Friday, November 18, 2011

The Highway of The Thresher with the Rotating Teeth

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

(I had intended to write a piece in consideration of the gay phenomena and, indeed, began it and got halfway through it, only to discover that it requires a deeper consideration on my part to effectively present it. My main focus is on the metaphysical aspects of that and other attendant venues of the times. We already know about the political hammer and tongs and who sits almost exclusively on the boards of all of the major organizations. I'm going to demur for a week or so and let the piece simmer and set. Then we'll slip it into the oven and see if we get a souffle or a Crème Brulee and whether or not I should have diversified and used a blow torch on the latter. I see a very clear explanation for the whole matter but I tend to look at things metaphysically and I am certain some of what I will say hasn't been said before; at least I haven't seen it in my travels through the word jungles of the world; later for that.)

I haven't had much to say about Occupy Wall Street, which may seem surprising, given that it dovetails as a social and political phenomenon right into my sweet spot; to use a baseball phrase. The truth is that I don't know what Occupy Wall Street is, although I am continuously astonished by how dead right all of the unofficial spokespeople and mysterious organizational planners are, in going about what they say and do. I don't pay a great deal of attention to Little Georgie Sorrows and his worldwide webathon to make the world safe for Zionism, managed revolution and mind control. He's a sick fuck from Hell, if only due to the bodies littering the highways of his global peace initiatives and color coordinated shark scarf agendas. Little Georgie and his rap partners are the great whites that prowl the oceans of the human condition, seeking whom they might devour.

I've said it again and again and will say it again; everyone is here for a particular reason in this time. That means the good guys, the bad guys and the overwhelming percentage of either or, still more or less unconscious of what is going on around them. They are unconscious, due to programming and appetite. Some will awaken as the months go by and some will sleep until they are awakened by the rude hands of cosmic agency, which has been left with no alternative.

A great many of us who danced to The Beatles and hit the highway of life in search of something more expansive and unshackled, were born with Uranus in Libra. This was one of the major players in the eccentric nature of the sixties and seventies. It was about personal freedom and it was also the seed impulse for sexual experimentation and those alternative practices that have emerged in a big way since.

Uranus went into Aries in March and is going to stay there for much of this decade. Uranus is the planet of revolution, among other things and Aries has more bikers and road warriors born under that sign than any other. Of course, there's a lot more to Aries than this and there is always the higher octave of a sign; for instance, unevolved Scorpios are symbolized by a scorpion and evolved types by an eagle. This is because the sexual force, when brought to a certain level in the consciousness, attended by changes in the body, grants vision in all its applications. You might equate it with the opening of the third eye as well.

I'm not going to get too deeply into the astrological aspect of all of this, cause my good friend Michael Rivero might not want to publish this if I do (grin). However, let me say just a few things about the science before I go. None of these so-called divining sciences are absolute and completely comprehensive. They are indicators. A lot has to do with you and that is why a sage mind once said, “a wise man rules the stars”. This is true. Astrology is only as effective and precise as the person applying it and there are any number of people who attempt to read fortunes with The Tarot, instead of changing their fortunes through focused meditation. There are a lot of people who pick up the newspapers and look for their daily astrological prediction, without tumbling to the fact that it applies to over half a billion other people. Astrology gets a bad rap due to the ignorance of the people using and abusing it, on both ends of the equation. The people getting their read on it from the mass twitter mindset are getting garbage and engaged in wishing and hoping or fear and trembling. Why people do not take the trouble, as I and others have, to actually study the operation of cosmic forces before they have an expert opinion is beyond me. One would think one would want to know something about a subject before spouting off. It's like the people who drink and haven't taken drugs, who are certain they are bad for you. Certainly pharmaceutical drugs are often bad for you, but as someone who has regularly taken forbidden comestibles for over forty years, I beg to differ. I've got a PHD and an MD in that (grin). As my good friend Mark Twain was fond of saying, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

My purpose in bringing up astrology is simply to state, beyond question, that cosmic forces have arranged themselves in a certain order and what is happening bears out the informed interpretation of that. Certain conditions are going to be present and fixed. What is not fixed is our response to it. Here is a little exercise that will assist anyone; atheist or believer or the wider uncertain. Cast out of your mind every thought that enters into it. Do this for a few days, you can still manage what you are engaged in usually. Accompany this with a short outward burst of breath through your nose, as if you were snorting. See what happens. I have just given you the key to something indescribably profound, with tremendous ramifications. That begs the question; how many will actually employ this? That is why I say, “we are the problem”, not all the shit that surrounds us and we have access to the power for change beyond what anyone can imagine. We are the thing that power expresses itself through, if we allow it and have come to a state where we possess the qualities necessary for the demonstration.

Many of the people at Occupy Wall Street are there because of an internal urging that they may not fully understand, including what planetary combination of forces is behind it. Some are being compelled out of their former existence because of a basic personal honesty, like that retired Philadelphia police captain. There is going to be a whole lot more of that and some of it very surprising as the forces of epiphany hammer on the door of ordinary denial. The brutal attacks on members of the armed forces who have been attending Occupy gatherings is going to set off a tsunami of response from that community, juxtaposed with the poor opportunities for employment on their return and the constant attack on promised and assumed services and... their having been lied to all down the line.

It's going to get nasty shortly and people are going to get killed and that is going to ramp up the entire spectacle. It can't help getting nasty, baring mysterious cosmic interference, because of the psychopathic nature of those opposing the need for legitimate change. However, these ass-hats are going to be swept aside as the tide continues to swell. The pepper spraying of an 84 year old woman has been seen around the world and the picture tells the tale of premeditated intention in respect of the act.

Absurdity is the final destination of the machine robots and vicious, insidious legislation, in order to populate the already constructed internment camps, on US soil, for the purpose of stifling dissent and as an opportunity for various corporations to make a few bucks, is being pressed into existence by some of the usual Zio-Nazi psychopaths like Chuckie (from the horror movie of the same name) Schumer; congressional Zio-weasel Lehtinen (who is also pushing for the rapidly and magically reproducing hollowcost survivors and she's also a Scientology tool) and Hell-Bitch, Jane Harmon. They intend to railroad this through to the desk of who else? Smoking Joe Lieberman of course. These are some seriously nasty customers and the cosmos is constructing an industrial can of Whoop-Ass for them as I speak. Never fear that all is as it should be in consideration of all the things that should not be. One day they'll all be hanging in the smoke sheds of Satan, being turned into still living, human jerky for his occasional snacking; “Um-mm hmm schmeckt gut”! Then I think he farts but I'm not clear on that yet.

I suppose this could all be seen as threatening language but I myself have no intention of being engaged in anything like that. I don't have to be and I don't eat jerky, unless it's made out of tofu, which I do intend to manufacture in my soon to be constructed Tofu Factory concept as soon as the money is right. I'm going to get into explaining all that at the Les Visible blog shortly, just in case any guilt ridden multimillionaires are cruising through this article.

I guess what I am trying to communicate here is that none of us should worry about what may or may not come. Life is a terminal exercise in most cases so, spend it on something that counts. See it as an investment in the First International Bank of Karma. See it as a punctuation point on a life well lived. See it as proof to yourself that you know there is more to all of this than you will ever get and the intention is benevolent. Too often we have faith in all the wrong things. Fear is a form of faith. Think about it. As I have mentioned once before long ago, we're too much caught up in the shadow play on the walls of “Plato's Retreat”. It's time to stop shadow boxing. It's never time for confrontation, except in terms of the unassailable truth, meeting up with the transparent and insupportable lies that it eats for lunch.

All of this is for the purpose of demonstration. Life is for the purpose of demonstration and based on the game of Hide and Seek, which the cosmos constructed for its own amusement. Play the game with passionate abandon or become fully absorbed in the stillness of a gameless state. Don't get caught in between because that is the highway of the thresher with the rotating teeth.

End Transmission.......


Richie (Dana) said...

Okay Les,
I am casting every thought out of my mind every thought that enters into it.

I am casting every thought out of my mind every thought that enters into it.

Ummm....Guess I have nothing to say......

Visible said...

If you've already read the posting please return and check out the link that is at the following text "I've got a PHD and an MD in that (grin)"

Visible said...

Well Richie, most of us have nothing to say but that never stops us does it? Grin

Anonymous said...

There is a god, and "I know him and he knows me". Life is a perspective. If you looked at my life from one view you would say I live a very gifted life, from another it looks quite the opposite.

Fear is irrelavent, we will all move on froom this plane, we are here to, and have the power too, determine the nature of that transistion.

Neko Kinoshita said...


I was going to say something, but I just keep making these silly snorting sounds instead...


wv: methead, just too funny, but I can't remember why 'cause I just blew that thought out my nose. (Somebody give me a tissue, since that one left some residue.)

The Cosmic Player said...

Good Day Les,

Can't wait to read your take on the gay phenomena, because the whole gay phenomena is metaphysical and karmic one due to excessive sexual promiscuity in previous lives ( whether homosexuals agree with this statement or not is irrelevant to those who know Kabala and the sacred science) and also when as society begins to degenerate homosexuality becomes the norm. It is the harbinger of doom ,e.g. just look at the destruction of Pompeii (it was the Tijuana of it's day) an ancient Rome with the emperor Caligula as it's figurehead. Anyhow I could add more but I will wait until your posting on the topic....."They key to salvation lies within the uterus".

God Bless,


The Cosmic Player said...

You wrote " that is why a sage mind once said, “a wise man rules the stars”. I would like to add that another wise man said " The stars don't compel, they impel" a quote from Gottfried De Purucker.


Anonymous said...

This is surley one of your best, the humor was outstanding Visible. And the dogs ass oh my god. This morning before I read your post, I started forcing thoughts out of my mind instinctively or I should say I was led to by a Higher power, very interesting.

from a remote area of Oregon

Denny said...

Hi Les,

I was just about to cast every thought out of my mind when I read that you're hoping to start a tofu factory. Does this mean that everything I've researched on soy products being damaging to the health and turning everyone into gays etc is a load of cobblers..? If not, then wouldn't it be better to manufacture some sort of "tofu substitute" instead just to be on the safe side..?

Now back to casting every thought out of my... my... OMG..! There's a new neighbour moving in opposite and she's absolutely stunning....

Anonymous said...

Les, if you look in your Ephemeris, you'll see that the time-period you're talking about (Beatles, etc.) was not the "Uranus in Libra" period, but the "Neptune in Libra" period.
It's not like you to make a misstatement like that!
BTW, I'm with you on the Occupy movement: surprising how many people are "getting it"!

Visible said...

You're right because I'm not wrong. Please go back and read the part where I said they were BORN with Uranus in Libra.

As for soy and so forth, that's nonsense. It could be true about genetically modified soy and certain byproducts but otherwise I don't buy it at all. Tofu manufacture goes back all the way to the 900's

Terrance said...

Ok LV... now you did it!... I sprayed coffee all over my laptop, laughing...your should warn people!

You treat me good, I treat you better!

You treat me bad, I disappear!

Thank you works for me

DaveS said...

The Holy Dog Ass is freakin' outstanding.

If a person needed proof god/dog has a sense of humor this is it.

Thanks for that, and of course, all the astute views on life.


amarynth said...

About that Tofu .. well, there are very few unmodified soy beans left. I have some and will grow more this coming season.

If one takes very old methods of preparing food in the right way, and you ignore all of that, and you push it through a factory machine with additives to avoid the natural bacterial processes, and then stick it in plastic packaging, you will probably end up eating poison and become really sick or crazy or something.... Reference raw milk. Many folks whine about it, but handled and prepared correctly, it is right, good and beautiful food, ready to make yoghurt cheese butter ghee all kinds of farmers cheeses, curds, etc etc ..

If you research the very very old artisanal ways, and you craft the food as it should be done, you have manna from heaven! As a humanity, very few people know anything about what they eat and we've forgotten how to handle and prepare food because we allowed BigFood to create non-nutritional poisons for us and then sell it to us to eat.

Not specifically about soy, but about food processes, reference Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz. Kimchee for example fall into this category .. a food that is wonderfully beneficial, if you follow the methods. About soy, take a look how good soy sauce is prepared .. It takes years of fermentation in vats like good wine. The stuff that we buy, is a predigested, poisoned facsimile that only pretends to be a food additive.

Richie (Dana) said...

Fucking Hilarious Les,
I was laughing loudly seeing that dog bum.
Speaking of saying nothing........

So I am speaking to someone yesterday and the statement was made that the Jews do not believe in an afterlife and I replied that I was aware of that. The conversation quickly went to my being the recipient of a lecture about how there is no evidence of God or anything beyond what we see here with our eyes today and how these stupid people need to stop wasting their lives wishing for some cloud with a harp or 25 virgins.
I simply replied that I understand and that was that.

I am currently struck by the fact that it is a very foolhardy, ridiculous waste of time trying to tell anyone in this world what is right or wrong, or trying to convince anyone of anything. Since we must all do our thing our own way and leave this world by ourselves then what is the point?

I was always the slightly bent outsider silently going my way until I find your blog and some like minded souls. Perhaps I will just shut up a little more often. (smile)

Les, I am very impressed by the courage and sacrifice attending your writing of these pieces to the world at large as I know that you do not need to do it. I see clearly that this is not your choice but something you are compelled to do. Perhaps I am a bit naive and gullable but this seems to be evidence of some external force in the universe.

I am not trying to convince anyone of anything though.

I did more laughing in the last hour than I did all week.

Visible said...

That's why we buy the naturally aged Tamari.

bholanath said...

Lesji -
Both you and I, and the rest of our generation were born with Uranus in Gemini.
Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Virgo in the late 60s, now they are squared.
Neptune was in Libra when we were born. In the 60s Neptune was in Scorpio (free sex, anyone?).
That is...unless my ephemeris is wrong.

Pushing the thoughts along on their way is an excellent practice. Next!

Anonymous said...

Hide and Seek!!!

Alan Watts had much a word on this?

Thank you Les

Le Mat

bholanath said...

A good site for coverage of OWS and First Nations actions:

Anonymous said...

fear of future
hurt of past
from my mind i try to cast
ceaseless chatter (not easy*)
strumming strings
or a pleasent task can help mask
the night-early hours of
hi-lo hum electro
fm uhf

imagined or real

the whole deal

! i ?

* understatement or wot!!!???

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Accompany this with a short outward burst of breath through your nose, as if you were snorting. See what happens.

What happens is I just blew an enormous load of snot all over my shirt and pants. I'll be sending you a laundry bill.

Lee said...

Casting out thoughts too.

"I don't believe in ghost, I don't believe in ghost..I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't".

onething said...

Interesting article on Sott about protests in Japan not being covered by the media:

Robin Redbreast said...

You gotta laugh....
But my opinion on your credentials ....
That's just arse!
LLPP. xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm moving to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon. Got the browser set too 'noid so anonymous is all I got. Laughed out loud at the satan's jerky smokehouse line, thanks you.

Visible said...

Right Bholanath. That's a real disconnect! I knew and know it was Uranus in Gemini but for some reason I wrote the other and even looking at it I still thought it was the other. I can't figure that out. It's just one more of the odd things that happen to me these days and that's minor compared to the rest of them. Sometimes I'm not sure what planet I'm no anymore. Also, everyone is smiling at me these days. They never did that before. They always looked at me like I just came out of a spaceship. I'll go change that stupid mistake.


For anyone interested about the technique I presented, I was deadly serious. Amazing things come out of it if it is persisted in. Thinking about it might present some of the possibilities.

Alpha Silex said...

I have no idea about Uranus, but mine is in Libra. Forms one of the points of that grand trine triangle in my chart. I's Sirius....Don't blow the air TOO hard out of your nose folks, or you might booger bookake yourself. Slurp, yummy.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

More on soy: The anti-soy camp (as per Mercola and others) touts phytic acid as the bad stuff in soy. The fact of the matter is that all beans and lentils are high in phytic acid, and most fruits and veggies of all kinds are likewise high in phytic acid. Plants that are high in fiber are usually high in phytic acid. If your goal is to avoid phytic acid, you'll need to restrict yourself to an extremely short list of low-fiber fruits and vegetables. The anti-soy doctrine is basically an anti-vegetarian doctrine, since most fruits and veggies contain phytic acid.

As others have said here, the use of soy, tofu, miso, and tamari goes back many hundreds of years, and, I will add, quite possibly longer than history records of their use.

The gluten scare is like the soy scare. I'm not afraid of eating gluten, because, unlike a rather small percentage of the population, I'm not allergic to gluten. There is also the oxalic acid scare, which warns us not to eat too much spinach or leafy greens. I've never been more healthy than during those years when I ate mostly salad.

Regarding GMO foods: Everything that we eat gets broken down into a sub-DNA molecular form within our stomach and intestines, and those sub-DNA molecules get absorbed into the bloodsteam and used to fuel or rebuild our body's cells. When our bodies ingest GMO foods, we will likewise absorb only sub-DNA molecules from the GMO chyme in the intestines. So we are not likely to absorb freaky DNA components from the GMO foods that we ingest, or incorporate freaky GMO DNA into the cells of our body. The real and serious risk from GMO foods is that they might contain substances which our bodies could absorb as sub-DNA molecules that could be toxic to our bodies. There is a risk that GMO foods could make us ill or injure our health, but there is little risk that GMO foods could alter our genes, except through toxic effects on our gonads.

I am adamantly opposed to GMO foods, but I've been an ethical vegetarian for the past 42 years, and I will never stop being a vegetarian to avoid GMO. When faced with a choice between eating GMO soy and "organic" meat, fish, or eggs, I'll choose the GMO soy.

BTW, in college, after getting perfect scores in Biology and in Anatomy and Physiology (an achievement that the science faculty described as "unheard of"), I was asked to be a part-time assistant teacher of A&P, a job which I did for the two years that I remained at the college.

Visible said...

I can see that most people think the technique I presented is a joke. So be it. To each their own.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Les, decades ago, back when I had that kind of discipline, I used to do sitting -stop-the-mind-and-just-be- meditation for a minimum of an hour, twice a day. Then I added a half-hour of pranayama to my meditation each morning, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the pranayama got me to where I was trying to go faster than the meditation by itself did. I also sang devotional bhajan during the day.

It's not for nothing that the ancient sages taught and encouraged pranayama. Ramana Maharshi said that the mind and the breath arise from the same place. The Vedic wind god is Pavana and one name of the Navajo wind god is likwise Pawana. The source of Power, perhaps.

Alpha Silex said...

Vis, not at all my friend. I'm sorry if I gave that impression. I was just kidding around. I wouldn't read all your posts if I thought your suggestions were a joke. I DO think you're pretty damn funny though. My apologies if you thought I was insulting you in any way.

amarynth said...

Two Questions, and no, I don't think the technique is a joke. I think it is absolutely serious. But the question, why are you proposing that specifically? It usually is most often taught as a part of certain meditative practice. So, why and why now?

Secondly, people have the wrong idea about GMO / Organic and so on. There is a large 'trust fund baby' consciousness operating in the organic field too.

I won't eat GMO food - I am not a biologist, but I won't eat it because of what is built into it, without even considering what is taken out of it. I have not seen anything good from the people that make this and grow this, so, why open my mouth and take what they give me. They do not have a sterling track record.

Organic food has also become a joke since BigFood took over the organic certification organizations. Authentic Organic food probably does not have any certifications and in terms of cost, it is more expensive than other food, if you transport it and because what is built in there to build up the soil, the water and the conditions, take some effort. Organic food does not lend itself to traveling large distances, because it is not 'pre-cryogenitized' to outlive its natural freshness period. It is fresh food. It is local food. Organic food (I am not talking about bogus certifications) is done with love, intelligence and knowledge of all the conditions around - balance is the name of the game.


amarynth said...

Why I won't eat GMO's and non-organics, is simply that it does not promote good soil (micro-nutrients) and a good ecological structure and care for the land where it comes from. A food system that depletes its source, does not seem wise to me to engage in. There is no profit in that. Nothing goes into good organic food that is questionable. So why argue? That is the question. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to not eat BigFood and BigPharma's combined concoctions. All the debate then is moot.

It is again debatable that organics taste better than other food. Because of a balanced eco system and growing milieu, organic food is better able to absorb micro nutrients and trace elements, which it is well known that the soil is depleted from this, world wide. If we then use organic food correctly, we hopefully get some micro nutrients from our food, and not from a bottle in the health food store. (You're well studied, so I don't need to list the micro's here - just add fulvic and humic to the usual list). There have been various studies with violent criminals and well tended organics - with micro nutrients as is necessary - and things change. In a real way, physically, we are what we eat. Spiritually that plays a part but I leave that to the Visible Guru.

I mostly deal with heirloom organic seeds to grow what I grow. And what goes into there, is what has gone into there for centuries, we don't have to debate. We've frequently, just for fun, had taste tests here with people .. my organic carrot against their store bought chemical carrot .. and though it takes time for one's palate to adapt and pick up the subtle tastes in food grown organically, even people that know nothing about food, will choose the organically grown food for taste.

So, this is the 2nd question .. Why debate? Just see where the non-organics and the GMO's come from .. read a little the codex alimentarius and its history and then consider this issue again.

Let me just re-iterate .. I'm not talking about trust fund baby organics and bogus organic certifications. And let me say again, I am not talking from no knowledge. I grew some organic squashes here from heritage seeds (still on the vine currently, ripening) that are as big as those that they talk about from Findhorn. (Yes, I did do the 'magic dances for the vedic folks' (grin). I cook these and I do not need to add even a pinch of salt or a spoonful of sugar. They are beautiful as they are. Food like that actually will talk to you.

Perhaps if we all do Visible's exercise, we will hear the food talk.

Anonymous said...

Les -
Thanks for another outstanding post. Oh, in reference to your comment in the post about predicting the future, while I find myself constantly trying to do just that, even though I clearly remember reading in Revelations (paraphrasing), "No one shall know the time or season of the coming of the Lord." And yet, I constantly try to scree the future from the entrails...

Oh, and speaking of that, very ironic that good old Gerald Celente, the gifted, prescient mind, who failed to do enough research into MF Global and has since lost a bundle of his own money. Boy, Mr. Apocalypse really is strutting about town, banging his stick left and right! ;)

Take care -

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when you suggest a technique there is too much information out there. I like something to point me in the right direction. After you recommended Raja meditation I found this and also a PDF document of roughly the same. I've been doing this for more than a week now with fantastic results. Please add some more info to understand the nose-propulsion technique better.


Anonymous said...

After this talking about uranus then a link to cheezuts on the dog butt, I can't wait for the gay comments.

Hey, anyone who can make me laugh from the gut issssss... ok. (c;


Visible said...

I really thought it was pretty simple and easily understood. Imagine my surprise. You simply cast out thought all the time. The snorting is optional but gives a sort of mental companionship to the practice. It's not strictly necessary but it is what I saw my master, the man on the beach doing. The casting out thought thing came later through intuitive transmissions. I have taken this out to a pretty impressive degree. I only say that because I want to impress the absolute certitude of what can happen when you do it because I know because I have done it. I am not going to list the incredible amount of things that can attend the determined and successful practice of this and when I mentioned the snorting I was not talking about snorting like a bull. It can be light and even hardly noticeable in the suspicious tuned out environment that surrounds us.

Here it the main reason I am recommending it but you would have discovered this anyway, hopefully; now I'm not so sure of much about any of that now. As for why and when I do things? Heh? Did I have clear this with some official authority (grin)?

Anyway, back to what happens. Our minds are filled with junk and it is also the seat of the egos power trip. Useless and oppressive thoughts are going in and out of people's minds all day long. Most people have no idea of the rut they are caught in. They think they are free thinkers and they are not.

When you cast out thought for a period of time. It varies depending on your unique situation and most people won't do it anyway, so it's all moot but... after a time you have gained an empty mind that will stay that way for some length of time. This allows the intuition an unobstructed track into your conscious mind, meaning you can receive the most valuable information there is without static and interference. Basically you can talk to God in a two way setup, or one of the angels more likely but it's the same thing really but with a filtering device.


Visible said...


As long as the monkey mind can run around and be in charge of you and I submit that is the case to an alarming degree, then no real progress can be made but this simple technique will grant you an unhassled state. the indwelling deity will be aware of what you are up to and activation will occur once whatever time is required for whoever you are is past. I know of nothing quicker and simpler than this. Non stop prayer works too but that takes another kind of intensity that is more difficult to marshal. Chanting, depending on the chant can bring this on but it takes a lot longer because you are still waring with the thoughts. You don't need any of these thoughts. You will note you can go about all of your usual business and not have a thought in your head. This also drives out all worrying and annoying thoughts that drag you down and most of us are unaware of thoughts that are also operative below the level of the louder and more present thoughts. The amount of energy that comes from an empty mind is nothing to sneeze at either.

There's a lot more that happens for those who get the meaning of "Success is speedy for the energetic". I have no doubt whatsoever about this practice and given what is coming up it is super useful and will prove to be. Nothing is more valuable that an operative intuition (which means inner teaching) because everything you could possibly want to know or learn is there and a lot that many of us are unaware even exists. I'm not going to say any more about it. You've got what you need for those few who will give it the necessary consideration.

Yes Alpha, I'm a funny guy and I crack myself up a lot of the time even when no one else is laughing (grin). No offense taken. I'm not that thin skinned or self involved. Things are changing for me in such a dramatic fashion at the moment that I can't even remember to write Gemini and wind up writing Libra and looking at it and not getting it, if that says anything. But I still have a completely empty mind and there's nothing quite like it except maybe for a full heart.

Smyrna said...

From now on I will, when the need arises, reference what I call the FUBAR Jesus, as the Dog-ass Jesus. Let there be no confusion.

I'm pretty handy at swatting thoughts from my mind as they are entering, kind of like the wax on-wax off tehnique of Mr. Miyagi.

I can certainly feel energy being pushed up the back of my head when I snort out the breath. But what about the inward stroke of breath, does it matter?

Anonymous said...

On Soy. It's phyto-estrogens which are the culprit, not phytates or phytic acid.

Part 1/3 from a NZ source

Soya is often promoted as a wonder food for humans, containing a high protein content (c 40%) in proportion to fat (c 20%), with about one third of the carbohydrate content found in wheat or maize. It is very much cheaper to produce in quantity than meat, fish or eggs. Products derived from soya include milk, tofu, coffee substitutes, stock feeds, and milk formulas for babies allergic to cows milk.
But major evidence now exists to suggest the soya bean is inappropriate for human and stock consumption at current levels. As a legume, it is known to contain phytoestrogens - plant versions of the female hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens came to the fore when farmers discovered that stock browsing quantities of red clover had reproductive difficulties. Legumes were shown to be one of the prime sources of phytoestrogens and it was this content that was playing havoc with the stock's reproductive systems
In recent years, Western women have been encouraged to supplement their diets with quantities of soy products at menopause to keep up their estrogen levels, on the basis that the higher intake of legumes by women in Eastern countries accounts for the apparent lack of menopausal problems there.
International research findings quoted in New Zealand Medical Journal of May 1995 and a Swiss Public Health paper indicated that 100gm of soy product has the estrogenic content of one contraceptive pill. And further research is beginning to reveal more of the soya story.
Questions about the use of soya-based infant formulas were first raised in New Zealand in late 1994 when Richard and Valerie James of Whangarei commissioned a wide-ranging scientific study following painful deaths and early maturing of parrot chicks at their aviary. The chicks had been reared solely on a commercial soy-based bird feeding product. The toxicologist carrying out the survey confirmed high levels of estrogenic compounds in the feed, and also in four infant formulas, likening the content to that of contraceptive pills. He confirmed that depending on age, quantity and feeding methods, infants on soya formula might be consuming the equivalent of up to 12 contraceptive pill equivalents a day.
Then, after further studies by the manufacturers and the Ministry of Health, it was announced that there was insufficient evidence to implicate soya products.

Anonymous said...

Part 2/3
Soya is often promoted as a wonder food for humans, containing a high protein content (c 40%) in proportion to fat (c 20%), with about one third of the carbohydrate content found in wheat or maize. It is very much cheaper to produce in quantity than meat, fish or eggs. Products derived from soya include milk, tofu, coffee substitutes, stock feeds, and milk formulas for babies allergic to cows milk.
But major evidence now exists to suggest the soya bean is inappropriate for human and stock consumption at current levels. As a legume, it is known to contain phytoestrogens - plant versions of the female hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens came to the fore when farmers discovered that stock browsing quantities of red clover had reproductive difficulties. Legumes were shown to be one of the prime sources of phytoestrogens and it was this content that was playing havoc with the stock's reproductive systems
In recent years, Western women have been encouraged to supplement their diets with quantities of soy products at menopause to keep up their estrogen levels, on the basis that the higher intake of legumes by women in Eastern countries accounts for the apparent lack of menopausal problems there.
International research findings quoted in New Zealand Medical Journal of May 1995 and a Swiss Public Health paper indicated that 100gm of soy product has the estrogenic content of one contraceptive pill. And further research is beginning to reveal more of the soya story.
Questions about the use of soya-based infant formulas were first raised in New Zealand in late 1994 when Richard and Valerie James of Whangarei commissioned a wide-ranging scientific study following painful deaths and early maturing of parrot chicks at their aviary. The chicks had been reared solely on a commercial soy-based bird feeding product. The toxicologist carrying out the survey confirmed high levels of estrogenic compounds in the feed, and also in four infant formulas, likening the content to that of contraceptive pills. He confirmed that depending on age, quantity and feeding methods, infants on soya formula might be consuming the equivalent of up to 12 contraceptive pill equivalents a day.
Then, after further studies by the manufacturers and the Ministry of Health, it was announced that there was insufficient evidence to implicate soya products.

kikz said...

the seemingly redundant thought of late...which i'll cast out here.....

why is there no OWS presence at the Fed?



i hear concerns of the OWS related to the Fed, hear it mentioned occasionally...see it on signage, etc....BUT...


do they not understand that's in part where their problem and its progenitors nest?

i've seen one other soul on the OWS site mention this phenomenon.. but he didn't give a physical geographical address for redress...

i've even written rivero/wrh.. he won't print it.. i can't understand why?

so.. i'll reiterate it here. gary north had a concise article on where the power lies, it's not wall st..and also notation/proof of the NY Fed's private sovereignty; evidenced by its '.org' status as opposed to the other portion which is listed as '.gov'.

gary north OLS

apologies if the html is dead.. i tried.. sigh..

i just had to mention it again.. it's like some bad dream.. where no one hears me.....

{muttering and pulling hair......}

Alpha Silex said...

Cool, I know there's a lot of value to breathing techniques. They certainly can release quite a bit of stress, negative energy and anxiety. I actually took a course on this at the community college, back in the 90's. It's weird that my cat has been sneezing a lot since yesterday. My little gooru, must be trying to tell me something too. Funny thing is, I call him booger butt a lot. I know what you mean about cracking yourself up, even if no one else is laughing. I'm a pro at it and they usually have no idea what the hell I'm talking about anyway. Cool song by Pearl Jam called "Just Breathe" for anyone who cares to listen:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Not at all, I don't think the snorting technique is a joke. I don't know how it started. Nobody ever told me about it, I just started doing it a while back - expelling/releasing negative/destructive/ feelings, tensions, thoughts through my nose, instead of breathing them in and holding onto them. I know I'm probably not articulating this very well. Thank you :)

Denny said...

Gregory F. Fegel:

What about the phytoestrogens, trypsin inhibitors, toxic lysinoalanine, highly toxic carcinogenic nitrosamines, isoflavone genisein and daidzein..?


Apparently this stuff wouldn't come out even if you fermented soy for a thousand years.

Just wondering...

Anonymous said...

Visible said:

"Nothing is more valuable that an operative intuition (which means inner teaching) because everything you could possibly want to know or learn is there and a lot that many of us are unaware even exists."

-------------------------------------God's not dead and I'm not drunk or stoned.

Shokran, jazak Allah kheeran (:

Smyrna said...

Les, your master on the beach. His hands. Invisible reins or Wands of Horus?

No need to answer my previous post, you already have.

Robin Redbreast said...

I am finally present so much now - that any techniques just add to this (and boy do they!!)
I find I am in a meditative state constantly now- what a great place to be- would highly recommend the hell of a journey it's taken me to get here!!
LLPP xxxx

Smyrna said...

In regards to Soy, I have tried it once or twice(milk,tofu) and never want to go near the stuff, without needing to know why. This is not to suggest that it is not beneficial to others, though.
I read a book quite a few years back about diet according to your blood type (O in my case) and was amazed that I was following it already. My body tells me what it likes and needs. I have no conscious input into this. I have never gone out of my way to eat a banana or cornflakes/muesli/bran and whatnot since I was a teenager. My father who was A blood loved eating meat including what is considered offal. He eventually became chronically unwell and was dead at 68. A bloods are meant to be almost exclusively vegetarian.
Things I do consciously source are vitamin C and sunlight. Also walking barefoot when appropriate.
As stated I try and avoid bad oils, and totally avoid artificial sugar and anything 'lite' etc, but who in their right mind doesn't anyway?

Anonymous said...

"When you cast out thought for a period of time. It varies depending on your unique situation and most people won't do it anyway, so it's all moot but... after a time you have gained an empty mind that will stay that way for some length of time. This allows the intuition an unobstructed track into your conscious mind, meaning you can receive the most valuable information there is without static and interference. Basically you can talk to God in a two way setup, or one of the angels more likely but it's the same thing really but with a filtering device."

Brilliant! An old and true meditation device.

Most excellent!

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To amarynth: I agree with most of what you wrote, but I have a few comments on the subject of plant foods and GMOs.

I discovered in my early twenties that wild edible plants (aka weeds) are more nourishing, satisfying, and, once you get used to the flavors, tastier than fresh, home-grown organic garden produce. Laboratory analyses of wild edible plants show that they are far more rich in vitamins and minerals than cultivated vegetables. This may be due to the fact that people have bred garden vegetables for qualities, such as large size, high water content, and mild flavor, that are not supportive of a high nutritional content. Ideally, plant foods should be eaten wild, raw, and fresh-picked; although starches and proteins must often be stored for future use, and also cooked.

In my early twenties, I was in charge of the gardens at two rural meditation centers, where I insisted that the kitchen must throw out all the salad and veggie leftovers at the end of the day, because we always had such an abundance of produce in the garden that eating yesterday's kitchen leftovers would cause wastage of what was in the garden. It's a mistake to eat yesterday's leftover salad when you have a superabundance of fresh produce in the garden.

At the Bodhi Farm in British Columbia, we routinely sprouted almonds, sunflower seeds, and seed-grade peanuts (with the skins on), and our 'daily bread' was a sprouted wheat pudding baked at 200 degrees for two hours. The sprouted wheat pudding was served hot in a pyrex cake pan and individually dressed with olive oil at the table. Everyone said that it tasted better than any other bread or cake. I taught everyone how to gather wild edible plants, and all of our salads were a mixture of weeds and lettuce. As the garden flourished, we provided people with a choice between weeds and lettuce at the table to mix to their taste.

Now I live in an apartment with no place for garden. If everyone in the city knew what I know about wild edible plants, the available sites would be quickly picked out. The wild plants are seasonal, and proteins and starches need to be purchased regardless of the season. If I am too particular about what I eat, there isn't much in my neighborhood to eat -- maybe not even enough to eat.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Here's my thoughts, for whatever they're worth..

First, I not only ate one bushel of proverbial dirt, I ate two. At least two.

Second, I washed em down with quite a bit of crick and creek water. Very refreshing!

lastly and most importantly, any exercise which can clear and focus the most dangerous enemy (some say the only enemy), the mind, is worthy of consideration and at least an exploratory process.

Over the decades I've employed a famously tried and true way ... habit.

After all, the bulk of life is a series of habits of varying types and degrees.

I tried for a time to "stop the world" as Don Juan and Les Prabhu suggest, but this approach is pretty much impossible for my particular personal condition.

Instead, to this day I attempt to live and breathe and apply mantra meditation and spiritual visualization and thought as habit.

The habit of thinking of God every time I taste water, taste food, see a flower, bird, cloud, people, sun, moon, feel the breeze, hear laughter, laugh, cry, sing and dance ad infinitum.

Apply spiritual connotations to everything as opposed to material.

Pretty simple and often thrilling, invigorating, solemn, beautiful and a host of other adjectives.

The beauty of this system is its simple dependability because it is habit. A voluntary habit with the ultimate goal of becoming an involuntary habit.
Like breathing.

As with most good habits this takes a good while to develop and will no doubt require an honest desire to sustain.
At times I wonder if I'm up to it and then I realize I am doing it at that very moment by my doubting.

Like most habits it sticks to the ribs and hopefully has legs like the Lord's Vamana incarnation.
Well, not that long but another ten years, tomorrow ... it's all the same.

Funny but even when I start to relax and the monkey mind sneaks in, I find myself thinking of Hanumanji, who is worthy of more thoughts than i can muster and I smile and realize i'm doing it again, like a habit..

Either way, anyway, best wishes to everyone for all success.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Oh yes, and prasadam..

"If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it."

- The Bhagavad Gita (9.26)

(cooking for the Lord)

Anonymous said...


I imagine to you (as to me) Euell Gibbons is practically a saint!

"Stalking the Wild Asparagus" was the bible of outdoor bounty, way back when..

Anonymous said...

Hey Les, speaking of snorting and ruts I've had a great many whitetails do that to me. Checked my dog's ass didn't see Jesus but that doesn't mean he's not there. Thanks for the memories of thrathing in my youth. All's good just follow your heart.
Piece from Minnesota

Gregory F. Fegel said...

to Anonymous on Nov 18 at 10:58 PM:

You're right that phytoestrogens are the bogey rather than phytic acid, although Doctor Mercola and other anti-soy activists speak in terms of phytic acid. You'll find that the same foods which are high in phytoestrogens are also high in phytic acid.

"According to a study by Canadian researchers about the content of nine common phytoestrogens in a Western diet, foods with the highest relative phytoestrogen content were nuts and oilseeds, followed by soy products, cereals and breads, legumes, meat products, and other processed foods that may contain soy, vegetables, fruits, alcoholic, and nonalcoholic beverages. Flax seed and other oilseeds contained the highest total phytoestrogen content, followed by soybeans and tofu. The highest concentrations of isoflavones are found in soybeans and soybean products followed by legumes, whereas lignans are the primary source of phytoestrogens found in nuts and oilseeds (e.g. flax) and also found in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables.
Phytoestrogen content varies in different foods, and may vary significantly within the same group of foods (e.g. soy beverages, tofu) depending on processing mechanisms and type of soybean used. Legumes (in particular soybeans), whole grain cereals, and some seeds are high in phytoestrogens. A more comprehensive list of foods known to contain phytoestrogens includes: soybeans, tofu, tempeh, soy beverages, linseed, sesame seeds, wheatberries, fenugreek, oats, barley, dried beans, lentils, yams, rice, alfalfa, mung beans, apples, carrots, pomegranates, wheat germ, rice bran, soy linseed bread, ginseng, hops, bourbon, beer, fennel and anise." - Phytoestrogens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since phytoestrogens are high in all legumes, including soy, dried beans, lentils, and peanuts, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, it's basically impossible to be a vegetarian or a vegan and avoid consuming phytoestrogens. There's not much phytoestrogen-free food to eat for omnivores, either.

Looking at the long history of Japanese and Chinese soy eaters, and vegetarians and vegans throughout the world, I fail to see that their diet, which was high in phytoestrogens, caused any harm. In fact, there is considerable evidence that phytoestrogens might be a panacea, rather than a threat.

"Researchers are exploring the nutritional role of these substances [phytoestrogens] in the regulation of cholesterol, and the maintenance of proper bone density post-menopause. Evidence is accruing that phytoestrogens may have protective action against diverse health disorders, such as prostate, breast, bowel, and other cancers, cardiovascular disease, brain function disorders and osteoporosis, though there is no evidence to support their use in alleviating the symptoms of menopause." - Phytoestrogens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gregory F. Fegel said...

to kikz:

You and Gary North are armchair quarterbacking. If you think that OWS should picket or occupy the Fed, you should gather some people and do it. Assuming that you're with the 99%.

DaveR said...

A few things. 1st I'm loving the dog. That dog's value just went way up. 2nd, I'm going to try the short snort/exhale while throwing out thoughts, that is when I remember to throw out thoughts, if that makes sense. This sort of thing reminds me of how all the ancient Greek and Roman statues (Sphinx?) have their noses broken off.

3rd I'd like to offer, for the first time publicly, a DaveR original centering exercise. I came upon this riding the bus one day and have suggested it to others. Those that tried it said they liked the effect. It calms the agitated, soothes the soul, evens the energy and probably lowers the blood pressure. It will not, however, cure hair loss.

For 5 to 15 minutes while sitting, place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand on the left knee. That's it. Try it, it's free. I think it does something to the energy circuit in the body creating an infinite loop. Note the infinity symbol built in. You can do this while reading, listening to music, talking, - in short anything that doesn't require your hands. If this "method" exists previous (it may - what doesn't?) I haven't heard of it. Considering the number of things I haven't heard of far surpasses those I have heard, I wouldn't find it surprising.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

If you hold a small mirror just under your nose and look at your exhalations, you'll see that one nostril is moving more air than the other nostril. For most people, the dominant nostril switches from left to right and back about every twenty minutes throughout the day. You can force a switch by closing the currently-dominant nostril, or by lying your body down on the side of the currently-dominant nostril. Pay attention to your nostrils and you will feel the switch. The exercise of forcing a switch is one way for beginners to become aware of the alternating dominance of their nostrils.

The breath through the left nostril feels cool and soothing, and the breath through the right nostril feels warm and stimulating. The left breath channels the subtle nerve current known as the Ida Nadi, associated with the right side of the brain and mental processes, while the right breath channels the Pingala Nadi, associated with the left side of the brain and vital processes. If one can manage to equalize the two breaths so that breathing occurs through both nostrils equally and simultaneously, the flow of the Kundalini energy through the combined Ida and Pingala in the central Shushumna Nadi is facilitated.

Pranayama consists of breathing exercises that are intended to facilitate the calming of the mind and the activation of Kundalini. The simplest form of pranayama is when you take deep breaths to calm yourself down when you are stressed. Yogis do more complex, timed, and rhythmic pranayama exercises to calm the mind and facilitate the Kundalini. This often involves closing one nostril with a finger to force the breath through the other nostril. With practice, one can dispense with the finger and guide the breath through either nostril by feel alone. One exercise consists of taking a full inhalation through one nostril and then exhaling through the opposite nostril, back and forth, like a game of tennis. Another exercise consists of taking a full inhalation and holding in the breath, followed by a deep exhalation and holding out the breath, all done in a timed and rhythmic manner.

Training the breath to become equal through both nostrils is like training a pair of horses to pull a wagon together. With practice, you can equalize the breath through both nostrils and keep it there with your attention. Eventually your attention will not be needed -- just as skilled skaters do not think constantly of their feet. Equalization of the breath is a huge aid to meditation and for achieving equipoise in one's activities. However, the distractions of life and the failure to practice can cause you to lose this skill. I know, because I achieved it and then lost it through lack of practice.

bholanath said...

"Oh yes, and PRASADAM"

There you have it. The key to everything in this time. Without it,...well, fuggedaboudit.


Anonymous said...

via david

Les, This post spoke to many as it did me, but the part"See it as a punctuation point on a life well lived."part spoke to me very deeply, she did.
Mo Viable

Anonymous said...

I've not been here for a while but you're still Enlightening AND Entertaining.
What more does a guy need, I ask myself :-)

Robin Redbreast said...

BTW: I have a problem and I am different: one of my nostrils is slightly bigger than the other- it is really off putting when I try to breathe. Any advice gratefully received (shut the f*ck up Robin often does the trick!)

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up-

Walking with Ganesha in Top Hat and Tails.

Visible said...

If you are not kidding there may well be something wrong with you and it's not your nose (grin).

kikz said...


your assumptions are erroneous and your dismissively smarmy tone unwarranted.

apparently it hasn't occurred to you that so called 'armchair quarterbacking' is my only viable option to attempt to correct what i see as a huge misdirection of energies among OWS.

if one is going to put one's principles on the line and risk bodily harm and detention in getting redress, shouldn't that energy be aimed at the correct target(s)?

wall street is symptomatic of what's gone down.
the Fed and the Legislative Bodies are the responsible parties, they set up the game.

while i don't agree w/ gary north on all things, that particular post is on the money, literally.

if i weren't of the 99... i wouldn't be here among les's readership to for you to smarm at .... nor would i give a shit where or what OWS was is or isn't. :)

Anonymous said...

Reflecting back to you “Life is a terminal exercise in most cases so, spend it on something that counts. See it as an investment in the First International Bank of Karma.”
Sincerity and Insincerity Dinner Dialogue
by Iva Ray
Sincerity of the Less Visible
Less visible: “Earlier in the news I saw the invisible child left in the middle of Sudan’s desert, while the vulture was stalking the child from behind to fulfill the perpetual karmic chain. The horror clenched scream in my throat, the eyes restlessly filled with sorrow, the tears swarmed, but I swallowed them… I thought. Oh, I wished I could be there….. it must be the way to break this chain. I still have the voice, it can make a difference.”

Sincerity of the Visible
Visible: “Make a difference? Didn’t you hear? There are seven and one billion people on this planet! Even if you help one child, it doesn’t make any difference, besides, I saw the same news, there was a report on crisis in Sudan, but no child and the stalking vulture in the news?! You have a montage mind--you are wrapping facts in dangerous images. Pathetic, you should be sorry for yourself, you cannot even help yourself, let alone the dying child. I told you to study engineering, not the visual arts. Let’s eat this dinner before I lose any appetite.”

Insincerity of the Unknown of Unknowable
Unknown: “Look! It is dinner time and they show again these pictures from Syria! Or Sudan? How inappropriate! Do they need to show scary footages during dinner time? For heaven’s sake, the children are around the dinner table at this time, can they just show any good news at all?”

Anonymous said...

When you write your post on the gay agenda, please remember that gay adoption is a cover for mass child molestation just like Sandusky's charity. This truth needs to be spread far and wide so we can begin to make it illegal again. No child was ever born to be a minion for the gay community. AND NO WOMAN OWES ANY FAG HER KID EITHER.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To kikz:
A lot of OWS protesters know all about the Fed and its history. As a group, they are not ignorant of the issues or the history of the Fed. There are lots of places where they could be holding protests -- the Fed, the White House, the Congress, the Pentagon, the homes of the uber-rich, the various corporate headquarters -- and I'm sure that there are lots of other valid targets. Your comment implied that there was something fishy about the OWS folks because they haven't done a direct action against the Fed. I repeat, that's armchair quarterbacking of a group that's doing far more hard-core protest than anybody else is doing, or has done so far.

Like you, I have some preferred targets and preferred tactics of my own. However, I'm not going to diss the OWS just because they're not doing exactly what I would have them do. I appreciate and respect what they're doing, even when it's not what I would do. If my saying that sounds smarmy to you, so be it.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Denny wrote: "What about the phytoestrogens, trypsin inhibitors, toxic lysinoalanine, highly toxic carcinogenic nitrosamines, isoflavone genisein and daidzein..?"

Soy has been eaten throughout Southeast Asia for many centuries. Where is the harm? The Adventists are big soy eaters, and their health stats are superior to most other Americans.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To amarynth:
In my previous comment, I didn't write what I meant to write about GMO foods, so here it is now.

As we all know, GMO foods pose both known and potential health risks and GMO DNA has already contaminated some natural plant species. Furthermore, Big Agribiz has shown us that it wants to control the use of all seeds, both natural and GMO. Agribiz and governments are using stealth tactics to introduce GMO crops, and the food in the marketplace grows increasingly suspect. All of this amounts to an existential threat against anyone who wants to eat a natural diet.

Growing all of your own vegetables is within the capability of home gardeners, but growing all of your own food is a much more challenging goal. For vegetarians and vegans, it would require growing and storing rather large quantities of legumes -- at a minimum. Given the density of urban populations and the lack of greenspace, the current urban populations might be unable to grow all of their own food due to that lack of greenspace. If growing all of your own food became a necessity, the population would likely need to shift en masse from urban areas to rural areas.

Meanwhile, GMO foods are proliferating in the marketplace in a stealthy manner. I think that the GMO versus natural seeds controversy is one of many controversies in which we have already passed the Midnight Hour that calls for action, but so far no one on our side has chosen to pick up the tomahawk and declare war. That's because declaring war poses an existential risk of its own. As Les Visible has stated many times, a showdown is coming and it won't likely be peaceful.

I agree with this quote: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglas

Django said...

You haven't even written the article, and the bashers are rearing their ugly heads. I want to and try to understand how we are being used and how we might be on the wrong track or under the wrong leadership or whatever but the other half of that is that everybody is of the Divine and has something to offer. This conversation, which you have visited before, always brings those who are busy blaming and defaming rather than trying to understand where and how gay people fit in the larger mosaic of which we ARE a valid part. I look to your opinion and value it, but when this comes up, the comments section gets really ugly and the value drains away, for me.
This a very murky subject that needs to be talked about. I too am perplexed at the ascendancy of more and more vulgar and perverted spectacle as part of daily life. And I am not a prude. I look forward to reading what you have to say and will practice snorting it out before wading in to see how others here, whose opinions I value too, mostly, will choose to continue the conversation. Thanks for this simplest of techniques.
You are a blessing.

Visible said...


Adam Evenson said...

Hatha Yoga has what is called, "Cleansing Breath." I won't explain what it is. Do a search and see. Expelling air forcefully out the nostrils on some kind of regular schedule can have magical results, as it did with me. I began doing Yogic Kapalaphati (check me on the spelling) way back in 1967, have done it thousands, maybe millions of times since, and don't recall a single time that I blew snot on myself. Of course, I never did it while synchronously holding gobs of snot in my nose, either.

Robin Redbreast said...

Of course I was jo-King :)
But that doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with me (grins)

Denny said...

Gregory F. Fegel:

The health stats of Adventists being superior to most other Americans is probably because they abstain from about 99% of all the rest of the shit most Americans are now eating.

I've no reason to doubt that many of the reports I've read regarding the health benefits of soy are as spurious as say the reports regarding the "completelely safe" highly toxic mercury in everyone's mouth. In fact the more scientific or academic the reports regarding anything concerning the health and general wellbeing of humanity, the more reason I have to dismiss it as disinformation put out by the medical industrial complex and corporations that obviously don't want you to be healthy.

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

one thing about the empty mind, for me at least, so far, not often, is that I am happier, calmer. there's obviously a lot more where that came from. at this stage I am making progress of sorts by identifying my thought patterns and asking, of what use are these thoughts other than merry-go-rounding (without the merry).

new tecnique today in my new pool (an old water tank), floating on my back, breath in, breath out. listening to the breathing and he trickling water inflow , realising how spastic my breathing is. having faith that I am not going to fall asleep and drown. stop worrying.

whatever tecniques, I still assume that all can be accomplished merely by thought/mental being. the problem is we think we can take shortcuts relying on mere words and a top down approach, ignoring the unconscious mind and the totality, and completeness required .solutions are then problems. signs instead of symbols. directions given instead of paths taken.

uranus conjuction with pluto the pup. hilariass. (hairyass).

wv: offundo . off to have fun with pluto's playdoh.

Yukihiro Kitaguni said...

Les, the casting out thought practice reminds me of what Ramana Maharshi says: the best mind control is to realize there is no mind.

Speaking of which, anyone out there hear of the late Douglas Harding (and his successor, Richard Lang) and his "headless experiments"?

I believe Mr Visible is pointing to the invisible always still center of the world, the qualitative One, the Shakespearean "glassy essence". Doug Harding's experiments are worth checking out; they reinforce casting out thoughts.

Zoner said...

Amazing that we hold up the superior "thinking" (and reasoning) abilities of the human species as our great advantage over the balance of creation.

How's all that working out then?


Gregory F. Fegel said...

Denny, you provided us with a link to the writings of Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel, who is the self-proclaimed "world authority" on soy. On her website, Dr. Kaayla Daniel advertises her lectures as "Meet the Naughty Nutritionist, and Lose your Veganity. My talk is Recovery from Vegetarian Diets." Dr. Kaayla Daniel's stated agenda is that she is anti-vegetarian.

Speaking of the "disinformation put out by the medical industrial complex and corporations," it appears that Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel works for the meat industry.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To Denny:

On her website, the anti-soy campaigner Dr. Kaayla Daniel advertises her lectures as "Meet the Naughty Nutritionist, and Lose your Veganity. My talk is Recovery from Vegetarian Diets." Dr. Kaayla Daniel's stated agenda is that she is anti-vegetarian. Speaking of "disinformation put out by the medical industrial complex and corporations," who does Dr. Kaayla Daniel and Dr. Mercola actually work for?

Anonymous said...

I just want to give readers my first-hand experience with soy products when I was a child.

I had allergies to Dairy, and could not drink milk as an infant and young child. (I was adopted, so my adopted mother could not make milk for me to drink.) This was back in '59, and there were not a lot of health food stores back then, even here in Chicago.

My father did find a dietetic store, and he obtained soy powder formula, to be made into soy milk at home. It was light brown and very "beany" tasting, but I adapted to it, for there was nothing else for my cereal, etc. Goat milk was obtainable if you had access to a farm, but we did not, living in the City. People did not have abundant choices back in the 50's as they do nowadays.

I think it was at the age of 9 or 10 I stopped drinking soymilk. I adapted to dairy when I was in my teen years, and my parents saw that eating pizza, with cheese, or having the occasional ice cream cone would not kill me. I did not overdo the dairy, but in strict moderation.

When I was 9 years old, I started my menstrual cycles. It was startling. When I was 12, I looked as robust as an 18 year old, with a well-developed young womans' body, and sexual appetite as well. (NO I did NOT fulfill any "appetite's as thankfully I had a bevy of wary aunties and adult cousins to watch over me,besides attentive parents.)I never made the connection to such a robust development until I did research in my early 40's on soy and what it did to babies, especially male babies.

After some reflection, I must have matured faster due to the copious amounts of soymilk I drank. This was straight soy, not fermented which made it more harmful to digest.

As for my health, I watch to have regular paps done, as I am wary that this may lead to cancers in the female organs. The articles on soy had mentioned soy-drinking girls who endured early menstruation had cancers by the time of their mid 30's, and upwards.

I know my parents meant well, but knowing what I know now, I would NEVER feed soy products to children!
There is a lot of information at, look up "soy alert" there.
P.Niedrich,Chicago, IL

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To P.Niedrich:

Your experience of early menstruation and sexual maturation is anecdotal; a wider view is needed to understand the issue. Natural and unnatural estrogens are present in a wide variety of meats (beef, mutton, pork, poultry, etceteras); in cow and goat milk; in chemicals such as DDE, PCBs, Bisphenol A, and phthalates, which mimic sex hormones; in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens); and in the excreta of women who take estrogen supplements that leach into the water supply. All of these natural and unnatural sources of estrogen have been studied for their possible effects on puberty and on health, but the studies are not conclusive. Some research shows that phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) may help prevent cancer and heart disease.

The average age of puberty and menarche may be influenced by genetics, diet, stress, and social factors. Currently the average age of puberty in the Developed countries is between 10 and 13 years of age. A 1999 study showed 48% of African-American girls entering puberty at the age of nine. Early puberty and menarche may be induced in girls in high-stress households, with absent fathers, with stepfathers, with sexual abuse, and with adoption. The Vanderberg Effect claims that girls who have significant interaction with adult men will often enter puberty earlier than normal.

"The average age at which the onset of puberty occurs has dropped significantly since the 1840s. This was dubbed 'the secular trend' by J.M. Tanner. In every decade from 1840 to 1950 there was a drop of four months in the average age of menarche among Western European females. In Norway, girls born in 1840 had their menarche at an average age of 17 years. In France the average in 1840 was 15.3 years. In England the average in 1840 was 16.5 years. In Japan the decline happened later and was then more rapid: from 1945 to 1975 in Japan there was a drop of 11 months per decade." Puberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Lower protein intakes and higher dietary fiber intakes, as occur with typical vegetarian diets, are associated with later onset and slower progression of female puberty." Puberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since vegetarians consume large quantities of phytoestrogens in the form of soy, legumes, and other plant foods, the later onset of puberty among vegetarian children appears to discount the notion that soy or phytoestrogens are a cause of early puberty. Those who think that soy is dangerous should also stay away from beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole wheat, and brown rice, which are likewise high in phytoestrogens. - GF

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Correction of my comment on Nov 21 9:09 PM: the Vandenbergh Effect.



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