Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Most of us haven’t seen the Martha Washington Monument; probably because it’s a 500 foot hole in the ground but... most any American who’s your average resident knows what it feels like to be Martha and have the force of government buried into them by someone other than George. This kind of writing would probably set George’s wooden teeth on fire but there’s a lot more Voltaire in me than there is Damon Runyon. I guess that makes me French; kind of.
The best way to co-opt a revolution is to have one preemptively in advance of the one you know is coming because you screwed people so badly they haven’t got any other choice. It’s like building a steam valve in advance of the steam that is certain to come because you pressed down on people so hard that life was no longer worth living and worth the risk of losing it. Well, I could give you a brief lesson in physics right now and it would prove how what can be predicted to occur under ordinary circumstances will operate in reverse of what is predicted under extraordinary circumstances but... why bother. You know what I mean.
So now you have this Tea-bagger revolution that is best explained by one of America’s chief emergent demagogues. Note a few things; note the casual fireside persona, the modulating resonance of speech, the constant reference to ‘the media’ by someone working for the most powerful media of the times, the constant buttoning and unbuttoning of the suit coat, the working of the hands in front of the Ken doll crotch, the burgeoning and girdled midriff, the ‘poker tells’ and the body language. Well, the latter would, given who it is, make me break my rule about not picking fights and compel me to seduce (using his methods) or force this fool into a situation where I could have the encounter videotaped. It would work better if Hannity and O’Reilly were off camera and awaiting their turn, without the usual muscle boys crowding the action.
I used to have a feature on my TV show called, “The Choke Chain”. In this sequence I would have just about anyone appear; Ferdinand Marcos, Pat Robertson or Mick Jagger. After a private session in a back room that no one ever enters besides me and the candidate, the candidate would, for reasons never made clear, agree to be put on a choke chain by me and walked through the streets of New York City like a dog. I’m a little sorry and a little nostalgic that I don’t do that show anymore because Glenn Beck and his fellow travelers would be on that chain and able to see the world from a perspective too long denied them.
Now they have created this Teabag movement to usurp the natural revolution, which would have occurred in any case, because people are being hammered into the ground. It’s true that the poorest American probably eats better than half of the rest of the world but they’re used to it and a lot of the newly bankrupt are not. Glenn Beck; waterworks, hypocrite extraordinaire likes to use the word ‘serfs’. He has a canny sense of Reader’s Digest, Cliff Notes history. He’s just a regular guy with parent permission slips to miss the formerly mandatory, physical education needs of growing youth. That need is now being met by boys and girls being purchased in American malls, by men in suits, for items and objects that their peer review judges have declared to be mandatory possessions. Hey, if you’re going to give it away you might as well get paid for it and there are lots of Daddy’s willing to pay.
The Teabaggers are not going to attract anyone with any objective reasoning capacity but you would be the minority. It’s going to be a blood bath people, because once normal and stupid meet there is no other option. My advice, to those of you who are still conscious, is to get out of the middle of the crowd. Fringe dwelling is the recommended option. Whatever hits will be most severe in those locations where materialism and the seeming suppression of sexual force are the greatest; by this I mean guilt, not abstinence. Obviously that is not a feature, not even among those claiming it to be (big up and shout out to Onan. was sup?).
What the Teabagger movement is all about is replacing corrupt but competent politicians with incompetent and more easily deceived and therefore cheaper politicians, in order to maximize the profit margin of those already in control and possessed of the belief that it will go on forever, which is exactly what the director wants the actors to be thinking on their way to Waterloo or Gallipoli or just your ordinary Watergate.
I know that most of you have probably wondered at some point how seemingly intelligent people can be so stupid. Some of them are professionals; have gone to college and gotten degrees, make a great income and even raise their children into some kind of copy of themselves but you just can’t understand how they can still be so stupid. You’re not stupid. You can see. Why can’t they? It must be some kind of spiritual thing having to do with insight or access to a higher plane of viewing. I tend to think that the more honest you are with yourself, the more you see around you.
Listening to Glenn Beck, which I have done about 3 times, is the equivalent of pouring poison into my mind, while trusting I have the antidote; so far so good. If you ever want to see a reptile in human skin then this is your chance.
America is going to go down in flames because there is no natural or supernatural way that the people who follow these lines of unreason can be brought into awareness short of seeing their world burn down before their eyes. They are going to reap the whirlwind. As I looked at the face of Christine O’Donnell, as she spoke after her victory, all I could think is that this is the fatted calf of America. This is ignorance on the hoof. When I hear Rand Paul speak, I know his father must be a viper too. I realize now that no one gets heard, no one gets into power, who is not a catamite for the crystallized shadow from the land of darkness.
There’s a great sense of loss to be felt, even by those who think they have left this world behind, when this world crumbles from the lack of any integrity to maintain it. That integrity was borrowed so that there might be a world of falsity in which we might strive for the vision to see it. I knew a long time ago that living in a teepee in the woods was the best it was ever going to get for me and I find I’m not wrong on that account. I will wind up spending the last of my touchable time here in a yurt somewhere, probably in Italy; that’s a presumption but the yurt is not.
I can find it in my heart to feel pity for those who listen to Glenn Beck. I can be compassionate for those who think being a Teabagger represents some idea of freedom, even though it is slavery to the lies they believe they war against. They are themselves, active participants in the endurance of these lies, even while they give their children and their own lives in support of them. It is a sad, sad affair.
I have to keep my mind upon the light that is breaking through the shackles of an artificial night. I have to walk alone in search of a seam large enough to slip through. I know I am not alone in this regard. Others are finding their way through as I write these words. I don’t know what’s on the other side but it beats staying here.
End Transmission.......
'My Pickup Truck got Pregnant' is track no. 1 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

I'm on the radio with Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof.
The New Shangri-La (almost 650 members).
Petri Dish Mirror.
Les, you're on fire another great post.
It's tragic that people need to stare death in the face before they value their life.
It's tragic that a whole lot of stupid people have made the world they deserve in order that they might awaken by the only means open to stupid, greedy, self-interested people, staring death in the face.
But the most tragic thing is,
these stupid fuckers screw the world up for us as well. ;]
Power on Les
"I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges." said Voltaire.
Me too.
Glad to see you had the huevos to throw a little jibe Ron and Randy's way. Every time I do that the Paulistas jump my ass!
I'm not on anyone's side but the truths and the truth has no sides.
True that my man!
It seems local and grassroots movements are a thing of the past, as most people need tags and titles to be active in group thought now adays. Its pretty hard to give a shit about your neibor when you only see him at Walmat and his in front of you in line? Its the old blue green light that replaced the front porch problem? Thanks man
Love Your Life
Great post again, Les!
When the Tea Party movement first started to appear, it seemed interesting. So, my wife and I went to participate in a rally in Denver soon after Obama was elected. I don't think he was even the sworn in yet. I was under the impression that this movement was about "we the people" taking our country back after the Bush administration put through the first bank bailout.
Well it didn't take long before, having listening to a couple of speakers at this rally, that we realized that this was business as usual. Basically a Repug rally attacking Obama, who wasn't even in office yet!
I thought that, maybe, it had been a genuine movement, quickly usurped by TPTB to their own end. But now you make clear that it was never a true movement at all.
Before long, this Beck character became the spokesman for the movement. And when Palin jumped in, even those with one ounce of "non-stupity" in their being should have seen it for what it is.
Thanks for your incredible wisdom and clarity.
Thanks Les. Another great article. I see and dialog with many honest, hard working 'tea baggers' and you just cant reason with them. When indisputable facts are mentioned, they just have this glazed over look to if to say "that is not what is said on Fox News" They are good Christians who have been taught that to mess with the Chosenites risks the anger of YAHWEY. So, to them, the fact that every media outlet is owned and operated by a chosenite is not a negative. It just means that God has it under control.
So thank you and Duff for helping me keep my sanity during the end of this 'Dark Age'
Glen Beck..
I could only watch that clip for approx 45 seconds before my gag reflex went into overdrive and the urge to poke out both of my eardrums with a blunt pencil became to strong.
Do Americans really choose to watch this vile specimen of their own free will and then actually believe anything that comes out of his pudgy, twitchy,insincere trap?
Can people Really be that dumb...?
If so, we're all doomed! DOOMED!!
Catching a ride with some mommies last year on the way to a field trip we were chaperoning, the driver said, "should we listen to the radio? What music would you like to hear, or should we listen to Glen Beck - I just LOVE his show!"
I replied "Well, you could put on Beck if you wish, but it might not take long before I am overcome with murderous rage. I can't abide that level of lying and false concern for others".
The look was priceless - absolutely priceless. But I am easily dismissed as a loon, so the talk just continued between the 2 in the front seat.....
"Billy is having a tough time falling asleep at night - he keeps coming into our room crying and afraid of something. I take him back to his room and we pray over it together, but it is really becoming a problem. I need to consult our pastor about this".
Poor Billy....
Hmmm. As I travel the streets around my home, I see bumper stickers for Michelle Bachmann every day - yes, I live among those who elected that batshit-crazy psychopath.
I wonder if this is the type of area Visible alludes to when discussing better or worse locations from which to view the unraveling?
Ah, don't care anyway. Just trusting that the route will be illuminated if the channel is kept open. Can't be driven by fear.
How does Gordon Duff get away with what he does? Seriously? Talk about unveiling.
Another well - delivered blow to the body of the beast, Visible. Cooking with gas to be sure. Thank you.
"Listening to Glenn Beck, which I have done about 3 times." You got me beat I've never listened to him. And if you have any problem with Christine O'Donnell think about our next president Sara Paulin. Talk about "ignorance on the hoof". For me the jury is still out on Ron Paul, and I haven't listened to his son enough to have a opinion.
Hey, look where the "corrupt but competent politicians" have got us. Lets stick a bunch of Christine O'Donnnells in there even if just for a laugh, although I draw the line at Sara Paulin. The patient has terminal cancer, if he starts smoking cheap cigars it won't change anything.
From the beginning I saw Ron Paul as a ''too good to be true'' personna; the gold old grandpa figure, an obstetrician bringing lives, and a soldier of the truth in a shining armor. You couldn't design a better character for the role.
Speaking of roles, I stepped on this little gem recently. I hope this one will live in our memory as an example of the outstanding quality of art and entertainment produced by the tribe. No wonder those guys loved to blow up stuff and dress like bloodsucking demons.
Rock and roll brothers,
the shit is about to hit the fan big time!
Love you Les, and all your invisible friends.
It is sooooo hard to have patience with those who think Glen Beck is right on. Sometimes I feel like I'm the deer in the headlights when I hear some family members talking about world events. I can have compassion for my parents. There wasn't a whole lot of information out there that was assessable for them to learn otherwise. But for the rest of the family, in this day and age??? Lazy thinkers, not wanting to disrupt their minute apple cart.
Thanks Les, for having the cajones to continue to expose it all for what it is - and who they are.
wv: ovelopu - yup, glen beck is full of sh%t
There are many things in this world Les that are equivalent to 'pouring poison into my mind', I try to avoid most.
However, for the pieces that slip through you do have the antidote - thanks for sharing.
This is another great article.
Glenn Beck is a Mormon. Rush Limbaugh a junkie. Propaganda and astro-turf politics is the norm in this country since the Federalist Papers. As we all know, no government can make you free but any government will put you in chains.
Thus government is the great big prize sought by organized factions for their patrons and mobilizing the ordinary man or woman is the art of ruling. A crowd cannot think and thus the mob is the ideal electorate.
Trapped in the foothills of the Blue Ridge, in the first of the States of the occupied Confederacy, I often weep for the dream that should have been.
Between dodging the punchlines thrown my way by the divine that is...
Keep howling dog.
Visible on the radio- sort of, phone was going wack but well, I don't know, I haven't heard it yet.
I had Beck pegged as a fraud the first ten minutes I saw him on CNN a few years ago. I seem to recall him saying he was Jewish at one point. I see someone saying he's a mormon. He said his wife is of Italian extraction. Is he trying to be all things to all people??
I find the whole "teabagger" reference obnoxious/offensive. You state that these people are mostly professionals--seemingly intelligent people who are being duped. I don't understand why you must use that type of language. I look at the tea party people and I see a bunch of older people looking to try to DO SOMETHING, rather than just sitting around complaining. Yes, they are being deceived, but if you don't KNOW you're being deceived, shouldn't we work harder at trying to educate them rather than making fun of them in a way that show how much contempt you have for them?
It just seems to me that the anger and contempt is being directed at the wrong people---the VICTIMS.
I really love your site but this post just brings me down and makes me feel hopeless about everything. You say you can feel compassion towards tea party people in the same sentence that you refer to them as "teabaggers." Maybe I'm sensitive about this because I know that my parents have participated in one or two of these things. They are in their 70's and have worked hard all their lives and are scared. I'm working on educating them, but this sort of language being used seems counterproductive. I'm not asking you to change or anything, I just wanted to comment that it bothers me.
Shut the fuck up. Ass and hole in the ground; quick!!! which is which?
Oh, by the way, those poor victims. Those salt of the Earth types are the ones who will crucify me and disown you in a heartbeat. Real people don't buy into that kind of horseshit and if they do then they are not real people and they do not deserve my respect. I won my spurs in real situations and you are content with poignancy and nostalgia. Good luck with that.
I came across this article and thought it might be of interest to our host and those of his friends who know Hawaii.
Apparently, the most expensive houses there are the second or third homes of the class of financial parasites who are destroying America and the rest of the world.
"Beneath the real-estate pornography of bloated McMansion estates lies the ugly subtext of what the list reveals about the nature of wealth creation and concentration in the hollowed-out, credit-dependent, financial-speculation dominated U.S. economy.
Those touting the regenerative powers of U.S. "innovation" and the U.S. economy should ponder who can afford $30 million third homes, and what their great wealth has added to the citizenry of the U.S."
What are the chances that most of those people will also have places in Israel?
I've got my back up tent. Attempting to live in this concrete jungle is weird... still haven't forgotten the guy I met a week ago that said to go live on the mountain.
Good purchase on the tent. Hehe.
Still wondering why I'm not just hoofing it yet.
Materialistic pull?
I remember someone once told me that the diabolical ones have as a maxim: "We are our own opposition." And so it is with the latest autologous resistance designed for doom. I used to feel sorry for the oldsters because of what is happening to them, but now I see that they have brought it on themselves with their infernal Fundamentalism which serves satan and his earthly kin.
shifting patterns
revolution cycles
revolving outcomes
sabotaged rivals
liberation scandals
in conscious root
fusing lies
through low of truth
low below
to raise a hell
sell the all
to smash the self
with slight of hand
illusive tricks
for pig of greed
the liars fix
but liars lie
dont know the truth
because if they did
its that they'd choose
but they dont
so down they go
shouldnt play with fire
where truth grow.
Les, the fact that you are posting so often in such a short space of........"time" tells me all I need to know.......... The end is nigh.... For them. Love you man, see you on the other side.
Jeremy Scahill reports on Monsanto hiring Blackwater (Xe=xtian evangelism) to infiltrate enviro- and animal-activists, as well as "scanning contents of blogs and websites".
Teabaggers are clueless morons whose dicking around gives the zionista media and their owners plenty to laugh about. They've had 50+ years to see what's in front of their faces. Yes, even now they'd crucify you. The blackwater boys will bulldoze them into mass graves when the moment arrives.
wv:culturma - no shit?
My neighbor's employer has a child in the military. The child tweeted they're ready and leaving. Won't say where the're headed to or when they're leaving, just "soon." Also mentioned being high on adrenalin. That can't be good.
Time for our intentions for every bomb ever made to be useless, every fighter jet to be dead, every gun, grenade and weapons of choice to be dismantled. And all the new, sick twisted weaponry used against humanity to be turned against those manning them.
Peace be with us all
Never listened to a full Beck clip. Always seemed like a POS from the git-go.
Rand Paul is an AIPAC loving POS.
Ron Paul was always a little iffy, but I was willing to give him leeway for his correct take on the Fed. Then he blew it with his failure to repudiate the official 911 lunacy when he had a national audience.
So it looks like he also sucks Satan's cock. Too bad.
Kucinich blew it with his Obamacare cave-in.
The only pols left with any discernable moral fiber are McKinney and Gravel. Am I missing someone?
I have often wondered about the "intelligence' thing. As western society looks at it is the same as how good a computer works. Has nothing to do with the ability or the desire to seek or see the truth.
There is no such thing as a fiar trade or equal exchange.
Another thing I have come to realize is that the system is set up to pit people against one another. One example is the Federal reserve note. they are pieces of debt which means that they are little pieces of misery. Which maens that all business is to get more than something is worth since what youare getting is pieces of debt in return.
There is an evil in the world.
ps: I spent the last four days dealing with a malware virus that was very crippling. There is an evil in the world.
However, there must be good in this world, as good does exist. Yea, the politicians aren't up to the task, but that can only mean your glory is greater than theirs... not that we are fighting about glory. But glory properly applied can only mean there is justice. And to believe that, you have to believe in something higher, which means you would deserve the glory all the more, particularly when you put it to practice and rightly so, eh?
Real vs. Fake Crises: Conceling the Risk of an All Out Nuclear War
Les, you nail it right there in paragraph TWO.
If Americans had went to war with Washington (etc) in the mid-70s when the truck drivers struck and ALREADY HAD D.C. SURROUNDED...
What a better world we'd be living in!
The USA might have settled into being a real country, or just busted into pieces then and there, and it would have been magnificent.
But the American working class was reasonable, yup, I mean stupid. That populist explosion is now in the memory hole. The one war we should have fought, we chickened out on instead.
Now okay, war's hell. Don't get me wrong. We'd have gotten our hair mussed for sure. But we would have gotten out of being Israel's Bitch: The Final Degenerate Phase, which is now.
In fact, a rebellion in the 70s might have freed the Americas from Zion for a century. Even... no, enough. An old fart doing the What Might Have Been. Never good.
Excelllllennnt.......just more inspiration for self distruction..or.......................322BlackNobilityTv...That which is hidden ......may be ....felt.....with eyes wide shut..... ..It may be time to ask the question ....just who is piloting this ....SHIP OF FOOLS.......Hitler Knew and feared them ....The OLD ONES ......or as some have called them the [secret MASTERS].................It was in his own words .....not a group of this world ...[of flesh bone and blood]...the only thing he feared......Just more Occult jib jab..... jumbo...???... Amusing........[or not]....word for word...............A fortiori.....322
I just saw something interesting that I haven't seen before. We have scattered clouds in an otherwise clear sky. Off to the south I saw a plane heading north at extremely high elevation. Way above the clouds. Just before he got above a large cloud he turned on the spray nozzles. I know he continued spraying over this large cloud because it had small openings and I could see his chemtrail. When he got to the other side of the cloud he shut off the spray. He continued traveling through clear sky until he was over a much smaller cloud. He flipped the spray nozzles on for a short burst as he flew over this cloud, then continued heading north. It was like he was trying to hide the spray, but why the hell would he do that when they spray openly all the time.
Now don't get the idea he was cloud seeding because he was thousands of feet over the few clouds that were present. Also it appeared to be a very large plane, not like the C130 types I usually see.
You are right Les, they are crazy.
While listening to your radio appearance with Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof, the lines from "They Live" came to my mind involuntarily: "You're okay.
This one, real freaking ugly."
Your host and the other guy both sounded incredibly fake. It is almost certain both are jews.
Hallelujah. Finally someone publishes on the fake conservative movement.
Remember way back when before the Tea party was the Tea Party, when all those guys showed up at an Obama speech or something, armed to the teeth? Remember the MSM ballyhoo for a week or two after?
Funny we don't hear about these incidents any more.
TPTB soon realized that they had to stop covering that shit. Can you imagine if this had caught on among the righteous/crazies/ NRAers/,et al and 30,000 of them showed up in D.C. at a "Fuck This Shit" rally- armed to the teeth?
Ha Ha.
No, they couldn't let that happen.
Part of me feels that it was a missed opportunity.
I certainly don't disagree with you on this one.
And yet, I'm glad it's happening, for some reason... can't explain why. Even though this looks to be an ugly frightful mess brewing, I feel a rightness to it, and I'm OK with it.
It'll mean the end of the USA, of course, maybe Canada too. That is unfortunate, but what will come after is standing in the wings waiting for its time.
For awhile now I have been scratching my head over the tea party thing. It seemed as soon as Obama got elected all these right wingers where coming out and saying many of the things that had been talked about in the Bush years, conspiracy theories and all, only now it's all being blamed on the "liberals". Something very odd about it.
I can't even stand to listen to 10 secs of any of those idiots.
Years ago I loved arguing politics and ideologies. Nowadays if its not a rant with another of like mind, forget it. When I run across someone who loves faux news, Palin or any of that circus I have only one thing to say to them..."wake up, they all play for the same team". So far nobody ever has a response to that...
Its true these people are masters of persuasion and corruption...
I would say they definately intend to co-opt it with Sarah Palin, who doesn't mind spending money on a dress..
and of Course Ron Paul... who for some reason still believes in the free(never free from manipulation from the moneyed class)... Market...
When posting ad hominems and poorly written insults, your name should be attached otherwise you are just one more faceless coward, made so by anonymity. That's not a backwards baseball cap on my head. I've never worn one like that ever.
It's a head wrap given to me by a Crip in a Hollywood bar years ago for a reason that will remain my business but which is known about by a number of my friends. Maybe one of them will tell you how I got it.
For a failed musician I certainly played for and with some pretty well known names and the jury is still out on my success. I willingly grant that my tunes are poorly mixed and some of the instruments are just MIDI. I had to do it all myself but that will change when an engineer shows up and I redo everything. But that wasn't the point of the insult was it?
It so happens I have sold many thousands of CD's and was signed by Sony/CBS but the tribe tried to destroy my work so I left.
I'm nobody special unless everyone else is too. You can't hurt my feelings, too many people care about me to have an inferiority complex and I care about them as well; more than they know. Whenever I get comments like that I always say to myself, "This is what he thinks about himself." It's usually true.
It's like when someone talks about someone when they are out of the room. I know they are talking about me too in the same situation.
I didn't post his comment but if he wants to leave his name I surely will. I don't have many rules but the one about anonymity is a fixed reality.
An apology to my readers for saying these things when I should just ignore the cat and move on. Sometimes I feel like saying something and it is probably my shortcomings. I keep asking for them to go away. I guess God leaves them there to remind me that I'm human.
Like he always makes sure I go on the radio when I haven't slept for a few days so I'll sound more wigged out than I usually am (grin).
The sleep thing is funny. Ever since that time when I didn't sleep for two weeks in Italy it's come around now and then. I'm never really tired and carry on like usual except that my emotions become affected and there is a tendency to weep for no reason. Heh heh... I'm sure there's always a reason for tears even if we don't know what it is.
Hi Les, you just keep hitting that nail.
I just can't fathom peoples level of ignorance - it comes in varying degrees. I have a friend, ex CEO for a major Hotel Group, and he seemed to (i thought) have a good general understanding of how things operated. However, not so long ago he outed himself when he started to tell me, on a daily basis, how Glen Beck was 'really exposing these bastards'.
Some people don't get shit no matter what their educational backfound or lifes experience. Most people are so far gone that they are beyond approach - why?
Why the fuck is it that so many people just dont get shit?
Why the fcuk is it that so few do get shit?
Answers on the back of a postcard please.
Anonymous Cat-Calls..
From the deck, so true- but isn't it also so that those calls come from you?
The Upper deck, your own parade, lets dance!
I can play pool, but to make the shot one needs a cue. Lined up upon the hole.
Love you Les, love your words. In a perfect world I would be giving you a big hug...
Gee, no one said anything about my Martha Washington joke. I'm crushed. No one said anything about my pickup truck being pregnant either. How am I ever going to get on America's got Talent if no one notices? I'll be reduced to singing "if I had a Hammer" around campfires (grin)
Looks like I'll never get that hug then (grin).
If I'm making the calls then it's no wonder the line is busy since I must already be on. How I do this without knowing about it is the big mystery.
Yet another one in the ten ring, Les. I never trusted Ron Paul, no matter what good things he said, simply because he was a US congress-critter. And with the advent of the zid loving Rand Paul, I'm reminded of the old adage "the acorn never falls far from the tree". I couldn't watch that vomit inducing Beck clip.
"My advice, to those of you who are still conscious, is to get out of the middle of the crowd. Fringe dwelling is the recommended option." What's the name and number of the bill before congress to force all the rural types into the cities? They can have my dead body there if they want.
Rev. John
I see many parallels between this article about G B and the demagoguery in Germany. I live here and am fluent in both cultures, continuously swimming from one sea to the other. Here we have Steinback, a real terrorist, not some media hyped up one. She represents 12 million Germans driven from Eastern Europe following the defeat of the nazis. Only a few million are still alive, so the number is hyped. Does Beck represnet 4-5 million throughouly twisted souls convinced that Germany was victimized, suffered immensely and oppressed ? Then on to the next specimen "Sarrazin", a Rothschild cretin, a central banker, whose Nazi Eugenics Book, calls for the implicit elimination of all non-aryians (spelling?) meaning non-germans. The German blood is being despoiled, contaminated he writes, offering solutions such as the "the Final Solution" Version 2.0 Does G B reccommend you incarcerate say 48 million Americans for being poor, ethnic minorities, and suffering language defecits because their parents were unable to properly teach them english as kids? Does G B rail about taxs supporting the elderly who should be "let go" because their medical costs can be better used for foreign wars and tax breaks for the BMW family dynasty?
Maybe you see the similarities now?
It´s not just over there, it´s everywhere Amerika, everywhere and always has been, just that now they are unveiling it in your face and on your doorstep.
Those of you who are in Europe keep in mind that it is open season at my house in Italy this fall, winter and spring. You'll have to plane and train or drive but it's a nice route. I don't drive to Bari to pick people up at the airport because it's a nightmare which is easily avoided by people catching a train to my nearby town.
I'm looking forward to anyone who wants to come and if you build something you can stay there and if enough of you are around the utilities will be easy to manage. I've got most of whatever you need. The house is small but there's a lot of land.
Know ye not that ye are gods? Anger, fear, jealousy, envy and distaste for deliberate ignorance may be your learned attitude but be careful you don't do the overload reverse circuit thing. Examine your responses to annoyances for usefulness. They do not help you OR the situation. Learn to be in your peace and love center All The Time. Stop procrastinating on being in the devic realm of high spiritual action, Do IT NOW, yesterday was too late. The freaking casa is fuego.
I've been away from the computer for a few days – love calls!
An amazing thing happened to me; I recently fell head-over-heals in love with the coolest lady I've ever known. That sort of thing is happening all over the world, all the time, and I don't think the love part is as special as how it came about. Lots of magic involved in bringing the sweet lady and myself together, and it's that force I find amazing.
I've commented before on what I think of as a rift opening between our current 'reality' and the magic which has been pushed behind the wall of 'science' for many years. Does that make sense or am I writing in tongues again? Does it matter? :)
Parts of my life, long held in suspension, are now exploding outward; problems are solving themselves; I see paths leading me away from trouble and, honestly, I don't know why?
That's why I say magic is in the air. Read Richard Bach's book Illusions and practice visual magic. Create a happy peaceful reality in your mind and project that thought out into the material world. Visualize being happy. Visualize the people around you being happy. Wear peacefulness like a cloak. Laugh as much as possible... or more.
But don't forget to look both ways before crossing the road. You need to be present in the now.
There is something in the air. Love and Hope have scratched a line in the sand, and are both daring the darkness to cross it. The thing that makes light so magical is the smallest candle can illuminate a large darkness. Dawn approaches, and the evil fucks are so busy counting money they haven't noticed. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Hee Hee
wv: votori – Votori is ours!
There's a saying to the effect that a Republican is someone who never spent a night in jail. I wonder how many teabaggers will still be 'baggin if they get the G-20 treatment or the Seattle 99 treatment & have their rally-round-the-flag gathering tasered, masered, teargassed, and rubberbulletted (or real bulletted, if Israel-style)? They'll get to figure that one out if their playpen protests get too large and out of hand for the playpen pullers.
Do they ever stop to think (what's think!) their "leaders" always end up with the bag of gelt & they always just have time and small bits of money sucked out of each of them? Duh! Teabag is phonier than the last joke, contract with (on) America 1994, that Gingwretch quickly explained afterwards was just a gimmick to get into power.
wv: dicstepe
Alpolive; Hopefully you are taking your own advice. Oops, apparently not. Long distance analysis is like phone sex. You never know who you are talking to but your imagination does the work.
Are we on the same page or what? Read the Origami I just put up and listen to the bells go of about half a dozen times and, Congratulations!!!
Tears flow easily when one thinks of what is and what could be. We are in heaven and somebody brought hell into it. Well, we know who.
Sadly, it is going to get worse before it gets better.
working on that trip to Italy! No need for the pick-up. will be cruising in on two wheels!
Anyone resonating with Glenn Beck is just seeking to confirm their own delusion. They feel that strange unfamiliar thing rising and need to identify it, but can't believe or trust their own internal (true) voice. They bask in the lies to protect themselves.
The Truth doesn't need Vick's Vapo Rub to shed a tear for us all. I doubt any tears are shed at all.
That shit is just perpetuating the self-delusion.
Sleep on, clueless ones. Keep looking "out there" for your salvation and greatest ally.
I feel sorry for you, I really do.
WV; ingst - the opposite of angst, found within
I watched Beck for a while, even though I saw through his shtick early on.
The problem with him isn't so much that he lies. Ninety percent of what he talks about, such as Obama's connections to various foundations and extremist groups is actually truth.
No, the problem is the framing. He speaks the truth (mostly) to get your trust and then deflects his audience's anger onto pre-approved targets. Ones that make little actual difference to the problems facing the country.
It's kind of entertaining actually (esp. when he cries on cue). Problem is (for his masters), it's not going to work long-term. The country's problems are too dire. And the perps are too obvious.
If we don't have a pole shift soon they are going to poison most of the planet with corexit and chemtrails.
Some of you need to join me in this rabbit hole where I have been for a few days, reading reading reading.
I'm going through the topics listed on the left side sequentially.
So far, about half way or so, this is really good stuff, definitely a Grand Unified Theory of sorts for those seeking....
Yet, when I first clicked to go to the page I figured I would only spend a few seconds there. I've been there for several days when I have time.
wv: vitilaud
This article deals with the way the food-chain is being undermined. When will all this end?
This one points up what might be a break between the Church and another faction of TPTB; in any event, another part of the taking down of social structures and beliefs.
There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-
Gotter and Dammerung on the Horizon.
Another great rant, Les and I'm sure these memes help a whole lot of folks but, you know, it could all be summed up in the main dictum of the forces of evil now rampaging across the planet:-
"We will lead every revolution against us"
No idle boast as they've been doing it for millennia - so it's very strange that so few people have caught on that THEY REALLY MEAN IT: THEY REALLY DO IT, and it seems to work every time.
Just look right now at the latest putsch against Jews in general as a counter to the wall-to-wall fear and loathing against Islam.
Yep, history will always repeat itself until people get wise to the fact that around 300 vaguely human, psychotic creatures will never rest until ALL religions, all spirituality is destroyed.
In Love and Light, with very best wishes to the upcoming Italian Job ;-)
That "rabbit hole" link provided by The Sparkle is a pile of steaming shill shit, more akin to the usual disinfo rabbit trap.
Spent ten minutes there and that was 9 minutes too long.
Just one quote (among many if you could keep your lunch down long enough to read more of it):
"9/11 - What Really Happened?
The "neocon" agenda of America and its support for Zionism is well known, but that doesn't mean that the American government was behind 9/11.
In fact the truth of 9/11 could not be simpler. Osama bin Laden did it and Bush and company were hoping he would do something of that nature to give them a pretext to invade oil-rich Iraq, give regional support to Israel, and try to start converting Islamic countries to puppet capitalist democracies under America's control, thus extending the OWO's power to regions of the world not yet fully under its heel.
9/11 was, in truth, an unsophisticated, low-tech attack by 19 Muslim suicide bombers. Bin Laden wanted to strike back against America and he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Airplanes had never been used as suicide weapons before, so America was taken by surprise. What's so hard to grasp about that? "
etc etc etc
end quote.
Yeah, right. 19 Arabs armed with plastic knives conspired with another Arab sitting in a cave in Afghanistan with a laptop, blah blah blah...
Don't waste your time.
I very often do not read the links here because I don't have the time. I assume people would rather I read their comments instead; can't do both.
Understand you are a busy man, Les.
BTW, enjoyed your radio interview with Mark.
Downloaded, burned and distributed to a couple of awake friends.
Anonymous: You spotted a tree but missed the forest.
Les, you should check out the site Anonymous hates.
Here's a snip off of a branch:
To realise that the creator of this corrupt, malevolent world is the opposite of the "perfect" being that Christians, Jews and Muslims proclaim as the creator is the first step in the process of personal and public liberation. We have had three and a half thousand years of Judaism, two thousand years of Christianity and fourteen hundred years of Islam. Is the world a good place? Is it just and fair? Do people treat each other well? If these religions haven't achieved a good world by now, why would anyone think they're ever going to achieve it? So only stupid or wicked people would continue to follow these failed religions. The reason for their failure could scarcely be more obvious - they are Satanic religions reflecting the mind of the world's malign creator. They are not designed to effect a good world, but the opposite.
And once you realise that the God of this world is a false God whose deluded supporters trumpet him as true, you will just as quickly realise that all of the earthly institutions that hold themselves up as exemplars of the "good" are equally false. Kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers, popes, priests, rabbis and imams, "democracy" and "freedom", free market capitalism…everything you have been told is true is false, just as the creator is not God but Satan.
Anonymous: I'll say this as a retort/analogy to your assertion that the rotten tree you found spoils the whole forest.
And, this is my own conclusion. I have neither read nor heard this elsewhere, though I never searched for it:
Nietzsche was not an atheist despite what he may have claimed and the image of himself that he wished to portray to the masses.
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