Dog Poet Transmitting.......
The degree of indulgence and absurdity, engaged in by the self-adulating fops of the day, during their brief respite here, enjoying what they earned at some other time and traded off for something far less than what they could have gotten, is a wonder to behold. One of the key pleasures of having too much money is the ability to spend it on things that most people cannot afford and on things that push the boundaries of excess far beyond what you may have imagined. That may even be the chief pleasure. Perhaps they move from one to the other? For those who have the style-wit and capacity to appreciate having their anal ring bleached, there will always be places to go. It is probably fitting that such places exist because there have to be places where those of a similar mindset can congregate and also locations where they can be gathered together for the opportune, communal, world-shaking moment. There are even entire countries like this. Israel comes to mind.
I recently heard from someone who has traveled all over the world and he mentioned the places he had been and the most pleasant and the least pleasant. The least pleasant was Israel. He said it was stunning how much the residents hated each other. It turned out to be only slightly less than they hated everyone else. No country is more aware of the ‘everyone else factor’ than Israel. I think of the place as a very large mental institution for the care and expression of a specific pathology and the results of that pathology are becoming more and more apparent. I don’t know how true that is but it sounds like fantastic news, if it is true. In the process of creating and maintaining a world of exclusivity, for those lining up to the rear of the horned god of the temporal realm, for that special and enduring kiss, there are protocols of necessity that translate into revered institutions of perpetual operation. No word yet on whether the devil has his anal ring bleached or whether that is a fait accompli, given all the heat from the bussing and... well, heat in general, I guess.
I’ve got nothing against being wealthy. I wouldn’t mind it up to a point. It could be wonderful to be able to finance certain projects and be generally useful, which is how I see the opportunity and responsibility of it. I’ve got nothing against spas. I go to the public baths, less often than I would like, for the saunas and certain other amenities. I would love to have a sauna. I’ve got nothing against having a good time. Some might say I’ve had more good times than I should have but that’s generally coming from people incapable of having one. I think any sane and rational person knows what my objections to excessive wealth and privilege are. Wealth is a by product of Karma and everyone gets to go to the well on occasion, according to certain features of cause and effect, time, circumstance and the orchestrated fortunes of birth. Talent and industry should be rewarded.
These days we’ve got quite a crop of self-felating vipers, giving new meaning to the snake with its tail in its mouth and ironically, fulfilling the rule of the eternal but not necessarily as originally intended. Something happens to a person when they desire ever more and more than they need, while caring less and less for those around them. Having purchased privacy and the freedom to be idle, they can’t rest without making sure of an increased difficulty in the pursuit of it by those who don’t have it. Foreclosing on homes and making jobs disappear, while devaluing the currency, are a few of their avocations. Then you get things like this. It should be noted that Chase made a lot of their fortune foreclosing on the mortgages of war widows; a house specialty from Chef David.
It amuses me no end to see the rich slather themselves in expensive scents, cut from the glands of small animals; unguents and chemical smell repressants abound because they really do stink underneath it all. I’ll tell a little personal truth, which is verifiable and also known to my close associates. I can go without a shower for a month or more and give off no sign of it and I don’t use any of these things. How do I do it? How do I eat enormous amounts of garlic and seldom smell of it and ...why? I’ll expound on that in my book, “Spiritual Survival in the Temporal World” when it comes out early next year. Statements like these are magnets for jeering, scoffing and poorly constructed jokes but the ‘proofs in the pudding’.
Some of us are aware of all sorts of things we don’t talk about a lot, can’t talk about mostly, because it just clangs off the consciousness of the ones being addressed and then clatters down the road like a runaway hubcap. Certain truths just bounce off of the attention of most because recognition requires a change and an adjustment in the way they live and they damn well don’t want that. They want to have what they have until they die, which they don’t expect to happen and they don’t want to accept any of the eternal realities of existence.
This is why so many women, who are beautiful to begin with, or could be, paint themselves up like circus clowns, as if the march of time might be fooled and the observer deceived. Instead of blooming by the grace of nature and growing ever lovelier with the passing years, as the inner beauty comes forth to shine in radiant splendor and sits like the crown and evidence of true royalty upon their character and features, they opt for something else; something dreadful.
I don’t envy the rich and the imagined powerful. I don’t envy their false fellowship with each other and the sure lack of friendship and true affection that can be had by the dirt poor but not by them. I’ve seen the enormous hospitality of poorer cultures and the near total lack of it in the affluent ones. I watch people. I feel sorry for them most of the time and I recognize the danger that can rush forth, if one treads on their understanding of what the real costs are that they incur and their rights to abuse themselves and others while pursuing ephemeral mists, which stretch across the vast swamplands of material attraction.
You can’t tell anyone anything until suffering has brought them to the place of listening. I remember a cartoon I saw awhile back of two bookstores next to each other. The sign over one of them said something like, “Cheap, sensational and poorly written drivel” and the other said, “Timeless works of beauty and imagination.” There was a line stretching out of the first bookstore around the block and no one in front of the other. But you can see this right in front of you every day. The proof of all that’s said here, or has ever been said anywhere, is right in front of your eyes and those who cannot see it are blinded by the smoke from the fires of their desires and attractions. You can’t have the one and see the other, which is how you get, ‘in the world but not of it’.
The too few who have too much are in need of global conflicts to distract the public from their crimes and make yet more money they don’t need. They are whipping these conflicts up as I write these words and everyone else would be better off it they took every one of these bankers, politicians and everyone like them and gave each of them a knife and a flashlight and sealed them up in a bunch of abandoned apartment buildings. Those who want to make war should have the opportunity to personally engage in it. They should be showcased on pay per view in contests against their fellows. Anyone caught stirring up conflicts and playing blood games with money should be immediately arrested and lined up for a performance. Let the punishment fit the crime. Take everyone responsible for Afghanistan and parachute them into the Hindu Kush. Let the same be done for the architects of every conflict.
Those who have stolen huge fortunes from their fellows should be quarantined in the slums of major cities. Those who abuse their powers in law enforcement should become prison inmates. What about those who experiment on people in the name of science? There are many crimes I can think of. There are many crimes that are born out of other crimes. Today there is an ever increasing rash of pet disappearances because people are broke and hungry so they are kidnapping these animals and selling them to labs.
Meanwhile, those responsible for all of these things, visit the links provided earlier in this post. They’re having their anal rings bleached and god knows what else. Sooner or later, too late is on the doorstep. Sooner or later, “I told you so” is a fading echo, with only “No! Please God! No” remaining. Sooner or later those with too much will offer everything they have for escape and forgiveness and someone will take everything they have but there will be no escape and no forgiveness. The message is on the answering machine and the past due reminder is in the mailbox. Meanwhile, life goes on.
End Transmission.......
'I Am Alive' is track no. 8 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
Last night's radio show is now available for download.
“Something happens to a person when they desire ever more and more than they need, while caring less and less for those around them.”
Oh so true.
“You can’t tell anyone anything until suffering has brought them to the place of listening.”
I just tried to say this over in SM, and here you are once again saying it cleaner and clearer than I.
Delusion can be painful to watch when there is nothing you can say or do for the sufferer.
I have been using this nom de plume for a while now and have expended some effort to keep it separate from the name I use offline. Wayward showed me how silly that was by referring to me by our relationship in the very first post she put on my wall in Facebook.
The divine tells me this is because the offline persona is more of an illusion than this one. Therefore, I am no longer hiding the connection between this SCA persona and my more mundane ID.
Still gazing through the dust that blows by the alley,
"This is why so many women, who are beautiful to begin with, or could be, paint themselves up like circus clowns"
Your blog posts are awesome and a joy to read. And your radio shows are funny. :D
Thanks for coming to the planet. Hehe. =)
I really think about what you write all through my day. I find your words to be encouraging and listen to them on the feet to fire. Thanks again Visible.......Buzzsaw
Not sure if I'm good or if I'm bad... but I will accept the result of whatever judgement is passed by the Great Spirit.
I am satisfied with me - for the most part.
Like whomever it was said:
"Let the chips fall where they may."
You just keep saying it as it is.
Maybe you have seen the following. If not then I really recommend every does. (only a few minutes).
Seems like it is not so easy to brain wash a generation. Their evil plan is foundering!
“Spiritual Survival in the Temporal World”:
Sounds like that's gonna end up being one of those “Timeless works of beauty and imagination.”
Goddess Bless Les
Wow, thank you for this Les. This is wise beyond words and its worth is far greater than anything the world has to offer. The humor aspect alone really hit the spot... reminds me of this amusing clip of Jim Carry:Monopoly Guy
Take care!
Many of you are having problems posting. This is because I am on a Zio-Google list that seeks to diminish the appearance of traffic to and interest in these sites.
It's long past being a question.
Busy little, toxic Zio-wasps are seeking to sting the perceptions in skewered directions in anticipation of their being composted as the bricks and mortar for the coming age.
Please email me your comments when they don't go through. Okay??? I suppose I do have to say this dozens and dozens of times before it registers don't I (grin)?
Bleached anal rings?
Yup. It's for real. It's a salon procedure in LA. From what I saw on E-Channel, it's done right after hot waxing. What a sick world. There was a time when humans didn't show places where the sun don't shine.
Pass me the botox needle!
I need to toss out my telecom gear and get a real life.
Warmest regards,
Catherine Zeta Jones is the one who brought it to my attention.
This post has the best title of all the ones I've seen.
Times have been rough lately but coming here makes me feel better like never before. The bastards are going to have real shit on their hands if they so much as lay a finger on the internet.
"It's lovely, but I fancy myself an autumn" XD
Thanks ravnise.
Lucky you Les (grin)
That's not quite how I meant it but I'll let it slide.
There's a new Visible Origami up-
Weaving Like Drunks into the Event Horizon.
First time I've read your blog and I'll definitely be back. The pleasure of reading it is almost worth the anguish of living the truths it bares.
A speck of dust on a small rock suspended in the vacuum and vastness of infinite space expanding and growing at the speed of light. So blessed to be alive, to be able to enjoy all of creation. To live at the precise point in time when so much is being revealed, a world where knowledge is shared and not horded by the elite. Thank you God in Heaven for giving me this opportunity. My prayer is that you Will be done and when my final hour comes, I will not have been too big of a disappointment.
i want to know your secret for eating garlic and not smelling of it!?
I'll give you a clue. Garlic pushes the poisons out of the blood stream and that is what accounts for its smell which can be especially pungent if meat is eaten. Over the course of some length of time, if one is aware in diet and other practices, most or all of the poisons are pushed out of the body and so the smell departs. However... raw garlic is something else (grin). Even with that though, I don't hear about it.
Amazing! It sounds like something Frank Zappa would have joked about, but sure enough, Wikipedia has a listing for "Anal bleaching" sitting just under an urgent appeal from founder, Jimmy Wales! That's a coincidence, right?
For all the falderal about alleged Reptilian shape-shifters, there's at least a kernal of truth. You can sometimes see it in the eyes of those who lust after more than they could spend in a long lifetime... see the misanthropic transformation as their consciousness shifts into a more primitive region of their brain. I haven't met the Queen, but I've observed this change in at least two Realtors™!
SiamSpam, that's the 3rd Les Visible thread youve posted that link on.
You might swoon, but when I watch little Barnaby ,I see a coached little Mini-Milliband Marxist future politician. All his little slogans of "solidarity" and "comrades"..poor little fuckers got a spike in his skull already. Maybe the president in the vid, Clare SOLOMON , helped drive that spike in?
You seem gullible.
I do not spam. Like otheres here I had problems posting comments - and infact made a point of mentioning on one post that i had posted already.
But I do take your point re the president - something i overlooked.
I live and learn :)
Awesome post Les.
This is resonance plus for me and may I add you have been on fire the last few weeks. Keep 'em coming, really great!
A new Smoking Mirrors is up-
How Can so Many People be so Incredibly Blind.
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