Friday, June 22, 2007

Back for a Little While

First let me thank those of you who sent me all the great emails. I'm a little rusty with this right now. I've been gone for over five months and haven't done anything along these lines during that time. I've been in a very rural location without internet or even any kind of useful internet cafe; I know that's hard to believe in this day and age but somehow I accomplished it. I did get to a cafe at one point but there were already so many emails to deliver at such a low download speed that it was hopeless.

I recorded 3 new albums which you can access by hitting the singer/songwriter link in the right sidebar of this page and then clicking "mp3 music" in the next right sidebar of the next page.

I'll be around for about 3 months this time and hopefully will have solved my internet problem in the interim... somehow. In many ways it was wonderful to be away and for the most part totally alone except for my invisible friends. No point in saying anything more at this time. I'll endeavor to answer your emails over the next few days and then have something new up at the varoius blogs by the beginning of the week. Once again, thank you, it really made my day to come back and find these letters. Much love all around.



Anonymous said...

Hello! I am soo glad to see you. I've missed you.

Welcome "home."



Joseph Brenner

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'The Miracle of Love' from the Les Visible Album
The Sacred and The Profane

Visit the Blog Music Page
to stream all of Visible's music for free
(purchase is always appreciated but entirely optional)


A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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