Dog Poet Transmitting.......
‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.
It looks like Gaddafi is due to go riding in Dolan’s Cadillac any time now. The Iranian ships have gone through the Suez Canal and it turns out Our Man in Pakistan was deep into a massive false flag operation. My, how the dominoes are tumbling... Meanwhile, the Koch Brothers have stirred up a hornet’s nest in Wisconsin.
The dumbest move possible at this point is to engage in class warfare, which amounts to the rich against the vanishing middle class. Ever since Reagan went to war against the air traffic controllers, there has been a systematic dismantling of benefits and opportunities for the base metal that holds American society together and that is The Middle Class. When a society is going great guns, the middle class is doing well. When the opposite is the case, the middle class is going down the tubes.
Who is the antithesis of fair play in America (well, there are many, it’s true)? That would be Wal-Mart and what does this little item say? Is this a coincidence, given the right wing corporate push against unions? Why is Wal-Mart experiencing problems? Because they went in the opposite direction of the founder’s motto; providing ‘everyday low prices to the American working class’. Irony alert!!!
As that brilliant madman said some years ago, “Those whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad. There are a number of definitions of insanity, depending on who is doing the diagnosis. Some say that it is, “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Some might say it is any radical departure from the behavior of the norm. Some might say that it is when you get information from someone who is not actually there. How can you get information from someone who doesn’t exist? My diagnosis of insanity is when you go against your own best interests and destroy the medium of your own sustenance; that can also include cutting yourself off from reasonable intel that goes counter to what appetite and greed demand.
In my definition, that makes Wal-Mart insane because, however indirectly it may be taking place, they are engaged in destroying the customer base that made them successful. The United States government is directly engaged in destroying the country because they permitted the corporations to avoid paying taxes and did away with the manufacturing base, in order to bring their cheaper products more cheaply to market, in order to maximize their profits. Wanting more and more when you already have more than you can possibly use, is definitely insane and it is the business model of the present day. Insanity is epidemic at the moment and it has taken many forms of expression. It is driven by basic passions which are inflamed in a world devoted to material concerns. You know these passions; greed, lust, anger and all of their siblings. These negative archetypes are ‘walking tall’ with a big stick through the landscape of the collective human mind. These motivations always fail in terms of global control but those so engaged are blind to all the examples of the past and motor on regardless. They are insane.
One of my invisible friends said to me (he was either the Big Kahuna or his agent) that he was going to show up right in the middle of the criminal affairs of those engaging in predatory acts against their fellows and catch them with their pants down. He is going to show up among them, encourage them to even greater acts of depravity and then put the video on YouTube, metaphorically speaking. This is happening to nations as it is happening to individuals. Raymond Davis is an example of this as an individual. Israel, the US and England are the major examples of nations that are in the hands of crazy people. Technically, the US is only a cum dumpster for Israel but you get the same sentence for participating in an armed robbery, whether you shot the teller or not. You are all equally responsible.
We are on the verge of a perfect storm. Israel is mounted on the US from behind and, though we can’t hear the words she is whispering in the ear, we can intuit the various possibilities. I’m not talking about the terms of endearment like, “You filthy little whore, you know you love it” or “Who owns this ass”? “You do (gasp, whimper)! “WHO OWNS THIS ASS”? “YOU DO (oh god, oh god)!!!”. I’m talking about the likely plans of operation, once the sad acts of violation are complete.
We have revolutions all through the Arab world and they are headed to Saudi Arabia and everywhere else they may not have gotten to yet. We have shrieking victims with head wounds beginning to scream that Iran did whatever it was. We have the Gaza Strip opening into the Sinai. We have trepidacious rumblings of global, economic collapse. We have oil about to go through the roof and the very kind of people engaged in its transfer and valuation that are the most equipped and motivated to squeeze the last drop of blood from that stone. We have an American CIA operative engaged in a false flag attempt against an ally; this is known as an Israeli gambit. He was nailed red handed and also killed two Pakistani intelligence agents. Here is why this sort of thing is going on and why the US is trying to get the taste out of her mouth after the recent kneeling, public fellatio performed on Israel in front of the United Nations by Susan Rice.
The United States government is no longer in a position to maintain any credibility with its citizens concerning just about anything that has gone on in the last years; BPee in the Gulf, the robo-mortgage scam, the banker bailouts, 9/11, the gratuitous wars going bad. The list is very long. Critical mass is just now pulling into town and it won’t be long before it all starts to come out like a backed up toilet, where the septic tank is being hit by torrential rains (been there). Old shits and other excrescences, believed to be long gone, are about to flood back into the house as most compelling evidence. “My god, that stinks!” “Who’s responsible for this”?
The awakening is about to go into overdrive as the scales fall from people’s eyes and governments and dynasties fall right along with them. Israel and her ho, the US need a major event. They need a war where they can make a serious statement and get the attention off of what the awakening is presenting and what cosmic forces are engineering. Whatever they do, no matter what it is, it will only make it worse for them. I was told that everything that is attempted by the deluded and psychopathic, will turn on them with a vengeance.
People say, “You say change is coming. Where is it”? I get variants of this from people who poked out their own eyes with a sharp stick. My god... you can’t see what’s happening? Well, very shortly it won’t matter how blind, stupid or how deep in denial you are because a hard rain is about to fall on those who have been seeding the clouds all this long time past. It’s not going to rain hard everywhere. Interestingly, I saw no sign of the winter that was in the news these last months. When I was in Italy, it was in the upper 60’s and sunshiny beautiful nearly the whole time. When I got back here it went sunshiny beautiful as it is today (looking out my office window). I’m not attributing that to my being there. Hundreds of thousands experienced this weather along with me. Your state of mind and your intentions have caused every one of you to be where you are and up to whatever you are up to and you can change it any time.
We are on the verge of ‘any moment now’. Panic is streaming through the corridors of power along with the insane hubris that anything can be fixed with money, guns and lawyers. For those who live in a wysiwyg world it can appear that way. However, it’s what you can’t see that’s in control, as you are about to find out. Evil is rising like curdled cream to the surface. Dead bodies and stinking turds from across the ages are bobbing like poisoned apples. Dead mouths are speaking in forensic tongues. We are now finding out that most of the Old Testament is bullshit, except for what is written in Gematria code. It’s all being revealed. It’s all coming out. Be prepared to be astonished and remember that it is all under control. The Light Brigade is here, accent on ‘light’ and forget about the plot of the poem. This time will be different.
If you are only watching and listening to neo-Pharisee network news you are hearing only spin. What this means is that change is going to directly impact on your lives because you can’t be reached otherwise. Everyone is going to hear and see and that moment is right around the corner.
End Transmission.......
'I Don't Love You Anymore' is track no. 3 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

"We are now finding out that most of the Old Testament is bullshit, except for what is written in Gematria code."
Is there a specific source you'd care to share for this statement?
Go to What Really Happened for the last week. He's got many articles on what scholars are finding out, that the Jews of that time stole the history of other peoples and recorded it as their own. it could have happened much later too, I'm not a scholar but happen it did. The information is pretty impressive and you can also find out a lot of this by proper use of keywords in a search engine. I thought everyone had been reading these things all along which is why I didn't go looking for source material to link.
We know that the majority of history is bullshit. It stands to reason that religion would reflect that and there is lots of precedence.
Dear Les,
Your in top form today!
Great Post.
"Everyone is going to hear and see and that moment is right around the corner."
I don't know much of anything, but I know this is very true.
Irony hits daily, and I no longer find myself angry or frustrated by it. As a matter of fact must of it is looking funnier every day.
Watching the blind child bleat her frustration at her awakened sister does cause me to reinforce the little one, and remind her to consider the source.
I will be with you in spirit, but I do not think I’ll be traveling around the solstice. The Financials are going to start going wacko around the vernal equinox, and by June there may well be much disruption in the support structures. It might even be getting weird. Sounds like a good opportunity to see if this projection thing can let me join you anyway.
Remember: When the going gets weird, the Weird turn pro.
Yeah the spin on those articles about stolen history are fascinating.
I find this interesting:
Both by what they find, and what they don’t.
Garden in planning mode here in the alley,
"Meanwhile, the Koch Brothers have stirred up a hornet’s nest in Wisconsin."
A fine analysis of the plot can be had at WisCONsin -- or: Koch is the new Enron, one of Joe Cannon's Cannonfire episodes.
so....the false flag in pak is rather similar to what i am assuming might have engineered the current unrest in several other mideast countries. makes more sense anyway.
i rarely feel envious, but oh, i will envy those of you able to gather for that visit! you lucky ducks you! i will be there in mind and spirit. you will know its me. i laugh a lot, and i have a potty mouth. my intentions are stellar. it will drive you up a wall. that will be me :)
off topic but.....
I see Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has been elected Zionist mayor of Chicago.
All I can add to that is, Fuck Chicago, fuck the USA they deserve what they get. I don’t care who the money men are behind him the people still had to vote for him. The same thing happens all over the world now. There is only one thing I hate more that humans and that is people.
Here some images that came to mind while reading your article.
Feeling the love from our dearest ally.
The pending shitnami. When he exits, run!
The crooked will be shown what walking tall means.
wv: supho (can you believe it?)
Dave, I strongly recommend:
"The Laughing Jesus" by
Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy
It lays it out about the "Good Book" and what the tribe claim as their exclusive own.
Les, count me in for the solstice. I think it's a fantastic idea.
Sorry Les didn’t mean that little out-burst earlier on, must be something in the air. The story caught me off guard and I had a kneejerk reaction. Good job I don’t own a gun.
Hello Les.
It's probably wrong; but after a few days of intense anger; now, in a perverse way I'm really glad the US vetoed the latest UN resolution. This decision is to me the final straw; the moment in which many, many US people will finally wake up.
The veto and Obama's Cairo speech glaringly exposes to those still fast asleep, that the things Obama holds in his heart are his intention for foreign policy to carry on as per usual; that the US will continue to capitulate to Israel, that there will be no sustained effort to remotely listen to the world at large, or to learn from anything, or anyone.
It also demonstrates that he happens to be a black man with a momentous lily liver, is a consummate liar without an iota of respect for himself, nor his country.
Not sure if the Davies scenario is accurate though; why go all around the houses and bother to sell a dirty bomb to the Taliban; when all they have to do is use the same mechanisms they used for 9/11 and do it themselves?
Talking about Walmarts gradual demise Les(the sooner the better for me, the damage done to small independent retailers by the Walmarts of this world is horrifying, although we the public are just as much to blame; as you know) one only has to watch 'The Apprentice' to realise why.
The US and UK TV programmes feature a continuous shower of utterly charmless, self-absorbed and largely talentless narcissists who are supposedly skimmed from the up-and-coming cream of the entrepreneurial business sector, the so-called brightest and best we have to offer. I think it fair to say that the same applies across the board.
What we appear to have in both the US and the UK is an over abundance of cuff-shooting cretins who have bullied their way into positions of authority, whilst actually producing anything of worth, and leaving absolutely nothing but destruction in their wake.
Apart from their ridiculously comedic, egocentric vanities; what is also immediately apparent, if one studies and listens to those holding any position of power in business and/or government today; is their utter ineptness at handling anything at all other than ordering we the people/each other around.
The narcissistic business ethos that is prevelent today is to produce as little as possible, with maximum return to the self, and as can be seen clearly on a daily basis now; it is ultimately self-destructive.
Liked reading today... helped me from feeling so alone.
Yeah, the box seems to be ready to bust open, but I'm old enough to remember those same feelings in the 1960's. Back then, I hoped not. Today, I hope so. Maybe both hopes will materialize right.
Would like to meet up and do some laughing and backslapping, but like Roger Miller's song, I'm busted. Maybe I'll just ride the bike, watch the wind blow, see how the birds live without caring about any of this stuff, and especially, try to breathe right. Maybe spell right too. If I'm lucky, that is.
Godspeed to you. PoTai.
It seems that whoever wrote "lead us not into temptation" in the Lord's Prayer. knew something. Now the bad guys are being led into temptation, and then punished for succumbing to it.
I read a while back that Israel offered sanctuary in the land they are squatting on to Mubarak as a safe haven for his end of days. I read yesterday, that Gaddafi's Mother was jewish, which qualifies Gaddafi for the Law of Return ... rights to squat with the others in Israel. I think the big reveal is on.
Wisconsinites did not vote for the republican Govenor. This is yet another voting machine switcharoo from the votes for democrats to republicans. Same thing happened in Texas. Repugnant Perry didn't win, the election was rigged, beginning with the burning of the warehouse full of voting machines in Houston that Karl Rove hadn't gotten to "calibrate" yet. Borrowed rigged machines were plenty on voting day. Americans didn't vote for Bush jr in 2000 or in 2004. We Americans may be guilty of plenty of piggish things, but voting for Bush jr to be president we are NOT guilty of.
I hear some nice energy is coming in March, around the equinox. I think I am already feeling it stir inside.
wv: grang .... there's a new grang in town, and it ain't like the old one.
I just got this from Martin Kearns. He's cataloging the radio shows and hopes that when and if anyone listens to any particular show they will pick out a sentence or two that they think especially galvanic and send it to him.
Here is his commentary (email)
"Christa and Erik are very busy – I know that – might you though, seek volunteers through your blog comments at SM and VO etc. to visit the radio site – and nominate one show each to listen to, and provide a strapline? Ask them to mail their chosen strapline to me…. Or is this too much to ask for? An alternative is that myself and a few friends listen to multiple shows each (a treat in itself, but time is something of a premium with most people I know at the moment)."
and here is his email
Okay... what's next? Ah... right.
Here's a free download site for a good book about the symbolism of the scriptures.Alvin Boyd Kuhn's The Lost Light:An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures.
His other books, such as Who is the King of Glory? are along similar lines.
Hmm, I don't see what the deal in Wisconsin is. The government is broke and can't pay for another year of the same old same old. And why would anyone think that public servants should have a union, much less a mandatory join union? The public servant is in a monopoly position, if I don't pay his or her salary, a man with a gun takes me to prison. How can you have a union in that situation? Where they bargain, the government has nothing to lose and the taxpayer pays either way.
So we have a corrupt and broke government that can't pay it's parasites and cronies any longer. It's not a war on the middle class in my eyes, just a disagreement with a whore and pimp. And yes, I have kids in public and private school and thank the Lord for every good and honest and human teacher left in the system.
As far as Walmart goes, I think it died along with John Walton in that plane crash. Dang but those plane crashes are selective. How come Ted Kennedy or Bill Clinton never died in a plane crash?
Someone talked about Walmart destroying independent retailers. Bull. I am in a small town, we had a bunch of crooked colluding retailers that screwed you every chance they could. Walmart has driven some of the bastards out of business, the survivors are a lot friendlier then they used to be.
Actually, I am a small retailer, a medical office actually. I compete with two big hospital systems. We survive by doing good work, reasonable prices, we employ human beings and treat them as such. The people who use us appreciate it. Anyhow, if Walmart supports the average person it will do well, if it get's greedy and corporate it will bankrupt. Whatever.
Les, a visit to Italy would be great, if some time and money shows up. I'll pray and work at it, thanks for the good work.
you know what les? its perhaps a long shot, BUT.....all this activity here in usa to break the unions, drive up unemployment, erode "your right to work", make you grovel for tiny jobs with tiny pay and no job what it this is the best way to drive us into accepting lower pay, lesser jobs, no benefits? i mean, the best way to make a victim feel good about it is if they feel they had some say in the torture, if they feel they fought and WON a few, and if they feel they now own YOU. that is the basic psyche of what is being done in the mideast countries, the infiltrators are creating the victims and then giving the "victims" the opportunity to fight and "win", and of course, then the victims love their new leader......boy, am i slow or WHAT :))
gurneygob, i am very glad you do not own a gun too :))......hey, dont hold it against chicago. they were totally prison-raped in this one. i doubt any votes were even for old rahm. not even the made-up ones, loool.
The reason the government is broke in Wisconsin is because two thirds of the corporations pay no income tax. They are the ones that want the middle class to pick up the slack
Regarding insanity among TPTB ... I came across this little gem. They really are mad as a bag of cats.
You mention the corporate taxes (lack of) in Wisconsin. Yes, but it's deeper, the welfare state in the USA is collapsing just like Imperial Rome did. Bread and circuses. Make the populace addicts to the welfare so they vote for more. Free food stamps, monthly checks, more if you have kids. The USA food stamp program is 40m people last year. I don't know who pays the taxes anymore. Not the rich, not the poor, not the corporations. We just print money.
The government gives money to corporations because they give some back as bribes. They give it to the so called poor so as to buy votes. I think we have set a all time world record for the obesity rate in our poor people. What hypocrisy.
Anyhow, if the politicians overly tax corporations then they leave the offending states. Even the country. Halliburton moved all the way to Dubai, right? And then you have no corporate taxes and jobless people. It's not even evil maybe, just an accounting decision. An investment in a move that will be recouped by lower taxes elsewhere.
Look at California. Great welfare, high corporate taxes, they are broke. The social contract is void by virtue of bankruptcy of the state.
A better answer to me may be for a state to get rid of the big corporations and just let people start industry within the state. Take away a lot of the poison called welfare, reduce the taxes, go easy on startup business and strangling regulations and license fees and see what happens. Keep tight labor and OSHA regs though.
That's bad politics though, right? People got their rights (to government handouts)! Gotta get whats owed them by everyone else! Time and a half, double time on holidays. Triple overtimes if it's a holiday on a weekend!
I grew up partially in Detroit. I watched greedy poorly run corporations get in bed with big labor and big government. What a screwing for the people! Still, that marvelous beast called the American Auto worker was something else. With exceptions, there were good people at every level of the crumbling US auto industry. Still the worker was spoiled, highly paid, often drunk or drug using, unfirable.
Anyhow, the corporations are a symptom and part of the problem I think. And corrupt big labor and big government. And in the midst of it is the spoiled ignorant population that think that their inalienable rights include free beer and TV. And jobs with triple overtime and fat pensions.
Bah, I'm cynical recently. Things are swirling so fast...
Do a research on late Ron Wyatt. God lead him to find the real Noah's Ark,Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia and more. He claimed to found the Ark of the Covenant.
There is evident around the world to support that there is civilization before the Noah's flood but has been suppress to support the Evolution Theory.
This prove that the biblical story is real.
I feel so fortunate that I purchased my front row tickets so far in advance for these spectacularly mesmerizing shows. Sit back and take in the double feature "As You Sow, So Shall You Reap" followed by "Truth alone Triumphs", on multiple split screens with surround sound. It was worth the wait.
Hmm, I wonder if it's sold out?
A claim is not proof. The Old Testament did not happen to the Jews but to other peoples as is being proven by various researchers. The tales in the Bible are timeless allegories upon circling states of passage. The first thing Christianity did was to graft all of it's holidays on to the pagan ones and replaced one set of Gods with another but called them saints and prophets instead.
I don't mean to disparage any religion in its essence because they are all true and enduring but the literal renderings have been corrupted to serve venal interests. I am in the unpleasant position of being compelled to say certain things. That said, I'll take my licks accordingly but I won't change my mind until I have direct experiential evidence to the contrary/
once again a brilliant smack into the dark hearts of the amerikan empire of theft and lies, luv the backed up toilet analogy..yes the united snakes is right now a backed up toilet. ready to explode..our man in pakiss-stain..the blood stains the tiles...this guy is a real piece of cia workmanship..they should tear him into little pieces..imagine trying to start!!!!
I grew up in Chicago. The Dems have long controlled things there. I used to joke that if Satan ran as a democrat against Jesus Christ himself, that Satan would win.
This week, that joke became a reality with the election of Rahm Emanuel. In fact, the devil didn't even have to satisfy the residency requirement.
"Israel, the US and England are the major examples of nations that are in the hands of CRAZY PEOPLE."
Yes, that's been my term for them, too! "THE CRAZY PEOPLE",if people indeed they be. (the self-described "ELITE". GIVE ME A BREAK!!!)
Thanks for all you do. You bring a hopeful light to the world.
This is why the State of Israel was created in the first place...Imagine when Americans find out who plundered their country...all this zionists jews will get on a plane and fly home. No extraditions...and armed with nuclear weapons ...they will threat a new holocaust ..
Satan and Jesus are going to do battle in the ring.
The whole town turns out.
The betting is heavy.
Every bet (including the priest and minister)is on Satan, except for one solitary bet on Jesus.
The fight starts!
Jesus taps Satan on the hip and down goes Satan!
Down goes Satan!
The ref counts ten and Satan is out. KO! Satan loses..
The one lone better who bet on Jesus wins big.
Wins everything, in fact.
Wins it all.
Who made the lone bet on Jesus?
There are more than a couple of nations which could deliver nukes on Israel in a matter of minutes.
They could deliver a dozen nukes in ten minutes or less.
These supersonic cruise missiles could not even be tracked or identified as to who fired them.
This is a reality.
Think the Israelis don't realize this?
Think Putin hasn't told them to their face he will do this?
The Chinese don't even have to say it.
corporate falsity
government lies
corrupted institutions
delusional crys
systematic abuse
political turmoil
confusion disrespect
intolerence boils
parasites withering
vampire screams
empire falling
in broken down dreams
liberation wake's
circulating devout
reaching through time
revolution in out
Here’s one out of left field folks that’s emerging. There’s an archaeological dig going on in Turkey called Gobekli Tepe – it’s not too far from Mount Ararat. Check this out and see what you think about savages running around in loin cloths with stone tools 12,000 years ago. See how they try to make it fit.
History is a lie – plain and simple. The famous biblical flood happened about 11000 years ago – that’s only about 7000 years earlier than claimed by the money changers. We have been here a lot longer than they want to admit. What were we up to way back when?
Soup Dragon,
Hey! I resent that (or maybe I represent that, I get so confused).
Brother Les,
You said “I was told that everything that is attempted by the deluded and psychopathic, will turn on them with a vengeance.”
I have been given this message about 1000 times now. I was also told it will not matter what the insane do cause no matter what and how they try to save their shit they just wont be able to. They have set aside the debt they owe for to long and its coming down on them like a mountain of 100 pound shit bags stacked two miles high.
We are now finding out that most of the Old Testament is bullshit, except for what is written in Gematria code. “
Your spot on there. Most of the Old Testament came from nothing more than I higher dimensional being that has been pissed off since the introduction of free will on this planet. He did not think his little creations would be able to see past him to the real I Am and would always serve him. Somehow eating that fruit from the tree of knowledge just changed things for him and he has been pissed ever since. Though they should not call it the knowledge of good and evil they should call it the knowledge of Service to Self or Service to Othe-Self. Since that is what that is the knowledge that is actually given. To know when you are serving just yourself in a completely selfish manor or when you are serving yourself by helping/serving those of Other-Self.
I am lazy so I will take the path of less work and do the Service to Other-Self path which requires only 51% or better score to move on verses a 90+% requirement if you walk the Service to Self path. Speaking of that I think that so many are on that Service to Self path and that is why you hear them make comments about how hard/difficult life is.
“Be prepared to be astonished and remember that it is all under control.”
Perhaps our Other-Selves should wake up to the fact that in essence they are part of the control mechanism that has been put in place. Sure one may not see it that way but that is the reality of it. They are help or hinder those that are on one of the two paths already with their actions or lack of action.
“The Light Brigade is here”
Brother we have always been here just our numbers are more and more as the time for harvest grows closer and closer. Harvest time is truly an amazing time since there are so many from so many dimensions walking around and willing to help anyone and everyone if they would only take the time to stop and listen to what it is they actually have to say.
An yes many of the Sleepers have awakened and now remember why it is they actually came here in the first place.
I leave you in the glory and peace of unity. Go forth in peace, rejoicing in the power of the One Creator.
Quick update for those that have never taken time to study the history not allowed to be taught in most fool systems... uh I mean schools.
First off: the term Jew was a derogatory word used by the Romans of the time in reference to those living in the location then known as Judea. So those calling themselves Jews today and claiming to be some gods chosen people are nothing more than a band of liars, impostors, and murderous thieves.
Secondly:The supposed chosen people from said Old Testament were called ISRAELITES. Now Google this here phrase ( jews are not israelites ) and probably the very first link you come across will be this one
Now there they will show you in a book written by a jew that jews are not Israelites.
"Jewish author', Arthur Koestler has published a 255 page book titled THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE in which he proves the same point of the earlier scholars; i.e. that these Eastern European "Jews" are neither Israelites nor "Semites," but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and people of Hun descent!"
They are not even semites so they have no damn real right to use the label that they so often do to scare people into submission that being anti-semite.
Here is another one for ya. Lets take this NAZI thing. I bet most of you do not know that there is only two places where that 4 letter combination is used one represent the political structure of half jew hitler and the other is in the sect of jews called ashkenazi. Put that in your pipe smoke it and think on it for a bit.
Lies lies and more lies is what you will get out of those people. They take and make good evil and evil good.
Hence why 4th dimensional being that came to teach called Christos said they are of their father the Devil and they are liars and murderers just like he is. Hint you can find that in the book of John the one that the liars would love to have torn out of the New Testament.
Yet they did an even better job of hiding far more valuable information when they had the Gnostic texts/teachings removed.
So hopefully that will help clear up some of the twisted history that you learned in the fool systems.
I leave you in the glory and the peace of the One Creator. Rejoice in the love/light, and go forth in the power of the One Creator. In joy, I leave you.
Hi Les and all,
Frog (12:45),
Thanks for filling in the picture on the Wisconsin situation. I think you're absolutely right. The Welfare-State, and Big Labor are as much a part of our problem as corrupt-puppet-politicians doing the bidding of their corporate masters.
Here are two of my favorite commentators, Alex Jones and Catherine Austin Fitts, painting a similar picture in a recent interview:
Les, i realize you've had a beef with AJ in the past or you consider him to be disinfo etc...However, check out this interview with Catherine. he even dismisses prospective candidate for evil profile, jon stewart. i'm an active member of the AJ fan club and grateful for his work. i'm also a big dog poet fan and have been reading your blogs "religiously" for several years now. i believe we (you, me, AJ, Catherine) are all on the same side.
Well my dear friend, if I could write as you I would have scribed your post to the letter.
I have experienced a profound moment of synchronicity. Not half baked - full on. My fingers are tingling.
I take it as read that you are most familiar with the great late Jung!
I will have a cup of tea to settle my nerves before I delve in to the comments :)
Kindest to all
PS essential food stuffs are disappearing from the shelves by the day here in Siam. I bought the last available peas, beans, pasta and tomatoes (canned that is) just the other day. Only people who seem to be aware are restaurateurs’.
If we are spiritual beings then how we interact and treat others is a spiritual act with spiritual outcomes.
I am in a do or die situation. This is a social statement as well. There are millions like me who are on the
last strings. We shall see both on the individual levels and the mass consciousness level how man will
treat man.
We are in for very harsh times. it is going to escalate.
In dark times, as the ones coming which will be before the new
times of light, things will be as they have not been in a long time. The opening act has been played out before us on the international stage. A new meme is being put into mass consciousness - violence.
This time we are at the end of a 25,000 year cycle. What happened the last time? History has been tampered with so as to
blur the answer to that. There may be evidence laying about India and Libya. Maybe even a few other places.
One must decide what is important in these times. The head, the heart, the body, the soul? This realm or the next?
Illusions abound. The only voice that one should trust is the one within. These times are upon us. The body, the mind, and
the soul must be ready....
Nice piece but the puzzle has not yet been out together yet. Picture this a way that recognizes, diagnosed and holds the cure for many of the ills you refer to.....the smashing of the idols of what we have been sold about God, war on the usurers, governance for the people, and end to centralized control, penitentiary punishment, an end to the lies of human "rights", real currency chosen by the people and not controlled by any oligarchic elite - action - creation - direction :
There is a new Profiles in Evil up-
Petraeus and Lieberman sing the Arias of Hell.
This isn't a site to advertise your own answers (and seek contacts like this is a public bulletin board) as if I didn't have them but you do. I don't claim to. Let's just say I notice things. This is an indication of things not slipping past me
Very good to here the truth for a moment.
When George stinkin walker BUSH swings on tv like sad sac Saddam then I know its ok to come back to the USA!
"I thought everyone had been reading these things all along which is why I didn't go looking for source material to link."
Of course I have... I just thought that you may have been privy to something new, or different... or maybe a single concise document.
Thanks for writing,
wv: relaugh; No doubt I will relaugh at those "wealthy" fux that I have already laughed at for their pathetic indifference to the world and the penalty they will surely pay.
Illinois is, and has been corrupt for many, many years - Chicago even more so. This spans all denominations that you'd care to apply. Elections? I relaugh. Rahm? 20 pounds of shit in a five pound bag - gunna burst post haste.
However, on the state of States, ALL States are such sewers governmentally, the dimwits here are just more proud of their misdeeds and ignorance than most.
Disgusting indeed.
With respect; I can't understand what you are saying in your posts? You appear to feel so much bitterness toward a small percentage of people who are in fact an 'effect' of the economic systems in place, not the cause?
Your two posts also appear to indicate that rather than the corporates sucking the life blood out of everything and anything it/they touch(es); it is those on welfare who are to blame for all our ills? It also seems, if one reads on, that you blame one, then the other, then both in turn, or at the same time, which comes across as a little contradictory?
You also appear to feel that corporates such as Walmart don't destroy independent retailers; but in the next breath state that they do, but that it's their own fault? Various studies have demonstrated that Independent Retailers actually create more wealth overall in areas, more jobs repectively and less poverty than corporates.
Could I ask; Do you really blame those on welfare when a high proportion of incomes fall so far below Federal Poverty line that many of the so called middle classes are now also having to resort to claiming food stamps?
Tell me Frog; what are these people supposed to do, when the US systems in place always ensure that a large majority of the populace cannot afford to live in the way the systems dictate that they must; even though said systems and mechanisms have been deliberately set up to ensure that they can't? It's so clever; and it also ensures that those who are the victims (bottom) of the 'ladder' system are vehemnantly blamed by those further up; It makes me sick at heart.
It also annoys me greatly when simplistic answers such as 'live off the land' or 'get out of the system' are given in response. As a collective this would always be a good thing; but while these economic systems that dominate all of us remain in place, those people with families and other dependents to feed; and not a remote hope of buying a smallholding, or piece of land big enough on which to be wholly self sufficient, have no choice but to try to survive in this 'world'.
As for Walmart and the many other corporations that continue to be worms in mankinds bottom; it has been proven so many times through many economic studies that they pay very little tax; drag back, any they do pay via billions in subsidies, tax appeals and free land; Independent retailers are expected to pay their taxes without any such concessions; the corporates impact and tax revenue losses is enough to make your hair curl.
Walmart and other corporate employee policies also ensure that US welfare is further drained by their employee health care benefits, which consist of excessive out-of-pocket costs, expensive premiums, surcharges, ridiculous exclusions and very high deductibles, this ensures few employees contribute rather than use public health services. Walmart and other corporations are the epitomy of the psychopath, they drain people (and this case places too) until they have nothing left to give, then move on.
I misread a comment here and so I was incorrect with my response, not getting the direction of the comment. That can happen given how many comments I field in a day; sorry about that.
Hello Les.
No, English is not my first language.
I thought I understood your intention; but it appears I was incorrect (smile).
My commentary was for Frog, who appeared to me to exhibit a remanoir of the uniquely American course of conduct where focusing on welfare rather than on poverty appears to be the norm; along with the automatic assumption that all welfare recipients are work-shy and morally inferior to others.
My intention was to put forward the observation that most Americans appear to want more and more when they already have more than they can possibly use; but they are not lief for any excess to be redistributed, even though the psychopathic systems in place are responsible for the poison (which I personally dispute), not the recipients.
As you stated Les; "Insanity is epidemic at the moment and it has taken many forms of expression. It is driven by basic passions which are inflamed in a world devoted to material concerns". Its not just the elite who are insane.
I am sorry for my oversight, besides having to field a lot more correspondence than normal I've also got to go to the hospital tomorrow and it's on my mind whether I like it or not. I shouldn't use it as an excuse but the truth is that I haven't been able to pay as full attention as I have in the past. I'm hoping my mindset will be improved on my return.
Thanks for being understanding.
Hello again Les.
It's a wholly valid excuse to my mind.
I hope all goes well for you tomorrow; any surgery, no matter how routine is always a weighty concern for the recipient.
With that in mind I send you my best wishes for peace of mind and a speedy recovery.
I'd just like to mention if I may, that in my last response I was disputing welfare as poison, not the psychopathic systems in place.
On re-reading, I was a little concerned that the sentence could be misconstrued.
All the best for Friday Les; a nip and a tuck - she'll be right mate.
I wrote what I wrote. You didn't really read what I said or else I'm sorry I wrote it poorly.
Blame corporations if you want, sanctify the "welfare state" if you want. Makes no difference to me. I think Walmart is as big as it is because it served average people well. Why don't you put your money in your mouth and go to a Walmart and tell the employees they work for a parasite and therefore are parasites too.
What is Walmart other than a small retailer that was successful and got big? Are you going to draw a parasite line and close companies when they make a certain amount of money? Have you started a business or do you just talk about breaking other peoples work? When Walmart no longer functions it should go bankrupt. They exist because *people shop there*. Are you one of the guys that knows better? Would you tell all the shoppers their mistake, force them to do otherwise?
I run a small business, employ about 30 souls and care about each of them. I provide medical, sick leave, military leave, and good wages. I compete in a small town with *much* larger places and survive. Even though they have grant writers and lobbyists and constantly get money from the state and the fed. My competitors are non profit(LOL);they pay no taxes. And yes, somehow I do pay taxes. Payroll taxes, corporate tax, social security tax, sales tax. And then when I get my paycheck, I pay it all again. Blank you and your views on corporations. Start one up like me, employ people like me, then we can talk.
My business and family survive in a hard economy because I treat other people like people, not chattel. If my business gets killed by anything it will be federal and state regulations and license fees. Those are written by the big places and accepted by corrupt legislators, cheered by ignorant do-gooders.
Why do my posts read like they do (angry)? Maybe it's because I feel that (almost) everything is corrupt. The connections between the banks, government, corporations, non profit institutions, big labor all ensure corruption and the destruction of the people that allow it. Sadly, most people participate in their own planned demise. Out of my friends and acquaintances, the vast majority look at me as a kook, while they discuss which IRA is better because it gives them 12% vs 10%.
Federal poverty line? Don't quote crap government statistics at me you shill. I see people in the store buying smokes who told me they can't pay their bill to my business. Buying water with food stamps so they can return it for cash for their vices. Then jumping into their new SUVs. I can't pay the good people that work for me if I can't bring in income.
Am I cynical? Yes. This world, the deception, the lies, the daily murder all makes me sick. And, my taxes makes it all possible. Somedays I wonder if the divine will ask me how I justified paying money to fund our foreign wars, 9-11s, body scanners, why I did nothing. I don't know how I would answer. I hope that employing and helping other human beings balances the scale. Give unto Caesar...
What are people to do when the system is stacked against them you ask? Ask Jefferson and Washington, ask Robespierre, they may have ideas.
This post is kinda angry, I feel us/society swirling the drain. I fear for my children. I have no time for guys who blame corporations or any other single factor. You think the government will help anyone? Unions? You think anything will help people who won't help themselves? All these corrupt things are needed in their own way but in the end "The System" is made up of people and it's almost all corrupt. Draw your own conclusions.
Chuckeyman the video has been deleted
You said:
"My commentary was for Frog, who appeared to me to exhibit a remanoir of the uniquely American course of conduct where focusing on welfare rather than on poverty appears to be the norm; along with the automatic assumption that all welfare recipients are work-shy and morally inferior to others."
You sir, are truly arrogant. I said no such thing nor do I believe it. I believe in the need for charity, just question whether it should be given by the government, collected in taxes at the point of a gun, distributed to people that then vote for the givers. A good recipe for corruption.
Do you really judge me like that? Perhaps it's the english language that is the problem here or perhaps you are a pompous prig.In any case, I do not however accept your judgement, nor am I guilty of your accusation.
I agree with you opinion that Americans want more than they can consume. You stereotype sir, but true enough in general. Of course the Europeans are not guilty, right? The Rothschild dynasty is free of this unique American taint? Yes? House of Windsor is respectable, good stewards of the Earth, yes? We won't talk about the upcoming Chinese middle class.
Anyhow, you state that I automatically (read without thought or consideration or chance for other option, like a machine) judge other humans to be inferior is truly repugnant to me. You say bold things about someone you don't know. I'm done with you.
I hope the medical system where you are is good, that you have good physicians you heal.
I work in the medical system in the US, the corruption here is getting impossible. What I do here is mandated by law, punishable by prison or loss of license, written by pharmaceutical companies who's VPs rotate through the federal government. I wonder how long I can keep at it and keep my morals intact.
You are in my prayers, stay well man.
Ok, no more posts today.
I don't think that the evil zionists will be heading for "shelter" in Israel when TSHTF. They'll leave that false refuge for the betrayed and bamboozled zionist schmucks who ignorantly believe it's the chosen land for they, the chosen people. No, the evil ones are headed to South America where they think they will be safe from all the fallout BUT it may not be as protected there as they think ... no matter what preparations they are making.
M. Rocknest (Em)
Let's all recognize that things get said here that are misread and unintended. We scrap sometimes like brothers and sisters do but our love should define the further outcome and it's the mark of a master to take the left hand side of the bargain. It's a blessing when one can be wrong, even if they are not, if it makes everyone else in the equation right (there's something wrong with that last statement-grin).
Anyway, let's be easy on each other and recognize that these are trying times when we might be less understanding and forgiving than normal; since normal has left the building.
Thanks for letting me know Anon @ 12:06
This is the link I made such a bad job of posting (grin)
It’s about the uncovering of a temple that was dated as 12,000 years old. Check out the carved pillars – this from hunter-gathers using stone age tools. For reference Stonehenge is dated as approximately from 3100 BCE.
Alternatively this is a ‘fluff’ piece form the History channel.
The Village Idiot returns! With some sharp information. I'll put it here because he posted it to an outdated mirror-
The Village Idiot has left a new comment on your post "Julian Assange and Abe Foxman get Married.":
"Hello there Les, I'm doing the slow catch-up thing again and read this in the comments just now...
Quoting a previous comment: "long john said...
that chick has been around the scene for quite sometime. i remember seeing her tripping at greatful dead shows years ago. i also used to watch her youtube videos a few years back. i think she used to live around arcata california. and i believe she was also involved with a noted acid chemist, somehere out in the mid-west. she reminds me of a girlfriend i once had, who was a cousin to Owsley."
Ahh yes, that'd be Krystal Ann Cole Skinner, former girlfriend and accomplice of the guy who got Pickard busted in Kansas, setting the scene back at least ten years. Granted, Pickard was two-faced as well, having done the same thing to someone else years earlier (resulting in 'the family' no longer having his back which is why he went down).
So yes, she was "involved" with a noted chemist, in the sense that she helped get him busted. She's a narc and has been connected to kidnapping and was accused of torture along the way.
She's big-time trouble and a profiteer with no conscience who is not doing or saying anything original or particularly helpful for the psychedelic community, and many knowledgeable members of that community believe her to be a major reason why Salvia divinorum is now being banned in more an more U.S. states thanks to her videos that are doing little more than giving bad ideas to idiots (or good ideas to bad people) who then go on to do stupid things that result in calls for banning this or that.
But don't take my word for it:
This is a Word document of relevant court documents proving her cooperation w/ DEA:
And this is a crazy but amusingly sensible guy going on an anti-neurosoup youtube rant:
Just thought I'd mention this since I figured you'd like to know (as usual, things are not quite what they seem).
Take care,
The Village Idiot"
Damn V.I. that's good to know and once again a proof of the truth that appearances are deceiving. Thank you!
OK my friends;
I'm off bright and early for the body repair shop in the morning. I'll have a moment to post whatever comes in overnight and then I hope to be in the saddle for the radio show Sunday night. Susanne will post comments while i am gone but there may be more of a delay so this is just to update you on the whatever of it all.
World Party says:
Its about time civilization falls.
I'm sick of the way its been going with this israel bunch poking everyone in the eyes with there hollow-cost this and hollow-cost that and anti-semite this and that and you over there, you looked at israel wrong and so now we attack you goyims.
Germany should stand up and say enough is enough of this foolish shenanigans of israel using germany as a whipping boy.
All problems point to israel involvement. What does that tell you. I'll tell you what that tells you. Israel is run by psychopaths and narcissistic dog and pony circus act clowns destroying the world for there own greedy self indulgences.
I hope israel enjoys irans war ship suez canal penetration into enemy waters off israel.
As for that cia clown act in pakistan. Do what you must when spooks are caught in the act of dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
Now, if we can only sweep the halls of congress and senate of israel, not to forget the bankster gangsters. The world will be at peace.
Hey I forgot to remark:
Now that rahm "never let a good opportunity go to waste" emanuel is top dog of chicago, we'll be seeing a major terrorist attack on the sears tower this coming 2012.
Those atomic pigs they got downtown make fine targets for the zionist destroyers of the goyim.
I hope rahm doesn't show off his cross dressing like pretty in pink little rudy kazooty juliani does.
Just saying, know what I mean.....
Prince William: 5555 days old on Princess Diana’s funeral and more high strangeness:
This synchronicity is happening to me more regularly these past months..whilst reading this latest gem from Les I was listening to "one of these days" Emmylou Harris.."One of these days it will soon be all over..cut & dried"..Excellent.
Thanks, V.I. There was always something strangely off-putting about the NeuroSoup girl, but I could never put my finger on it. Now I see.
wv pignes - It was her pignes.
Hey Frog,
You do seem to be a bit over the top there.
I can assure you that holding up Wal-Mart as an example of corporate success is an error.
I was born and graduated high school less than forty miles from Wal-Mart’s international HQ. I attended the college that was the primary source for middle and upper-level management for the company during the late 70s and early 80s. I met Sam Walton, and although he was ruthless and corrupt, he was still human, and believed in America and what Americans could do. That was success was worthy of admiration, even as the corruption should have been pointed out.
After he died, his children took over. If they have souls, they’ve sold them. Wal-Mart destroys their competitors, the communities they are located in, and their employees, as well as almost every vendor they are associated with. Only Monsanto appears more evil. It is not an accident that the KKK moved their national HQ to Bentonville.
Although I have real issues with some people on the lower rungs, it is more with their willful ignorance, rather than their depend ace on a system designed to hold them there. Some people are there because they should be, but others would not if they could see another way.
Although there are companies that are truly evil, it is not because they are companies, or even corporations, even though “Incorporation” itself I have some issues with. Companies reflect the values of those who run them, and I have seen them turn. They almost never come back to the light.
Some of your arguments appear a bit simplistic, and some of your information seems a little less than accurate.
wv: grach - Definition Scratching at an itch that make you grumpy. Example: After reading Frog's posts I just have to grach. (Hmm. probably needs a "t")
About the Devil quoting scripture when it suits him; I knew a jew who used to say, "Why not? He probably has copyright on a lot of it anyway!"
I tend to disagree about Raymond Davis. He is our James Bond 007. He will be tortured with water deprivation until March 14, 2011. He is an athelete, green beret and has a mild manner according to his friends. He is serving his country as best he knows how and he is our guy and our hero. If there were any way to free him I would be the first to volunteer.
Les --
If only the POPe would help -- hah...
wv dapope like i said...
As for the Old Testament not being true. That too, is one of the best deceptions that the masses will be deceived about. Your physical body and mine and the creation you are abiding in are evidence of the events in the Old Testament. This comment section will not allow me to go into detail. There was a pattern revealed to Moses atop Mt. Sinai and it is a pattern of everything visible and invisible in the universe. The true Israelites have had their identities stolen by a people calling themselves Jews who are not and are of the synagogue of satan. When the true Hebrews are revealed the divine authenticity of the scriptures will be proven by them not these imposters who have bought their way into Jerusalem who have deceived the whole world and place the whole world in divine jeopardy! With the true Elohim of this stellar and ecceliastical universe, Yahshua the Messiah! But the true sons and daughters of Yahweh are not and cannot be deceived by Lucifer and his host which these people are.
I agree with you. The posts were simplistic to some degree, the problems are complex and I wanted to incite thought, not write a treatise.
Sam Waltons corruption and success. Yes. That seems to hold true for many people who succeed in our world. No argument.
His kids: as far as I know, John Walton died in a plane crash, he was the last Walton CEO. According to Wiki, the Walton family holds 39% of the stock collectively. I don't know how much control they have left. Otherwise, you may be right about their souls.
Your statement about some people on lower rungs and willful ignorance. Agreed, well said.
I do feel for people who would not if they had a way out. The systems and laws of the nations seems to always been set to control the individual. Has it not been ever thus? To make it worse, clawing one's way out the pit seems to require Sam Walton's qualities to some degree maybe. Ruthlessness and corruption specifically. Sad thought there.
You say there are companies that are evil. I disagree. They are constructs, only the people are evil. Semantics maybe. Still, if one destroys Monsanto the people who made it into what it is will still be there and gain positions in other corporations. And corrupt them. So it goes. And yes, they never do come back to the light. Someone once told me a truth: Bad administration persists. Period.
You state that some of my information is less than accurate. Please point it out. I would like to profit from such discourse.
Thank you for your time :)
You did indeed incite thought; which prompted me to reply. I just disagreed with your sentiment and no personal offence was intended. Pride; personal, national or other, is often influential in causing divisions between people and in this 'competitive' world of class welfare; the behaviour and attitudes that come with it often stimulate perceptions that may not be wholly accurate. Like Neko I just had an itch that needed to be scratched.
Les extrapolated the insanity of Walmart and more adroitly the overall 'business model' of today. Unlike yourself I believe the actual 'business model' is simplistic and that the casual problems are not at all complex as a result. I also believe that the evidence is actually very compelling with regard to the cause and effect I spoke of in another post, as executed by the small percentage of wilful ignorants who render you personally so embittered and angry.
Yes, corporations are systematic constructs; but I disagree with you that only the people who serve them, not they (it), are evil.
The corporation epitomises (and exploits) the premise of money over life, the 'people' are incidental; in that financial power becomes institutional power, which becomes cultural power; this was explained very well in a book by the author David Korten.
Only the money, which the corporate CEO's and employees are bound to serve, has rights; the ultimate focus is always on the money, not the shareholders, not anyone, or anything else.
The people involved are employed by money to grow money; and to ensure money is reproduced and coveted even at the expense of life. The employees at any level are not necessarily evil (although of course a percentage are, as in any walk of life), they just serve money to reproduce money and to accrue their own money without which, as the financial, institutional, cultural, viciously circular 'business model' of today dictates, they would also be easily compelled to replicate those wilful ignorants.
You inferred that I judged you unfairly Frog and yet I drew my conclusions from your own written thoughts and opinions. I felt my reply was an honest perspective determined by your own composition, rather than a maliciously arrogant judgement?
Again with respect and no personal offence intended; I also take issue with the question of people confusing welfare with 'charity', which was another aspect of your opinion.
Given that the aforementioned 'business model', (or western systems and mechanisms) in place do not adhere to core ethical and moral principles, I am bewildered and confused as to why we must assume that the percentage of people, (even if some are able to find a way out; the systems ensure others must replace those who do) who are unavoidably destined to necessitate help should only be facilitated gratuitously, yet fastidiously selectively, by individuals only if they so wish; rather than via a collective, morally imperative obligation. Does this not exemplify that the cultural aspect of the 'business model' creates the conditioning that makes one continue to possess as much money as possible as an insidious pleasure, for even when superfluous, it is seen as a necessity and as 'mine'?
"Blank you and your views on corporations. Start one up like me, employ people like me, then we can talk"
Frog; once again with the greatest respect; I was wholly unaware that in order to qualify re; hold an opinion, or comment on corporations and welfare; I have to be able to tumble majestically, perform numerous other complex acrobatic feats and also jump through burning hoops backwards.
Forgive my ignorance (smile).
Fantastic article. I really liked this characterization...."Technically, the US is only a cum dumpster for Israel " LMFAO!!! Its so funny because it so true...and I'm working on the visual.
Well we know how well they can mend up this Frankenstein and send it back out for some more horror. While your apocalypse is certainly overdue I suspect it will be more of a slow and enduring process to further weather the middle and poor classes of society. It seems their goal is to drain the energy and take the "fight" out of folks.
You and I are convinced of the atrocities performed daily by our criminal leaders. Many others refuse to accept the truth, and if they do, they are willing to forgive and forget. I term those folks....anal monkeys.
Thanks again.
There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-
The Madman Sees a Kindred Spirit.
from SuiJuis (sorry if I am writing that wrong)
>>First off: the term Jew was a derogatory word used by the Romans of the time in reference to those living in the location then known as Judea. So those calling themselves Jews today and claiming to be some gods chosen people are nothing more than a band of liars, impostors, and murderous thieves.
Secondly:The supposed chosen people from said Old Testament were called ISRAELITES. Now Google this here phrase ( jews are not israelites ) and probably the very first link you come across will be this one<<
I thought the word Jew was from the tribe of Judah, but what you are saying makes sense, as in our Qur'an, God addresses them as "Bani Israeel" Children of Israel/Jacob.
Incidentally, I have read that the Jews of Morocco, Iran and Iraq and those pathan of Afghanistan are descendants of Israel/Jacob. I wonder if that makes those who fight the Afghanis are anti-semitic?
Corporation - an entity set up to do one thing; make as much money as possible for its shareholders.
There is no ceiling here - no mechanism that says "enough". It is a beast loosed on the earth to do one thing and one thing only - make as much money as possible.
If we have decided to give corporations the same status as humans, then we can label them similarly.
They are by their nature insatiable, consuming, uncaring structures. Fucking evil personified as far as I'm concerned.
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