Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Enemies of Humanity and their Empty Suit Puppets

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You know who they are. If you don’t know who they are, it’s not difficult to find out. The other day, Bill Gates, another enemy of humanity, bought 500,000 shares in Monsanto. I’m not going to list these reptiles, though I may make mention here and there of prominent exponents like Rockefeller and Rothschild. You can also find a lot of information here.

It is a very simple thing. The banking and crime empire of the false nation of Israel is one expression of the darkest possibilities of those who masquerade as members of the human race. The depth of evil and iniquity that is represented by these representatives of one of the most vicious collections of miscreants in the world is unrivaled in terms of physical numbers. They are the children of life’s ancient enemy and truly defined as exponents of the Synagogue of Satan. On the other hand, there are the international corporations from Coca Cola to British Petroleum. If you want some idea of the pecking order you can find it here. I dislike using Wikipedia for anything, as they are a Zionist controlled entity but for expedience I have made an exception in this case.

Add in the bankers, who are the financing arms of all wars on every side of every conflict, as well as human trafficking, international drug dealing and resource theft. They finance anything that brings them a profit and there is nothing they will not use to generate it. The other major villains are the governments and organized religions. With governments, I include all judiciaries, police and military as they presently exist. This pretty much covers the territory, unless you feel obliged to make the addition of satanic and other elite organizations and the possibility of inimical aliens and mind parasites.

What happens is that those who own the gold make the rules. Corporations, banks and religions demand complicity, conditions and laws from the governments that they control. Agendas are set by the collection of groups, which are responsible for the corruptions of human consciousness and the complicity of invisible agents of darkness and illusion. Police and armies enforce the will of the predators who are seeking control of all of the world’s peoples and resources. There’s no maybe or maybe not about any of this. Those named and those associated with and in their employ are the poisonous swine of the manifest realm.

If the human race is to be freed and to assist in the efforts toward their own liberation, then all of these peoples, operations and groups must be brought down, gutted, cleansed and transformed before there will be anything like freedom upon the horizon. Classic examples of why humanity had better get off its cottage cheese ass can be found in articles like this and like this. It’s one thing to consider the information given and another to extrapolate outward in consideration of where it may go next, once it’s wiped out everything else on its way to you.

Boycott of Israeli goods is not just an act of good citizenship on all levels, if you consider yourself a citizen of the planet, but it is also an act of self defense, as described in the first of the two most recent links given here. Contaminated fruits and vegetables are making their way to Europe and who knows where else. The level of evil that is resident in Israel and those who run that crime syndicate has no real limits. They will destroy themselves on their way to you. Since that’s the result in any case, it would be best if they were stopped by whatever means beforehand.

The corporations intend no less. Their pursuit of ever higher and higher profit margins ensures that they will destroy their customers along the way to destroying themselves. This seems to be sheer insanity and difficult to understand. You have to understand that they cannot see the result of their behavior and intentions because they are blinded by the imperatives of their greed and ignorance. It’s all short term except for the will to maximize the profit/cost differential.

The governments and the armed thugs that protect their interests and swallow all that flag wrapped, patriotic propaganda are just prostitutes who want to go on hooking for one more day. They like the work and there are no concerns about arrest or confinement. It’s all protected by the laws they pass, which make whoredom a desirable and respected profession.

Religion operates like Saturday morning cartoons, interspersed with commercials, that corrupt the appetites of children with no power to reason; by the time they’ve grown into whatever is demanded for the cash registers of Jesus, they’re also ready to climb into the mouths of canons for the politicians and military leaders who protect the corporations and enforce their will.

The criminal think tanks and satanic lodges like CFR, PNAC and the vultures of J. Street, along with a great many more, set the policy and positions of everything on the left and right, along with the options presented to the middle, while they control every one of them in their pursuit of entropy and mass destruction, which they transform into whatever visualization they use to seduce themselves. You can’t see the payoff but you’re not blind to the effect of their actions on everyone else. They are.

It’s an impossible dream to imagine that humanity will awaken in such a way as to free the world of all of these parasites, cannibals and vampires. Even while they awaken, agents of those in their gun sights will transplant themselves into their leadership. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a good example of this. Take a look at Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Neither of these individuals is intelligent enough to be trusted with anything sharp or complicated. They are tools of the blood drinking, flesh eaters in the shadows.

This may be why Nature and other forces are at work to transform the passing age into rubble. One can only hope that all the bankers, corporation executives, politicians, priests, Zionists and puppet masters get mulched and composted into nutrients for the soil of a new beginning. My advice to all of the members of the largest population group on Earth; the victimized, manipulated, shoehorned between a rock and a hard place citizens of every country, will have the sense to focus their anger and aggressions upon the bankers, stockbrokers and everyone else already mentioned, instead of upon their fellows as their persecutors intend. You need ‘a little list’. Every one of you needs a little list for the day you see what’s been happening to you.

Storm their castles, compounds, underground survival cities and high rise entertainment zones, where they party and piss over the railing. Don’t make targets out of each other. They’re the ones arming and facilitating the Mexican drug wars, just as they invaded Afghanistan and now protect and harvest the opium for profit and crowd control. You know who these people are if you just take a moment to see who is at the head of all of these noxious enterprises that have destroyed your economy and way of life; not that there was anything romantic about your slavish love affair with materialism.

In the end it may well be that you deserved each other. It could be that both the victims and victimizers need a season in the hot zone because they were consciously, or unconsciously, locked in a death dance of unending embarrassments and ritual abuse, which somehow served them both.

Now the battle cry of the potato headed leadership of the Tea Bagger tools is, “Get rid of the liberals and career politicians”. They want to replace them all with something much, much worse. There’s a certain kind of stupidity that is terminal. There’s no cure. What the outcome of it will be, I don’t know. Even now, some monstrous, retarded savior is lurching up out of the swamp of human ignorance to save his people. They are crying out for him. They want more of what they always wanted, more conveniently, less intellectually challenged and attached by wires to their genitals and taste buds, so that they can push the buttons of automatic gratification, just like the monkeys who kill themselves in the laboratories.

End Transmission.......

The New Shangri-La.

Petri Dish Mirror.

Sunday night’s non broadcasted radio show is now available for download. Real time broadcasting is coming soon.


kikz said...


kind of reminds me of this nightmare i hav on occasion...

outrunning 5 or more concurrent tornadoes, can't find my husb/kids...car missing, and i don't recognize the immediate area.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to watch a world at war with one side not even realizing it is at war.

What is happening is beyond the comprehension of most of the sheeple. They can not grasp that they are in a line that goes into a building and there isn't aline coming out.

It is bigger than the word 'global'. There is something in all of this that suggest a planetary take over. That leads to some very interesting questions.

Who is really behind the curtain?
Why the massive depopulation efforts?
Why the massive underground cities?
Why are certian places on the planet being specifially depopulated?
What can we do at this late stage of the game?
What is the right thing to do?



Lukiftian said...

Excellent post... I was going to comment on the self-indulgent nature of this ranting... but it was done so well it would be all the lesser without the self-indulgence.

Why wear the mark of the beast when you can brand yourself? ;-)

Word verification is 'aryteri' perfect for a post that goes for the jugular. XD

Anonymous said...

Just a little update. There are leaders in this world who are fair, just and care about their people.


You can take that to the bank. BTW South Africa is considering joining BRIC.

Anonymous said...

ciLes, can I print this and distribute to everyone? Can everyone also do this? Shout it from the housetops!!
L.V.for Pres.
Walking Hawk

Annsie said...

It reminds me of a part in the movie 2012 wh
when all the rich people are paying a billion dollars or whatever to get on the modern day arks. I remember thinking what on earth is the point, the idiots who received the money are not going to be able to do anything with it as the world is supposed to be immersed in water and civilization destroyed.Where are they going to spend it? Guess they never thought beyond their greed...How is it possible these so called elites cannot see, they are supposed to be incredible smart and have it all figured out..I guess there is a big difference between smart and wise huh?

su said...


funny one of my recurring nightmares is i am travelling and stop at a road stall selling fruit and nuts - the kids all pile out.
next thing i am dripping on a 20 lane highway and i remember that i had left them there and try to find my way back to them. but it is totally impossible. there are thousands of highways, crossing and intersecting and i have no point of reference.

Visible said...

Walking Hawk;

Anyone, anywhere can distribute anything anytime.

Where there are fair and caring leaders the people will know.

Visible said...

Self indulgent posts surely deserve self indulgent responses and interpretations. When that is required it is guaranteed that you will be there.

robert said...

"Madness in individuals is rare, but in groups, crowds and nations, it is the rule." - Friedrich Nietzsche

frank zenn said...

Boycott of Israeli goods is not just an act of good citizenship on all levels... but it is also an act of self defense...

also - rabbinical excise tax


Anonymous said...

Nice Les,

You covered everything known to the resistence except the MEDIA; that mouthpiece of enablers and supporters of TPTB. 96% of the media is jew-owned. Jane Harmon's billionaire 91 year old husband just bought Newsweek for $1 (one dollar) I wonder if he gave the boy a tip.

American society can look forward to 'home grown terrorist' articles in that rag now too as well as mutilated civilians on the cover page.


Lover Of Truth said...

I gather that you are, in your post, referring to a core group who are causing all this hell on the planet. I can assure you, they are not jews / nor semitic.

Since you mentioned the synagogue of Satan...

In The Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, warning the congregations in ASIA - the Muslims,It states, "They say they are jews and are not but do lie and I will make them the synagogue of Satan".

Are you something because you say you are?

This evil hides behind labels, and they use the "christian" and "jew" label to mask themselves! And then they foment a "clash of civilization", through a false-flag attack, between the christians and jews against those who are actually representing God - the Muslims. This is war against the saints!

But really this satanic war is against all of humanity... this war of terror against the saints abroad is a war against the people at home.

But this grandiose murder / enslavement grid is not being implemented by a small cabal, although,they are a part of it - but WE are the builders of it.

"We", as in the average person - The average person as opposed to the so-called "Elites"

So who is responsible for this war against humanity?

The root cause of this worldwide hell is Whites (Europeans) who are hiding behind organizational, institutional, religious, philosophical titles, in conjunction with your average white Jan and Joe.

Open your eyes and look in the mirror - now go and blame someone else for your woes, and let your own judgment condemn or save you!

Handy said...

All I can say is amen and amen!!! I thank you for all that you do and say. For those that cannot see, may your eyes be opened and your heart enlightened. For you think that you are rich and have need for nothing, but you are retched, naked and blind. At one time I was one of those. Now I am not. I thank God for that. For he has opened my eyes and I would not that they ever be closed again.

Israel is the whore who rides the beast, world religions are the false prophet, and the system is the beast, and the Antichrist is comming. Wake up!!!

Anonymous said...

here's some other big-picture info for those who want to dig even deeper than national and international politics

Anonymous said...

Les....really making those words dance for you today.

Visible said...

Lover of Truth;

It would be a good idea for you to possess some before you start talking and also to read these posts more carefully instead of mindlessly repeating what's already been said in a different way.

Furthermore, the same argument can be used against you picking a color instead of a label. I'm just trying to save you the embarrassment of doing the same thing over and over again which so far has been your signature here.

GodSend said...

Nice post, Les.

Why are the 'Elite' ("Powers and Principalities of Darkness in the Heavenlies" - as well as their AGENTS on Earth) pursuing eventual and inevitable self-destruction?

Because THEY KNOW that their time is running out and their #1 Objective is to take as much of humanity with them (into the ABYSS, aka the PIT) as THEY can!

SEE! my website and Blog for the complete Solution to The Puzzle.

GodSend said...

"Lover of Truth"

Your "assurances" are worthless. Your comments are worth less. You are not a lover of truth - you screw it beyond recognition!

Anonymous said...

An email from Senior editor Gordon Duff at Veterans Today. They are knocked off the air. Someone is "thanking them for their service."

no..u are right

problems still


Anonymous said...

I like you.

I have to agree. Mankind is on a ledge to certain death if it does not stop and wake up to how they have been herded into a death march to a precipice of doom.

Look in the faces of those elected who move their slanted lips and you will see nothing worth listening to as it is nothing but empty noise wrapped around lies.

People are fools to think their vote put someone in place who will lead them to the promise land where life will be easy, profitable and full of toys to show off and play with every day.

Wake up you sleeping fools. The destroyer(s) of this world has you pinned down in its web of deceit and lies mouthed by its servants and legions blindly jumping to its bark.

Your mind has been talked into a dream state where you happily follow those who serve it, at the expense of your own paid for end. Turn off the tv, radio and look for your salvation in the internet from those who know the truth and expose the destroyers before they destroy you.

It has become stronger now because authority is its way and there is no shortage of men and women who will follow that power over others.

Wake up fellow humans and bring your minds back online. Say to the hidden powers to cleanse this reality, this world from the purveyors of greed, purveyors of hate, wars, killing, and deceit. Flush the greedy, the power corrupt, the evil corrupt, the purveyors of war and the mark.

Anonymous said...

Lover of truth (minitrue?)
Why don't you ever read what LV says?
"Dont attack each other and
make a list and check it twice"
in essence. Nada about it's
"all jews" or 'all anything'.
wv: forna
Truth does not forna(cate)
with yew

Perry L said...

I'm sure you know and use the "train tracks" analogy of the "truth" community/truth "movement" and what you and I do. "We" have realized that we and everyone around us were not only "walking on the tracks" but that it appears there is a train coming. We have been frustrated by the fact that most people don't know they are on the tracks let alone having any interest in the train. Most know they are on the tracks and have even taken a glance at the train and either they don't think it's on "their" tracks or it's so far off it isn't a real danger (I'm continually amazed at how many people I meet in everyday life who KNOW "9-11 was an inside job" and could care less)...no reason to even think about "trains and tracks". Of course most people actually like or depend on some aspect of "the tracks" and there's even those who love "the train" and want to help it (Christian Zionists for instance).

So here's the "problem" I see with "us" (the "truth" people). Most of us decided that the way to avoid the whole "train collision" was to get and disseminate as many details as possible about the train and the tracks to as many people as possible...if "they" just had more details we could all get off the tracks and maybe even stop the train. Many are totally focused on "the tracks" (society etc.) and many are totally focused on "the train" (Zionism, NWO etc.). Some are focused on both train and tracks.

The "track" people are focused on the details of the track and totally believe that if we repair or alter o r maybe even destroy the tracks the problem will be solved. They spend all their time and energy focusing perhaps on only one aspect of the tracks (the economy, gay marriage, immigration, globalism, godlessness etc.) that they don't even care about the train or even any other part of the tracks.

The "train" people have basically the same issue but just focus on all the aspects of the train (Zionism, the economy, the government etc.). The "both" group look at both, many even know great details about both the train and the tracks and even on how the two fit and work together. Of course all of "us" are menaced by various groups (media, "christians", gays, and the "top of the pyramid" people etc. etc.) with agendas and a ready supply of dis-information which spends more energy on what really amounts to tail chasing busy work.

As I see it we all are still "standing on the tracks" in one way or another...sure some are on the side of the tracks thinking we are at a safe distance still yelling at the others on the tracks (or so we think) but none of us, none of us, has really considered what to do when the train wreck happens and the tracks are completely mangled and the train keeps going for a ways demoniacally trying to ensure no train or tracks can be built in the future. We're still "bull horning" the train, or the tracks, or the people on the tracks or even each other with all kinds of "news" and "info" about the impending train wreck and all its causes. In my opinion all this "bull horning" at this point is pretty much wasted energy (not to mention time) I'M JUST AS GUILTY!!!

Perhaps "we" are not as equipped (mentally and otherwise) for the train wreck as we are maybe fooling ourselves into thinking we are? Maybe "we" don't want to believe the "train wreck" will be all that bad or effect my track side location? Just some thoughts...would LOVE to talk to you about this.

Freddamedgjedda said...

I'm suffering from temporary collective brain damage!

citizen said...

At the time of the energy shift on the Planet, Judgment Day or whatever you like, we’re conceiving some nice black hole in space sucking THEM ALL into oblivion, NEVER to be recycled again in the life of the Universe, and NEVER to be on our beautiful Planet again. Join us in the exercise.


Visible said...


I took care of what I was going to do after the wreck several years ago and I also took care of who I was going to be by stripping away everything that was not me; but I may have missed a few things.

Other than that I serve the limitless light insofar as I understand what that is and hope I get more understanding as I go. The rest of it is unimportant really because that is usually decided by one's relationship to the light which this world is a crystallized presentation of depending on the type of age we are in. It's not representative of the aspiration of the light within us but the best place to start is always where we find ourselves once we wake up.

TheSparkle said...

Hey Dublin Mick and others who were discussing Sitchen. Here's a brand new interview with Michael S. Heiser. Heiser makes an extremely strong case.

Michael S. Heiser - Zecharia Sitchin is Wrong, Sumerian Writings & Nibiru


Red Ice Creations and its main guy Henrik Palmgren are a first class act. Henrik interviews all the best people that we nuts like to read about.

vixen said...

There is a train wreck, storm or something coming and if I avoid it, I know there is still a personal train wreck waiting in the wings for me. The personal one will surprise me but the other has been a flashing neon sign for anyone interested in seeing it. The lights woke me up to the nature of my existence and set me on my journey of higher truth. Should this world continue on its current path humanity would be completely overridden and changed into something akin to a robot that could not make that journey even if it wanted to. Few are capable of it even now. Can you warn someone that doesn’t want to hear the message? I personally believe, as someone on here (I think) once put it, “It is not possible to awaken the majority of the sleeping world by any means other than Armageddon like conditions.” I think I hear the whistle blowing in the distance now……

Kurt G said...

Hello kikz,

I have had a similar dream to yours. My comfort was in hugging the Earth and the apple tree. The vortexes of damnation passed over me. Pay no attention to those who promote and are bound to the sky god. This system will fail. Hold to the roots and be one of the "Right People"...

KRS2 said...

"Storm their castles..."

Amos Ch. 2 Verse 5 sums it up nicely.

Anonymous said...

Have not dropped the line here for the last little while. Our little sharing group is pressed to keep a stiff upper in wave upon wave of grim reportage. It won't be getting easier anytime soon. So cheer up anyway. Apocalyptieres. Welcome to Death Row. Have fun with it.

estebanfolsom said...

"i hear that train a comin'
it's comin' round the bend"

"and i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when"
you can take it from there
i know i said i won't comment

but i can't help it
fool that i am

Lover of Truth said...

Godsend, what god sent you? Surely not the Spirit of Truth.

Anonymous, Truth should be capitalized, but if it isn't it still has the same meaning.

Les, who is the one mindlessly repeating? Me, who merely stated the obvious reality in one
post, or you, who in post after post, abstractly refers to "Them" as "They", to describe
those who are doing these dastardly deeds?

But the truth has to be repeated, as long as the lie exists, if not for the simple yet what seems to be the unrecognized fact that evil merely has to be challenged for the lie to be defeated.
Truth always wins! But if the lie/evil is not challenged then it wins every time, by default.

So this is my task as a Lover of Truth!

Prophecy cannot just be shunned away or ignored – it was given to be known for
the ones who need it in that time. So when I quoted the bible on those “Who say they are
jews and are not but do lie”, then you must juxtaposed the past revelations with the now,
and you will see that these European white people who CALL themselves Semitic, are
not even Semitic but European in origin – they are the ones persecuting the Semitic people, and The Saints.

Who are these people referred to in the bible during the End Times, as the Churches (congregation of people) in ASIA, who will be persecuted by those taking
the name of “jews”? The Muslims! The Revelation Chapter one.

So He was warning The Muslims of those (whites) who will call themselves “jews” and who
are leading the world in propagating hatred against the Muslims. Well, isn’t this exactly
what is happening today, at this hour? The media's contrived "clash of civilizations" between whites (pagans, "christians", and ""jews) against Muslims, is propagandized to make the final white war 3 a reality. Exactly as prophesied.

Being Jewish is not a race, it’s a belief system, but just because you SAY that you are a
Christian or a Jew doesn’t make you one – you shall know them by their works.

So then, if you think a color is the cause of white peoples’ evil works, then that is your doing.
I am merely stating that the deeds of white Europeans throughout the globe, in the last
5 centuries are at the crux of this world-wide murder / enslavement grid! Who would
be so foolish so as to deny that which exists and loudly proclaim that it does not exist?
Do you really think that the people around the earth do not see this? Who’s blind?

This is exactly why whites would never be able to defeat this evil – because they always blame someone else as the partakers of their own evil doings – and thus kill and enslave the innocent!

Your nirvana, or light manifestation, or whatever you adhere to, will not come into fruition Until this instituted white world supremacy Beast system is demolished – but by whose
hands? Read prophecy!

I suggest to those who love truth, to research the history of this "light" religion - it refers back
to and is interlocked with Madam Blavatsky's worship of the "light", and hence The Light Bearer, Sun worship, a.k.a. Lucifer / Satan!

Lover of Truth said...

Les, who is the one mindlessly repeating? Me, who merely stated the obvious reality in one
post, or you, who in post after post, abstractly refers to "Them" as "They", to describe
those who are doing these dastardly deeds?

But the truth has to be repeated, as long as the lie exists, if not for the simple yet what seems to be the unrecognized fact that evil merely has to be challenged for the lie to be defeated.
Truth always wins! But if the lie/evil is not challenged then it wins every time, by default.

So this is my task as a Lover of Truth!

Prophecy cannot just be shunned away or ignored – it was given to be known for
the ones who need it in that time. So when I quoted the bible on those “Who say they are
jews and are not but do lie”, then you must juxtaposed the past revelations with the now,
and you will see that these European white people who CALL themselves Semitic, are
not even Semitic but European in origin – they are the ones persecuting the Semitic people, and The Saints.

Who are these people referred to in the bible during the End Times, as the Churches (congregation of people) in ASIA, who will be persecuted by those taking
the name of “jews”? The Muslims!

So prophecy was warning The Muslims of those (whites) who will call themselves “jews” and who
are leading the world in propagating hatred against the Muslims. Well, isn’t this exactly
what is happening today, at this hour? The media's contrived "clash of civilizations" between whites (pagans, "christians", and ""jews) against Muslims, is propagandized to make the final white war 3 a reality. Exactly as prophesied.

So then, if you think a color is the cause of white peoples’ evil works, then that is your doing.
I am merely stating that the deeds of white Europeans throughout the globe, in the last
5 centuries are at the crux of this world-wide murder / enslavement grid! Who would
be so foolish so as to deny that which exists and loudly proclaim that it does not exist?
Do you really think that the people around the earth do not see this? Who’s blind?

This is exactly why whites would never be able to defeat this evil – because they always blame someone else as the partakers of their own evil doings – and thus kill and enslave the innocent!

This Beast that must be overcome is the false notion of White world Supremacy!

Zellie said...

L. Perry I liked your analogy.

Well big news in the US of A - GMO salmon is up for approval by the FDA. Oh yeah, it looks like Salmon, tastes like Salmon, so why would 'consumers' need to KNOW that it is GMO'd? I mean IF we knew, might we do something about it....like NOT buy it???? Oh yeah...so that's why we'll not know.... Saw green skies over Austin today as mentioned in the No Eyes and Phoenix Rising books by Mary Summer Rain.

Took my first long trip through the midwest the last 10 days...Austin to Oklahoma to Kansas to Nebraska to Iowa...to Chicago, through Illinois then onto Arkansas, and back to Texas. The food producing states in the midwest are FLUSH with GMO Corn & Soybean...NO OTHER CROPS ARE GROWN in viewable quanitities... there are literally millions of acres of corn & soybeans - how is growing 2 crops throughout our heartland good stewardship of the land? One more thing...the chemtrails stopped or rather there were no chemtrails at all in 10 days after leaving Texas....WOW...If I could share with you the beautiful blues skies, and fluffy REAL clouds...it was so beautiful! Some of the reasons people don't want to hear about the trains and the tracks is simply they feel powerless to do anything...they feel apathy and despair...2 debilitating emotions that main and wound....I tell my own dear husband...keep the faith, keep developing your plot...in time, the tide will turn, and you will be ready and will offer a place of refuge...the times will change...but in different ways than we can imagine and in the meantime as we are going through these changes, keep doing what you know to do...and the best will follow... been researching the new healthcare law...tedious, but what is pretty common knowledge now...is....premiums based on AGE and WAGES....your health will be secondary...however, that won't mean you'll get services, that will be delayed, weighed, and decided later. It is a tax pure and simple...as well as a full frontal assault on the healthcare system in America...which at last known agreement, for many was the best in the world...however, this law isn't looking to outsource or immigrate in other health service providers, it is designed to dismantle our health providing system and if the current health care providers don't get in line, they won't have work; and seniors are definitely screwed...no death panels, just panels they can never be on..they will just be excluded - there will be no services available at the inn....ok, one update from Austin.

Anonymous said...

I'll let the poetry of this one German speak for me right now...I give you the 2nd movement of Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto,"Emperor".


Anonymous said...

"Truth always wins! But if the lie/evil is not challenged then it wins every time, by default."


Well at least truth won for one sentence there.

Anonymous said...

Les and all, you are going to love this one. Think "karma" and the saying...

Beware lest you lose substance reaching for the shawdow.


Hank said...

We are in need of the galactic sabo.

There are those that profess to love the truth, and though it is an admirable thing, and a quest that I have been on for the better part of this lifetime and who knows how many others, I have discovered that there is no universal truth.

I have never found the truth outside of myself, and it is only the truth for me. Truth does not prevail in this life, rather one lie gets displaced with another more believable lie. Everything we have ever been told about ourselves and life on this planet is a lie, because the truth is not known.

We have no idea where we came from or the nature of god or what happens to us when we die, and anyone who professes to is...well...full of shit! Lying their ass off!

I have managed to get my mind outside of the machine of lies and the maelstrom of shit we call life on this little speck in the cosmos, and as a result have come to realize how insignificant most of what happens here is. Jews, Muslims, bankers, birthers, politicians, movie stars, the media and live coverage of a real fire somewhere in the world every day. All of it is just distraction so we don't have to look at the big picture and see how small our race really is. We inflate our importance with religion and the make believe notion that we are in some way special. That the creative force in the universe made us and no one else.

If one truly desires the truth, they must be willing to let go of everything they think they know, because it all lies. The only truth I have found is my connection to whatever force created me, the universe if you will, and the knowledge that we will someday be together again. The reason for my incarnation here, and now remains a mystery, but I have a strong feeling that I chose it, so I am compelled by forces beyond my ability to understand to seek the unknown. That which I call the truth.

As Les will tell you, if you think you know, you are not even close. Try and grasp the concept that the truth is invisible to the eye. Peace to you all.

bholanath said...

O F-ing Kryste. Surreal.

"Obama condemns slaughter [of 4 'settlers'] as Mid-East talks open in US"

Finally found his 'voice' 20 months after 'cast lead' muteness.
Impossible to wrap the mind around the hypocrisy. There really can't be any more veils, can there?

Anonymous said...

to lover of truth: apparently you forget that white people are responsible for CIVILIZATION.

i do agree the khazars are working toward a slave system, they are not-semitic, but they do claim to be, use anti-semitism as a weapon, and operate out of jerusalem.

Erik said...

Hi Hank,

'Try and grasp the concept that the truth is invisible to the eye'

And the true beauty of it is that that might not be entirely true ...

'beauty (thruth) is truely in the eye of the beholder .....gasp ;-)


long john said...

Hank, about what you said...

i am with you 100 percent. i couldn't have said that any better myself.

those who claim that they have or know truth, are in for a surprise.

nothing is ever the way it seems, and appearances are deceiving.

truth is not any thing, but reality is always already the case.

Anonymous said...

"those who claim that they have or know truth, are in for a surprise."

Is this the truth? Always?

"nothing is ever the way it seems, and appearances are deceiving."

Is this the truth? Always?

"truth is not any thing, but reality is always already the case."

Is this the truth? Always?

How about the Meher Baba?
Did he know any truth?
Did RamaKrishna?
Did Aurobindo?
Did Sri Yukteswar?

If so, and the way you've shown admiration for Meher Baba on more than one occasion, then you're talking nonsense.

And please, hold that quick temper of yours and tame that false ego a little bit.

Yes, I know you're talking to Hank but you're doing it on a public forum so...

Anonymous said...

Hank, 9:58 AM
1. Does the sun shine??
2. Does an echidna sun its tummy on the side of the road?

Truth is all around; you cannot know 'the unknown' for if you did it would then be 'the known' and a truth.
Your reasoning, I do not understand.

I inherently know nothing, all must be proven.


1. Yes it does
2. No, it’s dead

long john said...

To: Anonymous @ 9:28 PM

three times you asked me: "Is this the truth? Always?"

-- what are you talking about? i did not say that any particular thing is "the truth", or "always" the truth. so your assumptions are mistaken.

you asked: "How about the Meher Baba? Did he know any truth?"

-- i have no idea what he knew. i have read a little biut about him, but i never met the man, nor do i have any kind of interest in him. so i think you must have me confused with someone else.

you asked: "Did RamaKrishna?" "Did Aurobindo?" "Did Sri Yukteswar?"

-- i have no idea what those people may have known. but why do you ask? fyi, i know very little about those individuals, and i have zero interest in them. so i am not the right person to ask.

you stated: "If so, and the way you've shown admiration for Meher Baba on more than one occasion, then you're talking nonsense."

-- well, i think you are quite mistaken. i have shown no such "admiration for Meher Baba". fyi, i am not any sort of follower of meher baba. and i don't know where you got this notion, because its incorrect. i have no interest at all in meher baba. and i don't even know who you are, since you chose to hide your identity by posting anonymously.

you stated: "And please, hold that quick temper of yours and tame that false ego a little bit."

-- i definitely have no idea about what you are referring to here. clearly, you are very mistaken. you must have me confused with someone else. i have evidenced no such "quick temper" nor "false ego". you are obviously mixed up about something.

"Yes, I know you're talking to Hank but you're doing it on a public forum"

-- i simply agreed with Hank's obsevations. but what is your point? first you asked me questions about things that i never said, or implied. then you claim that i have shown "admiration" for persons whom i have no such concern whatsoever. and then finally you assert that i have a "quick temper" and "false ego". so i think you must either be confused, or delusional. you have assumed several things about me which have no reality.

furthermore, my comment to Hank was actually very simple. this is all that i said, and nothing more:

"those who claim that they have or know truth, are in for a surprise. nothing is ever the way it seems, and appearances are deceiving. truth is not any thing, but reality is always already the case."

DaveS said...

excellent post!

I'm impressed and amazed that you are able to continually write about the same subject with flair and perspective. How many others would long ago have given up hope?

Keep weaving your written spells... hopefully one day the words will collect on the page in such a way the magic works and wakes-up the majority of the sheep.

Humans are closer to finding magic than we've been in several hundred (thousand?) generations. The masses belief in their false reality isn't holding water – truth is leaking out everywhere. Should anyone be surprised their 'false truth' is behaving like a seive when it's made from the same cloth as the emperor's new clothes?

Thanks Les for keeping at the work and for being able to write different lyrics while playing the same tune. Keep your lyrics coming, I think the fat lady might need them soon :)

Peace and freedom
wv: flychag

Visible said...

Thank you brother Dave;

I've been having a very difficult time lately, climaxed (I hope it was the climax) by some excruciating pain in the right front side by the lower ribs. I'm pretty optimistic about this horse that bears me but it did go through my mind; liver? lungs? The pain was severe, Susanne was gone for a couple of hours and I had no clue where the pain medicine was.

Went to the doctor for some palpation and he tells me it's the gall bladder which is good news compared to the others; most likely a stone. I had one of those a long time ago.

Time I got off for Italy because everything works better for me there in terms of my comprehensive unit.

Anyway, that's the digression. Sometimes it's hard to write these things and I don't want to write them and sometimes I don't want to write them at all ever again and my novel sits not far past where it was when I said it would be out in September... I will get that done but... it's appreciation like yours that keeps me at the helm here when I would rather be in the hammock below.

I'm thinking I ought to get a mountaintop spread in Tahiti; if I really follow my personal desires. That would suit me fine; not so hard to write pretty much anything there. Those who have not lived in the South Pacific in the finer spots do not know how close to heaven on Earth they come; if you can stay out of town.

Anonymous said...

"In the end it may well be that you deserved each other."

Any time there is a national disaster riot or what have you do the leaches of society go after the police, politicians, preachers etc. Hell no it is their own tribe and the average joe blow that suffers their wrath. Looting the mom and pop stores and anything else they can break into. That's the way it is and that's the way it will always be. Anyone with a lick of sense and the means would realize this and get out of those areas, although I must admit in this country there are getting to be fewer places to flee.

So it is not just the Zionists and their minions we must worry about but our fellow citizens as well. As a matter of fact when the social order breaks down this will be our greatest challenge.

Yes, there are certain elements that deserve each other. Anyone who thinks all these opposing pieces can be put back together into some coherent unit and a new world created is beyond delusional.

Have you seen some of the new crop circles? Looks like mitosis of the earth. That is really about the only interpretation that makes sense. Hope it happens. Just have to make sure my vibrations are up to par so I'm not left with the reptiles and those who deserve them. A new earth is the only change to believe in.


Visible said...

Whoops! (hours late) There's a new Visible Origami up now-

The Stained Glass Windows of the Sun.

Boulderdash said...

I have heard from trusted sources that flushes like this one work, but I do not have any direct experience myself.


wv - yolizo

Visible said...


Well, there is something amusing. I have done that exact flush several times but was told by the person who turned me on to it that it was for kidney stones. I discovered on my own later that such was not the case since gall stones leave by a different route than kidney stones.

More amusing is that I had no idea what your comment was about at first and you can imagine the varieties of possibilities that crossed my mind. I did not even connect it to the web address that you put up. I thought it was some kind of an example of something else (no idea) that you were talking about.

Boulderdash said...

Now you know how I feel after one of your metaphorical essays...


Visible said...

touche. funny!

Odin's Raven said...

Here's more news about the masters of terror. http://criminalstate.com/2010/09/when-will-we-see-the-next-mass-murder/

Visible said...

There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-

Let's send British Petroleum into the Fires of Hell.

Anonymous said...

Lover of Truth (sic);

The synagogue of satan, refers to the Khazars (including Rothschild) who are zionists - not real jews.

What the f*** are you spreading mis-information here at Les' blog for?

Do you believe muslims did 9/11? If so you must be a troll. Go back under your NWO bridge.


Whatreallyhappened said...

What is going on here is really simple. Israel cannot get the US into a war with Iran over the nuclear issue because we all know Israel lied about Iraq's non-existent nuclear weapons and nobody will buy into Iran being any kind of threat.

So, Israel is changing tactics and is trying to swindle the Christians who have been raised with this biblical image of Israel into supporting a new "Holy Crusade" which is of course anything but holy.

The Israelis know that there is a seeker born every minute when it comes to religion, and this is why the Iran nuclear threat has been dropped for the present hate-the-Muslim media fest. Israel would love to trick the stupid Christians and stupid Muslims into killing each other off and leaving the Earth free for Israel to plunder at leisure.

So the question you have to ask all your friends right now is, "Just how stupid do you intend to be for Israel?


Visible said...

And also, my fine friend. I will see you soon and God isn't stupid. rather diametrically...... something... something....opposed to the point but.. there really is no opposition. It works out. It is uncomfortable on occasion but... bad guys lose, even when they think they are the good guys- somehow you always know you are wrong but just keep going like that wind up toy soldier laying on his side even though he has already fallen down he keeps walking but there is no floor, only air. Why do they call that guy the prince of air?

well, we have forever to consider it.

Anonymous said...

In the interest of "a little list" here's a bunch of the more obvious "American Heroes".

Ben Bernanke
Tim Geithner
Larry Summers
Lloyd Blankfein
Dov Zakheim
Larry Silverstein
Michael Chertoff
Ari Emanuel
Joseph Lieberman
Thomas Friedman
Stephen Schwartz
Richard Perle
Paul Wolfowitz
Henry Kissinger
Abe Foxman
Robert Rubin
Sumner Redstone
Michael Bloomberg
Stephen Schwarzman
Gary Cohn
Larry Kudlow
Jamie Dimon
Kenneth Adelman
Mark Grossman
Henry Paulson
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Rahm Emanuel
Haim Saban
Charles Krauthammer
Alan Dershowitz
Lawrence Eagleburger
David Frum
William Kristol
Lawrence F. Kaplan
Michael Goldfarb
John Bolton
Martin Indyk
Donald L. Kohn
Gerald Levin
Peter Chernin
Michael Eisner
Steven Bornstein
Steven Spielberg
Jeffrey Katzenberg
David Geffen
Samuel Newhouse
David Newhouse
Ronald Palerman
Edgar Bronfman Jr
Mort Zuckerman
Arthur Sulzberger Jr
Katherine Meyer Graham
Charles Jacobs
Stephen Green
Robert Diamond

I'm sure they're all worthy of a Thank You note......



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