Dog Poet Transliterating.......
May your noses always be on good terms with your ears.
For some reason ...and it is not my department. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to ratchet up a terror attack. It's the same thing with assassinations, trigger points and assorted, false flags. It has to be hi-tech when you only get wounded. No, I'm not saying this is what that was. I am saying it was engineered. Originally I had a BBC report, where the news-lady (she's no lady) was trying to do a 'leading the witness ' thing, although it seemed not everyone was in on what was going on. Too bad I don't still have that link because there was a guy being rolled away on a trolley who looked like he had been sent in from Central Casting and where the fuck is Archduke Ferdinand? “Yo Dukester! I like your assemblage. Maybe you and Hilarious Clinton can do some flamenco Dancing with the Stars!
Oh darling, there are strange winds blowing all to Hell and gone. Do you need perspective on the size of The Congo? It is the size of Western Europe. Think there might be shit in there that the bankers want. Ever heard of Coltan? It be for mobile phones. The 8 most developed countries all speak Germanic languages. I believe I have pointed out, at some time earlier, that Deutsch is the international language of economics. Vas ist dis in meine pocketsy, ya! Dis is Yiddish.
You think, there might be some shit in the ground ♫down in jungle land♫? Ya think? Alright then, crank up those engines of war, so I can go and get me some more. I remember reading about the women who were bringing this element, to wherever it goes, from the mines and they would have these cloth bags on their backs that were filled up with the item and held on their backs by a rope that went across their forehead. They say that many of them had a permanent indentation in that location, to the degree of a quarter of an inch. You keep that in mind the next time you are texting Snuggle Humpers about your next bareback rodeo session.
Yeah, that insidious wench over at the BBC was talking to this Israeli, Harvard student. It's just part of the process to be Ivy League, which has fraternal twisted sister action, with The Bush League; if you catch my drift. You can't help but to get all teary eyed and even deliquescent, when you come across something like this, shoehorned through your unicorn prong-hole. It makes you want to take a walk with The Walrus and the Carpenter, when you make the connections between the different leagues. No! Man! I do not want to go sideways Sunday today and today is not Sunday and I be I and I. And you be you and you and you too.
So... they're chillin' or killing in The Congo. It depends on only a few letters exchanged, in the space, in the absence, in the place where maybe they lived once .
I have a thing about Thanksgiving. I have a deep and voluminous love for Thanksgiving because I am all about gratitude. I try to remember all the things I am grateful for, in a life that I don't think anyone else would want, given the prior itinerary. I am especially grateful that I am not like some people. I plan on being grateful tomorrow. Most people don't know how much they should be grateful for but they will find out at some point, if expressing gratitude is not their strong point. I'm going to tell you a cosmic secret. It will take with the people it applies to and the rest will gloss over it, or forget it. We will not forget it because it is critical to our mission. It is one of the weapons in our arsenal. As Lao Tzu said, “Compassion is a weapon from the sky against being dead”. That secret is, being grateful creates more reasons for you to be grateful.
We wish all of you a day of remembering and gratitude, as opposed to a day of eating and drinking and shopping and also killing, as the case may be, in the day to day of some people. We apologize for the brevity and say, “Unleash the Levity”!
A most Happy Thanksgiving to you all and may your every returning year, routinely make you ever more grateful.
End Transmission.......
Visible sings: ♫ Something Good (is Coming Soon) ♫
'Something Good(is Coming Soon)' is track no. 10 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
'911 was an Inside Job'
Lyrics (pops up)

Dog Poet you are quite the retro-hippie.
I am most definitely a hippie.
Enjoyed your T-Day blog and wish you the same, which I read while sitting in an English garden, waiting for the Sun.
Yes, as soon as I saw that Israeli bus that had supposedly been hit by some terrorist bomb, knew it was BOGUS.
The damn bus was barely touched, it looked like one could drive it off.
Wonder who the passengers were?
Are they drinking tea with the passengers of Flight 93 or back in their ZOF barracks?
Totally bogus. WTF is wrong with people's minds that they can't see what's happening?
People betta wake up cause God is not mocked.
Why is the Indian consulate not responding to me? 'bout my visa.
Strange times, very strange times.
"Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper"
(A musical parody, based on the song, "Matchmaker, Matchmaker", by Jerry Bock, made famous by various artists - most of them Tribe Members.)
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, make me a drone
Fuck with my mind
Create a clone
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, that is your goal -
Just make me the perfect prole
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, I'll parrot you
Keep talking shit
That's what you do
Make my mind right, for I'm longing to be
The envy of all zombies
My Papa - make him a moron
My Mama - as dumb as a post
For me - just turn up the volume
And all of my brain cells will roast
Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, make me a drone
Fuck with my mind
Create a clone
Don't let me think for myself anymore
Please make me a brain-dead whore...
***I was going to rewrite the rest of the lyrics of this extremely long, overblown song, from the musical "Fiddler on the Roof" (my mind just conjured up images of "Diddler on the Roof" there), but it dealt with the social behavior of The Tribe, and that, of course, is way beyond my ability to comprehend...Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving and I could tell the percussion master was Bho while my eyes were closed. Bless you and your loved ones today and every day.
The glorious leader spared two lives:
Obama pardons Cobbler the turkey, but runner-up Gobbler gets to live, too
via Homer..
Thank you Bholanath and Visible prabhu for something so good.
Best of health and good good wishes to you!
Welp, looks like everyone is gearing up for the annual turkey sacrifice, even the vegan Israeli soldiers of the IDF:
So nice to know that they can assuage their bloody consciences with the knowledge that their romper stomper boots are vegan. But hey, at least they don't eat meat, so move over, Mother Theresa!
Farik Quincy
Glorious news L.V.! Shitlary has declared peace in the sandbox! There will never be another shot fired in anger. Shillary borrowed the smoting staff from Hussein the Messiah and has brought about peace in our time.
The danger, the reality of this stuff, lies and promises, well, there you go, another deal.
Maybe tracks, and no greater Love than what some machine is busy trying to call out, shut the fuck up and stay low, that is something.
Such a mess, my relatives are dying, but is is nice to make deals, buying what is understood as Time.
There is a call for Navigators, good luck trying with unsecured invitations. This is War, and it is only nice when temporary things get hungry for more, as long as someone, anyone else pays for that.
Saying something, or staying quiet, that is the stuff of deals, fuck that.
This post, and the one regarding courtesy, mesh very well. Living with gratitude to the Divine, courtesy and respect (within limits) for others, and honesty in one's own mind, make life pretty comfortable. But..., what is going on beyond this circle of comfort spoils the whole delusion. Besides the people in DRC, Gaza, and all the other targets, there are children and adults suffering only kilometers from me, and I don't need no f*cking internet to be aware of that. The global mind connection is enough. Glad the online exists though, if it awakens one mind for every ten it anesthetizes, its better than TV.
On another subject, although NFL athletes are dedicated to perfection of the game, I still think part of their contract requires them to accept nfl and media orders to manipulate games for maximum profit. O'yeah, officials, too. Something to think about when we see five OT games this long weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving, and be well,Rob
pierre said...
might not be it, but same sort of thing, 30 year old schoolgirl shot in "liberal" location in the worlds greatest democracy and mostly white people to boot.
and a thank you Vis from me for all you do and are, pass it on will ya?
By a strange turn of events, I, who have a strong gypsy streak, am the only member of my family within 5000 miles of my hometown this Thanksgiving...yet I am at home and will be with old, old friend and all is well. Lord knows I have spent a good deal of time bothering about this and that, but, as you know as well as I, Vis, it is all under control...down to the smallest detail. May God's joy pierce the very marrow of your being and resonate therein for all eternity... Cheers :)
Les, great point regarding gratitude.
I recently had an experience where I realized that life is a test, and one of the primary criteria is the kindness that we each show others.
Gratitude is the other side of the same coin. Thanks for the work that you do.
ok - g george
how about :
'drones fly in the night
their always watching,
never out of sight
their always gawking'
you know
strangers in the night
i turn it over to youuu
oh yeah
when it's quiet
you can hear them up above
live cam
gaza now
here next
I hope God doesn't mind my shortcut, but every day when I am talking about what I'm thankful for, I mention just a few specific people or things, and then I lump the rest together. Truth is, I have too many things for which to be thankful that I just can't name them all.
Being that today is Thanksgiving, perhaps specificity is the order of the day.
Just in case you've forgotten, Visible, please let me remind you how thankful I am for you. You. Yes, YOU, the person. In addition to that, I am thankful for your words - spoken, written, or sung; in poetry, prose, or an ass-kicking for the occasional troublemaker who shows up. Your words teach, confirm, inspire, and remind and they bring tears, laughter (or both) as well as the occasional wtf??? (I speak only for myself there...)
I am thankful for all that you give. You freely give yourself to us through your stories, your wisdom, your character, and your love for the Divine, which never fails to show itself. You give your time - more than I can imagine - as you write, record, post, approve, comment and read and respond to.... how many emails each day? Yes, I am aware that I left a few things out. (grin) I realize this amount of time you give precludes you from doing just about anything else of substance, and that includes earning a living. Not only do you share, but you sacrifice in order to do so.
I cannot fail to mention this forum - a place where I can find a little (relative) sanity - an escape from the "real" (fake) world, and find a lot of truth, the occasional troll visit notwithstanding... I have learned a lot from the poems, songs, links, experiences, information and questions shared here. My thanks to you, Vis, to Sim, for keeping things running smoothly and for the beautiful design, and to all who contribute.
Neil, you changed your style and left me guessing at some. Keep at it - your poems are enjoyed. :)
Bholanath - I enjoyed that - thank you!
To Davy, mikem, Ray B., and Goy George - As I have a talent for posting a comment shortly before the new blog is put up, I imagine some of my messages are missed. No response is necessary, but in case you missed this, here you go.
With gratitude and much love,
*love, believe
I am thankful for Visible and all.
I am thankful for the wild turkeys that gobble.
I am thankful for the grouse that drum and the pheasants that crow.
I am thankful for all the wild creatures that live their life free and the effect they have had on me.
I am thankful that I'm not in a position that I need to eat them, because although better they taste alot like chicken.
Best to all.
just a note of thanks to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...
and who have eyes that see and ears that hear...
the screams of cries for JUSTICE !
...Just One of Those Days'
On or for new Prestensions
..You beckon and call,
for Nobody listens.
The Higher you Rise,
The farther you fall.
Sun upon the Water glistens.
Love and Hope we must surmise,
On or for New Pretensions.
...oh yeah,
by the by old boy you somehow managed to attract the most stupendous collection of females on this planet....
my most superlative backhanded compliment...Thanks
Hail Hail Hussein the Messiah! The lightbringer the savior of the world.
Hi all,
I'm usually not one to watch their broadcast, but the Ken Burns show, The Dust Bowl on PBS is a must see. When I put it, the drought map and my elders warnings together it makes me think the hunger games may be coming soon. I damn sure hope that I'm wrong.
Best to all.
Socialist utopian hippies use side entrance then smoke another one and keep dreaming.
pierre said...
perhaps from Fiddler (Diddler) on the Roof
♫You have to flick a rocket or two.♫
♫ If you dont mind having to do some bad things, it's a crime life♫
speaking of hippies:
"I'm a toasted hippie
I wear a tie dyed shirt
I drive a VW bus and I'm comfortable with dirt
My brain's kind of fuzzy
So is my bread
I'm not at all grateful
That Jerry is dead
I miss peace and love
and all that was
I'm a toasted hippie
Just tryin' to catch a buzz
I don't like killin'
I wouldn't squash a spider
My favorite movie is still
Easy Rider
I listen to Jimi in my bean bag chair
I wear beads and feathers in my stringy hair
They say I'm a freak 'cause I don't like the fuzz
I'm a toasted hippy just tryin' to catch a buzz
I'm all mellow yellow full of orange sunshine
I still believe Jesus is a friend of mine
Not a strict vegatarian but I dig wheat germ
When I drink taquila I swallow the worm
So don't hassle me cause my hair's too long
And dont be a two-toker
Pass me the bong
I got a lava lamp but it won't light up
I can't get a job I won't pee in a cup
Not takin' orders from the man and that's because
I'm a toasted hippy
Kust tryin' to catch a buzz
From the song "Toasted Hippy" by The Toasted Hippies; copyright 2000
Wow, just watched a sick mindf*ck and millions have watched it already, without giving a peep.
Lana Del Rey - National Anthem
Weird shit.
Goy George,
How about "If We Make it Through December", by Merle Haggard? The trouble with parodies is that they have to be based on a familiar tune, but in this online drama, most any melody is accessible.
The 2012 Dec. prediction has many more connections than the Mayan calender. Egyptian, Sumerian, and many more. Do the research if you're interested. For me, I'm just a crazy person, but if we, (I), make it through December, will have to hit the reset button.
Thanks, and be well, Rob
Israel the ploy is broken
Propaganda doesn't work anymore
All your collaborators in Palestine
Need to leave just get out the door
Netanyahu you are a disgrace
Even your own people are in disgust
No where to move nowhere to hide
Seems you lost with misplaced trust
Better get all those spy's out
the table has surely turned
Any rockets fired from Palestine
We know it's just Israel trying to disturb
The little people are tired of war
Tired of cleaning up the mess
For a banking cartel and it's greedy minions
Thats addicted to poverty disease and death
Erdogan look at morsi
A leader I can see that is true
Stood up and spoke and gave pure honor
You know that could also be you
Forget the cartel with their tin foil and paper
It's all just worthless anyway
You should stand for you brothers in Syria
All those little people who have no say
And Jordan what are you doing
Don't be used you will only be lost
Remove those tyrants out of your country
They will ruin everything that you got
And England we need to do something
The bankers have already killed a lot of our own
I sat their today and watched soldiers with no legs
Trying to make the best of what was once a good home
They served the tyrants that sit in London
And now they have nothing left
Along with the British people
Who's wealth was given away to the banking elect
The same as America too
An evil enemy sits at the gates
Psychopathicly driven by greed
And the domination of the human race
Just saying
Corporate psychologically inflicted
People who can't tell the time
Parasites clouding the vision
Leaving most people totally blind
Confused controlled and compacted
Enslaved to trivial pursuits
Engaged in obstruction to true values
Conditioned in societal abuse
Kali yuga a hard one to tackle
But challenge is made to overcome
Through division the people find unity
It beats like a rhythmical drum
In solutions reside in the limitless
The place where all dreams are made
That play through the mind of the woken
Through the heart where true peace is paved
pierre said...
found this at
"This little conflict in Gaza, which may well lead to world war 3, was sparked when Israel used an Apache mounted .50 cal to blow the guts out of a 13 year old kid playing soccer. This kid, it has been reported, was great at the game and was out practicing with other neighbor kids. When the other kids went to him, the Israelis shot them to death also. When the parents ran out to help the kids, the Israelis shot them also. This is news, not hate, facts are facts and the truth does not hate, it just is.
So regardless of what is going on now, or how this escalates, REMEMBER, if this really does spark World War 3, it all started with Israel shooting children, not Palestinians shooting rockets, as ¨their¨history, the ¨elite¨history will surely record. "
♫ when your child killing crimes don't ring true chimes
you've got to flick a rocket or two♫
I second your Giving of Thanks for having someone like Vis around.
If you want a real shock - or, well, more like a post-Thanksiving "feel good" moment - just check out the comments underneath this blatant propaganda piece that is currently being showcased at Yahoo! News, about Israel's new "social media war", which is allegedly being run by a 26-year-old Israeli psychopath...when the comments at Yahoo! run virtually 99-1 against the lies that are being sold, you can bet your ass that the entire world is finally starting to wake up:
Preacher ....
What is it so weird about that video? Really i can't see what is so 'mind fuck' about it.
Did i miss something?
PS Vis ....
Seems that your blogs have been hijacked and turned it to a sort of poets corner.
Not saying that is good or bad - as i myself have posted or or two poems.
The great bear the mighty lion
The tortoise and the dove
the pathway through the chest
The ancient force of higher love
In sounds of where the birds play
Where the moon crosses the water
Where angels pave the pathway
The sky blows through the walker
By the essence of the suns stare
The streams throughout the west
And the seeds of mother earth
In woven braids of hearts protect
In the sense of higher spirit
The ancient colours from the bow
That weaves the lightning calls the spirit
Where the peace in all hearts glow
I went to the site and could not find that article. I need a link on that and would appreciate it ASAP because I would put it in today's Origami.
Viz, I found that link for you, the one that you wanted Pierre to send you. Scroll down a hair and you'll see the blog entry, it's entitled, "An explanation of my previous post now removed due to pressure" -
in siam
maybe it's time to get out of siam
didn't you hear the man say
he is first and foremost a poet
it happens that poetry is one
of the highest forms of expression available to man
stringing words together
does not make a poet
stringing hearts together does
perhaps a subtle difference
lost on you and many others
oh well
the poet writes cause he has to
much the same with a true
another of the high arts
and related in many ways
but if you can't hear the tune
how you gonna dance ?
i wish i could explain better
but alas - i'm just a man
est ..
I said it was not good or bad and that i myself had in fact posted poems. I simply made an observation
So what is it with your statement about leaving siam?
I am well aware that Vis is the 'Dog Poet' - so please think before you make such remarks...... You obviously agree with my observation, so what is it that make you say such a thing??
Okay, okay, just a misinterpretation. Both of you guys are solid gold, I know this. These things happen and they are easily sorted if we wish them to be and I know all of us do. Ergo, situation resolved. Yahoo!
Tapped into Source Good !
Know what you mean.
Many good people here Vis,
Thanks !
Good poems!
walking hawk
God accepts Abel's offering of a slaughtered lamb and rejects Cains offering of grain. God wants blood and Cain was just trying to defend himself and his culture from blood thirsty hebrews.
Cain ended up marrying a beautiful woman and they lived happily ever after making lots of babies.
"Be kind. For everyone you meet is involved in a hard struggle."
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
Poetry in motion!!
UselessEater U.K
then i would beg forgiveness
as i did not mean to offend
out of siam means out of
our constructs of good/bad
i'm afraid i don't agree with
'hijacked' 'poets corner' etc...
our supremely talented host
has provided a unique forum
open to all and sundry
almost without constriction
i write the way i do because
i have no other choice
it's the way i think and feel
i thought some of you
might gain some insight
from my observations
i enjoy any and all attempts
to actually truly communicate
and realize perfection within
expression is a worthy ideal
something to strive for even when we don't hit the mark
i've gone off on a couple
of people here before
i always regret it as it is adversarial not collaborative
and we're going to need all
of us pushing in the same
direction - if we are to ever
leave these old ways behind
With you est,,
Brother we strive,,
And never stop
Give everything
We give the lot
For the little people everywhere
For the heart the soul that's in despair
Our brothers and sisters
In every land
For the truth inside
each human
we'll strive and strive
Never give up
As it was told
In the name of love
Here's a poem 'bout a dog
'bout a dog
'bout a dog
Here's a poem 'bout a dog
His name's Woofie...
A poem, which you can recite to the tune, "London Bridge is Falling Down".
@ Mandocello - thank you!
@insiam - While there may be some people who come here just to read Vis' messages, for others, the comments are also important. This is the case for me. I'm guessing that's true for you too, as you've been around longer than I have!
As an enhancement to what Vis writes, the comments have their own unique value, providing additional information, clarification, questions, different perspectives, and much more. For some, this is a safe haven where we can communicate with like-minded people - something which, unfortunately, is absent in the lives of many of us. For others, there is a sense of community, or family, even.
As the nature of Vis' blogs varies along with his writing style, so do the comments here. Some are short and to the point. Others are long-winded and rambling. (Guilty!) (grin) We have poems and songs and everything in between. With such a variety, all visitors should be able to find something, if not many things, to which they can relate.
Sometimes our words are not received as intended. I think your use of the word 'hijacked' may have been taken as having a negative connotation. Even though you said it wasn't meant as good or bad, to someone it might sound like, "There are too many poems."
You've probably figured this out already, but I thought I'd post my take on things in case you were scratching your head wondering, "What'd I do?" And, tbh, this provided me with an excellent distraction from the report card comments I should be working on right now. One down, 20 to go...
I enjoy your comments as well as est's poems, and most everything else that's here. The variety works for me!
Hi Clarity!
est: well said. Sometimes I have a shitty day and then let some mean and ignorant soul get to me and the next thing I know I am being just as stupid as any internet troll.
C'est le guerre, n'est pas?
hi mikem!
(Is that your way of saying you saw my message?)
Hey - where's that like button? For your post, I want to click it twice because my name is in it!
Happy belated birthday.
Also I wanted to say if you wouldn't have given your age, I never would have guessed you were THAT young.(big smile) You are showing a lot of understanding and wisdom for your age.
Glad your here!
(and all you other females also,grin)
To All,
I always want to comment but it takes me to long to type.(hunt & peck) So many things I wish I could say and relate to but it takes to long. (I do talk a lot though).So many of you I resonate with.
You All are Quality
Vis ,
Count me in on Shamballa.(could this be it now ?)
I give much now. In Spirit . . .
True story...
About 3-4 yrs ago, I was standing outside of my home, (wadsworth ohio usa)and as I was looking into the sky a butterfly came around the tree in front and fluttered down and as I was watching it, it divebombed my forehead between the eys. Since I knew what this meant, I watched it fly up and thought, wow,come back here,and it did and flutterd down and brushed my 3rd eye again and I stood amazed.! Well, it happened two more times.
4 total. Big Smiles. I do not lie.
Many stories, all good. My path is the Sacred Medicine Wheel and it is a good one.
I Love You All.
Thanks Visible.!
waking hawk
p.s. it took me 1.5 hrs. to write this. ha ha ha (smiling, shaking head)
It always fascinates me how two people can start arguing, often heatedly, over something that they actually have in common. This has happened here in this very thread (regarding the "poets corner" statement made by Insiam, and the rebuttal made by est). I see this sort of thing happening in the world at large, more and more frequently...I'm sure some of you see the same thing.
I think what it proves, is the following - we are demented creatures by nature. And that dementedness stems from self-pity. Self-pity gives rise to self-importance, and, in some people, it takes control of the rudder to the point where they are constantly defending themselves against any perceived slight made by others, real or imagined.
If we can ditch that self-importance for good, we can create a launching pad. We can't become part of all there is - out there, into the infinite, far beyond the borders of our own confinement - if we are constantly pinned down to the epicenter of our own self-reflection. We are so much more than 50 cents' worth of Periodic Elements housed in a sac of skin. But we can't discover that, if self-importance is our primary guide, and, our primary advisor.
Thinking about our impending death, and using that as our advisor, instead of self-pity (and its twin, self-importance), is a great way to start breaking this all down and eliminating it from our lives forever.
We have no time for pettiness. We are not guaranteed one more second on this earth. Wasting our precious energy by defending our positions, while clinging to our arguments, is a draining affair. Perhaps this type of behavior can be switched off, if we think about the fact that we have no time for this at all, we might be hit by a train 10 minutes from now...
Give it some thought, and maybe start practicing this little trick, whenever you get the urge to attack someone verbally (or physically), while defending your positions and clinging tenaciously to your ultimately puny (and totally time-wasting) "arguments". Think about your impending death instead. You have no time. None of us does.
This should do the trick, if you keep practicing it over and over...eventually your self-pity will disappear (which is the precursor of self-importance). And when that happens - wow - there are no limits to what we might become.
"Well it's a one for the money!
Two for the Shoah!!
Three to get ready,
now go cast lead!
But don't you, step on my Jew Swayed News.
Well you can do anything but lay off a my Jew Swayed News.
We'll knock ya down,
step on your race.
Slander your name,
and make Zundel your mate!
We'll print anything
as we're prone to do.
But uh-huh honey
lay off of those views.
So don't you,
step on my Jew Swayed News.
You can do anything,
but lay off a my
Jew Swayed views!
You can shove diamonds
up my ass!!
Steal my car!
Drink granny's ashes
from an ol' cremation jar
Revise anything, as you're
prone to do!
But uh-huh honey
lay of them views
And don't you,
step on my right to the blues!
You can do anything,
but lay off a my Jew Swayed views."
Greetings! : )
c'est tous
les jours,
la guerre
[les guerres]
'there are no limits to
what you might become'
a poet ?
Thanks Clarity for your wise words re. my little tiff with Est. I can indeed see how my comments could have been taken negatively.
I will chose my words more carefully in future. They say 95% of communication is non verbal :)
I am a little surprised however at the amount of negative comments my post generated. Maybe i should keep my opinions to myself. Go with the flow to just to fit in. Run with the pack. Keep my head down. Yeah thats it - tow the line.
And here was me thinking .............
Room 101 for me :)
You will not keep your opinions to yourself! Do I keep my opinions to myself? Knock it off. You're fine and you did nothing wrong. It was just a miscommunication. The same thing happens to me time and time again. Hopefully some other people will make you feel better about this besides me. Please.
Got it? You're one of the best posters here; funny, articulate and... all that.
Anonymous sat. nov.24 4:57
So True
walking hawk
Ye, i'm cool. Thanks for your kind words Vis.
Of course i was just being ironic when i said i would keep my opinions to myself. Haven't managed to do that thus far on this journey :) Of course you guessed that ....
NB. Disclaimer: My opinions are not set in stone and i do not fully subscribe to any particular set of ideas or ideology. If i knew what i know today 30 years ago then i would be a lot wiser today and so and on ...... ;)
insiam---none of us are perfect and no one likes anybody who is nice and agreeable all the time.
If 2 people always agree it means that one of them is unnecessary.
est..Je parle un petite mots des francais de temps a temps mais no tres bien.
Dis donc!
Bon Chance mes amis!
@ walking hawk - I admit - I got a little freaked out at first... There's only one person here who knows my birthday, and I know he wouldn't be writing that. Apparently, that was senility kicking in, because then I did have some slight recollection of having mentioned my birthday. I hope your (big smile) indicates that you caught my ( ;) ) wink in that post, because as the mother of two teenagers (one with a drivers license), I did NOT just reach legal drinking age. You can double that, and add a few...
Thank you for that, and for all of your kind words! I'm glad you are here too. I loved your butterfly story, and think it would be nice to hear more of your stories. If you're not uncomfortable, would you email me? My address is
or if that's confusing,
clarity@lesvisibleDOTnet .
If you are having trouble, mikem can help you. Oh no, never mind! He was never able to figure out how to email me. (grin)
@insiam, no keeping your opinions to yourself! Nonverbal communication is extremely important, and it's lacking here in this type of venue. I've made a number of online friends since waking up, and I can tell you that there were quite a few problems that arose because of miscommunication which can be blamed on the lack of other cues. They say when we move onward and upward, our communication is telepathic. I want to say I've heard that colors and feelings/emotions can be communicated that way as well, but maybe I'm just making it up? Anyhow, it should be much better than this, but currently, this is all most of us have. Now, have I made myself clear? ;)
mouser - where have you been?
Much love,
*ykw - infiltration = T-4 days and counting...
I figure we're alright
but none are all right
enjoying the diversity
glad everyone isn't me
hold your head high...
I agree Siam is quality,,,
So is just about everyone,,
On some days this place is like shambhala
Without a doubt,,,,,
Happy Birthdays Clarity!
Sorry I was late to the greetings. Obviously I've been busy; no postings for a couple of days so something must be going on.
Much love!
All this talk of birthdays brings to mind a recent family gathering where, coincidentally, 3 members of the family, myself included were having a birthday that very day...
There was the youngest Katie, running round excitedly telling everyone, "I'm 3 today!" -and every one was ooh-ing and aah-ing and making a big fuss of her, then they all sang "Happy Birthday" to her.
Then there was great-great Aunt Olive, pissed on sherry, wheezing "I'm a hundred and nine today, you know" and everyone clapped and cheered... and sang her "Happy Birthday..."
Then I ran round the room shouting, "Yay, I'm 46! 46 today you hear?"
And all I got was odd looks.
Love to all
pierre said...
sorry, I'm usually hewre every day and twice on the sabath, which is saturday or sunday depending on the body count in the news.
which link?
is his main page, scroll down a little for An explanation of my previous post now removed due to pressure
This little conflict in Gaza.."
maybe his page was hacked when you looked.
pierre said (permissively, presumably)
thru wrh and link there
"Black Friday: because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have."
Clarity: Happy Birth Day ! (We were away visiting folks, so sorry about the lateness...)
"...I've heard that colors and feelings/emotions can be communicated that way as well..."
Absolutely! Remember that ALL barriers are an illusion. One favorite of mine was just after I had picked and bit into a strawberry. I literally had this 'shift' into being more red, sweet, happy, content, and with the 'felt sense' of what it must be like to be a strawberry. Funny, profound, and true...
Also, I mentioned some months ago of when I did a 'share' with a (real) Faerie. In that, everything was cross-communicated, even up to the 'felt sense' of being a Faerie. It went the other way, of course, and the Faerie got everything of what it was like to be a (real) Human (grin).
So, yes, everything can be 'communicated'. It is a wide world 'out there' (in there?) beyond the boundaries of the 'normal'.
Again, Happy Birth Day !
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
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