Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Crank up the nausea machine. Activate the bad taste module. Put a quarter in the Rolfing Golem, lay down and hope it passes. Bristol Palin is going on the talk lecture tour. Apparently she’s going to talk about abstinence, instead of just abstaining from making a bigger fool of herself than she already is. She’s going to get $15,000 to $30,000 an appearance. Levi Johnston is said to be in Hollywood looking for a reality show which is newspeak for, “Get a life”, without the necessity of actually doing so. It’s an incredible disconnect to hear about TSA and border thugs manhandling the populace while banality has become the God of the people.
There’s some good news. Long time political whore and Israeli operative, Arlen Spectre (spelling intentional) has been given the boot after pulling a Joe Lieberman, without success, because Pennsylvania doesn’t have the level of general corruption that Connecticut has, which is kind of like saying that you’re never going to get the same smell from an ordinary two week old, dead body that you will get from a floater of the same age, unprofessionally pulled out of the Detroit River, with a misplaced grappling hook. He’ll be off to his next life as munitions lobbyist for The Carlyle Group as soon as Cthulhu climbs up out of the Gulf of Mexico and gives George Bush a blow job, which is kinda like beating a dead horse without the entertainment factor. This is in no wise meant to distract from Bush Senior’s actual focus of sexual attraction, which you can find through only a cursory internet search.
Do I really need to talk like this? Well, it’s the Petri Dish, that concave, virtual glass object that holds Western Culture in its cupped embrace. You can take an electron microscope and use it like Google Earth to get a street view of the people moving through it without gum boots but you have to utilize a few well placed mirrors to get the actual effect. The only thing I ever used Petri dishes for was to prepare cocaine for insufflation and that’s only accessed in The Wayback Machine these days.
If this is true, then we are now living in the moment of an extended “Bad Day at Black Rock”. We are seeing the nature of evil at the surface of its expression and “The Human Centipede” is the other half of the double feature, which is playing beneath the surface; do not see that movie and do not say I didn’t warn you.
It’s a bit of a trip to absolutely believe in the divine ineffable and to write like this at the same time but it just so happens that the ineffable does not behave according to human understanding or the cute little stage sets that sexually dysfunctional men of the cloth designed for him. God’s the ultimate outlaw. I’m pretty sure he has no intention of behaving according to the rules forced down upon us by men and women who don’t obey them either. Furthermore, all one has to do is read about his exploits to realize that he does what he pleases and for his own pleasure and that the entirety of creation is nothing more than a vehicle for his entertainment. We take things too seriously because we don’t take the truly important things seriously.
I don’t know what to tell you, which you have probably guessed by now but I will try to come up with something comforting and faith enhancing. I can tell you this. It all works out and appearances are deceiving. That’s a good thing because appearances are going to get increasingly worse as it all works out. I’d suggest a light touch and a conscious focus on levitating the expected heaviness of the heart, as it appears to spiral more and more out of control. It is a spiral and that is also a good thing.
I will tell you it is time to batten down the hatches or move to wherever it is that you expect to be when the baseball sized, flaming hail stones start raining out of the skies. It’s time for you to either fully trust in what animates you or go into survival preparation mode. I’m in the former class so I’m not making any preparations at all; taking it one day at a time and expecting things to just keep improving as they presently are doing. I don’t recommend this unless you believe it. If you do then you won’t need anything else. If you don’t then nothing else will be sufficient.
The problem with trying to understand the nature and depth of evil is that it is not possible unless you are willing to become evil by degrees as you progress to the core. The core is composed of the same thing that composes the mystery that is the majority attraction of a femme fatale. As you explore this mystery and come to the center you find there was nothing there at all. The currency of mystery is mystery itself. Once explored you find there was nothing mysterious except the appearance of it.
These are all things that we carry around with us, usually in an undeveloped state. Show business is the same thing. It’s a fantasy woven out of nothing and given presence and importance through the use of lights, mirrors and music. Life itself is easily as empty unless the only thing possessing reality inhabits your person in an activated sense and also has your attention.
This is also a very good thing because all you have to do is discover the real and dismiss the unreal and what doesn’t exist won’t be in a position to hurt you. The point of blessing things is that the act sets up a resonance with what is real and dissolves what is not on its way toward making contact. Cursing things is similar to breathing the breath of life into zombies.
I realize how all of this sounds put into the language of the Petri Dish. However, if something is so then it is true in the roughest presentation as it is in the most sublime. If it isn’t, all the prettiest words in the world won’t give it enduring life.
What’s this all about? The non-existent shit is about to hit the non-existent fan and cover all the things composed of it with more of the same. The hallucinated body doubles from Ghost World, like Hillary Clinton, are dead serious about using their seeming superiority, while it’s preeminent and before any balance of power can come into place to check it. The premise is as ignorant by contrast to the degree to which they consider themselves to be informed and is going to have the predictable result.
To the extent that something is considered necessary and desirable; to that extent it is going to become rare and difficult to obtain. People in the act of stockpiling are going to become the new grocery stores for the rampaging mob. Because of the deep cosmic need for a universal lesson, these things are going to take place in order to define the value of what is euphemistically called civilization at this time. Some will be in the movie and some will be watching it from varying distances.
You know what sort of locations, due to density, are going to be the primary staging grounds. You know which countries, due to the nature of the culture and the government is going to host the majority of the scenes. You know what sort of conditions are going to provoke what kind reactions based on the laws that have been created over the course of recent years. You know by the nature of evidence given, concerning disasters natural and manufactured, what sort of additional special effects might manifest in which locations.
Well, you must have come here for a reason and we are about to find out what that is. Since it really is a movie, my suggestion is that you make a deep investigation of what you consider to be your part and play it with all your might. It doesn’t hurt to have an in with the director either.
End Transmission.......
'Sing it Loud' is track no. 6 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
Petri Dish Mirror.
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. Or something like that I remember reading a long time ago.
Vizzy, please see the following, surely what I've come across is just some terrible coincidence:
Dish liquid to clean mammals "...In honor of Earth Day in April, before the severity of the Gulf spill was recognized, P&G stepped up airing a television commercial tied to fundraising for bird rescue efforts."
The May 6 Stockcrash Revisited
"...Cumulatively, mom and pop investors lost many millions of dollars on their stop loss orders from this free fall on May 6. Only those trades occurring between 2:40 and 3 pm that were 60 percent or more away from the market are being cancelled. That means the losses in Procter & Gamble and dozens of other stocks are real losses for those who got stopped out and real profits for those on the other side of the trade.
Over my 21 years on Wall Street, I never saw anything as remotely so suspicious as the trading activity on May 6 or as nonresponsive as the SEC’s investigation to date."
I suggest reading the articles in full, especially the Pam Martens/Counterpunch piece. Everyone knows you have to use dishwashing liquid to suds up in salt water.
It is especially troubling here there Are 12 other oil dispersants rated by the EPA as being more effective and less toxic than Corexit which is now being used by BP in the Gulf of Mexico and owned by BP.
It always has to come down to the profit even when the earth pouring out. Using dispersants will only combine with the oil and send it to the floor where it will remain forever. The marine dept at LSU university was against it but said they were left out of the loop. What do they know they only have to live in the area.
They hydrogen silfite gas in the area is they say now 100 times what the EPA claims is serious check out level.
"You know." Very Good! I have been looking for a few words to respond to people with. Thanks for a simple and health statement!
You Know
The Fool
That was a great post Les and you really have the gift of putting thoughts down in black and white while making them bloom into full Technicolor. That we are in the thick of the beginning of something huge for the planet and mankind has never been more apparent. Knowing this, I haven’t been able to move myself to survival mode and don’t have any plans to do such. I have taken the basic steps for your everyday emergency but am not guided to do anything more. Come what may my way is prepared, that is my mantra for these times. I trust that what I need at any given time will appear if it meant to appear. If not, then it wasn’t meant to happen. Sounds fatalistic but it really isn’t. I’ve always received exactly what was necessary although not always in the timeframe I preferred. So be it. The signs of what is coming are clearly showing themselves around the area that I call home. I live almost across the street from the largest Army training post in the world. And yes, I avoid the universal soldier like the plague but still feel the negativity they exude. Things are booming out this way to include widened highways, barriers dividing them, new housing construction, additions on post for 15,000 additional troops (there are three divisions here presently, none deployed). Oh, and lest I forget, in the two cities adjacent to the post, large new jails have been constructed with another in the ready at the next closest city. Civil unrest is most surely on the horizon and TPTB are more than prepared for it.
"There's a gun and ammunition,
just inside the doorway.
use them only in emergency,
Better you should pray to God,
the Father and the Spirit,
will guide you and protect you from
up here,
Can you hear me......"
"Silent Running" from Mike and the Mechanics.
Thanx y'all... this virtual place makes me feel good when I'm not right inside. I've been vibrating like a tuning fork lately, it's disturbing. So the fact that others seem to be on the same bandwidth is quite comforting to an old geek like me...
Keep rockin', Les... ;-)
"We take things too seriously because we don’t take the truly important things seriously".
Lotta wisdom contained in those words Les.
On a prosaic level, that's why I've always advocated mega-doses of ribaldry directed at the ludricous pretenders of this world - from Wall St, to Washington et al.
To actually LOOK at Hillary, for instance, is to see how preposterous she really is!!!
If she wasn't so damn HIL-arious she'd be tragic (for us!)
You know, if there's ONE thing these lizards CAN"T STAND it's being held up to ridicule. Maybe (part of) the answer, as simple as it sounds, is to just laugh at them!
As per DaveS: "Laugh and the whole world laughs with you!" LOL!!!
Thanks for another great petri-dish Viz.
-Nu Yawk Frankie
It is an ancient saying and a timeless understanding that the devil can't bear ridicule. Laugh at the devil and he will run from you. We got a lot of them to laugh at.
This was part of the point I wanted to make at Origami about confounding and exposing the malefactors. It makes them burn.
There's also an old saying of the Buddha. I don't remember it verbatim but I remember the gist. Show compassion/mercy to your enemies and it heaps coals of fire upon their heads.
Of course mercy and compassion cannot be exercised authentically if one has that in mind as an objective. It's an interesting dichotomy.
Looks like this particular saying has made the rounds……..
Romans 12:19-20
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."
Proverbs 25:21-22
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
and the LORD will reward you.
Now that is interesting because it mirrors what I remember almost exactly yet the attribution was different. I'm not confused about that but maybe the person who presented it was (grin).
Continuing on the theme of holding-up these punks to ridicule:
I remeber in high-school, there was this scrawny little skinny kid -
barely had the strength to pick up a pencil by the looks of him - but boy! did he have a way with words!
Sarcasm, wit, hilarious put-downs, poking fun at all & sundry.
Got to the point were even the bullies would steer clear of him lest he should verbally unload and they become the laughing stock!
It was a sight to behold - NO ONE dare attack him; in fact most were respectful if not down-right obsequious in his presence.
First time I saw him in action, I remember thinking: "Who IS this guy?" LOL!
- Nu YAwk Frankie
Very nice, Les.
For such an immensely complex subject as life, death and the great in between, your words are lucidly reasonable, assuring and sure.
I've been practicing my two lines, my sixteen words, exclusively.
I'll keep on until I remember them in my sleep. Like breathing, or not.
Les, great post!
" suggestion is that you make a deep investigation of what you consider to be your part and play it with all your might. It doesn’t hurt to have an in with the director either."
True words of wisdom! I'm keenly aware that the timing of this bust of expansion we're all experiencing is preparation so we are ready to "play it with all our might."
This made me laugh! First admission I'd seen from the PTB that the global populace is waking up and their grand scheme is failing.
You don't say, Sarah Palin getting 15G+ for speaking engagements. Any idea where I can get tickets. That woman is an intellectual marvel. Every time you turn on the TV there she is. They are pumping her hard, might be our next commander and chief. Makes you proud the statesmen we always seem to get for president. What a great country. I'm all choked up.
Don't worry about 'Snarlin Arlin,' I'm sure he has gazillions in campaign 'donations' socked away in some Cayman Islands account.
Maybe he could use some of that filthy lucre to open a 3-D "Magic Bullet Emporium" where people get to watch that bullet Arlin says killed JKK and wound Connelly dart and weave about like a bat chasing a bug.
Hell, I'd even pay admission to see that piece of magic.
"Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true." [paraphrased Buddhist saying]
Was reading a piece at
The Vis has it today. Remember you "know" and keep looking within for the light of truth!
The Fool
Sarah Palin gets a lot more than that to publicly embarrass herself. It's Bristol her Family Values pregnant out of wedlock daughter who's getting that amount of coin. I've got nothing against people having children with or without a contract. Hypocrisy is something else.
The mindlock vs. the metaphrand
Thanks for showing us this site. This piece seems to fit your mood today? I agree with it, but still hold a view reincarnation thats holding me back some?
The Fool
Hey Papa,.. Martial Law and curfews in "The Gentle Land of Smiles" - billboard on facing wall at Don Muang Airport; Bangkok (Krung Thep - City of Angels!) Mmmm? Next to this Billboard is a Billboard warning that the Death Penalty may be imposed for people caught trafficking drugs in Thailand ["The gentle land of Smiles", grin]. Now then, as I raise my hand for the cuts (grin) I will predict this: Within the next 72 hours the King of Thailand (With respect to The King, I am now High 'Wai-ing') will summon the political leadership to his Royal Grand Palace, Bangkok. They will attend; he will instruct them to send the Army back to their Barracks and/or return to their homes in the case of the red shirts: Someone will be exiled, all, both or one. The people will come out into the streets and celebrate the victory over this 'democratic Junta' - Democracies allow for militant juntas to 'win' power. The Khun Tamada (pro’; tam-a-dah; 'common folk') unlike all western ‘democracies’/ ‘constitutional monarchies’ – UK, Holland, Denmark etc... have in their monarch, a last refuge for redress. They achieve this convenience because they are essentially a non-secular society that is experimenting with secular governance. It is not working, however, the bankster tribe are sustaining this erroneous situation their usual way and are constantly trying to influence the population to break-away from their traditions and accept western style society. They are victims of foreign corruption much the same way as the traditional owners/caretakers of Australia, were/are...unfortunately, the indigenous population of Australia were given of such innocent and trusting natures, they soon succumbed to the carpet-baggers.
If this situation does not obtain, I will continue to pray for the Thai people, only with added focus on thier future.
So endeth the prediction.
Sawasdee Khap.
sawasdee krap
Les... what can I say but an excellent post.
It took six years but this but these are probably the best words you've ever written:
'God’s the ultimate outlaw.'
An absolutely sublime statement. Mind if I borrow it?
And this-- 'The problem with trying to understand the nature and depth of evil is that it is not possible unless you are willing to become evil by degrees as you progress to the core.'
This is quite true, except there is a way out of that core. And we both know what it is.
As for Bristol Palin, I guess the rumours are true and Playboy doesn't have the financial clout it used to. Too bad-- a double pictorial with mom would have been more appropriate. The left hand of the right wing would agree me, if they read this.
Watch the whole thing. It's been a while...listen and see!
Fuck a duck. Sorry I missed the Bristol thing. Every time I hear Palin I short circuit and want to puke. What the hell could her daughter have to say that anyone would care to listen to? What is she being groomed for? I can't believe this shit. What do they
pay you for all the good you have done with your messages? Nothing, and that stupid bitch gets 15 grand+ per lecture. It's like a tenured physics professor getting maybe 120 grand at some university while an 85 IQ Koby Bryan knocks down tens of millions. Definitely something wrong here.
Light Keeper what book did you read that the priests son told how the priests have practiced imagery (not sure exactly what you said) all these years...enslaving mankind? Can you tell me the name of the book?
Someone once said,'If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at who he gives it to.' It's galling watching morons getting rich, but remember that they can't take it with them, wherever they're going next.
Nu Yawk Frankie nailed it.
Fight them by laughing at them.
This was on WRH
Ive been gettin some feedback about "talking down" around here. Well Im sure thats going to start up again, oh well, I dont mean too. Dont shoot the messenger please?
People, the gulf mess is a circus act, its not the end of the oceans. Please chill out! The media monster is saying it the end, what should that mean to you?
In the army we called it a dog and pony show? Its pretty much the same thing as Family Guy or South Park. If you look real close, you can see Bart in the background. The more you follow it, the worse off your mind will be. FOR REAL!
If this happen in your home, youd find a way to stop it? If this happened anywhere the public could watch, it would be stopped. Its a mile down and we all have to "take" the word for it. Think about it for a sec, please?
Folks this isnt rocket science. We could sink a barge over it. We could sink one large cap of shit over it? Folks the new plan is to "recover" the hole. Why? Think, its part of the three ring show? We just finished the opening act?
Makes me sick to watch all of you powerful minded people falling off the wagon. One by one, you all find that little uneasy feeling inside and let the media man push your buttons.
The Fool
More at WRH
Do the homwork and stop lookin at the boob tube!
To DaveS
"You know, if there's ONE thing these lizards CAN"T STAND it's being held up to ridicule. Maybe (part of) the answer, as simple as it sounds, is to just laugh at them!"
I have a feeling most of the folks here on this site would really appreciate the music of Bruce Cockburn. He wrote a song that expresses exactly what you are saying. The lyrics are at .. go to "songs" then go down under L and look at the lyrics to the song titled "Laughter"
Let me see if I got this clear. You read something in the media which makes you smarter than other people who access the media and because of this you know more than they do, without any supporting facts whatsoever while also, independent scientists and foundations with helicopters and people in the bayous watching the oil come in and so on and so forth have direct contact but you've got it figured out although we can't really tell what that is that you got figured out because of the way you write and because you don't seem to have any clear idea of what you are saying.
Is that about right?
Thats about right.
Look I can skim over this a bit, as I cant write. Please read the "media" stories above as not truth, but road signs?
There is a media blackout over the site, why? The people "telling" us the news about this, are in a breifing room and not onsite? The images shown arent adding up to the problem stated? Six inchs doesnt equal death to he planet? Im NO sciencist but come on. Some amount of that stuff is gas and not oil? The people reporting and solving the problem all make a living for one source, the same source! The impact of this event that happen on Apirl 20th, remember, still isnt clear to anyone, yet the media is running at the mouth? Fear Les, that what its about?
This whole mess could have been cleaned up and turned off long before this, money and fear are keeping it going?
Time will tell, and I might find Im fooling myself, but I doubt it man, sorry to be so bullhead about it. I learned many years back, if yo dont know, act like its going to be ok?
The Fool
Thanks for all the interesting commentary and especially thanks Les.
I am listening, but between the trash truck grabbing our dumpster, and the additional stuff falling out of the windows around the alley, the sukoshi tora and I are busy dodging falling debris.
OK, translation, the divine has decided I needed to have pointed out just was IS important, and what is NOT.
I'm also still wading through Hall.
Perhaps I'll be able to breathe enough to say something more constructive later.
Well, I don't remember giving the impression that this was the death of the planet. I do think it's a big environmental disaster and my information is coming from eye-witnesses and independent scientists who are disputing the government and BP's figures.
Do I take it that you prefer the governments figures? Are they more likely to be telling the truth? See, it appears to me that what you are missing is-
the government says one thing
other sources are saying the problem is 10 to 20 times as big as the government says.
BP employees are trying to block public access to various locations.
If it's all a scam then how come the government/BP figures are so incredibility lower than all of the other people's? Shouldn't it be the other way around to be what you are saying? Shouldn't the government/BP be giving the impression it is a major tragedy, to be inline with your theory?
Instead they are playing it down.
It's things like this that confuse me.
How have I tried to will this away. God bless and keep you Les, and the readers. I will be in the city. LA County to be precise. At the Puvungna. I sugget other urban dwellers find some local sacred space, they're all around us- just will your spirit past the incensed veils of concrete and neon.
The books are the Ringing Cedars series by Vladimir Megre. I think the passages quoting the priest's son are in the 6th or 7th book. If you're interested in reading this, I'd would recommend starting at the beginning with the first book, Anastasia. The information builds on itself with each book in the series.
The books are a true account. Anastasia lives as a recluse in the Siberian forests of Russia. she is from a line that has maintained the Vedic traditions and wisdom throughout the past thousands of years without corruption by the dark forces. She is a living role model of expanded consciousness.
I've gained more from reading these books than everything else I've ever read combined. It's brought back my memories of living connected to the divine through the natural world. They contain so much information that resonates as truth. A road map for returning the planet and it's people to their pristine, divine state. It's difficult t convey in words all that comes through in reading them.
If you start reading the series, let me know what you think.
Fool: so confused. Wacked military programming + new age fluff is a strange combo. Not helping.
Please seek help.
Ran across an interesting post pertaining to Manly P Hall. It appears that we may be hearing more from him at some time in the future through the efforts of Jordan Maxwell.
Jordan Maxwell Research Team Appeal 13th May 2010
Jordan Maxwell makes an appeal to form a Los Angeles-based research team around him to help him process and publicize the contents of hundreds of boxes of archived material, including a large amount of unique and priceless material from his friend Manly P Hall, who left Jordan his entire personal library.
Contact Jordan at
Needed are:
Secretarial skills
Librarian skills
Research skills
Database management skills
Document and audio/video digitizing skills
Team co-ordination and general administrative skills
-- and much more.
You never said its the end, others here have been crying over spilled oil. I dont know what numbers are right, it confuses me too.
Look when 911 happened to saw this pattern. I asked people if they could just forget it and move on. Tomorrow isnt much different then yesterday right? Well the more people watch the news and went along with the story the more they couldnt return to a world pre 911? Same thing is happening with the spill? We all know what happened to us by moving with fear and hated after 911, yes? Let not do the same again? Thats all Im saying. Dont worry about the numbers, its all the boogie man media boy has as a weapon to create fear with? The mother doesnt fear this, the poor fish and wildlife dont fear this, why should we?
The Fool
Manly P. Hall was an amazing and gifted man. He penned the book that a lot of you are reading while only in his 20's. Here is a brief Biography.>
I use this one because it discusses his being a 33degree Mason which some readers equate with evil. Reading this bio you find the truth of the matter to be revealing.
My reasons for offering this book at this time is so that any who are open to it can come to see that all religions are extensions of something previous, including Christianity. The more you read, if you're a Christian, the more you come to see that most of what you took for granted as being true might well be only a continuation of an endless theme that changes it's appearance but never its meaning.
Anyone who can't come to this conclusion is doomed to be dragged beneath the Earth by the weight of the chains of dogma and cant. Jesus was just another example of the sun god who makes regular appearances.
The part of the book I find most compelling is the multitude of evidence of God getting angry with arrogant warkmakers and greed junkies. Like clockwork he periodically shows up to kick some ass. I was told in no uncertain terms that that time is at hand again.
We just need to step back from the fray while they are destroyed by what may well appear to be their own hand or... who knows? We need to step back and observe because we are needed in the aftermath.
Sorry I haven't gotten the Origami addition up yet. I can't do it until the time is right and I feel the flow because otherwise it's just dead words. It'll come when it comes.
Which one of his books are you referring to? I can't find which post you mentioned it in.
Sorry Im really trying to help. I feel ya. I do this in many settings, but I can tell ya it not the "programing" my friend. I seek help at all times, its called the divine? You are very good at grouping up ideas. I do have a tint of new age, but I hope you see thought that someday. "New age" stuff just misleads people? The military will always have an affect on me. I take away a love for my brothers and a deep and well thought out view of the system of hate, fear, and death, called the US?
Thanks for spelling it out for people. Soo true. I would but you all seem to think I here to sidetrack you, no point in spelling it out then?
The fear of satan is BS man. You are satan when you say stuff like that. The act of sharing that idea olny supports him? You have nailed one half of this event for people, but than push fear with the hand. Dont.
The Fool
I'm talking about this book.>
which I recommend for everyone here to read. It's about 650 pages long but once you finish it your knowledge of how things were and how that impacts on how things are will be increased exponentially.
Les -- Thanks for the kick in the pants or the brick upside the head. Whatever that was in your writing that hit me most squarely somewhere. My planning and preparing days are behind me. I've done what I can externally and will continue the internal work-in-progress. And all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.
My knowledge of Manly Hall is limited except what I have been informed of through Jordan Maxwell. Knowing that he received his information largely thru Hall gives me some impression of his work. One of the things that caught my attention was the use of sigils by TPTB. I had never questioned the use of logos by various entities and always wondered why bother and make such a big deal over them. Now I know. Whether or not they are a symbol created for a specific magical purpose is up for debate. But in looking at the trend to use certain symbols over and over by diverse corporations certainly makes me lean toward believing, at the very least, that what I am seeing is an open agreement and affirmation to a specific ideal. That ideal being a showing of membership and collusion in the agenda that is at work to produce a NWO. Pyramids, suns, circles, stars, triple slashes, eyes as in all seeing and Horus, just to name a few. Bible followers could also see this as the mark of the beast in that these symbols all signify the sun god. The symbols are a mark and the mark is his name.
I get it, I get it. The book is quite thorough, but soaking it in takes me a while.
More later, right now more trash is falling from above...
oh powers that be
who chain men mentally
who murder our rivers
and poison our sea
well I see
you try to chop down our tree
making false claims
with artificiality
under the sky
mans sold to living lie
storm cloud collide
the war mongers eye
they hide from their life
hiding inside
sold their souls
to falsehood
to what most despise
well another day done
a few more woke and run
back to begun
free slaves become one
as they always did
because the truth live
flow like a river
guide men to give.
If anyone....government or the single person came up me and said, "we seem to have this leak". Wearing a fake look of dismay that a pre-schooler could do a better job of pulling off.
Day one: They said it was small, a gallon an hour. But I see video showing 24 hours worth of leaking in just one hour, and I say you're wrong.
Day two: They say "oh sorry it's two gallons an hour". But now the video shows the entire property covered. I call them on it.
Day 3: They say "ok ok you got's really five gallons an hour, and that's our final offer"
I would call them a liar.
Scenes from monty python's the holy grail would be going through my head, where the knight is hopping on one leg, screaming, "it's just a flesh wound."
And all three days I was being lied to by the guy his little weasely yes man was fluttering round me getting in my face saying how he hates iranians, but he loves it how hispanics can cross the border whenever they feel like it.
BUT his neighbor is a criminal because he feels the total opposite.
Well then about day one I would be thinking.......
"I don't think this was an accident".
ESPECIALLY since in the past these two guys have been caught time after time causing other problems all over the neighborhood and community......for decades.
We don't need witty scree, amigo. We need names, addresses and schedules. My attorney services guy refused to give up info. How about an article on finding such?
Les, that is a really good book. I was most impressed at the thread of a previous faith which was 'the same' everywhere before it was co-opted by 'civilization'. I only read about 3/4ths of the book online, but I have a hard copy waiting for me to read. My stack of books to finish is getting larger and larger. I read several hours per day usually, but I just can't keep up. Most of the best books were written by the real 'renaissance man' types, not the ultra-specialists that we see today for the most part, and definitely not usually by 'bona fide' academics. I just got David Icke's brand new book 2 days ago and Zecharia Sitchen's hot-off-the-presses new book yesterday. I recommend any of the books of Lawrence Austine Waddell as highly enlightening regarding ancient history. He also demonstrates the pan-global unifying aspects of a very early religion and culture which existed from the farthest reaches of Europe to pre-Vedic India. It turns out that the Puranic texts are not to be dismissed as so much fantasy after all.
"The part of the book I find most compelling is the multitude of evidence of God getting angry with arrogant warkmakers and greed junkies. Like clockwork he periodically shows up to kick some ass. I was told in no uncertain terms that that time is at hand again."
Just asking. What part of Halls book suggested that to you? Silly question yes, but in reviewing it you might see anew?
I was told in "certian terms" its up to us, to ask for an asskicking? The patterns of ones own life are seen on all levels of life and social order, and "it" doent show up till you are ready? "It" never went anywhere to come back too? It is only seen by the soul, not the body. "It" doesnt act apon people but though people? "It" cant act if you are full of fear and loss. "It" will wait for you?
As a wise person posted a few days back. Watch what you ask for, you might get it? Or better put, why are you asking for it Les?
PS the "teller" here is a force shared by all of us, it binds us and gives enegry to us, and can speak with us, if you care to listen?
The Fool
You are intentionally trying to annoy me. I'm not going to bite. Read the book or don't read it and don't read into what I'm saying and then bend it to fit your purposes. The impression you give can best be expressed like this, "Yes well, that's a good idea but mine is better." it seems no matter what anyone says, you've got the answer and they don't.
We're not stupid here but we are tolerant. I'm not saying this with any rancor. My credo is that I don't know and you don't either. That's how I play it. Anything and everything I say is open to question and anyone who doesn't question anything is a fool but there are ways to manage this so that everyone is improved in the process. This isn't one of them.
And furthermore-
"We don't need witty scree, amigo. We need names, addresses and schedules. My attorney services guy refused to give up info. How about an article on finding such?"
Interesting syntax.
The condescending manner is to be expected from anonymous. So is not making any sense. What is not to be expected is any kind of positive response on my behalf.
Moving right along.....
Please, I DONT KNOW EITHER! This has got to be the last time we go over this ground, please! I pen myself the fool for a reason?
I have been lookin over that book, time and time again. My first take was about five years ago. I reread parts of it weekly. Im not suggesting anything better(better is a word satan would use), youre hearing that my freind, and you should ask why?
Please dont bite, think.
"You are intentionally trying to annoy me."
No, I AM ANNOYING YOU, thats all. Its not my intent to, trust me. You gift and a light for us all, please dont get so bent up please. The whole system and method of coming to some truth is annoying, right?
The Fool
Moving right along...
I don't know how many times I have to go find things for people or all of the things I wind up doing because people won't look on their own. Or I find it and it's just what I said it was but these people don't want to be convinced of anything. They want to argue.
So, as it is, I'm no one's research assistant. I'm no one's personal search engine. I'm tired of going to search engines and finding in 10 seconds what they were too lazy or unaware to do themselves but took more time asking me to find it than it would have taken them to begin with.
I still help out when I can but my contribution should be what I do here and stop at that point.
I'm not upset and I'm not annoyed. That seems to have ended with all the new things that are happening. Now I have a new set of shortcomings to work with (grin).
I recognize that we are all trying in our own way; no matter how eccentric that may seem, to realize truth; then of course someone comes along and says "You don't realize truth. You already are truth." No matter what you say, someone has got something else from some other Mt Olympus, so it you say green, they say blue. If you say blue well then, they just have to say green.
I find it amusing is what it is these days. The truth isn't ever going to get said here because it can't be spoken except in a relative sense... but one can gesture and point; metaphorically speaking.
Thank you for posting the link to The Secret Teachings of All Ages. I appreciate it.
oh little fishes
with dreams
and small wishes
who could end up on dish's
or in oil ridden conditions
to all in the sea
may peace to you be
and also
to the bee
whose bumbling free
buzzing around
hum to the sound
to earth bound
love living ground
and living sea
all divinity
have a flower
from grandmother
a sacred earth seed.
Hey Papa,..What's your take on the b'nai brith? I have my opinion and I have investigated this institution quite thoroughly, nonetheless, I would appreciate your view or assessment, or understandings as it were. Also, I have some information that alleges that mother Teresa was a co-mason, know anything about that? Her history is pretty well protected (or hidden) due to the allegations by her own sisiters of her meanness and dogmatic arrogance. I am intrigued now by all this interest being shown in Hall at these Blogs, I’m not suggesting I might be wrong in my assessment, G-d forbid (grin) however, further to this obvious interest; perhaps you might have some of Pike’s work available for perusal? I am sure those here would appreciate the extension. Many Lodge’s revere Pike as ‘the father of modern masonry’, how say you?
Ever and always...
Oh, Dublin Mick; excellent abstract on ‘the stones’, talk about in-plain-sight. Totally concur with your result; which leads me to respond to a previous comment here, I can’t find it anywhere but I will tell you it was regarding the exponential increase of the world population, translating as an exponential increase in those given of energetic personas more consistent with love light & peace than greed and enmity and so on. DM, perhaps the stones in Georgia talk of a manageable populace not because of access to food and water; we all know that a properly managed earth would provide abundance for all. Perhaps the figure quoted on the stones is about managing the energetic opposition to those that are manipulating the presence of sa-tans to their own purposes – to wit, utter chaos precipitating the manifestation of moshiach: The belief in the coming of moshiach and the messianic redemption is one of the fundamental principles of the Babylonian Talmudic Mystical Jewish faith.
Should we all be on the look-out for some old bankster on a white donkey?(grin)
This is wonderful news and sounds most beneficial as long as BP isn’t allowed to continue making a bigger mess. Remedies and solutions to the volcano of oil keep appearing. It’s wonderful to see some encouragement amid the chaos in the Gulf.
Costner's Cleanup Machines to Be Tested in Gulf
The Le/fool's instant psychoanalysis has shifted and focused on you. You have my deepest sympathy.
It could be he thinks he is immune to the on going planetary collapse, he thrives on oil, he thrives on catastrophic scenarios, doesn't need oxygen, life support systems etc etc.
Maybe he thinks he can last while on the blood of dying coprses! Then again maybe he is just stupid!
My personal montra is "Life is a situation comedy, write yourself some funny lines."
Laughter helps under any circumstance.
Hey Papa,..What's your take on the b'nai brith? I have my opinion and I have investigated this institution quite thoroughly, nonetheless, I would appreciate your view or assessment, or understandings as it were. Also, I have some information that alleges that mother Teresa was a co-mason, know anything about that? Her history is pretty well protected (or hidden) due to the allegations by her own sisters of her meanness and dogmatic arrogance. I am intrigued now by all this interest being shown in Hall at these Blogs, I’m not suggesting I might be wrong in my assessment, G-d forbid (grin) however, further to this obvious interest; perhaps you might have some of Pike’s work available for perusal? I am sure those here would appreciate the extension. Many Lodge’s revere Pike as ‘the father of modern masonry’, how say you?
Ever and always...
CrossOfKT Documents.jpg PG.
Oh, Dublin Mick; excellent abstract on ‘the stones’, talk about in-plain-sight. Totally concur with your result; which leads me to respond to a previous comment here, I can’t find it anywhere but I will tell you it was regarding the exponential increase of the world population, translating as an exponential increase in those given of energetic personas more consistent with love light & peace than greed and enmity and so on. DM, perhaps the stones in Georgia talk of a manageable populace not because of access to food and water; we all know that a properly managed earth would provide abundance for all. Perhaps the figure quoted on the stones is about managing the energetic opposition to those that are manipulating the presence of sa-tans to their own purposes – to wit, utter chaos precipitating the manifestation of moshiach: The belief in the coming of moshiach and the messianic redemption is one of the fundamental principles of the Babylonian Talmudic Mystical Jewish faith.
Should we all be on the look-out for some old bankster on a white donkey?(grin)
Hi All,
This might be very important. Some group on the internet has come up with a potential remedy to the Mexican Gulf oil disaster.
In summary, in my own words:
BP is preparing a so called 'Top Kill'
A very knowledgeable group on the Internet is very worried about this remedy and instead suggest using a 'Top Slurp'
They have suggested this idea already to BP through official channels, but the more this idea is 'pushed' the better IMHO.
I include an excerpt from this expert discussion that I have been following closely for weeks now:
Petroleum Engineer1 says:
Just occured to me to produce up the choke and kill line if the top kill is deemed unfeasible. Horizon: you hate the top kill. How about the "top flow"? And the flow from the 2" valve On the capped end of the drill pipe, and the existing straw production and perhaps we could out produce the well from other spill points.
Please spread 'far and wide'
Quoting M.P Hall
"Hegel further believed that all things owe their existence to their opposites and that all opposites are actually identical. Thus the only the relationship of opposites to each other, through whose combinations new elements are produced. As the Divine Mind is an eternal process of thought never accomplished, Hegel assails the very foundation of theism and his philosophy limits immortality to the everflowing Deity alone. Evolution is consequently the never-ending flow of Divine Consciousness out of itself; all creation, though continually moving, never arrives at any state other than that of ceaseless flow."
An interesting quote none the less. I thought it seemed to jive with the moment...
Dublin Mick... thank you for sharing your views on Rockefeller, the guidestones, and oil. That is music to my ears and I think what you have stated here is really it. I always figured it was primarily about oil and population, but rarely is it mentioned as clearly and concisely as you have put it. It is incredible how little consensus there is out there on how to create a sustainable world... no wonder they are infighting =)
I came across this wonderful interview with Daneil Estulin which covers the topic of oil and how price manipulation is used as a type of economic warfare between the US, China and Russia. Despite its imperfections I highly recommend checking this out...
Daniel Estulin -Bilderberbergers - New World Order (Rockefeller, oil, power, black nobility)
love all,
Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
...On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
Oh lord yeah!
WV: "comente" OK then.
I call your attention to page 84 of The Secret Teachings of all Ages and
"Poimandres, the vision of Hermes"
Though I have been aware of this book (TST of AA) since I used to carry it in my spiritual occult bookstore, "The Ajna Bookstore" in Woodstock, N.Y. when I was in my early 20's, I have never read it. I've looked through it and read sections but not until now am I reading it cover to cover.
Poimandres begins on Page 84 and it shouldn't take any great length of time to read it. I felt lightning bolts going off in my head as I read it, pinging off of the things I already believed to be true and also stating certain things I was unaware of and certain things that were a grim promise indeed for those who are the focus of much of our concern in these days. Pay special attention to the mention of evil destroying itself and other things that get mentioned and discussed at these locations every day. Here is confirmation from many centuries before of what it true of this life; how life a wheel returning.
It also made me realize how incredibly fortunate I am so that there is not anything in the world or even the totality of the world itself that can measure in value against what has introduced itself to me. Words can in no way ever do justice to this or my gratitude.
Sorry Les,
I am not there yet. I haven't even got to Atlantis yet.
I'll catch up, but there is much to absorb.
i can't even speak to this....
Morals & Dogma
Albert Pike
1871 - Library of Congress
sorry no live index:
"as soon as Cthulhu climbs up out of the Gulf of Mexico and gives George Bush a blow job,"
Hee hee. Wiser words were never inferred.
Personally, I'm waiting for the new HSX trading to get in gear. After that we should look forward to some sort of NFL/NBL futures!
Now I can do a few trades on my iPod while chatting w/some friends about the next movie previews as I'm flying down the highway @65mph on my way to a power-brunch at AJ Gators.
So much research to do!
So much to look forward to!
Green shoots!
God I love America.
There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-
The Gathering Darkness and its Inescapable Destiny..>
thanks so much for the jordanmaxwell links..
wonderful news...on hall...
You always give me something to respond to, thanks! Try this next time. Say something that has no response. You'll sound smart?
Im just playing, youre a smart guy man!
"The Le/fool's instant psychoanalysis has shifted and focused on you. You have my deepest sympathy."
- Oopppps sorry, didnt know Les was the benevolent ruler of this plane, Ill try and not shift his focus. What, will the planets fly out of order or something?
"It could be he thinks he is immune to the on going planetary collapse"
- Yes I am. So are you.
he thrives on oil, he thrives on catastrophic scenarios
- Yes and then no. You thrive on both? We all use gas silly. Change your usege and I might feel ya here. You feed of catastrophic events because you cant stop talking about them?
doesn't need oxygen, life support systems etc etc.
- Ok you got me I need oxygen, damm wanted to fight ya over that, you win! Life support system, not sure we are seeing the same thing here. The earth isnt a life support system, if you think that, you got one big ego. The plant isnt here for you, or for you to live on it, melon head. You are the planet?
Maybe he thinks he can last while on the blood of dying coprses!
- Yes I can and so can/do you. You eat meat? Youre feeding off the the blood of dying coprses right now silly.
Then again maybe he is just stupid!
- Dub you could say a million different things here? Why this man? You really like fuckin up your Wu wei? Just dont open your mouth when you feel stuff like this coming on?
The Fool
Wow Les,
This beautiful text answered my question on what to 'do' with this tremendous 'gift' I have also received with your help; being a guide for others.
That is what you have been doing for us for a long time now, and what I intend to do.
In Gratitude,
Love to All
"Furthermore, all one has to do is read about his exploits to realize that he does what he pleases and for his own pleasure and that the entirety of creation is nothing more than a vehicle for his entertainment. We take things too seriously because we don’t take the truly important things seriously."
11Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Today, in honor of Sita Devi's Appearance, we will revist a previously discussed (2006) Indian Miniature depicting an episode from the Ramayana -- the Birth of Sita devi. Sita devi, who is an incarnation of Laksmi, was not born of woman but of the Earth Goddess, Bhumi devi herself. In Maharishi Valmiki's own words, Ramayana is known as the noble story of Sita -- "Sita-ayah Charitam Mahat".
Janaka Maharaj, the king of Mithila, was ploughing a piece of land to prepare it for conducting a yajna. While ploughing, he unearthed a golden casket in which he found a beautiful girl, which caused him to be greatly overjoyed. Because land ploughed by the yoke is called 'sita', he named the baby Sita.
Sita devi was to be given in marriage to anyone who could bend the powerful bow given to Janaka by Lord Shiva. Rama succeeded in bending the great bow, and he married Sita. Their later, inconceivable pastimes are presented throughout Sri Ramayana.
Since this is Petri, I hope I do not offend Les or others by submitting this lighter side of humanity:
{Actual College quiz question in chemistry}:
“Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?”
One student's answer:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving, which is unlikely. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today.
Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, ‘It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,’ and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore extinct, leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting ‘Oh my God.’
(The student got an "A")
hee hee
Heh heh.
That's brilliant!
golfclap, kevin john!
awww man, i needed that smile this am!
well glad to see the mention of the Hiliary look alikes, seeming how there is another one now. the real one is rather out of site.
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