trade from Afghanistan was completely shut down. Now it is rocking along like the American private prison industry. Western military troops are observably employed at protecting the opium fields for multinational drug dealers.

When things reach the zenith of the ridiculous. When it all becomes nothing more than a joke... but it hurts to laugh. When professions held in high regard (probably many centuries ago) are composed of a large percentage of serious incompetents and when professions that are based on an informed knowledge of a process, become professions devoted to the perversion of that process, you know you're in uncertain waters with a thick fog rolling in. When the world's second oldest profession becomes indistinguishable from the world's oldest profession, you know the system is sure and certain to implode, in the not too distant future. When the institutions of moral instruction and the repository of alleged spiritual teachings, are reduced to sexual grazing areas for the ministers and priest employed therein, you know that that infrastructure, of however many thousands of years in existence, is very soon going to tumble to the ground.

Massive and irresistible change is upon us and we can only successfully greet it, by not resisting the changes within ourselves that are taking place at the same time. If we are all hot and bothered about the world changing but inattentive to changing ourselves, change will be forced upon us and the experience will be similar to the difference between consensual sex and forcible rape. Have it your way, you don't have to go to McDonald’s for that to happen and you can get a pink slime shake just about anywhere these days.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Color Ball by Les Visible♫ It's Changing ♫
'It's Changing' is track no. 5 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'
Lyrics (pops up)

Color Ball by Les Visible


Anonymous said...

I have some observations to make here. Visible has for years, pressed people to not post anonymously at his blogs, his thought being, it would seem, that somehow, someone who posts anonymously is sub-human, or deserving of less attention.

Posting anonymously, or writing anonymously, is a fundamental right of free speech. And there are governmental agencies around the world that are pressing hard for the implementation of Real ID, as we speak, the implementation of which means that we won't be able to get on the Internet without "proving" who we are, either by fingerprints, or facial recognition software, or other means of biometric identification.

So I find that very curious.

I have mentioned this at Visible's blogs off and on over the years. He has never said much about my central point here, other than to call me a "Hasbara troll" or a "shit-stirrer" or deflect attention away from the central issue. Who knows, maybe this time he will?

I also find it curious that Google (which is effectively owned and controlled by the NSA, or, as Visible would word it, "Zio-Ogres), the company that hosts Visible's blogs, has not shut him down yet. Visible is free to continue to say whatever he wants, froth at the mouth about Israel being the root of all evil, etc. No problem. He gets a free pass to do this.

If Google (aka the NSA, aka the Zio-Ogres) didn't approve of what Visible was writing, he'd be shut down. Anybody who thinks otherwise has not thought this all the way through.

Entire websites disappear off the Internet when their owners start telling the truth about what is going on the world, or divulge truly secret and vital information that might empower others who have not been privy to it.

Entire episodes in human history, have been scrubbed from the records, when it does not jibe with the aims of those in control.

People disappear, or are murdered, when they have perspectives that run contrary to the plans of the men behind the curtain. Those people are too numerous to list here.

So it's very curious that Visible continues to ply his trade at Google's blogs - a company that is in lockstep with those who want to control the entire world.

There is a mountain of evidence that not only suggests that Israel is a cartoon cut-out for those in control behind the scenes, but absolutely proves it. However, this is just my opinion.

I would be glad to post all of that information, right here at Mr. Visible's blogs, so that his visitors might be able to read it and make up their own minds about it.

If Mr. Visible has no problem with that, I would be more than happy to supply not only online links (none of which point at sites that have purple background and pink text, heh), and an assortment of books, many of which have been written over a period of over 300 years.

Since Mr. Visible is only after the truth, and since he constantly says he knows nothing, I can't think of a single reason why he would object to this.

Is Israel really the force behind all the world's evil? That is the central question here. Or are there others behind Israel?

I mean, after all, just like anyone else, I am only after the truth here.

Aren't you?

What say ye, Lord Visible. Do you care to allow some of us to address this issue of whether or not Israel is the central villain the worldwide Empire of Evil? Would it be okay if we supplied information that refutes this perspective of yours?

If so, just let me know. I'll be glad to get that ball rolling.

If not...well...let me put it this way, it wouldn't surprise me. Heh.

Smyrna said...

Stopping the opium production was the Taliban's big crime.

The reason for the continued occupation of Afghanistan, as much as it is being used for the perpetual 'war on terror', is it being the world's heroin farm.

One of the many pay-offs considered when the 9/11 events were being conceived would have been re-establishing the heroin farm. Of that there is no doubt.

Anonymous said...

You guys wanna troll some Israelis?

Here's a site that has the email addresses and personal info of 35,000 Israelis:


Download the Tor browser, open it, paste the above link, and then the files are at the very top, "35k_Israelis_Part_1"

Have fun!

Visible said...

You have to be stupid or you are intentionally a troll, there is no third choice. I have REPEATEDLY stated that I have no problem with 'anonymous' save one and that is when is is used to mask ad hominem or for devious and offensive reasons.

If you've been around here as long as you say you have and FOR SOME REASON you think that you are the anonymous I'm talking to, as if you were the only anonymous posting here, you should know by now what my criteria are about 'anonymous'. I've explained myself at length and, troll that you are, you are forcing me to explain again and I will never do so from here on again.

You're a jerk and a fool, besides being transparent and using all the standard Coinitelpro tactics and you hide your name because you are Hasbara and a Tribe member for sure. I do not get published because the Zionist press likes my work and all your efforts at slander are pointless, along with your innuendo. Step just a little out of line after this and see how quickly your welcome vanishes, permanently. You're a government op and a shill, I know the style and most everyone else here will too.

Google is not the NSA and if I have no trouble, by going through a few simple things finding out who you are then I assure you the boogeyman you work for doesn't either.

Anonymous said...


The Taliban were jumping through hoops from '95 to 2001 to accommodate the whims of U.S. goverment vis-a-vis the 'humanitarian aid' that was tied to the eradication of drug trafficking. They did indeed set to work assiduously, eradicating three-quarters of the world's crop of opium poppies in one season. This unexpected success of the Taliban in Afghanistan was too much to bear in certian quarters by 2001. It drove up the price world wide, creating too much ancillary competition/market interference centered on existing supplies from other ares.

What Saudi Arabia ia to oil, Afghanistan(or whoever happens to control Afghanistan) is to opium.


Anonymous said...

Dear ziotrollstooge,

Whether or not Israel is the root of ALL evil these days is a topic worthy of debates. However Israel itself is little more than a front for evil. Israel is, superficially, a legitimate operative sovereignty set up to grease the skids for a whole lot of illegitimate behind-the-scenes operations.

Sovereign Israel is analogous to the front office, window-dressing cadre of stooges who ran the casino in the movie 'Casino'.


mike m said...

Bradley Manning NOT GUILTY!

now what?

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

NATO(US) guards and ensures the poppies for the hundreds of billions of tax free unaccounted dollars to (#1)finance their private semi-secret bases/militaries and (#2)flood Russia with heroin. Insidious.

Anonymous said...

and furthermore...

The Synagogue of Satan "Jewish" so-called State of

{Bad Faith / Psychopaths}

TALMUDIA is in fact full of FREIERS...!

The Children of Israel have never been the so-called "JEWS" who are in fact **PROSELYTES** - mostly Khazar/Turko-Mongolian GOG & MAGOG{s} and could in fact make Aliyah to Khazaria and just LEAVE Palestine...! TODAY !!

if anonymous TROLL{s} have the information on the Edomite "MONEY CHANGERS" and the Canaanite PHARISEES...


God knows there are more than enough braindeadgoy supporting the Zionist terrorists . . .

who OWN the Media...
PRINT the CURRENCY and constructed the infrastructure in the stool sculpture deity cult compound...that could stand to see the proof...of what makes a "JEW" so "JEWISH"...no matter what.

he's what perturbs me Mr. Les,

is when some hasbara troll can strain a GNAT to swallow a big stinking "JEWISH" camel...on steroids with a BABS on top humping a Weiner...while texting

okey dokey then...

My Friend the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Israel is scheduled to be released from the TDC today


so I'm like trying to be really happy and all...


back in the late 80's I was offended one night while visiting friends in Colorado by the "PROGRAMMING" on NBC, I wrote a letter to Brandon Tartikoff to register my objections...

shortly thereafter he was involved in a car accident with his children, and then he succumbed to cancer & died.

Goddamn you to Hell, Brandon Webb.

Goddamn you to Hell, Bill Briggs.

Goddamn you to Hell, NBC.com.

Goddamn you to Hell, nation of TALMUDIA.

Goddamn all and everyone of you ...who turn the tender warm heart cold and terrorize the souls of the innocent,...

especially the young impressionable minds who could be taught to marvel at all the wonders of creation, including procreation....

...and one honeybee came and said hello late yesterday pm, 1st one I've seen this year.


you say what needs to be said
and you offer some reasonable solutions for those inclined to see
the end of the {professional} LIARS & MASS MURDERERS and all their adoring psychophants...

for good


Anonymous said...

Bad ass posting, Vis with a title....simply superb. And some exhilarating exchanges here (the google inference was nice). Haven´t had that for quite a time around here. Whatever, you are a nucleus of truth and a true believer.
Lieben Gruss, in goodness

Visible said...

I warned you but then you had to say that I ignored your request to publish solid information that proves Israel didn't do 9/11 and of course there was nothing of the kind. You're just looking to stir shit so... go stir it somewhere else. Of course, if you have factual stuff that proves Israel didn't do 9/11 we'd be glad to see it but you don't have anything like that, cause Israel did do 9/11 and what will happen is now you will disappear and we won't hear from you again, anonymousberg

lightandlongshadows said...

We could endlessly argue over the contours of the oak tree, I find it useful to study the acorn. Timelines are uncertain, what came before is open to conjecture, details arguable but the fact remains that the many grind the grain while the few understand how to use their minds to project their imaginations by design, for themselves. Temporal power is a choice, coercion a requirement.
Civilisation requires slaves be they physical, mental or both. It's crowd control for the benefit of the few, nothing new about it. Sumeria to Babylon with Egypt in there too, on to Greece then Rome, Judaism is crowd control too. Be afraid and believe or be branded a heretic, to think for oneself, says the universal church of Rome that passed the hierarchical baton on to modernity. England had an empire, some say it still does but the ruling class seems to be project sharing to me. Anglo-American-Zionist with the Roman Catholic Church still able to cast it's imagination over a billion or so directly.
The keys to the kingdom are subject to the hand that has access and that hand is ruled by intention. We're ruled by those that wish to hoard the light for themselves, whatever cloak they wear. They are playing in the world of effects, effects are not cause though they allude to cause. Let's not decieve ourselves or allow ourselves to be decieved. It's so old.

mike m said...

Manning found guilty on 20 other charges!

now what?

neal said...

Maybe access and intention are a sort of complex War. Maybe Israel has the owner's manual, others have keys, and deals are made. Yep, kind of old, will not seem like that if you are there, then effects are causes, just retrocausal.

Minds get made up with facts, lose the feral dreaming part, it is always like this, very hurtful to those interested in rescue, and retrocausal stuff. Diogenese needs skates that are adjustable, not Angel of Death stuff, just transportation that is practical. Damnation, Hellfire, judgements, made up minds, be careful what you ask for, there is an optical quality to that department.

Now, if the minds are made up, and the internal logic is the same as those being attacked, then maybe the ones who serve the One find it hard to tell why the original Promise keeps hiding. Righteous kills, everyone has some damned opinion, maybe try it some times, and live with it.

I do not know, maybe go feed somebody, pick up after yourselves, stop making deals for some damned consensus, that would maybe be a start.

And maybe once the giving is over, remember how this stuff starts, and do not make up minds, just live on below next to nothing. If one truly loves, that is kind of like not being as organic as what is supposed to be healthy, heh.

Anonymous said...

OK, here goes...

I'm posting as Anonymous because it's just the easiest way for me to post. My name is David, and I can give my last name if you want it.

When talking about the role of Israel or the Jews in the sorry state of current affairs, many folks cloud or divert attention from the issue by saying "it's not the Jews, it's the Zionists", or "it's not Israel, it's the Rothschilds or the Black Nobility", or "They're not really Jews, they're Khazars", or "The Vatican is the true power behind everything".

These and similar distractions can be cleared up by doing a little reading. Various authors can be cited, going back to at least the Roman Empire and possibly prior to that. The one who comes to my mind right now is Douglas Reed. I highly recommend his book "The Controversy of Zion", also some of his other writings. "Controversy" takes some work, as it's 400-plus pages long.

Reed and others make, to my thinking, the iron-clad argument that the Jews/Khazars/Zionists/scribes & pharisees...whatever...do not do their evil acts because of any genetic trait or cultural background. They do what they do because of their RELIGION, i.e. Judahism. A simple reading of the first few books of the Bible will confirm this, as will a look at what the Talmud says. They were busy invading nations, committing genocide, and stealing land, way back then, and they are still doing it today. And their god, be he Jehovah or Jah or Sin or Baal-whatever, told them to do these things. Whoever this god was or is, he clearly is the diametric opposite of Jesus of the New Testament.

Jesus fingered the jews for who and what they are: the children of the devil. He also got disruptive with their money changing activities, the only time he got angry or violent.

People who say "it's not the Jews, it's the Rothschilds" ignore the fact that the Rothschilds are fairly recent newcomers, while the nefarious activities and influence of the jews was remarked upon by Roman Caesars and, as noted, by the Bible itself. People who say "it's not the Jews, it's the Vatican" forget that the Vatican itself has been hollowed out and taken over by the Jews, just as they bragged about doing in The Protocols. (And anyone who says that The Protocols is rubbish or a forgery, must not have read it) They have also taken over pretty much every organized "christian" denomination there is -- including the one I grew up in, which still holds seminars proclaiming that "horrors, it's the Pope!". The Vatican is still powerful, but its day in the prophetic line of reckoning has come and gone. If that church I grew up with ever gets off its papal hobby horse and starts telling the truth, they will find out what real persecution is all about.

Oh, and the bit about the Khazars is dealt with twice, in the book of Revelation (Apocalypse), chapter 3 or so. "I know of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of satan".

More than one Jewish writer has bragged openly about Jewish (NOT zionist, NOT Israeli) control of the churches, the media, and so on. I could go on at length, but my point is that the truth of this matter CAN be discovered, if one can get past all the semantics, name calling and finger pointing.

David V

Anonymous said...

Vis: "Massive and irresistible change is upon us and we can only successfully greet it, by not resisting the changes within ourselves that are taking place at the same time."

Whatever is 'in the air' is still affecting me, bigtime. Someone/something 'lit up' all the held pain within me, to the point where I had to go into semi-meditation around 7pm Monday. Then, there was a slow 'sweep' from over my head to below my feet where I got to feel through and release all that pain. That 'process' lasted seven hours straight. Damn.

I hope the results are worth it... (twisted semi-grin)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

P.S. One of the good things as you get clear is the ability to not just 'read' written comments but to sense or 'connect' with the writer. Vis, for the record, I got an immediate sense of not-right-ness and "Warning, warning, Will Robinson" from each comment of Anon.

Visible said...

Thank you David. You are dead right. Reed says it as clearly as anyone ever has. So does Eustace Mullins.


As for the little cabal of trolls that showed up this evening, all you've accomplished is to prove to me that there is a concerted effort to get to me. The real effect is to amuse me and, you should remember, when you attempt to classify me as this or that that it has to be reflected in my overall behavior, over the extent of my life. You see, I'm a witness to all of that so, unless you key into the actual truth, I will know better.

Do keep this in mind. You can slander and whine and try to play all sort of language tricks, probe for weaknesses but, it will do no good. I will go on and I will improve as I go and I will leave good and useful footprints. None of you can say as much.

Remember what I had to say here this evening. Implant it in your memory and as time passes, pull it up occasionally and lay it next to the state of the times and my place, if any, in the mix.

I don't spend my time worrying about whether people like me. I've gone out of my way to see that they do not- at least those whom I would rather were exposed sooner than later.

I've injured my career in any number of ways but... I had my reasons and upon reflection I am comfortable with whatever I have said and done. The best of it is coming up now. Prepare to be surprised at some point and really... do your worst, it don't make no nevermind to me.

Out of affection for the vast majority of readers who come here and do enjoy what I do, I have chosen not to post the clever and weasel like efforts to tear me down but... tomorrow or the next day, they are both another day.

You will all note that it was not that long ago when I said that there were some number of people who had come to these sites and who had taken a good stretch of time to integrate themselves into the mix and that... at a certain point they would suddenly emerge to inflict as much damage as they could. How is it that I knew this so far ahead of time?

Well, were I you, I'd apply that last sentence across the board. I really do have invisible friends.

Boy!~ It's great not to be smoking and I am back into my exercise routines with a vengeance; won't be long before I look like classic Clint Eastwood, with his shirt off, again (grin).

In a few days I go to look at a location that is being given to me, in a secluded vale with all necessary amenities, in a magical location, near some important population centers... just close enough; 60 miles one way, one hundred and fifty another, 50 another. I look forward to entertaining new and old friends once I am settled in, if I do decide to accept the offer. I am even going to put a sauna in (love saunas).

Also for those who fit into the attunement, like tool and die David and certain others, they will find that there is room for them too in a community of equals in its genesis.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invite, Vis. I live in the Southeastern USA, and I'm pretty much stuck here for the duration. I would extend the invitation in reverse, but I understand that this blessed land is off limits to you.

Nevertheless, if you could sneak in somehow, I have remote land and living space. I have been where I am for 15 years, and many years before that in preparation, and would welcome a kindred spirit. If you could get here, you could remain pretty much invisible unless you engaged in street corner preaching or such (grin). The nearest street corner being about 30 miles away, of course...

I had thought to invite members of my former church, once they felt the need to get out of dodge, but they don't seem to feel that need. Anyway, I'm not sure I could bear up under the heavy doses of doctrinal purity.

David V

Visible said...

Noted David;


As for anon, he's been lurking and spinning the same spiel for awhile now. It hasn't been working, so his handlers wanted to at least harvest some dissension and chaos if they could. He's in league with a couple of others who got communicated with this evening and haven't been around in awhile but whose cover is now blown.

One of them thought to slip quite a bit of nasty commentary on me past my defenses, thinking I would be open, having blocked already someone else. Then from another direction came another anon to accuse me of certain behavioral traits that just aren't in operation but the intent was to plant that in the minds of readers.

Well, I was able to note the connections and I expect we won't be seeing them around anymore.

boojum said...

times jus keep a changin' http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130726/01200123954/obama-promise-to-protect-whistleblowers-just-disappeared-changegov.shtml

brian boru said...

Thanks for another fine post Les. Keep up the good work lashing the liars. Although I've known for many years that we live in a world of lies and that this vile talmudic life-form is the source of most of the problems on our beautiful planet, it is still depressing and frustrating. Although your assertion that it is all for the purpose of demonstration may be true, so many of us who would like to see these vermin get their final just desserts probably won't get to see it demonstrated. It's difficult to accept that throughout much of history these monsters never suffered any consequences for the vast crimes they were responsible for during their manifestations in this material realm, but that was the case. I envy your ability to be upbeat about the possibility that they just might be heading for a crash soon, even as they seem to be about to grab the whole world in their claws.

Visible said...

What one gets away with on this plane is no indicator of what happens on other planes, or what shape or life form one will come back here in or how many times. It might be the real reason they don't eat swine.

bee wrangler said...

Oh yes- the times are a changing! I love it that dude on the other comment saw a bee. his first bee of the year. I am seeing some things this year that are really not to be believed. But they are here- for THAT purpose-- it is in the knowing of the purpose.
I think my little "Israel-CIA did 911" on the headache rack of my truck is working... I seem to be getting even more angry stares from the masses. they can not kill an idea- I will never quit.
Best wishes to you on your journey vis, I wish I could join you but kids and a business keep me planted in this hellish country...but at least I can enjoy my freedom here...knowing the truth really does set you free! Thanks for helping me tell other of it- the other side of my rack reads-911 truth-smoking mirrors.com- and I always slow down when I pass a silly mason in his big 'ol truck with his "G" stickers on it...he gets to read my message...ha ha. screw the puppetmasters, they will fail- epic fail.- love your work vis- take care of yourself on your journeys!-jen

the gardener said...

That's why it is important to continue doing the 'shining the light' exercises we've all learned here at vis' place.

It has enormous cleansing ability for everyone doing it and allows private expressions for those who've been wounded, murdered, denied their life forces and sources.

Doing one action that doesn't require any gear or any weapons to protect-can be done solely in your mind but is double triple empowered activated with body works too.

Moves and thoughts that have lasted thousands of years-done silently so as to not alert and alarm the invaders.

1. Name the victims
2. Name the crimes
3. Visualize or use the Sun as a great shining light. Hold the light.
4. Pass this light onto any who you know can hold it from above-move it all about-
5. Implore that the light be shined on all the scumbags who have caused the crimes, harmed the victims.
6. Hand over the ball of light to that from up above.
7. Know that light will shine and there will be no escape from its brightness. No where to run, no where to hide, no excuses...

Be done with your good deed for the day and go about your business.

KNOW your actions are heard, felt and acted upon by others in higher forces.

If thousands, millions did this everyday, every time they thought about the scumbags or realized the harm they do... the light would flush out every shadow -every one of them would dissolve into the black slime pits they climbed out of-encouraged by the emissions of warm hearts, sweet minds.

the gardener

PS-the light might give you a sweep too... don't be afraid of it-let it shine upon you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, reading the comments, it sounds like you may have a few of the tribe worried. I do get a good laugh out of their comments, its going to be a good day. Not everything is bad here in the USI, I have read that veterans are committing suicide at record levels. That should bother me but I tend to see life different that most people. Someone who can be so easily brainwashed into killing innocent men, women, and children don’t have much value to me. It is sad that they don’t kill themselves before they murder innocent people. Have a nice day.

dirtykid© said...


I see anonymous has been working for some overtime pay... It's incredible just how uninspired, uncreative, and uninformed such trolling comes off. It's like some drunk dude at a bar raving about his third testicle, but then won't drop trow to anyone as proof...

It isn't as though 'anonymous' doesn't get published ever, as many anonymouses even sign off like -Davy and a number of others who have slipped my mind...

The icing has to be "the mountain of evidence", links to which are unforthcoming...

I do sometimes wonder to myself if Israel is the culmination of long term planning or simply another scapegoat mechanism, but I've been hard pressed to find evidence of the latter while evidence of the former continually surfaces all over the place. As such: mountains of unforthcoming evidence which doesn't mention little green men may have made for some interesting reading, at least it would be something to test my "spidey-senses" on...

Oh well, no pink-text on a deep purple website (third testicle) for today... I suppose I will live ;-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your works Visible - particularly shutting the zio-ogre trolls out every time they show up to whine and spread their lies - they have enough propaganda territory and endless supply of gullible goyim every else, but being genetically predisposed to unfettered greed, lies, corruption, they always must have more -by any means.

Not to feed the zio-beast trolls, but it's rhetorical and they can't, won't answer truthfully anyway, so here are questions/statements of fact: why do jews get away with endless racial hatred of all non-jews at any and every level of society around the globe? Is their bottomless pit of hatred for all non-jews genetic? I answer this with - yes. They have inbred for 4-5 millennium and are bred for the most intense hated of all non-jews.
Some of examples of jewish racial supremacism at work in JewSA:

the fruits of jewish racism

video by a man who no longer wishes to be a jew

Why is truth anti-semitic - and what exactly does anti-semitic mean - it has nothing to do with being jewish.

Regarding Snowden and Manning - these two are genuine and believe what they have done is best for all - which it is/will ultimately be. Assange and Grenwald are not genuine, but are the real agent provocateurs. They work for the purposes of bring about the Greater Israel Project -a.k.a. NWO. The GIP cannot exist with any competition. The only serious potential competition is located in USA. Though not much of this competition remains in USA, it nevertheless must be liquidated. This is where the good, honest, well meaning, necessary works of Snowden, Manning comes into play. Their work will be turned around, manipulated for the benefit of GIP/NWO - in short, a main goal is destroying the USA's global reputation with all other aspects following down the toilet. The GIP - HQ of master criminal genius has co-opted the activities of the lesser, though capable criminal elements located in the USA. These have been effectively, successfully used to do the crimes of the NWO-GIP - mainly destroying all competition in the Middle East,living only GIP standing - and right next to a major water way - Mediterranean Sea - where GIP will form its global naval power. Now that the dirty work, the crimes against humanity have been completed - or nearly - by the lesser criminal - elements located in USA - the GIP is beginning to pull the plug on its partner in crime. The perfect crime is: the master criminals get the lesser ones to do the crime, then bring about their destruction by outting the crimes of the lesser ones. This is where Assange and Grenwald enter the stage. They supposedly have all of the so-called hacked information provided by Manning and Snowden, but who really knows what Manning, Snowden provided to Assange, Grenwald. For all anybody knows - except the crime masters, these two get their information from Mossad - which has capability of monitoring, capturing, and making public everything the USA does. Futher - Assange is and was not believable in his character as a disseminator of truth and he has been sidelined with the supposed asylum bid. Also as has been pointed out, Assange turned his anti-USA wars in Mid-East into strangely the Arab Spring and the Free Syria Army movement which has led to even more- as reported by The Guardian - the same propaganda organ that Grenwald works for. Moreover - Assange publicly took credit for this. What to do with such a winning formula - real, bonafide, truth disseminator Manning and his mysterious shadowy rescuer and global figure Assange? Do it over again using same formula - enter Snowden - bonafide, and handler/GIP-NWO agent Grewnwald.

There's more, but this will be enough for now.

Apologies if the hotlink attempts didn't work Visible, but you asked for them, and i tried.

repsects for all souls

Nixon Scraypes said...

Hi Vis,re jewel heist,my reaction exactly,woopie,oh hang on insurance scam.Backaways you mentioned a blogger you weren't too sure of,self publicist,well he never writes a post without pushing humanism and his body language is pretty sinister too,however he does talk a lot of sense as well.Give him a provisional!

Anonymous said...

An interesting begining to the comment section, almost like anonymous was in waiting for this post just to sound off first, must have lots of time to surf.

Upon reading this complaint one would have to think that this person does not dispute Israel involvment in any crimes against humanity, just its place in the hierarchy of criminals. Sort of like if strings are being pulled by some others that would somehow make the crimes less sickening by some kind of moronic logic.

Crimes are crimes, deception is deception, and humanity will not be blinded by foot work any longer. People are not in need of mountains of evidence to prove otherwise. If this person thinks that 'on the day' there will be any justification made for 'cartoon cut-outs' because they were under some obscure influence, this person is saddly mistaken.

....oh and as a side, in the time I have followed this site I have never heard Les Visible comment against posting anonymously....if he had he might have to change his name to Mor Visible. cu, will iam

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Orcs in the Rafters and Trolls in the Woodpile

Odin's Raven said...

I'm glad to see you still shining as a beacon of truth. Stay strong, visible and audible.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do Vis.
I'm always anony since I don't have "identity", but if I can prove I'm not a robot, my posts come thru.
Anyhow, I just wanted to comment on the first troll's post.
If he has something to say and he says you won't let him post it, why does he not just post a link to a site that says what he wants to say?
The fact that he/she does not tells me that I'm dealing with a shit-stirring troll and I just skip thru whatever spam he/she has posted.
I'm pretty closed on this subject.
I've been reading your work for years and I have always been grateful to do so.
These rowdys who pass thru are like the no-lifes who have nothing better to do than drive around late at night with their loud boom-box cars, disturbing people at peace.
They offer nothing except gratuitous noise.
Thanks for "keeping it real" Vis.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ July 30, 10:07

"They do what they do because of their RELIGION, i.e. Judahism."

It is true as far as it goes.
The ethics of a culture (any culture) is/was shaped/formed by their religion. They may not be religious today per se, but they (for the most) still adhere to those ethical tenets. Good example is Europe, with the myriad of cultures, but but the ethical underpinnings are the same (Christianity). A good example are the Gypsies, who arrived in Europe in the 14th century, but b/c they never really became Christians, the transformation of behavior (adaptation of Christian ethics) never took place - with its resultant problems to this day.

The tribe is the same. Their behavior is based on their religion. Them being religious (or not religious) today, makes not one bit of difference; the group's ethics (or lack of thereof) has been completely integrated into their culture.
Understanding this makes it clear, that their ethical mores and ours are diametrically opposed without the slightest chance of reconciliation - ever.

I believe Chritianity was borne out of population pressures and mental/intellectual evolution: Love thy neighbor; all people are equal in the eyes of God - no Chosenites(!); post-life reward for good behavior - integrity, honesty, morals, charity, etc.

The Chosenites did not evolve, therefore the SUPERIOR (and humane) ethical tenets of the (original) Christian teachings never took hold, and they have remained in the (dog-eat-dog, chosenitism, no heaven/no rewards, and at best only avoidance of punishments) ethical and moral barbarism which was/is an integral part of their culture and behavior - to this day.

So if a Tribe member says: I'm an "ethical Jew" it's either Talmudian "ethics" (if you can call it that) or it is simply an oxymoron.
I grant, that here-and-there they show some schizophrenic behavior; declaring themselves Jews (obviously it's a RACIAL reference in this case), yet exhibiting conscience and ethical behavior, but this evidently is a small minority.

The study of their religion clearly pinpoints the psychological underpinnings of their general culture, but it's too involved to get into here. Suffice to say, that their ever increasing rules and laws (like p/c speech); the lack of rewards but punishment for everything, injected into our (Christian) culture and society is a direct reflection of the Talmudic Judaism, where there were myriads of rules and rituals from the moment of waking up to going to sleep. And all that is just to avoid their god's punishment. No rewards. (Just think about their dress/clothing rules, hair rules, hat/head covering rules, work/no-work rules, food storage and eating rules and god knows what other insane mental and behavioral straightjackets they devised for themselves).

Europe and even America realized that they were a seriously problematic people/minority (over 100 expulsions in Europe in 1600 years) so they got Palestine (Balfour Declaration - 1917). I'm of the belief, that they (the Brits) thought, that this will solve this ongoing problem of more than a millennia and they'll emigrate there en-masse.

It's deeply ironic, that Hitler foresaw the future, and said, that nothing of that sort will happen, but they'll just use it as a now sovereign state, an untouchable base of operation (or headquarters), to continue as before, with creating even more damage than they could before acquiring Palestine.
Anyone has any doubts today, that he was absolutely right, and in fact prophetic?

Anonymous said...

Dear Viz, Though I am but an ignorant fool overwhelmed by the massiveness of reality I still feel compelled to share some of my thoughts. And in truth even the lowliest of us is entitled to an opinion. And sometimes fools show up the wise.

About Jesus: A lot of people might say that Jesus was a jew who thought he was the messiah that the jews were waiting for and that he was supposed to restore the lineage of David to the thrown of Israel.

Jesus was passive/agressive and equivocal ( as is the whole text of the Bible)

The 10 commandments where meant for the sons of Israel as were the rest of the levitecal codes. They weren't meant for gentiles as gentiles were not meant to partake of the kingdom of god.

There was morality and good-heartedness before abrahamic religion. The sons of Israel and their levitical priests did not bring anything new into the world. Not one damn thing. Just another cult.

People are either good hearted or they are not and it has nothing to do with religion.


I respectfully submit that one should not be so judgemental of soldiers. For the most part soldiers are just young men trying to do right by their neighbors. It is a sad irony of life that even good people can be fooled into doing horrible things. I was a peacetime soldier but I would have did what my commanders told me back then. Not prould of that fact but it's true. Anymore I would go in the army but only as a CO. Nobody suffers like soldiers!

As usual a good and thought provoking essay from Visible.


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Lighting up the Bughouse in the Age of Looney Tunes

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

"It might be the real reason they don't eat swine."

Chuckle. Chuckle.
The truth is funny.

No shit! They don't eat pork for all the wrong reasons.

Steve Finnell said...


Jesus said there is no truth in the devil.

John 8:44 ...the devil...for he is a liar and the father of lies.


The devil lied to Eve in the garden and she believed him. She confessed to God. (Genesis 3:13 ..."The serpent deceived me, and I ate.")

There could be no worse confession to make on Judgment Day than, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."


John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.

THE LIAR KING SAYS: "We are not to judge, surely, there are many different ways to the Father."

Hebrew 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

THE LIAR KING SAYS: "If we do not have faith, it is God's fault; because God grants faith to those He has selected for salvation." He says, "No man can seek God."

Mark 16:16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.

THE LIAR KING SAYS: "Immersion in water has nothing to do with your salvation." The liar king says, "When Jesus said has been baptized shall be saved; He really meant to say already has been saved from the time he believed."

The devil is the master of deceit. Duplicity and distortion is his game.


YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY BLOG. http://steve-finnell.blogspot.com



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