Dog Poet Transmitting.......
When my friend Imron was here last week all kinds of weird events were taking place. The last night he was here we were going to watch a movie, listen to some music; songs he hadn’t heard from an era he wasn’t around for. I cued something up and an image came on the screen which announced, Les Charbonniers. It looked like the beginning of a film but it wouldn’t play. It didn’t matter what media player I used. That was all that would come up, over and over. It didn’t relate to anything I’d ever looked for or come across and it was all I could get. There was no sound and no other file would open. The next day it was gone.
There’s a local pub here where I’ve played a few times but not recently. Sometimes I don’t go there for six months or more and sometimes I will go down there every night for a few days. It’s always the same people. For ten years it has been the same people having the same conversations about the same things. While Imron was here I went there on several nights and had gone there a few times the week before. All of a sudden there were new people each night sitting with the same old crowd, including the fellow who invited me to the rave. Most of the new people spoke to me and if I would sit alone, which was generally the case, they would come over and sit and talk with me. For ten years I seldom saw anyone new. It’s a small town. Now, half of the people were new and everyone seemed to know each other.
I had a rare K session while Imron was here. This sort of thing doesn’t come around more than a couple of times a year. I didn’t know Imron very well. I did know the kind of things that happened when I engaged. Imron comes from a Muslim background and his people are from India. He lives in Texas and works as an IT consultant. On first viewing you would take him for someone straight and normal; not the sort of person I would have around for this kind of an event. Generally there is no one around, period. I told him what was up and I engaged. Due to the reactivation of my Kundalini over recent months there is no telling what might happen.
I didn’t think about it much. Right off the bat I was being thrown around in my chair and I can tell you, if you haven’t seen this kind of thing before it can be pretty shocking. I thought with him being descended from Indian parents he might have some kind of ancestral precedence for my behavior. I can’t really describe how off the charts my symptoms were on that first day and he had just flown in from the states on a long plane trip into the environment of someone he’d never met except online. Later, when a more normalized mindset arrived I saw just how off the charts the whole period must have appeared. There were times when it looked like what we call reality was going to melt away and something wild and powerful was going to replace it, more or less permanently. On several occasions I came back into the usual frequency to find that some things just weren’t the same anymore and then it would happen again. He just sat there and never said a word.
I had already planned on taking a shower prior to his arrival on the first day. I was finishing a post when he called from the airport which, as I have already recorded elsewhere, is over a half an hour drive away; given his having to connect with a ride and whatever else needed doing before he was on his way. I hung up the phone and went into the shower and he arrived a few minutes later. I still can’t get my head around that.
Why I’m talking about this is because we are about to enter into the fullness of a particular astrological phenomena that hasn’t been seen around here in a long, long time. Bholanath has already commented on it very recently on the last post that appeared here. Robert Hitt has been talking about it too. I’m not going to detail the configurations. I’ve got a background in esoteric astrology but it’s better if someone who has an actual savvy with the nuts and bolts says something and I encourage any of you who do to say something in the comments.
Here’s what Bholanath said at the last Petri Dish. This is a followup to something else he said in an earlier comment;
“An addendum to the Full Moon weekend of the 24-25 July: 1)Saturn-Uranus & Jupiter opposition peaks 2)Mercury-Neptune opposition peaks 3)Jupiter square Pluto peaks = big-ass T-square. Then the following weekend (wait for it!) MARS joins the fray (conjunct Saturn)! Mars is in this instance considered a 'malefic' trigger for the larger configuration of slower planets. Holey moley! Keep clear of the collective madness.”
This brings me to mention the power of collective belief; mass hysteria, long accepted fundamentals- material and spiritual, extended mass accepted reality of color and tone, general view of Nature and long standing institutions in cultures. You can extrapolate from all of this on your own. I’ve been saying it for awhile and we’ve been seeing the encroachment of it but let me say it again; the old world is passing away and the new world is coming.
For the new world to generate; and it is unstoppable by any force, because the cosmos is generating it, the old world must be broken down and the power of its influence taken away. Those dependent on it are doing all they can to maintain it. That’s not going to fly. More informed manipulators are seeking to transplant themselves into the new age. That’s not going to fly either, not for some time. It’s ours to celebrate or compromise. The only power the manipulators will have is the possibility of corrupting those who have avoided corruption within their old matrix. The chances are slim.
The breaking down of the old order will not be exclusive to those institutions and organizations that are causing so much distress at the moment. It is going to affect everyone and everything. Supposedly good guys are going to find that their motives have been more selfish than they admitted to themselves. People who have enriched themselves on being heralds; muckrakers, accusers, revealers and the like are going to find themselves judged by their profit motive and will find their support and audience moving on to more authentic representations. We’ve already seen the revelations made public about the influential and high powered gatekeepers. They are often convicted out of their own mouths and certainly by the exposure of their heretofore unknown bankrollers and shadowland associates. Several names come to mind and you know who they are.
We need to get our ya ya’s out in some cases and discard those features of our personalities and mindsets that we’ve used for protection and defense in this passing matrix. We need to confront what we are, take inventory and be rigorous in what we no longer need and can do without. This can be uncomfortable and frightening but we can’t rely on our internalized Star Wars defense systems anymore, because that also forbids entry to the invisible helping hands. We never were protecting ourselves with any of these constructs in the first place. We were being protected by those amounts of the higher qualities we possessed; our integrity, our honesty, our compassion, our selfless service in the seemingly unseen ways we performed it. Here you may extrapolate again and... don’t let the sun go down on your anger.
We need to become more impersonal about the people and things that outrage us. They are only unconscious players in a drama that is coming to a close. Their reward is written into the schematic of what they allowed themselves to become out of the predispositions of their karma. What I am saying here is more important than it might appear so it bears a penetrating scrutiny by the one’s reading this.
In a very short time we are all going to pass another demarcation line and enter into a reality shift. This is imminent. Other shifts are coming in The Fall and they are going to be even more transformative. All of the shifts are important. Those with less arresting features are not less important to you than those that are world shaking in appearance. We are talking about a progression here and every part is integral to the whole.
Everyone should have no greater concern than letting go and doing their laundry. In many cases the universe is going to do your laundry while you are in it. Let it happen and open up to the mainline positive download that is being readied for your ascension. I say ascension in terms of consciousness. Embrace the awakening of your higher self as it seeks to integrate and change you. Do not presume to know what those changes are or what they mean. If you had known you would have already done it yourself. Okay then... are you ready? Well, ready or not, here it comes.
End Transmission.......
'Light Up Ahead' is track no. 1 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'

The New Shangri-La.
Petri Dish Mirror.
The next radio show will be available for download Sunday night or Monday morning.
I say Amen to that. The ascension into higher consciousness higher realms is a given. Big thing is Visible .... When ? .... you say it's just round the next corner. I wonder. I have been picking up on this stuff for years. My consciousness has exploded over the last few years gallopiing along momentum wise - taking things in quicker, understancding and "knowing" - this is ongoing process. Yes itz coming but I wonder about the timing. I hope you're right and the dimensional shift or whatever it is ia juar round the corner. Maybe its nuclear war or one global catastrophe after another .... I don't know and I wonder if you know. This astrology stuff. Well Dec 22 2012 is when we end the 25,000 year cycle isn't it - when we are exactly oppositie the Great Central Sun of our galaxy. Fascinating.
Please God, Les. Please God.
Here's one person ready and waiting.
You are right on the doorstep of a major shift now. There are two more in The Fall. That's enough projection for the moment.
Yes, all our lives we have been waiting and always expecting it to come and on and on it went. That time is over.
I'm not an astrologer but I have been reading this guy for a while. Some of his posts are fairly long but he seems to know his stuff.
Theodore White Global Astrology
The cleansing proces is in progress. The P.T.B. are afraid. In Vedic Prophecy there is a prediction that at the beginning of Kali Yuga, starting app. 5000 years ago, there will be a period of 10000 years when Vedic civilisation will be restored. After that, Kali Yuga will manifest itself in full force.
I remember where you once said that ten people could say the same thing but only one of them would have the authority of experience and understanding to command the power in the words so that they came alive.
I read whatever you write at these blogs and the one thing that impresses me the most, besides how you have the tap open all the time and the top of the line wordsmithing which has no equal that I have seen in this virtual world is that you make statements come alive. I can feel the impact of what you say just the way your example says. You've got that authority. The kicker is that you have never steered me wrong and I have tried everything you have suggested except for the 3 days in a room because I am too afraid it will work and my life will be gone. I'm still selfish like that.
I want to commend you on having reached the place to be able to speak the truth and have it ring for you. I can't imagine what it's like to be there. I'd really like to get an email from Imron if possible about his experience there.
You have no idea of the good you do. I can't see why everyone who comes here doesn't emulate your way because the favor of the divine is upon you.
Thanks for saying that and confirming what I keep trying to point out.
Yes, this is the Kali Yuga and a lot of fundie depressive types (grin) keep wanting to point out how strong the darkness is and how fucked we are but every Yuga has periods of all the other Yugas in it and we are coming upon a brief golden age in the midst of the ruination of wisdom while ignorance is preeminent.
This is a part of the completion of the 26 thousand year cycle when a portal opens for the willing and the aware. It's an incalculable blessing because karma can be neutralized during these rare events and a soul can make a dimensional leap. This is huge. I can't tell you how huge but all you have to do is consider the nature of suffering and the fact that you cannot die and are on a wheel of fire and return.
Consider the end of suffering as you know it and... if you're worked up about the suffering of others you can come back and do something about it- at some personal cost but with an enormous potential for further growth. Some of us have done just that this time. It's the Bodhisattva state and I can't tell you what this means either because there are no words that are superlative enough.
Suffice it to say that the potential is limitless from this juncture or... you can go back to wardrobe for the series of outfits you will wear for the next 26,000 years.
Hi Les,
Yes, the time that many have waited so long for is upon us. Yet, there are so many who never really believed and have totally forgotten the journey they were on. They think we are here to live in big houses and drive fast cars. :) If life were really about that there wouldn't be any life at all.
We are born knowing the turth and spend a lifetime forgetting it. Now we are back to where we started. either we ascend back to where we had desended from or we will remaiin trapped in this hell we have created. Karma!
Everyone has known that this time is coming and yet so few will allow themselves to see it when it is here. They are so trapped in what is not real.
Thank you Les, your words have effects far and beyond.
Hi Les
I will do the letting go part...the part on doing the laundry, I think I will go find myself a laundry tumble-type, put myself in and let spin me clean ;-)
Nah...don't know to do it and won't be doing it...just kidding, but the part of letting go is something to do each day and trust in the divine. Only part is to do what I need to do for the day.
As for what is coming, well, what can I say? If it comes, it comes. Let go...there are enough troubles and worries already.
Cheers to you.
Les, such a bright crystaline light in these mad times. Hahaha, we feel these very things you talk about here - tick tock goes the cosmic clock. crumblingly withering away all the things of the old world. Anyways, thank you for using that clearest voice of yours :)
I echo No One to Vote For
"Please God, Les. Please God.
Here's one person ready and waiting."
LV: "It's an incalculable blessing because karma can be neutralized during these rare events and a soul can make a dimensional leap. This is huge."
So be it, for the sake of all that are sentient - all that is.
without title
our movement is a rush of souls awakened
to find generations of theft, murders and abuse
our living world poisoned, to war our destiny forsaken
oligarch you are tired, you are perverted and you are old
your secrets growing ever darker as time unfolds
from here to the yellow sea, your treachery was revealed
it moved the devil to tears, your fate is sealed
the bells toll for you, the bells toll for you
your weakness is ritual, your addiction is our pain our tears, our blood, our sweat your gain
before our day ends, before our eyes seek a well deserved rest our movement, the truth movement will see you to your grave
perverted wretched oligarch
the bells toll for you old man
lonely haunted oligarch
the bells toll for you old man
your bones we will bury
your soul to hell, the devil will carry
winged nutt
wear out your cause - truthinducedparanoiaDOTCALM
"Supposedly good guys are going to find that their motives have been more selfish than they admitted to themselves."
Thanks Les, Im no "good" guy but I do move with light and love.
Ive been awakened to my selfish desire and sooo thankful for that. Its pretty cool, I just ask the divine to show me what I need to focus on and bam, right in the face it hits me!
As I look and understand my "dark" half or shadow self, its a bit painful for the body. Somehow I know its helping anyway. Im almost looking forward to more!
The hardest part for me is leave the world around me, as Ive been misusing it. To say goodbye and start down the path alone, is harder than I thought. Still as each day goes by, its becoming clearer and easier too.
Thanks Les
Love Your Life
Ciao Les,
I must admit that I find it hard to follow this Kundalani stuff. ALthough I am approaching it with an open mind.
The cynic in me tells me that Imron may have slipped you a mickey. He may be related to Enron.
As for new gregarious people showing up around you... yes beware. Italy is full of "welfare queens on the US taxpayer vacation circuit" (US federal agents of all kinds). It is not surprising they find the need to be stationed (vacationed) in the best locations.
As for positive changes in the winds. I see it coming. After reading your post, NPR announced that Daniel Schorr died. He was the most prolific zionist spin master whose loveable grandfatherly persona had the touchy feelys believing all of his propaganda. It will be very difficult to replace. A true loss for the other team. Change to be sure.
"An addendum to the Full Moon weekend of the 24-25 July:
1)Saturn-Uranus & Jupiter opposition peaks ......"
Actually, it's NOT the Planets that influence us, it is US that influence THEM!
It's OUR intentions that govern our lives.
We give off the vibrations,the waves.
And all the time, we thought it was the stars!
We really have some imagination, don't we?!
I can say no more than echo the observation that you make the statements 'come alive'.
"We need to become more impersonal about the people and things that outrage us." Damn! I just got that lesson (again) yesterday big time.
I went to wardrobe dept. and, just like walmart, couldn't find anything that fit...
anon 9:58 -
did anyone say anything about who INFLUENCES who?
Ride Natty Ride
Now the fire is burning
Out of control
panic in the city
Wicked weeping for their gold
Everywhere the fire is burning
Destroying and melting their gold
Destroying and wasting their souls
Ride Natty ride
Go deh dready, go deh dready
Go deh dready go de
Now the people gather on the beach
And the leader try to make a speach
But Dread again tell them IT'S TOO LATE
Fire is burning
Fire is burning
Man pull your own weight
Natty dread rides again
Go deh Dready, go deh Dready, go deh
Oh ride Natty ride
Natty dread rides again
Go deh Dready, go deh, go deh Dready, go deh
Riding thru the storm
And we riding thru the calm
Go deh, go deh
We riding thru the thick
We riding thru the thin
Ride Natty, ride Natty
Isn't it strange that two people can be walking side by side through the same landscape yet be experiencing different worlds.
Re "zionist" tools, I shake my head in wonder and grudging admiration at the ability not only to create both sides of a false dichotomy but to control and direct them against each other to serve the puppetmasters' nefarious purpose.
What I accept as true is the unconditional love of our Creator for this creation and that there is a divine purpose to all of this. It seems likely that all else we have been conditioned to "believe" by the masters of illusion and control is false, all of it. I don't know that the ability to handle that will be a prerequisite for making it to the new world; probably not or there would be too few who did. Trying to make the truly new somehow "fit" the storys and myths we previously bought into won't make it any easier. A good question might be to ask ourselves what beliefs we are willing to let go of and which ones we are not.
Hi Les -
Some of us have been having "mini dimensional shifts" for several years. The frequency has definitely ramped up in the past six months.
Our Intention sets what our Attention is drawn to. When we set the intention to swim in the soul pool with the divine ineffable, our attention naturally becomes drawn to those observations and experiences which lead to further expansion. Once a single toe is set on this path, there is no such thing as reverse. Might as well let go and enjoy the ride. Whoosh!
Is everbody in, the ceremony is about to begin...
atune in a point
sharpen in sounds
colors weave mystical
breeze sweep around
inner flame violet
touch of green blue
stream patterns weaving
thought trails of truth
winding and flowing
down and above
floating in whispers
shining signs flood
sister and brother
butterfly bird and bee
scented in wildflowers
under old learning tree.
Les: "We need to become more impersonal about the people and things that outrage us. They are only unconscious players in a drama that is coming to a close. Their reward is written into the schematic of what they allowed themselves to become out of the predispositions of their karma. What I am saying here is more important than it might appear so it bears a penetrating scrutiny by the one’s reading this."
Seriously?! Do you really think that the children of Iraq and Afghanistan are being murdered because of the predispositions of their karma? That the reward of their karma is to be needlessly killed? That the little altar boys were just asking for it because of their karma? These people are players in this unfolding drama as well, don't forget that.
I choose not to have a morality grounded in the metaphysical because it becomes all too easy to excuse immorality and senseless death as "just part of the cycle" or "god's will." When that kind of philosophy is extrapolated over a few thousand years, we end up with a child raping Vatican.
Why should we let go? For what? You talk about selflessness but letting go just seems selfish and wrong. However, I do see your logic...what's the point of standing front of a tank that is about to run out of gas?
I love your stuff, I really do. I feel stuck between two worlds myself at the moment. I feel changed, but I'm not sure in what way quite yet. Studying the darker side of reality for the past nine years has changed me, but I'm not sure if it's for better or worse. I'm far more suspicious and cynical than I used to be. Sometimes, I walk around in a crowd of people and feel completely alone, particularly when in places of conspicuous consumption. However, there are days when I see someone that shines brightly, that carries the best of what we have to offer.
The past, present, and future seem to be a jumble for me right now. It's like my compass is spinning around and around. I don't get it, but I do. I'm totally broke, as far as Fed Notes are concerned, but I feel pretty good. Weird is the word...weird.
Take Care Les!
I have no answers but I would say those altar boys or afgan kids... you or me for that matter are but bit players in a HUGE epic. We can't see it all or understand it even if we did. I find it hard myself to figure out why so many people have ignored these things for so long. I remember altar boy jokes in grade school. If grade schoolers knew what was happeneing how could adults not? How could it be left to fester? A few days ago Michael A made a statement along the lines of, 'It is time for warriors.' Not sure if he meant it this way but I look to myself and ask- what have I done about any of those things? If the answer is nothing than what side am I really on?
@ Marc
"I walk around in a crowd of people and feel completely alone, particularly when in places of conspicuous consumption."
This seems very natural for certain people. Its feel unwelcome at first, but its really a great sign! Doubt and stress can and will lead to wonderful ends, dont worry how long it takes. You're asking the right questions and are ready for change!
Like I know man, but karma isnt a rule or a method, its an idea. It only works as you come to it, so dont try and apply it to others? Too many people seem to think others are going to be "cast" out or punished for something. Their sooooo wrong. You only hurt yourself when you judge others actions?
Oh, being broke and not part of the fed's carrots is a wonderful thing too!!!! So much more freedom when you just walk away for the tools of the machine?
Love Your Life
Hey Les,... I believe Adam, Seth and Enoch recognized that the constellations in the heavens held a mysterious redemptive story, placed there as a visible reminder of God's plan. It appears that 4,000 years ago, ancient nations (China, Chaldea, Egypt) all used the same names and meanings of the stars in the heavens.
“They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be fed away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring: men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh”. (Luke 21:24-28).
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years”. (Genesis 1:14).
The sun, moon and stars were created for more than to simply give light to mankind. Prior to calendars, the sun determined the cycle of the day and year; and the moon determined the cycle of the month. Most primitive cultures used a solar calendar, but Jewish seasons were determined by a lunar calendar. In the circuit of the heavens, there are 48 star bodies recognized as constellations.
Eventually, through idol worship, the Babylonian and Greek myths brought corruption in both the names and meanings. These star pictures, created originally by God, are symbolisms that represent things to come.
If we are to understand the true purpose of the heavenly signs, we must not embrace the perversion of personal astrology. Instead, we must discover the original intent of God's creation, and see how God stamped a unique, visible picture of the progression of His story in the heavens. Our comprehension should include the ability to perceive times and seasons by recognizing how God's people understood these things before pagan corruption perverted their understanding.
"On August 1, give or take a week, we’ll have the most five-planet alignments in perhaps thousands of years. Known as the ‘Cardinal Climax’ this is the meanest, nastiest, most challenging and most transformational of any planetary phenomena in all of written history!"
A T-Cross on July 30 of six planets - the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto - all forming a very "difficult" and "stressful" set of oppositions in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra and Capricorn. A Cardinal Grand Cross on August 6 of seven planets as Venus joins the alignment, and the Moon moves into Cancer. The alignment suggests a death-rebirth sequence.
The above is a composite picture drawn from four seperate sources; I have stitched them into a unique narrative for expeditious reasons: I fully concur with your construct.
N.B. The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. It is also the day of the full moon in each month of the Roman calendar.
Beware the ides of October...
Love light & peace brother visible.
yikes!: wv 'unded' (truly)*
*...for ye of little faith I have a screenshot of the page and will email it to Les if any need proof.
electrifying lightning wind
with medicine of color blue
and yellow green and indigo
in orange scented bloom
flutter through the garden
whispering in dreams
a multicolored butterfly
sit by the learning tree
mighty flow of aum reach far
deep into a heart
swirling color amplify
light beam through the dark
the art of ancient living grace
tap doors of up awake
rising in the essence
of higher nature thunder shake
a feather sing and float on breeze
streams of growing peace
in the garden of the evergrow
a rainbow is released.
2012: Tilt -- Game Over or Game On? has a few of the details of what we face.
For a view of whatever I recommend the home page:
It is a time for bliss.
Ah ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Took a walk up the mountain, the mountain told me it's all going according to plan. If "it shouldn't be like this", it wouldn't be. But it is. Let that laundry roll.
Those being destroyed in everyway because of past karma are part of OUR karma too!
as Mike said "If grade-schoolers knew what was happening, how the heck couldn't adults know as well?"
All those being destroyed are in a way, offering us a choice. Do we step in and say "NO MORE!", or do we step back and pretend it does not apply to us? Because it most CERTAINLY does.
Perhaps you cannot actually save them, but you most certainly can make life very difficult for their destroyers. Blog, write editors, set up sting operations, collect evidence,comfort the ones who survived and escaped, so on and so on.
No, at the end of the day, it will not make you feel better. That is the POINT! No normal human will _ever_ feel better knowing evil like this occurs in the world. Don't obsess over it, but be glad and as bad as this may sound, joyful that you are a normal human being having normal human reactions to all the evil pumped out and programmed into us by the destroying parasites.
"there's only one direction
in the faces that I see.
It's upward to the ceiling
where the chambers said to be.
Like the forest fight for sunlight
it takes root in every tree.
They are pulled up by the magnet,
believing they're free.
The carpet crawlers heed their callers.
We've gotta' get in to get out..."
This where I go all Archie Bunker:
What can be said to the kids in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Somalia? The same thing could be said to kids in Detroit, Los Angeles or New Orleans- Geography is destiny. Yeah, I mean, sux to be you, but I got problems too, pal.
I live in Chicago, and as even a cursory glance at the numbers will show you, the "kids" are dropping like flies, and it ain't from swine flu. "Kids" get popped at random everywhere in this city: on the corner, on the bus, on the train, in school, at the Old Navy store...
Theoretically, no place is safe. I don't have an AK-47, or rocket lanchers; I dont't have any of that shit. The good Citizens of Chicago are not permitted the right to wear personal body armor. Until very recently they couldn't legally possess a sidearm.
Like flies,they drop.
I know I could leave if I wanted to, but where is there to go? It's FUBAR everywhere, Dog; you know this. At least I live next to one of the largest sources of frsh water on the planet (grin). Just like those parents in Afghanistan or Somalia or Rio de Janeiro- for me there is no where else to possibly go, and no way to get there.
So, sure, by the grace of God and all, it still remains, as one says, by the grace of God. At the end of the day it ain't me. It ain't never gonna be me.
If I understand you at all, Dog Poet, it's all about me, isn't it?
Me? MeMeMe? Everything about me, thought, word, and deed, serves to work out my ultimate karmic GPA. I get it. I'm with you.
So, those kids in Afghanistan? Wow, thats a bummer, man. Sux to be them/probably going to suck to be me. It makes perfect sense.
Now I just gotta past this test...
The call for warriors is a call for warriors of consciousness. That can mean several things, perhaps the simplest being speaking out when evil and injustice is being promoted or allowed. Doing so won't win any popularity contests. Assume and accept that in advance.
I've said before that in our society it takes more courage for a young man to stand up for his conscience than it does to allow himself to be sent off to war to kill or die. That same courage to speak the truth, despite the disapproval of social consciousness, can be demonstrated in a conversation around the lunch table at work, or while watching TV with your friends or family. There was an illustrative tale of the power of speaking out and speaking truth on these blogs a few weeks ago from our friend in Spain who confronted the rich banker neighbor for knocking down a swallow's nest and killing the babies; when confronted the banker dropped dead of a heart attack.
It's safe to assume that most of those one encounters in daily life have not dared to question the programming they have experienced through the media, education, and society. If they have questioned it, usually they have been too afraid to speak of it. If they haven't questioned it perhaps they need to hear from someone who has. Two things could be accomplished by speaking up against the brainwashing and the acceptance of wrongness: One would be to let those who have questioned know that they are not alone and it's OK to speak up, the other would be to let those who have unquestioningly accepted or even supported the falsehoods know that they are not on safe ground.
Another application of the warrior consciousness is more shamanic. The main task of the shaman is to travel in consciousness, to find the source of a problem and/or its cure, and to do battle when necessary. Visualization alone is powerful, be it visualizing healing or visualizing the destruction or simply the removal of the source of the problem. I mentioned studying photos of the site and the enemy so that one knows them well. Holding that mental image one could go there in their mind and see the "pathogenic organisms" bombarded with blue light, shriveling and blowing away, and also see the injuries to our Mother bathed gently in blue light and healed.
Specific focus helps, clear intent helps. Dancing to loud drumming alone with one's eyes closed or blindfolded helps a lot. One might choose to embody the aspect of a sword-swinging fiery angel, or one could choose to beam a powerful ray and frequency from one's hands or eyes. I think that anyone who chooses to apply these ideas will be surprised by the cooperation, inspiration, and power that Nature and the greater mind will gladly supply.
Protect yourself before engaging in battle, at the lunchroom or on the visionary field. Surround yourself with a glowing field of protection, a field that deflects all harmful energies that might come your way. As you take on the warrior aspect, take on its strength, wisdom, and power.
Importantly, stay aware, stay fully focused as if you were driving a car at high speed on a dangerous road. Remember that you are going into battle and why. Every warrior of the heart who gives of their time, emotion, and energy to conquer in this battle is of supreme value, regardless of their age, health, or physical strength. Each effort put selflessly towards the highest goals brings us that much closer to victory, that much closer to the new world that we are creating.
We can do this. It's what we were born to do.
there is something about the truth
it has a certain ring to it
sort of like crystal
it is easily heard
impossible to deny
once it makes that sound
so much better
than speaking a lie
and knowing it
for the teller
for the recipients
'always tell the truth
it's so much easier
than remembering
a lie"
I think karma just means that our actions have consequences. Those consequences may not always fall upon the transgressors. For humans with conscience the possibilty of others suffering as a result of our actions is repugnant and works as powerful deterrent against allowing selfish desires to run amok. In those without conscience, the suffering of others is an acceptable price to pay for the satisfaction of "self" interest. It's my suspicion that the concept of karma, like the concept of "salvation", has been contaminated by the Archons in order to confuse and disempower us.
did you ever consider, due to all the psychoactive DOPE you have taken, that you are actually NUTS? Seriously. And google Todd bentley, he is also 100% INSANE due to his messing with the kundalini DEMONS. It is all so simple ~ yawn. Spirits possess/oppress humans and humans do not want to acknowledge this, because the next step is to call out to the Son of God for help.
Free books on Tesla, hell, John Lennon in hell, Bob Dylan heretic ....
Para - A request to LV or anyone here. Sorry for going off at a tangent, but I don't know anyone else who might know.
M Astera, your call for warriors of consciousness is practical and inspiring. Am sending it on to my select international mailing list.
Could someone who has used or is using them help with advice on Tarot sets? Specifically, which they'd recommend, of the Tarot de Marseille, the Waite-Rider, or the Crowley Thoth Tarot sets? I'm just beginning to read about them, and haven't bought one yet. Thanks.
The Bhagavad-Gita discusses five topics: Isvara, the Supreme Controller; jiva, the living entity; prakriti, material nature; kala, time; and karma, activities. The living entities, material nature, and time are eternal energies of the Lord. Karma, however, is not eternal. "Karma" means matrial activities or work and its results, or action and reaction.
Three types of Karma...
1.karma- work done as fruitive activity in accordance with scriptural injunctions
2.vikarma- sinful works, done against the injunctions of the religious scriptures
3.akarma- work which doesn't incure karmic reactions
STUDY my Blog and website for the Solution to The Puzzle. There is an overlap with what is being said here but you will not survive what's coming (in the time-less sense) unless you strip away all the obfuscating kunalinga, yaya, blahblah of the false-light "divine" BS from your conscious and subconscious!
The (reptilian) ALIEN RACE is about to be unmasked!
"There are three kinds of men, who are called akāma, mokṣa-kāma and sarva-kāma. One who tries to get liberation from this material world is called mokṣa-kāma, one who wants to enjoy this material world to its fullest extent is called sarva-kāma, and one who has fulfilled all his desires and has no further material desires is called akāma."
Of course,this makes perfect sense.
The Divine is already here,if you
project your karma onto Amara...
you had better be prepared to receive.
Yeah, ignorance and fundamentalism and a lame god that doesn't want your dick to get hard so that your religious leaders wind up blowing school boys because really attractive chicks which are all chicks that haven't been convinced that they are ugly are not going to offer their bodies up to guys that can't dance because its a good indication of how well they; not more than one and then only by mistake so no wonder its your hand your imagination and well, you have no imagination and you're already right about everything without even any exposure. I guess there's reason for you to be angry and then there's all that guilt about what you insist doesn't happen and there come the young boys. Yeah okay
When I think of your Jesus I think of an uptight moralizing prat in polyester golf pants with his hands in them as soon as he gets in his car or tells people he's going to pray. Jesus said to tell you get some rhythm and stop looking like s drummer with Parkinsons
Tarot; the Marseille deck is an esoteric befuddlement. the Crowley deck is a ego trip. Waite Ryder is better but The Emperor and a few other things are deliberate blinds. Get The Paul Foster Case Deck, you have to color it in and it takes a while so it imprints on the mind which is the whole purpose... it vibrates internally to awaken archetypes... quick answer
Tarot question: It seems that the Waite Ryder is the deck of choice by those who teach tarot classes. I've been using Osho's Zen Tarot the past 5 years, and have found this deck to be quite profound. I know Osho's deck has been discussed here before. Someone mentioned that they took Osho - the Master card - out of their deck. Recently, I rearranged my office, and when I moved my chair I sit in to do readings, there was Osho, the Master card, laying on the floor face up. Hmmmm.
Many thanks, LV, for the advice on Tarot decks.
Fascinating history.
This website offers free downloads of some books and tarot decks.
Hi Les,
I wanted to bring something to the attention of the readers here and get some opinions. It seems that I've read alot of arguments here about Christianity. It seems though that the Christianity referred to is always of the watered down western variety associated with the papacy. What about true, mystical eastern Christianity? Focused on the manifestation of the uncreated light and vision of God in the traditions of the early dessert fathers. Seraphim Rose was an American monk in this tradition and sacrificed everything through renunciation of the world (passions) and the pursuit of the Divine through a life of asceticism in the tradition of the first monks of the Egyptian dessert. It would be great to know what you think of his writings. ...and Godsend, you too should read this. Why no mention of Symeon the New Theologian, John of the Ladder..the true mystics? The Russians...Theophan the recluse...etc. This is an excellent argument concerning todays "new age" and what the dessert dwellers said.
laws632 6:54 AM
did you ever consider, seriously, that your Son of God was actually NUTS?
I'm sure you haven't but think about it. Seriously.
And then consider that your notion of 'NUTS' is tainted by your 'NOW' and significantly influenced by ‘WHO’ you are.
YOUR now - not 6-7 billion other individual’s NOW.
How is your concept of nuts relevant??
Theoria (Greek θεωρία) is Greek for contemplation (literally, to view or witness something as a spectator). Within Eastern Orthodox theology it refers to a stage of illumination on the path to theosis. It is obtained by means of contemplative prayer resulting from the cultivation of watchfulness (Gk: nepsis) achieved by the pure of heart who are no longer subject to the afflictions of the passions. As it is the stage of theosis where one beholds God. Theoria is given as a gift from the Holy Spirit to those who through observance of the commandments of God and ascetic practices (see praxis, kenosis, Poustinia and schema) have achieved dispassion[1] and clarity of vision.[2]
In its purest form theoria is considered as the 'beholding', 'seeing' or 'vision' of God.[3]
Theoria is associated with the Eastern Orthodox ascetic tradition called hesychasm and plays a central role in the transformative process called theosis, considered (especially by the Eastern Orthodox church) to be the quintessential purpose and goal of Christianity.
....the point I was trying to make above...
wv: kingl
The one thing I put more study into than anything else was the tarot. It fascinated me because each card is a pictorial representation of a God quality in humanity. Meditation stimulates it and also stimulates the explanation of it from the subconscious which sees things in pictures to the meaning it has in application. Archetypes are bigger than you are. they're static and they don't change. You don't come up with your own Tarot cards and expect them to reflect the archetypes. Every color, every scene, every plant, every musical tone is like a plane or say a stained glass window through which the light is refracted a certain way, given that the individual has surrendered his sense of preeminence to that which is the enduring totality of a particular force that applies to all humanity but only operates freely through those who get out of the way. Over time the archetypes become what you are and not your self created archetypes which agree with what you insist you are which is a bombastic no nothing making a point about his presence for no other reason than to call attention to his or her self importance that generally no one else pays attention or is dismayed by, embarrassed for or entertained by.
No one creates Tarot cards from another tradition that has its own system. Rajneesh... a lot of people somehow bought into him. I carried his books in the early 70's and read some and the first thing I noticed was that he took everything that he said from long standing traditions... he was clear and articulate but a plagiarist of the original presenters. That shaking kundalini thing is not how it works. Getting people to purge their sex necessities by gratuitous promiscuity was a sure way to attract people who wanted to laid and the world now filled with thousands of masters who present a system based on their personality. So many of the sanayasins (which is a terrible irony) are business people and he attracted those who were looking for a way to incorporate the things they should have been discarding and so on and so forth.
Now I know a lot of people swear him and if they got some good then that is good. I never learned a single thing except that if you want to make a lot of money tell people that all the things they want to do are okay and especially all the people with the large trust funds, give them a certain placement in the hierarchy.
100 rolls royces and people with machine guns is not how god operates, he doesn't need them. and when he picks someone you notice that self deprecation is their first part that goes before anything they say and do. Basically they say they are the smallest of the small a simple helper... nothing of consequence because what they found outstripped anything they could do say or be. What they found was to surrender all sense of importance and by that demonstrate that they have found the real thing.
The Tarot is a remarkably complex system, although you don't anything really except to imprint images but it helps to know what everything means. I took a course that spanned decades. People who tell fortunes with then reveal that they are completely fooled about their. This is why they were concealed and given to the gypsys who know that people what to be told a lot of bullshit when the cards alter the future and you. What is the point of telling future which is just someone posing a seer who is completely fucking blind and deceived by negative imagination in the service of the ego.
this is not a critique on Rajaneesh, Osho, like I said some people got a lot from him. I got nothing and nothing in common with his followers. if I wanted to get laid, I feel in love which isn't really the same thing but you know if you are searching for the truth eventually you fall in love with that and that takes care of the fucking and being fucked except where you're giving someone the force of your being and someone else is laying down and digging it or not and either sex can be in either place.
Sex is nothing more than degree of Control.. dominance and submission. those who have whatever form the dick takes and those who want it to nail them in some fashion or another both can be very pleasant. Having your ass owned by someone who knows what they are doing can take you to the real surrender and complete bend over of being a fuck toy that just wants to be the pleaser even if it means being given to someone else to use and have their friends use and there's something to that. My own maxim is "give yourself away" so I've got my own bendover and I hope I'm not only wanting to facilitate but grant enjoyment because I don't get unless i do since there is no real enjoyment unless I am filling whatever some is looking for should I be so inclined. I don't want anyone to do anything for me, I want to know what is I can do that will send people into trembling leg shaking thank you for fucking the limitations out of by taking everything you had and nailing me with the love that is going one way while the ass is calling for another. and it's all legitimate. if I thought being a kind of cosmic cumbuket was what was needed and all I had to do was let people do whatever they wanted with me and just be the thing that says making you hard is what makes me willing and how do you want and who do you want watching.. and sometime I do... I just want to be whatever it takes to celebrate my willingness to be defined and complete by being whatever opening bystander or universal slut is possible. I wish all I had to was to say what do you need to get that thing right there's no real right with any of that there's just predispositions and do me or let me do you and just how vivid and total do you want it or how tense and confined. Sex is a lot of things and release is an interesting thing. Everybody has t work out how it works out for them.
None of it's really right or wrong, it's just where you are at at the time until God nails you and makes you his bitch and pretty much all you can do, like the bonafides is How can I most graphically position myself so it is clear that I am having myself fucked out of me and understanding what a real orgasm is.
I haven't had much for most teachers. Most of them on the verge of being God's bitch decided they would have a personal dick that showed the power they were instead of putting on a skirt and hoping the whole world sees that you only wish there were a longer line of people waiting to use you for whatever you are willing to do; metaphorically speaking.
Were I ever to be in the unfortunate position where I allowed people to get the idea that I had some kind of personal importance I'll find some way to put myself in the hands of someone who wants to show me how many ways I can stand in the corridor, elevator, park or sidewalk and say please let me be whatever is is that gets turned on by being used for anyone's needs and please bring any and all watchers and interested parties so that I can say I just do what I'm told and that's why I like it. If you catch my drift.
Anyway, I got sidetracked... later
According to the teachings of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the purpose and goal of human life is to attain theosis or 'deification' understood as 'likeness to' or 'union with' God. This transformation results from leading a pure life, practicing restraint and adhering to the commandments putting the love of God before all else. According to the standard ascetic formulation of this process there are three stages: The first stage is katharsis or purification. The second stage is theoria or illumination. The third stage is theosis or deification (also referred to as union with God).[9] This metamorphosis or transformation results from a deep love of God[10] Purification proceeds conversion and constitutes a turning away from all that is unclean and unwholesome. This is a purification of mind and body. As preparation for theoria, however, the concept of purification...
sorry to post again, but there is just so much that is relevant...and isn't this Exactly what we've all been talking about here?
wv: adiffes
"You must kill egoism. If you don't kill it yourself, then the Lord, hammer-blow after hammer-blow, shall send various misfortunes, so as to crush this stone."
--Theophan the Recluse
As with any worthwhile endeavor that takes long study and practice, sincere dedication and immense effort, those who have mastered themselves are worthy of respect.
The false egos and prides of the chemical brain and social personality provide the fuel that heats the crucible; the struggle with them provides the friction to light the forge. When the fuel has burned away all the dross and the forge has cooled, will there be anything of value left?
It is foolish to assay the words and actions of one who has done the work by the same criteria one uses to assay the words and actions of one who has not. A more accurate assessment could be had by asking "What does this one stand to gain, personally, by their words and actions?"
Then again, if all the questioner is doing is projecting their own motives, maybe that won't work either.
"He who has the Son has Life"
"NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me"
Did Ganesh raise anyone from the dead?
Did Krishna heal the blind?
STOP hallucinating and GET REAL! (Get Jesus!)
"You MUST be born again from Above"
"There is NO OTHER name by which we must be saved" (or CAN be saved).
To: mike 4:31 PM
i am very famliar with father seraphim rose, the orthodox monk. several times over the past twenty years, i visited the monks and the monastery that seraphim rose built (and where he lived) in upper-northern california. its up in the eastern foothills of the coast range, not very far from where i live. the monks also have a small hermitage on an island right off the coast of alaska. years ago, i was well acquainted with several of the monks. at that time they were russian orthodox. they wear long black robes and they never cut their beards or their hair. there are also some nuns who live in another dwelling a few miles up the road from the monastery. they print orthodox books, and i have read some of their books. seraphim rose passed away a pretty long time ago. and then about ten or so years ago, their entire monastery ended up being cast out of the russian orthodox church, and i believe the serbian orthodox church took them over after that. but many of the monks are still there at the monastery... except for the abbot (seraphim rose's pal who helped him build the orginal monastery back in the 1960s, and who took over as the abbot after seraphim rose died). i believe he was de-frocked and kicked out of the orthodox church due to his having engaged in some sort of hanky-panky. i don't know the details. the monks are real nice guys, but one thing they do not understand is that running away from the world and out into the wildrness does not necessarily lead to the divine.
Hi Long John, glad to know you had the pleasure of meeting Seraphim Rose. And you are right about falling away from the Russian Church. However, it is not at all uncommon in that world for a monastery to fall out of communion with their ruling diocese. There are many different sects within the Orthodox church, all claiming to be the one true church. Seems that one is always accusing the other of some heresy or another. Or blaming someone of "prelest" (spiritual delusion, believing oneself to be spiritually superior to others) Even until very recently the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) was out of communion with the Mosocow Patriarchate because of the latter having been infiltrated by KGB agents during the communist era. If a monastery leans too much towards mysticism it can be ostracized, if they start to build up a special following, as did Seraphim Rose's and Fr. Herman's monastery in Platina, they will be dropped from the diocese on the basis of cultish behavior. If they are seen to be out of line with the diocese in any way, exercising their own will over that of the bishop's..or for any number of reasons they will be dropped. There is always the Serbs or Bulgarians or any number of other diocese that will take them in. That doesn't take away from the teachings and tradition though, which is the richest and most mystical of all of Christianity..along with the Ethiopian Orthodox. Although I have to disagree with you when you said... "the monks are real nice guys, but one thing they do not understand is that running away from the world and out into the wilderness does not necessarily lead to the divine." Although it's true that this within itself does not lead to the Divine, many times it is a necessary step if we are to do true battle against the passions. It is very difficult in this modern world to avoid temptations and stay focused on the Divine, practice contemplation, and making an attempt on unceasing prayer, which is the true aim of christian life. In order to enter into Spiritual battle, for many it is necessary to remove themselves from the noise and worries of modern life to a place where a life centered on the Divine with constant remembrance is practiced. It is not a turning away from responsibilities but rather a working on oneself so that one may have a real basis and foundation to help others. As Seraphim of Sarov said in the 19th C. "save yourself and thousands around you will be saved". Also from the first monks of Egypt..beginning with St. Anthony...ALL of them speak of the necessity of removing yourself from the world and the renunciation of it in order to seek God. Granted renunciation of the world doesn't always mean physical removal to a monastery, but rather the desert of the heart where the world, which is the passions, are fought against. For most, it is very difficult to stay in the constant remembrance that is required and to attempt this in a modern world is extremely at odds with the desired state. However, the Divine takes into account our circumstances and any attempt whatsoever made to draw closer is blessed. The bigger the sacrifice of one's personal comforts that is made in order to draw closer to the Divine,the proportional amount of grace is bestowed.
Hi Long John, glad to know you had the pleasure of meeting Seraphim Rose. And you are right about falling away from the Russian Church. However, it is not at all uncommon in that world for a monastery to fall out of communion with their ruling diocese. There are many different sects within the Orthodox church, all claiming to be the one true church. Seems that one is always accusing the other of some heresy or another. Or blaming someone of "prelest" (spiritual delusion, believing oneself to be spiritually superior to others) Even until very recently the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) was out of communion with the Mosocow Patriarchate because of the latter having been infiltrated by KGB agents during the communist era. If a monastery leans too much towards mysticism it can be ostracized, if they start to build up a special following, as did Seraphim Rose's and Fr. Herman's monastery in Platina, they will be dropped from the diocese on the basis of cultish behavior. If they are seen to be out of line with the diocese in any way, exercising their own will over that of the bishop's..or for any number of reasons they will be dropped. There is always the Serbs or Bulgarians or any number of other diocese that will take them in. That doesn't take away from the teachings and tradition though, which is the richest and most mystical of all of Christianity..along with the Ethiopian Orthodox. Although I have to disagree with you when you said... "the monks are real nice guys, but one thing they do not understand is that running away from the world and out into the wilderness does not necessarily lead to the divine." Although it's true that this within itself does not lead to the Divine, many times it is a necessary step if we are to do true battle against the passions.
continued from above...
It is very difficult in this modern world to avoid temptations and stay focused on the Divine, practice contemplation, and making an attempt on unceasing prayer, which is the true aim of christian life. In order to enter into Spiritual battle, for many it is necessary to remove themselves from the noise and worries of modern life to a place where a life centered on the Divine with constant remembrance is practiced. It is not a turning away from responsibilities but rather a working on oneself so that one may have a real basis and foundation to help others. As Seraphim of Sarov said in the 19th C. "save yourself and thousands around you will be saved". Also from the first monks of Egypt..beginning with St. Anthony...ALL of them speak of the necessity of removing yourself from the world and the renunciation of it in order to seek God. Granted renunciation of the world doesn't always mean physical removal to a monastery, but rather the desert of the heart where the world, which is the passions, are fought against. For most, it is very difficult to stay in the constant remembrance that is required and to attempt this in a modern world is extremely at odds with the desired state. However, the Divine takes into account our circumstances and any attempt whatsoever made to draw closer is blessed. The bigger the sacrifice of one's personal comforts that is made in order to draw closer to the Divine,the proportional amount of grace is bestowed.
Hi Les,
Before the TPTB (who are desperately trying to avoid exposure through numbing down of the populace ability for imagination by exposing them to mind control and poison in every conceivably way) succeed in making this planet totally inhabitable, everybody concerned should make all efforts to stop them and that is not accomplished by way of visionary search for divine light, truth and bliss etc, but by taking stern decisive action against those responsible for the calamity. We need to disclose them and then destroy them by all means, because they can not be altered. May the coming Apocalypse give Kali the power to effectively strike against those who have constructed and implemented this current upside down state of total bogus reality.
Your writings are very much appreciated
My son was at the Duisburg stompede.
Last skype communique recvd. was weird energy was afoot & they were splitting and going to the Teutoberg forest for the July 25 full moon...near the Armenius/Hermann monument...
no communique since, still worried.
WV: sneurel
Godsend, hark, and rejoice, for the news is exceedingly good "In my father's house are many mansions. Surely one of them has a room with no elephants in it...' J.H. Knustler
Anon 5:21 PM
Theophan was right - BUT you cannot do it except by the (Amazing) Grace of God! Christ-consciousness cannot be willed or achieved through study of anything, including the study of Holy Scripture. All those who have received God's Life-saving hammer-blow by Grace are glad to SEE their abominable SELF sacrificed at the Cross. Only THEN does God's Divine Order of things (The Puzzle) start to become unveiled.
"Jesus said to tell you get some rhythm and stop looking like s drummer with Parkinsons"
One of those moments when scorn helps us to pierce the veil! You are the man dog. One of the many reasons I come here. Hypocrisy ground under the boot heel!
Ride Natty ride!
Jesus told me to watch out for people who put five dollars in the collection plate and take out ten in change! I try not to judge, as some people could possibly have been a stump in their last lifetime.
3,000 years before Kristo, there was Krishna, His Father.
You guys use 'God' as if He were an 'it' instead of a Person, the Supreme Person.
Just ask Kristo.
Or better yet, just listen to Him.
And how dare you deny others their manifestations of God, both personal and impersonal?
That's irreligious, even demonic .
The unbridled imagination and creativity of the human mind is capable of some extraordinary feats. All organized religions, including a huge chunk of "Christianity" (Catholicism, for one) have built these enormous edifices (more like figments) through human imagination, populated with strange creatures, that are like fairy tales.
Were Christ's astounding revelations enabled by mushrooms and other weird substances from the Amazon? Did he assume the Lotus position and "do" TM to gain access to the (spiritual) world - aka Heaven) from which He came?
"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life"
"I have been crucified with Christ" is the beginning of spiritual knowledge.
Godsend it sounds as if you received a hammer blow but I won't speculate on the source. Keep working that puzzle and connecting the dots. Stop in every now and then to demonstrate to us heathen how far we have sunk.
To be crucified with Christ is to have the signs. Hey! Your back. Welcome
Dublin Mick
Hammer blows galore, you're right - but I'm still standing - on the ONLY solid foundation known to Man.
This 'solid foundation' is big enough for everyone, even though you're adrift in a sea, swirling around it.
"SEEK - and you WILL find"
The key is seeking "aright" (desperately, 24x7) instead of a position of arrogance and intellectualism.
There are many hands, reaching out to those caught in the rapids of the human imagination.
Hi, Les
I come here occasionally to see if I can be of any help to those who come here, seeking true enlightenment (and the Solution to The Puzzle). It always amazes me how much you (personally) can see, while looking through a glass - darkly! And I still admire how you handle the written word. :)
Godsend why do you assume your new found consciousness is so much loftier than others? Please explain to us how it is on the mountain top!
How do we know Jesus never did TM or assumed the lotus position? Maybe he did and Constantine did not program you to be aware of that. Did you miss the part about leaving no stone unturned?
Well, maybe there's more than one kind of correct. Maybe that's the problem with dogma. There's even more than one kind of dogma. The real thing is whether one insists that they are right. That I find limiting and likely not possible. I can't insist that I'm right because I don't. That way God does. If I know, god doesn't, at least as far as it doing me any good cause God lets me believe what I want to until I find different or just go to him on anything.
Did he assume the Lotus position and "do" TM to gain access to the (spiritual) world - aka Heaven) from which He came?
The fact is that I don't what Jesus did or did not do. Neither does anyone else who was not there. I understand that you fervently believe that you do know. I simply fervently disagree. I have been throwing rocks at God's windows for a long time. I am familiar with the Anointed One. Are you?
I'm also familiar with the stinking garbage mound of disinformation and misdirection with which your "religion" attempts to obscure him. I have no use for it.
The parable of the treasure in the field explains how it is possible to KNOW when you have found what you were looking for (seeking - Truth). Once Truth (Christ) has been implanted (by the Holy Spirit) in your mind, heart and soul (Christ-consciousness), you no longer seek it anywhere else. This is not arrogance, it is simply acknowledgment of the gift of God. That does not mean you have acquired all (spiritual) knowledge - or worldly knowledge. It simply means that you have acquired foundational knowledge on which all other knowledge is based (built). Bible Codes (Dr. Ivan Panin) prove (probability theory) to the rational mind that Holy Scripture is the inspired Word of God. ALL the pieces of The Puzzle fit neatly together - natural AND spiritual knowledge.
"God is not the author of confusion"
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind - but now I SEE!". See?
This is about personal EXPERIENCE - NOT book knowledge (like Paul's vision on the road to Damascus). Unless you have had such an experience, it is impossible to fully understand how this works - but that's how it works. T. Austin-Sparks explained how this works very well in one of his talks (it's linked in one of my Blog posts).
Les, sir -
Do you have a take on the Berlin love parade scene?
I was there in '99, but had other gigs so was just a bemused observer. What do you think it 'feeds'?
Issa, Jeshua or Jezus might be more Vedic than you knew. The Vedic scriptures were still around in Mekka when Mohammed took over the Kabbala, a Vedic temple complete with fallus, and removed the deitys. Notovitch wrote an interesting book about the years Issa/Jeshua spend in India between his 13th and 30th year. (Not a word mentioned in The Bible about this period)(or Vedic scriptures at all) My guess: Issa/Jeshua got in contact with the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, among other scriptures, allready during the period with The Essenes, and became a Master in India: meditating on them and His Father, Krishna, is a common practice in the Vedic system. Certain details in Notovitch book about Issa/Jeshua and the Vedic scriptures tell me that this is actually true. It is stated in the B.G. that in Kali Yuga there are no true priests anymore because nobody knows how to perform the rituals, so everybody nowadays is from the Sudra class. There are no Brahmana,s. Because of his knowledge of the scriptures Issa/Jeshua started a cast war in India. Also, he stated that the Prime Creator, His Father, Krishna, is very, very mercifull for the fallen souls, like it is stated in the Bhagavad Gita.
Jezus, Issa, Jeshua might be more Vedic than you know, the Vedic scriptures were still around when Mhohammed took over the Kabbala, a Vedic Shiva temple, complete with fallus, and removed the deitys. Certain details in Notovitch book about Issa led me to believe that these were the Years between Issa,s 13th and 30th year wich are not mentioned in the Bible. More study led me to believe that Vedic scriptures were also among the Essenes.
Also, Issa was the cause for a cast war in India, stating that His Father was very, very mercifull for the fallen souls. That in Kali-Yuga there are no more priests because nobody knows how to perform the rituals, there are no more brahmani because everybody is from the lowest Sudra class. Issa/Jeshua meditating? Sure enough. Also read Stephen Knapp website for more information.
The fact that the Bible is the inspired Word of God (authored by Him) implies that anything not found in it (about Jesus's earthly life, for example) is not of sufficient value to be included.
Hinduism is a very fascinating and ancient religion. It's an example of some very fertile, human imaginations. Unlike the Bible, all other "Scriptures" lack authentication. When Dr. Ivan Panin, a Russian mathematician, concluded that the Bible was divinely authored (on the basis of years of analysis and in the context of probability theory), he validated its authenticity from a scientific/rational perspective. No such validation exists for any other "Scripture". Of course, Holy Scripture has been validated by the experiences of many people - and it continues to be validated every day! (for those who have eyes to SEE!)
Did he assume the Lotus position and "do" TM to gain access to the (spiritual) world - aka Heaven) from which He came?
GodSend...the very things you are denying have a strong foundation in mystical eastern Christianity...
look to the practice of Hesychasm
Based on Christ's injunction in the Gospel of Matthew to "go into your closet to pray", hesychasm in tradition has been the process of retiring inward by ceasing to register the senses, in order to achieve an experiential knowledge of God. Hesychastic practice bears some formal resemblance to mystical prayer or meditation in Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sufism, compare with yoga),although this similarity is often over-emphasized in popular accounts and rejected by actual Orthodox practitioners of Hesychasm. The practice may involve specific body postures and be accompanied by very deliberate breathing patterns. However, these bodily postures and breathing patterns are treated as secondary both by modern Athonite practitioners of Hesychasm and by the more ancient texts in the Philokalia , the emphasis being on the primary role of the uncreated Energies of God. Hesychastic practice involves acquiring an inner stillness and ignoring the physical senses.The Hesychast interprets Christ's injunction in the Gospel of Matthew to "go into your closet to pray" to mean that one should ignore the senses and withdraw inward. Saint John of Sinai writes: "Hesychasm is the enclosing of the bodiless primary Cognitive faculty of the soul (Orthodoxy teaches of two cognitive faculties, the nous and logos) in the bodily house of the body."
In Step 27, 21 of the Ladder, St John of Sinai describes Hesychast practice as follows:
Take up your seat on a high place and watch, if only you know how, and then you will see in what manner, when, whence, how many and what kind of thieves come to enter and steal your clusters of grapes. When the watchman grows weary, he stands up and prays; and then he sits down again and courageously takes up his former task.
wv: toummult
Feel that I should add the warning :)
Orthodox Tradition warns against seeking ecstasy as an end in itself. Hesychasm is a traditional complex of ascetical practices embedded in the doctrine and practice of the Orthodox Church and intended to purify the member of the Orthodox Church and to make him ready for an encounter with God that comes to him when and if God wants, through God's Grace. The goal is to acquire, through purification and Grace, the Holy Spirit and salvation. Any ecstatic states or other unusual phenomena which may occur in the course of Hesychast practice are considered secondary and unimportant, even quite dangerous. Moreover, seeking after unusual 'spiritual' experiences can itself cause great harm, ruining the soul and the mind of the seeker. Such a seeking after 'spiritual' experiences can lead to spiritual delusion (Ru. prelest, Gr. plani)—the antonym of sobriety—in which a person believes himself or herself to be a saint, has hallucinations in which he or she 'sees' angels, Christ, etc. This state of spiritual delusion is in a superficial, egotistical way pleasurable, but can lead to madness and suicide, and, according to the Hesychast fathers, makes salvation impossible.
Mount Athos is a centre of the practice of Hesychasm. St Paisius Velichkovsky and his disciples made the practice known in Russia and Romania, although Hesychasm was already previously known in Russia, as is attested by St Seraphim of Sarov's independent practice of it.
truth in blaze
feather spin raize
inner amazed
path way paves
mind of one
on inner aum
truth of tongue
inner king come
string in strung
life bringer brung
rise inner sun
force in tum
higher and low
thunder on bow
wild peace blow
wind sword roll
round it flow
fumes inner glow
warm through cold
make one whole
symbols align
sun streams shine
gather in time
lines in sign
rise in mind
truth remind
climb and climb
always find
OK, I think I get it now. It isn't/wasn't Jesus who was his own father God and self first, it was his earlier self father God Krishna who was the real God Creator who became his father and himself first in a human body as Krishna first and then fathered himself to become himself as Jesus later. So really we should all be kissing Krishna's ass.
Verily I ask, who amongst ye has clear enough vision to see how fucking ludicrous that is?
FWIW, some of us don't want or need a savior, thanks all the same. What that means, you judgmental obnoxious asshole Jesus pushers, is that your hell and torture trip has no attraction for or power over us so fuck off.
As for withdrawing from the world to seek the divine, I'm going to go outside my usual zone and quote Richard Alpert aka Ram Dass; you know, the predatory homo who lifted a few plagiarisms from various Hindu sources and managed to parlay them into a lifelong scam. That guy.
This is second hand, but back in the mid 1980s a friend of mine went to see him speak in Seattle and came home with this gem (my version, not verbatim):
"I just came back from spending two weeks in the mountains, communing with Nature and the Divine. I was so high and filled with love for all mankind. Then last night I ended up in the Greyhound bus depot and that all fell apart. Guess I just wasn't high enough."
There is much to be said for communing with the Divine away from the stresses and distractions of the world, but the real test comes when you end up in the downtown bus station at midnight. The rarest statues of the Buddha, and the ones I like the best, are those of the walking Buddha.
The context of Christ's suggestion to go into a private place to pray was the Pharisees' tradition of being seen to pray in public. In many ways, Christ was a very practical sort of bloke. Now you see what a fertile human imagination craves to do with that simple suggestion? It can create a whole sect and "orthodoxy" offshoot.
What many people simply can't stomach about Christ and His Gospel is the utter simplicity of it. It insults their highly thought-of (by themselves) intellect!
The Gospel is so simple, even a child can understand it. Many grown-ups insist on attacking it with multiple PhDs - and miss its essential points entirely!
Are you listening, Mick and Mike, et al?
the problem with Christ's gospel is that things that are not Christ's gospel are confused with Christ's gospel. Christ's gospel is only what Christ said. Paul was a sick in many ways and accounted for rules and behavior that were formulated to create confinement and not freedom. Meanwhile the book is revised constantly. You can no longer find the quote in it's previous form of Be not deceived, even the devil is turned into an angel of light at the given moment.
Anyway, I rely on presence not cant or dogma which is inflexible and sustained and maintained because it keeps the money train running. Also the reason alcohol is legal and accepted although it is more dangerous than anything else because it promotes guilt. I feel like doing all kinds of wild and outrageous things just because I won't feel guilty about them but people might not understand and be disappointed that I did it in the road
The essence of Christ (His Spirit) and Holy Scripture is not dogma and rules of behavior. Some of those Pauline rules reflect his contemporary culture and traditions/customs.
The fact that the "Jesus Industry" (similar to the "Holocaust Industry") has developed over the centuries (the RCC and other "Orthodox" as well as "Modern" or "Liberal" Churchianity factions) should and do not invalidate what Christ truly represents (Divine Nature): the ONLY Way to the Father, Truth, Light and Life eternal.
Those born (again) of and by the Holy Spirit do not follow the money trail of the system of "Christianity" - it is the personal relationship which can and does survive all challenges and deceptions. The basis of that personal relationship is personal experience. Faith which is based on personal experience, including suffering, endured and overcome, is faith which cannot be destroyed.
"Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.....", once we have experienced it!
"I have been crucified with Christ - yet I live..."
Time for an interlude.
GodSend said...
Now you see what a fertile human imagination craves to do with that simple suggestion? It can create a whole sect and "orthodoxy" offshoot.
I don't have any desire to get into a quoting match with you. I will say that you, who are such an ardent "follower", just discounted with a stroke of your keyboard, a couple of thousand years worth of Saints and a primary tool in their spiritual lives as the product of a "fertile imagination". Not to mention the entire mystical tradition of Greek and Russian Orthodoxy as an "offshoot sect". That's rich mister. You should look up the Great Schism of 1054, it might help.
GodSend, I invite you also, knowing your stance on these things to go ahead and denounce the Navajo traditions and teachings as well...
Quanah Parker
“The White Man goes into church and talks about Jesus. The Indian goes into his tepee and talks with Jesus.”
the purpose of peyote—which federal law protects the right of Native Americans to use in religious ceremonies—is not to get high or see visions. “If you see something, that’s fine, but it’s more important that you use the experience to look objectively at yourself and see how you can become more holy, more righteous, more Christian.”
There are many paths up the's not for us to judge anothers chosen path but be careful not to misstep our own.
In affirmation of the both wonderful and the confused words above, and to those yet to follow-
Reality's never changing perspective is that literally everything that exists does so exclusively as a consequence of the divine's existence. This clearly reveals that - through fully consciously interacting with the divine, then collaboratively interacting with each other and everything else throughout the divine's infinitely and eternally manifesting self - we human kind instruments of the divine are able to fully actualize our human kind raison d'etre, and accomplish that objective simply by saying so and thereby being truly that which we are meant to be and thus are.
This also tells us that nothing we humans say as individuals or as a group is truly original, in that we are produced of and therefore predated by the source of our existence who is thus also source of our words. Those who personally own - meaning fully spiritually-mentally-physically actualize - this realization free themselves from the specific places of ignorance & confusion where Satan lives to keep human kinds' minds imprisoned.
Satan's days are numbered.
Explanation, produced of The Impending Golden Age: A Critical Analysis of the World Sickness and Its Cure - by Sanctilean , a book and its author of which and whom all here were apprised in a recent Smoking Mirrors post by long john. Sanctilean's excerpted information enclosed, verbatim, by quotation marks; this author's insertions [bracketed]:
-continued below-
-continuation of the above-
From pgs 1 and 2 of Sanctilean's book:
"The teaching outlined in this book is a portion of the Cerul, or exoteric, Division of the Hra Maiac [formally, a Consectory, i.e. informally a 'sect'] Revelation[, which is] a portion of one of the thirteen revelations of cosmic actuality given to man by his supramundane [etheric/heavenly] teachers and leaders. This is the ancient, and now nearly forgotten [by 1948], exoteric teaching of Pre Messenry, modernly called Free Masonry.
"The divine command [of the exoteric Division Hra Maiac Revelation] is purity of living, chastity, non-resistance to evil, and conformity with the verities, principles and laws of cosmic actuality, which is the Will of God, the Infinite Source of Being."
From pg 4 of Sanctilean's book:
"The Ara Maians are the Accepted Apprentices of the Accepted Master Craftsmen who are in the Hra Maiac Consectory. [....] They are a devout sect of great antiquity, whose members may be found in every part of the world.
"[Today's] Aramaians [sic] in the Near-East, derive their name from the fact that two thousand years ago, the Ara Maian Man Gier was in Palestine.
"A Man Gier is the world capitol of a consectory. Man Giers are beneath their respective supra physical Celestia. [Mundanely worded, this two sentence paragraph and all the words that precede them and follow represent and describe the exoteric-esoteric agency by which the universal common good is being instated by the Will of God.]
"Palestine is no longer the center of Hra Maiac Inspiration. The people of Palestine today [1948 CE, both the year Sanctilean's book was published and the year Israel via British cum Zionist proclamation established the nation of Israel], nationally [exclusively for British convenience and Zionist objectives, by responding to the Will of God via God's agent of evil-doing (Satan), however not for the never diasporic and never and still not as of 2010 CE nationalized Palestinian semites], are not within the Light of the Arisen Master Craftsmen[; all of this in consequence of Zionists resisting the Will of God operating through God's agent of evil-doing to move the non-Zionist Palestinians to war against the Zionists for their warring to displace the non-Zionist Palestinians, just as the Romans were moved by the Will of God via Satan to displace the Israeli Zionists from Palestine for their having been moved by Satan to no longer resist warring against their nation's Roman occupiers in 70 CE.]
[All of "t]his is attested by their [the Pharisees'-to-become-Zionists'] heedlessness of the divine Hra Armaic injunction, that man shall not resist evil."
Verity: When men resist - i.e. war against thus yield to - evil, they become instruments of evil-doing, and thereby defile themselves.
Verity: It is in these times by these means that the Will of God is progressively displacing the divine's progressivly useless Satan from the entirety of existence.
The work is yet to be completed.
To mike (and also to all the dogmatic christian religious freaks)...
well mike, i guess you don't read too good, because i never said that i had met Seraphim Rose. i only said that i had been to the monastery and that i had been personally acquainted with some of the monks who lived there. i am neither for, nor against them. so apparently you misunderstood me, because i am not into any of that eastern orthodox religious scene at all. nada. i am not into any religion (or supposed savior). period. be it eastern or western.
and the same goes for all you other christian fundamentalist assholes and your jesus rants and bullcrap that gets posted on here as well. and also the hindu/vedic religious crap, and the moslem/islamic religious crap, and even the buddhist religious crap. did i miss anything?
i really abhore self-righteous people who go around preaching their religion uninvited, and i wish they would all go somehwhere else. i definitely don't need their trip, and i don't want to hear about it, and i am sure others here don't want that crap either.
people who preach, don't know shit. and thats a fact. so thats how i know whether you have walked the walk, or not.
so i agree with m_astera where he said to fuck off.
so far, you seem like a nice guy mike, but i think you are coming dangerously close to being dismissed as being an obsessed christian religious nut.
i ask you, why do you feel so compelled to post all this excessive and detailed stuff about eastern orthodoxy?
i would suggest that you not preach eastern orthodox christianty, no matter how cool some of their saints may have been. people who are seekinbg truthg don't to be preached to, even if you disguse it as "sharing".
and that goes for all you jesus freaks (and vedic hindus) as well. spare me the annoyance of it all. and don't exploit this forum for your ego and your twisted religious agenda.
i don't agree with this stuff about doing "battle against the passions". if you canlt get it together "in this modern world", then you ain't gonna get it elsewhere. you are exactly where you need to be. and the presence is always right there with you. so i don't buy this crap about it being "necessary to remove themselves from the noise and worries of modern life", or the presumption that one is going to "help others". thats all a load of self-important rubbish in my book.
and btw, reality is that which is always already the case. so put aside all the religion and talk, and just listen-up to the one, the great spirit, the only one who can and will guide you.
I much agree with my friend Michael A., where he said:
"some of us don't want or need a savior, thanks all the same. What that means, you judgmental obnoxious asshole Jesus pushers, is that your hell and torture trip has no attraction for or power over us so fuck off."
Sorry Les, but in light of your most recent riff, I just had to link this. (wink)
and this:
GodSend -the village idiot- wrote:
"Did Ganesh raise anyone from the dead?"
-- well i guess you are not familiar with hindu mythology. ganesh himself rose from the dead... with an elephant head. so yes, ganesh is fresh.
"Did Krishna heal the blind?"
-- yes of course, don't you know? krishna has eyes (and ears) everywhere and inside of everything... even in the blind. there is not anywhere where krishna cannot see.
"STOP hallucinating and GET REAL! (Get Jesus!)"
-- but Jesus is an hallucination. donlt you know, jesus is imaginary... just like everyone else.
"You MUST be born again from Above"
-- well, as above, so below.... so no need for being born again.
"There is NO OTHER name by which we must be saved" (or CAN be saved)."
-- all spoken names are 'Varnatmic' names (meaning any word or name which can be sounded or pronounced externally with the mouth).
on the other hand, a true name is a 'Dhuniatmic' name (meaning that it cannot be spoken, but can only be heard/perceived internally, by the soul).
Not quite.
Not a human/material body.
God is never subject to material/maya(Durga).
A spiritual body.
You and I also have one.
Only ours, at the present time are wearing a material covering given to us by karma to ensure we get what we desire.
FromBeyondOmega, et al
I prefer to stay within the boundaries of the "Alpha and Omega" I know - Jesus the Christ.
Where, in Sanctilean's book, is the Cross of Christ, God's Son, and the purifying power of His shed blood mentioned?
There is no end of (useless) books and the fascinating but fruitless harvests of men's imagination!
The Word of God, which can only be understood through the intermediation and active presence of the Holy Spirit in us, is the foundation of spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Venturing beyond it is traveling a path to insanity and destruction. If it were otherwise, there would be a chapter called Revelation II.
so god set me down
in a little town
after whirling me
'round and 'round
he said to me 'son
as if i was the one
'get lost - so you
can get found'
first there is the thought
or first there is the wind
second is the sound of words
on which these hopes are pinned
third there is reflection
like the moon upon the sea
fourth there's realization
that all this speaks to me
a whisper in my ear
a little light ahead
there is nothing i can't endure
i'm sure that's what's been said
Suppose I discount, with a stroke of my keyboard, the entire Vatican and most of the RCC and its various appendages, on the basis that they represent nothing more substantial (in a biblical sense) than the loonacies and imaginations of a bunch of pompous Popes, clueless Cardinals and bad-ass Bishops, GONE WILD?
I'm not reluctant to discount Hagee, Warren, Osteen and the rest of the CUI-affiliated TV "Evangelists" either! (but for somewhat different reasons).
It appears that this 'long john' character needs a lesson in etiquette.
"people who preach, don't know shit. and thats a fact. so thats how i know whether you have walked the walk, or not."
Wow. LOL. :-)
Maybe it really is that simple?
you have just proven what an arrogant, presumptious, and extremely ignorant jackass you really are.
as a matter of fact, and fyi, The Impending Golden Age does mention the christ, the sons of god, and the purifying power of the spirit numerous times and in great depth.
so how could you know what is a "useless book", if you had never actually read it? perhaps its because you are an arrogant asshole.
i know your tired old schtick. its blatantly obvious. you are a troll for jesus. a holier-than-thou punk. but your jesus is a counterfeit. your pseudo jesus is a product of the "fruitless harvest" of YOUR "imagination".
and you are an asswipe because you judge things about which you have absolutely no knowledge or experience.
if it were my blog, i would not hesitate to delete sick fucks like you, and your mindless idiotic dogma.
but i guess letting you do you thing for a time provides others with an example of how totally screwed up your mentalty really is.
other than wanting to beat everyone over the head with your retarded fundamentalist bible-babble, i don't see why or what you are doing here. the effect of your vibration and energy here is very negative. your stinking self-righteous attitude is headed for one very rude-ass awakening. and its gonna kick your butt.
WTF..this is what I have been doing and you go and steal my thunder..grin.
Not kidding, this is my road
Thanks for the more of the map.
i hear you bro. i know, because i've been in many of those downtown bus (and train) stations at midnight. all too many times, and my time there always seemed to be a lot longer than i had expected. and i've also been in them alone when i was a stranger in a strange land. i've also been hitch-hiking out on some very lonesome highways in the cold and dead of night with no cars in sight for hours. those are the kind of places where you get to find out just exactly how 'high' you really are.
and yeah, i have a rather curious old antique hand-carved wooden statue of a smiling buddha standing upright. aka the smiling-happy-laughing buddha. luckily i suppose, he found me ages ago... in the twilight zone.
Bholanath said
"Mars is in this instance considered a 'malefic' trigger for the larger configuration of slower planets.
Holey moley!
Keep clear of the collective madness."
How apt that some individulas have lost the plot and joined the collective madness, here, in this petridish. Life reflecting back at itself. "Mirror mirror on the wall, those who think they know, know fuck all!"
The war on consciousness rears it´s ugly head, right here,in your face.
Nothing hidden.
Individuals boasting "superior knowledge".
A personality contest with no prizes.
Nitpicking about differences where there are none.
One DOGma barking at another DOGma.
Oh how I laughed!
Thank you.
No need to wind you up here. Too strong opinions.
Jeshua, Issa or Jesus, preached Bhakti-Yoga for an audience with lesser understanding.
Preaching will be very nice after the last part of the cleansing process(WWIII).But they, TPTB, will not give up without a fight, there will be an inquisition by the Vatican.
Intuition is the best I have. )
Only my perspective to share; "quoting" to define personal perspective, no problem. "Quoting" anything !! ... that builds a WALLS, are ALWAYS splashed with glittery graffiti that states, "Anything Beyond 'here' is IMPOSSIBLE"
... well, I pray you dig Y-OUR head out in time ? -(
... Everything WE Believe to BE True, is what WE will get.
... Everything WE Believe to BE True, collectively, will provide the back drop // landscape, for OUR own personal experience.
Someone said, 'give power to the Kali' ???
... I believe the ALL Powerful Kali, will give YOU "exactly" what YOU Believe in !!
Nothing will save YOU, if "what YOU Believe-in" tears YOU to shreds ??
I Believe whats Needed is a, Clear 'Sense' of ""Response-Ability""
... then maybe WE ascend ??
I don't know, but, my intuition leads me around ... and here I am ??
IF everything you Believed in were to 'suddenly start' to paint the landscape of Y-OUR Life, how long before Y-OUR FEAR showed up and DESTROYED YOU ?? ... Y-OUR own personal blockbuster action flick, complete with Y-OUR personal Jesus (metaphor & figurative), how many from today's world of auto-pilots, will // would be able to steer the ship safely through ??
Would YOU Be Able to ... would I ??
Cats, the story of Jesus didn't begin 'until' he was nailed to the cross ... left to die 'slowly' on a cross, for reasons XYZ ... a human male turned the "mind made" pain, into a "sensational" experience with Love, Source "Vibration" ... He ascended, because he had a choice die, or BELIEVE = to KNOW with EVERY VIBRATION that is YOU = KNOW THYSELF + ALL EXPERIENCES are Possible due to VIBRATIONS which Originated from LOVE = KINGDOM of HEAVEN WITHIN ... ))
Every Enlightened Human throughout history (rewritten or not) has said that, "WE" could ALL "BE", like them.
WE ARE the Second Coming !!
Think about it, Y-OUR In-Tuition will not deny you this In-Formation.
The Kali looks like a ride through OUR personal 'black holes' // 'star gates'; to me. )) Seems like an awfully 'tight' space to travel through ... with any 'shit on board' (metaphor & figurative), if you know what I mean. ))
Vis has been suggesting to 'pack light'
... and I'm a Life Loving, surfing Lithuanian ))
I'd suggest the same. ))
Merci )
a GrebBear
Peace Love Light Truth
(- ;
; -)
from: mike
Long John,
You asked me a question and I will try to answer it. You said “i ask you, why do you feel so compelled to post all this excessive and detailed stuff about eastern orthodoxy?”
Quite simple really. I am tired of ignorance and hypocrisy. There seems to be a fairly mystical crowd here. Open-minded people who are looking for truth where they can find it. I wanted people to open their minds and see that Christianity is a rich mystical tradition that has been totally shredded in the West and hidden from the people. The mysticism has purposely been perverted and the mere mention of the church produces loathing. It seems that around here you can mention absolutely anything and no one bats and eye. Someone mentions Christianity and peoples heads start spinning around and they begin to projectile vomit. I understand this in a way because of the conditioning westerners have. We’ve been exposed to Southern Baptists, Evangelists, Jehovas Witnesses, Mormons, Peodophile Catholics (the peds can be found anywhere by the way...even Atheism) lessons about the conquests in Mexico and South America. I was made to go to Baptist bible school when I was a child. I would get cold and rigid and my bowels would begin to burn. My mother caught me after I had been getting on the bus but not actually making it to class for 2 months. I explained my dislike for these strange people forcing their Jesus on me and she never made me go back. I’ve kept an open mind though. I’ve learned not to judge others simply because I don’t know their story or what leads them to do the things they do or say. Whatever someone else does or says is neither above me or below me but in me as well since we all share whatever it is that we humans have in common with each other, other than the obvious.
The God’s honest truth LongJohn, I wouldn’t make any judgement on you whatsoever if you told me that you decided to comunícate with the Divine by sitting down in a forest, burning copal incense and eating 7 grams of psilocybin mushrooms while getting into your merkaba with the vedic blue meanies as your co-pilots and flying into the 5th dimension to fish for the flying 3 eyed spaghetti monster and instead encountering a race of grey aliens led by a reptilian in military dress who all comunícate with you telepathically that they want you to perform special breathing techniques so that they may inhabit your body and make you a spokesman for the new age movement by making you very interesting, so that you will be invited to speak at conferences throughout the world giving you David Icke like fame and that they are here because the time that we have all been waiting for throughout history is upon us and its showtime and they wouldn’t miss it for the world. And you replied “no, thanks and fuck off”, looked over at the blue meanies and instead Jesus was sitting there riding shotgun with a Joint between his fingers snacking on Peyote buttons telling you it’s a good thing you exercised your free will in the right way cuz you could have lost your soul there and stop screwing around with things that you don’t fully understand. No sir, I would not Judge you one bit because I know that these things happen. For some reason or another though, these kinds of occurrences are perfectly normal to talk about here. Interesting even. Nobody thinks it strange at all, but rather creative and artistic (well, maybe a few), but I’ll be Damned if somebody doesn’t mention Jesus or Christianity and everybody goes batshit crazy! Why do you think that is LongJohn? Why are people so hostile towards this?
wv: fings (f-ing things?)
Long story short, through a set of experiences I encountered Eastern Orthodoxy later in life and was skeptical at first, already having my mind made up, but then realized after meeting some people at a monastery that noone forced anything on me. Actually I think they couldn’t have cared less. It intrigued me. Skipping ahead, I found an extremely mystical practice which included Christ and I was amazed. I felt that all of western Christianity was a fabricated lie and I had actually found something authentic in Chrisitanity. I have been actively, consciously (sometimes more than others) seeking truth since I was about 15. I will spare you the details because I know no one really gives 2 squirts of the flying spaghetti monster’s third eye. Suffice it to say that I am not “religious” at all myself. I have looked into many different areas always being attracted by mystical elements. I don’t like head trips and people preaching superficial crap and trying to tell me that if I don’t think like them that bad things will befall me. My spiritual beliefs have been formed by my direct experience and I leave room for faith in the things to come because I have been told, through direct experience, that everything is under control. I know for a fact that when our bodies die, we don’t. Therefore I am not afraid of that. It’s been proven that 100% of smokers and all people born on earth for that matter, die. Our souls do not. I know this, no question in my mind. I know that there are “many mansions” in my father’s house and I also know that what has been written in the bible has been manipulated through the ages and is not to be taken literally. I also know that when you lead a spiritually focused life many things in the bible take on a completely metaphysical meaning that could only be understood in a literal and superficial way before. It’s layered and what you get from it is proportional to how much you try to conform to it. And that means alot more than trying to keep your winkie away from your neighbor’s wife. There is truth to be found in many traditions. What I found in Christianity is that Christ is the fulfillment of the Tao. Lao Tzu showed the Way, Christ is the Way. I’m not claiming anyone who follows anything else is condemned to fire and brimstone. Far from it. Sometimes the bum at the bus station who ate too much acid in the 70´s is holier and more blessed and protected than you could ever know. For all you know Jesus himself could be speaking directly to you through that bum at the bus station, so you better be paying attention brother. That’s the way God rolls. True Christians will tell you that Christ condemns no one, why his followers do I don’t know. Somewhere, I don’t remember where, Christ says something along the lines of ...”and there is much more than what I have told you here...” or something like it. Meaning that we are given what we need for our spiritual development when we need it. When we are ready for more, we will get more. First milk, then more solid foods as we mature. In the meantime walk your path and learn to listen to your heart. And lay off the judgement, homey.
wv: banit(whats up with these wv's)
long john
As soon as I saw your name on your latest comment, it (and you) ceased to exist - along with every other comment you ever made or will make.
It only took 1 comment from you to identify you as an atheist, blasphemer and moron who is long on profanity and (very) short on brains.
The problem with having no need for God is that He has no need for you, either - as you will certainly find out before He mercifully puts you out of your misery (forever)! You are not fit for human association, either.
Nowhere outside of Paulist xtianity have I run into the idea that Jesus is God aka Jehovah of the Old Testment who demands your worship under threat of eternal torture and damnation.
WTF is with that? It's not to be found in the red letters of the Bible I've been carrying around since fifth grade.
Those who preach it don't have many details about the rewards of worshiping Jesus, but they are experts in what will happen to those who don't. The whippings will continue until morale improves!
Who can grasp the idea that some entities don't want a savior or intercessor or middle man, we want the direct connection to our Source, same as Jesus allegedly had.
Godsend: I will pray for you. You may counterpray to no avail.
You may call yourself whatever you want, but a Christian? Maybe a Constantinian but definitely not a Christian. I grew up in the Church and even went to a Southern Baptist Bible Belt University. I have met few Christians though. I could tell that you are no Christian when you visited these parts a few weeks back. Sorry to break it to you, but then again maybe I'm not.
LongJohn: I liked that book a lot. I'm not sure what to make of it. I wish there was more to it. I have ordered some other obscure Sanctilean publications which should be here soon. Can you suggest other sources of information?
It is always a trip to come here.
I read this posting last Friday, and spent all weekend wondering what I could add, seems like it was so clear…
Then I look at the comments and not only do I see you so deep in what you are trying to convey that grammar and spelling go right out the window. HA!
Ok Godsend,
I wish God would send a little clarity to you.
I am quite familiar with the teachings of your Piscean Avatar, but your unswerving belief in the Nicaean council can be a bit tough to take. Be careful that you do not take it too literally.
Would you even recognize the Christ when you meet him? You would do a little better to emulate his actions rather than profaning his teaching with you arrogant hubris.
Most of the rest of you resonate a lot more clearly, although long john can be a bit blunt. Of course, Les can be too.
Golly mike, always a pleasure to meet another Pastafarian, may you be touched by his noodly appendage. “Save the world, bring back piracy!”
Watching from the alley,
Wasn't there something in that cardinal cross alignment about mars?
"And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves."
I apologize people I am having a lot of fun here.
It is better to bear the rebuke of the wise than to hear the song of fools....Ecclesiastes 17: 15
Constantinian, I like it Sparkle.
Call it the Rock/Rothian/Archon/Constintinian Hollywood axis.
Myself I am a Christosian non bible believer.
Pray for yourself - that will keep you busy 24x7 for the foreseeable future. All you have done here with your comment and limp self-justification (I went to a Christian church once-upon-a-time) is to reveal your ignorance.
What makes you think your opinion (about anything) is worth anything?
It's best not to open your mouth at all if the best you can do is put your foot in it and look like an idiot.
Off topic. For those affected by what's happening in the Gulf, and the toxicity of Corexit, this might be of help.
Shall try to remember to post it at SM also.
“People who are in the direct vicinity of the Gulf Coast should be taking Calcium Bentonite Clay internally.. Calcium Bentonite Clay can also be added to your pets' food to keep them detoxed and parasite free.. spray your grass and garden at least 3 times a week with clay water.”
On the political side,
You see Michael Astera,
that's exactly what I am referring to.
You Said:
"Who can grasp the idea that some entities don't want a savior or intercessor or middle man, we want the direct connection to our Source, same as Jesus allegedly had."
The goal of true Christian life: "God became man so that man might become God."
from the Theosis page
."In particular, theosis refers to the attainment of likeness to or union with God, that is the final stage of this process of transformation and is as such the goal of the spiritual life. Theosis is the third of three stages; the first being purification (katharsis) and the second illumination (theoria). By means of purification a person comes to illumination and then sainthood. Sainthood is the participation of the person in the life of God.
...every being and reality itself is considered as composed of the immanent energy (Energeia) of God. As energy is the actuality of God (his immanence), it is also the activity of God.
I am not preaching...I don't care what your beliefs are...I am simply pointing out that people are conditioned to bash Christ because they don't like the people who call themselves Christians.
now, I'm tired of this argument and I'm going to make rice and brocolli with cheese.
Why are you here Godsend? NONE of us will EVER fall for your programming. Once an illusion is perceived as being false, you can't unsee it.
If you want to set certain boundaries for your perception it is none of my business. But why do you insist that others be limited at the exact line that you yourself will not cross?
You're a colorblind man trying to convince me that the color red does not exist and that I am merely misperceiving green. I, and I doubt anyone else here, am not liable to fall for such programming.
Of the words in the Bible a tiny fraction are probably the words of Jesus. Of the words spoken in church a tiny fraction are the words of Jesus. Of the words that Jesus spoke an infinitesimal part of an infinitesimal fraction wound up in the Bible.
The problem is whether I become as a little child. If I don't then all the definitions depend on what I lost and that's an unlikely way to come to the solution. Or, I lose the drive of desire to fuck something into submission that is already letting you do it in the first place. Wouldn't you want to let that submission show you how it wants to let you have everything it is? Not at all, Jackhammer it into what it already gave you. Great fucking technique. Why the fuck would I let the thing that surrendered to my driving power and let go to the degree that it actually wanted me to hammer it into a punctuation of my having let it arrive there by following it's lead? Why should it's own freedom be the thing I'm concerned with when I am the thing that has chained it?
First thing I know about a little child is that it is not defining itself on fucking itself into a solution that was perfect before it started separating into the thing that took you away from it so that it had to be explained as if that put you there.
It's all sex really... everyone has this drive to express their own personal being on someone in the hope that that is not only going to make them cum just because you were so singular that no one else could get them off when in the process of forcing your inability to actually make sex the freedom from need to you being the one who bound the person you love into the need to repeat it... I think that's called finding some way for the thing you love to abuse itself by pretending it wanted you to be it's freedom.
Isn't the whole point, allowing the people who think that letting someone do something to you means pretending that it doesn't matter if they shit all over the thing they favor you with? You just want to pretend until its over?
How can you love someone and not give them the opportunity to use you to show you how to get past the attraction that made them think you were some kind of answer.?
The first thing you do if you engage in the situation of whether or not you managed to acquit yourself well enough that people get deceived into believing it's worth it again to have you representing thew thing they are looking for is that you haven't learned anything or you wouldn't still be trying to impress someone with your ability to do something that you have to keep repeating. The whole thing is a matter of whether you use your hand to fantasize what you could have thrown at you if you knew the solution, or whether you use people as if somehow the fact that they let you be the other side of their need for failure meant that God probably uses you as a demonstration. He surely does.
It's all sex and either it's with some equation of time space need karma and all the things that make people think that the answer is hidden in the problem they become or you just decide to let God fuck you and then you can do everyone. Of course, you have to get his attention.
You're only fucking yourself. If you knew how to do it you'd have solved the necessity to prove that it still drives you crazy.
You know what you know and you demonstrate it. As long as you're happy with it I don't care.
There are other ways to go. You just tell people that sure they can hammer you to the point that they've had a moment of triumph since someone took the opportunity to prove that they gave enough of a shit to be whatever you needed or... you could ask them why they were willing to do whatever you needed just to show you that the reason love endures is because it does let you do whatever you want. It just doesn't seek you out to perform it's perfection. It's just willing to let you fuck it. Anyone who takes the trouble to understand why love would do this will learn that love always says, "Yeah, you can do that to me. Is that all you want. I don't care. But wouldn't you rather learn how to really make me want you? Wouldn't you rather learn how to make me submit? Love says fuck me or learn how to make me chase you down and get the whole town to watch what I will let you do cause you took the trouble to let me show you how to be the master. I really don't get it but then I don't hit myself over the head with a hammer every day just because it's familiar. Of course it's familiar... never mind.
godsend I dont know how long you have been what you would call a true christian,wether its a couple of years or a long time,I do know when we first sort of wake up to the great everything we are usually going to defend with all our might that which we woke up with. ,bible,koran,various budhist or hindu texts or which ever
thing moved us to the thinking patterns.I speak from my own experience,for me that was just the little opening through.the rabbit hole if you like, what we find the more we look is the different ways of approaching a subject,which the sparkle is a perfect example of,willingness to learn and the ability to just question everything,not ignorance which I from my viewpoint see is what you are guilty of,if you have never read the ancient hindu or budhist texts how could you have an informed opinion on them,and believe me these texts are extremely deep and cover all sorts of aspects of the great everything.
now your another one of my brothers
put down that ignorance and arrogance and come and be a pupil with the rest of us,trying to mentally mug people may feed your ego and make you feel all powerfull for a while,but beleive me it dont get anything done..
come on peoples lets get them old universals out and have a good think up,energy I feel is quite strong at the moment maybe this is why were all having a big old cage fight again..
..peace and loves to all neil
and if we read mr visibles last comment,that is why we need him because even in the vulgarity of that last comment mr visibles has explained deep universal truths,or what ever you want to call them,where as the mr godsend just comes off as arrogant..peace neil
They will hold fast to the name of a dead man, thinking they will become pure But they will be greatly defiled, and will fall into the name of error, and under the power of evil, they will be perversely overwhelmed (having their power of choice overruled).
Much love,
Ps- Stop behaving like an ass.
Godsend, maybe we met in Old and New testament and Biblical Ethics classes. I remember many such as yourself.
Your fruit is bitter, thus I know you.
I think my grandpa was probably a Christian, or close to it. He was a
Reverend, a Preacher, a Methodist minister with a church for many decades. I went to his church every Sunday until he retired, but he never preached to me personally. Maybe it worked.
wv: nolisted
I won't repeat the things you say Godsend. I won't EVER repeat the things you say. There is not enough violence or terror on Earth or in Heaven that will FORCE me to repeat the things you say.
It is interesting how many different institutionalized religions are actually very similar in their mystic/esoteric traditions. I think if we could trace them to their source it would be the same.
Quote, Laws632.did you ever consider, due to all the psychoactive DOPE you have taken, that you are actually NUTS? Seriously. End Quote damned HTML A pox on you.
Did you ever consider the man you follow as something other than one you must accept in your heart for eternal bliss.
Read some history of shamans, maybe you might see a little more through your closed eyes.
I personally have been in the nut ward for alcoholics, so maybe I am as nutty as a fruit cake, but I found more wisdom there than that proffered by the tighty whitey's of the world. My experience at that time included attempted molestation by a minister I sang in the choir for when I was younger. In dire straights and this guy wanted to play fucking doctor.
I am not a follower of anybody, Les included, I am a follower of wisdom of which I have little. If Les is considered by you and some others as off the charts (you couldn't be more wrong if you tried) then give me off the charts. You never find anything at the center of this life. You have to go to the fringes, as the center is filled with all I despise. I am talking about the corporal world, filled with the material trappings of greed, acquisition, hubris, mendacity, in all its forms which signify nothing of importance and only enslave you in meaningless detail. So, fuck yea Les rock on.
Someone talked about being on an open road with no cars. Once I was hitchhiking from Craig, Co. to Rifle, Co. a road not much traveled and I walked for what seemed hours. I saw 37 shooting stars as I walked head up in awe, until I saw a skunk who wouldn't be bothered by me, and I walked on the wrong side of the road until well past said skunk and crossed again and walked head up.. That was many years ago and one of the highlights of my life, absolutely wondrous. If I did not keep walking I would have been freezing cold but what I was seeing took all concern away, although I did not think of it that way at that time.
In my life as fucked up as it was and sometimes is, I have never stopped seeking answers to the pain, and confusion I experience....It is happening to me now. I am being blessed somehow with gifts I cannot name. Opening up somehow. I don't care what the PTB's do, I don't care what the politicians do. There is nothing I can do but change my own reality and when one does that its power is put into the mix, and their power is diminished. I want to die, whenever that day comes, knowing I walked the path in a way that lifted me towards the light we are made of.
Sorry for the long babble, I was driven to say this. I guess if I was really sorry I wouldn't have written such a wordy bunch of spaghetti..exit laughing.
Someone talked about being on an open road with no cars. Once I was hitchhiking from Craig, Co. to Rifle, Co. a road not much traveled and I walked for what seemed hours. I saw 37 shooting stars as I walked head up in awe, until I saw a skunk who wouldn't be bothered by me, and I walked on the wrong side of the road until well past said skunk and crossed again and walked head up.. That was many years ago and one of the highlights of my life, absolutely wondrous. If I did not keep walking I would have been freezing cold but what I was seeing took all concern away, although I did not think of it that way at that time.
In my life as fucked up as it was and sometimes is, I have never stopped seeking answers to the pain, and confusion I experience....It is happening to me now. I am being blessed somehow with gifts I cannot name. Opening up somehow. I don't care what the PTB's do, I don't care what the politicians do. There is nothing I can do but change my own reality and when one does that its power is put into the mix, and their power is diminished. I want to die, whenever that day comes, knowing I walked the path in a way that lifted me towards the light we are made of.
Sorry for the long babble, I was driven to say this. I guess if I was really sorry I wouldn't have written such a wordy bunch of spaghetti..exit laughing.
Nicely done. +10
The irritation I experience from the obnoxious and pushy trying to sell me something that I don't want is what I was talking about. The payoff for those selling Jesus Saves is validation of their own delusion. Same goes for everyone aggressively pushing a dogma that they have bought into; Amway for instance. When the pushiness is coupled with threats of violence, "Buy what I'm selling or else", I know I'm not dealing with someone I want to deal with, or have anything to do with.
I don't see you doing that, so my comment was not addressed to you.
As a side note, I don't think that drawing a distinction between the meditation or other spiritual tools of the orthodox church and those of other paths serves any useful purpose. The wise man uses what works.
let's see what jimi
had to say
written the night
before he 'died'
this lyric''s page
seems to be missing
a word or two [ ]
but you'll catch
the drift
"The story of jesus
So easy to explain
After they crucified him,
A woman, she claimed his name
The story of jesus
The whole Bible knows
Went all across the desert
And in the middle, he found a rose
There should be no questions
There should be no lies
He was married ever happily after [for]
All the tears we cry
No use in arguing
All the use to the man that moans
When each man falls in battle
His soul it has to roam
Angels of heaven
Flying saucers to some,
Made easter sunday
The name of the rising sun
The story is written
By so many people who dared,
To lay down the truth
To so very many who cared
To carry the cross
Of jesus and beyond
We will guild the light
This time with a woman in our arms
We as men
Can’t explain the reason why
The woman’s always mentioned
At the moment that we die
All we know
Is God is by our side,
And he says the word
So easy yet so hard
I wish not to be alone,
So I must respect my other heart
Oh, the story
Of jesus is the story
Of you and me
No use in feeling lonely,
I am [you] searching to be free
The story
Of life is quicker
Than the wink of an eye
The story of love
Is hello and goodbye
Until we meet again
New Visible Origami
Webster Tarpley.
It's only vulgar when you practice it on people who prohibit their ability to enjoy it in the first place. Something should be moving before I take the time to help it get where it wants to go in the first place. Otherwise I just wait around for people free enough that you better be willing to lose your hesitations in the first place.
I have no problem with getting naked and performing what everyone spends all their time trying to accomplish in the first place. I'm ready willing and able to be whatever you need if actually having fun was the purpose. Good thing no one takes me up on it by the time I explain what's entailed.
Well, good by oral sex. California air kissing works and people still act like they like each other.
mr visibles,I reckon you could probably explain the great all even with mud splat paintings or something.
..peace neil..
Your preferring "to stay within the boundaries of the 'Alpha and Omega' [that you] know - Jesus the Christ", perfectly exemplifies the poor reasoning and behavior that is warned about in Jesus' parable of the talents.
By not expanding upon the worthy information the master left to his servants upon taking his departure - merely hiding it under the ground until his return, planning to give it back to him not grown in value from how it was given - makes of those that do such a thing 'wicked and slothful' servants.
So it is that every commenter's words provides everyone here at these wondrous blogspots with valuable realtime peeks into the petri dish of our unwitting behaviors, whereof we give each other an invaluable means of seeing and understanding each other.
But then, alas, many are no doubt destined to remain mere writers and ideological bigots who will fail to conform with their own words till they die. Good riddance.
hey estebanfolsom,thems are quality poems my mate,flowing and sum woman yours too,dammerung good to see you,
hopefully godsends going to sort it out by tommorrow as I suspect he may have a bit of a headache at the moment he's stubborn,he wouldnt be hanging around here for any other reason than to join in and he is a good fellow.
so come on godsend stop looking just at the door,turn round and look at the great all its never ending and indescribable and encompasses everything,pick up a few books on some of them suffis,some hindu stuff also the budhist stuff,and then there is some of them old native american indian speaches if you have a look on dublins site he has loads of stuff also rebel for e site loads of stuff and then say these people should all go to hell,their your brothers and sisters and unless we all get this together everyone who is not already in some form of hell already will be going their aswell
sent by the real old nastys like the ones who are out trying to warmonger a war with iran,and those who starve african children to death
just to make a few more pounds or dollars.
..peace to all neil..
What neil said.
Thank you to you neil.
wouldn't be complete
without this mans
words +
'the milk of millennia'
"i am part of the load not rightly balanced.
i drop off in the grass,
like the old cave-sleepers, to browse
wherever i fall.
for hundreds of thousands of years i have been dust grains floating and flying in the will of the air,
often forgetting ever being in that state,
but in sleep i migrate back. i spring loose from the four-branched, time-and-space cross,
this waiting room
i walk into a huge pasture
i nurse the milk of millennia
everyone does this in different ways.
knowing that conscious decisions and personal memory are much too small a place to live,
every human being streams at night into the loving nowhere,
or during the day, in some absorbing work."
and yes
for whatever reason
i've carried this
[in my wallet
next to the
filthy lucre]
for the last
20 years
Pome n a Petri Dish
tightness of connection
from one point
to anothers
the light strand of life-mind
to lovers & mothers
nsisters too along with brothers
which reminds
that women should live
past the life of travails
speaks to the fact of
minds pinned by nails
freedoms ahead
as blind eyesr seein
the tick tock of time
doin the freein
during the interim
the dullards work to fill in space
tween uncertain source
unwitting race
arunnin along the way that i can
puttin in time
to find what i am
luvvin it all
cept once in a while
sometimes it seems alls
on trial
writin out answers
an undauntless task
pourin forth freely
after the ask
by these means to progressively see
all there is of the bigtime to be
show us all what weve not seen
bout whats worth
damn sure please us bout
where we goin
twas right
thas right
whilst talkin to ya
givin us yer words
to poke in feathersn
be like birds
all the while strivin night and day
itl always work always play
me n my woman
havin a ballin
right in tempo with
cooky crumbs fallin
love yall too
cant think of nothin
better to do
Odd, shuffle brought up 'life's a gas' by T. Rex.
I can feel the storm coming, my lawn chair is outside and a cold drink as wait for the show to begin.
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