Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sewerhead Harper and the Martini Soaked Monsters.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

I have been mulling over certain questions in my mind and this writer has given voice to those questions. There is a lot that is curious about Mr. Snowden and, like the author, I can't say one way or the other but... it's real curious. Any one of the questions I have, makes the whole deal curious. The totality of the questions makes it very curious. Question everything.

For those who may not be up to date, we live in a world of Chinese boxes. We live in a world where situations are arranged and defined, in order to control the nature and tone of public reaction. It's hard to see the positive angle for the vampire elite, in the exposure of their NSA, butt sniffing obsession. I don't trouble my pretty little head all that much about it cause I know they're doomed and damned; once again it's simple math. Of course, I use math in ways most people don't, so it's no surprise that my calculations don't support the conclusions that vested interests arrive at. I tend to go with Mark Twain when he says “there's lies, damned lies and- then there are- statistics”. As usual, the Tribe wants to expropriate this quote for one of their own, Benjamin Disraeli ...but it doesn't wash, since there is no evidence of it. I think we can safely assume that whomever was publishing Twain's books, made it seem like he attributed it to Disraeli. This phrase is a companion to the three types of unreliable witnesses, 'a liar, a damned liar, and an expert'.

You have to start out on the premise that the world is an enormous Lie Factory and that certain segments of established authority, like government and religion, lie without exception, for the sake of power and profit. The commercial marketplace is also a bewildering landscape of lies, with all of it's products tailored to ping off of one of the bottom 3 chakras. The lone exception being when they want to tug on your heart strings, in order to bring your attention further down, until you drown; lot different interests have an interest in seeing you dead, though you might not think so. Of course, these days, sad to say, a great many people are too stupid, occupied or unconscious to connect the dots.

Because of this indifference, or ignorance in respect of the dots, we get multi-pincher assaults on the fabric of society. What possible justification can there be to put someone at the head of a corporation, simply because they are gay? This of course, leads to things like this. To repeat an oft included quote; “Those whom the god's would destroy they first drive mad” (it's probably ironic that Nietzsche is reputed to have gone mad). This is a cosmic truism and an expression of one of the unknown laws of Nature, of which there are many. Should you be fortunate enough to encounter someone with an awareness of them (and they are around), you will consider yourself a most fortunate person.

People wonder why they don't meet remarkable people, or have regular supernatural experiences. It all has to do with magnetism. One of the greatest and most facile powers in the world is electromagnetics, which is little understood at the present time. It will be though. There are new technologies and systems of thought, simmering just below the surface of the moment. We'll be seeing them in the not too distant future should we still be here. These things are predetermined. Not everything is but... some things are.

One of the reasons that established religions are perverted, is because of the tremendous power that resides in a collective with a single focus. The PTW are dedicated every day to keeping us divided against each other and ignorant of our true capacities. So long as they have been capable of convincing us that we are what they say we are, we will remain that way; how it goes, for so long as it goes. The universe has that covered though, with the power of the planets engaging each other, the cosmos sets up conditions and awakens the abilities necessary to meet them. Most of us have very little idea of what our potential is; what we are capable of, had we the understanding of simple principles. Do the math.

In every culture at the moment, there are two ends of the spectrum, in contention with each other. The same could be said of the internal works of most people. We have a moral compass. At the same time there are all sorts of magnetic distractions that can definitely affect the needle. The reason the doomed elite are pushing the gay marriage agenda and working to subvert the basic family structure, should be obvious to those with eyes that can see. For those whose minds have been co-opted by emotional manipulations of their thinking processes, there are all kinds of convincing, seemingly high minded justifications for various things. It's the same thing that is extant in the kind of patriotism that seduces the 'young, dumb and full of cum', leading them into the carrion fields of brutality and death. It's all a psychopathic murder dance, for the benefit of bankers and those who serve their ends.

The hypnotic stupor is difficult to break. One sees the rich and powerful, in their sanctimonious self righteousness, posing and preening, mouthing the obvious lies, all swollen up in the pomposity of their self importance, caring not who they injure or kill and coming off all reasonable and privy to that privileged information, which the rest of us do not possess, which explains it all, justifies it all, permits it all.

Robots in uniforms, with shiny brass buttons, play their horns in the pit below the stage. The wind tears at the bunting and fat faced, martini soaked monsters, flash their pricey dental work and tell absolutely ridiculous lies, just like the lies told by the last bunch of creeps, on the same stage, a few short years ago; the same tired lies the guys before them told a few years before that. Given the opportunity, a new bunch of liars will appear on the same stage a few years from now. If they are on that stage, they are lying. They don't get on that stage unless they lie. It's just like that on network TV. You don't get on network TV unless you lie and the only exception to that is when you are hired to tell a part of the truth, in order to convey the perception that some kind of reasonable and fair exchange of ideas is taking place. As long as you are dumb enough to buy into that, it's what you're going to get.

They hijacked the world, destroyed the economy and put people on the streets, now they're taking away their sleeping bags and food. It can pretty much all be traced back to the same people in every instance. On the one hand it is directly evident and on the other hand it is indirect. It's a system of sorts. Through having recourse to their own printing press, money is no object, so they put certain people into office, people of a certain stripe and then they compromise them, if they aren't compromised already. The article is pretty clear about what's going on and recent news about Sewerhead Harper puts it all into perspective.

These people, who let people like this, head up the fraud division of their police force and who celebrate this kind of behavior, as an expression of sound business acumen, are not just going to go away. They've been at this kind of thing for centuries. They are the willing servants of evil incarnate and by their works you damn well know them, or you don't know much. I understand how the combination of cowardice and brainwashing, known as the Hasbara Shampoo, can account for your rationalizing away everything they do, while you perform the Gollum Genuflection at their feet. They're not going to go away though and they're not going to look upon you as brothers in arms, who are going to get some kind of a pass for being good little doggies. That's not how it works.

The only thing that is going to work is a relentless effort to inform the public, in tandem with the glaring evidence of their actions on the world's stage. There's a reality about public consciousness which is extremely powerful. It's a kind of critical mass, straw that breaks the camel's back, kind of thing. Once a certain portion of the public is made aware of the truth, it begins to vibrate, to hum through the collective consciousness, at which point it magically begins to initiate change, according to... according to? It begins to initiate change, according to yet another mysterious law of Nature that is not commonly recognized.

People have to be told and they are being told. They are being shown as well. Right at this moment Erdogan is being shown. Erdogan is done. You can stick a fork in him. It doesn't help matters that he purged the military either. This is the time and this is the place. Presently we are in the humiliation setup phase, where the clowns who don't realize they are clowns, are in competition with each other to see who can embarrass themselves the most. They are in competition to see who can be more sold out and bought off than their peers. Once they have effectively demonstrated what they are made of, well, the next phase will naturally follow.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Color Ball by Les Visible♫ It's Changing ♫
'It's Changing' is track no. 5 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'
Lyrics (pops up)

Color Ball by Les Visible


Visible said...

Here's a funny headline.

dirtykid© said...


Firstly: thanks for adding me to the blog roll... I am sure I will, at sometime in the future, look back and rue the day I made that decision. But that is on me to kick my own ass over it.

Secondly: your twain link is borked to 404ville.

Thirdly: that Harper government thing is spot-on, but seems to miss that Jack Layton caught the cancer bug for failing to comply, and was replaced by someone as bad as Harper (see the newly unsocialist, socialist party:, while behind door number 3 we have a handsome person who is barely out of diapers who shares the name of someone who was better known for being attractive, than for making a difference... oh, and for asking the queen for permission to have "our" constitution 'displayed under glass' on our own side of the pond so we could oooh, and aaaah over it under the condition that we understand that we are simply 'holding it for her' and that ownership was not 9/10th of this law.

We're fucked unless we vote for the leninist/marxists who want nothing more than to fuck us, so we're really only choosing whose dick will cause the least scaring, without knowing who's is biggest to begin with.


Visible said...

We can easily remove you from there ASAP if you like. Also, this is a little odd "but seems to miss that Jack Layton caught the cancer bug". I was unaware of any requirement to mention this. I must have overlooked that. My concern was the expose on the election fraud. I'm pretty sure I missed about ten thousand things that I could I could have commented on but they weren't relevant to what I was trying to say. Maybe I should get a twenty four hour ticker tape led readout that will upgrade all presumed and assumed omissions.

The Twain link's unimportant anyway.

dirtykid© said...

It isn't so much a requirement, but an honouable mention that whether the previous CONFIRMED election frauds are corrected or not, our next election is like the futurama elections for 'president of earth', wherein the choice is between john jackson or jack johnson, who are actually conjoined twins...

Because that possible future was not displayed I figured I should add it to the footnotes... Sorry if it came out as a criticism, as that was not how it was intended.


Visible said...

No worries. Some things confuse me. At the same time it also comes down to how many things I am doing at the same time, which can lead to both a lack of focus and delicacy.

Visible said...

Yet more questions still. It is something to wonder about.

Anonymous said...

Could it be a distraction from something sinister coming from the left hand? Is China behind it to bitchslap Bwak? Meanwhile Russia now has a permanent presence in the Mediterranean Sea and some say Russiah has parked their "satan" ICBM's in Cuba. The satan icbm is the biggest ever built in human history. Harper and all other bankster bootlicker pols are sewer felchers (hat tip to L.V.)

mike m said...

From Russia, with Love:

Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote

MOSCOW -- A bill that stigmatizes gay people and bans giving children any information about homosexuality won overwhelming approval Tuesday in Russia's lower house of parliament.

Hours before the State Duma passed the Kremlin-backed law in a 436-0 vote with one abstention, more than two dozen protesters were attacked by hundreds of anti-gay activists and then detained by police.

The bill banning the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.

Anonymous said...

Check this out L:

profnasty said...

Les, it's regimentation of civilian life. You are a private. You have no secrets and no authority. Just work,reproduce, and shut up.
Bolsheviks haven't changed. In Russia: World conquest, small group of uppish rulers, workers be damned. Enormous gov/military. Prison for anyone who makes eye contact with a gov dude/dudette.
Sound familiar? It's here and now. The dreaded Bolshevik Capitalist. Wall Street rules, and Wall Street rules. They speak, we obey. 3M in prison system today, Multiply by thirty years. How many have been imprisonated of this population?

Anonymous said...

Snowden GF says she feels alone:

So what does he gain from all this?

dirtykid© said...

Well, there is one thing I can sort of debate on the manufactured hero list...
I did graduate Highschool
- side note: in grade 10 computer science my final grade was 30%
I Flunked out of college

yet with all that wonderful book-lernin' I have managed to work as an IT professional for over a decade...

Mind you not as a high-clearance super-spook haxxor, but as somebody who appears to know how to fix whatever crashed at just the proper moment... So I am a half proof of the credentials not really matching up with the job description and that it could work out that way... At this point though, I doubt CSIS will be approaching me with intent to 'hire' me, but that probably has more to do with ideology than skills, -or- it could have to do with the fact I'd likely be running in the opposite direction as they approached ;)

He does place far too much 'cred' in the cryptographic key which on it's own does not mean much, unless he knows that the NSA is too lax with managing them... That does not sound like a mistake that would be made in a multi-million(or billion) dollar security apparatus, but there was that 'Russian spy' a couple of years ago who's password was 'password' or something equally foolish, and was on a post-it stuck to the her laptop...

Failing that, if that key were valid (and truly NSA) and released to the open public, there is not any angle to that that I can't call irresponsible at best and completely imbecilic at worst. If you plan to give it up you'd want to limit it to a small group, *everybody* would mean mayhem in ways I cannot even imagine. It's not really a matter of conscience (well, there is the identity theft angle) but rather of consequence (I'm not certain DDoS applies when the system is that large and has all those direct backbone connections, so more like DDoS the whole internet, maybe crash all fibre optic relays, possibly cascade all communications offline globally)... I am not certain anybody can accurately predict the outcome, but I suspect we'd be back to snail mail for a few days at least, but as a bonus: Fox and CNN would likely go dark too.


the gardener said...

You're burning red hot Vis!!!

"The only thing that is going to work is a relentless effort to inform the public, in tandem with the glaring evidence of their actions on the world's stage. There's a reality about public consciousness which is extremely powerful. It's a kind of critical mass, straw that breaks the camel's back, kind of thing. Once a certain portion of the public is made aware of the truth, it begins to vibrate, to hum through the collective consciousness, at which point it magically begins to initiate change, according to... according to? It begins to initiate change, according to yet another mysterious law of Nature that is not commonly recognized."

The "collective consciousness" of this townspeople knew what to do with this killer.

THAT ^^^^ "More than 200 enraged locals seized Ramos and buried him alive alongside his alleged victim on Wednesday night, according to Barrios." and THIS "He said that the following day, residents blocked the road to the community, preventing police and prosecutors from reaching it." is what it takes to put a stop to

THIS>>> "Robots in uniforms, with shiny brass buttons, play their horns in the pit below the stage. The wind tears at the bunting and fat faced, martini soaked monsters, flash their pricey dental work and tell absolutely ridiculous lies, just like the lies told by the last bunch of creeps, on the same stage, a few short years ago; the same tired lies the guys before them told a few years before that..."

Reminds me of who it was who caught the eye ball gauging killer, Richard Ramirez, who'd run amok all over LA southland... it wasn't the ONES WEARING THE BADGES AND GUNS!!! no it was the locals in SE LA... beat him and tried to run him over with a car... captured him so he could flash pentagonal shapes and heil the devil for the next 30 years in prison.

Some get it in tribal ways...what to do to eradicate the psychopaths amongst us. That rapist/killer was 17, Ramirez was early 20s-he said he was evil... probably one of the few lies he didn't tell.

the gardener

Ray B. said...

Vis, another halfway Petri and halfway Origami. A good blend! Thanks.


Vis: "The PTW are dedicated every day to keeping us divided against each other and ignorant of our true capacities. So long as they have been capable of convincing us that we are what they say we are, we will remain that way..."

In perhaps my favorite science fiction TV series, "Babylon 5," there are two 'super-races' contending for the galaxy. They both achieved consciousness Billions (yes, 'B') of years ago, and make later space-faring races look primitive. One, the Vorlons, (upon first 'meeting' someone) always asks, "Who Are You?" The second, known only as The Shadows (upon first 'meeting' someone) always asks, "What Do You Want?" I see the Vorlons as associated with higher chakra leanings, and The Shadows as associated with lower chakra leanings. It is eerily reminiscent of the world today...


Vis: "They hijacked the world, destroyed the economy and put people on the streets... It can pretty much all be traced back to the same people in every instance."

I love the scene from the second LOTR movie where Théoden (just released by Gandalf from Saruman's spell) realizes what Grima Wormtongue has been gradually doing to him. Théoden gets that marvelous 'knowing' look on his face, exclaims "Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast," and starts out after Wormtongue with his newly-reclaimed sword. I can easily see this scene as applicable in many ways to our current situation...


Vis: "There's a reality about public consciousness which is extremely powerful. It's a kind of critical mass, straw that breaks the camel's back, kind of thing. Once a certain portion of the public is made aware of the truth, it begins to vibrate, to hum through the collective consciousness, at which point it magically begins to initiate change..."

Rupert Sheldrake talks about this effect with his 'morphic fields' and 'morphic resonance'. (A modern recasting of an old 'law'...) That is one reason the 'coalition' has been de-paining & briefcasing folks. Once a large-enough mass has been 'liberated' from the trap of old, held pain (and it's manifesting effects) and is aware of their current situation, we're off to the races. There's basically no way of stopping it. Shouldn't be long, now... (grin)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

zepheri said...

Hey fuckers

The Pat Mcavoy experiment has ended. It was featured on a cover story in the Adirondak Daily empty prize 6-12-13.

As a flagship of the Ogden newspapers republican heritage along with the pirates(pitt) and seven springs(falling water).

I deem this artical the the only thing worth reading other than the police reports.

rshring 455

Anonymous said...

Most of us have very little idea of what our potential is; what we are capable of, had we the understanding of simple principles.

.....***** Do the math *****.....

essentially and fundamentally this truism is more profound than all the hellfire and brimstone "Baptist" preacher sermons on steroids could produce in an hundred years....
{no offense to the room full of monkeys with internet access}

but then you already knew that, critical mass has been reached

and the lies are going in the OVENS

that is a rather simple equation
even for the braindeadgoyum

{more snowjobs have already been scripted}

happy celestial events


Dodgy One said...

One must at times deal with the dark and soulless, therefore knowing how and when to deliver the karmic backlash upon the most deserving of misfortune is the unpleasant duty of those that can yet see truth without needing blinkers and dark glasses. More than one then acting in unison to pray that the preying creatures are dealt a befitting backhand are more than likley to sway the course away from the wishes of the darkside.
So let us put the curse upon the self choosenites and there nefarious plans post haste.
Maybe then we can all get some ->
Les if you have the time would you get out your litmus test kit on that link, the words there have a powerful insight methinks.
Dodgy One

John C (UK) said...

I have tried to post a message on the Guardian and Independent sites about this Snowden chap.

I have asked what he's views are regarding 9/11 and 7/7. Unfortunately I am now on 'pre-moderation' and for some reason my comments are not showing up.

It's a funny old world.

the gardener said...

Stuart Wilde spoke about the 'beliefs' that we're all trained in and brainwashed with all of our lives.

also about the 'loneliness' that accompanies those who don't let the mass beliefs get in their way by not believing. Nothing more downtrodding than having ones who know nothing but the 'beliefs' tell you what reality is all about.

Anaughty Mouser said...

How to rule the world if you are a fake Khazarian NWO jewish zionist:

1. Get the masses addicted to nicotine.

2. Get the masses enslaved to debt for depreciating assets i.e. cars

3. Bribe the government to enact laws the legalise the conteerfeiting of public money and the lending out of same at interest.

4. Control the media at every level so propaganda is perceived as news.

5. Force the masses to buy oil and gasoline - even though Nikola Tesla invented an electric car which ran perfectly on free ether energy in 1931 called the Brooklin Eagle.

6. Place puppets as all leaders of states USA, Canda, England, Germany, France etc.

7. Use the armies of the controlled countries to invade and take over and destroy countries which resist a Rothschild central conterfeit usury bank Libya, Syria, Iran etc.

8. Start a criminal country to hide your criminals and crimes.

9. Kill everyone who will not bow down to you and your kind.

10. Theaten to blow up the world if you don't get your way.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

The Pekingese Personality in the Kingdom of Time.

half-breed said...

Beware of anyone bashing the bolshevics. stalin wasn't one, he was sent to execute trotsky, who decided to back lenin against the bloodcult, not the black hat dupes, russia was still under agricultural fascism, which cut the bloodcult out. thank you for january, although part of me wishes, everyone wouldv'e let me go. we will meet before the cleasing

Anonymous said...

"... If they are on that stage, they are lying. They don't get on that stage unless they lie. "

Thank you, thank you , thank you! Why can people not understand this?! I get so tired of all this "left wing/right wing" "Republican/Democrat", "conservative/liberal" shit. Two sides of the same wicked coin. You broke it down in one simple sentence, Les. I don't care what they call themselves: If they make it on that stage....well, what you said. - JenX

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Lowdown, Dirty, Rotten, Filthy Liars.

JerseyCynic said...

"... If they are on that stage, they are lying. They don't get on that stage unless they lie. "

I've come to the conclusion that most people (even those "asleep" ) know this to be true and the only reason we pick sides is because we are helpless to do anything about it. Misery sure does love company.

Now I read where some 40% of US voters are now registered as "independent"?

"It's not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me... It's all the rabbit shit you stumble over on your way down"

oh Canada .... as below -- so above!!

Rapunzel said...

There was a commentary by Naomi Wolf floating around the inter webs today regarding Mr. Snowden. Like most commentaries and opinions I have read, the focus seems to be on the holes in his story, while ignoring the elephant in the room. Here is her essay along with an interesting response.



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