Alcohol has ruled over human consciousness for thousands of years. It has been responsible for as much grief as ignorance and greed and that is saying something. People drink to loosen up. They drink to get free but do not consider what it is that they are setting free. Well, when you don’t know who you are to begin with, it can often be a surprise to see who shows up. I’m not inclined to let demon rum steal my soul.
In your self-considered ‘better circles’ people brag about how they can drink good whiskey as if that’s some indication of refined taste. The truth is that it tastes like shit. Even the finest Scotch whiskey, which the puerile ego consciousness believes to impart class and refinement to their, Afghan hound-like, posturing about among their fellows- tastes like shit.
Alcohol ruins your physical, emotional and mental bodies and drains your spiritual nature into the underworld. As I’ve said many other places before, more people die from alcohol each year than die from all illegal drugs in a century. Yet alcohol is legal. Why is it legal? It’s legal because it promotes guilt, which can be milked to high advantage in today’s cultures. It’s also legal because it assists in plugging the attention into the material aspects of this world and that’s good for business. It’s been called a social lubricant and it is but only certain aspects of a person can be shared under its influence. Sure... everyone has had a few bright moments on the stuff but overall... overall it is one of the most destructive things on Earth.
In these times, legal pharmaceuticals run a close second and they kill too. They kill and impair worse than illegal drugs and kill far more people. Why are some drugs illegal? They are illegal because they have the capacity to take you briefly outside the envelope of illusion that covers the world. They grant insight and often what one learns is that the world in which they live is a lie which they are compelled to participate in. Some illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine are also highly toxic and very pervasive. The latter shouldn’t come as a surprise since agents of governments the world over are engaged in their proliferation. They even create wars to increase their profits... in China... in Afghanistan.
There is a serious disconnect in any society that promotes the use of the most destructive chemical agents and ruthlessly suppresses the use of more benign agents. It’s not accidental. It’s all about control and the manipulation of the human consciousness through marketed illusions which track back to life on rails and shopping as an avocation.
Another serious disconnect is in the way we react to loss in our own lives as opposed to loss in the lives of others. Some woman loses a child by accident, by disease, by some medium and engages in her public and private grief. Yet she supports the killings in Gaza where the deaths were intentional, unnecessary and gratuitously performed for political gain. She has no feeling for so many dead women and children and no remorse for her culpability in these deaths. The woman is an Israeli so there is culpability, just as all Americans who have not spoken out against the unnecessary, manufactured wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are culpable. Here is yet another serious disconnect. Your pain is all important- put it up in lights and draw a crowd- the pain of others is not important especially if you are engaged in causing it from the noble motive of personal gain.
So many people have such high hopes for President Obama. I would like to share their enthusiasm since it has been some time since there was an American leader that one could feel good about. Unfortunately for me, I remember what he said before he got elected and I am listening to what he says now. I note that he is not ending the war in Iraq and that withdrawal will not be complete until the end of next year. A lot can happen in such a long period of time and my thinking is that that is the intention. One should remember the massive, permanent military installations that were built throughout that country. It also appears that the withdrawal is a big fat lie. Many of us know what the real problem behind the other problems is- and has been- but will Obama listen?
I note the people he appointed to key positions and I note the people he left in key positions that served the previous criminal administration. I note that he’s done nothing to reduce Israel’s power over the American political scene. Is this a sign of awakening or a red herring? How can he serve American interests if he is also serving Israeli interests? He can’t. As has been shown by their attack on the U.S.S. Liberty... their involvement in 9/11 and being the major force behind the push for the Iraqi War; keeping in mind that the Afghanistan war was caused by lies about who engineered and carried out 9/11, it is clear that Israel is an enemy of the United States. I know this, Obama must know it and ergo... Obama is a servant of anti-American, Israeli policies. But he talks good. He makes sweeping speeches that people can’t seem to remember are composed only of words. Time will tell what actions follow these words. Once again...; a disconnect between what we hear and what happens and does not happen; between reality and what cross-dresses in its place.
I watched a tape of the Academy Awards without commercial interruption but still saw the Coke logo come up repeatedly. We used to pour Coke on car battery connections to clean them. People drink this shit and worse. They pour aspartame down their gullets and smile at each other like they’re in a commercial somewhere. They eat food that has been seriously messed with and think they’re living the good life as they destroy the integrity of their physical system. The truth about this can be seen in all directions and studied in national health reports and rising insurance costs. The medical treatment they receive is designed and owned by the corporations that sell the by products intended to treat the conditions and at the bottom of it all you find that ill health is big business so generation of disease through the marketplace is a win-win situation; another serious disconnect.
America is a debt based society so it will fall. Nothing is going to save it. Here’s what would now be called a prophetic look. Its demise is written into the practices that it follows to the profitable ends of those who milk it. This is why the looting is now taking place in a free for all frenzy that is the personal province of a few who ironically represent what their victims wish they could be their ignorant dreams... and who tell them the same things they told them last time they took them to the cleaners... disconnect... disconnect.
America has destroyed its manufacturing base so the only place it can get the things it used to make is from other countries how... tell me how can there be a financial recovery without a manufacturing base? And who caused this? The corporations did this in order to maximize their profits and they bought off all of the watchdog agencies along the way as we are now finding out. It is possible that the Ponzi schemes being uncovered are far more widespread than formerly believed. It truly is a house of cards. Has Obama and members of his administration come forth to state that all these high-end lawbreakers will go to jail? Meanwhile it is said that the torture and abuse at Guantanamo is more intense than at any other time because the psychopaths in their personal playground want to get their money’s worth before they have to move on to another area of industry.
Celebrities make fools of themselves, crying out for gay marriage while the nation crumbles. Banks finance luxury junkets and there is no shame. What do you get? You get great oratory made up of words you can neither spend nor eat. Does this qualify as a serious disconnect? And the shit hasn’t even hit the fan yet. What kind of madness, what epidemic panics of self interest are yet to display? And the video games continue, the television and radio play on and ghost money floods the Monopoly game, while the table beneath it smokes and burns from within.
'I'm a New Age Twinkie' is track no. 10 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'

Good work as usual Les. very well conceived.
I was only able to overcome alcoholism with GHB and ketamine
sessions. There was an underlying dysphoria and depression that simply might be caused by "the times" we have to survive. Now I see there is another drug that may help with ethanol. (Rehabs and SSRIs sure didn't)
This muscle relaxant also acts on
the GABA receptors (as do GHB and
ketamine to some extent, IIRC). A friend has a sister with terminal ALS & it also helps her immensely.
"god invented alcohol so that ugly people can get laid too"--that came from somewhere along the way--I stopped drinking 20 years ago and have never regretted it--stopped a lot of other things too--I got laid more than anyone I know and never even caught a common cold--i also question gov't STD figures--one of the last things you can enjoy and they want you to think that you'll catch something and your hair will fall out--maybe yes, maybe no--I don't worry about that either as I have never so much as held hands with another woman since getting married--I can at any time though--I can do anything I want any time of day but the trade-off just doesn't compute--not that there is any such thing as a trade off--either it is, or it isn't--and for me, it isn't--
I like getting up in the morning, it's my time and I don't want it fogged or fucked up--I do understand certain peoples use of certain things if they can handle it--which few, in reality can--it just isn't for me and that is where it begins and ends. You can see why the WAR (tee-hee) on drugs targets meth and pot--because it can be made, and or grown here--and they don't like the competition--just that simple--The influx of cheap heroin is in the house next door--we know young people who got hooked and made it out--maybe we just have not heard of the housewife down the street yet--it starts out as a snort and ends up sticking a needle in your eye--nasty
Funny how times change--in my heyday I had a bottle of Dom Perignon in my hand and.....well, just ask Billy Joel the rest--Had a very strange reminder of that 6am trying to get home before the sun comes up thing just the other day--took me a minute or two to get around what the message was but it came through loud and clear and I now understand why--I'll keep you posted as a change is in the wind--don't know if it'll blow past or if I take wing and go with it--my decision but the circumstances have not arrived on the 4:15 from Kansas City------- yet--
It is in the disconnect as I wrote in my last comment that I had to email to Les to post because for some reason, i can't post to mirrors--but I can at Origami, Petri, etc.---
The disconnect is where it's at--then the journey begins--bit by bit
As the crap scales fall from your eyes, we begin to see, and focus---the load gets lighter---
Just remember to smile every chance you get today---------Nice
'It’s not accidental.' to quote.
Have been in charge of work crews, in manufacturing facilities, back in the mid-eightes. There workers consisted of blacks, hispanics (mostly did not speak English), indians, and whites. The owners were Jews and made sure every manager was white, which made perfect sense to me.
The hispanics worked the hardest, without complaint, followed by the indians. The next most reliable were the blacks, who you had to be mellow with. The worse by far were the whites, who were lazy, disrespectful, and arrogant, in spite of having no talent to speak of.
Considering that this occurred twenty years ago, when white people in the US still had some integrity, this bodes very badly for the future of the manufacturing output of the US. Once the hispanics become americanized, they too will behave like this example of white trash.
Face it, the US is fu$%ed, and nothing will stop the coming full scale nuclear war. You all deserve what is too occur. HaHaHa.
Dead on in every regard. Les, voices like yours are increasing out in the world. This is my feeling anyway. People are catching on as conditions get worse and things get uncovered. Questions are being asked more frequently. Ron Paul is doing some great testimony before congress and Bernake, etc. The times only get more interesting!
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ...
Been thinking about how television and film have contributed to the disconnect. Not just the obvious stuff either. The old movies always had plenty of smoking and drinking going on. There were other more subtle things too. From Bogart to Clint Eastwood. Cool guys who always got the girls, and beat up the guys.
What affect did that have on the sub conscious of the average person watching? The women watching thought, what a putz my husband is, he's nothing like those guys. The discontent is wedged in the mind and you might not even realize it. And the men watching, thinking what a putz I am, nothing like those cool guys. I'm seeing a lot of disruption here. I remember in the 70's divorces actually got popular.
Speaking of Bogie, and totally off topic, but I just saw "Play it again SAM" again after years, and of course Woody is too pathetic, and Bogart is there in the background giving him advice. Anyway he's at an art museum and see's an attractive young woman...
Allan: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?
Woman: Yes, it is.
Allan: What does it say to you?
Woman (speaking in monotone): It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror, and degradation, forming a useless, bleak straitjacket in a black, absurd cosmos.
Allan: What are you doing Saturday night?
Woman: Committing suicide.
Allan: What about Friday night?
I lost my train of thought hehe.
Jj -
Always love your stream-of-consciousness superflow you've got going on there. I bet you wrote that in less than 15 seconds. I've tried that a few times and it's fun but I sound like Bob Dylan on crack when I do it.
You are spot on about the ketamine. I take it as a preventative against all sorts of things (when I can get it). The GHB brought its own peculiar problems which I won't go into (grin)
By the way folks, I just got this email from someone who works at the Southeast Asia News-
Lloyd T Vance
to me
show details 3:54 PM (2 hours ago)
"i just read your blog and was expecting to read something about why the simulas package wont work and america loosing its manufacturing base
instead i read rubbish
absolute rubbish from a stoned fuck tard who is talking all over the place
if your going to write a story on a subject then write a story on that subject
but to read trash all over the place you must like listening to your own voice dick weed
lay off the dope"
I couldn't figure out why all the venom and then I got it, he's an alcoholic and doesn't want me talking about his girlfriend.
Here's his email address-
Lloyd T Vance
I remonstrated with him about his spelling and all the rest and did point out that 'fucktard' is one word, though probably a fucktard wouldn't know this. Then I sent the letter off to the editor at the paper. I just sent it to
Maybe it gets there and maybe it doesn't and I said that I hoped this fellow doesn't actually write for you given what seem to be his level of ability.
Anyway... some amusement for the day.
That's hilarious. There he was expecting you to reinforce his beliefs and you inadvertently threw him under the bus. Hate when that happens.
Please send him my condolences.
Hi Les, good article, good vibes from NW Washington. BTW I think it was you who recommended "They Live"-finally found it and enjoyed it very much. It and "Idiocracy" are two of the most truthful cinematic productions I've ever seen.
And, I like this, posted from a fellow reader
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"-thats great!!
Your comments on alcohol hit home. Used to wonder why one of the most dangerous and physically damaging drugs was legal while safer ones, weren't. Maybe this is why. In addition to providing a revenue stream for black ops and providing employment to the otherwise unemployable, alcohol suits the Puritan mentality. If you have fun, you are expected to suffer later. Over indulgnce contains a built-in penalty which is most unpleasant.
Les, I'm with you for the most part here in this post, but I have to assume that either you've never had good whiskey or there is something seriously wrong with my genetic makeup (there should be - I'm an IrishScotWithPerhapsABitOfChinese - AndSomeWelshAndSomeFrench, can't be good) that makes that shit taste good to me. It's like cats and catnip, though - you don't like it 'til a certain age. Catnip, 6 months. Good whiskey, I don't know, for me the incubation period was decades.
Alcohol is, yes, a fiend. As in demon. But such things have their places. Some of us are already dousing mental basement fires that were set so many years ago and keep smouldering.
Some of us enjoy the occasional flame blast. Anything left in my mental kitchen is fireproof anyway, and dented. Darkness has its place, right beside around behind the light.
I seek neither now. I want peace, Tanelorn, the Grey Havens. For a while, anyway. The war goes on without me whether I will it or no. Twilight suits me as a place to gather my thoughts.
Not that that really pertains to alcohol or Obama. Except in an oblique sort of way. And I do think that alcohol is used by the sort of people that ride forces and try to sway them, with broadly destructive results. However, a little moonshine in the secret night is an act of power and personal connection, physically and politically - and a sip from the stone bottle over darkened keyboard as the freezing night slips in the black windows to pull the drifting smoke from my cooling pipe, done right at the right time, has nothing to do with deadening my mind or ruining my life.
Of course, head to a bar or over to Joe Uncaring Lump's smelly couch on a Saturday, and I'll agree that demons are feasting upon dead and rotting minds. But hey - if you want to screw yourself up and be the first fodder for the dogs of War, that's a lifeway.
Les, I think that if as a group of groups, as a species, whatever, if we don't start paying more attention to the way our lives call out to be lived and less to the incoherent screaming of our prophets and masters, we'll just get fired by the Mother. R.A. Lafferty wrote a great story about that, in which, at the great naming, we are named again ape, secondary ape, and our speech leaves us and we tear our clothing off and return to being a smaller part of It. I agree, and not theoretically, I dream and write of this process in other ways. I think we have a chance to move Along, to do whatever it is we're trying to do (other than being Mother's eyeshandsminds). I think that that is likely to involve machines in some way. I think we are also very close to the Naming time, and my money is frankly on the crows and rats for the job. Half-a-million years of gentle messages flowing through the great biomes' genes, and they'll be saying "Awk? Awk?". We took a long time to flower into civilization-makers, but it's not like there aren't plenty of Plan B species around.
Soldier on, man. And watch that Demon Rum. It kern git dern hard to tell between yer sister an yer wife with him around, yeee-haw! (as the breeding project masters assigned to intellect-reduction in Specie: Americana D and E Types chuckle).
To Anony#2 - ummmm, dude, GHB and K to get over alcohol? I would say quit convincing yourself that you need to get trashed on chemicals all the time. You want to get over alcohol? Eat a bunch of mushrooms out in the forest with friends. Get deeeeeep into the best places you can find in your head - even if they're harsh weird places. Grooove out. Then, at the height of the good physical feelings and deep tripping...
Now, an aside - take enough to get somewhere, and take them intending to go there, not intending to 'get a buzz' eating a little and then 'partying' is a waste of good natural chemicals that the Mother worked hard to invent and procreate. the height of the trip, get drunk. Don't do it properly. Misuse it. Guzzle some cheap crap, Sudden Discomfort or the like.
Before three mouthfuls are down your throat, you'll realize that what you're doing is wrong on more levels than you knew existed. It's like when you first really work hard and you hurt muscles you didn't realize were ever there, little ones all over. If you're really an alcoholic, you'll find you also can finally see that for what it is. Helps one control it, to know the small size of the physical and mental dimensions of the trap (mere sugar cravings, mere fear...pfah! I don't 'give in' to things like that any more - I either ignore them, or, if I feel like I need the sensation of it, I throw them on the floor, Have My Way with them, walk away, and never even call them for months).
Or, if you don't feel like going through all that trouble or can't reliably obtain the Mother's fungal gifts (which are dangerous in their own way, like all things of power) - then just understand the physical side. If you are afraid and shaky and craving, you are probably primarily hungry and secondarily bored. Eat and walk somewhere. If the fear and craving are much stronger than that, then join a martial arts club and get an endorphin habit to crush the crap out of your cravings while learning something. Avoid bad teachers - look for gentle people with strong bodies and straight posture. Some martial arts teachers have little problems themselves.
Or go join the army. I hear they will frig you up 24/7 on hi-test pharms. Fun in a horrible, frightening, fatal kind of way.
But don't listen to any fool doctor who tells you that one of the fifty horrible side-effects some pill will stop you drinking. Alcoholic behaviour is a little more complicated than that. Not a lot, but you can't make it go away with a farkin' pill. It's like the ones for being sad. Oh look! I'm not sad as I mow down my co-workers with a forklift! In fact, I'm laughing! AHAHAHAAAA! (cut to Pfister Proloft logo).
Grief with you for your sister who has ALS. Bummer. Hope they can ease her pain - pills for palliative I'm slightly more willing to consider. What drugs does Hawking use (other than hope and fierce will)? He's lasted longer than a healthy alcoholic now.
Mmmm - one last thing - re: f*cktard vs f*ck tard as a construction. They're actually two different terms, man. One, the single-word version, is a dumb jerk only more so. The other, the two-word version is someone stupid you keep around to, well, if you get bored at poker, you know. Meantime they can do the chores - see: Banking Classes (poker-players) vs. American Population (captive retard used for sex and household drudgery).
Just a linguistical note like.
Here's what I've found. Just as we are all different and unique individuals, even if there be but one self... methods and results vary and I can make no one size fits all rules for anyone.
I know what works for me and since that is the only person who counts in terms of what I may use or not use, no other input could be nearly as valuable as my own experience.
I've seen people destroyed by things I could take or leave and vise versa nearly the same thing with something else.
There are no hard and fast rules that can apply across the board and no proclamations that can be made as to whether something can or cannot do something when there is a great deal of evidence for both. I personally know of any number of examples pro and con.
I suppose the best evidence would be if this particular commentator was in excellent shape which is the case. Also... anything one encounters has a highway attached. You can tell where you're headed by the country you are passing through. It gets better or worse depending. Some things are a waste period but even with these there have been peculiar exceptions.
Anonymous said...
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ...
8:37 AM
This is a great quote. I would like to ask for a name for citation. May I use it as a signature for my e-mails and screen ids? This is why I would like it cited....
Visible said...
By the way folks, I just got this email from someone who works at the Southeast Asia News-
Lloyd T Vance
to me
show details 3:54 PM (2 hours ago)
"i just read your blog and was expecting to read something about why the simulas package wont work and america loosing its manufacturing base
instead i read rubbish
absolute rubbish from a stoned fuck tard who is talking all over the place
if your going to write a story on a subject then write a story on that subject
but to read trash all over the place you must like listening to your own voice dick weed
lay off the dope"
I couldn't figure out why all the venom and then I got it, he's an alcoholic and doesn't want me talking about his girlfriend.
Here's his email address-
Lloyd T Vance
I remonstrated with him about his spelling and all the rest and did point out that 'fucktard' is one word, though probably a fucktard wouldn't know this. Then I sent the letter off to the editor at the paper. I just sent it to
Maybe it gets there and maybe it doesn't and I said that I hoped this fellow doesn't actually write for you given what seem to be his level of ability.
Anyway... some amusement for the day.
9:15 AM
ben:suck in a load of helium, hit the crack pipe, and let it, yeah, fly, that's the ticket......what were we talking about anyway.......oh, that's right.....sorry man, i have turned back to religion to re-virginize myself so i can go to heaven and it's messin' wiff my ummmm....ummmmm...mind, yeah, that's it, my ummmm....ummmmm....yeah....
I paid for those I want em'
fuckin' swooping bats...and me without my shotgun.........
where oh where can my baby be......
i am currently on hiatus in Daytona Beach and it's the start of bike week.........if there's an accident, there are sure to be plenty of doctors and ambulance chasing lawyers on hand--imagine the predicament of a lawyer trying to look like a bad ass biker at an accident scene and attempting to slip his "Dewey, Screwum and Howe-- Attorneys at Law" business card into the buttless chaps of an injured accountant from Encino without being noticed--and you think you have problems---
The boys (mine) are all hopped up hoping to go down to the main drag tonight as they have heard that last year, playboy bunnies were riding Harley's butt naked down the street--urban legend or truth--I probably should go and supervise---if it's true, there will be a few stolen motorcyle seats on teenage boys walls in Ohio soon--even if it's not true--there's always hope in a teenage boys heart---imagine coming home with those--rock star status amongst your
There's a song out there called "High School Never Ends" that kind of explains my feelings at this point before heading the trusty 2000 Expedition (179,000 miles and only rebuilt 3 or 4 times--thank god for the ford motor company)--northwards--I leave you with the words--
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
4 Years you think for sure
That's all you've got to endure
All the (total dicks)
All the Stuck-up Chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then When you graduate,
Ya take a look around and you say "Hey Wait!"
This is the same as where I just came from,
I thought it was over, Aw that's just great.
The Whole Damn World is just as obsessed
With who‘s the best dressed and (who's havin' sex)
Who‘s got the money. Who (gets the honeys)
Who‘s kinda cute and who‘s just a mess
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High School Never Ends
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Check out the popular kids
You'll never guess what Jessica did!
And how did Mary Kate (lose all that weight?)
And (Katie had a baby so I guess Tom's straight!)
And the only thing that matters,
Is climbing up that social ladder
Still care about your hair and the car you drive
Doesn't matter if you're 16 or 35
Reese Witherspoon, she's the Prom Queen
Bill Gates, Captain of the chess team
Jack Black, the clown
Brad Pitt, the quarterback
Seen it all before
I want my money back!
The Whole (damn) World is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and (who's havin' sex)
Who's (in the club and who's on the drugs)
(And who's throwin up before they digest)
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
(And you still listen to the same shit you did back then)
High School Never Ends
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
High School Never Ends
The Whole Damn World is just as obsessed
With who‘s the best dressed and (who's havin sex)
Who‘s got the money. Who (gets the hunnys)
Who‘s kinda cute and who‘s just a mess
And I still don't have the right look
And I still have the same 3 friends
And I'm pretty much - the same as - I was back then(hold en)
High School Never Ends
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
High School Never Ends
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
High School Never Ends
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Here We Go Again
Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh, Oh Oh Oh-Oh
If you want a good laugh, the Band is Bowling for Soup--you can find it on youtube--
and yes, fat does look better when it's tan..........
The quote “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society," is from Jiddu Krishnamurti.
He died in February, 1986, in Ojai, California, age of 90 or 91.
name: WARN-ER
To Give in or be Part OF?
Your EGO has clouded any discernment you had, left. Be, ASSURED, YOU do not know what your talking about(in text)to categorize(stereo-type)any soul. By saying so, YOU ARE THE JUDGE, He or She whom drinks beverages, of non alcoholic or alcoholic connotations is left to their OWN devices!!!THAT IS THE WAY!!!
Hey Les, not quite sure where to jump in to this one. I mean the fact that there is a dissconnect in america to real life was demonstrated clearly over the last 8 years, just by having Bush in the white house. The american peoples ability to look at red and see blue never ceases to amaze me. The part that really distresses me is that in too many cases, it is elective ignorance. People don't WANT to know the truth, and will actually react violently to people that attempt to invade the bliss of their ignorance. Yes, humans fighting to defend their right not to know. How do you fight that battle.
As for Obama, I like you am watching very closely, and you are right that on the surface it looks a little dubious. However I'm still not sure, because of his appointment of the chairman of the National Intelligence Council. Chas W. Freeman Jr. is quite different than many of Obama's other jewish picks. This is a quote from Mr. Freeman.
"American identification with Israeli policy has also become total. Those in the region and beyond it who detest Israeli behavior, which is to say almost everyone, now naturally extend their loathing to Americans. This has had the effect of universalizing anti-Americanism, legitimizing radical Islamism, and gaining Iran a foothold among Sunni as well as Shiite Arabs. For its part, Israel no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them. Palestinian retaliation against this policy is as likely to be directed against Israel's American backers as against Israel itself. Under the circumstances, such retaliation � whatever form it takes � will have the support or at least the sympathy of most people in the region and many outside it. This makes the long-term escalation of terrorism against the United States a certainty, not a matter of conjecture."
This sounds like a man that understands that all jews, and many americans, will suffer the consequences of the crimes committed by the zionists in israel if they are allowed to continue their criminal aggression, with no resistance from america. I am hoping that some of Obama's other picks is a case of keeping your enemies closer, but only time will tell. I know he's pissin off an awful lot of people, so he must be doing something right. For sure, there is still lots of room for improvment, but I am not willing to offer final judgment just yet. I just can't get away from that hope thing, and I can't stop trying to stitch that disconnect back together. You do a far better job of it than I do, stitching that is, so don't stop. Til next time, peace my friend.
The reason that alcohol tastes like shit is because that is what it is! Alcohol is the result of mico-life ingesting, digesting and assimilating the sugars present in the solution and excreting the waste. The waste, in the animal world is called, in the vulgar, "shit". In the world of the social lubricant, the waste is named alcohol! Same shit! Good stuff because it does not get caught between your teeth. [just your neurons]
The most dangerous and the saddest thing about drugs and alcohol is the fake "cure" that has been sold to Western society: That you are powerless against them.
You are not powerless against anything unless you accept that you are.
It has been my experience that those who buy into this fake cure have only signed up for a new religion, a religion that stifles personal growth.
Do you doubt that? Then I would suggest that you attend a twelve-step meeting based around any so-called addiction and openly question their basic premises. Better wear your chain-mail underwear.
To Wanderer-
Thanks for the suggestions, but as Les says, everyone is different. Been there done that on the LSD and mushrooms and once they worked, but... some say the brain changes in yr 40s/midlife... some 'normals' go schizophrenic, some schizos go 'normal.' At any rate old cures didn't work for EtOH, nor did AA, nor did rehab, nor did MDMA/therapy. Strenuous exercise and proper diet do help, but in my case, it was just by serendipity I tried ketamine and GHB a few years ago and it was just like a key in a lock. I'm sure it's not everyone's cup a tay but then I was one of the 10-20% the shrinkers told don't respond to SSRIs and tricyclics and other Big Pharma stuff -- declined their suggestion of ECT! Of course the Chosen ones who are always adding to DSM-IV (psych disorders)
will eventually include those who agree w/ this blog! Dysphoria may come with this turf -- friends who scoff at what I believe are usual 'well adjusted' in american society, are not
depressives or alcoholics.
anonymous 6:23 please email me.
Mr. Visible,
I must comment on the doomsayer testimonies here that suggest that alcohol is the same in any case. I sympathize with those less fortunate among us that cannot or will not allow themselves the luxury of returning home from a hard day of work , popping a cold one and relaxing mindlessly for hours in front of the television.
Studies have proved that sophisticated young adults that learn to drink responsibly (providing they pay off their DUI's and are not paraplegics from the accidents) move on to become successful members of society and Monday Night Football societal events.
I cordially invite you and especially jj, to visit our world renown facilities in the beautiful city of St. Louis that has the unique standing of being one of the last growing and truly American businesses still hiring. Though we're slightly behind NASCAR and the floating casino industries, we all remain friends!
Dave Peacock
President of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.
PS. Don't forget to drink responsibly!
aftn les,
smokin mirrors is 'absent' taday... but i do see a side panel listing for 'dancing snake' this part of the migration to 'wordpress'? or just more funny blogger.comIZMZ?
ah well. we work around ;)
i've got my wordpress account set up now.. just let us know where:)?
Speaking as someone who managed to develop a taste for beer ... and single malt scotch ... I couldn't agree more. It's awful stuff, and I'm stunned when I contemplate how much of it I used to consume in a day. Never was an alcoholic, though I certainly stumbled along that fuzzy borderline for quite some time ... well, it's been a while since it was a regular thing. Now, it's every once in a while, just to be social, and while it's been a long time since I've gotten drunk I've begun to notice that even a single beer will dull my senses and stunt my creativity for the rest of the night ... funny how you don't notice that when you're quaffing pints by the half-hour.
Well, my own personal poison is the demon weed mareejuwanna. Love the stuff. Just a couple of tokes and my mind goes to a much freer, easier place, where the creativity flows and the senses are heightened ... until the dopamine runs out, that is. Then the rest of the day passes in a fog, so it too is best used sparingly.
Can't remember who said it, but have you noticed there's two kinds of drugs? Drugs that feel great to start, but catch up with interest later ... and drugs that pound the shit out of you before you get anything, then transport you to another realm with no side effects save a vastened mind. Examples of the former: alcohol, opiates, pharmaceuticals; of the latter: mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, MDMA. The pot seems to straddle the borderline between the two categories: you hack your lungs out at the beginning, and the hangover is just a cotton-ball fuzziness.
You know why weed's illegal? Lots of reasons. I think one of the biggest ones, though, is to make sure it's use as a drug is it's ONLY use. Can't have all that competition for the paper, cotton, pharmaceutical, and concrete, etc. industries. We could build half our civilization out of hemp, were it not for the madness that leads us to accept that it's only right and fair for our legislatures to make a plant illegal....
The disconnect is the real issue, isn't it. Separation, of man from nature, of Self from world, of conscious from subconscious ... it's all an illusion, just another Lie, perhaps the biggest of the Big Lies with which we're kept docile. And that's the real reason entheogens are illegal, they dissolve the false and artificial ego and reconnect us with the World. Can't have that.
when you have some time..
google hearst,marijuana.
in the early days of the colonies... it was illegal for landowners NOT to grow 'hemp'.
Yeah, I've heard that. What's really frustrating is when the subject comes up amongst straights who (as per usual) have never thought to question WHY it's illegal. I even had one middle-aged woman say to me, "You're not going to win this argument." That in the context of me spitting historical fact at her, and her (essentially) sticking her fingers in her ears. La-la-la-la la-la-la la-Lies....
I love that song :)The funny thing about pot-heads is that they can laugh at the deficits imposed by their habits ... I'm hard-pressed to think of any other species of user who can do the same (Man, this hangover is hilarious!)
"You're not going to win this argument." That in the context of me spitting historical fact at her, and her (essentially) sticking her fingers in her ears. La-la-la-la la-la-la la-Lies...."
yup... not just a stall.. but a de-evolution...
damn dangerous mindset...sigh..
There is a new Visible Origami up.
Everything out of Control is Under Control.
Hey all,
They are trying to pass bills in congress that would effectively shut down the small community based food growers, co-ops, Vegetable stands,
etc. Sponsored by ADM, monsanto,
etc etc.
Please get this url to your contacts and sign and send the letter. There is less than a week left.
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