Sunday, August 15, 2010

Time and the Bus Station and the Perfect Justice of Life

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Time in the bus station is not like time at the beach or time at a rave. Time is a construct of the mind and so the mind determines the rate of its passage. A unified mind doesn’t have to concern itself with time and you find examples of this among indigenous peoples like the Aborigines and similar groups, where time is a shared concept that doesn’t wear a suit and split up its moments in measured increments between ambitions, hopes and failures on the way to an expensive funeral that guarantees you will come up in conversation for some short while thereafter. Even in indigenous cultures, there is some concept of time. Even timelessness implies time. Time can be seasonal and time can be far below your melting fingers, as you look between them at the world you were in ages ago but actually, maybe, only an hour ago, before you took all those psychedelics.

The wonders of our civilized times, which justifies mass murders of the many by the few, in complicated polemics that exonerate and applaud the actions of the few, gives us many variations of time; the bus station, the prison cell and government agencies, as opposed to a first class ticket from Paris, a limo ride from JFK to The Plaza and a quick whisk through the velvet ropes into the VIP section of Marquee. The latter are not likely to encounter the former, along their chosen routes, though examples do have to be made, now and again, when the latter become the former, for being expendable enough to fall out of favor.

Time weighs heavy on most of us at the moment (grin), unless you are in the moment and have avoided the concerns that the elite are using to make your moment one of sixty small lines on your watch; you notice this perversion of time most intensely when you are driving in traffic or waiting in line. It is then that you notice how important it is for everyone to get somewhere so that they can privatize their ‘hurry up and wait’. Be thankful that you don’t have to watch them have sex, although that is available, both overtly and covertly.

There are metaphysical truths about time that can repay your consideration of them, if you can get past your hard wired materialism, into the holding area of the archetypes. Then you could make connections between Chronos and Saturn and Satan and time or... with the wide angle lens; throw in Kali and others as well. For all I know you’ll get the connection between Satan and Santa and the polyester bunny humping on the skin magazines. You can’t really inform people, all you can do is throw out imperfect outlines and hope they connect the dots and, moreover, add the ones that are missing.

Those calling themselves Jews, control the material world through currency and information because they are the chief agents of the master of the infernal kingdom. You notice it most in times of darkness because that is when the borrowed power of the infernal kingdom is at its greatest force. These are the least of time periods here on this planet but they seem very long and oppressive when you are in them. One of the main tools of these chosen people is the revision of history and the fabrication of the meaning of the events of your time. Because of this they take as much control as they can gain over information, education and of course, anything having to do with currency and temporal power.

How do you get to be born one of these people? That’s not difficult. You have to accept, at least for the moment, the truth about reincarnation. We’re all watched, all of the time, through the medium of our own senses, which records everything we say and do, as well as that of everyone we observe. All of this is inscribed upon the parchment of our being in the area of our memory and certain other areas as well. All of these parchments, or vibrating records, have a weight and a general presence, which allows an immediate routing to the particular area of judgment that applies to any of us once any particular life ends.

Some of us screw up a lot more than others and for all of us, there is a point you are not supposed to go past or you come up for special consideration. Once you have distinguished yourself as a complete failure as a human being and in need of a serious asskicking, as well as relegation back to something like cat scat, eaten by particular microbes, which becomes your new vehicle of personal presentation, or something as attractive as pure skunk oil, suspended in Smegma soap; to be used for that hopeful night out among your associates, you are taken out of the ordinary loop of repeating lifetimes and brought before an agent of the master of the infernal kingdom.

Here you are told that you have one lifetime of possible redemption left but you are not given any kind of detailed rendition of what might follow, if you don’t redeem yourself at all. This is because that is not the actual truth. There may remain as many as three lifetimes yet but that’s irrelevant at this point. You are then told that you are going to be reborn a Jew. You will seem, to yourself, more privileged and intelligent than your fellows. This is not the case. What it is, is that you are going to be rendered much more clever and inventive than you have ever been before, because, as someone who has given over their soul and all of their values to the material world, you are now going to have an instinctive awareness of how it works.

You are now going to be in a position to manipulate appearances, systems and conditions via an awareness that is focused exclusively on the manifest world, because all you care about is contained there. You are also going to be imbued with a certain guilt that will inform you of the wrongness of your actions all down the line. You are told that this guilt will be explained away as being the result of something else, but really, it is the resonance of all of what you have become to gain this condition and the opportunity that comes with it.

You will be told that along with the ability to act with a rare selfishness in all respects, you will also be in possession of abilities that give you the opportunity to behave like a real human being and to make amends by adding some great contribution to the human experiment or... worse/best case scenario, involve yourself in a ceaseless study of religious texts in which are hidden the path to the true meaning of all the faults and dispositions that led you to where you now find yourself. You are advised that the answer, to what may be indicated in the primary systems to which you are exposed, does not lie there and must be sought in systems outside of this and that your natural inclination will be to pervert everything you learn for the purpose of self-enrichment and temporal fame as if you had actually done, or said, something useful.

You will be told that all of the areas of the arts, science, business and all else will be open to you as opportunities to undo, or make right, all of the offenses that preceded your being where you are and that if you screw up, which you probably will, then you will see what that gets you.

What generally happens is that you get another chance, because the judgment result of the long road that has taken you here is a return to the most primary point of the most elementary life form. At the end of the next life, having screwed up again and in even more spectacular fashion, you are given the choice of becoming a demon and all that entails or a long series of lives of forced and inescapable sacrifice which visits upon you the contempt that you deserve until your selfishness is pounded out of you. You are also forced to do the right thing whether you like it or not. This is a necessarily simplistic version of all that is involved but those with access to resources like the Akashic Records can study the complexities if they wish.

This is not the only way you get born as a member of The Tribe and it should be kept in mind that there are quite some exceptions over the long course of manifest time but it explains a lot, if only in a simplistic way.

We’re coming up on a period of pervasive and intricate sorting out and should keep in mind that nothing is going to behave as we expect it to once the final stages are initiated. Even the most long existing foundations of all we call reality are going to have the substance of smoke. I think I’ve said all I need to say for the moment.

End Transmission.......

The New Shangri-La.

Reflections in a Petri Dish Mirror.

A new Visible Origami will be along soon. Sorry about that.

Tonight’s non-broadcast of the radio show will be available for download in the next 24 hours. We should be live again in a couple of weeks.


veritas6464 said...

Hey Les,… I've been over at Celtic Rebel, waiting for something to appear on the radar and trying to sort through the info’ mire there; don't mind the guy’s overall gist, however, all that smut and pictorial enforcement seems gratuitous sometimes. Anyoo: intriguing stuff Les, more food for thought, as it were.




m. edward godward said...

"The world around us is not neatly divided into departments and specialties. If each one restricts them self to their own subject matter, with no serious regard for the relevance of other areas, and with no real effort toward synthesis, what chance is there that the mere summation of isolated special theories will be anything more than a disconnected jumble of progress reports that cries out for synthesis into a unified, coherent theory that has some real chance of truly representing the unity and integration of the operation at hand?" -Lynn E. Rose
From: Velikovsky Reconsidered 1976

Anonymous said...

The above is a video on the Mayan calendar I keep handy by Ian Lungold. It describes the Mayan calendar and man's ascent up the pyramid of consciousness. It is fairly entertaining for any who want to watch it.

DuRa said...


Here's one that affirms our take on reality:

wv: calessis

FBO said...

Re edward godward quoting Lynn E. Rose from Velikovsky Reconsidered 1976:


Peter said...

I'm not so sure about your interpretation Visible.
Through a glass darkly methinks .... I read a remarkable take on these matters by one John Lamb Lash called "Not in His Image" an account of the lost heritage of paganism and its high relevance today. Worth taking the trouble to et hold of. Archon (talmudic) psychology is mirrored by what the Zionist overlords today are attempting to impose... v. insightful.

Anonymous said...

Les, you are awesome man. To bad most people (sheeple) can't see how clear this is to all of us 3%. may YOU ALL walk with the GOOD SPIRIT.

Walking Hawk

Anonymous said...

Les..I've just listened to your radio show 8/8..."these politicians all just look like Donald Trumps hair"...Thanks for making me laugh and it was Not the worse broadcast ever it was real and funny and you do make a difference..luv ya, Jean...Have a listen to the song once and I bet you'll be singing it : )

Anonymous said...

Les !
You are brilliant !
To all others visiting our beautiful planet: please do not take EVERYTHING Les writes literally.
He is simply endeavouring to INSPIRE us to even greater deeds.
Namaste! Namaste! Namaste!

Visible said...

Just voted the best restaurant in the world and knocking ElBulli out of the top spot after about four years Noma

and a review from a usual dragon of a critic A review

Readers probably don't know that I follow things like this but as a pretty good, if eccentric and eclectic cook (I wouldn't call myself a chef)I find this kind of thing interesting. I intend to go to Copenhagen for Christmas one year when I've got a spare few grand lying around and I will certainly go here.

I don't usually eat in restaurants, they disappoint me, with only rare exceptions, but I'm hopeful even if reluctant. The thing is, I can tell if you cook with love and if you don't then don't serve it to me.

Anyway; might interest some people.

Erik said...

repost from SM
cause we all follow the 'pied piper' across the blogs, don't we?

@Anonymous 7:54

Your asked this question:

"unAsleep doesn’t in this one go beyond individual awakening, to social aspects; does she, elsewhere? I’m of the “No man is an island..” school, so think that we have obligations to others and must not just navel-gaze."

unAsleep has a channel with 101 video's, I am currently watching ....

Here's an interview with her explaining her perspective; this might answer your question.

If I will come across video's of her more specific to your question, I will gladly post the links.

Here is one for starters; on the re-birth of the awakened Ego or rather Projected Self.



Anonymous said...

My God, Visible. It is uncanny how real that sounds. I got shudders as I was reading it. The logic and cosmic sense that it makes is still ringing in my head.

I could fill in the blanks with what you implied about the totality of those born Jews and this condition not applying to all of them. I hope your readers can do so as well. I keep being reminded of that idiot at the last Smoking Mirrors or the one before who advised you to change the style of your language in ways that would not have made any difference at all. It's rare to see anyone that anally retentive come to these blogs.

I have been electrified here before by the stark originality of your thought but this is at a whole other level. It is as if you have access to cosmic secrets or to The Akashic records.

You continue to amaze me. Something tells me that what you have said is literally and virtually true. It explains all of it as well as the exceptions.

That comment about their having religious studies as an option made me think of all of those bearded obsessives who are nodding their heads and murmuring at walls and pouring over archaic texts. I got vivid images from nearly every line of your essay where it had relation to this subject.

I want to go on and on about it but I am not going to. Please speak more about the things you don't talk about. Even if you think they are bizarre and in opposition to everything anyone has ever heard I know we would all like to hear them. Remember how strange it was the way your readers took your Italian experiences? You have a latitude that cries out for you to embrace.


Erik said...

Sorry Les, couldn't resist (grin)

The chef's name? Rene Redzepi!!

Anonymous said...

Re. Noma

Well, it looks like Yule need to book well in advance as it has become ever more popular after all the publicity.

I might be able to offer a free bedroom for a night or two as the wife and kids usually visit her parents around Xmas.

kind regards,
Dan Markussen

Visible said...

There is a new Siamese Mirrors up with important information concerning The New Shangri-La

The New Shangri-La

Anonymous said...

m_astera said...

OK, EV, here's a challenge: :-)

How do we convince pretty young girls that the army guy is not the mighty hunter great warrior archetype she dreams of?

wv: ditsy. I kid you not.

Good question - somehow, it's got to be "in" to be non-violent gov't resisters. A few people emulating that point of view - say, celebs or that cute Ry anti-zionist dude - should turn the tide.


TheSparkle said...


We were just discussing that book and the Archons recently here or at one or all of Les's many blogs. I started reading 'Not In His Image' a few weeks ago. I tend to read several books during the same time period. So, I regret that I haven't finished much less deeply penetrated John Lash's book. It is very good so far, and I will make it a priority to finish it first. I have visited his website which is vast, and listened to his interviews. Among other things he is a very good historian.

Anonymous said...

Only Westerners are capable of uttering, as well as being the object of such absurdities as "pre-Christian Mysteries."

As Lao Tzu says... "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

Lukiftian said...

That was naaaaasty....


...and kudos

Michael A. Vafaie said...

Hello Les. You are right about everything except the end result of what it is you and your people want. All if this is coming to an end. Their is a timetable for the earths final destruction. All the right people know about it as well. That's why the lie well reign until there is nothing left. And you are right about something else. I am the ANTICHRIST MOTHERFUCERS. I knew this shit since I was a kid. So did my father. All you had to do was let me be. And your Illuminati friends were supposed to watch over me and look after me until I was ready to do for others. You people who worship GOD have something else in store for you. You are worshipping your destroyer. And you call me destructive. All I have to is NOTHING. And everything else will happen. Now that everyone had their chance to screw me over. I'm walking away. I going NoMaD. I'm leaving this fucking mess behind that I didn't create. All you people can kill and destroy each other forever and ever. Until GOd has enough, which he already did given he decided to pass the reigns to Satan and evil to do something about this fucking world and all the scum in it. You fucked with your peoples only chance. You fucking dumbasses. And the USA, God I can't believe you people for a second. The land of pure fucking evil that has done every evil to anyone ever calls me evil. After all the shit you put me through I stayed loyal and still gave a shit. And you fucked me up so badly because it was funny to do so. It's not funny anymore and really you will how humorous everything is in the end. That is going to be fucking hillarious. I came to you with trust and love, after being shitted on you since 9-11. And what did you do to me? You know better than me. Thank you all for what you did. You call me imposter while you pose all day every day. You call me evil and maybe I am in essence, but you are straight up evil in all respects. There is no hope for me, for you, for ANYONE. It's all over. I'm walking from this bullshit. I didn't start the motherfucking fire, and I'm not going to get involved for a second. You destroyed me. Now watch your own destruction. And their isn't going to be any kundalinis or akashic experiences for you people. You want hellfire and brimstone. You motherfuckers got it. Theres no Jesus that's coming for you. Jesus/the christforce will come when Antichrist fails at what he was going to to attempt to do. Now that won't even happen. Let GOD deal with you motherfuckers. Peace you really good people. Pat yourselves on the back for being good Christians, Muslims and Jews. No Jesus, Allah, or Yahweh is going to do for you people as you think.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, LV. Food for thought delightfully presented, as usual.

Thank you, Erik, for the further links.

Picking up on SM topics - a book, Breeds of Men, by a General Semanticist, argues that mankind come in very different categories of aptitude, inclination, ability etc (demonstrably true in everyday experience) which can almost be described as "breeds". If that is taken as a working hypothesis, then in a new social order, it should be recognised that there will be those who are innately (emphasise innately) better at managing and leading, others at implementing others' ideas, etc, so that a non-random assignment of idea-generating (leading and advising) functions (as to a council) will be needed. Random assignments which ignore ability aptitude, etc might not lead to a well-functioning unit.

The concepts of reincarnation (I believe in trans-species reincarnation, and Grof's present work seems to suggest this as well) and karma (experiencing the consequences of one's actions in multiple lifetimes)- both taken as impersonal, universal laws, like the laws of Physics and Chemistry - which LV writes about, makes sense of a lot of features we see on earth, which would be otherwise unexplainable, illogical, and simply ascribed to the whims of an unprincipled, dictatorial Creator whom most thinking persons would not want to associate with. (That's the reason my atheist friends say they are atheists.)
On Castaneda, mentioned by someone, I was disappointed and shocked when I read several years ago, reports like these.

MV-616 said...

Hello Les. You are right about everything except the end result of what it is you and your people want. All if this is coming to an end. Their is a timetable for the earths final destruction. All the right people know about it as well. That's why the lie well reign until there is nothing left. And you are right about something else. I am the ANTICHRIST MOTHERFUCkERS. I knew this shit since I was a kid. So did my father. All you had to do was let me be. And your Illuminati friends were supposed to watch over me and look after me until I was ready to do for others. You people who worship GOD have something else in store for you. You are worshipping your destroyer. And you call me destructive. All I have to is NOTHING. And everything else will happen. Now that everyone had their chance to screw me over. I'm walking away. I going NoMaD. I'm leaving this fucking mess behind that I didn't create. All you people can kill and destroy each other forever and ever. Until GOd has enough, which he already did given he decided to pass the reigns to Satan and evil to do something about this fucking world and all the scum in it. You fucked with your peoples only chance. You fucking dumbasses. And the USA, God I can't believe you people for a second. I was supposed to be your man, no I will do nothing and you will see how I'm right. The land of pure fucking evil that has done every evil to anyone ever calls me evil? After all the shit you put me through I stayed loyal and still gave a shit. And you fucked me up so badly because it was funny to do so. It's not funny anymore and really you will how humorous everything is in the end. That is going to be fucking hillarious. I came to you with trust and love, after being shitted on you since 9-11. And what did you do to me? You know better than me. Thank you all for what you did. You call me imposter while you pose all day every day. You call me evil and maybe I am in essence, but you are straight up evil in all respects. There is no hope for me, for you, for ANYONE. It's all over. I'm walking from this bullshit. I didn't start the motherfucking fire, and I'm not going to get involved for a second. You destroyed me and ANYTHING I HAD GOING ON FOR ME. Now watch your own destruction. And their isn't going to be any kundalinis or akashic experiences for you people. You want hellfire and brimstone. You motherfuckers are going to get it-that is a guarantee. Theres no Jesus that's coming for you. Jesus/the christforce will come when Antichrist fails at what he was going to to attempt to do. And he'll come to destroy EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ONCE AND FOR ALL. Because in the end, their is reversal of roles, where only evil can keep evil from prevailing and change things. And where good, takes the role of evil to finish what GOD intended for this world and all the people in it. And w Now that won't even happen. Let GOD deal with you motherfuckers. Peace you really good people. Pat yourselves on the back for being good Christians, Muslims and Jews. No Jesus, Allah, or Yahweh is going to do for you people as you think.

abe said...

The time draws nigh:

Hoka hey:

Anonymous said...

I may have to order up the John Lash book myself. Funny I do the same thing read a couple of books at once. I have just finished up "Rasputin the Saint Who sinned" and "Doc Holiday the Life and the Legend." By Gary Roberts.

It would probably surprise most to find that Holiday was 5-6 and weighed 126 pounds.

Mister_Ed said...

Israel is flat-out the most murderous and genocidal regime in the 21st century, and being such I would feel mighty uncomfortable if I were born with any identity that allied me to that state. At the same time, Les, I'm reading about the Gurdjieff-ish New Shangra-La you're setting up and I'm thinking, "Well, that's nice, but I have stuff around here to tend to." And I do. It's not a bad idea, but it's not something I can participate in.

What I would recommend for your group, energy-wise, is to try to get someone in there from the Focus Fusion Society, someone who knows something about Dr. Eric Lerner's dense plasma focus device, and who could give you cheap (and indefinite) energy with such a thing using Boron 11 for aneutronic fusion. describes the prototype Lerner is making (tons of pictures) and it is highly likely, at this point, he'll get it off the ground. His experiment is $2 million, but once successful you ought to be able to build a duplicate DPF machine for about 1/10th of that cost. Very safe and cheap energy--and no, it can't "meltdown" because the fusion ceases to work once you shut off the incoming electricity (and 9 hours after each use the residual radiation has depleted to levels where you can clean-out the reactor with a washcloth and your bare hands).

DPF machines have been around 30 years. What Lerner did is put one in a vacuum chamber with a boron/water mixture, shield it, then stick a thick "antenna" inside to catch the outgoing charge. Imagine a steel "egg" about 3 feet long where a charge of capacitor-driven electricity goes in one end and a much bigger charge comes out the other. For the amount of electricity a McDonald's uses every hour you could power a small city. And boron is one of the cheapest and most abundant minerals on the planet. Just a suggestion.

Freddamedgjedda said...

Blogger edward godward said...

"The world around us is not neatly divided into departments and specialties. If each one restricts them self to their own subject matter, with no serious regard for the relevance of other areas, and with no real effort toward synthesis, what chance is there that the mere summation of isolated special theories will be anything more than a disconnected jumble of progress reports that cries out for synthesis into a unified, coherent theory that has some real chance of truly representing the unity and integration of the operation at hand?" -Lynn E. Rose
From: Velikovsky Reconsidered 1976

Nassim Haramein! NASSIM HARAMEIN!! Nassim Bloody Haramein has figured this "shit" out!! He is running something called The Ressonance Project. They have presented to peer review a theory of all called Unified Field Theory!

I don't know why not more aware people are aware of this! He! It has been around for some years!

Search google video for an 8 hour video of him explaining this new theory!!! It has to do with geometrical shapes, balance of opposing forces, and the number 64 is very important...

It is all a feedback loop for our feelings. Most who spend some of "our time" "here" know this to be fact, but he has gone thru the excausting task of calculating it!

Much love to Nassim, Les and all other wisdom seekers and keepers out there. We are soon to be called "normal". Or even special in a good way, imagine that!

Anonymous said...

life expressions
on vibrations flow
up the way
of teaching road
the school of life
where all men came
to learn the patterns
to break the chains
to open inner
and life express
in truth and honor
the small greatness
that we are
all of us
here together
but most dont trust
system corrupts
divides the people
breaks them down
it is not equal
killing the lands
killing the sea
poisoning the air
that all men breathe
the systems a fool
a psychopath
about to crumble
evolutionary crash


Anonymous said...

mr vafaie.
hmmm you can only ever destroy yourself spiritually,you will never destroy me or anyone else spiritually.
you may have the power to destroy on the material level but it is only temporary anyway...peace neil

Anonymous said...

Just to throw a monkey wrench into the works, I'm gonna die the day before the world ends.

FromBeyondOmega said...


Is it true that you're attempting to build another version of Babel-as-ark to the future, believing you can use it to ensure passage to a place significantly different from this one?

Is it true that you've not yet discovered that there are no physical means of dealing with incorporeal problems?

The sociopathy that sickens, defiles and persistently functions so as to incrementally destroy the human condition and its Earthen setting is of cosmic scope, rooted to the Mind of God, rooted to the very Source and means of existence's current state of self-being.

Money has no place in expediting what must be done to get rid of the singular problem that is endemic to our current Universe's (yes, capital U: there is never more than one universe at any given moment) state of existence. But there is complete knowledge of the problem and the means of utterly removing it readily available to us.

In fact, humankind's raison d'être includes being the instrument whereby the Divine is removing this heretofore both problematic and yet indispensible - now progressively useless and no longer acceptable - sociopathic mere short-term developmental fixture from existence.


From here expect there to now quickly arise out of us the prerequisite number of human individuals greatly pleased to engage in and complete this paramount work: 144,000 human-embodied spirit-minds fully conscious of humankind's raison d'être.

Upon y-our arrival, the Divine will continue doing what only the Divine is capable of doing.

FBO - R & D

Visible said...

Let's put it in the proper perspective. Some people are arrogant shitstirrers and don't have anything to contribute either besides waltzing around like an internet hair flipper. It explains your defense of certain lifestyles for sure but I think it's best for you that you find somewhere else where they don't mind if you publicly play with yourself or seek to draw attention to yourself for no other purpose than the attention. Consider this a sayonara.

Visible said...

Good, we understand each other. That's final and the end of it.

long john said...

To the mentally insane commenter who calls himself: "Michael A. Vafaie / MV-616",

without any doubt, it is completely obvious that you are an incredibly delusional and self-possessed fool. but thanks for showing Les and the rest of us what a pathetically immature demented poseur you are. we know your kind. the foul stench of a sick mind permeates your every expression. but lets hope you'll learn your lesson this time. sayonara and good riddens asshole.

Anonymous said...

yep seems mr vafaie maybe seriously detached from himself,could be a psychopath,if he is feeling bad about what he has written maybe their is some hope for him...peace neil

m_astera said...


You're awfully sure about some things that others are just as sure about but in other directions. There have been plenty of people who have had prophetic visions and talk to God. Why is it that your version is the one true one?

"Is it true that you're attempting to build another version of Babel-as-ark to the future, believing you can use it to ensure passage to a place significantly different from this one?"?

I assume your judgmental reference is to the community social experiment idea. As far as I know, the plan is to all get naked in a hot tub together every night. Wish you were here.

m_astera said...

Just read Les's essay again. Smegma soap, ROFL.

FBO said...

Gentlemen, Gentlemen...

Does it not occur that anyone calling himself anti-Christ might best be asked of his purpose, his mission, his means of becoming what he claims to be?

From these quarters there is not one Anti-Christ but many, all of whom have been successfully defiled by the evil wrought of the ignorance whereof they have been deceived to wrongly visit confusion and wrongness upon themselves for having been so poorly and unfortunately misguided by the onerous circumstances of their lives.

Is it not true that a sprout bred, born & raised within an optimal environment sans ignorance and evil matures to produce tasty fruit reflecting the setting of which it is begotten and born into to live and beget?

Does it also not occur that before condemning one does well to think-and-do so as to not defile oneself?

m_astera said...

Mr Ed-

Re the community idea, I don't think the plan is for there only to be one site. Another aspect is that few are going to be willing to commit to the idea until they see something workable and attractive that makes them think "That is how I want to live".

A Gurdjieff style (viz Fontainebleu) is not any part of the plan, I don't think, because that implies a teacher in charge who brings students together for the purpose of learning from the teacher. What I have in mind is more like an artist's colony where we can experiment with financial independence by providing needed ideas and things of beauty as commodities, while taking care of feeding and sheltering ourselves sustainably.

It's not a single community that would be attractive, because that would be limited to 200 or so people, but creating an attractive model that others will wish to copy. What sort of neighborhood would you like to live in? That's the main question, for me.

Free energy devices are important and I'm very interested in working on that, along with fine-tuning nutritional agriculture which has been my focus for the last decade. I suspect that there are simpler generating methods than the plasma fusion you mentioned, but haven't checked out the link you sent yet. A generator that a reasonably skilled mechanic and machinist could put together for a few hundred dollars would do the trick.

I've been looking at alternative energy sources for many years, in a casual manner. What the problem seemingly has always been is that the inventor wants to patent the idea and make a living from manufacturing it. That makes too big a target for the financial interests. Coming up with a simple solution to power a single home and giving the plans away would decentralize things so that the TPTB could no longer control it.

Visible said...

What Michael says pretty much reflects my view. It's not going to be 'teacher oriented' because there are going to be some number of them and no modality is going to be presumed more important. You might say breathing is more critical than drinking and that drinking is more critical than eating but they are all critical.

Personally, I employ behavior characteristics to offset certain enthusiasms. My area of engagement is preparing food, certain forms of body work, sundry and of course the metaphysical, which only seem invisible but which is in application every day in practical ways. One of the key things any community can employ is to embrace innovative thinking... a common term is "thinking outside the box' but I mean it in a more constantly applied manner than just to focus on any particular thing in a less routine way.

Mister_Ed said...

Hey, m_Astera. Let me first say you got a good-ass book you wrote on agriculture that I'm going to buy when I have the $$. After giving it some thought, I changed the comparison to the Point Loma "Raja Community" Katherine Tingley created in 1897. Still not accurate, but that might be closer to home for a model arts center. I did that over on the Siamese Mirrors site, then gave everyone a little fair warning about my own past experiences living in group situations.

People could say, "Well, Ed, your early life in the military and then getting locked up for a battery charge--that didn't exactly put you in an environment of 'thinking minds'." And you're right, it didn't--my stupidity was in full force back in the day. Nonetheless, you'd be surprised if you met some of the people I did in those places, if not further surprised how I learned to cope with constant crowds, gossip, ritualistic AA meetings, external threats and in-person diplomacy.

I like everything discussed on Les's blogs; trying to get a sense of what does and does not make for constructive communities is my pet interest. And time may come when I have to do something similar. But what I've seen in my own past, you can have really bright people who just take their entire brain and chuck it out the window when it comes to actually doing something "for the good of their fellows". Such is life on the plane of imperfection and impermanence.

Visible said...

I have lived in and been a dynamic part in more than one successful group living experience. I have passed through a lot of them that I had no interest in because they were fronts for sexual predators under the guise of love and freedom; they were control trips, autocratic, dogma bound, rudderless... all sorts of things.

I found the key to be a core group of even only four or five people who know how to modify vibrations, how to cut to the quick of the problem, how to see what's under the surface and bring it up in a way that doesn't humiliate or disenfranchise the person who may be unaware of their own selfishness.

You get the right core group you can do anything. I never was involved in anything where ten percent of us didn't account for ninety percent of everything else.

Personally, if I perform this on my own with my invisible friends it will be a probationary thing to begin with that extends at least one year and likely 18 months. I have an idea for autonomous authority where each person has a dimension of operation and, of course, great latitude in which to experiment and express. People do their jobs and that's that. No one has to oversee what you already know how to do.

I could go on at great length here and articulate what I see as possible down to a pretty fine degree. I may not know all of what is good and right but I comprehend a great deal of what is wrong and ineffective.

You don't cater to a group ego. You don't have a group ego. You don't make rules so that everything is fair. You don't tell people how to behave and I could go on and on about this but it boils down to get the right people to begin with. This is a prototype. Anyone who isn't comfortable with any element can take the template somewhere else.

The right people know each other right off the bat. I've had disagreements here and there but the right people are the right people. They are able and willing. They are all the things you are and don't seem to find in the world around you usually. The right people understand, not only the extreme usefulness of doing things the right way but also that there is often more than one right way and that there is a principle behind it which makes them seek out what is lasting and good and that is what makes them the right people.

I don't care what you call it, genetic, cultural, spiritual... there is a rightness (bad word) hidden in just about everyone and the right people can bring it out without appearing to be doing so. All the right people reading this know exactly what I am talking about and possibly much more (grin).

I already gave my life for what I believe in more than once; funny thing how I got it back. This imbues you with a courage and conviction that cannot be defined in terms of mere discipline and ideals. It is alive and cannot be killed. I know whereof I speak. Even the appearance of killing it does no more than displace it into a position of superior advantage. That last sentence is worth more than all the money on Earth.

Personally, I've no concerns about this community because I have no problem saying, "No" or "Yes" or explaining why. I've no thought that the readership transplants itself here there or anywhere. There is just a certain amount of people who find their way to something and they hold it together while releasing certain amounts of load bearing responsibility where they go according to ground zero technical know how as well as all the metaphysics it rests upon. Both prove each other. I'm not interested in shit that doesn't work and I'm not interested in arguments. The right people know when someone has enlightened them about a particular thing. They are grateful, not argumentative. They are looking for that. The right people are always looking for a better method based on eternal verities and they are profoundly grateful about learning it and humbly seeking more if it so happens it can be used to further serve one another.

FBO said...


At this evolutionary point all prophetic visions produced of humankind are but separate pieces of the Divine's overall message to our species at large. So it is that intelligent collaboration by those who have given their lives in service to the Divine is essential to fitting together our respective pieces of the Divine's message, and thereby see and know what the Divine is moving us to do.

Ruthie's & my perspective shows our species instating a fully cosmos-wide condition of Universal Common Good - with naked bodies commonly running around playing doing whatever healthy & fun & harmless things, wherever we want to - not just here or there, but literally everywhere.

Need I enumerate the decisive obstacles to creating such a general environment given the realities of our species' current human condition?

In principle your vision is ours, oriented in the exact same direction. Only our vision expands to include and ensure that truly good things are not mere relics scattered along the path of humankind's history, when a only few good things for a few people briefly occurred here and there.

Our vision includes doing what the Divine requires of us all - working together - and thereby ensuring to each other that we all fully become what the Divine created us to be and do. Which includes properly removing all decisive obstacles to achieving a condition of Universal Common Good.

And yes, we also expect the internet will be with us as long as it needs to.

DaveS said...

My experience with group communities is limited to multi-day rafting excursions with people I mostly know.

It takes about three days for people to throw-off the shackles of civilization and then the days flow smoothly both on the river and in camp. One issue that plagues modern humans is they don't know how to deal with 'real' work as opposed to computer work. It's maddening watching smart people struggling to assemble simple camp furniture or trying to locate a proper spot to place the group toilet (known as the 'groover').

Americans are too removed from the organic tribalism of our ancestors... a hundred years ago America was an agrarian culture peopled by self-sufficient farming families spending generations in one spot. Today we've become nomadic tech hunter-gatherers. Moving far away from our families in search of better pay/living conditions/work we're alienated from our ancestors and the wisdom they impart.

Most of the Americans who vote rarely get their hands dirty from the sort of work it takes to keep their castles and cars humming along. These same people who love their personal maids, auto mechanics, gardeners, ect, also try and keep those same sorts of people from achieving any economic equality with them. A kind of a slavehood of tradesmen.

Shit I've got off on a rant that is not the rant I wanted to rant. Oops, sorry about that. I'll post it because it's along the lines of what we're discussing.

wv: antats... an tats all folks!

Visible said...


Quite often you remind me of one of my favorite people (I haven't heard from him in awhile) who is known here as The Village Idiot. It's a combination of style, certain particular (things I consider necessary) 'quipmint' as The Hoodies might say and a few other things.

i don't think of people's families, jobs; convenience as an excuse for screwing one's own health, or former environments so much as I think about their basic nature. It's when you get away from your own basic nature that you got a problem and I think most problems come out of that.

Your rant runs right into the same river my rant runs into which is 'out of here' (grin).

The whole concept of making more money so that you can live somewhere you probably wouldn't live if you had a choice makes me laugh but not in a mocking way.

You got Nature and you got civilization and between the two you can pretty much find what you are looking for. Times like these, it seems to me; when you can't just be satisfied living in the world because it's unsatisfying AND confining well... that where I start thinking that there have got to be more people like me who like certain things that don't seem to be commonly available in the grooved railways of experience.

You get 20 or 30 adults together. You get 5 or 10 adults together. You get what you can work with and the whole thing is many, many times more easy and far, far more enjoyable than on your own. Truth be told, it would turn into so much fun that everyone who didn't want to come would be begging to get let in.

It's not about living primitive or with every convenience. It's not about being a purist who kills and skins and plants and reaps and shits in a hole he fills up every couple days. It's not about being able to buy the product or hire the person to see to all of your needs.

It's about living abundantly with everything you really want (no lack of that) and having it all there in a contained situation of unendurable peace and love and harmony... luckily we have personal issues that we can toss in and act serious about, make fun of and then move on or we might get bored.

m_astera said...

Such good writing, these last comments. I like when what has been deeply thought has also been internalized and lived until it trips off the tongue as an of-courseness. Doesn't it really come down to where you would like to live, how you would like to live, and around what sort of neighbors?

Probably everyone has figured out that I like to pose questions in a way that raises people's hackles. I'm also good at laying those hackles back down, something I don't show much here because others take that role. And the sort of neighbor that will help out without being asked and also if asked, simply because I like to help where I can. The wild party that could happen at my place twice a year would need to be taken in stride because you would be invited too.

I don't run the lawnmower or chainsaw before ten a.m. on Saturday, and no noise before noon on Sunday. :-)

For me, it comes down to where you would like to live and how you would like to live. Maybe some people like to live under strict hierarchical rules; there should be a community and model for each such group, as long as they don't mess with others. South of Stockholm, I've been riding a bicycle through a wonderful little suburb. Most of it does not have a garage attached to the house; there are parking areas at the peripheries, and the rest is wide paved foot and bicycle paths. Small houses and larger houses mixed, everyone has their own front yard and back patio along with lots, lots of common areas and wild areas. The Swedes are barbarians of course, but they get this much right. Don't mess with another man's castle, even if that is only a tiny apartment in a high rise.

The idea of an intentional community based on some sort of ideology or imagined ideal or enforced dogma isn't attractive to me, and I don't think it is to many other readers here either. We already have a good idea of how we like to live; mostly we would like a place where we can live that way without heavy-handed interference from any type of government asshole.

A Happy Tree Friend said...

So, you guys want to be free to live however YOU chose? Ok, that’s sounds, cool. Further to this; as a group, you are debating the pro’s and con’s of communal living based on limited or no bureaucracy? Mmmm, what’s a better term than bureaucracy; hierarchal governance? Why? Why would anyone want to live in a community that had no systemic management protocols? Because they think that concept describes what freedom means?

As a casual observer of this particular debate and an experienced ‘alternative lifestyler’, I will suggest that no amount of ‘lurv’ will replace a systemic approach to community management. I’m not talking about needing bosses overseers or supervisors; I’m talking about the value of a learned knowledge of the practical necessities of a functioning rural community.

After all, community describes a group of people that commune – that is to say share living space. Social environments where personal habits are exposed in public, everyday, are more about tolerance than freedom. Having lived in a number of share-houses and alternative ‘tribes’, I can tell you, my experience is that even ‘like-minded’ seekers of freedom from the constraints of the parameters enforced by hierarchal governance; need responsibilities. The garbage needs to be taken care of, whether you recycle a large percent or not. The communal areas need to be kept clean and functional.

Noise is good example of shared responsiblity: some people like a quiet meditative environment in which to contemplate the vagaries of human nature, some, like the fire-twirlers; have a tendency to ‘celebrate’ life, constantly, at all hours. From my experience there also always appears to be a philosopher or two in any group of seekers: The hermits, don’t forget the hermits, I have found that these character types generally (forgive my generalizations, they are not PC, however they are ‘generally’ thumb-nail accurate - grin): Wash their own dishes, dig their own bog-holes and eat their own veggies. Not a social creature and not generally a problem, until an overzealous ‘celebrator’ tries to encourage their inclusion in a ‘celebration’.

Then there are the fairies, there are always fairies in any group of seekers; when not eking-out an income by painting middle-class kids’ faces at nature/alternative music/lifestyle/food festivals, they can be found fawning over the Alpha male ‘tarzan’ types. Yep, there are always tarzans posing as sensitive new-age masseurs: Sexual predators of the oiliest kind. Funny that all the tarzans I have ever met are physically defined; self-obsessed and vain about their appearance, while pretentiously discussing Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, generally from the perspective of ‘free lurv’ manifesting as a rapacious sexual appetite. They quote a lot, rarely can you engage one in a straight discourse. At the time the chat gets deep, they adopt the sage-like Swarzenegger ‘thoughtful warrior’ pose and remain aloof. These tarzans are generally surrounded by a coterie of fire-twirlers, philosophers and fairies.

The fairies invariably create an air of tension due to the nature of fairies to offer discreet (fairies are the only members of the tribe that think they are discreet) sexual services to the tarzans, as a means of acquiring material support, food, housing, drugs, booze, pretty much anything the fairy desires; it will whore itself for to an Alpha male.

There is generally an Alpha male to every dozen or so seekers. Then there are the junkies, yep, there are always those camp-followers whose philosophy of life is to stay wasted 24/7. They will participate to a certain degree, unfortunately as they are more often than not thieves and liars they do have a rather shifty demeanor most of the time; they generally keep their distance for long periods of the day; “it’d probably not go down well if another member of the community sees us bangin’-up.”


A Happy Tree Friend said...


Then there is me and 'my' type; we are generally highly motivated helpful and hard-working, generous and closely allied with the tarzans and the philosophers for expedient reasons. The philosophical yada sessions are for self-reassurance “Am I wasting my life here?” The tarzan alliances are for supply of drugs and sexual partners; you are guaranteed sex from at least one of the fairies (sexual mercenaries) attendant to a tarzan if you can engage them at the right time; pretty much as they realize they are not tarzans’ choice tonight. (tarzans feign belief in 'open' relationships and are without variation obsessive jealous control-freaks – their philosophy of openness is generally the line they use to have sex with a girl who is already partnered). All goes well with any of these communities for the first week or so, enthusiasm is high because of the childish novelty value of the new ‘tribal’ adventure thingy. After about a week, the fights begin over food, filth and fealty. This is when the schism causes polarization and the splinter groups form, within the context of hierarchal governance – dictatorships based on physical prowess of the tarzans and the political sophistication of the ‘philosophers’.
At about this time the ‘me’ types begin to get disgruntled and slack off from doing the majority of the work, then drift away. Months or years later a casual acquaintance will have news regarding the demise of the community due to a lack of food, an abundance of filth and internecine rivalries between those whose fealty is constantly questioned by a paranoid tarzan, due to a lack of resources – drugs, fresh-meat (fairies), food and drugs.

Bonne Chance, Mes Amis!

a happy tree friend

Visible said...

Well, I'm pretty high right now. I know one isn't to say that.; with all the implications that it means but I am not looking for sex.

any way you slice it and slicing and dicing and chopping things into incredible canapes or whatever, that is how the thing gets lost in the ingredients.

I'm not lost. I'm just out here looking around for my friends and family. I must have one.

I personally want to meet and greet and celebrate god. that is all i care about so anything I might get briefly involved in is probably because of that, no matter how outrageous.

Speaking as a man, I am not after pussy, gold or fame. I just want to continue on in my pursuit of high end human possibility for shared treasures, between friends in a dark age.

Like I said, I am operating as if I am doing it all by myself and I am going to do it anyway regardless. I will find my friends. I believe I already have.

And I will, by grace, get to have some remarkable experiences with some remarkable people but it won't have anything to do with physical functions. Those are just the bumper cars we celebrate it with. The thought. The idea. The action. The substance. The essence is the thing, not all of the temporary clutter.

I am after god actualized, on earth as in heaven, and with all the qualities and ideals that that includes. It's already there. That is what Shamballa is. That is what Shangri-La is that is what all those heavens already extant somewhere are about. This is not a new idea.

Maybe I walk off alone one night or maybe I have companions but one way or another I am walking out of this world into another and I intend to get at least one launch pad into operation before I do so; meaning where sympathetic souls can resonate in this flesh.

The right people know what I am talking about and the right people will be in the right place. This has been an effort but it was worth it, I think.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Us eremites don't particularly like the word hermit.

Or maybe we do.

A happy Tree Friend is just that, I think.
Honesty, especially in relating experience, is splendid.

I appreciate it.

DaveS said...

Tree Friend-

You've got the makings of a TV funny series in that rather jaded view of communal living. I tend to have the same view, but on the other hand, I've seen the way people can bond around a common goal and accomplish amazing things.

Regardless of everyone's past experiences and beliefs, it is good to keep trying. Once a few healthy functioning groups are formed, I imagine they'd be copied... poorly at first, but eventually people would start to 'get it' and maybe a new age would be born.

I believe in such a future as much as any. I certainly prefer to fill my head with images of a positive, hopeful, future as opposed to the awful one the PTB seem to have a hankerin' for.

The old testament has gotten way too much press over the last 2000 or so years. If you look at the world, pre christ, and realize how many other cultures and religions pre-existed that time, well it makes a person wonder what other belief systems have successfully existed on earth? Just looking at North America, and the numerous native cultures... those folks generally seemed to get along pretty well before all the white devils showed their european faces here.

And I might be wrong about when europe found the place. I don't trust anything I've learned in school about history... who knows?

There is plenty of evidence of asian influence in South America dating way back a thousand or so years (who knows how far) and this makes me think anything is possible.

As much as modern humans have accomplished, how certain are we that other, equally, or possibly, more advanced cultures have not also had their moment under the sun? Just because the grave robbers haven't found one, doesn't mean one hasn't existed. Sea levels have changed, topography changes, the sands of time are relentless destroyers of anything manmade... so I wouldn't bet the farm on the dates the grave robbers tell us. Population is not a good indicator of a species success, for those of you claiming our superiority because of the number of us breathing air at this moment. Maybe those other cultures understood that they would be better off breeding less?

I'm not going to give up hope... we need to dream a happy future into existence, and do it pronto.


Visible said...

There's a new Smoking Mirrors up-

The Anacondas and the Jesus Jumping Girl.

FBO said...

Your 5:50PM missive is mine! having touched my empathy place mightily, having done so sufficient to bring the passionate gentle sting of wet salt around my eyes; affirmation of being alive and real.

I too am moved and have long been moved to ensure to myself and to those of my human fellows and to all my companion species' fellows and our source-in-common that I would leave prepared and ready for us all a place here in this most wondrous & challenging of spheric environments "this" - "words of god realized" - before going to the next place of labor & play & love.

See what your words free me to say! We are most certainly brothers from beyond omega! Like our elder brother encrypted it would be!

That which is greatest smiles at the touch of wisdom and love that is oneself in oneness with one's source when given by fellows in the flesh to each other. God realized is ever ready to affirm these things wherever there are children of Him & HER to receive and speak of them / of Them / of THEM. Nothing is greater than the words born of and delivered to truth. This is the way it is at every beginning, at every end.

My spirit-mind woman is my monitor and judge in the flesh, I am hers. We guide and aim each other. That which gives life brought us together, knowing as if trusting that our singular interest and focus is receiving all that we must know and share it with each other, and coming to know that the doing of this is sufficient to our mission, and be even more & always pleased to find even greater rewards for our work should we then see to share what we say & do wherever it might be received. Yes, this world is indeed a very lonely place, at times, along the way.

This is why we now are here, at LV land, to be heard to hear and know the words of our fellows and each other. By these very means new and healthier worlds are born!

wv: quargi: Sex!!!



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