Planetary awakening; the shifting of poles, the catastrophes of a generation of vipers, indifferent to the needs of others, it’s all here in some form but no one knows what shape it will take. There’s a lot of humor too, though it’s bitter and ironic a lot of the time; Sarah Palin and her dumb parrot act about ‘blood libel’, even though it’s not libel anymore than Leo Frank was innocent. Now there’s a wonder of vicious disinfo, turned inside out on itself and birthing the ADL.
People are saying that violence is the result of right wing rhetoric, of course it is but, it’s also because the left and right are two wings on the body of the same vulture who pretend to argue against each other but are both necessary for the bird to fly. Like the cartoon says, “Screw patience, I’m going to go kill something” and, that’s what they do.
It’s a source of sad amusement to me that Bill O’Reilly gets all incensed about the New York Times and that hack, Krugman ...and they both work for the same bank. I saw O’Reilly doing a caricature of his bombastic, all knowing self in a movie recently. Was it Red? Or Iron Man 2? How could he not know he was making fun of himself and making a mockery of all the things he’s so hypocritically passionate about? He has to know. He has to know.
I’ve heard Michael Savage and no one can tell me that that vicious demagogue, like Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, Bachmann and so many others aren’t stoking the hate fires of the people stupid enough to listen to them. They pander to the lowest common denominator and don’t give a shit about anyone or anything except their imagined self importance and the millions they rake in, raking everyone else over the coals. Beck and Bachmann are especially loathsome, although I still can’t tell if Bachmann is real or some kind of Bride of ‘Leo’ Frankenstein. Somebody is going to start shooting these people soon. It’s only a matter of time. O’Reilly whines about having to have 24 hour security. Does anyone see any reason why this shouldn’t be the case? Bill thinks it’s because he’s a man of principle. Some of us are just made differently. That’s all there is to it.
They want to make laws that you can’t have a gun within 1,000 yards of a politician. What kind of sense does that make in these times? (grin). It’s pretty clear that someone staged this latest caper because you can always tell by the follow up and direction taken by the people who spend all their time abusing the public and expect to be protected from the inevitable fallout. Goldman Sachs employees can all carry guns but not the people seeking to protect themselves from them. The governments are crime syndicates, so is the media and most religions. They get caught at it every day but it’s not wrong, you’re just misinformed and you will stay that way if you keep listening to them.
Bachmann talks about revolution and quotes Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson would have pointed her out as one of the reasons for revolution. This is why the liars, shills and demagogues all seize the high ground and co-opt all the slogans, quotes and rhetoric because they are the one’s doing all the things that no decent person would engage in.
I told myself I wasn’t going to put advertising on my sites or charge people money because I don’t want to be like them. They got no problem with it. If we could see them in real life they’d all be dressed up like Payton Manning in NASCAR suits, as if commercial success were somehow the measure of integrity, when it is just the reverse.
I’m not going to suggest that there should be a bounty on these people but it makes a lot of sense from the point of survival. I’m not going to suggest that the international banking cartel and all those Wall Street scum should be strung up on lamp posts but it makes sense from the point of survival. If someone started giving BP execs what they have been giving everyone who is suffering from what they did, there would be Biden and Obama, perched on the gutted skull of the culture they slew, talking about reasonable discourse. Sometimes revolution is the only answer and these are one of those times.
In a reasonable world there would be a game preserve with Bush, Cheney and all the other ass clowns that killed a million people or more, acting out in a modern version of The Deadliest Game. That makes perfect sense and that is why they talk like they do and make criminals out of everyone else. These are the people that keep making new laws so that the private prison industry doesn’t run out of fresh fish, like all the Gulf residents. BP has a new commercial out about how the seafood is fine, so come on down and get some shrimp. It’s uncanny. It’s unheimlich. It’s strango. It’s business as usual with you on the business end.
In a sane world, the last argument anyone can make with a straight face is that justice applies only to those who practice injustice and its open season on everyone else. Bullshit!!! To the 10th power. You can’t keep doing this and keep getting away with it and if the human race is too stupid to do something, well, Mother Nature isn’t. It’s like Velikovsky said; “expect the unexpected”. You are definitely looking at ‘worlds in collision’.
I don’t want to play Savonarola or H. Rap Brown but if you haven’t heard some of Eldridge Cleaver’s great quotes, maybe you’re watching too much TV. If you never heard Huey Newton speak, or don’t know who he was, then; what can I tell you? I can’t tell you much because history happened while you were jerking off to Brittany Spears or Marie Osmond.
This is the year of dynamic change. You will not know your world when 2012 arrives but what you will know is how much you did about it. Just because they have all the guns and money which they stole from the rest of you; are you going to let them tell you what to do? (grin) I’d rather be dead to this world and back in my bright home than to know I was a coward who thought I could protect my place by giving in over and over to maintain it, until there was only about a square foot of ground to stand on. Obama and all the rest of your leaders, with very few exceptions, are lying psychopaths and I would rather spend my life like Bahá'u'lláh than the shit for brains killers of women and children who, along with their husbands in the hills, at least had the sand to show you where empire winds up.
I guess it’s just easier this way isn’t it? I guess you go along to get along until there’s nowhere to go and then you can shake your fist at the razor wire, knowing you put your ass and your loved ones behind it. It’s not for me. I can’t do that. Homey don’t play that shit; sorry, I couldn’t resist.
In the end, you are the ones who did it to the rest of us because you just had to protect everything you were guaranteed to lose, by bending over and dying by inches. That’s no kind of life. That’s not life at all and a whole lot of people that you held in contempt for holding on to the dream of freedom, died on your behalf. The annoying people that wouldn’t shut up just made you bristle and blush. The bristle I have seen little of but I know why you blush.
I don’t have the words to give these carrion crows that you serve, out of fear, the treatment they deserve but as long as I’m here I’m going to give it my best shot. I don’t have much but I got one thing and that’s the certain knowledge and satisfaction that I’m not you. I couldn’t wake up in the morning and see myself in the mirror if I were you; much less in the eyes of those I love. I’d get rid of myself first before I even went looking for the rest of them.
'Every Fairy Tale' is track no. 4 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin
That's it in a nutshell wouldn't you say?
Love, peace and hairgrease,
wv: roker... I ain't the roker I used to be... now it's just easi listening or sol ;)
I'm very aware of the compromises I make every day.
The responsibility I bear restricts my ability to just avoid "protecting everything I'm guaranteed to lose."
I know the line I will not cross, and the point at which walking away from it all will be the only acceptable choice.
You are right in saying I am part of the problem. All I can do is limit my liability.
And as you know that is between me and the divine.
Still listening from the alley
agreed, les
All of those entertainers are out for their ratings and more cash. I listen sometimes if there is a constipation problem and a need to evacuate some bowels but it doesn't happen often. A blogger the other day had a comment that this country is over and we are just too stupid to exist. The truth can be painful.
What, shall one of us that struck the foremost man of all this world
but for supporting robbers, shall we now Contaminate our fingers with base bribes, And sell the mighty space of our large honors for so much trash as may be grasped thus?
I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon, than such a Roman.
- Fastillion
sigh. some days, the only sensible voice is that of an ex-pat :) ..... if common sense were sexy, you would be the centerfold!
Are you saying ... that history repeats? (grin)
Great post Les, for a moment I thought you were angry ;)
....and all the members of the congregation said "Amen"!
"I couldn’t wake up in the morning and see myself in the mirror if I were you; much less in the eyes of those I love."
The only reason these folks use a mirror is to make sure none of their reptilian features are sticking out, so they can go on playing their charade.
Another good post Oh Mighty Dog Poet ;-)
We all got it comin' kid, and deserves got nothing to do with it.
-William Munny
Les, There are many more people like myself than you would generally be aware of who agree with your sentiments, who like myself dont generally post comments.
My observation would indicate at present that there is both an 'Awakening' (To a smaller degree) and
a to a larger degree a 'Denying' - those who wish no truth to enter there daily exsistence... The wheat and the chaff.
Simon Stevens
Wellington NZ
All the best
appocolyptic feudalist
motivated politicians
calculating zionistic
patterns of divisions
enforcing deprivation
war famine plague
intensifying turmoil
a cold winters change
but paradise resolving
refreshed revitalize
reach across afar
regenenerate all life
circulating higher
stir the ever free
pounding with sources
life integrity
Hey Vis and CO. Have you guys seen this cartoon about the Rothschild banks? What a gem! Must watch.
The American Dream HD Part 1
The American Dream HD Part 2
Well, I'll take responsibility for that regrettable lapse of judgement, but I was young at the time, and where Marie Osmond was concerned I just couldn't help myself.
"Pa-per Ro-ses...." ;-)
have no idea if it means anything, but the numbers of the shooting are interesting.......
The shooting occurred on 8-01-11.
8+1=9 9/11
a 9 year old girl was shot...who was born on 9-11-01.
The shooter used a 9mm.
probably just coincidence. carry on.
It looks like they tried to kill her and failed, and all of this media coverage and somber tone was supposed to be over a dead congresswoman. Now everything they do and say looks hilariously like major over-reaction! Classic!
thanks again Les..
Thanks for the mention of Savonarola - a real piece of work - as well as H. Rap Brown...
Made my day!
....since no one else is underlining it: I will:
THE PANTHERS + MALCOLM were on target and instead of the narrative having played out as it did: EVERY RED YELLOW BROWN OLIVE AND WHITE PERSON that regarded the myth of "a free nation" as "true" should have stood up and been counted with the clarity of knowing which side of "the line" was "moral".
They did NOT.
...and thus the evoldoerz [tm] saw that they could get away with murder in broad daylight and AMERIKKKANS would say long as it was the red, brown, olive and yellows [and the po' ] getting the assfuggin royale....
Though the sardonic portion of my psyche finds much ironical amusement in the cosmic karmic flip; I get no joy in watching anything suffer.
I am not suggesting anything other than making the observation that when brotha visible says it in his own vernacular he might be reminding us that we might want to take a look at the fact that in truth we ARE the family devastated into incoherent fragments via the massmind overload [tm] shitstorm called CLASS AND RACE and perhaps it's time to cut that shit out and keep the parasitic scum who play to those insecurities on the outside looking in wondering why it is that we no longer choose to be on the dinner menu...
so: this petri dish may provoke reflections that enervate dialog so that, finally, with much pain and frustration, each of us may present our connections and find the keys to undo the chains by comparing notes of this journey through hell to see the necessity of drawing lines in the sand of our own lives according to whatever is regarded as a value.
there is NO spoon.
u are the one neo...
...dig it.
I'm with ya, dude! This tells it like it is.
i sing of Olaf glad and big
whose warmest heart recoiled at war:
a conscientious object-or
his wellbelovéd colonel (trig
westpointer most succinctly bred)
took erring Olaf soon in hand;
but— though an host of overjoyed
noncoms (first knocking on the head
him) do through icy waters roll
that helplessness which others stroke
with brushes recently employed
anent this muddy toiletbowl,
while kindred intellects evoke
allegiance per blunt instruments—
Olaf (being to all intents
a corpse and wanting any rag
upon what God unto him gave)
responds, without getting annoyed
"I will not kiss your fucking flag"
straightaway the silver bird looked grave
(departing hurriedly to shave)
but-though all kinds of officers
(a yearning nation's blueeyed pride)
their passive prey did kick and curse
until for wear their clarion
voices and boots were much the worse,
and egged the firstclassprivates on
his rectum wickedly to tease
by means of skillfully applied
bayonets roasted hot with heat—
Olaf (upon what were once knees)
does almost ceaselessly repeat
"there is some shit I will not eat"
our president, being of which
assertions duly notified
threw the yellowsonofabitch
into a dungeon, where he died
Christ (of His mercy infinite)
i pray to see; and Olaf,too
preponderatingly because
unless statistics lie he was
more brave than me: more blond than you
Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962) was a controversial American poet who was accused of being an elitist and an anti-semite misanthrope...
Maybe the road never ends like an oval race track. Seems like I've been here before. I plan on following my heart and living above their influence regardless of what's around the corner.
May the sun of reason shine on all.
a soul in MN
The simple fact seems to be that these people are relentless. Never wavering from their path. Unable through countless generations of indoctrinated hate, from cradle till grave, to see any light. They exist in a dark dark place - it feels like home.
They seek to punish all that stand up. Money, greed, and ignorance are their best friends (judge a man by the friends he Keeps).
I have spoken with some 'bad' people that have experienced being out of body whilst in a coma. (There are actually specialist researchers that come to interview those coming out of a coma so as to build a consensus). Any how, point being they told me first hand that they went to a very dark place. A place of fear, hate, and regret. The look on their face when they recounted their experience was enough to convince me. They did not feel at home in the home they enjoyed creating here in this realm. There is no irony.
Apparently the darkness is a lonely place and those inhabiting this place relentlessly seek to recruit willing and vulnerable souls. (See above)
Although we seem to be from the same one source. Other than the need for polarity, I struggle to understand the darkness. Perhaps this realm is a cosmic sieve. Heavy and dark are drawn down through the sieve; light and bright remain in the natural state (the light, the source). Eventually only the light remains.
Kindest to all
I know what you're saying Visible, but I am a common man, I have to earn my bread crumbs each day. I try to be pro-active but there aren't enough hours in the day or money to live on while I do whatever it would be that I could do. I'm powerless and too broke to get up and shout. I absolutely know for sure that I would be the only one shouting as they dragged me off to jail.......Buzzsaw
My right to be heard is the same as everyone else's.
The left-wing wackos are the most hateful people in the universe.
"you make the best of what's still around"
It's sickening, watching the media here in Canada and America's CNN use the same mind control head-on charge that they used to start it's "private wars". Needing America to be hit by store bought terrorists is how they do business. Only now most aren't buying it, cause it sucks shit.
(Thanks for reminding us to keep the receipt)
One can not help but picture an army of executive lawyers give council to the media mafia heads on how to play out the blame game of connecting 911 and Arizona.
It's that kind of private power which made many high ranking government officials and alot of military Generals resign out of protest. It seems keeping prisoners of war as far from the justice system as possible is slithering like water snakes and heading our way. The nets do a good job of keeping them at bay though, and privatized MSM sugar pill prostitutes talking mostly to themselves.
Wikileaks and the Arizona shooting are part of what I see as the "Joint Vision" wars taking place in cyberspace.
Common sense is the greatest threat to these psyops.
They under estimated the internets power of persuasion and common sense people who don't go with the flow. Freedom of speech and sharing one another's thoughts through the internet is the Achilles Heel of the pro-war press.
Keep on keeping on, Les.
Billy Geier
JP says:
choir member though i be, i just love how the more you preach, the more i see!
Hello Les .... Heard you were going to come out with your own brand of toilet paper, but there was a problem because it wouldn't take shit from anybody! I only know you by your words and I envy your bravado!...
Les, you are everyone else are going to enjoy this one.
The Parable of Imeldas Shoes.,9171,961002,00.html
"I’m not going to suggest that the international banking cartel and all those Wall Street scum should be strung up on lamp posts but it makes sense from the point of survival."
I've been telling people this for 10-15 years but I was suspecting only our politicians.Over the years I've seen it is bigger than that.
You've helped me "see" the biggest picture the past couple of years Les.
I Thank You .
I know what you are talking about.
I have been through my paranoid,pissed off stage and I'm in The Waiting Room.Years ago my dad told me to calm down and don't start the revolution cause I'm gonna lose and "they" will make me out to be from the lunitic fringe.
He told me to wait until it starts and then Feel Free to join in.Me and some 80,000,000 gun owners here in the states. Hopefully most of us have the balls when it comes time.
Walking Hawk
Hey Les,
Amazing post, I'd say my favorite so far. While I was reading it I had the thought that I wish every adult in the world could somehow have this essay of yours put in front of them to read, but that thought was followed by the thought that even if every adult in the world were to read it there would most likely be little or no interruption to the inertia of the downward spiral toward disaster seeing as how most people prefer to believe lies than to believe the truth. The fact that hyenas like Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz, Bill O' Reilly, Glenn Beck, Shawn Hannity, Sarah Palin, etc., etc. are so immensely popular is proof enough of that. One reason people love lies instead of the truth is because the truth is never popular and most people have such a weak identity and are so insecure in their own person-hood that the thought of doing something that will cause them to be unpopular in any way totally puts them off. Which means on the other hand that buying into the lie as a principle makes them feel accepted and comfortable.
The bankers know all this and so they pay hyenas like Rush Limbaugh and the others I just mentioned huge salaries to make the lie-loving public feel comfortable (also to frighten them away from asking unpopular questions). Just to give you an idea of how important it is to the bankers to keep this charade going, I read an article online a few months ago saying that one of the Rothschild affiliate media companies signed an eight year contract last summer with Rush Limbaugh for $400 million to spout his daily rants on talk radio. He gets $50 million every year for the next eight years to make people feel good about loving the lie. And you can be sure the rest of the hyenas like him make huge salaries as well. I have pointed this out a time or two to people who wanted to argue politics with me and what they usually do when they hear it is to try to change the subject. So I see this one fact as an important pin-prick to be used to burst the balloon of information fantasy most people are floating around in. Telling them about Rush Limbaugh's salary might not do any good, but then again it might.
Several years ago, maybe even ten years ago I read an article online in which there was an interview with Britney Spears' business agent. The interviewer was sort of grilling the guy about the grueling pressure he was putting on her to travel all over the world doing concerts. His reply was something to this effect:
"Someone, anyone, who is in a position like the one Britney is in now has to keep the momentum going because if that momentum slows down very much it will suddenly come to a grinding halt and the whole thing (i.e. her outrageous popularity) will collapse over night."
And he was right because that's exactly what happened soon thereafter. And to my knowledge even though she's recently back on the scene she is nowhere near as popular as she was and probably only makes a tenth as much money as she was making during that heyday period. The reason I wanted to bring this up is to point out that I suspect that's pretty much where the hyenas like Rush Limbaugh and crew are at, although their position isn't nearly as precarious as Britney's was at the time because they're providing a different sort of public service than just pure entertainment like she was doing. What they're doing is brainwashing people because that's what the public wants them to do because it makes them feel safe and secure. But still the fact remains that it's very important to the success of the ploy that it is never interrupted. And that is why TPTB are making so many recent noises about trying to control the internet.
Hey Les,
I tried to post this and when I hit the 'Publish your Comment' button I got cut off. So I don't know if you received it or not. So just in case I'm sending it again.
Amazing post, I'd say my favorite so far. While I was reading it I had the thought that I wish every adult in the world could somehow have this essay of yours put in front of them to read, but that thought was followed by the thought that even if every adult in the world were to read it there would most likely be little or no interruption to the inertia of the downward spiral toward disaster seeing as how most people prefer to believe lies than to believe the truth. The fact that hyenas like Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz, Bill O' Reilly, Glenn Beck, Shawn Hannity, Sarah Palin, etc., etc. are so immensely popular is proof enough of that. One reason people love lies instead of the truth is because the truth is never popular and most people have such a weak identity and are so insecure in their own person-hood that the thought of doing something that will cause them to be unpopular in any way totally puts them off. Which means on the other hand that buying into the lie as a principle makes them feel accepted and comfortable.
The bankers know all this and so they pay hyenas like Rush Limbaugh and the others I just mentioned huge salaries to make the lie-loving public feel comfortable (also to frighten them away from asking unpopular questions). Just to give you an idea of how important it is to the bankers to keep this charade going, I read an article online a few months ago saying that one of the Rothschild affiliate media companies signed an eight year contract last summer with Rush Limbaugh for $400 million to spout his daily rants on talk radio. He gets $50 million every year for the next eight years to make people feel good about loving the lie. And you can be sure the rest of the hyenas like him make huge salaries as well. I have pointed this out a time or two to people who wanted to argue politics with me and what they usually do when they hear it is to try to change the subject. So I see this one fact as an important pin-prick to be used to burst the balloon of information fantasy most people are floating around in. Telling them about Rush Limbaugh's salary might not do any good, but then again it might.
Several years ago, maybe even ten years ago I read an article online in which there was an interview with Britney Spears' business agent. The interviewer was sort of grilling the guy about the grueling pressure he was putting on her to travel all over the world doing concerts. His reply was something to this effect:
"Someone, anyone, who is in a position like the one Britney is in now has to keep the momentum going because if that momentum slows down very much it will suddenly come to a grinding halt and the whole thing (i.e. her outrageous popularity) will collapse over night."
And he was right because that's exactly what happened soon thereafter. And to my knowledge even though she's recently back on the scene she is nowhere near as popular as she was and probably only makes a tenth as much money as she was making during that heyday period. The reason I wanted to bring this up is to point out that I suspect that's pretty much where the hyenas like Rush Limbaugh and crew are at, although their position isn't nearly as precarious as Britney's was at the time because they're providing a different sort of public service than just pure entertainment like she was doing. What they're doing is brainwashing people because that's what the public wants them to do because it makes them feel safe and secure. But still the fact remains that it's very important to the success of the ploy that it is never interrupted. And that is why TPTB are making so many recent noises about trying to control the internet.
Simon Stevens from NZ wrote:
There are many more people like myself than you would generally be aware of who agree with your sentiments, who like myself dont generally post comments.
I hope he's right but I sure don't see much evidence of it where I live (Southeast US).
WaitingOntheWoo wrote:
have no idea if it means anything, but the numbers of the shooting are interesting.......
The shooting occurred on 8-01-11.
8+1=9 9/11
a 9 year old girl was shot...who was born on 9-11-01.
The shooter used a 9mm.
probably just coincidence.
If he had read the article I recommended by former CIA Manchurian Candidate/mind slave trainer-turned-whistleblower Dr. Sue Arrigo he'd know that those numbers were anything BUT coincidental seeing as how TPTB are obsessed with numerology and how it relates to their control. Also because they love to flaunt their power by using numbers as a cue. They use numbers to try to terrify people who know what they're up to by using numbers related to events to send the message that they're invincible. What they don't realize is that if they were truly invincible as they'd like to believe, they wouldn't need to flaunt it.
It would seem that the little girl being killed actually would be coincidental seeing as how it is highly unlikely that Loughner knew when her birthday was. But you can be sure that the demon energizing him was well aware of it and knew better than to waste the opportunity to use her death to add fuel to the fire.
Please forgive me for making this post so lengthy but I had one more thought regarding the difference between loving the truth and loving the lie which I hope might be of some encouragement to some of your readers who find it to be almost useless trying to wake people up, which is this:
Jesus said in effect "I am the truth." (John 14:6) and he had a small group of followers who recognized it. They were a small group of truth lovers who didn't fit in anywhere, but they fit in with him and with each other. One time he said to them:
"These things I command you, that you love one another. If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love his own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him who sent me." (John 15:17-21).
And by the way, for those who might be interested, here's the link to Sue Arrigo's article:
Part 2 is really the kicker; the links to parts 2 and 3 are at the end of part 1.
Dumbgoynot, or are you actually James Michener?
We've been over this ground a lot of times and I have explained it a lot of times. Since it's never been effective I guess I'll suffer right along with you.
Amen to that Walking Hawk!
It Stinks
I want a public servant who isn't hard to find. One with priorities in order and never kisses the behind. The behind of the corporatocracy that no longer rules, thus ending the problem of being talked at like we're fools. I want something that resembles the place that we could only dream about, the place that would take no guff and run the true evil doers out. Profit should no longer be the thing that creates the rules, no longer used by the alien corporate masters as their first choice of tools. I want real meaning to words like Treason, and the punishment that's enforced without excuse or confused reason. I want accountability those who speak of everything that the people long to hear, then once they get the power, forget and turn deaf ear. I want the bloody state of Israel to mind their own affairs, to defend their own atrocities and build their own military wares. I want those that are there to govern, remembering their place, and the moment they reach too far, removed in swift disgrace.I want that "god damn piece of paper", or so it was called, to be brought out of moth balls and forcibly installed. I only want what really never was, to miraculously be, the sacred documentation that for the first time in history,is used as a reference in defining the word "free". I want these so called officials who keep busy bickering about a cause, to feel the pain of solution, to national applause. Hold out your hands with shit in one and hope in the other. The hand that holds the hope is the one that stinks the worst my brother....Thanks Visible, .....Buzzsaw Like you say Vis, these folks that come here are top notch.
Hey Walking Hawk,
"He told me to wait until it starts and then Feel Free to join in"
If everyone has the same attitude, it never starts ...
BTW I left comment for you on Origami.
The difference between a rock and a bowl is the empty space within it. Emptiness is form.
There is no spoon?
There will be when MY soup arrives.
The tree of liberty would feel mighty refreshed by a bunch of EMPTY thrones. The tree bears no fruit? We can fix that too, dangling with fruit till the limbs are whelping cracks like ice.
After all, of what use is the empty space within the noose without a neck to fill it.
- Fastillion
Siamsam that was interesting what you said about not all NDEs being of a pleasant nature. (assuming that is what you are talking about) I had a uncle who died from a heart attack. He was brought back at the hospital and had a coronary bypass operation. He had a bad NDE and wouldn't talk about it. A nun at the Catholic hospital he was in interviewed him and wrote it all down. She didn't share it with us. All he ever said was it scared the hell out of him. To my knowledge he was a fairly decent person.
A good friend of mine (I've known him for fifty years)also died from a heart attack and was revived. He went to a place that was in his words "dark, warm, and full of love." He said he has never experienced love like that in the physical plane. This guy lead what would be considered a rough life. Married numerous times, kids out of wedlock, no child support, drugs, alcohol, you name it. (this wasn't one of the guys I refereed to in a previous post).
I couldn't even speculate what factors while alive determine someones NDE experience. Those things are way above you and I. (Conway Twitty/ I talked to the man in the moon) I have read plenty about NDE and most individuals have pleasant experiences.
Yep; Amerikkka's Shorn O'Sannity...
and de whole worl' jus' sing along...
Yer discord's showing, Les ;-)
love from
I think the tipping point will be martial law.I live in n.e. ohio and its full of lib dem assholes "hipnotized and mesmerized".
But just south of me are real common sense people that wont take no more.You know,backwoods,hillbilly,good old boy types.
About the other -do I have to work on Saabs and Volvos?
Interested though,I'll get whith you and give you my e-mail address.
Walking Hawk
Hey Les,
James Michener eh? Why do you compare me to him? I haven't the first clue for one thing because I've never read any of his books. Did he have some sort of an offensive Christian take on things? If you'd prefer that I back off of posting religious comments on your site I will. Most of the time posting that kind of stuff doesn't do any good anyway. But I was a little surprised that you didn't think what I wrote about Sue Arrigo to be important enough to go ahead and post the comment. The reason I place such value on her articles is because in some of them she reveals that there are many people in high places in governments and in powerful organizations who are mind control slaves who were trained as mind slaves and installed in high level places. Obama is more than likely a good example. Tiger Woods is an example. It's very possible that Shawn Hannity and Glenn Beck are Manchurian Candidates as well. Anyway, so much for all that.
There's an interesting article posted on titled 'Rothschilds And The War On The Gulf' that is a pretty good expose' of the Rothschild Dynasty. One thing the authors say is that the Rothschilds have declared war on the American people and that the Gulf oil 'spill' is but one of many weapons they're using to weaken us and bring us to our knees. The authors also mention the fluoride in the water and the chemtrails as weapons they're using. Here's a link to the article:
I post everything you send. You do me a disservice. You shouldn't assume, just ask. That post you are asking about showed up while I was watching Unstoppable with a friend. I didn't check back at the comments for nearly an hour. You'll find it's gone up now.
The James Michener comment had to do with the fact that he wrote so many books that were never under a thousand pages long. I'm not sure the parallel will occur or what you think I have against your being a Christian or where you get the evidence I have ever mistreated you. The worst has been a mild teasing like the latest.
You and everyone else should realize that I am not at this 24 hours a day even though it sometimes seems close to that for me and all for free. People send me the same comment over and over and cause me work and never get that their comments appear anyway. maybe I will start posting all the multiples. I've explained these things over and over and over again to no avail.
anyway, carry on.
sorry man, it must be a lotta work. Imma back off ya.......Buzzsaw, no need to post this, see ya
That had nothing to do with you. I got no clue what that means since you haven't even done any of that.
Hey Les,
I see what you mean, I apologize and I stand corrected. And I'm going to make it a point to not be so long-winded in my future posts. I apologize also for taking your time for granted. I didn't realize where you're at on that score because you never mention it or complain (like I probably would've been doing if I were in your shoes).
See ya,
"I say to you, this morning, that if you have never found something so dear and so precious to you that you will die for it, then you aren't fit to live. You may be thirty-eight years old, as I happen to be, and one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls upon you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer. You're afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you're afraid that somebody will stab you or shoot at you or bomb your house. So you refuse to take the stand. Well, you may go on and live until you are ninety, but you are just as dead at thirty-eight as you would be at ninety. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. You died when you refused to stand up for right. You died when you refused to stand up for truth. You died when you refused to stand up for justice..." - MLK Jr 1967
Fuck, man, that is the best thing I ever read in my whole sorry life, if that don't wake ppl, NOTHING will;. I love you to bits.
Steve B
a roll of living equal
a burst of touching sky
manifesting equilibrium
turn the upper high
bloom in liberation
freedom resonate
warming up the atmosphere
multicolor in vibrate
invigorating sanctifying
circulate revolve
ever changing all ways
allways ever solve
evolve the living union
of all is all around
reach across a far
lift upon the sound
"my bad" ......[nevermind]hahha
I'm still gonna give ya a break though. ....Buzz
My offerings are for general edification of the native tribes. It would be wrong of me to chime in with the chorus who proclaim that the jets are dumping toxic shit. They're not. If you are sick it's probably from eating three meals a day when a half meal would suit you fine. Old habits are hard to break. About four years ago I realized how badly I fucked up by taking my gift for granted. Since then I worked extra hard at getting back what I lost. Who knows what would have been if...but never mind that. I'm kind of a loner now, spending several hours in rejuvenation practical breathing almost every day and some nights. This world is better for my conscious present knowing It. Betterness is good. Alpholive
Sure seems that I am my worst enemy or my best friend It maybe the same with you and them. We can choose our path or let someone else tell us where to go. Some folks are rightfully paranoid, A whole lot of pissed of armed people that you are supposed represent with nothing left to lose or hidden masters that can take them down in many ways. Sure glad I'm not them, you be to. We'll know when our turn comes, be patient. I sure miss Paul Wellstone.......
From MN
"I sure miss Paul Wellstone......."
Well said, MN!
Rhetorical question: Why is it that all the prominent beacons of light get bumped off eventually by paid goons of parasitic banksters?
'cos they can't stand the Light...
(All bankers are parasites, for they produce nothing. Their only reason for existence is to feed off the mechanisms of exchange between third parties).
And what is the most common treatment for parasites?
Les, revolution just plays into their hands and increases their 'profits'. Perhaps it is time to declare all material resources utterly worthless? Then may all their gold bury them...
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. –HST, from a cover page of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Well? Whatcha' all waitin' for? 'Cause if these ain't weird times, then I guess I don't know weird... and if we all ain't the pros, then who is?
I read some pretty 'normal' shit. The Market Ticker is but one of those kind of sites, and honestly, those folks don't got a clue. Yeah, the group over there would be good to have on your side if this we're but a simple issue of cultural revolution... but you, me, and certainly Mr Visible, all know this time it's something a bit deeper 'n that.
Who knows what's coming? Who cares? We can't stop it, all we can do is choose either love or hate. Well there may be a few other choices, like, coke or pepsi, or asshole and farts, Mamas or Papas, shit like that. Regardless, the more you blink your eyes and twirl childlike while the 'normal' ones are talking to you, the better your chances of never having to refuse an invitation to a boring party.
Go out side and hug a tree.
wv: rubogise... when you're forced to work, or simply just be around the dumb masses, remember to wear your rubogise so the rubes won't think you're any different then they are...
As I have posted previously, been reading comments here and there about the sun not being in it's historic position at sunrise/sunset. (earth crust slipping on mantel)
Hmmmm could this be proof something is going on. Plenty of bs explanations in the post.
You've fingered a lot of the villains with this article, Les, but you can leave Jews out of it from now on? Why do I say this?
Check out this article
or at least this passage
"If the father in not Jewish, what character traits could he have? Traits of cruelty, of barbarism! These are not traits that characterize the people of Israel."
The last two sentences say it all. Even our sperm is apparently unclean and unworthy of mixing with the bloodlines of the gentle, civilized, misunderstood Zionists.
It is such a long and ill lit barren side road that I travel for the most part.
My vehicle doesn't go fast enough for the "highway" because the tranny is slipping and could go at any second.
If I break down on a barren road, I don't have an "Automobile Association" card and even if I did, I don't own a cell phone. Would a "kind stranger" even pull over in these times to offer assistance?
Once, when my son was still in my belly, I broke down on such a barren road. There was very little traffic on it, just the odd semi barreling through, shaking my van and blowing my hair back, but no one pulled over.
As luck would have it? I'd come to a stop across the road from a rural house, and although I did not cross the road to ask for help per se (it was after 11:00pm and the shack was in darkness...), the hermit who lived there somehow sensed there was a fightened pregnant woman suffering a bit of distress and car trouble out there.
This bearded soft spoken stranger came across the road with an offer of his help, and in my relief and release of stress I burst into tears and accepted it.
I just had to trust him, so I put myself and my unborn son in his hands and it all worked out in the end.
Is there a metaphor or an analogy to be inferred from that little aside? I dunno.
Where am I going with this? I dunno.
I actually came here to tell you that there's a guy out there that you might have heard about, by the name of Duncan O'Finioan (research required if not.) who has posted some interesting things to his blog lately. The timing of a post by a "guest" (Ax) on January 6th was too weird for me to just ignore, so I'm posting his blog addy...
And as for you Les? You're becoming more and more visible: write on!
I love reading your posts Les.
I am delighted by the last developments in Tunisia . The chief honcho escaped realizing that his option were two : to be massacred with his family or escape . He did the right thing : escape .
I am very pessimistic about the future and I reckon that we humans have to resolve the problem by ourselves without external help . We have two choices : to be reduced in numbers ( exterminated ) or to exterminate our jailers . I am for the second option , it is less painful . That's why a see the Tunisian development as positive . 200 more countries to go .
I am the virtually a house prisoner kept there by the secret services of Italy and Australia .
Have you read my free e- book yet ?
What is growing on me to the point of revelation is how come NO ONE mentions the Noahide laws....1991 passed by congress. No conspiracy theory here. It's in black and white. The alternative media acts like they don't's the perfect rabbi in the woodpile...there to be exposed. But no one says a come?
There's a new Smoking Mirrors up-
Empty Suits and the Darkness that Moves Them.
You're correct. I'll mention it in a few days.
…” I would rather spend my life like Bahá'u'lláh than the shit for brains killers of women and children who, along with their husbands in the hills, at least had the sand to show you where empire winds up.”
You have such a way with condensing so much into such a concise flow of words. “Had the sand ” … no kidding! I presume you are referring to the Epistle (Summons of the Lord of Hosts) Bahá'u'lláh revealed while imprisoned by those He came to serve.
Among those addressed were the kings and ecclesiastics of the age: Napoleon III, Pope Pius IX, Czar Alexander II, Queen Victoria, Násiri’d-Dín Sháh, Kaiser Wilhelm I, Emperor Francis Joseph, Sultan Abdul-‘Aziz, and the rulers of America.
"From two ranks amongst men," is His terse and prophetic utterance, "power hath been seized: kings and ecclesiastics." "If ye pay no heed," He thus warned the kings of the earth, "unto the counsels which ... We have revealed in this Tablet, Divine chastisement will assail you from every direction... On that day ye shall ... recognize your own impotence." And again: "Though aware of most of Our afflictions, ye, nevertheless, have failed to stay the hand of the aggressor." And, furthermore, this arraignment: "...We ... will be patient, as We have been patient in that which hath befallen Us at your hands, O concourse of kings!" (Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. 230)
The following is an excerpt from the introduction of this Epistle by the Universal House of Justice for anyone interested:
Included in this collection, as well, is the first full translation of the Súriy-i-Mulúk or Súrih of the Kings, which Shoghi Effendi described as "the most momentous Tablet revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in which He, for the first time, directs His words collectively to the entire company of the monarchs of East and West". It sets forth both the character of His mission and the standard of justice that must govern the exercise of their rule in this Day of God:
Lay not aside the fear of God, O kings of the earth, and beware that ye transgress not the bounds which the Almighty hath fixed. Observe the injunctions laid upon you in His Book, and take good heed not to overstep their limits. Be vigilant, that ye may not do injustice to anyone, be it to the extent of a grain of mustard seed. Tread ye the path of justice, for this, verily, is the straight path.
The Tablet introduces some of the great themes that were to figure prominently in the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh over the next two and a half decades: the obligation of those into whose hands God has entrusted civil authority to institute the reign of justice, the necessity for the reduction of armaments and the resolution of conflicts among nations, and an end to the excessive expenditures that were impoverishing these rulers’ subjects.
Les…please forgive me for my inability to condense the entire message into one post. I am a carpenter gone rogue… (Part II to follow.)
Surveying the principal contents of Bahá’u’lláh’s majestic call to the kings and rulers of the world, Shoghi Effendi has written:
The magnitude and diversity of the theme, the cogency of the argument, the sublimity and audacity of the language, arrest our attention and astound our minds. Emperors, kings and princes, chancellors and ministers, the Pope himself, priests, monks and philosophers, the exponents of learning, parliamentarians and deputies, the rich ones of the earth, the followers of all religions, and the people of Bahá—all are brought within the purview of the Author of these Messages, and receive, each according to their merits, the counsels and admonitions they deserve. No less amazing is the diversity of the subjects touched upon in these Tablets. The transcendent majesty and unity of an unknowable and unapproachable God is extolled, and the oneness of His Messengers proclaimed and emphasized. The uniqueness, the universality and potentialities of the Bahá’í Faith are stressed, and the purpose and character of the Bábí Revelation unfolded.
The summary draws attention to Bahá’u’lláh’s uncompromising indictment of the conditions of human society for which its leadership is held primarily responsible:
Episodes, at once moving and marvellous, at various stages of His ministry, are recounted, and the transitoriness of worldly pomp, fame, riches, and sovereignty, repeatedly and categorically asserted. Appeals for the application of the highest principles in human and international relations are forcibly and insistently made, and the abandonment of discreditable practices and conventions, detrimental to the happiness, the growth, the prosperity and the unity of the human race, enjoined. Kings are censured, ecclesiastical dignitaries arraigned, ministers and plenipotentiaries condemned, and the identification of His advent with the coming of the Father Himself unequivocally admitted and repeatedly announced. The violent downfall of a few of these kings and emperors is prophesied, two of them are definitely challenged, most are warned, all are appealed to and exhorted.
Where are these Kings and their empires now? “A thing forgotten, forgotten quite!” Conversely, Bahá'u'lláh, like all the Divine Messengers of the past, possesses a sovereignty above this earthly plane which cannot be confined or contained by any prison, crucifixion or the like. Evidence of the fruit of Bahá’u’lláh’s influence on the hearts of men can be seen in this video here: Arising to Serve video link:
Les, your influence and vision for The New Shangri-La, likewise, is a beautiful contribution to mankind. As for the “location”, why not every neighborhood!! Gather a “community of interest” from all corners of the globe, which displays a “spectrum of spiritual response” from all walks of life. “The world is one planet…mankind its citizens.” This is the model we employ. Why go somewhere else…it is right here. Otherwise, aren’t we selling ourselves out to the current understanding that what we desire is, and can only be obtained…”someplace else”?
Peace my friend…
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