Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Imaginary Reach-around in the Mouthpiece of the Beast

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I apologize for linking to the mainstream media so much recently but since that is the mouthpiece of the beast who is taking a shit on our dinner table, it’s somewhat unavoidable. Yesterday they were saying that settlers were bracing for the end of the building freeze but today they are saying that Israel is bracing for the end of the building freeze. Here we have the backwards opposite of the truth because... what this means is that these invaders, who are not settlers, are perched and ready, with bulldozers and all the materials they won’t let into whatever is left of Palestine; like stock car racers at the Daytona 500, or some kind of Oklahoma Land Rush, champing at the bit to destroy what’s already there and then build what isn’t.

Why is this particular piece of business, among all the other conditions that might be important, always coming up, like it’s the only thing anyone should pay attention to? It is because the Nazi’s own the media. You may not have heard but the Nazi’s actually won World War 2, just like the British actually won the American Revolution. Your pants are on backwards but you don’t know it and the usual psychopathic, take no prisoners, fountain pen killers are making life a wasteland; while they feed on your flesh and your being as you support them in their purposes.

Israel is maintained as the world’s most important concern, while everything else gets lost in transition and translation or turned into baggage that you carry for them. You’re in the suitcase and you are the monkey and they think it’s pretty funny because the punch line is a punch and guess who screams first?

Are they agents of some other order? Are they the front line for the backdoor where the orders get issued, while you stand there at attention saying, “Thank you Sir! Can I have another?" Well, bend over and wait, because the whole world is watching or not watching or watching something else but it’s still the same unfortunate delivery, which they show you how to put off on someone else ...and you don’t want to miss your chance to look like a dancing chicken, as a prelude to arriving as a part of the Kentucky Fried Chicken Family Pack. If my dick was a harpoon, I could knit my sister an ugly sweater and have her wear it to the consecration of your real religious events. As it goes in the moment, I suppose you don’t have to worry about the future as long as you can pay the rent on something that belongs to you but you will have to buy it back again with your industry and desire to help feed the fire that warms them and... what can you say?

As I am writing this, the new headline deals with Abbas who is ah... ah... I don’t know; a guy in a suit who works for The West Bank and I suspect he is in the tank but must have some kind of weight with the punished and oppressed people who are taking up too much space. It seems to me that importing people from other locations, because something is wrong, in some other location is a good thing, because these people who were never there in the first place, now need to push the people who were there before, off of the land they were trying to live a life in... and Abbas is there to negotiate the deal.

There was a guy named Chalabi in Iraq who did that sort of thing, so it’s all cash and carry; stop and shop; slam ironclad buildings down on the heads of hapless residents and torture, torment, merchandize the people as a product for sale, in a place that only belongs to the people it is being stolen from and... what are you going to do about it?

It suspends, it constipates, it percolates and they want you to know it will wiggle under your hard horn for your pleasure. It’s not rocket science and I am no expert at tying my own shoes but how stupid and indifferent must you be when you don’t see that all these people with all this money and force and power and weapons descended on a piece of land that was already occupied by people with few weapons and probably just a lot of gardens and goats and not too much trouble around otherwise, for quite some time, until they arrived.

Now you believe that one of the most powerful financial and military forces in the world is threatened by people who do not possess the same dimension or degree of weaponry? You believe that some formerly helpless peoples from some gulags that were created by these very people to begin with, have a right to a piece of land that somebody else was already living on? The purpose of controlling that piece of land has to do with controlling history and real time perception of why we do what we do every day; like send money to people who already control the presses that make the money that goes up and down in value depending on their whims. Lose your house recently? Are you reading this on a laptop in your camper outside of a wireless McDonald’s? No, you’re probably not reading this at all. It doesn’t hurt my feelings.

In some ways it is unfortunate in my mind that I am born a white man because my heart is of a different color. I don’t have any power besides the words you are reading and my willingness to help you understand that you are serving your merciless abusers while they demonstrate what they have in mind for you in another land and they are laughing at you.

Busy people in suits are riding around in limousines making important decisions about important matters like; the quality of your life, whether you live or die, who gets what and how many slices in the pie. They take the profit that you earn by the industry of your faith in trying to live in a fair world that they are supposed to be working toward but I have yet to see that place. You had this incredible country where you could make real items that worked and lasted, by men and women who cared and who only wanted a fair exchange. These people aren’t even very good at business because successful business has rules that work for those who are good at what they do. What the fuck is going on?

There are good people who can provide the technical side of the dream. There is possibility and variations of all kinds of good ideas that can keep you motivated and willingly to happen out there in the wider mind, if you will stop giving your life away for a shit sandwich on the run.

The point is that the people of the world need to wake up and get a clue. They have got you in a harness and they are laughing about it too. You need to wake up and just step away from the false ideas they sold you that make you a party to the murder and butchery they perform in front of you.

I imagine that the people along the Gulf Coast are getting the sensation. I see where they are doing funny stuff with moving people into more dependent locations of an urban persuasion. I note the corruption of the food and the water as the original is processed into something better with preservatives too. I guess the real thing wasn’t good enough because they want to take that away too.

I’m speaking to the people who will probably never read these words. Most of them never get past the first link in this post; generally Fox gets them first. I can see Roland with his horn blowing loud and clear but there might be some technical difficulties in what you can hear. I know a guy in Iran who had a problem like that at the United Nations the other day.

Well, this is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday and I don’t have an uncle named Bob and neither do most of you; mathematically reckoning. The bad guys have screwed up their own devices so bad and they always do. Now they need a great big disorder to occur so that they can blame it on somebody and get your support to hunt them down and kill them because that is a sure fire economic startup.

I don’t suppose you will read this because something is pulling on your reproductive, self-regenerating force and asking you if you wouldn’t like a little pillow time and tanks are rumbling in your stomach so you probably want to get over to Long John Silver’s for some BP-Monsanto Palestinian’s in a Bucket satisfaction and I don’t want to take up too much of your time. You’re not reading this anyway and you think it tastes so good that you almost wish you could let somebody eat you too. Well baby... they will, they have and they do and you keep coming back again. I feel like I am driving through my rear view window with my dick in my hand. I don’t know what it takes to make you wake up and understand that it’s not funny. It’s not entertainment. It’s you. It’s the other guy going through the checkout counter as the product he is buying when he had the thing he wanted in the first place.

I have to get ready for my own brand new next thing but where do I begin?

End Transmission.......

Radio show tonight, 7.00PM Central Time or thereabouts.


Anonymous said...

"In some ways it is unfortunate in my mind that I am born a white man because my heart is of a different color."

boldest shiznit you have written to date....

then upped the ante with this:

Busy people in suits are riding around in limousines making important decisions about important matters like; the quality of your life, whether you live or die, who gets what and how many slices in the pie. They take the profit that you earn by the industry of your faith in trying to live in a fair world that they are supposed to be working toward but I have yet to see that place. You had this incredible country where you could make real items that worked and lasted, by men and women who cared and who only wanted a fair exchange. These people aren’t even very good at business because successful business has rules that work for those who are good at what they do. What the fuck is going on?

There is possibility and variations of all kinds of good ideas that can keep you motivated and willingly to happen out there in the wider mind, if you will stop giving your life away for a shit sandwich on the run.

The point is that the people of the world need to wake up and get a clue. They have got you in a harness and they are laughing about it too. You need to wake up and just step away from the false ideas they sold you that make you a party to the murder and butchery they perform in front of you.

Well, this is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday and I don’t have an uncle named Bob and neither do most of you; mathematically reckoning. The bad guys have screwed up their own devices so bad and they always do. Now they need a great big disorder to occur so that they can blame it on somebody and get your support to hunt them down and kill them because that is a sure fire economic startup.

I don’t suppose you will read this because something is pulling on your reproductive, self-regenerating force and asking you if you wouldn’t like a little pillow time and tanks are rumbling in your stomach so you probably want to get over to Long John Silver’s for some BP-Monsanto Palestinian’s in a Bucket satisfaction and I don’t want to take up too much of your time. You’re not reading this anyway and you think it tastes so good that you almost wish you could let somebody eat you too. Well baby… they will, they have and they do and you keep coming back again. I feel like I am driving through my rear view window with my dick in my hand. I don’t know what it takes to make you wake up and understand that it’s not funny. It’s not entertainment. It’s you. It’s the other guy going through the checkout counter as the product he is buying when he had the thing he wanted in the first place.

I have to get ready for my own brand new next thing but where do I begin?

End Transmission…….

I am no ones judge but if I may be allowed to offer this observation: when you avoid "their vernacular" the thing has more balls thereby exposing a spirit with a joyous and pained audacity and originality that cuts like a knife while simultaneously somehow and in someway giving a locus for cleansing and alleviating wounds that most were borne into without the tools of expression to mitigate it's lethality.

everyone else: step up to the plate and take a swing. It surely cannot be worse than those who hate the danger and so; avoid all risk.

rite on rite on...keep doin it to it man

"Perhaps the whole root of our trouble, the human trouble, is that we will sacrifice all the beauty of our lives, will imprison ourselves in totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, steeples, mosques, races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, the only fact we have. It seems to me that one ought to rejoice in the fact of death--ought to decide, indeed, to earn one's death by confronting with passion the conundrum of life."
— James Baldwin (The Fire Next Time)

Anonymous said...

"In some ways it is unfortunate in my mind that I am born a white man because my heart is of a different color."

boldest shiznit you have written to date....

then upped the ante with this:

I don’t suppose you will read this because something is pulling on your reproductive, self-regenerating force and asking you if you wouldn’t like a little pillow time and tanks are rumbling in your stomach so you probably want to get over to Long John Silver’s for some BP-Monsanto Palestinian’s in a Bucket satisfaction and I don’t want to take up too much of your time. You’re not reading this anyway and you think it tastes so good that you almost wish you could let somebody eat you too. Well baby… they will, they have and they do and you keep coming back again. I feel like I am driving through my rear view window with my dick in my hand. I don’t know what it takes to make you wake up and understand that it’s not funny. It’s not entertainment. It’s you. It’s the other guy going through the checkout counter as the product he is buying when he had the thing he wanted in the first place.

If I may be allowed to offer this observation: when you avoid "their vernacular" the thing has more balls thereby exposing a spirit with a joyous and pained audacity and originality that cuts like a knife while simultaneously somehow and in someway giving a locus for cleansing and alleviating wounds that most were borne into without the tools of expression to mitigate it's lethality.

rite on rite on...keep doin it to it man

"Perhaps the whole root of our trouble, the human trouble, is that we will sacrifice all the beauty of our lives, will imprison ourselves in totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, steeples, mosques, races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, the only fact we have. It seems to me that one ought to rejoice in the fact of death--ought to decide, indeed, to earn one's death by confronting with passion the conundrum of life."
— James Baldwin (The Fire Next Time)

Anonymous said...

Hello Vis, Keep up the numbs the mind,that the average Joe doesn't get that we are being served kosher shit sandwiches. Only the best to you, Terrance

Publius said...

Here is a bit of history going back to good ole King Henry VIII-it deals with British Israelism and Occultism and the rise of the Bank of England. Of course the author is unaware that the Vatican financed the rise of William of Orange. In my opinion, Israel exists as a benefit to the City of London and the rump British Empire. I do not think this tail wags any dogs although the propaganda barrage distracts attention. The enemy is the international banking system as a process of historical enslavement. Nation states are subordinated to the needs to this process.

The Occult Origins of the Bank of England

The Occult Origins of the Bank of England by The Magician

Much of the history of the last several hundred years can be interpreted as the competition for power between the British Monarchy, or "Perfidious Albion," and its allies, on one hand; and the Vatican and its allies, on the other.
Of course, like any overriding theory, this one should not be pushed to an extreme, and it doesn’t explain everything. But it explains a great deal.

A key role in the course events initally took was played by John Dee, the Neoplatonic Christian Cabalist and Scientific Advisor to Queen Elisabeth. He introduced the idea that the inhabitants of Britain were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. It was all part of the British propaganda barrage directed against the Vatican and the European Counter Reformation in the Sixteenth Century.

bholanath said...

Damn!, I used to ask young people in college or whatever 2 questions:
"Who won WWII?" and
"Who won the Revolutionary War?"
After a while I gave up.
Never got a correct answer, but long thought they were the two most 'intelligence-determining' questions.
Ah well.
A "heart of a different color" - Priceless - perfect summation of 'our' situation, my feelings exactly. (Metaphorically speaking :)

Anonymous said...

USreal & Israel cyberterror, naturally.

Visible said...


I don't want this racist shit here and you're sending it to all the sites. You're outta here.

Is that you Rick?


the vis

Greg Bacon said...

About 3 years ago, I put a bumper sticker on my truck's tail gate so it would be easy to see and read.

It said: "Who would Jesus Torture?"

Damn near all the feedback I got was positive. People passing me on the road would honk and wave, or give a 'thumbs up' sign.

A year later, I put another sticker on the tailgate that said:

End the Occupation"

The response I got to that was extremely negative.

People passing by on the road would honk, flip me the finger and I could tell they were cusssing me out by their lip movements.

One clown even confronted me in a parking lot, and I imagine if I wasn't about the same size as he was, he'd would've popped me in the mouth.

Such is the brainwashing by Israel and the Zionist MSM that most Americans think you're some kind of Bin Laden wannabe when you simply ask for Palestinians to be set free.

If I had the money, I'd have my entire tailgate painted with the slogan on the "Free Palestine" sticker.

Land of the free and home of the brave?

More like land of the enslaved and home of the brain dead.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Les, It just occurred to me why all the foreclosures all of a sudden. Didn't Amerika condemn Israel a couple of years back when Hamas kicked their collective asses for Israel invading? Now we have all the jewish banksters taking revenge on the free, proud and stupid of Amerika. Now I know where all the money went.

Unknown said...

You really should have your medications adjusted. Although you probably won't since you more than likely enjoy the black helicopters circling over your residence.

Josey Wales ll said...


Getting and staying off-grid.

I find there is such potential to develop a better world, help people to develop, contribute, trust and love each other.

We have the talent, resources and desire yet it seems so out of reach. Why? We know why.

I had an associate of a certain persuasion (Ashkenazim). No matter that he was making 1 million + a year, he would take his son to Sam's club on Saturday's and Sunday's for the free food samples. Absolutely refuse to pay for anything he could jew, scam or trick people out of.

He couldn't enjoy for example a Rolex, if someone else had one like it. He resented anyone and everyone he thought was making money in a somewhat easy manner and would work day and night to fuck them up in their endeavors.

He fucked so many people over in clever ways and use whatever leverage he could convince people he had (often by bluffing). As he fucked them he would laugh soon after hysterically almost coming in his pants.

True story, real person.

Sad but I could not see any chance for redemption and anyway that would be the last thing on his list of qualities to work-on.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Anonymous said...
Damn, Les, It just occurred to me why all the foreclosures all of a sudden.

There's a little bit of fight left:
"Attorneys general in three U.S. states are investigating foreclosures at Ally Financial Inc.’s GMAC Mortgage unit after the lender said it would halt some evictions following a discovery of faulty documentation."
Read the rest at:
U.S. State Officials Investigate After Ally's GMAC Unit Suspends Evictions.

Strum said...

First they ignore you
then they fight you
then you win

it would seem we have moved to stage 2 now, isn't progress grand.

idiots like kharlson and their juvenile insults just show how stupid and desperately in denial some people are.

Stockholm syndrome seems a very strange thing to me, but it seems many really do love their oppression and the thought of true freedom (and the responsibility that comes with it) is scarier that a life of slavery and degradation. There's just no accounting for taste.

onwards and upwards.

Anonymous said...

just in:
google: muslim superhero comicbook
then google the names involved
if'n ya don't see the picture what can one say?

related to the mindfug of the dialectic reach around

DaveS said...

Good shit!

I have to hand it to the Anonymous first poster... yeah, that's some good stuff you pulled, and the quote at the bottom is so F'ing true.

Laugh at the bastards, they can't stand people laughing at them. Try to smile all the time, if it helps you can imagine all the people making up the PTB in a huge daisy chain with each one's head up the ass of the one in front. I don't know about you, but that sort of image brings a smile to my face.

Peace all, and thanks Les for keepin' on keepin' on.

Steve De'ak said...

Kharlson...sleep; sleeeep...

Dream about sugar plum fairies of altruistic governments which only look out for the well-being of their citizenry.

Because you're that special.

Looks like Les' target audience had at least one attendee, but it's too bad some horses can't even be led to water.

Steve De'ak

Anonymous said...

Hello Visible, been lurking here for a while, I examine what the main players in truth are about. which as you know is written between the lines. It's what they don't say that speaks the loudest. So I want to give you a thumbs up let you know I'm right there with you on the hyper-dimensional mind-screwing of these reptiles!

Jim Crow in Nevada

Anonymous said...

I think you look like rice and beans Les. Thats not in anyway meant as an insult. I like rice and beans and they are both very nutritious :)

I always think people look like what they consume. I have a habit of observing peoples shop at the supermarket when waiting at the checkout. Most people tend to have loaded up with well packaged chemical formulations. A quick glance at the person or persons paying the bill only goes to confirm my theory. Ofcourse it is an old cliche that 'you are what you eat'. 'You look like what you eat' is a slight variation on this.

I know it is hard to avoid many chemicals - depending on location - and other chemicals can be hard to obtain - depending on location. Being conscious goes along way though>

siamsam :)

Visible said...


you are correct sir (grin)

ivbinu said...

Les,I have been reading your stuff for a while and your words resonate deeply with me.
Sometimes though, all I can feel is an acusatory finger pointing at me like its my fault. Like a rape victum who wore the wrong skirt.
Apperently I was sappose to have had a plain when I was forciply yanked from my mothers womb to convince her that for the sake of her grandchilden we should move somewhere that won't support the downfall of society. Perhaps Italy (grin).
Instead I followed in my bosses foot steps and became a carpenter.
In retrospect that seems to have been not such a good idea. Now Me my wife and two kids will soon be one of the homeless fools you speak of who unwhittingly supported
the star.
I just didn't know where else to get my pants other than walmart.
Anyway-- we shall now take our battle to the street stay tuned.
namaste~ Michael

Anonymous said...

So if I refer to some people in the middle east as "Nervous Nellies" would I be called "Anti Smack? Just wanted to add to the coversation. :-) junque23

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Visible said...


It might help if you look at the context in which I made the comment which does not apply to what you said. Hopefully this makes you feel stupid and you can profit from. No insult intended here but pay attention and look at the phrase, "in some ways". I shouldn't have to spell this out for you but don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Slam-dunk dat neo-Kerouac/Ginsberg verbosity, bruthah! BTW, I'm not white, but I'm glad you are. Call me P fricken un-C, but every little soul must shine, Black, Brown, Yellow, and YES White! Some ppl write music, others lyrics. The Cro-Magnons left us their incredible paleo-Picassoesque cave paintings, and their White descendants (largely) have created the best word paintings in English. James Baldwin would agree... ? The Jewish mass media have portrayed White people as bufoons, for example in every sit-com. I say we should give biology its props, or at least not discount Ma Nature. The next Michael Jordan probably won't be White, so claim what nature gave you. The rest of us will survive the glare, ha ha ha!

My name is Adonis Tate

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Visible said...


I didn't bother to read all of that, I have better things to do but if it is important to you I suggest you go find someone else that it is equally as important to and argue with them, you're wasting your time with me. I've been generous with my time here with you because you find it important but I'm not interested.

Kelli said...

So I bought a cd this weekend, the best of Radiohead and I was reading the insert. It said that 'Creep' was their first big hit but it was almost overlooked except that it became very popular in Israel and then was imported to San Francisco and grew from there. The irony of the title did not escape me.

Pstonie said...


That amazing white civilisation you're talking about with it's medical advancements in cures and profitable diseases has turned into a slave-driven shit hole because the master race has been so up its own ass feeling superior to everyone, we haven't had to realise that these money-grubbing bastards rule by our consent.

Anonymous said...

I have missed so much,I need to toughen up more not come home from work like a zombie,although I can see why a lot of people are docile,they are worked to the bone and cant use the excess energy that they should have for more creative tasks ...peace neil

Anonymous said...

I missed the commotion, but can imagine that it was the usual kind of thing...
so @ harbinger:

"I feel like I am driving through my rear view window with my dick in my hand. I don’t know what it takes to make you wake up and understand that it’s not funny. It’s not entertainment. It’s you. It’s you. It’s you. It’s you."

when someone is sending this much love via frustration and pain it really doesn't help your argument when you seem to think it's a fair trade to enter his living room and shit on the floor and then complain about the room being stinky.

It makes you very much akin to those you say you despise.

Your position may or may not be valid. Your right to make a case for it on a site which is not your own is thanks to someone extending you the respect of presenting your argument for dialog.

Do not disrespect those who extend benevolence to you. That would make you worse than a fool and 500 million glorious white brilliant ancestors will do nothing to change that. A hateful fool is what a hateful fool does.

If I were you I would suggest to Les to play with the subject matter specifically and let everyone get down without throwing rocks or shitting in the living room...

Maybe we all have things to say about this that might help sort something out that REALLY needs some sorting cause it's some stupid old shit that everyone is still bleeding over..for no good fuggin reason...

but maybe that's just me.

I thought civilized people

Hank said...

"In some ways it is unfortunate in my mind that I am born a white man because my heart is of a different color."

As with so many of your words and phrases, this one resonates. Only my lament is that I was born human, because my heart is of a different species. People are capable of acts of incredible kindness, giving and sacrifice, but the human species is the worst thing I can remember having experienced.

Being associated with the species is an intergalactic embarrasment. It creates such confusion inside me to be so connected with certain individuals and so repulsed by the species in general.

I have come to believe that there is no attrocity humans will not commit. There are the ones where roving tribes will cut off the hands and feet of littlt children, and in some way, one can even understand these as they are the acts of animals, and those after all are our origins.

But then there are those perpetrated by those of who you speak and their ilk. The cold calculated devistation of a sentient predator. Individual lives taken are not enough for these. Deaths in general are not enough. Did I say predators? I meant parasites who create endless pain and suffering with their psycopathic feeding. They make the entire spacies suffer with their greed and feelings of superiority.

It leaves me having to this life the ultimate test? A life that allows one to know that there is a creative force and our connection to it, and at the same time confronts us with a life and a species, of which we are a part, that compells us to feel things that will dimminish our connection to the creative force. How do you allow yourself to hate, when you know it only hurts yourself?

It is difficult for me to reconcile the incredible beauty of some people with the ugliness of the species. How do I look into the innocent eyes of my grandchildren and the beauty that lives there, and deal with the knowledge that life is either going to crush their hopes and dreams or deceive them into thinking that they are coming true.

My heart aches. Peace to you all my friends.

Anonymous said...

"How do I look into the innocent eyes of my grandchildren and the beauty that lives there, and deal with the knowledge that life is either going to crush their hopes and dreams or deceive them into thinking that they are coming true."

"life" will not crush anyones "hopes and dreams". It cannot. Only subscribing to lies to benefit from that which one has not earned creates the "karmic debt" you are lamenting and the principle driving all this horrific folly.
The solution: teach your grandchildren not to lie to themselves and live with honor and integrity.
not too hard really....

...everything else works out accordingly.

supposing one was to call all this bullshit for what it is: It is just liars lying. it rilly ain't a mystery or a big deal if ya don't roll like that... know what I means?

take the NO option and do what you would rather be are "free" after all....
those constantly speaking of and seeking "the divine creation" are part of the false groove...
if "the devine" is real to you why discuss it unless the real goal is to defile it with definitions....isn't it said, at bottom, in every case: it has no pronounceable name...
or is gods name "bob"?
same shit coming and going..ain't that a bitch?

remember hank: a mask only works against those who "pretend". [and only "believers" are, in the main, preoccupied with pretense]

Those who do not "pretend" see right through it like it ain't even there... dig?

just say "NO" to everything not worth saying "yes" to.

Greg Bacon said...

Fuck a Duck, here we go again.

SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah (ABC 4 News) - Sales people working neighborhoods in Northern Utah County have been asking some odd questions that have nothing to do with making the sale. Folks are reporting that they're asking about the new National Security Agency's data center that is being built at Camp Williams.

The sales people say they're Israeli art students and are selling their works to raise money for a gallery. Some have even produced what appear to be legitimate Israeli passports.

So, why would art students be interested in an NSA data center?

Blogs and even church bulletins are buzzing. One such bulletin sent out to LDS women in Highland said, "This is a scam! These are not art students and federal law enforcement groups are actually investigating their ties to organized crime and terrorist groups." The note went on, "Part of their mission here is to gain information on the new NSA installation coming to our area."

One Israeli artist knocked on Gail Black's door in Eagle Mountain. She bought a painting from him knowing that the price was too high, but she explained that she felt sorry for him. I asked her if he looked like a Mossad spy, she laughed and said, "No, just a poor thirsty boy." She said the subject of the NSA did not come up in their conversation.

Saratoga Springs residents have complained to their police department about the art students. Officer Matt Schauerhamer tracked down one group at a restaurant. He does not know if they were spies, but they're definitely not artists. "I told them, 'If you're actually an artist, why don't you draw something?' I gave them a piece of paper and gave them my pen. They produced a picture that was about on par with what my kindergartner could have done."

Officer Schauerhamer cited the group for soliciting without a city business license and then passed along their information to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He said ICE is investigating.

ABC 4 also contacted other agencies that might have interest in possible door-to-door spies. We were told by a spokesman for Utah Homeland Security that they were unaware of the Israeli artists and the FBI had no comment.

Shades of 9/11.

No federal law groups are investigating these MOSSAD spies, if anything, the FBI is probably escorting them around, providing cover and protection while giving them intelligence on where and what to spy on.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the hell happened to my blog but I can't even get the correct spacing in it anymore?

Steve Bayley said...

I see Rixon is down again Les!!!! Another masterpiece here man.
Steve B

Visible said...

there's a new Smoking Mirrors up-

Fear is a Magnetic Force and often Appears as Anger.

Anonymous said...

Much of the history of the last several hundred years can be interpreted as the competition for power between the British Monarchy, or "Perfidious Albion," and its allies, on one hand; and the Vatican and its allies, on the other.

Mostly true. The real question, however, is who is it that has set them against one another?

Neko Kinoshita said...

Hmm, Wiki claims the "Marked Tree" indicated a place where the river could be forded. Don't think I've ever heard of THAT before. Take that or leave it I guess.

Domain seems to be associated with a Cable internet (and TV no doubt) service.

"Any of you from Arkansas? Yeah, I don't blame you, I wouldn't admit it either."



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