Wednesday, December 07, 2011

You want Jujubees with your Surround Sound 3D?

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

(The Half Past Human report is out and it is a good thing to see, given the positive implications gone missing in recent reports but which now reflect much more what Dog Poet Central has been saying for awhile. I remember back to some indication from these and 'related sources' that I was more or less some kid in short pants but maybe it's only half true and maybe the shorts are two tight. Probably the best thing is to ask the reader; do these jeans make me look fat? I am very glad to have taken away from this report what, for me, are very positive signs completely in line with what I have been thinking and saying. The last new's release I read from Clif sounded a lot like a suicide note (grin) and it depressed me but I got over it and of course I am exaggerating. I've only read halfway through cause I thought I should write a post so there's still plenty time for gang aft aglay... anyway, here we go. I read the rest and no changes in what I was saying. There is no criticism of Clif and George to be read here. I like those guys. I am just Tom Fooling around a little and I must be Tom Fool, that's why I have a white dog just like the one in the tarot card The Fool.)

Sold American! Dark shit for dark times. Some people got their eyes on the future and some got their eyes on small people's behinds. When you go hiking in Hawaii, you got to be careful because it is all lava rock and lava rock can get porous and rotten and you can fall down into honeycombed tunnels and the like, without the honey, or you could fall into them with your honey on your honeymoon, as you may prefer. I bring this up to say that the world economies, in the hands of criminal, vampire bankers is like that lava rock, only much worse and more like Irish peat turf maybe, maybe Scottish moors or African quicksand in some cases. So we are looking at individual and collective missteps of the increasingly more frequent and more highly populated variety.

Gag me with Gaga certainly tells all kinds of tales and as was mentioned in these blogs many times over the years, we are approaching comic farce on a cosmic level. Gaga's popularity is largely the result of a certain Tribe agenda; like Madonna. The most obvious sign of police state activity manifesting out of the corporate sector, which is often the case, can be seen when they mess with your ability to travel. You really know it's happening, when you see so many corollary signs happening in multiples. The same heinous interests that bring you the devil in Lady Gaga, are also working the system from the bottom up side; dead sea cosmetics must be downsizing and look for the kosher label of your tax dollars at work, all of this is off stage pushing pianos around for the grand migrations. I hate having to use the crass media to make my point. Oh right, because they own that but it isn't all of them that's up to bad shit ( a critical point to remember) and it isn't all of us and we are all of us, all of us accordingly ...sold American! Though we are not American. We B Us. Close the icebox and ignore that covered dish in the back. Oops! The electricity went off. It won't be long now. The covered dish will let you know it's there soon enough and... some of you may even have to be thinking about eating it.

We hold these truths to be self reverent. We know about radiation in the low places; cue John Lilly. I'm dreaming of a wide, white Christmas, though some of you may prefer cocaine. And there goes the little drummer boy, hopped up on the Peruvian marching powder, 'a rump pa bomp bomp'. Hark the crystalline angels snort! Hey, that's my white line on the freeway comes the outraged retort. Vanity wants two airline seats and the radiation is now on high. That should make for some strange inhalant tunes up in the recycled air of the troubled material night.

So it is that we have Occupy this and Occupy that, square-dancing with gay rights and Tribe fraud on multiple levels, in conjunction with media ownership and 'can't help themselves have to print this shit', doing do see do with war in Iran and it's time to swing your partner. Aleman left anyone? No? Well then, Aleman right. I don't have accents on my keyboard, or am too dumb to find them and I definitely don't want Accent on my mashed potatoes; supposing I was having any. The nostalgia boys upstairs are telling me I should probably go and watch “Pure Country” again. I'm guessing the American heartland needs a triple bypass; Dr Demento to the white courtesy phone. Is that your hand on my knee or am I just engaging in wishful thinking? “Come a little bit closer, you're my kind of man”!

I don't know what the rest of you will get from The Shape of Things to Come report from Half Past Human but it dovetails so well with what my invisible friends are telling me. The Vatican is going to crumble and that is going to reshape the world all by itself. “You got to believe” he said with an ironic grin. Believe in what, you might ask? Well, I guess we have to go back to Mithra to answer that question cause it's all grafting and always has been. Time to call in another surgeon, I guess. This time it's a plastic surgeon, cause we are in the age of plastic and do these jeans make you look fat?

With all the wild-assed shit going on, we over look the looming possibilities of Lady Nature, in respect of the lack of respect being paid to her and millions of tons of radioactive crap has formed into a massive surfboard headed toward Kalifornia. My first thought is that there have to be scavenger boats headed there, looking for pocket money and salvageable items, according to the law of the sea. Will they find any microwaves that still work? I don't know. The whole thing will be a microwave, so maybe they should bring some packs of raimen to eat on those stormy waters. Can I get a Raaaiiiiimen, Raaaaiiimen! Ray, Ray, Ray, Ray ...don't call me Ray... Raaaaiiiiimen! No, this is not connected to the Rape of Nanking. However, the Japanese do seem to have some kind of nuclear karma, the same way The Tribe looks suspiciously like they want to neutralize those people. I spent my first five years in Japan in Kyoto/Osaka; the best years of my missing childhood. That's where I first saw Morihei Ueshiba. I love many elements of Japan but that does not include the nuclear end. You can't beat them for being polite and having manners.

I love the grace of The East... ah, the mysterious East with names like Samarkand and Mandalay; “On the road to Mandalay, where the flying fishes play and the dawn comes up like thunder, outta China crost the bay”. I know I'm headed East after South Africa, cause that is where Shamballa is; not to mention Shangri La. They need more foot-soldiers for what's coming and it will be rising out of the mist at some point. I got my invite already; seeing as how I am going to meet a mysterious stranger on the way. You can't get there without a mysterious stranger. Is Shangri La another name for Shamballa? I even figured out immediately what YAAPMF means from the latest ALTA report and I am not generally very good at that. Did you get it immediately too? Mistress K came to visit me in the last days; gone now (sniff) but I now know Shamballa is real and so we will be writing something called “On the Road to Shamballa” during the trip, along with “The Care and Feeding of the Sweetie” and a video called “House Yoga” with Amarynth; busy busy.

Are you excited like I am; quietly excited anyway? With all the ominous potential, hang gliding over our heads, I feel brimming with incipient certitude. This is also the first time in awhile that the ALTA/Shape of Things to Come report has left me in a positive state. This is all the more affirmative since I read Clif's little 'we are totally screwed' missive a couple or one month ago. Having people like Clif and George around; not to mention the quality of the readers we get here (highest standard of reader intelligence and beauty on the net) is something else. Let's all have a round of applause in respect of what a fantastic dynamic these blogs are. There must be an ineffable. Sometimes, I feel like nothing more than an afterthought, in relation to what happens here. People come and go (I haven't heard from Nina or The Village Idiot in a long time) but both directions are filled with the impressive and hard spined endurance, still flexible 'after all these years', yeah... still flexible.

Every day feels like Christmas around here. I feel like I change more in one day now than a month would provide in the past. Does the reader feel like a better person? Does the reader have that gut sensation that they just ate in a good restaurant and maybe this blind date will be going home with them? Be sure and catch this Sunday past radio show, as I think it also reflects what is being discussed here. Hopefully one of my favorite web sites won't find this posting too personal to link (grin). I think it's important to have some “can I get a witness” vibes around at the moment; “the worms go in, the worms go out, the worms play Pinochle on your snout”. Hip! Hip! Holy shit, it feels good and the one-legged man of serendipitous destiny doesn't have another shoe to drop. If anyone out there knows Willie Nelson please tell him to do a few of my tunes (grin). I will be bringing my Martin guitar along, even though I've hardly played in several years and wasn't very good to begin with; now that is positive!

My friends, let your hearts be lifted, no matter what else may happen, we will survive; some portion of us will continue and some part of us will even be living and working together. How cool is that? That is plenty cool. If you are anywhere near where we will be in a short month, do think about coming around and walking in the desert with me. I can see the dust dervishes rising up from the expelled breath, through the nostrils of fifty foot holographic cobras giving us that, 'gotta dance with them' feeling. Been there, done that; me and Richard Yerxa.

Okay, looks like we've come to the end of another post and I'll see you in the next one, if there is one. In the meantime, may the sun king rise in your heart and lift you out of the slumbering dream beds of yesterday! Hey Cisco! Hey Poncho... away!

End Transmission.......


Smyrna said...

Les, Shambhala or Shangri-La. Some say it is/was/will be in the Altai region of Siberia. I think Gurdjieff and Blatavsky and Roerich and those types were of that opinion/knowledge.

Visible said...

Yes, to be sure, it is in that relative area. So is The Western Pure Land of the Amitabha but more extradimensional.

Anonymous said...

I just got around to downloading Clif's HPH report late last night and am only halfway through it. Yes, I, too, felt that there was a change of direction in future outcomes...namely, that the human species and our planet will will survive. Of course, as you know, this has all happened before. Still, this earth will give us the continuing opportunity to recognize our true nature so that is good news. For myself, living on the West Coast of North America, I am resigned to the probability of the effects of radiation interfering with any plans of longevity. This thought, in fact, has made me appreciate more deeply all the little things in my life....and to let go of the things I cannot change. I will see you in Shambhalla.

Visible said...

I look forward to it Kilaya; maybe you will be treking with me when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

This song seems aprapoe? Anyways it always makes me joyfulish.


Is it Sarcasm? (Shell Answer Man) said...

L. you are missing out not being in the golden indispensable people's republik of amerika. We have Lady KaKa the musical prodigy, she makes Beethoven look like a piker. The talmud vision was on in the background and said KaKa is going to the crackhouse in D.C. to tell the magic messiah, the one!, to stop those *evul* schoolyard bullies. I'm sure the immaculate one will wave his wand and stop those *evul* bullies! I don't worry about the future L. because there isn't going to be one. Think I'll turn on the 70" talmud vision and rock out to Lady KaKa (now that's what I call music!)while throwing some more popcans and water bottles to the ground.

Anonymous said...

Website for the tribesman/welfare cheat linked earlier in this post.

jackruby64 aka James said...

Speaking of the Altai region of Siberia (not me, you guys were), here's a bit of the usual syncronicity associated with reading Les Visible. After reading this entry and the comments, what should I spy with my one barely good eye but this article
Peace my friends,

Pete said...

Witness/And I'm from Memphis/Where we know how to witness : Amen !
The vaunted intelligence of the western mind has produced the atom bomb and Lady Gaga. Hahahaha
I love it. The fool, the divine comedy, the cosmic farce. Sehr gut Les !

jackruby64 aka James said...

Here's a tiny link you guys can try for the story in my last post.

...and now a poem by Robert Hawes said...

On the first day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
The status of detainee.

On the second day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the third day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the fourth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the fifth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the sixth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the seventh day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Seven TSA gropings,
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the eighth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Eight secret courts,
Seven TSA gropings,
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the ninth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Nine endless wars,
Eight secret courts,
Seven TSA gropings,
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the tenth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Ten healthcare mandates,
Nine endless wars,
Eight secret courts,
Seven TSA gropings,
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

On the eleventh day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Eleven tasers tasing,
Ten healthcare mandates,
Nine endless wars,
Eight secret courts,
Seven TSA gropings,
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee..

On the twelfth day of fascism,
Obama gave to me:
Twelve markets crashing,
Eleven tasers tasing,
Ten healthcare mandates,
Nine endless wars,
Eight secret courts,
Seven TSA gropings,
Six FEMA coffins,
Five waterboards,
Four no-fly lists,
Three raw milk raids,
Two sneak-peek searches,
And the status of detainee.

Visible said...

Heh heh, well done!

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Clif High's (is that his real name?) Half Past Human website features an article that postulates a "Pole Shift" that will devastate the earth. The fact is that such a "Pole Shift" is not known to have ever happened before, so there is no reason to worry about it happening in the future. The Half Past Human website also features the highly dubious spiral solar system theory of Dr. Keshava Bhat. Clif High's ALTA computer program gathers words from the Internet and uses trends in word frequency, use, and meaning to predict the future. Clif High's ALTA-based predictions have had no better track record than guesswork or the I Ching. The Half Past Human website posts this disclaimer: "Please note that our interpretations are provided as entertainment only." That disclaimer is the best advice that's given on the Half Past Human website.

For those who are worried about radioactivity in the floating debris from the Japanese tsunami, you should remember that the tsunami happened before the Fukushima meltdown, and the tsunami debris was well out to sea before the failing Fukushima nuclear plants started irradiating the air and ocean around Fukushima. Therefore, the floating tsunami debris will not be any more radioactive than the rest of the atmosphere and ocean that has been effected by Fukushima since the meltdown. Handling the tsunami debris will not expose you to any more radiation than wading in the ocean or breathing the air. We should be worried about the radiation coming from Fukushima, but the tsunami debris is no more radioactive than the Pacific Ocean itself.

Shambhala is the mythic Heavenly Otherworld of Tibet, Mongolia, and Central Asia. Shangri-la is the hidden Himalayan utopia from James Hilton's 1933 novel "Lost Horizon."
- GF

Alpha Silex said...

Would love to dance in the desert alongside 5 story holographic snakes with my Lady Gagme Underoos on and kaka hanging out, but where or where would I plug in my radioactive microwave to cook my Shaman Noodles?

L.L.O. said...

Joshua Tree is beautiful this time of year.
Spent much time wandering through that wonderland.
I never got to see a Dervish though.

Visible said...

It's a good thing you're such an expert Gregory and know so much about everything. What's it feel like to know so much more than everyone else and to be so smug about it. What else is it that you are so facile and capable at besides constantly posting the thoughts of other people as if none of us had ever run across it before, Half Past Human has been right about a lot of things, I've yet to find that to be true about you yet.

Alpha Silex said...

I have no idea, nor do I even care if that's his real name, but yours sounds feguely Jewish.

amarynth said...

Gregory F. Fegel, I'm sure someone else will say it as well. About Clif's work you know less than nothing but you pretend you do and about the rest, well, I suggest stick that dubious big head up your ass and then your heart may kick in and get a bit of breathing in. Let us know how it goes. I have to ask, have you done your 'snorting' today.

Silver Serfer said...

Agreed L. a hat tip to Robert H. Laughter is the best. It reminds me of an old Mad Magazine comic about nuclear war something that shouldn't be funny but the comic had me rolling on the floor. In fact everything I needed to know about life came from Mad magazine. :o)

amarynth said...

Here is something from Walmart. Thing is, it is not really funny.

Anonymous said...


Really great to read your post. It's the only thing worth reading anymore.

Been quite a journey hasn't it ? I was caught initially by one smoking mirrors about the state of the world but it led me to a place I'd always suspected existed but never really thought I could get to. Now I think I can get there. A sincere thanks for that.

My daughters coming to me for comfort this Christmas and I intend to give her a direction and as much love as I have. Something that no banker can ever take from her.

I'm grateful for the shit kicking I got these last few years. It took me out of the game and that's been the greatest blessing of all. Something really loves me.

Your techniques do not fall on deaf ears . I want you to know that.

My best wishes for all the fine souls that congregate here.

Thanks again

Patrick V1.0

A.Mouser said...

Good, upbeat post my friend - the time is nigh...


World Peace

I think I figured it out during a manic episode I swear.

The only way to have world peace? Lose all borders. Become one culture of people. Lose all differences and have a regulated order.

Everything just needs to have an order and work efficiently and without emotion attached to it.

I honestly don’t think world peace is a realistic ideal, and there are tons and tons of flaws with implementing what I mentioned above.

I don’t know if people realize that while I’m a megalomaniac, I tend to stick to logic and reason more than emotion, at least now… When my emotion takes over I get stuck on one ideal and the delusion repeats itsself in my head which is why I seek validation and for people to PROVE ME WRONG because I’m p. sure I’m delusional at the moment. But yes…

Every single system humanity can or would implement has flaws and will create angst and possible uprisings and upheavals.

Stratified class systems where people know their place are probably the closest thing to world peace. Class systems based on talent,intelligence, and skill- something most people can respect.. If people could only look at things more Darwinistically…:/ Anyway lol.

But yes. Humans are ambitious and feel the need to protect themselves and also most of us feel the need to protect those around us we have emotional attachments to. This includes becoming aggressive and violent and territorial. It’s in our genetic coding. Now we have evolutionary baggage and some vestigial animalian appendages- some that STILL help us survive- emotional responses and gut responses are useful, but I honestly think the only way to achieve world peace is if people could get rid of emotion entirely and just…Function like robots. :| and that would suck, but it would be efficient.

None of this I endorse or deny, I’m just…..Removing emotional attachments. Something people with BPD are able to do that kind of frightens others sometimes. *shrugs* what can I freaking say? I’m a scientist, and I tend to look at things as “survival of the fittest”. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel sympathy, but I AM able to remove emotion from global and large scale situations that I KNOW damn well I can’t do anything about or fix. Call me a nihilist but you know what? People were most mentally healthy and physically healthy in tribal, small-group societies, and I look out for my tribe- that’s what really matters, okay? It’s pointless to try to save the entire world- I know that now, even though sometimes it’s hard not to want to try. - BPD"

Greetings, Mouser

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Judge Viz:

I should have put the K and Lilly together.... I went so far as to build my own isolation tank back in the early 80's and spent 100's of hours in the tank exploring the inner domains. Never did get a chance to experiment with the K bud did most of the others finnishing that part of my life with the DMT pipe before going into my own internal chemistry kit.

That information fills in a lot more of your picture... (grin). And bitch slappin old Gregory like you did, even more (grin).


Visible said...

Remember, if you are going to be negative on me you need provenance or you don't get in the door. Give me provenance and you can say literally anything. Otherwise you can swallow your own snake.

Visible said...

Just in case you need some humor,

Visible said...

A little commentary on the radio show wouldn't hurt.

hebegb said...

"We are where we need to be, when we need to be there".. kinda the message my last functional brain-cell has been receiving lately. I too, noticed the change in the tenor of Clif's latest and even though deeply concerned with the upcoming "confusion" by the sheeps, feel strangely at peace with the "hang-in there" vibe that the Universe, God, Mohammed or Fred is vibrating in my gut. Les, you have a great way of imparting the message and those of us who will be charged with shaping the future by our example WILL be "together" however that future "oneness" comes to pass... lookin forward to it and I'll bring the Ovation for a little jam session. (Grin)

Anonymous said...

@Gregory F. Fegel

Thanks for the breakdown on word usage and the like. I agree, computer software and the words we use on the internet dont have any real weight to the future, or predicting it.

However the words that fill your head and the outlook you take do create and share the future. So if one looks at all the words in use right now, one can see what the future is looking like within the minds of folks currently. Thats doesent have to lead to knowing the future but it helps to see a lot.

Sorry to rag on you, but please review polar shift. It has happened on this planet more times than one, in fact no one is sure how many times it has happened. What is not sure, how it happens and and what puts it into motion and what affects it may have. There is tons of room to debate in this area, but to suggest no pole shift at all is plain wrong.

Le Mat

Allison said...

Japan and nuclear karma. Theory: Radiation is actually slightly mutating the physical permanent atom of what is a dying race (4th race Nipons) so that some of the old stock of dying 4th racers can amalgamize with and contrbute to the emergent 6th race. Without the mutation the emergent 6th race might lose out a little of the positive attributes of 4th racers, whose days are numbered according to HPB. Just a theory

Anonymous said...

I think you are in need of a quote, from Pooh Bear.

When you are a
Bear of Very Little Brain,
and Think of Things,
you find sometimes that a Thing
which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

Anonymous said...

Ooops. I left out the last bit.

"Always watch where you are
going. Otherwise, you may
step on a piece of the Forest
that was left out by mistake."

Anonymous said...

Hi Les, all

I keep telling people who still have the "American Dream" as their goal that we live in the safest place on earth. Why would anyone want to go any where else? We have been through just about every kind of war. Political struggle, occupy movements, no electricity, no security, all kinds of lying MSM, attempts to create internal wars and of course, outright bombing and targeted killings. We are at one side of Armageddon with the tribe on the other but this is the thing. We now have a considerable amount of awake people--maybe even half the population, who are not willing to let the World War happen. We have at least two leaders who are knowledgeable in the arts of war but Do Not Allow it to happen internally and together can manage to turn any outside war to a short one. These two leaders ( who have the purity of heart and soul and the courage to be martyrs) are being surrounded by the satanists(all crooked politicians, local and international) so they cannot repair what has been damaged and stop the suffering of the people here. They have built around them a defense system of loving and giving people and will definitely have an effect on the outcome of the Apocalypse. Just remember you heard this here. From Lebanon where

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, nice radio show---it made me almost as high as you sounded

Kray Z8 said...

Tell me
How does the Light shine
On the road to Shambhala

Thanks for the Chakric tune-up, Dog Poet. Humor and inspiration (pun intended) are a great mix, and just what the doctor ordered.

Personally, I use humor as a barometer of my temporal objectivity and spiritual health; taking the 3d freakshow too seriously is the surest sign you're being sucked back into it. To those who ascribe to the principle of thought creating reality, humor is invaluable because it insures that the vibrations being produced are positive, leading to positive manifestation. This gives credence to the old saying "Life is much too important to be taken seriously". As above, so below.

Les, Thank You for takin' the time! Your work and the dynamic it creates among those who post here is a cathartic and a blessing. The word is good, the vibe is sweet. Thanks, Friends. Keep smilin' 8D.

Peace, Love, Laughter,


Smyrna said...

In regard to Gregory's claim that Shambhala is the mythic heavenly otherworld etc, it's worth considering the documentation of beings that interface between this realm and others. A book titled "Daemonic Reality" by Patrick Harpur details and explains this in depth.
An example of this, just from Australia, would be the Bunyip that was often sighted in rivers and swamps, billabongs etc in SE Australia in the first half of the 19th century. The Aborigines knew them to be supernatural and not to be disturbed. Sightings of the Bunyip have ceased since those days. Not so the Yowie, an equivalent of the Sasquatch, Yeti etc. which still gets encountered/experienced to this day. Harpur concludes that all these manifestations are 'faeries' including the modern UFOs/Greys etc.
Also consider the evidence of people who have experienced 'time slips' which is another form of interdimensional/inter-realm interaction.
The evidence for Shambhala etc is strong when seen in this light.

Bushukshi said...


I thank you much for sharing the wisdom of the Pooh Bear.
This brightened my heart as I recalled the many happy nights of reading this small bear’s words to my children long ago.

I must frequently remind myself that Intelligence is not incompatible with humility, provided I place humility first.
A fool must now and then be right by chance;
Yet a fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.

Thank you Les and all, with love.
Now back to the forest.


onething said...

Trying to follow the link to Half Past Human, it looks like i have to pay ten dollars to read it?

Anonymous said...

What will it take to initiate the divorce of the sheeple of the U.S. and the zio-cadre which runs their existence?

What will it take?

Can it even come to pass without a true physical(nuclear?) catastophe?

It seems so intractable, so ironclad. It's so fucking depressing. Like being an abused spouse/child with no options but to stay put and hope for the best.


bholanath said...

My take on G. Ure and HPH:
Having read urbansurvival for a couple years, I find it entertaining, but not much more. The predictions are basically common sense projections if a person follows trends of the psychopaths and has somewhat of a clue about how karma, cycles, and the universe works.
I lost all respect after Ure's withdrawal of support for Occupiers because of "violence". Bullshit. He "doesn't endorse 'globalrev'". So, he endorses the old paradigm? He has always seemed to be an 'about ME' person. MY gold and silver. MY family. MY expensive toys. MY cool life and lifestyle. I see no evidence he's ever lifted a finger to alleviate suffering of any beings not connected to himself.
[Basically brings to mind those ubiquitous radio ads to "call invest in has a proven track record for 5000 years!" Um, you mean like that other thing with the 5000 year track record: psychopathic patriarchal monotheistic fascism?]
Ure writes today that he has 'difficulty' defining what's going on here: My Occupy LA Arrest.
Clif High seems more awakened, and committed to life values, but it doesn't seem to have rubbed off on Ure.
Anyway, it's just a fucking blog.
Just my take.

Visible said...

It is amazing how the comments that happen here play into me. I have these various connection with each of you that are so different from one another but which all have a sameness in association with them. I see all of you as different versions of myself, which is probably how some of you see me and others.

Bholanath is a curiosity of a kind of me. He is sterner than I am and it is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe I should say more direct is a better way to put it.

I don't like antagonisms and am often more diplomatic here than I might actually be in real life concerning variance of opinion. I'm not aggressive. I am more of the 'I just go away' kind of a guy.

Bholanath is more acutely truthful than I am and there are reasons for all and any of the above.

Yes, George Ure seems like one of those survivalists types, with some of the usual implications and I am not knocking that. It is an approach to what approaches or may approach.

Perceptions are variant and perceptions depend on perspective. I mentioned those guys seeing me as someone in short pants because I am not one who arranges to have all that one needs stashed in the safe house because I rely on God. That is an emphatic imperative. I do trust myself to an extent but I trust God much, much, much more. I know that when you rely on numbers and impressions, you also come to rely on yourself for the computations and summing up (wow, we are in a time of summing up; irony and reality rubbing shoulders). My life lesson has, so far, taught me to be reliant on the divine, possibly a 'generosity of strangers' Marilyn.
It has also taught me to be self reliant upon the industry of my efforts. I'm one merit badge shy of Eagle Scout and that is the 'life saving merit badge', so that might explain some things about me and my reliance.

My usual response to any of this is, "We'll see". And for myself, we'll see' has led to me seeing what I see over some rough country but not so much these days. I even when so far as to be totally employed by my creator and am miraculously sustained that way as well and have been for some time.

I didn't want to offend Gregory, or Katz and I hope I didn't offend Clif and George though I suspect I'm not prominent on their radar. I assumed the Dog Poet thing for a host of reasons that all play into what I was and am all about to begin with. Some might think I was seeking celebrity or glomming on to something that wasn't mine to take.

At the same time, I am born in the year of the dog and have a white dog just like the one on The Fool card. I also have a lot of dog characteristics except in the sex department where I am more feline. The Dog Star has been prominent in my subconscious life for a long time. There are other things too but, moving right along and so on.

I don't agree with a lot of people who are out there and especially the left brain types who have all the details and data and numbers. I work that street by way of inspiration; once again, relying on the divine. Bholanath and I are more alike than I and many others but differ by degree.

It hurts me when I react as I have with Gregory and Katz; Le Mat and various but I have a thing about pontificating and presumption. I know I don't know and I know people are only giving me their version of what it is and that is how I identify them by the clothes they wear.

I think all of these people probably mean well and have good hearts. It is tactics, definitions and demonstrations that I might have a parting of the ways about.


Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...


The HPH, GU, C High linguistic predictive model as a mechanism to mine the consciousness field.
When the random number generators inexplicably went coherent prior to 911 I was keenly interested in such a concept and followed HPH work with interest. After a couple of major predictive busts I concluded the concept model basically works. Where the model is presently breaking down is the arbitrary geeky term filtering from these guys and I suspect they are ignorantly discarding emotive terms that should be well left in the data base. To their credit they have done a great service to bring the model out and write some cool code but it’s beyond their consciousness band width to be of much predictive value.

The Chinese are said to be also operating web bots for predictive purposes and I would be interested to see a side by side comparison of the two operations and you would likely see the cultural sophistication and Chinese wisdom prevail over the geeks. Its bit like the formula race car engineers… they know how to build a great car but you would never actually let one drive it on the track.


Visible said...


We don't all get along. Our wars and divorces attest to that. I've had dramatic, in person, episodes with readers. Sometimes it is very good and sometimes not so good. I always look at that as 'subject to change'; the good generally gets better or stays about the same and the not so good doesn't continue or it occurs at another time as a better opportunity.

I am literally going to Shambala. How I know this and the details are something for a later date if ever. That's because, 'with God all things are possible'. Not everyone believes this and this is one of those things in my 'I don't know' itinerary of which I am certain. Faith, Certitude and Determination are some good companions to have.

I've spent some hours on the last couple of days with a reader who is buying my car. There are some very interesting people who attend these blogs.

I should probably say, at this time, that I am sincerely sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. It is part of the process. I'm not in control of it and I don't want to drive anyone away. I actually love every one of you. You make me what I am, which is better than what I was.

God leaves our shortcomings in place for a very good reason sometimes. Even though the idea is to overcome them, we need to be exposed to them and others need to be exposed to them for very good reasons.

Some people want to survive here. They like it here, when it is in a likeable form. I like it elsewhere. I'm one of those people who wants to walk into The Lord of the Rings or some fashion of it; Devic Realm, other dimension and I'm equipped to get there due to a paucity of ballast in my undercarriage. Some things are ordained and some things are earned and some things are a combination.

I get along with Sovereignty because he has gotten past the kind of ping pong games that distract us, to some degree. I get along with a lot of other people because they are naturally humble and the reason they are that way is because they have been in the presence of God. God is more real in every way that we are but in times of darkness and so on and so forth.

I'm going to give a preview of something contained in the coming Origami which I think the reader may appreciate. It explains a lot and you will note that everything said there has been said here to the degree that it is almost uncanny; talk about being into being here as if this were all there was.

Anyway, Gregory and Katz and everyone else whose frogs I may have stepped on, I'm sorry. I'm a work in progress and I am doing the best I can as far as who and what I am at this time. My whole day, every day and every hour is consumed in trying to be a better person and with God's help I believe I will accomplish that.

Visible said...

For me this whole presumption falls apart with the forensics evidence that I see no mention of. Was there a paraffin test on Chapman's hands? What about the gun? Were bullets fired out of the gun or not. It's routine to match the bullets and the gun for rifling provenance. All the rest of the tale though, seen in the light of the other link I just left has a patina of veracity.

Alpha Silex said...

The radio broadcast was good and I felt a little stoned at a few points through it. The old post from '05, VERY funny and true. Surprised there were only 6 comments on it.

Visible said...

I did not have nearly so many readers back then.

neal said...

Smyrna, the evidence for Shambhala is even stronger than clues left in pictures and words. It's like a hidden radiation that is good for a few, not so good for others.

That, for now, stays secret, the laying on of hands is direct transmission, and is controlled by a higher Power.

There is just a brief touch, then the walking away, and the rest of that story will do what it will do.

Everyone wants it, but very few count the cost of reception. And that is not a myth, for those who have to carry it, and try to stay out of it's way.

amarynth said...

I woke up this morning wanting to apologize to Gregory for telling him to stick his head up his ass. It would have been better to say ... Gregory, unscrew your head, and put it somewhere on a shelf until your heart starts talking.

About George Ure .. he is a seeker and his place to investigate, is right here, right now - physical survival. How to survive, right here right now - the other realms are not out in the open in his sphere of work. Understand the man in his realm and have no expectations for anything else.

Clif is a whole other story. I've seen him do astonishing things. He is not an easy person to follow and if you're not 'clued in' to his vibe, things will obscure themselves in the mists. On a certain level, I understand his stuff - I think it has to do with a highly technical programming background - There is this 'vibe' - like a vehicle mechanic can listen to a vehicle and know what is wrong or right. I'll be the first to say his work is not for everyone. But I will also be the first to say that if you have not studied it in depth, don't knock it, because there are layers there that are not easy to penetrate without study ... Kinda like Krisnamurti and David Bohm's conversations - only sound uncomplicated.

I am tired of knocking people .. like example David Icke. He may not be right each time, but the man is hugely brave - standing on those platforms and openly spouting stuff that gets others killed. And doing it with some level of entertainment. But that is just my take.

lightandlongshadows said...

"I'm one of those people who wants to walk into The Lord of the Rings or some fashion of it"
I can't stop feeling we're in it. "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them" rings in my ears daily as I read the news.
I'm not really too concerned how long I stick around, I'm not stuck on this world. I surely appreciate the beauty of this magic and mystery though. We've prepared for the worst as best we can, perhaps we'll be able to contribute something to those around us. The rest is left for the ineffable as always."Hold on tightly let go lightly" John Denver
As for "stepping on frogs", I wouldn't worry about it. We'll all get over ourselves in due course, in this lifetime or the next or the one after that, you know though. We're all just talking to ourself.
I'm feeling so strange lately, to quote my grandfather the last time I saw him before he died "what a world". Take care all

Visible said...

pretty much what I think too, in all cases with the usual exceptions of the personal perspective and the addition of following thoughts.

bholanath said...

I don't think I was trying to knock Clif. I have heard him and appreciate his depth of mind and character. I appreciate also what Sovereignty said, and it makes sense.
The whole stock market and precious metals thing just leaves me cold, with Ure and all the rest. When someone mentions 'gold' I think of Rio Tinto and mine slaves. I also don't hang out with women who wear diamonds (grin).
Haven't heard the word 'stern' much. (I'm too young to have been in Stern Gang) My kid never used it. Maybe, Vis, you'll change your mind when we meet up. I'm just an old fart who likes to laugh a lot, and tries to keep things light (with a good amount of sarcasm) in personal dealings.
I like this Earth and Her many beautiful sentients, and don't think much about 'other places', though "I don't know" either.
I also rely on God/Goddess almost exclusively too. Diplomacy is great, but I don't mind Vis' 'directness' either. I got Jupiter in Libra on my ascendant, so diplomacy comes naturally, and also am a Hanuman devotee (the ideal diplomat) (more grinning).
Sovereignty, are you going to Chihuahua?

Visible said...

That's the problem with words, Bholanath. I didn't actually say what I really meant and my take on you is as you just described yourself. I too have the same take on people who talk about gold and silver; two things I don't give a shit about. I got my own gold and silver and I have Jupiter in Libra too.

Yes, this is Lord of the Rings and that is what Tolkien intended to say but, I meant in terms of an entirely new world. I fully expect to enter it.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Bholanath asked:

Sovereignty, are you going to Chihuahua?

The thought had crossed my mind and I know that it would be delightful to hang out, however this is not good timing as my crew and I are at a critical time with the Stone… yes gold and silver...independent lab results have verified and validated our process and I’m neck deep in one of those corporate things (capital for scale up) and if I can quickly put this to bed, then I will review my travel options.

Hoist one for me if I don’t.


lightandlongshadows said...

"..I meant in terms of an entirely new world. I fully expect to enter it."
...but, but the elves stuck around until after the battle. :)

Anonymous said...

pierre said..

I rate the Lewis Caroll radio show a DG (Divine Guidance recommended). but will the adults understand it?
I'll go back for a second 'reading', I was distracted with dirty dishes. If you did that ad lib I am astounded, scripted, I just very impressed.

wv: deless . it's a word like any other that means just what you want it to mean.(but don't expect it to be understood).

Terrance said...

Hello have a great heart and I thank you for sharing your insights....always liked jujubes, except for them sticking in my teeth..... What a world we live in!....considering most of us are only streaming about 25 percent God consciousness, it's amazing we get along with each other at all! you have said, it's all under control and we are immortal beings!... This is all for demonstration!... If we don't meet in this world, we will sing and dance in the next dimension!....ashes ashes all fall down!.....

DaveR said...

I read Urban Survival frequently and find it about 1/2 interesting. I don't think anybody should bag on George Ure for the content. He's a financial consultant by trade and his blog is primarily about that. He makes no pretense about it either, so it's not like he's trying to milk the money out of "new age" speaking fees. It is just what it appears to me. I do think he blabs there to get more subscribers to his paid blog, but that seems OK to me, kind of inoffensive marketing. At least the free blog has some good content from time to time.

He's in his 60's and, yes, has accumulated a pretty nice life style, but he's also posted pics of his "ranch" and it's not all that huge or anything. I think he's comfortable but not what would be called wealthy.

And! If you write him, he'll write you back. So, if you've got some issue just go ahead and write to him about it. You might get honorable mention in his blog!

As for Clif, I always try to listen to his interviews and find him to be very, very intelligent. The man is no fool. To be clear he thinks humans can, at some level, predict the future and such predictions may show up in language. The only place to sample large amounts of language is the Internet(s), so that's what he's doing. He's not predicting the future. He's analyzing language use to try to discern what he believes is humanity perceiving the future and expressing it in said language. I can't say he's wrong.

amarynth said...

Bholanath - to be clear, I was not alluding to anything you said.

I do take issue with a statement from Sovereignty: "Where the model is presently breaking down is the arbitrary geeky term filtering from these guys and I suspect they are ignorantly discarding emotive terms that should be well left in the data base. To their credit they have done a great service to bring the model out and write some cool code but it’s beyond their consciousness band width to be of much predictive value."

- "where the model is breaking down", and "arbitrary geeky term filtering" and "ignorantly discarding emotive terms" and "write some cool code but it’s to be of much predictive value" and "beyond their consciousness band width" ...

My comment is .. words well used, wish I had your ability! But still sounds like a very cool hatchet job to me based on? What? Knowing? or Reaching?

One mind are we? ... The Love! Yes? where the hell is it when we kill our own with fluent oh so cool words?

katz said...

I appreciate the apology.
I've been really mad at you.

It's the learned helplessness that gets to me. Makes me want to just shake you and wake you up.

Visible said...

A new Origami is up-

The Enemy of Humanity is going to their Grave.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Amarynth said…

“sounds like a very cool hatchet job to me based on? What? Knowing? or Reaching?”

Based on knowing… the answer was in the race car designer/builder vs driver analogy.

No hatchets were used in my observation, just insight and knowingness.

Race car engineers have highly developed left brain hemispheres going on and do a great job building the car, the driver on the other hand has be able to process more information up his intake optical pipe at 220 mph, and to do this has to be to be able to dilate time (stop or slow time down). This requires right brain development and if he wants to win as a driver will need integrated left / right brain hemisphere development.

NASCAR racing is said by the new agers to be a red neck sport, and yes Alabama is pretty dense consciousness forest, but the championship drivers all (whether knowing it or not) are breathing there way into the higher brain states. When one pushes a race car to its limits, your death is not comfortably away over the horizon…. its right there with you in the car and the just as we do when our time comes to go over to the other side, the brain starts releasing its hormones and we go into the eternity of the instance.

We shift automatically into a really fucking now brain state!

Let me try again.

The point was if you need a hair cut, would you hire a carpenter to do the work? Wouldn’t it make more sense to go to a hair dresser? Cliff and George having built the linguistic predictive model, assume they are then best qualified to run it. Their low percentages results speak for themselves; no they are not best qualified to be setting the emotive term filtering of their program.



DaveR said...

@ Sovereignty wrote:

"Cliff and George having built the linguistic predictive model, assume they are then best qualified to run it. Their low percentages results speak for themselves; no they are not best qualified to be setting the emotive term filtering of their program."

That all, sounds well and good and the analogy may have some validity. I don't share Amarynth's view of the 'hatchet job' though it did come across as disparaging. But, though there may be individuals or groups better equipped to set Clif's filtering criteria, there may simply be no one who can do that. Without knowing the particulars of Clif's programming (that he's been refining for over 10 years)it would be presumptuous for me to state that I could come up with a better set of criteria, or in fact have any benefit to the situation whatsoever.

Although I can drive this little PC I'm on right now I doubt I'd get anywhere in front of Clif's apparatus. It would be like putting me in the cockpit of a Boeing. I think I know what a couple of those items do, but it'd be best if you weren't along for the (short) ride.

On one occasion I wrote to Clif about something he'd said in an interview and he wrote back. I think that if you have intelligent, well informed suggestions or questions, then you should write him and initiate a dialog. There might just be a way for others to influence his criteria to make his output more useful and I think he'd be receptive to any positive input. Perhaps he could write an overview of how he filters and then accept suggestions from the masses. I don't know. He has said that one of the great problems he's faced with is filtering out his own output to preclude it from defiling his own dataset. Obviously anything he posted along the lines of filtering criteria could really mess with those same filters in an uncontrolled feedback loop.

I think there's validity in his approach. He's doing it on a very small budget apparently, and some positive suggestions might be welcome. So Sovereignty, why don't you write him a nice letter and ask if you could help with this?

Anonymous said...

via Homer..


Wondering how you are absorbing Bhakti Ananda Goswami's life work?

Here's another source of insightful history you might find compelling.

Much like the source subject(s)of "Forbidden Archeology" this is a well of information via the type you can drop on your foot and it hurts, as opposed to abstract conjuring which more often than not is just that.


Full text of "Vedic Fathers of Geology"

Hare Krishna!

Visible said...

Beautifully said DaveR.

I understand what Sovereignty was trying to say about the emotive thing. The difficulty for Clif is that he is not processing through an emotive vehicle and it doesn't work like that, that's like trying to get poetry out of a cyborg. Dave is right about what Clif has said, more than once in respect of trying to keep his projections out of the mix. Clif fully admits the limitations of his apparatus and routinely apologies for the possibility of error in his computations. This brings him across as an humble man and I love that kind of thing when I run across it. I love that more than just about anything because it makes for pleasant company to begin with.

The reverse of this can be seen in a recent comment at Origami which I just replied to.

You probably should write him Sovereignty and even let him know we've been discussing him here. He would probably appreciate hearing about out take on him.

Someone should let him know; not me because I think they might still have wiggles about The Dog Poet thing which, regardless of the associations I was drawing on when I assumed it, was also meant to be amusing and create a kind of persona that might possibly be entertaining if nothing else.

The thought comes into the back of my mind that my having done this might affect his web bot in feed (grin)

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

To the suggestions that I write George and Cliff, I respectfully decline as I do not see either of them ready for the conversation.

Having done a great job in building the tool its time to provide the tool to those better equipped to run it, and no I am not a candidate for that role either.

We are in the late stages of the end game and it’s a little late for that.

I’ve spent most of my life in service to world solutions and the time has come for me to look after my own. I’m at a place where I choose to put my time, attention and passions for family, personal Sovereignty (yes that includes economic Sovereignty), the Stone … this is the space where I now work. It’s time for me to cash in my intellectual capital and prepare a safe comfortable place for family and friends to ride out the shit storm.

I’ve given up on those that will not do even the basics to learn about themselves and their vast potentials. Even here on Judge Viz’s blogs (one of the most enlightened spaces) we have a smug arrogance about what is coming down and how to be with that.

Sorry folks it’s all bullshit. No so called “enlightened way of being” will suffice for this ride, without an aligned cosmological ontological context for what’s ahead, and none here are ready for that conversation. No, I’m not in a place of resignation…. it’s just the pragmatics of the day and what I personally need to do.

I do see value in service to my fellow man, as part of the “Ground Crew” as put forth by George Green. This a very dynamic and passive roll to which I now subscribe as service. No, I do not want to follow this post with a discussion on the merit and validity of George Green and the ground crew…. do that shit on your own.


Alpha Silex said...

Great post, Vis and Stickman comes out with another nice one, as well.....I wish the static levels here would just drop a little bit. There's enough of that out there and it kind of sucks when it's flying around this space. I've noticed it a lot lately and have been trying to ignore it. However, I do realize that typed messages can often be misconstrued very easily when tonal aspects are absent and we don't really know the person.....Anyway, they say a pictoris says a thousand words. Check it out:

neal said...

For those not into gold and silver, we have dinosaur bones, and old turquoise, and old things spit out from volcanoes, before the old things from the oceans. Hell, we've got some buffalo robes, and mammoth skulls, and bits and pieces from the Dine' Trail of Tears, that is just the backyard. Won't trade this stuff for anything, but we are giving it away, no assembly implied. The new economy needs to honor really old stuff, but maybe remembering what is really important only goes so far, and so on.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up-

Intention, Destiny and the Cartoon Dance of the Temporal.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say Ray?

That's a funny thing about thoughts shaping the world. Crossing the border from Colorado into Kansas on I-70, I get the look and feel of Kansas, in a minute. With Colorado still in my rear view mirror, I just can't pinpoint what changed, exactly. I figure Kansans give Kansas that distinction. The people change too. California blondies don't hold a candle to Kansas blondies. That happens with other states I drive into too, but only if I know the look and feel of the state. Missouri girls have the best rumps. Iowa girls are fat dutch girls. Anyhoo, more evidence for me that the natural is born in the supernatural.

So, am I a spiral yet?

Ray Zerwitt

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go to Mexico right now, even if a spiral invited me. Working in El Paso, we were advised not to go to Mexico, because of our whiteness. There was a mexican with us and they told him not to go there either, because he didn't look mexican enough. They've thrown off christianity and are reverting to their old baal worshipping ways. Remember the assassins crawling on their bellies to the baal temple in "Breaking Bad"? That's a reality. They feed this god a steady diet of human heads. Chihuahua is the drug trafficker's hub. I spent a summer in Chihuahua, Chihuahua when I was a kid. It's not the same anymore.

Mexico is one of the most evil places on earth. Mexico City is built on the ruins of another city called "Tenochtitlan". Note 'enoch' in there. Cain named his city after his son. I'd sooner spend the night in Babylon, where the satyrs come out at night, per the prophecy. Mexico is drenched in blood and always has been.

Ray Zerwitt

So, am I a spiral now?

Anonymous said...

But, if you go there, will you take some pictures of Hotel Victoria and that kickass beer garden there? The only spanish you need to know, there, is "Mas cerveza, mas frijoles", which means 'thank you'. I really liked that place. I wonder if it's still the same.

Ray Zerwitt

Visible said...

Chihuahua is not the hub; that's so off base as to put the imprimatur of non truth on everything else said and thousands upon thousands of ex pats in Mexico will definitively disagree with you. What your description of women has to do with any of this is anyone's guess. Mexico is one of the most evil places on Earth? Good Grief.

Anonymous said...

What would steal a guy's attention faster than the butts on Missouri girls and the tanned lean blondies of Kansas?

I'm familiar with El Paso and Mexico since I was a 6th grader. My aunt married a mexican geologist gentleman. When I was in El Paso last time, the welder got his $180,000 outfit stolen while he was sleeping. A Juarez police captain's head was hung from a bridge. A tour bus in Juarez was hijacked and the tourists were forced to pick pot plants for 3 days. 4 or 5 murders in Juarez every night were just another day's business. This severed head made the centerpeice of some baal shrine was a daily affair too. They don't even investigate murders there. They just cover it up and call the morgue. This is not the El Paso/Juarez of my 6th grade. They will kidnap you and hold you for ransom for a shitty $200. That part of the US looks like a nipple on an udder and there is a feeding frenzy on the other side. My boss has a place in Mazatlan, but he leaps over that feeding frenzy and would never drive to it. Take the mexican's very good advice and don't go through Juarez. I can't be sure about Chihuahua, but I can believe what I've heard. I don't give a fuck what you do, go there if you want to.

Is there a place in the world where more human sacrifices have been done than Mexico? The christianity has NOT turned it into Kansas. It's more resistant than that. Whether cutlure goes to seed or comes from seed, there's no denying they're intermingled like electricity and magnetism. Wasn't it Carlos Casteneda's favorite place to go? There's somne very weird shit there.

The imaginary line separating Kansas and Colorado isn't so imaginary anymore. I'll keep it under advisement, but I won't put my energy there. Only Kronos could prove it.

Sometimes I think your whole religion is born out of psychotic narcissism. Your responses to my comments are all the proof I need, that you need to get over yourself.

and get a sense of humor too.

It's not such a bad thing to get lost in reverie over the butts of Missouri girls and Kansas blondies either.

Being a spiral, I guess you're above it.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

In his blog, Visible asked the question: "Is Shangri La another name for Shambhala?" I knew the answer, so I stated it.

Regarding Pole Shift: Many Magnetic Reversals have been recorded, but no catastrophic results have ever been found associated with any Magnetic Reversals. No Pole Shifts have ever been recorded, period. I have been criticized here for providing links, so if anyone wants provenance -- just look it up.

The Spiral Solar System theory featured on Half Past Human has several problems which are too technical for me to describe in brief. The most obvious problems are that if the solar system was a spiral, then it wouldn't look like a narrow plane, no planet would ever make a superior conjunction with the sun, and the outer planets would never appear close to the sun.

The owners of the ALTA computer program have been criticized for making vague predictions and for "cherry-picking" the results of their predictions. The ALTA owners have claimed that they can predict earthquakes, airline crashes, and hurricanes. I can see how a linguistic program might predict broad trends in politics, society, or the economy -- but not natural or random disasters.

I predict an approaching Ice Age, and I refer you to the Vostok and EPICA ice core graphs, which show a regular pattern of Ice Ages going back 800,000 years. That is real science. - GF

Gregory F. Fegel said...

In his blog, Visible asked: "Is Shangri La another name for Shamballa?" So I answered his question.

Regarding "Pole Shift": Science has recorded many global Magnetic Shifts -- but no Magnetic Shift has ever been shown to cause a disaster. Science has found no evidence of any Pole Shifts. For a futher explanation, see:

If the Spiral Solar System theory (which is featured on the Half Past Human website) were true, Venus and Mercury should never appear in superior conjunction with the sun, and the outer planets should never appear anywhere near the sun. The photographs at the following link show that the outer planets often appear in superior conjunction with the sun. See:​(astronomy_and_astrology)

The ALTA web-bot method of sampling word usage and frequency on the Internet might have some validity in predicting social, political, or economic activities, but ALTA's owners have claimed that they can predict earthquakes, hurricanes, and airline crashes. ALTA's owners have yet to prove that their predictions are superior to educated guesswork.

The Half Past Human website presents the bogus theories of Pole Shift and a Spiral Solar System, which shows me that the Half Past Human owners are not very science-savvy -- which makes me further disinclined to respect their ALTA predictions.

I predict an approaching Ice Age on the basis of the Vostok and EPICA ice core graphs and the Milankovitch or Orbital theory of Ice Ages, which is the most commonly-accepted explanation of Ice Age causation. The graphs show a regular pattern of Ice Ages going back 800,000 years, and, based on the pattern of the past, the earth is now due for the onset of the next Ice Age, and that's a scientific fact.

I have also found that mythology predicts a recurrent Ice Age, in association with the Precession of the Equinoxes. - GF

Gregory F. Fegel said...

My apologies for me posting essentially the same comment twice. When I tried to post the first comment, the program told me I needed to log-on, and it gave no indication that my comment had been accepted (anyway, I didn't see one). So I rewrote the comment and posted again.

To Homer:
Thanks again for the link to Bhakti Ananda Goswami. I read several of his articles and his biography, and I saved his link in my Favorites for future reference. I have a copy of "Forbidden Archeology" on my bookshelf. I haven't read it yet, but just now I left next to my computer and I'll peruse it later. So many books, so little time.

Recently I have been researching the Ramayana, which I believe to be about the Precession of the Equinoxes. I think that Hanuman (as well as Skanda-Kartikeya-Murugan, Greek Alexander and Ares, Roman Mars, and Germanic Tiw or Tyr) is a personification of Mangala (Mars). Both Hanuman and Mangala are sons of Shiva, celibate, both are painted red, have Tuesday as their sacred day, and are superhuman Generals for the Gods. There's more, but I won't go into it here. - GF

Anonymous said...

via Homer..


I researched the Ramayana and each time, after recovering from the intensity of the transcendental events depicted, always found and still do find myself convinced this is Lord Krishna's lila.

That Balarama swore to never again manifest as Krishna's younger brother due to this unique circumstance diminishing His protection and support of His Lord is perhaps the highest moment of realization of Ramayana lila .. at least for me.

As with Lord Damodara being threatened with a stick and subsequently bound by His beloved Mother Yosoda..

These, (once again) at least to me, preclude any possibility of such transcendental realization manifesting from conjurings, mythology or jnana of mere material observers of natural cosmological processions, performers of astanga yoga and the like. No matter how endowed they were with math, astronomy, alchemy, siddhis, etc.
Thanks for your response.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To Homer: Thank you for your polite response.

In the Vedic scriptures (as an all ancient sacred scriptures) I find many improbable stories and characters who often behave in strange ways. In the Ramayana, Lakshman lopped off Surpanakha's nose and ears with his sword. Rama's mistrust and rejection of Sita has understandably generated controversy. Jesus preached "turn the other cheek," but he forcibly evicted the moneychangers from the Temple.

The literal interpretation of scriptures assumes that the scriptures were not composed as allegories. Yet I think it is obvious that the stories in the scriptures are full of allegories. The question is, what do the allegories represent? I think that the allegories usually represent astronomic and cosmological phenomena, and I find that the allegories are repetitive from one scripture to another.

My astronomical interpretation of the scriptures is not outside the tradition; many others have done so. I think that the astronomical interpretation identifies the original import of the scriptures. The astronomical interpretation does not negate belief in God. The Bhagavad Gita supports my opinion on this.

The people who composed all of the world's scriptures made the cyclic global catastrophe associated with the Precession of the Equinoxes the major focus of their allegorical stories. They were trying to educate and warn their descendants about what happened before and will happen again. If we fail to understand that message, we have failed to understand the import of the scriptures and the intent of those who wrote the scriptures. - GF

Anonymous said...

via Homer..


Ha! Ha! Yes I know what you say and mean.

The only thing left then is for me to ultimately know and understand why I truly believe it takes Maha-Vishnu 300 trillion 40 billion years to exhale. (among other things)

Govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami..

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

I'm sorry.

311 trillion 40 billion years.

No way do I wish to shortchange Maha-Vishnu!



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