Monday, October 10, 2011

Busking at the Corner of Shit and Go Blind

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

We have been carried in the floodwaters and whipped in the tailwinds of problem, reaction and solution. We’ve been beggared and broken at the corner of Shit and Go Blind. We’ve been massive, lumbering and asleep; incapable of distance or direction, finding no capable purpose for millions of marching feet, while the predatory few have trapped us for our skins and hunted us for meat. The imprisoned multitudes in shackles of debt have been herded like sheep, driven by fear of want into the gloomy woods and we are not out of them yet, not by a long shot.

Over the centuries the same debt collectors and slave masters have applied the same deliberate schemes, the same burning lashes from the whips of deceit; impoverished, enslaved, murdered and raped for pleasure and profit by the same reptile race. Generation after generation has been put to sleep by the sonorous droning of poisonous snakes. Like hypnotized pigeons we stand frozen and wait for the mercy of death, the only salvation in this dreadful place. Because we could not come together, we could not unite to see the power and strength of our possibilities against the predatory few.

They provided the slogans for their perpetual wars. They hijacked the religions and gave us monsters as gods who were engines of death. We bowed down before them and promised to serve and to die for the ones who destroyed us. We bought into the lie at usurious interest; we paid with our lifetimes, this compounding debt, to the devils among us who owned the printing press and the podiums and pulpits, the newspapers and the radios, the movies and the books, that sang their praises and pissed on the rest. They made a whore of history and fucked her till she bled and no one did anything. They are doing it still. They made wine from our blood and we drank the swill. This is the way of the darkness and those who hide in her skirts. This is the way of the perfunctory constant of intricate documents and legal restraints. This is the way of banker and bureaucrat, the political swine, who mouthpiece the shit that we hear in our sleep.

They are a legion of Cromwells and Wormtongues. They advise the king in his dotage and depravity. They slither in and out of the extorted opulence of incestuous clans, that rose up to power through corruption and force and they are your betters, of course, of course. They are everywhere in kingdom and court, in parliament and congress, wherever the opportunities for influence and gain can be had for the clever, who will say what they must to advance the agenda; in god we trust. Everyone else pays cash or service or dies in the street. This is the way of the darkness and the servants of darkness. Now they will seek understanding and mercy. They will tell you it was just how it was. You would do the same under the same conditions. No one is to blame.

I woke up this morning wondering at my life, far away from my friends and the familiar places and routines that used to be. I can hardly remember being there sometimes but I know that’s not possible in these times. The conditions are far worse than when I went away and that means I would have been even more of an annoyance than I had been and that had been enough to make them come after me several times before. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and live to fight another day.

Recently I have heard some number of people tell me that Occupy Wall Street was some kind of ingenious invention by the usual vampires and villains. This morning I saw this and this morning, I saw one of the American icons of vanity and prevarications, Geraldo Rivera get drummed out of Dodge to the tune of Fox News Lies. You don’t get much sleazier and 24 carat phony than Geraldo. Something tells me this is not your grandmother’s co-opted revolution, for the continuing gain of the fattened goblins of finance and fabrication. Are they working full time to discredit and take control of the thing? You bet they are. I’m finding it hard to believe that’s been accomplished so far. When people will tell to fuck off, you have to believe, or at least you want to believe that something genuine is happening.

One thing is certain, this isn’t going to continue as it is for too much longer. TPTW are not going to let it slide and gather more and more force, which it will, because the whole world of everyone other than them has had enough of their evil games. The Palestinian declaration of independence, or whatever it’s called, is getting nearer by the day. Sabers are rattling all over The Middle East and the principality of the dark lord in residence, is getting antsier by the minute, due to a change in the consistency of everyone else serving them without question and dying on command if need be. You can hardly find a decent plate of pâté of Palestinian Child anymore. Most of it is imported and composed of some Eastern European blend. It doesn’t taste like the real thing. The real thing screams of loss and suffering and what could be more satisfying to the people who actually caused the suffering and loss than the real thing?

Where is it gong to go from here? What shape is it going to take out of the many possibilities that may or may not be? If you think you’ve got a good idea of what’s coming, I’m thinking you should put in a call to the oddsmakers in Vegas and place your bet. This is the kind of thing that brings down governments and there is definitely a candidate or several high on the list. While all of this has been taking place, Obama has been whining and dining with the Wall Street suits. Mr. Stepin Fetchit has been stepping and fetching and felching as well. He’s going to be a legend along with Bennie the Boilsucker. He’s the fluffer in chief. He’s a demon in mufti giving the devil a little relief from Incubus Frottage Central, on call 24 hour a day with outcalls a specialty.

Here’s the sad truth as it appears to me this day, peaceful revolution is impossible. Here’s the sad reality behind this impossibility. They will not change. They will corrupt and kill, torture and dismember, until they are driven into full retreat. You cannot reason with them. You cannot expect they will honor any agreement ever. They are intransigent and resistant toward any understanding that orders them to reform or transform. They are rotten to the core and they want more. What this means I will leave to your imagination.

We can only hope that their time has come. We can only hope that the force of the changing times is an authentic reality and that their methods and machinations are being drained of their power to perform. If cosmic destiny has arrived at their door then they will be shown the door in a permanent fashion. Whatever happens to them will be sufficient to the need. They have brought it upon themselves and the worst that can happen is the least they deserve, in spades.

I’ve always believed in compassion and/or quarantine, hoping some way or another will appear to allow for the practice of the one or the performance of the other but that would be truly surprising, given their mentality and intentions upon the rest of us.

I wonder what they are thinking. I’ve heard some parts of what they have to say. I’ve seen them mocking and slandering, composing lies and posturing like peacocks in the ruin of their excess. They wear their vanity like a second skin. They are imperial and absolute in their inhumanity and greed. They do not believe or imagine that justice may come for them. Justice is just one more chambermaid to be bent over the table or forced to her knees. They are the timeless inheritors of droit du seigneur, the remorseless ass bandits of the divine right of kings.

My personal hope is that they go down with all the force and ignominy that can come upon them now. They have sealed the window through which mercy can leak. They have blackened and barred the aperture. They have done it to themselves and are fully deserving of what may follow in the wake of their indifference to the needs of their fellows and their utter and callous disregard for the effects of their actions. All of the finer sentiments of the human heart; they don’t see it that way. They don’t have it in them. They are an emptiness and a terrible vacancy where nothing good can reside. They are worse than we imagine them to be and it is my fervent hope that they find nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

End Transmission.......

James Jancik hasn’t been doing well healthwise and could not do his show the last couple of weeks. It’s possible he will put this week’s show up for download shortly so check the radio show blog occasionally to see.


Ben said...

Vis, All,

Again, major resonance here.

Good ole Geraldo Rivera, who I believe was given the name Jerry Rivers at his birth. A khazar masquerading as a jew masquerading as a Hispanic. So many different identities that even he has no idea who or what he really is.

Over the last couple of days I've read a couple of articles and saw a video in which the claims were made that the OWS movement is "anti-semitic". One article noted that throughout history "Jews are typically blamed...", etc.

Well I wonder why that might be? Do we need some names? Names like Geithner, Bernanke, Goldman, Greenspan, Rubin, Weill, Blankfein, Silverstein, Dimon, Friedman... the list is endless.

I've noted in past comments that the only time we see Jesus using violence were the two occasions He scourged the money-changers; the first time was at the beginning of His ministry, the second near the end of His ministry.

I've pondered many times why the Prince of Peace would use violence; He not only applied the lash, He kicked over the tables (or banks) and scattered the currency.

I don't know why. I have believed for many years that Jesus was ushering out one Age and introducing a new Age... though it wasn't like flicking a light switch. The process took decades, then centuries and now millennia.

I believe we are seeing now the ushering out of this Age and entering into a new... what was done in a relatively small setting in Palestine a couple of thousand years ago will repeat on a global scale as this current age passes and the new age, or cycle, is introduced.

So I suspect we will some some scourging take place. It seems to me that Jesus knew that the only means, short of a spiritual awakening, was to use violence on the bankers.

My hope and prayer would be that of a spiritual awakening on the part of the bankers and money-changers... however, if the acts of Jesus were prophetic, then it is likely that there will be a scourging instead.

Alexander said...

What if it were a contest between malice and mercy? Would the merciful wish to lose that battle? In a way it seems like a test of how finely a razor can be cut.

Personally, I'm growing a beard...

Tom Lowe said...

Come on, everybody, go put a bankster's name on your closet pole!

'n somebody get a big-ass pencil sharpener ready!

"They have sealed the window through which mercy can leak."

And Aye! One and All shall be peering in with glee!

Tom Lowe said...

Ben said: "It seems to me that Jesus knew that the only means, short of a spiritual awakening, was to use violence on the bankers."

Vis just got done saying in so many words that a spiritual awakening for such entities is not possible, and I agree with him 100% on that.

There is no saving them.

Tom Lowe said...

Alexander said: "What if it were a contest between malice and mercy? Would the merciful wish to lose that battle?"

I am merciful to the merciful, but those who do not deserve any mercy shall receive none.

Malice is not part of the equation, but rather, you have malice confused with justice.

It has already been written in the Bible that the Bad Ones will already know that what they are doing is bad, but they will do it anyway. God has already told us that.

And God has especially severe punishment for them also, because He explicitly told them not to do it, but they did it anyway. And on top of that, He has told them again and again, and they keep doing it.

You have no idea how severe the punishment will be. There will be no mercy.

katz said...

Ben, you right. Only thing that bothers me is that they tortured Jesus to death for doing so. In fact, they were willing to go along w him, until he kicked the money changers out of the Temple. For that, he had to be railroaded in a quick midnight court, tortured, and then tortured again, to death.

If they can get the better of Jesus, it's hard to see how any one man can stop them. All the more reason that masses of people will be required to risk it all, to get rid of this cancer on our species and planet.

Terrance said...

It's about profit and not about people.....the domination of one soul over more war to end all wars?...I hope love

Freddamedgjedda said...

When doctors treat you with chemotheraphy, they stress the whole system to the point were the cancer can no longer live in the almost diseased body. The body almost dies, and in some (many) cases the pasient dies directly or indirectly from the treatment... It looks like we must go thru the same on a planetary level. Let's just be healthy, positive, aware and ready for whatever comes.

Thank you for your clear and true words, full of love and wisdom! All of you!

Boulderdash said...

Looks like your work is again being posted at WRH.

Go Figure...

Visible said...

Yes Boulderdash, it's a mystery but a pleasant one and I believe I will leave it be (grin).

Anonymous said...

i keep hearing bruce lee intoning....'be like water'. and that is what this movement seems to be. i listen to these spokespeople for various parties, media outlets, organizations struggling and blustering to get someone to define it and to 'name their 'leaders'! they are so frustrated because the movement on a critical level is takes shape with every person's consciousness that joins it and then gains mass and velocity and continues to flow....perhaps this is the great flood that will sweep the world clean. be like has been said that the next time christ came to us it would be as spirit....not born dec. 25...but a pisces birth...neptunian...the sign of water.....keep the faith
liz from l.a.

Anonymous said...

via homer..

Jim Kirwan offers his respects.

When Les Is MORE
...As In Visible
By Jim Kirwan

Found on Rense.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

What’s mother fucker globalist Bankster to do?

Reality: We have a burgeoning population on a shrinking planet with finite and dwindling resources. Useless eaters, resource sucking a perfectly good planet dry. 7 billion units of miss manifesting consciousness, without a clue as to their purpose or reason for living, Showing themselves both incapable and worse even disinterested in living, content to live like pigs and grow fat for slaughter in factory pens waiting for Jeeesus. Snort grunt….. MORE GRAIN!!

The realities are transformation and enlightenment cannot be transposed from without, only from within.

What to do?

The agenda of the Global Bankster Board Meeting (Global 2000): How do we pragmatically save what’s left of the planet?

Teach them? They refuse to learn.

Govern them? They will not be governed.

Inspire them? They will not be inspired.

Solution: See the Georgia Guide-Stones

Proposed, seconded, unanimously voted in favour, resolution passed. Direct management to implement ASAP.

Who is to blame here? Whining and crying about some dumb fattened pigs or the Man driving the truck to the slaughter house.

Sober up folks… this is not about, them, it’s about us. If there is a way out of this mess, believe me it’s personal.


Anonymous said...

This morning in my city's OWS camp area I heard two people, one male one female taunting the cops. They were loud and hysterical, her in particular. Perhaps they were cazy homeless crackheads who were oblivious as to what is happening there. My suspicious side tells me they were intentionally causing a confrontation to undermine the whole thing. The infiltration has begun.


Anonymous said...

it was beautiful
that day they all stood high
brothers and sisters everywhere
reaching for the sky
a leaderless revolution
about time thats all I say
everyman and every woman
every child on earth has a place
tptw like dinosaurs
their time is no more
all those laws were fabrications
corruption lies and war
they were whored out to destruction
consumed by savage hate
because if they knew their selves
they would'nt make those mistakes
so from here we can only go forward
there is no turning back
a world united people
armed with truth and all the facts
making tracks into a new world
a place that feels like home
where peace fills each heart
and loves not sitting all alone


Nayon said...

The only argument a psychopath will hear is a good kick in the ass.

Anonymous said...

I gladly join this tutorial in which we dissect the ramifications of moral ethical quandaries and dice games. I tentatively endorse We-ism and collective inclusion but only if I get to call the shots. I am is the new religion. Everyone loves the exact I am. Needs the exact I am. Is the exact I am. Love is to Hate as Good is to Evil,. Exactly. Ah Leef ou Leev

Anonymous said...

general smedley butler,whoever you are wherever you are,time to stand up and say your piece,also cynthia mckinney and mr farrakhan,the gathering of all the peoples as one is vital,we have to remove this satan thing .....and we need you and your people to help so please stand and speak that beauty,bring it through.....

deep deep respects...neil

gurnygob said...

I have always had a wiliness to forgive even the worst of my enemies despite their crimes. However, in this particular case Les, I fear you might be right. They have already sold any semblance of humanity that may have existed within their hearts. I still hold a fools hope that maybe even yet, though the hour is late, they may somehow regain their senses. Even so, my forgiveness is my affair; and wholly insufficient to cover the multitude of their crimes. only God can save them now but they will not ask.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there babies-going to get really entertaining in these next few days... lots of twisty turny unexpected actions and reactions from the non stop works of those on the etheric and those tapping into the flow seriously focused on stopping all this evil nonsense and insanity.

Good Full Moon in Aries coming our way on the 12th. Sun conjoined with Saturn in Libra-Moon opposite them both of course.

Moon in close enough orbit with Jupiter in Taurus to feel the impact of BIGGER Martian energies with the Moon.

Aries=Mars=off the wall responsive Martian reverb. expect a lot of face slapping going on with this one. 'Well slap my face and call me stupid" lol

Big energies-feel the Moon's- Libra Sun/Saturn will say when enough is enough. :)

"I don't have to work so hard to get you because Saturn's gonna getchu and what Saturn misses-Pluto in Capricorn will happily level the playing field in its cleanup mission"

here's a hint I received from a friend on the other side-when the energy is tight and ready to burst, or stewing all heavy with darkness-sing the 'happy and you know it song' and clap your hands loud and crisp. Breaks up the energy field like a clap of thunder.

Anonymous said...

OWS and the others look like the real deal to me and I hope it explodes to millions soon. I think someone needs to start a site with quotes of those trying to diss the movement. Have it all spelled out clearly who is with us and who is trying to bring us down.

It'll making 'shopping' easier later on.


L.L.O. said...

Usually one of the first things I do when I get up and going is to check the MSM to see the latest shit-smeared page of "reality".
I always hold out hope in the back of my mind that I'm going to read the words "It's over! The shitty world we all knew is gone and it's officially the NEW Age!!! Rejoice!!!!"
Alas, that hasn't happened yet. Probably wouldn't be on CNN anyways.
Well my point is that I was browsing the comments section on one of the #OWS articles and was pretty saddened by what I read there. Now, I'm sure there are trolls all over it, and some people make very poignant arguments, but a lot of them seem to label the protesters as smelly Hippys that are too lazy to get a job. Or are just jealous that others are successful. I've even run into people who say this. It's those whose minds are closed. They just can't grasp the concept of the power and potential of our human spirit. Not yet at least. And that sucks for them.
This is just the beginning though because for every "hippy" protesting in the streets there are dozens of other, more calculating individuals silently watching events unfold. The ones who have felt all their lives that things were building up to a breaking point. The ones who know they were put on a path for something great yet undefinable. Now they feel it getting near. VERY near.
All it will take is a spark.
This isn't going away. It can only escalate.

Stay Frosty,


Anonymous said...

The fifth age will end by fire, atomic fire.

Anonymous said...

and the right palm lifted honor
the left held tight the sheild
the moment filled with harmony
all those feelings people feel
he trod the pathway with the essence
spoke the truth with all the might
smashed the shackles of enslavement
filled a heart with right
rawed the tips of mountaintops
like thunder from the heavens
filled men with compassion
the truth his only weapon
in deep love of all things
the birds the seas the feilds
charging like a river
the truth the medicine that heals


Anonymous said...

Hey, we've had our differences and I know you don't like me and perhaps that's my own fault \G/

But this writing here is what I think of when I say that you have the words to describe our times unlike any other. I know its probably because I agree with all of them in comparison with the major topic on which we differ, but I can't help but think that this is your most penetrating prose. Words with power, the power to move something or somebody.

Anonymous said...

Below is an excerpt from
Impeachment is Not Enough | - The Truth is ...

"We need a Nuremberg-style trial for Treason and Mass Murder for all of the members of the US government, the US military, the US intelligence agencies, and their civilian accomplices in the airline industry and the news media who participated in the murderous crimes of 9/11. The death penalty should be applied to all of the principals and their accomplices, even if that means executing several hundred or even several thousand people, because crimes of this magnitude against the American people and the US Republic cannot go unpunished, and the punishment must be extreme to send a message that the American people will not tolerate such Treason -- not now or in the future. If allowed to remain unpunished and at liberty, these individuals represent a grave threat to the safety and security of all Americans. If convicted of the heinous crimes of 9/11, the death penalty is the only way to ensure that they or their allies will not somehow manage to attack America and Americans again. The executions should be performed in public and be internationally televized for the entire world to witness.

I do realize that there are some very worthy reasons to oppose capital punishment in many situations. However, it is also quite apparent to me that any show of clemency that might be given to the US government perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks leaves open the possibility that they and their sympathizers could revive their subversion of American democracy and their violence toward peace-loving Americans. That is why I advocate a policy of capital punishment without any consideration of mercy, plea-bargaining, or probation for the US government perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks and their allies.

No one in or out of the US government should be exempt from prosecution and capital punishment for the Treasonous attacks of 9/11. The planners and participants in the 9/11 attacks within the US government and their accomplices must not be allowed to protect themselves behind the specious excuse of "National Security." The true security and survival of our Republic depends entirely on this."

Gregory F. Fegel - August 22, 2008 - source Pravda.Ru

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Nature’s tundra two-step:

The wolf and the caribou for eons in a cyclic symbiotic relationship dance, where one cannot live without the other. An example of the subtle balance and harmony in nature, as the creator intended.

Predictably when the herd grows too large to be sustained in its environment, (the 7 year caribou Yuga) the wolf population grows exponentially and reduces the herd back to sustainable levels.

Plain to see that we have many wolves around today (and some in sheep’s clothing). They seem now to be everywhere. Is the wolf evil? Some might argue he is. Is he not also God’s creation?

Hmmm... maybe the only thing different in humanities case, is that we can elect to become something different than a dumb shit caribou and move away from the herd. The conundrum faced by all is to leave the safety of the herd or to strike out on your own and risk being run down by another marauding pack over the next hill.

Really comes down to just, what’s your pleasure?

My pleasure is to find the nearest river and then go with the flow, we can always trust the river will lead either a large lake, where we can rest and bulk up, and then on to another river that will eventually lead to the ocean of love and mercy. Yes there may be rough rapids, or dread the thought, even carried over a water fall, but if I am really present to the river on the journey, I just might make it. There are no survival guarantees in the river for sure, but then there was none back there in the herd either, and just too damn many circulating wolves.

While I have never traveled this river before, there are signs of old shore camps, where others obviously traveled through here before me.

You know now that I’m am safely away from those menacing wolves and cruising down the river of life, I can find it within myself to be grateful for the wolf, for really, if it were not for him, I would not be enjoying myself on the river today.


Visible said...


I don't know who you are but I see the Masonic sign and I intuitive read is that you were the one who jumped on my case for saying all Masons aren't bad. In any case, thank you for the good words.

I do a lot of writing and it never fails to amaze me that when I write something that I think will really reach people or that surprises me that it came out; I never know what I'm going to say or even what it sounds like until I read it once I'm done, looking for errors, that it never has the effect I was expecting. Other times when I write something that looks mundane or pedestrian to me people react far more strongly in a positive way than I would have ever imagined.

I feel like I am past anticipating or expecting anything these days because I am almost always wrong.

Rob in WI said...

Just an idea of possible mass action.

Promote the boycott of any additional spending for "holiday" celebrations. All holidays should be included. Holidays are an integral part of the cultural control strategy, and ignoring them would be a potent, non violent attack on the machine. Of course many ordinary folk depend on holiday for their sustenance, but so did many who depended on jobs that were outsourced, etc.

BTW, really like the extra spacing between paragraphs on the blog.It makes scrolling between focused points much easier. Best to all, Rob

Biblar said...

Well Les.

In truth, there are often times when I get an uncomfortable gut feeling, which makes me question your motives.

But bloody hell; this Petri Dish is inspired.

The worlds pressure cooker has a faulty valve; just wait until she blows.

Strange; the word verification asked me to type in prophan :)

Visible said...

Biblar; I'm not always in the same state of mind and I am a stone cold revolutionary when it comes to the crap I see taking over the world like a cancer. I don't know what I'm talking about all of the time and I'm too passionate considering my age and I'm not entirely stable all of the time either so, I'd chalk up my questionable motives to some possibilty of any of what I've mentioned. I don't really have an agenda besides peace and love and I don't work for anyone for the very reason of being compromised because they don't like what I have to say. That became clear to me a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Les,not to come off spouting the king James but this passage echoes your observations and conclusions-
16 Those who see you will stare at you;
they will look closely at you:
"Is this the man who caused the earth to tremble,
who shook the kingdoms,

17 who turned the world into a wilderness,
who trampled its cities
and would not release the prisoners to return home?"

18 All the kings of the nations
lie in splendor, each in his own tomb.

19 But you are thrown out without a grave,
like a worthless branch,
covered by those slain with the sword
and dumped into a rocky pit like a trampled corpse.

20 You will not join them in burial,
because you destroyed your land
and slaughtered your own people.
The offspring of evildoers
will never be remembered.

21 Prepare a place of slaughter for his sons,
because of the iniquity of their fathers.
They never rise up to possess a land
or fill the surface of the earth with cities.
Isaiah 14

I believe we have a ring side seat and although it is painfully to watch seeing it for what it is helps to mitigate the pain of watching.

Anonymous said...

To Sovereignty:

One problem with your caribou and wolves metaphor and its river escape clause is that in our ever-shrinking world, the wolves have gained almost total control over the rivers that may once have served as refuges, and the caribou no longer have any physical or geographic rivers where they can take refuge.

To get the money to escape from the wolves, you will probably need to work for the wolves. Then you may become a wolf in your effort to escape from the wolves.

In my youth I had a friendship with someone who later became a billionaire international mining executive. He's definitely a wolf now. I could go to him and ask for a job, but I refuse to do anything wolfish. Anyway, he probably wouldn't hire me, because I have abundantly demonstrated that I stand on the side of the caribou, and I will not cross that river.

Sun Tzu's Art of War advises that a prudent aggressor will leave his enemies with an escape route. Apparently ignoring the advice of Sun Tzu, the wolves we are talking about appear confident that they can conquer the caribou without the risk of injury or defeat to themselves.

As for rivers of inner peace, it's hard for some of us to maintain inner peace while watching ourselves and the other caribou get slaughtered by the wolves. At some point some of us caribou may decide to listen to Krishna's advice to Arjuna at the battlefield of Kurukshetra and start giving the wolves some of their own medicine.


Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:11:00 PM
Yes, the Hunters Moon is just ahead. I'm feeling the hunger. May the arrows of truth hit their mark. Happy hunting and peace to all, even if it's R.I.P. from, Minnesota

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...


I appreciate you thoughtfully engaging the metaphor.

Let me expand on it a bit. The river referred to was the river within us all. No money is required to jump in, only the choice to do so and surprisingly little commitment and time to flow with it. Did you ever notice in your life and those around you, that we are all somehow able to manifest what we need (unless of course it is your belief that you can’t). That innate divine manifesting power can be further clarified and raised to include manifesting what we chose, but that pop up mushroom insight comes of course after one is actually in the river.

I know from my own resistance to the thought of river jumping and the years it took me to finally jump in, the concept lived like there was ice cakes floating in that terrible turbulent river and you’d have to be insane to jump in. It wasn’t. In fact that is what the game of life was meant to be.

Shiver on the banks with wolves howling at your back or suck it up and jump in. It’s only cold for the first few minutes and then it’s actually kind of nice.

Yes I see wolves on the river bank from time to time, but after running a while, they loose interest in me as there are plenty on dry land to eat without getting wet.


Ben said...

@ missingarib 10:04:00 PM

Thanks for that passage from Isaiah... I recognized it as soon as I started reading it because I had read it last night as part of my devotions.

FWIW, there is quite a bit of Old Testament prophecy as well as a lot of "types and shadows" that speak (I believe) to this time. We also have the New Testament prophecies, specifically that of Revelation which speaks of the fall of MYSTERY BABYLON; this is an event which has not yet come to pass but I believe is quite imminent.

Many of the Old Testament prophecies have taken place, but in a "small" fashion (such as the prophecy concerning Cyrus the Great and his conquering of historical Babylon).

As Vis often points out, we (and all things) are here for the purposes of demonstration). Solomon tells us that "all that has been, will be again" and now we are seeing the kingdom of Babylon played out on a global scale. I don't know but I would estimate that close to 90 percent of the world's inhabitants are in thrall and debt slaves in some manner to MYSTERY BABYLON.

This entity is close to its fall. Jesus tells us that "the meek will inherit the earth"; Solomon also tells us that God (whom I refer to as Father or Father Creator) has made it the business of the evil to accumulate wealth so that it can be turned over to those that please God. Pretty specific.

I would like to see the bankers repent and make recompense for all they've stolen through this age... however, I also doubt they'll (willingly) do so. They are also here for the purposes of demonstration. They have free will, but have succumbed to the Prince of the Powers of the Air. For that reason they'll reap what they have sown.

The Apostle John (who wrote Revelation) wrote this concerning MYSTERY BABYLON:
Give back to her as she has given;
pay her back double for what she has done.
Pour her a double portion from her own cup.
Give her as much torment and grief
as the glory and luxury she gave herself.

So no... it does not bode well for the bankers and those that rule (or think they rule) this entity known as MYSTERY BABYLON.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Ladies and Gentlemen of Judge Viz’ Court.

It’s our Thanks Giving weekend here in Canada and I extend thanks giving wishes to all. In spite of it all we do have much to be grateful for.

I’ve never witnessed someone who takes as much pleasure playing with pots and pans in a kitchen, as does the love of my life, dear Joni. She’ll tackle the most technical of dishes but for some reason just will not cook a pie. After many years of buying mediocre pies here and there I decided to give it a try.

So today I rolled up my sleeves and have made three delicious looking blue berry pies (field picked just up the road). Thoroughly cutting the shortening in is obviously the key, but rolling that pasty into a perfect circle, to fit into the pie plate, takes patience as well. Time to go do some serious damage to that stuffed tom turkey.

Peace gratitude to all.


Lee said...

Dear Les.

I love the way you put it all together. You seek, reap, cultivate,weed, harvest, filter, distillate, and refine your articles in ways that get our attention.

I'll admit I have to some of the words you use and even read it several times to understand.

I most certainly agree that there are times when violence has to be implemented. One commenter posted about having to resort to violence when confronting a psychopath. I have to agree with that because these "Stepfordized" life forms, are not human. They are like the Terminator. They can not be bargained with, they cannot be reasoned with. They will rip your heart out. *according to the script line*

The Terminator was terminated with violence. Something I abhor but, have to understand that it happens.

It is for this reason I am considering relocating from my current dwelling, to a shed.

The dark forces affecting our world is having a detrimental affect on me personally, as well as others. Otherwise we would not be here on this forum talking about it.

Lee/ Naj Tenochit-lan
* transmissione fin *

P.S. 30 plus comments since 8 hours since posting?


Tom Gaspick said...

What would Jesus do?

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Sovereignty wrote: "Did you ever notice in your life and those around you, that we are all somehow able to manifest what we need (unless of course it is your belief that you can’t)."

What you are describing sounds like what many people are now calling the Power of Intention. One reason that I doubt the validity of the Power of Intention is that it implies that starving children in Darfur or Calcutta could get food if only they would visualize themselves with food and somehow act on that visualization. My guess is that most of those starving children have tried that technique many times and it didn't work for them.

If a minority of starving children keep wishing for food and they finally get some, that does not prove that wishing for food attracts food. Nor does it prove that the children who starved to death weren't wishing hard enough. If wishing actually brought food or wealth, no one would ever starve or be poor unless they truly wanted to starve or be poor.

Desire (wishing) is a powerful motivator for personal action, but desire is not a magical attractor beam. Ask anyone who has experienced unrequited love.

In human society having wealth means having more property, and therefore more power, than the majority of others. The only way for some to be rich is for the majority to be poor.

The Power of Intention is, like Dominionist Christianity, a materialist doctrine falsely posing as a spiritual doctrine. Both the Power of Intention and Dominionist Christianity are forms of Social Darwinism.

In reference to the Occupy movement, many of us Intend to do what we can to establish a more egalitarian society through Class Struggle.

Richard Waid said...

Ya can't find a decent plate of pate of Palestinian child anymore?

Les, as the "music" bit of the spectrum of Divine Light shone on and through Mozart, you sir are channeling the Divine Light of social and spiritual commentary!

And with great wit as well!

OccupyHell said...

Ask this question of any and all Quisling globalist politicians: Will you arrest the bankers if elected? If the answer is no then they are a worthles whore.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed my fishing. Punching holes in reality and looking for answers lead to what I know, there is a mighty power in everyone, but everyone is looking outside for some reason. looks like hunting season is upon us already, one country at a time. Even Darth had a little good in him but for some they gave that away and could come back.
Bending the matrix is fun everyone should try it, you don't know what you can do until you try, there is nothing one person can do that anyone else can't.
Cue the lyrics "all you need is love"
you will know when you find it, all the hair on your body stands straight up.
Thanks for showing me the car park, enjoy the drive.

Den of the Chaldes said...

How do you really Feel Les? Well if that one doesn't get you on the Drone fired Hellfire Secret Hitlist, I can't imagine what will. Stay Down Brother!
Den of the Chaldes

Richie (Dana) said...

Ben @ 11:30
You know what? I always appreciate your comments as it seems we both were immersed in some sort of religious background. I had the stuff pounded into me and rebelled by the age of 12 but for some strange reason, things just come back to me. I honestly believe there is some hidden power embedded in some way in those words. Since you are here, I find it very hard to believe that you are some religious nut. There are numerous sites that despise comments such as you and I both make and yet Les is all cool with it.
I must say, very remarkable.

To all of you out there...
TPTB have worked very hard to create a stigma and resentment to any hint of a Divine presence and especially to anyone who might quote a Bible passage. In short, it is conspiratorial...haha.

I agree with you all, that religion sucks big time. Try not to throw the baby out with the bath water.
There is something of value in those written words and I will continue to share as long as God allows.

To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?
The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains.
He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.

Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.
Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God?

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:21-31

It is true that I currently walk in darkness, but come on guys....The wings of eagles?
That would be what I define as hope.

From my heart
God Bless you all.


Anonymous said...

pierre said...

still, interest (if this is the definition of usery) is a fact of life, even if you call if a fee. (there's that pesky problem of not enough money to account for the added accounting, hence growth or inflation or boom'n'bust).

bottom lines which cannot be denied, prosecute the criminals, traitors, liars, thieves, murderers etc etc just like you would the common criminal, and see that justice is done. or let all the criminals go free and we can all go to hell in a handbasket, instead of half way there as now.
and if that's the case then F#$%U applies across the board. those who make their intergenerational livings mincing words, counting beads and telling legal lies must be, underneath, if they have any humanity left in them, shit scared of this possibility (anarchy).

reading Echart Tolles New World, and the second half with the pain body idea (in all of us), nothing new, but quite instructive, including the collective manifestations.

live to learn, (and does learn to live sound catchy?)

wv: ropticki. a real wikileaks, let her rip. rop and soul.

Anonymous said...

Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future.

Anonymous said...


When you hold a piece of coal is it a past civilization's hardening/yuga/age/meltdown? Is it why they find us in the chunks as relics and fossils? It's not just dinosaurs, ferns, and sludge, but us too. Hmmm?

One would think we would remember.



shaolinlite said...

"the worst that can happen is the least they deserve"

Shattered my wineglass with that one, yo-

Your kung fu is strong today.

Troy said...

They aren't human. Period. And they do not deserve to be treated as such. I would personally like to tie them up and pick there scales off one at a time. I bet they do not even bleed. Should we see? I follow the example set by my Lord, as Ben has said, and He was anything but a doormat. Walk into any church today though and that is what they expect from you. Vengeance is mine said the Lord? Not when they are annihilating us. The problem is I am beginning to believe there are very few who truly walk in His steps left. It has been replaced with some pseudo religious weirdness I cannot recognize. Its like talking to a bowl of pudding. Feminine men and Jezebel women. I truly wish words would accomplish what is needed, however I do not think they give a shit about words. Picking scales off would be better in my book. At least funner than sitting around being made to feel helpless...

Troy said...

One other thing. As much as I would hope that this Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street would do the trick. It won't. If they will take town buildings with planes then more death is better in there eyes. They feed on it. They will wait until they have as many people as will "peacefully protesting" in New York or any other city in the world and grow tired of it. At that point they will just drop a nuke on the whole bunch. They like to see the reaction of the sheep to all of the mayhem. If they are not taken care of now. I guarantee that is what they will do. Remember they own the nukes. I wonder what causes THEM the most pain?

Anonymous said...

I have chosen to post anonymously because I heed the warning found in I Peter 5 verses 8 through 11.

I have a similar feeling as does the author of this article. The people of the world are held hostage by the money changers of the current era.

Complain, protest, resist, all are futile. We were warned, but did not take heed.
I Timothy 6 verse 10:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Yet, there IS hope, in abundance.
John 10 verse 10:
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
(a red letter verse, the actual words of Jesus Christ).

What can we do? Well, nothing. I agree with the author: a day of reckoning is coming to the modern day money changers holding the world hostage through usury. Mankind will not have to take matters into their own hands.
II Thessalonians 3 verse 5;
"And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ." Don't be afraid, these vultures will consume themselves and that is all we need to look forward to. Again, the logical mind will ask: How can we be sure? This too was preordained and prophesied about. It is absolute.
Revelation 17 verse 16 through 18:
"And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."
(All roads lead to Rome.)

What God is doing is teaching mankind a lesson we will never forget. It's a matter of trust with God. He must know we have learned the lesson He is teaching us, and as we all (should) know, experience is the best teacher.

Throughout history, there have been lots of people who place the blame for all the wrong the money changers have done throughout history directly upon the Jews. But, there seem to be few who understand the Jews are not the same people as the Israelites. How can we know?
Revelation 2 verse 9:
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Also...
Revelation 3 verse 9 through 11:
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."
Study the Ashkenazi and where they come from. The short answer? Ashkenazi are Assyrians. Biblically speaking, the Assyrians are a tool in God's hand, which He used to punish Israel. See II Kings 17.
This is exactly why we see the world's financial institutions in such turmoil. The storm that's brewing will be the way the European Union will trim the member nations down to 10.

I did not come here and post these words to be inflammatory to anyone. I am merely expressing what I believe, and why. I am not telling anyone what they should believe.

Ephesians 6 verses 12-13:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

mick said...

thanks for bringing the caribou and river story back to a good ending. i was getting depressed reading that other ending. Glad i kept reading more comments.

mick said...

thanks for giving me back the good story of the caribou, and the water. I didnt much care for that other ending at all. Glad i kept reading down lol.

Robin Redbreast said...

Sometimes get a song going round in my head which keeps playing and playing (like a programming).
At the moment it's a song from when I was 11 - that we used to have to sing in school. It goes:

Last night I had
The strangest dream
I'd ever dreamt before.
I dreamt the world had all agreed
To put an end to war.
And the paper they were signing said
Said they'd never fight again
The'll never fight again......

Anonymous said...

Greetings 'Les Visible':
Sadly, I tried to post my thoughts on the article "Reflections in a Petri Dish", but as far as I can tell, it was...scrubbed or deleted. By TPTW.

I read the comment guidelines, and have chosen to post anonymously because there is no end to those who track and keep track of what everyone does online. I do not wish to hide, but rather I heed the warning found in I Peter 5 verses 8 through 11:
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen."

Moving on...
I have a similar feeling as does the author of this article. The people of the world are hostages, held fast by the money changers of the current era. Can there be any doubt?

Complain, protest, resist, all are futile. We were warned, but did not take heed.
I Timothy 6 verse 10:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Yet, there IS hope, in abundance.
John 10 verse 10:
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
(a red letter verse, the actual words of Jesus Christ).

Knowing the world's money changers are holding the world hostage, one may logically wonder what can we do? Well, we can actually do nothing. I agree with the author's position that there will be a day of reckoning come to those who hold the world hostage through usury. And thankfully, mankind will not have to take matters into their own hands. First and foremost:
II Thessalonians 3 verse 5;
"And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ." Don't be afraid, these vultures will consume themselves and that is all we need to look forward to. Again, the logical mind will ask: How can we be sure? This too was preordained and prophesied about. It is absolute.
Revelation 17 verse 16 through 18:
"And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."
(All roads lead to Rome.)

All of these things were preordained from the foundation of the world. What God is doing is teaching mankind a lesson we will never forget. It's a matter of trust with God. He must know we have learned the lesson He is teaching us, and as we all (should) know, experience is the best teacher.

Throughout history, there have been lots of people who place the blame for all the wrong the money changers have done throughout history directly upon the Jews. And I agree. But, there seem to be very few who understand the Jews are not the same people as God's chosen people, the Israelites. How can we know and prove so? Again, we were warned.


Anonymous said...


Revelation 2 verse 9:
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Also...
Revelation 3 verse 9 through 11:
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."
Now would be a great time to study the Ashkenazi and where they come from. The short answer? Ashkenazi are Assyrians. Biblically speaking, the Assyrians have been a tool in God's hand, which He used to punish Israel. See II Kings 17.
This is exactly why we see the world's financial institutions in such turmoil. The storm that is brewing will be the way the European Union will trim the member nations down to the prophesied 10 nations.

I did not come here and post these words to be inflammatory to anyone. I am merely expressing what I believe, and why. I am not telling anyone what they should believe, although I will ask "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3 verse 20).

Make no mistake about it, we have been warned:
Ephesians 6 verses 12-13:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Thank You for allowing me to express myself and what I believe, and for those who may have read these words:
Take heed of them.

Jimmy W.

Anonymous said...

Dear Les...

another powerful blog...again, i repeat myself at expressing the enjoymnet of reading the comments...

i agree with those comments that these demons will never ever stop their EVIL...for they are souless ones, created by their god Satan from stolen divine energy through misery and suffering of those fullfill his EVIL plan...approximately 30 per cent are souless ones...keeping the evil system alive...

thank you to the commentor about singing "if your happy and you know it" and the sharp clap of your hands breaking the negative energies surrounding your being...thank you and i will try that the next time i feel the negative energies trying to impose on my thoughts...

these souless ones have a different god than we do...their god is when they speak of god it is not what we call our god...that has fooled the unawakened for centuries...

i see their energy depleating it shows...they look haggard...they are looking like the demons they will be very hard for them to maintain composure soon...

Les, thanks for a great blog and thanks to ALL for the wonderful comments...

Best Wishes Always

Visible said...

a new Visible Origami is up-

Push and Shove Dancing in the Public Square.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

To Gregory F Fegel:

The law of intention alone will not see you through to clarifying your god given innate manifestation capabilities. I personally have some 500 + hours in studying the powerful Abraham teachings and you have to understand and integrate the other 3 laws of the universe before you can do that. The hardest one for us to fathom or master is the “law of allowing.” With the other laws, we seem to have a latent prior life working understanding, but the law of allowing is a new one and takes some time with. Download the vortex mediations and with only ten minutes a day, you will prove this to yourself within three weeks.

We indeed live in a material illusion consciously coupled to our individual field of consciousness, connected through singularity to the human field of consciousness and then beyond even that.

Bottom line, we are making this all up. Even the most narrow minded physicist (and believe you me, some of these are the narrowest of minds) will have to admit that it’s all empty space. If one looks at the mass, space and distance between the electron and a nucleus, the ratios approach that of Jupiter and the Sun. The narrower Newtonian argument would then be that the whole solar system is a solid disk when plainly, it is largely empty space and the celestial bodies, worse yet, are in motion.

The starving kids in Calcutta counter-argument is often trotted out as rebuttal to the fixed cosmic universal laws but this falsely assumes that we are all victims. When in fact, if we choose to realise it and own it, we are of a divine nature. We are only victims if we choose to be and sadly many of us do. You might want to read the “Red Lion” to get a better understanding of why we choose a particular life condition in our series of incarnations.

Bottom line for those with a clarified manifestation prosperity circuit, prosperity is a consequence of our vibration, beliefs intent and being, not our circumstance.

I hope you do not take offense but typically when the Calcutta rebuttal is dismantled; it is found that those precious souls in Calcutta become our personal excuse for not being responsible for our own victimness.

There are basically two types of beings on the planet right now (ying and yang). These can be simplistically defined as those on the path of love and compassion (Members of the Judge Viz’ Court) and those on the path of power, domination and suppression (Global Banksters). There are advantages in both cosmological approaches, but the main advantage of being a member in the Judge’s Court is that we are creative beings and can achieve manifestation mastery where the other’s don’t have this capability. They can’t create their wealth and have to steal it from those who can. Do we have the advantage,


Are we utilizing that advatange? No, not yet at least.

I’ll post more on this later.


Anonymous said...

Srila Prabhupada..

There is no expenditure, there is no tax, nor is there any need to build a very big church or temple. Anyone, anywhere, can sit down on the road or beneath a tree and chant the Hare Krsna mantra and worship God. Therefore it is a great opportunity.”

Laura said...

Wow. Great article, Les. I read your writings religiously. You summed up my feelings well.

Also, to SOVEREIGN thank you greatly for sharing. Your story of the caribou and wolves was amazing! Sent shivers down my spine! And your posts were very thought provoking. In fact, all the comments were thought provoking. I appreciate you all.

As much as I HATE the suffering the "dark hats" have caused humanity I cannot bring myself to pass judgment or allow myself to ponder their fates. I honestly feel that I don't have that right. I don't know their hearts or where they are (spiritually speaking;) only God does. Therefore, (and I don't say this lightly) I have to let God handle that. I just mourn in my heart for those who are suffering and I think that includes them. Maybe I'm just a bleeding heart; I don't know. But, today that's how I feel. Thank you for listening.

Anonymous said...

Les, Oct 10 is my birthday, Thank you from
the bottom of my heart for that exquisite gift. I read it like a fine bottle of Coturri zinfandel. Man was it tasty.with love
mo visible

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up-

Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Sovereignty said... "The starving kids in Calcutta counter-argument is often trotted out as rebuttal to the fixed cosmic universal laws but this falsely assumes that we are all victims. When in fact, if we choose to realise it and own it, we are of a divine nature. We are only victims if we choose to be and sadly many of us do. You might want to read the “Red Lion” to get a better understanding of why we choose a particular life condition in our series of incarnations."

Basically what you're telling us is that the starving children of Calcutta or wherever chose their destiny or earned it or deserved it due to their Karma. That may be true, but it does not prove that they can now change their situation by an act of will-power. Nor does it exempt those who are prosperous from a responsibility to show compassion by feeding them or helping them.

In spite of the compassionate and anti-materialist teachings of the ancient Hindu scriptures, the majority of the Indian middle and upper classes have chosen to ignore those teachings and instead practice Social Darwinism. The majority of the Indian middle and upper classes see the starving poor as victims of their own chosen Karma, and therefore not deserving of assistance.

The majority of the Indian middle and upper classes rationalize that the middle and upper classes are Deserving because of good character and the lower classes are Not Deserving because of poor character. That Social Darwinist rationalization is shared by Christian Dominionists and by the New Age Law of Attraction Cultists. That rationalization enables them to ignore the suffering of the poor and to avoid the responsibility to assist the poor. The Indian Caste system, which sanctifies Class stratification, is based on that rationalization.

Humans are social animals, and in human society the accumulation of wealth by some inevitably creates poverty for others, causing an imbalance of power in the society. A desire for wealth and power in excess of the simple needs of average people is a materialistic attitude, not a spiritual attitude. A desire for wealth and power in excess of the simple needs of average people is also an anti-social attitude. The earth is not a wish-fulfilling tree -- the fruit we pick is taken from a limited source, and the fruit we eat will not be available for others to eat.

The Buddha abandoned his Princely inheritance, gave away his personal wealth, and never wanted it back. The late number 110 and the living number 323 on the Forbes List of Billionaires (the wealthiest individuals on earth) have both claimed to be Buddhists, yet neither of them have been known for their charity. Anyone can call themself a Buddhist. Acting like a Buddhist is another matter.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

And that includes the Dalai Lama with his Hollywood, political, royal and CIA friends.

This also includes their seven course veal dinners and afterwards his stunted platitudes spoken like a ten year old child would speak to an audience of six year old children.

Visible said...

not a fan myself, the vibe is all wrong.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

To Gregory F. Fegel:

You make good points, Gregory and I think I would enjoy a glass or two of vino with you.

I would say about the boy finding a life in Calcutta is choosing his opportunity over earned or deserving in his fate. Nowhere am I saying compassion and charity should not be extended. That being said, do-gooders have this false assumption that doing good will raise an individual when only an individual can raise himself and the wisdom discernment lesson in giving, is to not cross that line.

Assumptions embedded in discourse such as this one, are where communication problems arise. Appreciate that our life objectives are often completely different from our soul objectives. From a cosmological perspective, a soul derives much more value to its overall purpose in committing heinous crimes than a simple act or series of acts of charity. Why? So much more wisdom can be distilled from the former in fewer lifetime experiences and it may serve the soul’s objectives in that these may be achieved in 50 lifetimes as opposed to 500. Is this really not just a mileage preference thing?

I agree with you on social Darwinism as well as the rationalisms in India, but would comment further with the accepted truism “Life is Sacred” example, great folder label, but inside the file, we see further details. Life is indeed Sacred but only to the extent that the owner regards it as so.

I hesitate to judge such an ancient culture’s wisdom like India’s. I know in my own case with Native Americans that new agers do this all the time and little can be said to provide them with information to appreciate what we value and why we value it.
In the case of seal hunting or hunting in general, game is sacred to us and we practice this tradition from a sacred perspective. No one has a higher regard for the noble moose creature than I do and I’m salivating at the thought now in getting one this fall. We are not sport hunters and have been subsistence hunter gatherers for eons. Our relationship with the land is our church. We like to think that the beast was quantumly connected with the hunter and was a response to the asking prayer and did so on a voluntary basis and is properly honoured for doing so.

I disagree about the limits of manifestation of wealth. From my perspective, those that know how to manifest wealth can do so indefinitely. Yes, there are those that do not know how to manifest and must resort to using less noble means to their ends. One can choose wealth like a craftsman chooses a tool and not be obsessed or controlled by it, can we not?

“The earth is not a wish-fulfilling tree.” At face value yes I sort of agree, but differ with what appears to be another embedded assumption, that as divine beings, there are mortal limits to our creativity and manifestation ability, which from my perspective is clearly not the case.

Another embedded assumption is humanity has a fixed bandwidth in consciousness. From our present situation with humanities overwhelming problems presently experienced, one would tend to agree. The Vedics enjoy a rich body of wisdom and have written history with accounts of antigravity and many other advanced technologies.

Here in the west, we are now starting to appreciate what pumping the kundalini juices will do with brain mapping neuronets and the unused pituitary and pineal gland resources. Pump those chemicals enough and brain shifting can take us from this conversation’s 2000 bytes / sec rate to 400,000,000 billion bytes / sec.

I've said before, problems seemingly unsolvable at the former bandwidth then become child’s play at the latter.


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

When the famed Greeks showed up in India of old, (Bharata), the Indians were shocked at the barbarity of these mlecchas.

Meat eaters. Cow killers, slavers, etc.
Lowest of humans.

There were exceptions of course, such as Pythagoras who was held to be the highly advanced human being which he surely was.

How complete as a society were the Vedics?

Even in their declining days, as their inevitable descent into the Kali yuga of today progressed they shined as no others.

Now, in the 21st century, the Indians as a whole are wallowing in the material miasma as a matter of fact.

Right on schedule..

"No Indian ever went outside his own country on a warlike expedition, so righteous were they."

"This also is remarkable in India, that all Indians are free, and no Indian at all is a slave. In this the Indians agree with the Lacedaemonians. Yet the Lacedaemonians have Helots for slaves, who perform the duties of slaves; but the Indians have no slaves at all, much less is any Indian a slave."

Arrian, in Anabasis Alexandri, Book VII : Indica

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To Sovereignty:

Thanks for the invite on the wine. Here's my critique:

You will be able to hunt a moose this fall because in this increasingly-crowded world some men of vision and wisdom set a legal limit on how many moose could be hunted. Without that legal limit, there might not be any more moose to hunt. If most people come to believe in Infinite Abundance instead of Conservation, the moose may go extinct as a result of the people's overconfidence in their own imaginary powers, coupled with their disrespect for Nature.

You said: "Life is indeed Sacred but only to the extent that the owner regards it as so."

I disagree. The Sacredness of Life is a property of the Spirit or the Soul -- and everyone has a Soul, whether they think they do or not. It is possible for someone to be ignorant, but it is not possible for someone to be Soul-less.

Unlike the followers of the Abrahamic faiths, I do not believe in an entity of pure evil such as Satan. nor do I believe in a place of eternal damnation such as Hell. I see Heaven and Hell as psychological states. In the Universe I live in, everything gets recycled and eventually everyone gets Enlightened and goes to Heaven.

You said: "One can choose wealth like a craftsman chooses a tool and not be obsessed or controlled by it, can we not?"

Perhaps a Saint can manage wealth without being perverted by it, but very few of those who gain or inherit wealth are Saints. Many of those who gain wealth falsely imagine that they are not perverted by it -- but usually they are. Those who are born into wealth are usually perverted by smugness and conceit.

The bottom line is that in human society, the aquisition of wealth by some automatically creates poverty for others. Wealth is only material "stuff," and it is the desire for, and attachment to, that "stuff" that perverts us away from our spiritual nature. You will not find many wealthy people who are not psychologically attached to their "stuff."

You wrote: "Another embedded assumption is humanity has a fixed bandwidth in consciousness."

I never said that "humanity has a fixed bandwidth in consciousness." I do think, however, that Nature imposes limits on what we can do as human beings without causing harm to ourselves or to others.

Anonymous said...

Power of intent does not mean one can wish food and it materialises, no it is much more subtle...

The universe and us are bathed and flooded by an invisible energy.
The material world we see is only a very little percent of it all!

So if we think we know it all how wrong we are....

The elites found ways to manipulate this source
I tell you every cities, every monuments and important places are built in strategic positions, creating shapes when you align them on map...
Best exemple is Rennes le chateau in france and this is most important secret the priest discovered, he even made his own alteration to his domain...

Like witchcraft they can manipulate energy but as we all know with great powers comes great responsibilities, and sadly the wolf is not...
The all wise architect knows this and he created a critical point where they are gently but surely helped on to an irresistible self destruction!!!!
Christian rejoice because god is light, BUT you need to know he is electricity,so he can also be in dark mode...
This is how the material world exist, we are the result of two power in embrace, light and dark,fusing into one and we are the sunset of this manifestation!
You know the famous trinity....

We are ever changing, never the same in perpetual flux, good and bad we are perfect.

We can control our nature, and we will thrive in this universe....
Responsible, we cannot blame the fish for the pollution in the ocean...



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