Lewis Carroll wrote a wonderful poem called, “The Walrus and the Carpenter” which has come to be the definitive expression of what we call, ‘crocodile tears’. It’s a compelling mix of cynicism, hypocrisy and psychopathic indifference. You could find many a parallel in the Gaza situation reflected in things like this.
It’s the sort of circumstance that is repeated every day of every year across the span of redundant history in the clinical operation of politicians and diplomats. It expresses itself through the Mount Blanc fountain pens of bankers and corporation heads when they consider the collateral damage attendant with all of the necessities of doing business. One way or another it’s some kind of a Bhopal moment.
It is clearly so... that Israel wanted to take advantage of the time window in the new year, between Bushligula going and Obama coming. The idea that this punishing act of genocide would have something to do with toy rockets being fired into mostly empty landscape is pathetic. It is as if some Scarsdale matron broke a nail while trying to shoplift a box of truffles and decided to take the sales lady who caught her to court; seeking damages for her injury because the cellophane wasn’t sealed correctly. It could have been that whoever did the manicure was culpable too or... maybe it was a calcium deficiency. It’s all good though because the more complicated it can be made to appear, the more money goes into play and the more lawyers get employed.
Here we have a nice box of evidence truffles that you can enjoy at your leisure as you commiserate with the injured matron. Some of you might want to take a moment to whip the illegal immigrant that cleans your house and lives in the basement. I heard on Ophrah that it does wonders for the sinuses. We’re not talking about the immigrants sinuses.
“Will no one free me of this turbulent priest?” Yes... it’s one of those inconvenient situations. There’s this piece of land that you want which has people living on it. People have been living on it for many generations. You’ve made massive investments toward getting into this land. You labored to help engineer a global conflict that would set the stage for a public relations demonstration of your relations getting hammered on wide screen TV. You put tremendous effort into seeing that conditions would be as hard as possible by blocking all efforts at aid. Then you did that Hollywood thing which involves non-existent soap and lampshades made out of your relatives.
Sure... you made a lot of money in the meantime but you really want this piece of land and there are these people. There are these no class people who have the temerity to be living on this piece of land like they had some kind of right to do so. Have they no shame?
So you drive them off for the most part. You’ve got all kinds of good will going and the murder and sacrifice of your own people in order to get this cachet is the very definition of blood money and blood money spends as good as a hard dick that has no conscience.
Yeah... you poison their wells and you murder whole families as a lesson to those who want to remain. You jackhammer them baby but... some of them still won’t leave. They go right on living in abject fear and misery in their homeland and reproducing like rabbits at a turkey shoot; which is what you have planned for them. You’ve got a more serious mole problem than Bill Murray had in Caddyshack. But you got respect, as you pull on your tie... as you eat your oysters... as you ponder what to do about your turbulent priest.
On and on it goes. You get more and more of this piece of land that you want for office space from which to have a manufactured perspective of higher ground in which to continue the extermination... the cleansing and so on and so forth.
One oyster follows another as you ponder your broken nail. As the story continues and the land shrinks the oysters continue to proliferate. They are proliferating all over the place. They are proliferating in Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran and where was I? Let them eat cake while you consider the oysters.
Here we are in recent times and you’ve come up with a dandy. Now everyone is going to be eating oysters.
Today the beach is crowded with walruses and carpenters bemoaning the circumstance. Whatever shall we do about it? The impudence of the oysters that won’t go away is a real problem.
I guess if there is a crime here then the crime is how the unacceptable is acceptable. Or maybe the crime is the terrible inconvenience of these people who won’t go away... die... disappear... something... something. “You there, could I have another glass of sherry?”
It’s just so damned inconvenient. Everything would be okay if we could just get rid of these people who are in the way of this piece of land that we want which has no real borders. This piece of land is a work in progress. It wants to stretch and expand which I think is the basic tenant of that thing called Zionism. Give me a little Tigris and Euphrates while I have a chat with the ladies.
As the greater portion of the world involves itself in the pursuit of appetites it is not hard to imagine beautiful oysters appearing in supermarkets across the land. I don’t know if we are talking about oysters or barnacles or anything that attaches itself to anything. I don’t know what I’m talking about.
I see people burning and bleeding and screaming and dying on disappearing land and I really wish there was something we could do about that fingernail. Oysters and fingernails and “Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot fighting in the captain’s tower while Calypso singers laugh at them and fishermen hold flowers.”...
Well... it’s just too bad. It’s just inconvenient. I hope it works out before any more dogs eat any more children. I don’t want to compare children and oysters. I don’t want to consider the varying palates of people as opposed to dogs. I don’t want to think too deeply because I might start worrying my nail again.
If this is how it is and... across a wide space and in so many places where it counts it does seem to be the prevailing perception then I don’t quite know what to say now. If I were to say that I feel your pain I might be lying. I don’t know if I will ever get over this condition of caring about what happens to other living things.
I can’t help myself because there but for fortune... goes you and I, for now.
'Prevail' is track no. 6 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

Hey Les, wanted to add this, trying to see if there's any good whatsoever to be extracted from what is exceedingly horrifying.
The Palestinians, the overwhelming majority, know who their opponent is. Americans -in the majority-don't. We get to support, cash out of pocket, the things Israel is doing. We get to be treated as a parasite treats a host-something to feed off of and exploit. And because we Americans don't have the smarts to perceive how we are being fooled, and are so afraid (!) of being called "anti-Semites" we have truly screwed Arabs and Muslims bigtime. Because we in America won't stand up, they have to.
mornin les,
nice one.
btw, you lead on this am's WRH.
"And now the time has come, my friend
to speak of many things
Of ships and shoes and sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings"
Not sure if that is quite right; pulled it up from memory.
I agree with Will that Americans don't know who the enemy is; my corollary would be that they don't want to know either.
The fear is pervasive, and the strongest fear is that of social opprobrium. No matter how heinous and decadent the act, it is better in the mind of social consciousness to do that than to risk disapproval.
I'm reminded of the Vietnam War years, when teenage boys would report to boot camp, destined to kill or be killed at the whim of distant corporations, readily putting their life on the line rather than risk the disapproval of society. Fear makes people do stupid things, no?
And now the time has come, my friend
to speak of many things
Of ships and shoes and sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings"
These folk are not just eying up one piece of land.
Whilst 'their' Shangri La may be a potentially palacial strip on prime Meditterrean frontage replete with its own gas and oil deposits, they are eying up another part of the planet for 're-occupation'.
These 'folk' originate in Khazaria and its no coincidence that within the last few months efforts were made to ethnically cleanse South Ossetia - Khazaria in waiting.
Only Russia stopped this United States/British attempt by dual israeli/georgians to remove another population group. Opening fire on a sleeping town and shooting fleeing civilians.
Same bastards, same backers, same compliant journalists and media, same lies, same violence, same intent.
Watch this space.
One thing is for sure. 100% for sure. "We all got it coming kid."
"We all got it coming kid."
If you mean we all deserve to be punished for wrongdoing against fellow humans and the planet, I disagree. I don't have it coming.
What the fuck is this fuckin shit about? You are all fuckin the man who does this shit but gettin nowhere doin it. Do you all feel righteous spoutin off while these bastards profit from suffering? Every fuckin mouthful of Les's shit is no more than his mouthful of fuckin shit be it sincere or not. What the fuck does it accomplish except get you fuckin sycophants to write similar bullshit that hangs in space for him to lavish under and you cunts to savour a little of seeing your names in print. What a bunch of fuckin losers, liking to see your name in lights while Palestinians get tortured to death, and you paste your comments to your fuckin sites for posterity. Fuckin arseholes. Get rid of your ANONYMOUS FUCKIN' PLATITUDES AND PUT YOURSELVES IN THE FIRING RANGE AND IDENTIFY YOURSELVES AS OPPOSERS OF THE FUCKIN JEW BASTARD CRIMINALS THAT ARE KILLING OUR PLANET.
So Ronnie, I take it you are writing from Palestine? Oddly I was just thinking about you and wondering if I should write and see how you're doing. I don't have to do that now.
I let this go up because you have been coming around for a little while and I thought it fair to let you vent. I won't let this sort of thing up again because it doesn't really serve a purpose that I can think of.
I hope things turn better for you and leave you with the reminder never to criticize people for not doing something you are not doing yourself.
Astara, don't make things harder or more profound then they already are.. For whatever reason..
"We all have it coming kid," means just that. 100% of us have it coming. Death. Whether good or bad. Short or tall. Smart or dumb. Jew, Hindu, atheist or demon.
We are, every single one of us, guaranteed four material iron clad 100% guarantees. And they ain't good.
Birth, disease, aging and death.
From germ to profound poet.
And yes I'm aware of the wonders, beauty, opportunity, etc. of human life.
I'm just saying..
See, ronnie's comment is an example of what I've been droning on endlessly about for the last couple of weeks. Enjoyable as it is to read (honestly, no sarcasm there) it's just wasting energy that could be put to better use elsewhere.
If you waste all of your energy being pissed off, what do you have left to create a better world with?
Think that's part of their strategy?
The days of that international terrorist rathole are numbered. Be assured.
If the jew terrorists continue to believe their inbred psychotic delusions about world domination and the rest of their madness and start their third world war crime it will be the end for that virus of earth faster than they can shoot women and children.
The walrus and the carpenter were walking hand-in-hand
"If only", said the carpenter, "the Law would understand"
Well they bought the law, so that's alright then.
Zionists and their willing dupes were walking hand in hand
They wept like anything to see the Arabs on the land.
If seven planes with seven bombs they strafed for seven years.
Do you think, Zionist said, that we could get them clear?
I doubt it, said their willing dupes and shed a bitter tear.
Better late than never, I meant to tell you how very much I enjoyed this post, Visible, and Sir John Tenniel's illustrations.
Love, nina
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