Dog Poet Transmitting.......
It’s the usual disconnect between values and principals and entertainment and well... just about everything right? If this had happened in Haiti then... uh. What did happen in Haiti? I notice that those two cocaine and alcohol cowboys, Bush and Clinton got a charity thing going. Maybe they should have a charity ball. It takes a lot of power to ball Charity, she’s not so tight but she’s ready Freddy. Charity is a hot chick and Charity can be a laundry in some ways. She tries to wash the greenery clean, after doing everybody in public and private rooms but she never can get there. It’s possible that Charity would like to help all the people she bends over for but she never gets the chance to do more than put her clothes on for photo ops, as a lure to more action.
There is this phrase that goes, “shit happens” and it does. It is a simple process of which everyone reading here is familiar. It gets good and bad according to how you define those things. Shit is going to happen and we have seen what our industry has wrought and been turned to and manipulated by and constructed for our betters.
It should not come as a surprise that ‘sheep’ and ‘sleep’ rhyme. I could run a rock opera out of that but they don’t like the message and the Wachowski Brothers are still unknown quotients.
I’ve heard that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Sometimes I think about the goddess and the bitch motif and the degrees of separation or relative levels of serenity and tranquility and the “I want it now” factor; how they define us and how we experience it. Life and the destiny thereof seems to come down to how you treat the feminine principle. I could be wrong but I’m not. There’s the added feature of payback being a bitch.
The truth is that Haiti could be fixed up like the ship but it won’t be, because it’s a science project. It is interesting to note that Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed by technology that got out of hand, which was caused by a separation between classes of people; or maybe it was an accident? I don’t know but I hear things. The reason I mention it is that it looks a lot like now.
I don’t envy the rich or celebrate the poor, people are people and Fortune comes and goes. She can walk into the room on the arm of one man and then walk out on the arm of another. She’s strictly a rental with an option to perform. If you treat her right she remembers. How that turns out later, I’m not going to say.
Why am I all over the map here and what’s the point? Charity is one of the last refuges of the rich, who are generally scoundrels and as you can see by going to the recent lineup of articles on What Really Happened, you can read about all the dark doings that the corporate banking vampires are up to with the mortgage foreclosure action. They’re giving off excuses, such as they should be given a pass for stealing houses with flagrant abuses of the legal system, since the victims would ‘probably’ have lost their house anyway. They’re pushing congress to retroactively change the laws, so that nothing they have done will be illegal in the present, if it no longer is illegal in the past. Wall Street is pouring funds into congress to make this happen.
The remarkable Lasha Darkmoon has laid out the nature of the evolution of art in our corrupted societies. Art is one of the many Charity rape fests that show us the good intentions of the well to do in their invitation only self love fests. Giving money to allopathic medicine by way of hospital wings, designed to provide free heath care to those who built them and who are also responsible for the proliferation of the diseases by vice of their corporate agendas of food and life style perversion, should be well known. Cancer is a recent epidemic in which the body attacks itself, due to the effect of certain environmental and behavioral activities that are an anathema to good health. They’ve got retroactive laws going for this too.
Charity is a goddess eternal, who stands for and symbolizes the generosity of the awakened heart, but now she’s a slut in a porn film called Modern Life. Charity is presently a psychotic dominatrix, whose purpose is the destruction and torment of every intention she is directed at. The agenda of those polluting the wellspring of life, is to turn the meaning and industry of the eternal archetypes into their opposite, with the result of bringing Hell on Earth. Those who wield the corrupted symbols, which were previously meant to stand as protections in the institutions and laws of any age, have been turned into magical curses against the populations, for the profit of those seeking to enslave and destroy them.
It’s all classic prophecy that can be found in every religious tome and it’s a remarkable irony given what religion has become, in its evolution into the greater profanities of each succeeding generation. Their desire is to turn it all into shit, killing hope, faith and beauty by incremental devolutionary tactics. This is why those who would have revolted long ago, find themselves in a fog of confusion and aimless floundering, in the flotsam and jetsam of their wastes.
Somehow, some way, these mendacious and soulless creatures come to their just reward. I don’t know the intricacies, or the means by which it is accomplished, but it is true that the Earth has never been conquered by anyone. It is also true that all the cultures that were are now gone and that includes many of them, which were far more benevolent and evolved than our own. We have the assurance of something we don’t understand, or even admit the existence of and in some mysterious fashion; it accomplishes our needs despite our inability to be of much use in the process.
I find that I have to pay great attention to the direction of my thoughts and emotions. With each day, I see more clearly what it is that surrounds us and I am stunned by what I see. I watch my anger and reactive mind. I realize that giving vent to what occasionally surfaces in my thoughts, is just what the crocodiles are looking for. Occasionally someone comes along and takes me to task over comparing these alien life forms to reptile entities and it simply bemuses me that they do not get that it is comparative and metaphorical. What is perfectly okay in the animal kingdom is not okay in the human estate, as the definition of the reptile mind clearly shows. As for the affection of snakes, that too is an exaggeration and one is well advised to leave them alone, lest one wind up in their own version of man with girlfriend and video camera, seeking the company of bears in the wild.
Everything has been turned upside down and re-identified as being right side up. Black is the new white. Evil is the new good. Shit is the new Shinola and as long as it shines, it might as well glitter and if it glitters it must be gold. Anyone not waking up gets what they deserve. Anyone who can sleep in the conditions of a sty and dream that they are enthroned in a palace has earned the right to be a galley slave, on some ship of empire sailing for the Straits of Scylla and Charybdis. They’ve earned the right to retire in the isles of the Sargasso Sea.
Poor Charity, bound and gagged and on public display; mocked by her beneficiaries and sold for scrap in a monstrous age, with ‘ridden hard and put away wet’ tattooed on her forehead lest she forget, when she looks in the mirror to behold the gaze of those merciless eyes that seem to rule in these days.
It seems to be the slowest and most lumbering of things, this creeping to judgment, as if the prayers of Charity in her ruin and Mercy in shame have still enough prayers to suspend the moment, in the hope that awakening will come, to those who have reduced them to such a state. Its business as usual in this realm of packaged meats and bloody floors, hosed down by drones in rain slickers, dreaming of an easy chair and a television and a surfeit of canned beers, to attend and compliment the lies that will send them forth with each new day into more of the same.
Here’s an example of Charity being raped under the guise of her asking for it. You don’t need to ask what is being used for Rohypnol to make the bitch compliant. You don’t need to ask what it all means. You just go on applauding the abuse of your being, at the hands of those who are set out to destroy you, with your own resounding applaud and approval greasing the wheels. I’ve said it many times and I will say it again, you had better get a clue.
End Transmission.......
'And We Could All Be Free' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La
(almost 3000 members).
Petri Dish Mirror.
Hi Visible,
Thank you for writing.
I've been reading the Colon Cleanse handbook by Robert Gray and I cann't believe everything I've been eating under the guise of "healthy" has been a mucoid forming food. My first thought was, why in the world would there be so much food available to us that is bad for us? most of the foods people eat will kill you and so I think to myself, whomever's on top really hates us or overindulges in greed but they still hate us.
Do the bad guys win? why is life so cruel and why are we stuck here?
I'm sure there are answers. There's also so much good in the world and so much love but why does the bad shit stand out so much.
The colon cleansing is giving me some heavy reactions as if something toxic is fighting to get out and it is. I see that in order to change myself, there needs to be a huge amount of faith involved in me in order to realize that the change will bring out some form of payoff or peace of mind but That might not happen even after all that change, but as i've learned, we might not get the answers we so eagerly want to know in this lifetime. Still change for the better is worth it but it's the faith in it that plays around and the belief that the divine will give you what you need when you need it.
Love you lots and wish you well.
Les --
Just heard that they're trying to scare up another coupla a hundred million for the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Last time I checked the charities raised close to a billion for the disaster that was never spent in Haiti. Most probably went to Swiss accounts and no one even bothers to mention the theft.
Big surprise.
wv: defator -- Now with all Happy Meals your own prescription for
de-fator the pill that lets you eat like a pig!
yes Deb, it can be a little unsettling as it goes but it becomes remarkably enjoyable as it goes as well. I am about two weeks into it myself and experiencing some interesting reactions. I look forward to the latter stages once it's done its thing. Hang in there.
Yes, Charity is theft. The only Charity worth anything is direct and private.
Oh ya.
Telling like it is Les.
"Charity" by the zionists and/or their supporters?
wv: const
"The con-art of giving charity to make sleeping sheep believe you (Bush, Clinton, etc) are behaving in the interests and for the good of all mankind - same effect as lipstick on a pig"
Haiti's Unnatural Disasters "... Hurricane Tomas and the cholera outbreak have starkly exposed the failures of the international and domestic responses to the earthquake. Almost 10 months after the earthquake, the international community has failed to provide safe, weather-resistant shelter for even a fraction of the approximately 1.3 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in tent camps. Most camps lack proper sanitation, leaving hundreds of thousands of people acutely vulnerable to disease.
Despite the generous pledges of billions of dollars in assistance by individuals and countries across the world, only a small percentage of it has reached organizations in Haiti, and only a minuscule fraction of the funds delivered has reached the Haitian people themselves. Many Haitians are living just as they were immediately after the earthquake with utterly inadequate access to sanitation, shelter, food, and clean water... "
Twenty reasons why America is a dying duck?
Q: Did the duck jump, or was it pushed?
Yeah, beware of Greeks baring gifts. Haiti and a number of other countries are getting Monsanto's dangerous GM seeds pushed down their throats in the name of "charity" ... and "Vultures" make their living off of African debt relief -- making money hand over fist from that which was supposed to help AIDS vicitms ...
"I find that I have to pay great attention to the direction of my thoughts and emotions."
It's so easy to get carried far away from what matters on a mental or emotional tangent, isn't it?
I think over time the wisdom from you and many of the comments here have made me more aware of and sensitive to the value of certain thoughts and emotions.
WV: "sondu"; Well, the devil don't, but the sondu.
The history of charity by the rich goes back to early last century when the Robber Barons were so outlandish that there was a public uproar.
Ultimately, they gave some of their money away so they could look nice, but that was the only reason.
Thanks Les
Its a real hard task showing people that they hold shit in their hands and spent untolds amounts of money in the form of loans to learn even more shit so they can show other people their shit paperwork and titles.
The housing bubble is a prefect mirror into the world of fake and overstated shittness. At no point is there anything real but the home, the dreams, the loan, the paycheck, all forms of shit.
Its like this "show me your papers, no papers, no soup for you!"
If you fall for that silly game, so be it.
Love Your Life
Thank you Les, All the Best.
It`s not enough that former Monsanto executive Michael Taylor is the Food Czar in Obama`s administration. Monsanto recently purchased Xe Intelligence Services. Xe is the new name for Blackwater, the largest private mercenary military outfit in the world. Within that same time frame, Bill Gates purchased 23 million dollars (US) of Monsanto stocks.
It will come to armed struggle between corporate mercenaries and citizen brigades before it's all over...
Anonymous 1:09 PM
Don't worry too much. These animals have operated in the shadows for a long time but they must 'illuminate' themselves to claim their prize and we are borrow their mis-appropriated term, we are legion.
Everything is happening as it should and everything is under control.
Keep the faith.
"It will come to armed struggle between corporate mercenaries and citizen brigades before it's all over..."
Jesus.what a thought. I was hoping I would be able to pop a politician or two.just saying.
"Art is one of the many Charity rape fests that show us the good intentions of the well to do in their invitation only self love fests."
"Charity is a goddess eternal, who stands for and symbolizes the generosity of the awakened heart, but now she’s a slut in a porn film called Modern Life. Charity is presently a psychotic dominatrix, whose purpose is the destruction and torment of every intention she is directed at."
What incredibly lucid and targeted observations.
You really do have a channel open to a higher spirit.
Thank you for these crystals of thought.
You have a way of making a safe and comforting place in spite of it all.
Have you thought about gathering some of your writings into a book that could be held and read, and passed from friend to friend?
Some place outside the cyberspace where passages would be conversationally examined, and relished.
You are a Genius with words Les, I always thought myself to be well read but I appear illiterate compared to your good self.I always read your posts with amazement at the poetic prose and fantastic imagery contained within them, it nearly always makes me want to laugh.Always a pleasure....
i did a 10 day fast a couple of weeks ago its amazing how good you feel and stuff was coming out afterwards felt so good funnily enough because of the money situation i am fasting every month now so even though their fucking with us that too is positive also am scrubbing my desktop every couple of weeks now new os every 2 weeks [shakes the scumbags off]problem is lost my copy of the dark splendour brilliant book can't wait for your next
There's a new Smoking Mirrors up-
The Demons Among us at the Cannibal Feast.
It's helpful to the CIA and other drug running groups to have diversions like the Cholera epidemic in Haiti so they can move cocaine out of Colombia, into Haiti, then onto the USA and Europe.
Who says crime doesn't pay?
Well, email me and I'll send you a replacement PDF.
another take on Haiti, compared to it's land-connected neighbour, the dominican republic, where the latter is not too bad and Haiti a basket case., is provided by
Jared Diamaon, How Societies Choose To Fail or Succeed.
his basic thesis is that wherever civilisations have deforested beyond sustainability (Easter Island being the totally deforested case) , they have invariably collapsed.
charity, like love, is best served unconditionally. respect for nature is in our own interests, at least in this, our birthing phase of evolution to something better.
more trees please
As a secret follower of your word for a long time, I just can't remain silent any longer (grin), a great book wrote many moons ago says "when you do your good works, do not let the left hand know what the right is doing, in doing this your good works which are done in secret will be rewarded openly".
May your works bring you much reward spirit with ya Bro'!
Magical curses are the inside joke of the Hades (Helios) worshippers.
Twisted entities pushed through the door in elite ceremonies that end up controlling unknowing invitee's. Work the hosts to high positions of power in the regional world, create mountain sized ego's so all can enjoy the mighty fall of a poor lost soul.
Endless power, an involuted mirage of the illuminati, a true eye of the beholder (our soul) can keep a clear picture with God's help. What many love to do now, unfortunately will end up cursing forever later on.
Les, don't give up on us. OK.
Billy Geier
"Occasionally someone comes along and takes me to task over comparing these alien life forms to reptile entities and it simply bemuses me that they do not get that it is comparative and metaphorical. What is perfectly okay in the animal kingdom is not okay in the human estate, as the definition of the reptile mind clearly shows. As for the affection of snakes, that too is an exaggeration and one is well advised to leave them alone, lest one wind up in their own version of man with girlfriend and video camera, seeking the company of bears in the wild."
Sorry for the belated reply. But wow, what a way to put words and concepts in my mouth. I didn't say we should all gather 'round with our furry,feathered and scaly friends and sing "Kumbaya". I merely stated what has become more and more obvious through observation of the natural world. Emotional intelligence is very ancient in the animal kingdom and has independently produced some complex behaviors within vertebrates and invertebrates such as cephalopods.
Personally, I always thought people who actively cultivate such relationships reflect much more about the rest of humanity than about them. Are these people too weird, too bizarre and too cacked in the head? Or is it that the rest of humanity simply has no patience for them and regards them as worthless somehow?
When I stated that human psychopaths are like nothing the natural world produces in any other species, I meant it.
They are literally a combination of the most predatory and parasitical aspects Nature has to offer in one form.
-To Pstonie. No, mammals are not descended from reptiles. both reptiles (sauropsids) and mammals (synapsids) diverged extremely early on from the first Amniote. Reptiles have complex skin layers (a and b keratin scales) that mammals do not possess. Mammals retain a primitive, leathery "amphibian" skin. The "scales" in many mammals are cornified skin; basically complex and elegant calluses.
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